#Sharepoint designer
sharepointdesign · 5 months
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sope22 · 2 years
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SharePoint Consultant in Sydney
We provide consultation for your SharePoint project at every level, from pre-planning to post-implementation, with the help of Microsoft SharePoint consultant intranets. We adapt our strategy to meet the needs of our clients and draw out Microsoft SharePoint's best practices while considering their future potential and increased scalability.
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juliawtf · 2 years
Love going into the office to leave my cave and gossip (yesterday) and love working from home so I can lie on my floor when I get overstimulated (today)
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kodehash · 3 months
SharePoint is a web-based collaboration platform developed by Microsoft. It allows teams to create, manage, and share documents and information seamlessly. Users can collaborate in real-time, store files, automate workflows, and access data from anywhere. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, SharePoint enhances productivity and promotes effective teamwork within organizations.
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castleinteractivellc · 10 months
Sharepoint Backup Solution
A comprehensive data protection tool designed specifically for Microsoft SharePoint environments is called a SharePoint backup solution. By regularly producing backups, it protects crucial data housed in SharePoint sites, libraries, lists, and workflows.
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Documents, configurations, permissions, and metadata may all be included in these backups. Through the provision of effective data recovery in the event of unintentional deletions, system failures, or cyber attacks, the solution ensures business continuity and compliance. It typically provides choices for off-site storage and features like automated scheduling and version history preservation. In order to improve data management and disaster recovery capabilities, SharePoint ecosystems must guarantee data availability and integrity.
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perfectiongeeks · 1 year
What is SharePoint Syntex? 6 SharePoint Syntex Use Cases
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SharePoint Syntex offers a range of powerful features that enable organizations to automate content processing, enhance information management, and improve productivity within SharePoint. Let's explore some of the key features of SharePoint Syntex:
Content Understanding: SharePoint Syntex utilizes AI-powered models to understand and extract valuable information from unstructured content. It can analyze documents, images, and audio files to identify entities, key phrases, and relationships. This feature enables organizations to gain insights from their content and make informed decisions based on the extracted knowledge.
Document Understanding Models: SharePoint Syntex provides pre-built and trainable document understanding models. These models can be customized to match the specific needs and terminology of an organization. They can automatically classify documents, extract specific information, and apply metadata tags based on the content. The ability to train models empowers organizations to tailor SharePoint Syntex to their unique business requirements.
Form Processing:SharePoint Syntex simplifies the extraction of data from forms, whether they are physical or digital. It can automatically capture data fields, validate inputs, and store the extracted information in SharePoint lists or other systems. This feature reduces manual data entry, minimises errors, and accelerates data processing workflows.
Integration with Power Automate:SharePoint Syntex seamlessly integrates with Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow). This integration enables the creation of powerful workflows and automation scenarios. For example, when a document is classified or a form is processed, SharePoint Syntex can trigger actions such as sending notifications, updating databases, or initiating approval processes, streamlining business operations.
Managed Metadata and Taxonomy:SharePoint Syntex enhances information management by leveraging managed metadata and taxonomy capabilities. It can automatically apply metadata tags to documents based on their content, ensuring consistency and improving searchability. This feature enables organisations to establish a structured and organised information architecture, facilitating efficient content management and discovery.
Information Extraction and Classification:SharePoint Syntex can extract information from structured and unstructured documents. It can identify key entities, extract data fields, and classify documents based on their content. This feature streamlines document processing, reduces manual effort, and enables faster search and retrieval of information.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Compliance:SharePoint Syntex supports data loss prevention and compliance efforts. It can automatically detect sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information (PII) or financial data, within documents. SharePoint Syntex can enforce information governance policies by applying retention labels, ensuring compliance with regulations, and protecting sensitive data.
Search and Discovery:SharePoint Syntex improves search and discovery within SharePoint. By automatically applying metadata tags and extracting valuable information, it enhances search results and enables users to find relevant content more efficiently. This feature improves the overall user experience and productivity within SharePoint environments.
Customization and Extensibility: SharePoint Syntex provides customization options to tailor the solution to specific organizational needs. It offers a flexible framework that allows organizations to build their own AI models, train them using their data, and integrate them into SharePoint Syntex. This customization and extensibility enable organizations to address unique business requirements and achieve greater value from SharePoint Syntex.
Visit us: https://www.perfectiongeeks.com/custom-business-card-design-services
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mpriyadharshini · 1 year
Happy Karthigai Deepam 2022
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cdrmsolutionsstuff · 2 years
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months
get 2 know me meme
tagged by @cryptidafter 🫡
tagging: whoever feels like doing this, but also @watertightvines @ratheralark @needsmoreresearch @chaos0pikachu @skalidris @thepurplewombat @evilhasnever
Do you make your bed?
yep! not like super neatly or whatever but it gets remade every morning to prevent the cats from causing problems.
What’s your favorite number?
seven--just like prev! dunno why exactly, i just vibe with it.
What is your job?
i'm an overworked government bureaucrat, which maybe explains why i think jin guangyao should get to murder whomever he wants.
If you could go back to school, would you?
nooooope. i've got my masters and that is more than enough for me. i've actually told my husband that if i start making any serious noises about going back to school, he has my permission to yell at me.
Can you parallel park?
y... yes. in that once i am parked, i am sure that my car is parallel to something, somewhere.
A job you had that would surprise people?
i'm genuinely not sure any of my day jobs are that exciting lol. uhhh i designed and administered sharepoint online websites for a major canadian university for a while and hated every second of it despite making bank while i did it. god i hate sharepoint so much.
Do you think aliens are real?
i think it's way more unlikely that we're totally alone in the universe.
Can you drive a manual car?
nope, never learned how to drive stick shift unfortunately.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
i'm not sure i feel guilty about it exactly but i do enjoy rewatching gilmore girls while very high.
just the one, which will be a week old as of tomorrow 👀 it's a stylized rendering of the solar eclipse! my husband and the man of honour at our wedding also got matching tattoos, so it's a very sentimental tattoo for me.
Favorite color?
i'm a jewel tones kind of bitch, so deep forest green, burgundy, etc,
Favorite type of music?
i like a little bit of everything tbh but i mostly listen to grunge and bluegrass.
Do you like puzzles?
no 😤 they stress me out lol
Any phobias?
several, and broadcasting what they are on a public platform like this while knowing i have at least two hatefollowers sounds like a very bad idea.
Favorite childhood sport?
horse-riding! i also took dance and played soccer but riding horses was the most fun. also the cheapest since i just went down to our neighbour's farm and rode her horses lol
Do you talk to yourself?
oh yes.
What movies do you adore?
god, okay, this is hard: the LOTR extended editions, the OG star wars trilogy, OG jurassic park, saved!, batman: the dark knight, captain america: the winter soldier, inception, sunshine, 1408, knives out, parasite, leon the professional, anything directed by hayao miyazaki, anything directed by guillermo del toro (except for the shape of water, which i can't watch because of the scene with the cat)--i'm sure i'm forgetting something.
Coffee or tea?
can't start my day without a cup of tea 👍
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
i wanted to be a veterinarian! but i also wanted to be an astronaut just as badly because i figured even aliens probably have pets, and someone has to look after them.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Got the following email from my supervisor this morning (some edits by me to remove potentially identifying information:
Hi Sean,
The overall team director and I met yesterday to review the SharePoint file structure. Firstly, just wanted to truly thank you for gathering all of this information! When we were going through it, we got so excited about how much having all of this information in one hub will be helpful for our staff (knowing it is an ever evolving site!).
As we were going through it, we started to realize the amount of overlap with the CRM process discovery, e.g. intake, design review, etc. So given that these efforts are relatively simultaneous, we wanted to take a look to see if we could rearrange the files to be in a more sequential folder structure (which I know we have gone back and forth on in the past. This structure will better align with the process mapping from theCRM side, while still maintaining clear ownership for the populators (aka the relevant division overseeing the "design and environmental review" folder.
Take a look and let us know of any thoughts / feedback! Also had a few specific questions we wanted your thoughts on that we can discuss at some point today.
I'm skeptical of the benefits and overlap they mention, I'm not sure they need to align with the other project, and I don't think the ownership of folders by "populators" is clear now, with how they made the changes.
But I don't care anymore. Every project or work I get asked to do and get involved with seems to end up like this, and I'm tired of working and investing in something and feeling or having any level of responsibility or enthusiasm and having that ruined or thrown in my face.
The "gathering all of the information" also feels backhanded, because I also had it organized and set up until you decided that needed to be changed.
But whatever.
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coderacha · 3 months
the year so far 🫧
passed my senior thesis project! super happy with how it turned out
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studied angular 2 and tailwind css
made my personal portfolio using angular and tailwind css <3 (still too busy to finish it though)
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started an internship!!
got a free datacamp scholarship
learned qa automation using selenium
learned mochajs
learned sharepoint web development
learned node.js
developed a customer training registration system from scratch using node.js, sharepoint online, and bootstrap in two weeks!
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now i'm confused about what i really want to pursue as a career because i've been jumping from project to project, and language to language. i still enjoy ui/ux design and front-end development, but i also like back-end now! full-stack is really overwhelming and stressful but satisfying. i'm interested in automated testing too. i also like managing projects. so idk what i want right now but so far i've liked learning and experiencing everything!! aaaaaaaaaa
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sharepointdesign · 5 months
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sope22 · 2 years
Analyze how firms may handle information using intranets and extranets.
Businesses are depending more and more on intranets to provide capabilities like teamwork, planning, transaction processing systems, and product development to boost organizational efficiency. An intranet is a private network that is only available to company employees.
A corporation intranet may give a firm a single portal of entry to both internal and external information and is a crucial hub for internal cooperation and communication. Users of larger companies' intranets can access the public Internet via firewall servers.
The following are some advantages and gains a business may experience from putting up a strong intranet.
1. Efficiency of the workforce:
Users that utilize intranets may find and access data more quickly and use apps that are appropriate for their tasks and duties.
2. Improved cooperation: 
All authorized users get quick access to information, facilitating cooperation. Real-time communication using integrated third-party platforms encourages idea exchange and increases a company's efficiency.
3. Time reduction: 
Organizations may use intranets to instantly and as-needed to provide information to their staff. As soon as the company posts pertinent material on the intranet, employees can link straight to it.
Companies occasionally let outsiders access their intranet, including clients and suppliers. The intranet transforms into an extranet whenever these other parties are given access to a portion of the available information from the intranet of an enterprise. A corporation may share massive amounts of data utilizing information exchange, which is one of the main benefits of setting up an extranet. Data that was previously only transferred between firms on paper, such as orders and invoices, may now be shared quickly.
Extranets provide companies several clear benefits.
1. Build up your consumer base: 
Customers that have immediate access to information regarding inventory levels, features, and costs are more productive. In business-to-business interactions, a company is more likely to keep a customer's business if it provides them with timely and correct information. Join forces with other businesses to produce new products.
2. Minimised error margin:
 A company's margin of error can be reduced or even eliminated by using an extranet, especially when processing orders from manufacturers and suppliers, which is a difficult task. Clients' profiles may be accessible so they may check their order histories, financial information, and payments.
3. Reliable and timely information: 
A company may quickly alter, modify, and update sensitive information, such as pricing lists or inventory data, on an extranet. An extranet presents a special potential to swiftly get material into the correct hands before it becomes outdated as opposed to conventional paper-based publication methods.
Resolve your company's intranet and extranet problem points with the help of a SharePoint consultant like Sope.
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evildeerboy · 4 months
going FUCKING insane bc 4 years ago our company switched from using server storage to cloud storage meaning we had this big effort to move everything and we were reassured that video files and assets should all live on the server so everyone can easily find and access them. at first i was apprehensive bc After Effects relies heavily on linked files and if anything gets broken or moved around a lot its just a headache to fix. i was told it wasn’t going to be an issue since EVERYTHING would live in sharepoint.
apparently the leadership team all knew that they were only buying 1 SINGLE TB OF STORAGE FOR THE ENTIRE COMPANY TO WORK OFF OF THE THE WHOLE TIME WE HAVE CLOUD STORAGE but most of us didn’t know this so no one pushed back on this extremely stupid idea
well it’s 4 years later and we’ve obviously hit the limit because that’s how linear time works. and now somehow it’s become my job to move tons of files BACK to the server (i do not work in the IT dept i have to emphasize. i am a motion designer). meanwhile it’s shoveling snow in a blizzard bc obviously we will need more storage space if we want to use cloud storage at all otherwise we will perpetually be out of storage!!! Like what!!! Why was there no plan for when this was going to happen i hate it here 😭
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king-shango-the-great · 6 months
This vid outlines the difference between polygamy (& marriage as a whole) in Amerikkka, vs marriage in Africa & other parts of the Diaspora.
First, Shannon SharePoint is a Coon, which is why he's laughing & sniggling about this subject.
A) he's never been married
B) Sharpe loves white bitches.
C) Sharpe wouldn't marry 1 Black woman, let alone 5.
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But beyond that, what I've come to learn about Polygamy in Amerikkka vs elsewhere in the Diaspora, is that in Babylon, Polygamy is only about dating & having sex with different people. Very rarely are people in polygamous scenarios doing it to enhance our community, create generational wealth, etc., the way the Brother that Sharpe was speaking with mentioned.
In Africa, a man who is physically, emotionally, & financially equipped to handle more than 1 wife is seen as a blessing, because he is contributing on multiple levels.
Here in Babylon, men pride themselves in not contributing in these ways at all.
This is why in Africa/Diaspora, the marriage rate is high & the divorce rate is low, meanwhile in Amerikkka, the marriage rate is low, & the divorce rate is high.
That's because in Africa, there are customs & traditions in place that govern courtship & marriage. There are no such things in Amerikkka.
It's important to understand, that dating is designed to lead to sex, whereas courtship leads to marriage.
In Africa, courtship is important. In Amerikkka dating is important.
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f1group · 8 months
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