#Shin Sangoku Musou 4
music-musou · 2 months
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necromancy-enthusiast · 3 months
This is very much the type of poll where I want to hear opinions in the comments, reblogs, and tags. Imagine you are in battle and must defend your favorite game's honor with your life. Reblogs are greatly appreciated to help reach a wider audience, especially if you voted, and even moreso if you chose the semi-obligatory see results option.
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koei-tecmo-edits · 2 years
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I wish to see the smiles of the people. More than even that, however, I wish to see you smiling at my side. I want you at my side, now and forever.
You charming creature. Stand beside me and watch my conquest unfold.
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ariparri · 2 years
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Xiaolian makes a grand return, riding Gullinbursti to battle!
Now here’s a basic intro for new followers meeting Xiaolian as well as old ones getting reacquainted with her.
Name: Xiaolian
Chinese: 笑莲
Onyomi: Shōran
Xiaolian was a young child found in the ruins after the war against Dong Zhuo. She was taken in by Songan and was raised as her youngest daughter alongside Airong. She grew fond of her older sister, and often tries to mimic her skills. However, due to Xiaolian’s loud nature, she’s often caught and scolded by others.
Xiaolian joins Airong in serving Wu, under Sun Quan, and quickly grows an attachment towards the other retainers. She fondly addresses the older retainers as Uncle, while the others such as Lu Xun and Xu Sheng she refers to as brothers. In battle, she’s usually paired with either men for them to keep an eye on her but Xiaolian tends to rush into battle the moment she sees an enemy.
She’s a brash child, sometimes also being labeled as a wild child when she gets aggressive in battle. On the few occasions when she loses her temper, her childlike personality is replaced by an almost insane anger that scares others. She’s pretty dense to most things, and doesn’t understand figurative language.
So Xiaolian’s design retains mostly the same with just a few minor updates. I changed her sashes to resemble Airong’s old design but kept the patterns the same.
Nothing else really changed for Xiaolian. I like her gremlin personality and her relations towards Wu and my other OCs.
🚫No Reposting🚫
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kumomone · 3 years
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sheeppop · 4 years
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The Tiger of Jiang Dong and the Lion of Sagami
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neobrogrippa · 4 years
I just want to point out that I adore the friendship between the Sun and Hojo clans. I feel it makes a lot of sense history wise and I love how much Jian and Ujitasu are just two grizzled old men that dote over their children (and Kai-hime).
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sakura-mayoi · 4 years
//Me: *sees a Dead or Alive Anthology Yonkoma Kings manga* Huh. $7... Sounds like a deal. *Sees the price of $54 shipping @ checkout*
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Also me: *Chokes on drink* I have been bamboozled.
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D... Do UK sellers always charge this much for shipping...? I have this particular book in my home state already (I forgot to bring it and the other ones with me) but... Ugh. This isn’t worth it. There are 2 other ones I’ve got my eyes on... I’d rather pay $19 for shipping honestly?
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For reference as to what I’m talking about, 4Koma is basically manga primarily using 4 panels per page. Anthologies are like doujinshi with the 4koma format while featuring random antics of the cast from the source material. Danganronpa, Persona, Dynasty Warriors (Shin Sangoku Musou), and many other series have stuff like this. DOA had these back in the day up until DOA4 I believe. There’s one for Xtreme Venus Vacation and I might buy it. Wish there was a preview. 
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Anyway, I’m sorry. I’m kind of rambling at this point in the post...
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moonvalecrossing · 2 years
Hoo boy, wanna know another series with a confusing history of its titles?
So Koei released a spin-off of their Romance of the Three Kingdoms game series for the PS1 called “Sangoku Musou”, which was localized as “Dynasty Warriors”.
Then when Koei made a hack-and-slash spin-off for the PS2, they named it “Shin Sangoku Musou”. For whatever reason, the localization team decided to call it “Dynasty Warriors 2”.
Ever since then, the localized names of the numbered sequels were always a number ahead of their Japanese titles.
For instance, even though we have a Dynasty Warriors 9, in Japan, it’s Shin Sangoku Musou; and the DW8 we have is actually supposed to be SSM7, so on and so forth.
My girlfriend loves the dynasty warriors games. Now I wonder if she knows this trivia... NUMBERS ARE FUN
Man I still remember seeing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time and wondering where the hell 4 5 and 6 were since 6 was called 3 here. Ignoring the fact that until the internet really started moving along, I had no idea what 5 and 9 were like since I totally missed those two.
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music-musou · 2 months
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koei-tecmo-edits · 2 years
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the-archlich · 6 years
Did you ever check out the Shin Sangoku Musou 4 trading card artworks? Imagine what some of the characters could have been.
I hadn’t heard about those before, actually.
Taking a look over them (http://koei.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Shin_Sangoku_Musou_4_Trading_Card_Game_Images ) I do like a lot of the designs. And some of the character choices.
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sheeppop · 4 years
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neobrogrippa · 6 years
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 I was asked to promote this roleplay site on here!  Sengoku Horizon is an amazing text based roleplay! Modern Japan is still controlled by the Tokugawa Shogunate and samurai are common place. As a student at the nation’s top military academy “Edo Bugei” you are tasked with defending the nation from all kinds of threats ranging from drugged up warrior monks to foreign knights! All while trying to somehow still take care of classes and attempt a social life in your down time!   Think Persona 3-5 but with a sengoku era theme! Come join us here! We even have a chatbox at the bottom of the site! Website:  http://sengokuhorizon.jcink.net Guidebook: http://sengokuhorizon.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=27 Chatbox:  http://sengokuhorizon.chatango.com/
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askroahmmythril · 6 years
Hi Roahm. Happy Belated Birthday!! Sorry, I wasn't online much yesterday. I started playing Fire Emblem Warriors early in the day and played it for most of the day. So I've been watching DjMo12's Let's Perfect Dynasty Warriors 3 a few parts at a time since December. I'm up to part 197 of 389. Next up is part 6 of Pang Tong's Musou Mode. The only Warriors games I've played are Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors. I defintely want to play others new and old. What are your recommendations?
From my personal experiences, my favorites of the Dynasty Warriors series would be 3 for nostalgia reasons (first one I played, friends at Full Sail got me into it), 5 was really solid, 7 and 8 were both really good.  I haven’t played a lot of 2, 4 was... okay?  6 was kind of problematic from what I recall.  As for Dynasty Warriors 1?  That’s a product of international naming gone awry.  The Japanese numbers for the DW series are always one off.  For example, what we know as Dynasty Warriors 3, for them it’s Shin Sangoku Musou 2.  The game we called Dynasty Warriors 1 was actually a fighting game.  I’ve never actually played it.
Samurai Warriors, I’ve played 1 - 3, 1 and 2 were good, 3 was fine, the only real trouble is I think it was a Wii exclusive, so there’s that.  I’ve never played 4.
Warriors Orochi, I highly recommend the full series, those games are really fun.
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dw-confessions · 7 years
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I hope the Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 (Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce 2) characters make a return someday! Xi Wangmu/Huang Quan, Beauty Yu, King Mu and Xiang Yu had awesome designs and movesets. Bring them back for Warriors Orochi 4!!!
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