#She worked herself up until she was red-faced and swearing. Luckily my coworker came and rescued me at that point
obesecamels · 1 year
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nadisabug · 4 years
First Meetings
Prompt: kinda based off a little idea I had
Fandom: Daredevil
Pairing: Ben Poindexter x female OC
AU: No Fisk (aka not in the show's plot line/universe so spoiler free!)
Warnings: cursing
A/N: I tried to write this in an “x reader” format, but I do not have much experience writing in second person (I am more of a third person kind of gal) so I quick drew up an OC for this. If anyone wants an reader insert or actually wants their own OC in a fic, just let me know in my inbox! I can definitely do either (I need to practice second person at some point). Thank and enjoy!
Kira was getting ready for her morning walk with her dog when her phone began to ring. She was currently trying to wrestle Liam in his harness, but the mutt lab was too excited over the prospect of an outing to calm down. She sighed, dropping the harness, and turned to see who it was. If it was another one of those spam calls, she swore she was going to toss her phone out of the building. 
Luckily, it wasn't. It was Evelyn, her best friend, which was weird since she was never up this early unless she had a shift, but Kira swore she was off today.
"Hey Evie," she greeted her best friend warmly before setting the phone down on the kitchen counter on speaker. "You're up early."
"Yeah, Clay woke me up on his way to work. Lame, but I thought I could catch you before you head in to the office."
"Oh yeah," she nodded as she reached down to grab the harness again. "I'm not in until nine, so I am taking Liam on a walk." Eve was referring to her job where she worked as a therapist. It was a government job, so she wasn't paid too well, but she got to help a lot of people in need and that is all that really mattered. She got a good mix of clients, from hyperactive children to adult addicts, so no day was ever the same. She had a few regulars though, one of which she was supposed to see today at one. She was on the schedule for new patients until then today.
"Aw, okay I'll make this quick then. I will pick you up after my shift ends at seven. Be dressed nice. Kay?"
"That is a solid no from me. Evelyn, you know I do not want to go on another blind date. The last one turned out so bad!" Kira turned to Liam and told him to sit. The mutt barked and ran off into her bedroom. Kira sighed and gave up on the harness for the time being.
"Oh, come on Kiki. It wasn't that bad," Eve groaned. "And the worst part wasn't even your fault."
Eve had somehow managed to convince her to go to some crazy fancy restaurant to go on a double date with Eve's boyfriend and one of his coworkers. Early into the night, Kira managed to knock a wineglass into her date's lap and then later the waiter accidentally lost their grip on the platter and dumped all of the food onto her date. While the second part definitely was not her fault -the waiter had said something hit their had and made them lose their grip or something- she still felt awful about the wineglass part. The worst part was she didn't remember touching the glass, or feeling the impact that caused it to tip over.
"Eve, I still feel bad about drenching the poor guy."
"Kira, like a little wine mattered once our dinner was all over him. Besides, dinner was free and he gets to go again without the klutz of the century, on the house."
"Eve," Kira groaned.
"It's a different guy who has no idea about your last stunt. There is no reason not to, unless you have finally asked out Mr. Benjamin Poindexter, which would be the only way I would let you out."
Kira was glad  that Eve was not there to see her, because her face instantly flushed. Needing a moment to collect herself, she picked up the harness again and called over Liam, pretending to be too preoccupied to answer. Once she felt like the charade had gone on long enough, she finally bit out a tired response. "Uh, and if I say I have?"
"I would call you a liar and a stalker because your dumb ass hasn't said a single word to him. Ever."
Eve technically wasn't wrong. About the talking to Ben part; she never had actually spoken to which honestly was the only abnormality she would admit to. She was used to the tight knit community back home, so the curt nods they shared seemed odd to her at first. Then again, this was Hell's Kitchen. It wasn't like Ben had something against her, it was just normal here for people to ignore each other. So again, it wasn't like it was her fault that she had never spoken to her next door neighbor, that was just the norm here.
But Eve was wrong about the stalker part. Kiara McKinley was not stalking Benjamin Poindexter. She just had a healthy interest in her impossibly attractive next door neighbor. How could she not? With a jawline that could cut glass and a body that rivaled most others, no one could blame her for staring every once in a while, and it wasn't her fault that she just happened to see him relatively often. He would go on a run when she normally walked Liam, he just so happened to go to the same restaurants and coffee shop where Eve worked, and they had almost identical work schedules. Besides, they were neighbors. Of course they would see each other often. Those parts she explained away easily. However, Eve gave her grief about them when Kira learned the problematic man's name.
"I am not a stalker." Liam seemed to sense her attitude and came to a rest at her feet. She quickly slipped the harness under him while he gave her the chance.
"You committed mail fraud to learn his name!"
"I did not! The mail man just mixed our doors up and I gave it back to him! We are neighbors, it's bound to happen." A simple mistake from an over worked postal worker was the proverbial nail in the coffin for Kiara. After she began referring to Ben by name, Eve would not let it drop. That and the fact that she knew he worked at the FBI, also something that also not her fault. He came home in a uniform that had the bold letters plastered across it, it didn't take a genius to guess his occupation.
"Likely story. Just how you seem to see him everywhere and just happen to know where he works." There is was. Kira sighed. "Likely story, but makes more sense if you are totally following him everywhere he goes." Her tone was light, and they both knew she was joking. Besides, stalkers were so uncommon, weren't they?
"This is all besides the point Eve. I am not going." Kira finally managed to get a hold of Liam's leash and made her way to the door, picking up her keys on the way out.
"Well, I wouldn't have to set you up like this if you would just ask your victim out."
"He is not a victim, let alone my victim," Kira groaned and threw open the door. She locked it quickly behind her, fumbling with the keys. "For the last time, I am not stalking Ben!" Because of her frustration, she dropped her keys onto the ground, which was an opening Koda did not hesitate to take. He darted away, the leash slipping through Kira's fingers. Kira cursed and hung up on Eve. She could explain later, she had to catch Liam first.
But when she turned to go after him, she saw that there was no need to rush in the first place. Liam was not making a beeline for the stairwell, he had his paws on the shoulder's of  man, happily trying to lick his face. Once Kira processed who the man was, she nearly died on the spot.
"I am so, so sorry," she quickly sputtered, rushing over to grab Liam. "Liam, down boy, down!" She went to grab the leash when she realized that she didn't have to. It was already in Ben's hand.
"No worries," Ben laughed, nervous twinge to his voice, handing the leash over to her. Once his hands were free, he scratched Liam behind the ears with a heart melting grin. Kira was so fucked.
Kira laughed nervously and shifted her weight back and forth on her feet. "Sorry," she repeated for the second time. "He's a really friendly guy. It feels like he wants to go home with everyone except for me sometimes, the way he acts around strangers."
Kira thought that Ben frowned at the last part, but his smile was back before she could really be sure. "I don't know why he'd wanna do that, with an owner like you," Ben said softly, almost as if he was talking to Liam.
"Um, thanks I think?" Kira laughed nervously and tugged Liam away from Ben. Liam finally released Ben and flopped down on the ground next to Kira.
"Sorry, that probably sounds so weird cause I don't know you, well I mean I know you're my neighbor but like I don't know you like that-"
"Hey, it's okay," Kira laughed. Ben was pretty cute when nervous. However, Kira's laid back nature and words must have not reached Ben because he still looked a mess.
"I just meant cause you're pretty."
Wow. Well Kira wasn't expecting that.
Kira looked away from him, her face flushed an practically tomato red. "Uh, wow... thanks... I um..."
"Sorry," Ben groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face. "I did not mean to say that out loud. Or at all. Now it's all weird and all I wanted to say was-"
"Take me to dinner," Kira blurted.
Ben blinked, as if unsure that he heard her right. Kira mustered all of her confidence and smiled at him, looking him right in his eyes. "You wanted to ask me to take you to dinner as an apology for my dog jumping all over you." Kira lifted up the leash as if to remind him that the dog was still there. "You free tonight? I can take you somewhere just so that Liam here doesn't crash the party again. We can talk, actually get to know each other since we do live right next door to each other."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be nice, actually." Ben smiled. "I get off at six."
"I'll see you here at seven then, sound good, Ben?"
Ben's mouth twitched and he cocked an eyebrow. "Ben?"
Kira's stomach dropped. Fuck. Shit fuck shit. "Uh..." She mumbled, immediately losing all the confidence she had before. "I am so sorry, I just the mailman gave me your stuff one day and your name was on it that must sound like such a shitty excuse I swear I am not stalking you or anything..." Kira winced. She said the word before even he could accuse her of it. Great. Fantastic job Kira. Way to go, you get idiot of the year award.
But then something insane happened.
Ben laughed.
"It's okay, I just thought it was weird. I usually go by Dex. That makes sense though, I mean we are next door neighbors."
Kira let out a huge sigh of relief and looked up at him sheepishly. "You don't think I am some sort of creepy stalker?"
Ben laughed. "No of course not."
"So the date's not off?"
"Date?" Ben smirked.
Kira flushed bright red again. "I am just putting my foot in my mouth over and over I am so sorry, I said it was a get to know you dinner now it's all weird-"
"No, it's okay. It can be a date."
Kira squinted up at him. "Really?"
"Yeah," Ben nodded again, still smiling, somehow even brighter than before.
Kira nodded. "Should I call you Dex too?"
"Nah," he waved her off. "I was just thrown off. I think it's cute that you already have a lil stalker nickname for me."
Kira furrowed her eyebrows and puffed out her cheeks. "I though you said you didn't think I was a stalker."
"I don't," Ben grinned and started walking backwards towards the stairwell. "I just think it's fun to tease. I'll see you tonight Kira!" And with that, he was off, presumably to start off his jog.
Kira stepped into the elevator with Liam, she smiling about her new date with her unbelievably cute neighbor. She pulled out her phone to call Eve back, both to explain why she hung up and what just happened, but something stopped her. Then she realized.
She never gave Ben her name.
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rvnclwrites · 5 years
Romania 1999 Pt 1 (Charlie Weasley x Female MC)
Sooo of course instead of coming up with creative ideas for my current requests, my brain decides to think of a new fic series idea instead. Probably going to be at least 5 parts. And it’s gonna be a slooow burn with plot :)
Summary: AU where MC is an American who attended the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry instead of Hogwarts. Set eight years post graduation (1999) when she finally gets the nerve to travel abroad and follow her dream to be a Dragonologist in Romania. Cursed vaults and everything still happened.
Notes: All HPHM original characters except Andre and Felix went to Ilvermorny. All canon characters plus Andre and Felix attended Hogwarts. I will try my best to use neutral MC descriptions but some (such as backstory, animagus, and such) will be related to my MC for plot line purposes. I believe I have seen this plotline as a theory post on tumblr and if I am able to find it, I will credit the poster.
Word Count: ~3300
(Y/N) sucked in a breath as she passed through the towering iron gates and spun on her heel, taking in the rows of quaint cottages and breathtaking summer greenery. The Romanian Dragon Sanctuary was even more beautiful than the pictures she had seen.
After allowing herself a few moments of bewilderment, it didn't take long for (Y/N) to spot the sign beside the nearest cottage that read Felix Rosier, Head of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Exhaling, she started toward the porch, determined not to let her nerves get the best of her.
“Come on in,” came a gruff, masculine voice on the other side of the door that (Y/N)'s knuckles wrapped against.
She pushed the door open, and a slender pale man with a head of dark hair came into view. He was seated at a round table, scribbling furiously on the roll of parchment in front of him before glancing up. “You must be (Y/N)," the man said, his brown eyes igniting with excitement as he stood up and made his way over to her. “Perfect timing. We're so excited you came to work with us.”
(Y/N) smiled, praying her hand wasn't sweaty as he shook it. “It's incredible to be here.”
“Glad to hear it. We've got your arrangements all finalized.” Felix grabbed one of the dozens of notes off of the table and skimmed it before setting it back down. “You'll be in the house across from your mentor, Charlie Weasley.”
“Sounds great,” (Y/N) said, elated to hear someone would be helping her for the first few weeks. She initially thought Felix might be the one to show her the ropes, but now she was relieved it was going to be someone else. Even though Felix was notably intelligent, he came off a little too intense for (Y/N)'s liking. "Has he worked here long?"
"Not the longest of the team, but he still somehow manages to be the best worker we've got. Would have taken my spot years ago if we didn't have a seniority policy.” Propping open the door with his boot, Felix pointed toward a cottage off in the distance with clusters of wildflowers and snapdragons surrounding the front porch. “He's over there. You can go to his place whenever you get settled.”
(Y/N) nodded and thanked Felix before heading to the house across from Charlie's. It wasn't necessarily the prettiest of the bunch, but that didn't stop the excited jitters from dancing in (Y/N)'s stomach. A rush of emotion flooded through her as she gave the door a push and stepped inside the home- her home. (Y/N) usually wasn't an emotional person, but something about this moment felt important. She was really here. She was really doing this.
Striding over to the made bed, (Y/N) set her bag on the floor and sat down on the mattress with a contented sigh. It felt right. She stayed there for a couple minutes, wanting to remember every detail about this day, before hurrying over to the cottage across the way. The only thing more exciting than unpacking or decorating her new place was diving into the work she would be doing.
(Y/N) paused once she reached the well kept front porch, noticing that her mentor's door was propped open and she didn't see any movement inside through the screen door. Still, (Y/N) decided to knock. “Hello?”
“Looking for Charlie, darlin’?” came a voice from behind. (Y/N) spun to see a tan man with a chin of greying stubble holding what must be a dragon egg. “He's up with Gertie, the Swedish Short-Snout.”
(Y/N) pursed her lips, wondering if it was okay to go looking for him. “Is it easy to get to from here? It's my first day and I'm supposed to meet up with him.”
“Oh, a newbie, eh?" The man outstretched his hand, mindfully keeping a tight grip on the egg with his other. “I'm Hank.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N).”
“Likewise.” He returned the grin and tipped the bill of his baseball cap towards her. “I'm headed up that way to give Scott this egg, so I can point you down the right path.”
“That would be great,” (Y/N) said, the nervous excitement returning at the thought of meeting the Swedish Short-Snout. She fell into step alongside Hank as he led her up the hilly dirt path. “How long have you worked here?”
“Oh boy, let's see-” Hank broke off, clearly counting the numbers in his head. “Seventeen- no, eighteen years.”
“Wow, that's impressive.”
“How old are you?”
“Just turned twenty-seven,” (Y/N) answered, feeling inadequate against the man's many years of experience in the field.
Hank nodded, chuckling. “Yeah, I was just a little younger than you when I started. A reckless twenty-five year old who finally found his match. Nothing like fire-breathing, man-eating creatures to knock you off your high horse.”
(Y/N) joined him in laughing. “Do you have any advice for me?”
“You look like you have a good head on your shoulders. I'm sure you'll do just fine.” Hank paused briefly before adding, “And no one could advise you better than Charlie. That kid is incredible. You know, he's the same age as you. Turning twenty-seven at the end of the year.”
(Y/N) snapped her head up towards Hank, eyes wide. “What? But Felix said he's the best here.”
Hank laughed again. “He is.”
The giddiness in her stomach twisted into a bitter bundle of nerves. “Oh, I just assumed that meant-”
“That he was an old bloke like me?”
(Y/N) bit back a smile. “Not what I meant...” Hank’s lightheartedness helped lessen her worry momentarily, but (Y/N) still felt intimidated. How could a twenty-six year old be better than someone who had been here for nearly twenty years? “How long has he been here for?”
“Eight years. Just celebrated his anniversary at a nearby pub a coupl'a weeks ago. He came right after he graduated Hogwarts, and I've never seen a more ambitious kid. Apparently he's always been obsessed with dragons. He's one of the lucky ones that knew their dream early on.”
(Y/N) nodded, not willing to admit it took her those eight years to get the courage to follow her dream.
“Well, if you continue down that path and turn left at the fork, you should find him,” Hank said, pointing down the narrow path to their left. “Just promise me you won't go right- that's where our Hungarian Horntail lives.”
“Left,” (Y/N) verified. “Got it. Thanks so much for the help.”
He tipped the bill of his cap again. “Anytime.”
(Y/N) trotted down the pathway, feeling her heart leap as she veered to the left and heard a roar in the distance.
“Easy- easy there, girl.”
Pushing past the tall brush ahead, a deserted, mountainous landing came into view with magnificent snow-covered peaks in the distance. Perched upon one of the various boulders ahead was a stunning icy blue dragon flapping its wings. She looked excited. That's when (Y/N) spotted someone's profile to the right- a man with an unmissable head of red hair and a similar shade of stubble running along his jawline. Thick brown gloves covered his hands, and his wand was at the ready. It took a moment for (Y/N) to notice the raw meat he was guiding through the air towards the beautiful beast. No wonder Gertie was excited.
(Y/N) waited until the dragon had successfully clamped her impressive jaw around her lunch before cautiously moving toward Charlie. “Excuse me,” she said, careful not to be too loud to alarm Gertie.
The man turned, slightly startled, and (Y/N)'s stomach lurched. To make this panic inducing life change even worse, her mentor was attractive. Not the conventional, clean cut attractiveness, but rather the rugged handsome, not-afraid-to-get-his-hands-dirty type.
“Can I help you?” he whispered, brushing red strands away from his heavily freckled face as he eyed (Y/N) quizzically.
“Are you Charlie?”
He nodded slowly before a switch seemingly flicked on inside his head. "Bloody hell. You’re (Y/N), aren’t you?" 
(Y/N) nodded in return, offering him a small smile. She didn’t know what else to say. She was usually full of words, especially around magical creatures, but suddenly her mind was completely blank. Luckily for her, Charlie seemed too preoccupied swearing under his breath and rubbing the back of his neck to notice.
"Sorry to have made you come up here. I just assumed you would spend the morning getting settled and meeting everybody."
A flush swept down the back of (Y/N)'s neck. Of course normal people would be more excited to meet their new coworkers first instead of the dragons. "I, uh, was a little too excited to wait."
The corner of Charlie’s lips quirked up briefly, reminding (Y/N) what Hank had said. Apparently he’s always been obsessed with dragons. Maybe he understood. "You didn’t find your way all by yourself, did you? I hope you didn’t get lost, Rosier would have my head."
"Oh, no, Hank showed me the way." 
Charlie let out a hollow laugh and shook his head, muttering something along the lines of, Should’ve known.
(Y/N) was going to ask what he meant by that, but Charlie had already moved on to peeling off his gloves and offering them to her. (Y/N) noticed that he hadn’t gone to shake her hand like Felix had.
"Would you want to feed the next one? Only have one more until later tonight." 
(Y/N) attempted to contain her excitement as she eyed the brown material. She noticed Charlie’s calloused, scared hands and smiled to herself. She had similarly worn hands and two equally noticeable scars on her left arm. Life of Magizoologist. "Do you even know my qualifications yet? What if I’ve never fed a dragon before?"
"Well, you waited until I fed Gertie to approach me. You kept your voice level and avoided eye contact with her. And I know Felix was overly excited to hire you, which is extremely uncharacteristic of him." He extended the gloves even closer. "So let’s see what you’ve got."
(Y/N) smiled and accepted the gloves. "Okay, where to then?"
After heaving the bag next to him onto his shoulder, Charlie lead (Y/N) back down the trail and turned right by a staggeringly tall pine tree. "She’s just over here."
The pair stopped a good fifty feet away from the impressive dragon ahead. "Wow, she’s beautiful."
"Do you know what she is?"
(Y/N) noted her brown scales and the black ridges lining her back. "A Norwegian Ridgeback."
Charlie’s eyebrows raised in surprise, causing a pleasant feeling to accumulate in the pit of (Y/N)’s stomach. A lot of people confused Norwegian Ridgebacks with Hungarian Horntails, and if (Y/N) wasn’t mistaken, she had just impressed Charlie. 
"What’s her name?" (Y/N) asked as she pulled the gloves on and withdrew her wand. 
(Y/N) noticed Norberta not only ignored Charlie’s presence, but her body language was completely relaxed until her piercing gaze settled on (Y/N). "She likes you," (Y/N) commented as she pointed her wand toward the raw meat Charlie provided and used the levitation spell on it.
Charlie shrugged. "I’ve known her since she was a baby." 
"Still impressive. Especially since she’s female." (Y/N) felt Charlie’s gaze linger on her and the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. She forced her attention to stay focused on feeding Norberta though, determined to do a good job and not be distracted. (Y/N) moved the food toward the dragon the same way Charlie had with Gertie but froze as Norberta stiffened. (Y/N) averted eye contact, bowing her head and lowering the food away from the creature. After waiting there several minutes, (Y/N) caught sight of Norberta’s claws relaxing and her tail swaying once behind her, signaling to (Y/N) it was okay to continue. Much to (Y/N)’s relief, Norberta lunged forward toward the meal as it was raised into the air the second time and devoured it in mere minutes. (Y/N) lowered her wand, but her smile faltered as she turned back to see Charlie’s expression. "What?"
Charlie blinked a few times. "You just- I mean, she usually only let’s the three of us who rescued her feed her. She tried to scorch the other two that have tried."
Pride swelled inside (Y/N)’s stomach before a thought struck her. "Wait a minute- you mean to tell me you were going to have me feed her even though you assumed she would try to burn me alive?"
A playful grin spread across the redhead’s face, lighting up his eyes and sending (Y/N)’s heart pounding. Something inside told her those genuine smiles from him were rare. 
Instead of answering, Charlie nodded his head back toward the path. "Come on, everyone’s probably about to eat lunch."
She wanted to yell for him to get back here but knew better with Norberta still nearby. Once (Y/N) caught up to Charlie, she slowed her pace, catching sight of the dozen or so people conversing at the bottom of the hill.
"(Y/N)!" a familiar voiced bellowed, and she was relieved to find Hank waving her over. As (Y/N) moved toward him, however, heads swiveled in her direction and a group to her left stopped her.
"So you’re the newbie," a tall white woman said, stepping toward (Y/N) with a vibrant smile. She had shoulder length blonde curls and high cheekbones. Even without a trace of makeup, she was beautiful. "I’m Sydney."
"And I'm Dave," greeted the equally tall man beside her with ebony skin and striking doe brown eyes. "You're from America, right? Did you go to Ilvermorny?
(Y/N) nodded, which prompted the woman to Sydney's right to ask, "Did you like it there?"
"No way it's better than Hogwarts," Dave added.
"Come on guys, let the girl breathe," Sydney teased, causing the ball of nerves in (Y/N)'s chest to release a little. "Why don't you come sit with us?"
(Y/N) glanced toward Hank, who was now seated across from Charlie at a nearby picnic table. She was surprised to find the redhead staring at her until she caught his gaze and he returned his attention to the plate in front of him. "Thanks, but I was going to sit with Hank and Charlie."
(Y/N) wasn't sure if it was her own paranoia getting the best of her, but she could have sworn there was a shift of tension in the air.
Sydney studied (Y/N) closely. "No problem. We can catch up later."
(Y/N) nodded and excused herself, making her way over to Hank and Charlie before anyone else could stop her. "Mind if I sit?"
Hank beamed up at her and patted the bench beside him. "Of course not, darlin'. Take a seat."
(Y/N) obliged and grabbed a banana from the assortment of food on the table. "So, who’s the group that just ambushed me?"
Hank's cheerful demeanor turned into a scowl as his eyes settled on Sydney's table. "That's the research team. They don't do much field work but instead observe dragons and write about them," Hank explained, adding a dramatic emphasis to the word “observe” as if it equated to dragon dung. "They try to lure all the newbies to their side. Dave is okay, but that Sydney changed the second she was published."
(Y/N) frowned, a little disappointed to have her fairy-tale view of working at the Sanctuary tainted by reality. She was used to drama in the workplace, but it was always disheartening to find out situations weren't as picture perfect as they appeared. "What do they have against you guys?"
"Not so much against us- just against Charlie boy here." (Y/N) heard Hank's boot clank against Charlie's beneath the table. "They were pretty peeved they couldn't convince him to join their team because he's got a lot of pull with Rosier." Hank grinned and added, "And I think Sydney took it a little personally, if you know what I mean."
(Y/N)'s brows knitted together before she noticed the red tint highlighting Charlie's freckled cheeks as he continued eating. (Y/N) tried but failed to stop the smile tugging at her lips. "Oh."
Hank caught (Y/N) peering over at Sydney's surprisingly full table and raised an eyebrow at her. "If you're at all interested in being a researcher, now's your chance. She's probably not too thrilled with you either at the moment, but there's probably still time for damage control."
"No thanks," (Y/N) said, trying her best to sound polite. "I was actually just wondering how they would manage to convince anyone to give up field work."
To (Y/N)’s surprise, Charlie smiled at this. 
"Money," the redhead answered, his brown eyes flicking up to meet hers. It was the first thing he had said since she sat down and (Y/N) felt oddly satisfied. She wanted him to talk to her and wasn't quite sure why.
"Yeah, somehow they bring in the extra galleons while we do the dirty work and risk getting our limbs seared off," Hank huffed before tipping the pint of Butterbeer to his lips.
"Well, I hope you guys don't mind being stuck with me," (Y/N) said, piling food onto a plate, "because I'd never trade working with dragons for anything."
Hank grinned at her. "Then you’ll fit in with us just fine. How'd it go up there earlier?"
(Y/N) purposefully filled her mouth with food, hoping Charlie would say something. She didn't want to brag or be modest. She honestly didn't know how to answer.
Luckily, her hopes came true and Charlie said, "She fed Norberta."
Hank looked like he was about to choke on the chicken he was eating and quickly reached for his Butterbeer, coughing to clear his throat. "What?" he boomed, loud enough to cause (Y/N)'s face to turn pink. "Why on earth didn't you two start with that!" Hank stretched forward and slapped two full Butterbeers onto the table, one for Charlie and one for (Y/N), before lifting his own into the air. "You're one of us kid. Now I wouldn't let you leave for their group even if you wanted to."
(Y/N) cheeks hurt from how wide she was smiling and her chest flooded with warmth as she clinked her glass against Hank's and Charlie's. She wasn't sure why, but (Y/N) had a sudden overwhelming feeling that she was right where she belonged.
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As Seen on TV
My name is Spencer. You can tell I have a bit of the old Irish blood in me, as I have a nice head of longish red hair, and a fairly boyish face. If you look carefully enough, you can still make out the freckles on my nose and cheeks, though they have faded since I was a younger. I have been living with my boyfriend Kevin for a few months now. It took us a while to find a good apartment. It had to be one that would take not only us, but also our pets. Kevin has a yellow lab named Sam. He’s never told me how he came to have him, but he is a beautiful dog, with slightly curly hair. He is very friendly and seems to be very intelligent. I know it seems crazy, but sometimes I find myself being careful what I say around him. I am sure he can understand what I say, and knows more than he his letting on. Or maybe I am just crazy. I have a cat named Bob. She was a feral cat that I rescued from a colony near my mothers house. There is something wrong with her legs that make her walk kind of funny, and she falls over if she runs too fast, but she has the most wonderful long grey-stripped fur and is the friendliest cat I have ever seen. There was no way I could leave her outside. We had been going out for several years, but as we had moved in together only recently, our money was kind of tight so we pooled our resources to get everything we would need. Our parents had donated some of the kitchen appliances, which was great, but we still spent a lot of time looking trough thrift stores for furniture. We managed to cobble together a rather respectable array of things, and most were still in fairly good shape and comfortable. The place was really starting to feel like home. I wasn’t thrilled with the paint colors, but one battle at a time. We had plenty of time to fix that. One evening after a long day of work, I decided to do a little shopping for an anniversary present. We had agreed that since most of our funds had gone into the apartment, we would limit ourselves to $20. I knew just what to get him- his favorite author had just released a new book, so I made my way to the bookstore to pick it up.  On the way, I stopped in this new store that had opened just a couple of weeks ago. It was an “As Seen On TV” store. I has seen many infomercials, and thought that some of the items were at least somewhat useful looking, but most were just junk. I had heard too many horror stories about problems ordering things from the TV, from stolen credit card numbers, to over billing, to problems with getting or retuning items, to ever consider actually ordering anything. Here in this shop, I could use cash. I could take the items home today. No mailing lists, no auto ships, no questions about wither or not the product would even arrive. I don’t know what it was, but something compelled me to browse the shelves. While passing by the regular assortment of miracle products, something caught my eye. It was a jar of cream. It promised to spice up your life, and make you feel younger and give you the energy you had when you were kid. I laughed when I read the box in what was clearly badly translated Chinese, but for some reason I couldn’t help but buy the box. Hey, it was guaranteed! I quickly paid for the cream, and made my way to the bookstore. After browsing a few minuets, I was able to find the one I wanted. It would be the perfect gift, and I would still have some money left over to have it wrapped.  I didn’t wrap things myself anymore. Not after last Christmas. But the less said about that the better. When I got home, I put Kevin’s present away, and looked at the jar of cream. I still don’t know what had made me buy it. Bob jumped up into my lap and started purring. I scratched her behind the ears for a few moments, then decided to open the jar. The smell was horrible. Bob fell all over herself to get out of my lap, and scrambled away as fast as she could and hid under the bed. It would take hours to get her to come back out. I was glad that Kevin was out walking Sam. Still something made me try it. I rubbed some of the cream into my arm. As it absorbed in, amazingly, it stopped smelling. I suddenly felt a rush go through my body. I really did feel more energized and younger. The feeling only lasted for a few minuets, and just as I was about to rub more of the cream into my skin, Kevin came home. I put the rest of the cream into the medicine cabinet, and went out to great him. I met Kevin in the kitchen just as he was closing the door. He unhooked the leash from Sam and gave me a Kiss. Sam looked up at us, and I swear he glared at me before walking over to his bowls for some water. We hugged for a few minuets, and told each other how much we loved one another.  We kissed again, and I made my way over to the fridge to start dinner. Luckily neither of us had very expensive tastes, as the only things in the fridge were a few chicken breasts, some teriyaki sauce, and the steaks for our anniversary dinner. We should probably go shopping at some point. I managed to find a few vegetables in the kitchen, and put together a nice stir-fry. As we ate, we chatted about our days. Kevin worked for one of those huge corporations, and I never had any idea what he did no matter how many times he explained it to me. Though I still enjoyed his stories about some of his stranger coworkers. I spent most of my day working online, so I never had any good stories, and was content to sit there and listen to the sound of his voice. He could have read a phonebook to me and I would have loved it. After we had cleaned up from dinner, we retired to the living room and watched some TV before bed. We spent several hours snuggled up with each other before heading off to bed after the 11 o’clock news. I must have been more tired than I thought, because I dropped right off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I don’t usually remember my dreams, but one stuck with me. I was back in my old childhood home, running and playing in the back yard like a maniac. I hadn’t done anything like that for years, but it seemed very satisfying. I awoke more refreshed than usual the next morning. I got up just in time to have breakfast with Kevin before he left for his job. Most of what I did was online, so I often worked from home, and could keep pretty much any schedule I wanted as long as everything was done on time. I kissed Kevin goodbye, and since I didn’t feel like working, I made my way to the grocery store to pick up a few necessities. All the way there and back, I couldn’t help but think about the way the cream had made me feel. I made up my mind to try it again when I got home. I loaded up the cart with the items from our list, and couldn’t help but throw in some random junk food and other impulse items when I got to the check out. I made myself put away the groceries (at least the perishable stuff) before I broke out the cream again. I carefully opened the jar. The smell hadn’t changed, but for some reason I didn’t find it quite so objectionable. As soon as Bob got a whiff of it, she went crazy again and ran off to some hiding spot only she knew about. Sam made the weirdest barking sounds until I finally let him out onto our balcony. I made a mental note to watch out for the pets next time. I carefully took a little more of the cream and spread it on my arms and face. As I worked it in, I felt the rush again. This time it was stronger. I couldn’t believe how much energy I had. I logged in and got my work done in record time. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the park with Sam playing fetch and running around like crazy. I hadn’t felt this good in years. It was getting dark by the time we got home, and both Sam and I were exhausted. When Kevin came home, he found us both sound asleep, curled up on the couch. Kevin had obviously found the groceries, because I awoke to the smell of one of his wonderful Italian dishes. It was the one he had made on our first date. That dish alone was enough to get me to fall for him. When he saw me walk into the Kitchen, he said something about being sorry to wake me. I didn’t care. I was just happy to see him again. I quickly kissed him and hugged him. We sat down to eat and, for some reason, Kevin’s cooking tasted even better to me than usual. I cleaned my plate and even had thirds. Kevin looked amazed, and took it as a compliment. We left the dirty dishes in the sink, and skipped the TV and headed to the bedroom for a little aggressive cuddling, if you know what I mean. The next day, I was exhausted from all the exertion, so I slept later than usual. When I awoke, Kevin had already left for work. I had the whole place to myself. I got up and wandered around the place in my underwear. I cleaned up the plates from last night and caught “The Price is Right.” Before I knew it, it was late in the afternoon. I didn’t feel like working, so I decided just to take the afternoon off. It wasn’t long before I felt the urge to use some more of the cream. I locked Bob in the bedroom, and let Sam out onto the balcony before making my way to the bathroom. As I was still in my underwear, it was an easy task to spread a helping of the cream all over my body. The smell was almost intoxicating now, as was the felling I got from rubbing it all over my body. As I was putting the cream away, I got a look at my face in the mirror. I wasn’t sure what, but something was different. My face had a younger look to it, and my freckles seemed to be more pronounced. Not much, but enough I could notice. When Kevin got home, I convinced him to take me out for dinner. Since we were on a budget, and it was almost our anniversary, we ended up at a fast food place. This was fine with me, as I had been craving burgers and fries for a while. After dinner, we took a romantic walk through the park and watched the sun set. Luckily we had stopped by the apartment and picked up Sam, because he was the only one that could keep up with me. Kevin tried for a while, but eventually he had to find a place to sit down while Sam and I had a great time chasing each other and playing fetch. On the way home, Kevin asked what had gotten into me, and I told him I would show him tomorrow. When we got in the door, Sam went to his bed and was asleep within seconds. Kevin and I settled in to watch some TV, and the next thing I knew, the sun was rising. It was the day of our anniversary, and we had big plans. We made a nice breakfast of omelets and sausage, Then we went to the movies. Hey, I said we had big plans, not a big budget. My parents even threw us a little party, which I wasn’t expecting. They even picked us up lunch from a local bbq place. It couldn’t have been more perfect. We stayed most of the afternoon making small talk and playing a few adult party games.  I hadn’t seen this side of my parents very often and I liked it. When we got home, we exchanged presents. Kevin loved the book I got him, and he found one of the video games I had been eyeing on sale. He always knew just what to get me. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing the game together. Dinner that night was the steaks that I had rubbed with coffee and some other spices. I found the recipe online, and it sounded good. The actual product was delicious. Some French fries and a salad topped off the meal, with a nice cheesecake made from my grandmother’s secret recipe for dessert. After everything was cleaned up, I called Kevin into the bedroom. When he came in I was completely naked. I told him I was ready to show him what had made me feel so good. I showed him the cream. I opened it up, and proceeded to rub it all over my body. The feeling was overwhelming and wonderful. I told Kevin about everything it had done and told him he should try it to. Kevin took one whiff of it, and gagged. He said he would try it, and took it into the bathroom with him. When he came back out he was naked too, and we spent the night doing the devils dance in every way we could think of. It was the best sex and anniversary I had ever had. I’m not sure what happened to the pets, because I didn’t see them again until late the next day. I don’t know what got into them. Usually they were always underfoot. When I got up in the morning, Kevin was in the bathroom getting ready for the day. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He turned around a grabbed me. We kissed. Something seemed off. I noticed I was standing on my tiptoes to reach him. Never had to do that before. When I looked in the mirror, I really got a surprise. My freckles had returned. They formed a nice line under my eyes and across my nose. I had always hated them, but everyone else said they were cute. They hadn’t been this prominent for years. Kevin could tell something was wrong, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. I figured I was just imagining things. I decided to go back to bed and get some rest. When I woke up again, I was feeling full of energy. I came into the living room to find Kevin watching TV. I snuggled up next to him, and we watched a few shows. It looked like such a nice day outside; we decided to go for a walk, figuring some fresh air would do us some good. I noticed as I got up to follow Kevin out that he seemed to be taller. Or maybe I was shorter. But that was crazy wasn’t it? We spent most of the afternoon out, and Kevin watched as Sam and I played in the park. By the time we got home, I was convinced that something was seriously off. I was now several inches shorter than Kevin. I had trouble kissing him even on my tiptoes. He had to bend over. I told Kevin that I though I was shrinking, but he told me that I was being crazy. There was no way that could happen. I figured he was right. We had dinner and went to bed. I had trouble sleeping, but finally dozed off a little after 2 am. In the morning there was no question. When I got out of bed and went to bathroom, I nearly tripped over my underwear. It had gotten so loose that it had fallen down around my ankles. When Kevin came over to help me up, I noticed I only came up to his chest now. I was definitely shrinking. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. What I saw was still me, but looked as though I was teenager instead of an adult. My freckles were very obvious now, and my face reminded me of how I looked when I was about 18. How was this possible? People didn’t just get younger. When I came out, Kevin got his first good look at me. His jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe how much I had changed. I still looked like an adult, but definitely a young one, not the man I had been. I racked my mind trying to explain what was going on. The only thing I could think of was the cream. I asked Kevin where he had put it when he was done with it, and he said it was in the medicine cabinet. I looked all over and couldn’t find it. I asked him if he was sure. He said yes. I also asked if he had felt any symptoms since he had used the cream too. He started to say something, and then he confessed that once he had smelled it, he couldn’t use it and just threw it away. I looked in the garbage, and found the jar. I knew it had to be what was causing my problems, but somehow I still felt the urge to rub it on my body. I was addicted to the way it made me fell. Kevin came over and pulled the jar out of my hands. He found the contact information and called it. He came back shaking his head. The number had been disconnected. Kevin searched the jar for any other information only to find that it had expired years ago. Great. Why didn’t I think to check that? We searched the web and came up with nothing. As far as we could tell, the company that made it didn’t exist. We found some reviews, but most said it was just a waste of money and they had never gotten any results, so they threw it away. If only they had waited until it expired. I told Kevin to keep the cream away from me. I wasn’t sure how much it could change me. I had probably used way more than the recommended dosage. I started to get really scared, not knowing what would happen next. Kevin made an appointment with our doctor for tomorrow, and we decided that there was nothing else we could do for today, as it was Sunday and most businesses would be closed for the weekend. Before we sat down to dinner, Kevin took Sam out for a walk and disposed of the cream where he said I could never find it. That at least was a relief. When I got up in the morning, I felt weird. I got up and tried to get dressed. Nothing fit. It was all too big. I wrapped a towel around me, and made my way into the kitchen looking for Kevin. He was sitting at the table drinking his coffee. He nearly spit it out when he saw me. He got up and came over to give me a hug. I was noticeably shorter now. My head only came up to his armpit. I had lost at least 2 or 3 more inches. Kevin laughed, and said I couldn’t go to the doctor like that. He would have to go out and get me something to wear. He grabbed his keys and headed out to his car. I didn’t know what to do, so I sat down and poured myself a bowl of cereal.As I started to eat, a number of thoughts went through my mind. Could I still work? Yes. Most of what I did was online, so it didn’t matter what I looked like. How small would I get? There was no way for me to tell. Was it permanent? Again who could tell? Would I grow back? I made sure to keep these questions in mind to ask the doctor. When Kevin returned, he had several large bags with him. He had gone to the local Wal-Mart and purchased clothes in a variety of sizes hoping something would fit. He had picked up mostly t-shirts and sweatpants type items as they would stretch and had a little more give in fit. I took the bags back to the bedroom, and tried things on until I found something that fit me reasonably. When I looked myself over in the mirror, I noticed that not only had I gotten shorter, but I also appeared to be getting younger. Instead of the “young adult” I looked like last night, I was now unmistakably a teenager. I could easily pass as a senior in high school, or maybe a college freshman. This was too weird. The doctor’s appointment was not very informative. Kevin and I asked a ton of questions, and they did a ton of tests on me. They didn’t believe that I was getting younger, and kept insisting that I was a perfectly healthy 18 year old. I showed him my driver’s license showing I was older than that, but the doctor just assumed it was a fake id. I got really frustrated and threw on my clothes, noticing they were looser than when we came in, and stormed out of the building. I was so mad that took Kevin almost an hour to get me to calm down. We decided to stop off at McDonalds for lunch and picked up some food. By the time we got home, I was almost tripping over my pants. I went into the bedroom and let them drop to the floor. Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, I guessed I was now 16 at most. I searched the bag, and found another pair of pants that fit. Luckily I was good only dropping one size. I still had a few more pairs to go before I needed to go shopping again. At this rate, they probably wouldn’t last very long, but I could hope. I refused to leave the bedroom the rest of the day. I didn’t want anyone to see me this way. Not even Kevin. I was glad when Bob came in and I lifted her onto my chest and started stroking her. Before long she started purring. That sound had always made me happy, and it did it’s job well this time. It wasn’t long before I was relaxed and let most of the stresses of the day leave my body. While I was in the bedroom feeling sorry for myself, Kevin was doing what he could to get answers. He had found the receipt for the cream and called the store. They denied even carrying the product. He told them that was absurd as he had the receipt in his hand. There was a loud exchange of profanities and then I heard the phone slam down. It wasn’t hard to guess that the conversation hadn’t gone well. I hadn’t really noticed before, but as the day went on, I started to think and act more like the teenager I looked like, and less like the adult I was. It scared me whenever I caught myself doing something child like. I tried as hard as I could to avoid it, but it was quickly becoming the norm rather than an exception. When Kevin called me to dinner, I snuck a look in the mirror, and was happy I hadn’t changed any more in the last few hours. Kevin had done his best to make me something I liked, but I wasn’t really in the mood to eat. I just picked at my diner for a while. After dinner all I wanted to do was watch TV until I went to bed. Kevin tried to comfort me, and I must admit it did help. When I woke up in the morning, I felt like a new man. I jumped out of bed, and went into the bathroom. After taking care of business, I looked into the mirror. My mood changed quickly when I noticed that I now looked no more that about 14 years old. Great, back to being a freshman. I could see the start of acne appearing on my face. I would probably be covered in it before too long. I wasn’t looking forward to going through puberty backwards. I rummaged through the bags again, and found the last outfit that was small enough for me to wear. Looks like I will have to go out and get some more, and based on what I was wearing now, I would probably have to shop in the boys department. I wasn’t looking forward to that. I got dressed and came out into the living room. Kevin was sitting at the table doing something on his computer. He looked up when I came in. I walked over to him and called him dad. We both looked stunned. I quickly corrected myself, and told him I would have to get some more clothes as these were the smallest that fit. Luckily Kevin had saved up a lot of leave, so he took off for the rest of the week. I was glad that he would be with me, even if there wasn’t really anything he could do. We chatted on the drive to Wal-Mart, and I know he noticed the way my speech and behavior had changed as my mind adapted to my teenage body. Kevin sent me to the men’s clothes section while he went and retuned anything I hadn’t actually worn. I looked around, but everything was either too big for me, or would be soon. I soon found myself shopping in the boy’s section. I tried to pick out the most neutral things I could find, with no logos or childish prints, but that didn’t leave me with much selection. By the time Kevin had found me, I had a cart full of clothing in a variety of sizes. I had given in, and tired to pick at least the most popular and least offensive looking clothes I could find. My teenage mind kept resisting, but my adult mind knew that I would need them at some point. I looked at the little kids clothes and hoped I wouldn’t get that small. That got me thinking. What if I ended up back in diapers? Could I get that young? What would happen to me? Would I still be me? A big part of your personality is what happens during your life. That would never be the same. I had to stop thinking like that. There was nothing I could do, and it was too depressing. I decided to stop with clothes for elementary schoolers. Hopefully I wouldn’t get any smaller than that. While Kevin waited in the check out line, my teenage mind took control, and decided I was bored with this. I told him I was out of there, and made my way out of the store. Kevin tried to stop me, but didn’t want to loose his place in line. When he finally made his purchases he came out to find me. It wasn’t hard, as there was a GameStop just a few doors down, and I had wondered in there to check out the video games. After loading me and the bags into the car, we started for home. I was able to snap back to my normal self and apologize for my behavior. Kevin told me it wasn’t a big deal, and he remembered being that age. By the time we got home and unloaded everything the teenager was in control again. I have to give Kevin credit. I think if it had been me, I would have killed myself off. Kevin always had the patience of a saint.
Somehow we managed to decide on something for lunch. Man, I had forgotten what a pain in the ass teenagers were. I wasn’t doing it on purpose honest. Somehow I think Kevin knew that. When we got home, I caught sight of myself, and knew I couldn’t be any older than about 13. Like any teenager, I seemed to be full of hormones. Without thinking about it, I stripped off my clothes so I could examine my body. My body hair had mostly receded, and I had lost a lot of definition in my muscles. Some other areas had also gotten considerably smaller (I’m sure you know what I mean). I was looking more and more like a little boy every minuet. Like most teenagers when it was dinnertime, I ate like a horse. I’m not sure where I put it all. Kevin was amazed as I shoveled in helping after helping. After eating nearly everything on the table, I excused myself and ran off to play video games. I played into the wee hours of the morning. I tried to convince myself that it was because I was having so much fun, but it was really because I afraid of what I would find when I woke up. Try as I might, I eventually collapsed from exhaustion. Kevin found me the next morning still in the living room with the controller clutched in my hand. Kevin gently shook me awake, and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I said good morning, and called him dad again. This time he just chuckled. I couldn’t figure out why. I made my way into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Looking in the mirror I found a boy of no more than 10 staring back at me. I started the shower, and started taking off my clothes. It didn’t take long as they had gotten fairly baggy over night. I took a deep breath and looked down at my body. I was definitely on the other side of puberty now. I had no hair anywhere but on my head, and my body had reverted to a very child like shape. All that baby fat I had worked so hard to get rid of had come back with a vengeance. After my shower, I dried off, and tossed the towel on the floor. Seems I didn’t have much modesty as a little kid, and walked back to the bedroom naked. Kevin got a good look at me. An expression flashed across his face. I’m sure if I had been in my normal mindset, I would have recognized it as sadness and grief at what he and I had lost, but my prepubescent mind didn’t make the connection. After I got dressed, I came back out, and we discussed what we were going to do for the day. Anyone who saw us would have assumed it was just a boy with his dad. I had long since given up trying to keep my adult self in control. It was getting harder and harder and any distraction would cause me to slip. I was now thinking of myself exclusively as a little boy, and Kevin had become my father as far as I was concerned. It seemed to be a role that he was willing and eager to take on. We decided to spend the day doing things suitable for a boy my age. We went to some museums, which both Kevin and I found fun, and even went to the zoo. I can’t remember having a better time. Even when I was a kid the first time.   Over the next few days the regression slowed. I lost a year every couple of days rather than a few a day. I finally ended up stabilizing at about 7. My mind is now for all intents and purposes that of a 2nd grader. I don’t know if my old skills and knowledge are still there, but I can’t access them. Maybe they will come back as I get older. If I get older. We still don’t know what will happen. As I was in no position to do the work I used to do, and couldn’t be left home alone anymore, Kevin used what little savings we had left to pay a shady lawyer to draw up all the documents Kevin and I would need. According to my new birth certificate, I am officially seven years old, and Kevin is my father. I will be starting Second grade in the fall. Until then, I am stuck with babysitters and summer camps. I know Kevin was racking his brain trying to figure out how to tell my parents what has happened. I don’t envy him that task. All I know is that Bob and Sam are happy as I have a lot more time and energy to spend with them. Sam and I are outside playing from sun up to sun down most days, and Bob Snuggles up with me until dinner, and sleeps in the bed with me. It must be easier for me to be happy, not really knowing what I have lost, but I know that Kevin is happy too. He really loves me and treats me like his son. It doesn’t seem to matter to him that he has lost his boyfriend or that I might be stuck this way for the rest of my life. I guess that cream really did give me what it promised. Just not in the way I was expecting. Guess I wont be needing that guarantee after all.
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