#Sezul Totoloc
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I finally decided to do this.
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artilaz · 2 months
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"You're standing on the construction plans, son."
It's sort of become my headcanon that the Wind-up Amalj'aa minion is an actual Amalj'aa hatchling entrusted into Aozhan's care by the Brotherhood of Ash, to become the counterpart to Loonh Gah. While she grew up living like an Amalj'aa, he'll grow up experiencing the Eorzean cultures firsthand, and potentially become an ambassador between them and the beast tribes. So instead of being confined to Southern Thanalan, he goes wherever Aozhan goes, and right now he seems very excited to help with the construction of the Dezul Qualan :)
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yzeltia · 1 year
Dates of the Realm
Chapter 1: The Building of a Relationship Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward's Nyx Blackmoon, Tatarumaru, Sezul Rating: T for Nuhn Notes: Thank you to Driftward as always for line edits, dialogue pitches, and letting me borrow Nyx.
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U'rahn huffed, fussing with his beret as he looked over the Fallground Float to catch his reflection. It seemed no matter which way he shifted it, a stray hair would escape. 
"...stupid hat," he grumbled as he straightened his back, getting a soured glance from a passing Viera.
Plopping down on a bench, he leaned back and looked up to open sky, one of the few places in Gridania that opened up in such a way. A strong wind blew overhead, carrying leaves from the Shroud upon it, gold and green dancing about.
"Looks like it'll be a rough flight…but," he started before closing his eyes, "I'm sure I can take the fiercest of gales with Nyx by my side."
U'rahn's cheeks pinkend as the words left his lips, happy that no one was around to hear him say such a sappy thing, or so he thought. His ears perked in his hat as he heard a booming laugh. Sitting up, he looked around for the source, only spotting a patrolling wood wailer. A glint of light catching his eye, he quickly turned, seeing a spriggan staring up at him from behind a potted plant. His eyes narrowed, "...are you?"
"Rahn, I have arrived."
U'rahn jumped as Nyx's voice sounded from behind. Turning, tail high, he nodded then took a step back. 
"So you have," he wheezed, "You'd think I'd be used to you popping in."
"Yes, I have established that pattern."
U'rahn chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess you have…Anyroad, what do you think? I'm pretty sharp-looking today aren't I?"
Nyx looked on, head subtly giving a single nod, as if scanning him. 
"You have less exposed skin than normal. Is this another formal event?"
"No no! I just threw on my alchemy gear cause it's nice for flying in. We're gonna meet up with some of my friends and take an airship ride, with me as pilot."
U'rahn smiled then took Nyx's hand and started on the path to Proud Creek, careful not to slip on the dirt and leaf paths, never quite getting the footing he needed to hike the more fertile landscapes of the North. After a bit they passed into the Ehactl Nine, the Nuhn and Nyx receiving friendly waves from the locals as they tinkered away. In a ravine, the Dezul Qualan sat docked, an Ixal and Lalafell hard at work fixing a gear to it.
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"Yo! It's your alchemist Herrro! Is he ready to fly?"
Sezul Totoloc visored over his goggles as he looked up at the two. "Squaaaawk! It's the Featherless Herrro and the Blackmoon," he called out, imitating U'rahn's purr.
"Oh! U'rahn! And Miss Blackmoon?" Tataramu called out in surprise. 
Letting go of Nyx's hand, U'rahn dropped down to the dock with a little jump. "I said I was bringing a guest, didn't I? Though, I guess her reputation precedes her."
"Yes, though, of all the people in Eorzea, I did not think…" Tataramu started, watching Nyx jump down beside him.
"I have assisted many beings across Etheirys when they have asked."
Tataru and Sezul gave a nod of affirmation, the former looking to U'rahn, "How exactly do you know each other though?"
U'rahn's face reddend, "Well, yeah. Nyx is my…um…" he started side-eyeing the other Miqo'te while Sezul and Tataramu looked at him expectantly.
"Rahn has not yet formalized the nature of our relationship with a title."
U'rahn was taken aback at the statement, "Ah. Well…we went on that date and smooched," he started, poking his fingers together.
"Squawk! How rude! Did you not even bother building The Blackmoon a nest?"
"You shouldn't let a lady assume your intentions. That's rather rude, U'rahn."
U'rahn panicked, looking between the three as his friends ganged up on him. Straightening up, he cleared his throat, ears folding back. "I see. Then, Nyx, I would like to formally ask you to be my…my…girlfrrriend."
U'rahn let out an exhale while Tataramu snickered and Sezul crossed his arms while shaking his head. 
"Squawk…not even a courtship ribbon offered. Featherless folk are a mystery."
U'rahn blinked then looked to Nyx, the woman seeming unbothered as usual. "Ah, well…hmmm. Anyroad, is Dezul Qualan ready? Need me to synthesize some more fluids for the bladders?" he asked, eager to show off his alchemic progress.
"That actually would be quite helpful. And I'd very much like Miss Blackmoon's goldsmithing skills to repair some stripped bolts on the wing joints."
"Acknowledged," Nyx answered, following the Lalafell onto the craft, leaving U'rahn to grab some supplies from the vendor above before returning to utilize Sezul's workbench, carefully mixing together a concoction while the owner stooped over him from behind.
"Don't you start squawking at me, I know what I'm doing," U'rahn huffed, not bothering to turn as Sezul clicked his beak in annoyance. 
After a moment, the tools hissed and steamed, signaling the concoction had been brewed successfully. Grabbing an empty bladder, U'rahn filled it, then beamed over at Nyx and Tataramu, holding it over his head with triumph.
"Rrready," he called out, pleased that nothing had gone wrong.
"Yes! As always Miss Blackmoon's skills outshine our own when it comes to the finer workings of the craft," Tataramu praised.
"The Blackmoon is indeed the most skilled of the Featherless. Squaaaawk!"
Together, U'rahn and Sezul boarded, the latter signaling to the other Ixal to make ready for their departure. After settling the bladder in its spot, the Nuhn hopped to the wheel and pulled the shaft to let the ship float skyward.
"Kinda cool how we both helped build the ship. I knew others pitched in but I suppose I didn't think to ask who," U'rahn laughed, tail curling around Nyx's waist as they lifted off, "Bet you didn't know I was not only a great pilot, but a master alchemist as well!"
"I believe there is, by your written admission, evidence you've piloted Le Pomme d'Air and damaged it. As for your alchemic abilities, I was aware of such, as your room holds many instruments and materials of the trade. Your skill level has yet to be determined; however, as we've not fallen out of the sky, I believe them to be adequate."
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"What's that about damaging a ship," Tataramu called back.
"Nuthin, don't worry about it!!!"
Chuckling, U'rahn pulled above the shroud and let the wind carry them for a moment. "I guess I over exaggerate a bit don't I?"
"Heh. I just want to seem impressive is all…but, yeah…ever since I was little I've liked mixing things together. The folks at the Company of Heroes were always good about it and indulged me by pretending to use my potions…though Curious Gorge actually did one time and it knocked him out so bad I thought I'd be in trouble for weeks. Everyone thought it was funny though, and after that everyone pitched in to help me learn the basics. It's the only thing I'm smart at."
"That's not true."
U'rahn blinked, looking to Nyx as she looked back at him.
"You've shown intelligence in combat and most social situations. If I'm not mistaken you are fond of the culinary arts, fishing, and hunting as well. Disciplines that require a degree of both patience to learn and continued knowledge to perform."
"Are you saying…that I'm smart?"
"In some ways, yes."
U'rahn perked up a bit, ears fluttering joyfully as he hugged Nyx with his tail. "Rrreally? I've never heard anyone say that before."
“Not surprising,” Tataramu muttered, loudly.
U’rahn grimaced then returned to focusing on the skies ahead, soaring over Gridania and down to the southern part shroud. The winds picking up, he frowned then motioned for the Lalafell to come back over to take the wheel.
“Winds are getting rough, could you take over?” he asked.
“All good.”
Moving aside, U’rahn beckoned Nyx over, holding onto a rope as Tataramu guided them through the turbulence. “Sorry, I’m not the best at steering against the wind.”
“It is good to know your limits.”
U’rahn nodded, smiling at Nyx as they bumped along in the air. After a moment, the craft stabilized and coasted along, turning back toward the North Shroud. Shifting, he turned and fished into his pocket, pulling out some bright red lace ribbon. “Sezul mentioned some ribbon as a symbol of our courtship...so I got some for you when I went to get chemicals for the bladder, and while the solution blended, I dyed them. They’ll match the jacket I gave you.”
Nyx nodded then took the ribbons, tilting her head side to side as she tied them into her twin ponytails, earning a softer smile from her beau, taking it as a sign of appreciation. “Kind of nice having an outing where I don’t get maimed or my eye put out, yeah?”
“I have noted you seem rather indestructible. I am sure sustaining additional damage would not take away from our outing together, as it has not before.”
“Yeah? Enjoying yourself then?”
“I am, Rahn.”
"Good. I'm glad."
Sighing with relief, U'rahn put his arm around Nyx's waist, eyes shifting to the horizon as they glided along with Tataramu at the helm; blissfully unaware of the spriggan stowaway watching from the back in approval of the couple. And so they floated on, their first outing without a mishap, not even a splinter of wood dislodging from the vessel. Among the leaves gracefully dancing to the shroud below, the only thing to fall that be day was U'rahn, deeper into his affection for Nyx.
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senespera-ffxiv · 1 year
Y’know I was not expecting for the ramifications of Ixal lore to be explored in Fractal Continuum (Hard) but it’s there and it’s pretty neat
I like how Sezul (my bro, my dude, I’m so sorry I haven’t touched the Ixal beast tribe quests in like a year I promise I will help you with your airship soon) just straight up like Doesn’t Care that they’re artificially created and that their defects were by design by a creator that saw them as expendable aerial cannon fodder. He immediately reasons “we were not designed to dream but we have a dream of making it to Ayatlan so shut the fuck up I will not be hearing any existential angst today” and idk I just think that’s pretty neat that they specifically took a look at that of all things. I’m pretty sure the Iksalion revelation was there in the normal version of Fractal Continuum back in Heavensward so seeing it expanded upon by a bit in Stormblood is cool.
Also the music for that dungeon is a banger lmao
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sezja · 1 year
It's bedtime but I'm having emotions about my fishdad,
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yamiunicorn · 11 months
Seoc Totoloc
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Age: 32
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Half-Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, half-Highlander Hyur
Gender: Male (trans)
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Marital Status: Married
Skin: Pale
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Naturally blue; when his right eye was injured in the Calamity only the right turned red; when corrupted by Light on the First, that eye turned gold
Height: 5 fulms and 5 ilms
Build: Broad-shouldered with strong arms
Distinguishing Marks: Black fingernails; injured right eye which he usually covers with an eyepatch
Profession: Engineer; Warrior of Light/Darkness
Hobbies: Carpentry; reading; singing; writing
Residence: Empyreum
Patron Deity: Byregot
Spouse/Significant Other: Geist Sturmlanze (husband)
Children: Damus Vergrove (son); Sateli Totoloc (daughter); Zazel Totoloc (son)
Parents: Sezul Totoloc (father)
Other Relatives: Zinnia Totoloc-Corvus (granddaughter who traveled from the future)
Pets: Nicias (Seoc's chocobo); Fuzzywhiskers (Geist's fat cat traveling companion)
Server: Halicarnassus (Dynamis)
IGN: Seoc Totoloc
Timezone: EDT (GMT-4)
Seeking: Folks to do PvE/PvP content with, as well as people who want to chat about OCs without necessarily seeking RP. I am also considering testing the RP waters again, so if you are willing to be patient with a rusty RPer, let me know! I would prefer RPing on Discord rather than in-game, but meeting people in-game is fun too!
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kannedia · 2 months
Lalapril 2024 - Day 5 - Feather(less)
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The featherless ones ponder the new blueprints. Or at least Eirini is, as Tatramu explains his latest ideas to Sezul Totoloc and her.
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started playing triple triad. won the cid card on my first win against sezul totoloc. meanwhile ive been challenging the indolent imperial in mor dhona for nero's card for a day straight. i couldnt make this shit up if i tried
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
I have completed all of the ARR Beast Tribe quests at least once! So here I will list them from worst to best.
One note first though, I kind of expected the quests to be, y’know, about the beast tribes. But most of the time they’re actually about some dull playable race NPC. Which is disappointing.
5. Amalj’aa - BOOOOOOORING. The Amalj’aa are a bog standard “noble warriors” race, Loon Gah exists and the storyline is a dull paint-by-numbers revenge plot. It’s just boring. The music in Zahar’ak kicks ass though.
4. Sylphs - It was a real toss-up between Sylphs and Kobolds, but the Sylphs were handicapped by having easily the most annoying player race NPC. Other than that there story is dull but fine, and the Sylphs themselves are a fun little race and you get to see the ones from the MSQ again which is neat.
3. Kobolds - This one is easily the most comedy geared and it works for the most part. The Kobolds make me think of the Stupid Rat Creatures from Bone so I find them endearing. My biggest problem with this one is the quests by and large just feel really mean spirited and it takes away some of my enjoyment. At least it has the least invasive player race NPC! And the Kobold battle theme is SO GOOD.
2. Ixal - I like this one actually! Tatamaru (?) is easily the most engaging player race NPC and I adore Sezul Totoloc. Also, airship lore! A goal I care about! Watching the Dezul Qualan take flight was actually kind of nice. Also it gives oodles of crafting exp, which is great, and a nice soothing camp theme.
Sahagin - By a long shot. First, no player race NPC to annoy me!!! Second it’s just a genuinely good story. A little ditty about the cycle of revenge and what people would do for their families. And I really like “I fucking hate you but peace will kill fewer of my children” as an explanation for a former enemy than the stupid “Oh well I’m not as relevant so I guess we can be friends now teehee!” we often get in these types of games, it feels more real. Anyway Clutchfather Novv is my dad now.
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ffxivxd · 1 year
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Sezul Totoloc of the Ixali is the chief of the Ehcatl Nine. At 15 year old, he was a notorious delinquent and tried to steal a war balloon. After a few disciplinary beatings, he pledged himself as the apprentice to Dezul Qualan, the balloon's engineer.
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plenary-indulgence · 1 year
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#MiqoMarch DAY 3: FAMILY touka was orphaned as a toddler and then was scooped up and raised by sezul totoloc and the ehcatl nine ixal. she did spend a fair amount of time growing up in fallgourd float and gridania, so it’s hard to even tell she had an unusual upbringing at all unless she deigns to tell you (she probably won’t) or she’s particularly flustered (or drunk) and starts to slip into their speech patterns. she’s very fond of them and grateful for all they’ve done for her (and does consider them her family for the most part); but like sometimes happens with adopted children she struggles to feel like she really “belonged” with them.
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4th-son-of-fih · 2 years
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endwalker or something idk
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eternalshadowxiv · 3 years
Post ARR Bonus Journal 2: Flight.
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uI started an entry about the Ehcatl Nine I befriended while I worked on unlocking the shears of destruction technique before, however it got lost during my travels so I have to try and recount what happened to fill in the blanks of this journal.
It all began with a mission from the Twin Adder, my chosen Grand Company, regarding the recent behavior of the Ixal.
Turns out it was because of the activity of a group of Ixal engineers building their own Airship and...I decided to join them because why not. It took a lot of work, many days of tireless work, tests, and working with the rich heir Tataramu.
There were hardships, tears, sweat, and some blood. But in that labor of building the Dezul Qualan, we forged what I could only guess was a lifelong friendship. A fellowship for the mutual love of soaring.
There was adversity though, from either Tataramu's commanding father, or from the violent zealots of the Natalan Ixal. Still, somehow we got the airship to work and we watched her soar like a bird. However, after that point, it was just a job of refining the airship, a job for Sezul and Tatarmu as I was sent to report back to the Twin Adder and return to my work as a Scion and Adventurer.
I hope those two are doing well and I hope to meet them again in the future.
-Eternal Shadows
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oho-oasis · 7 years
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Commission for @endoustears! Sezul Totoloc of FFXIV.
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rilasha · 7 years
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#86daystillstormblood Art Challenge on Twitter
#63 - Favourite Beast Tribe (Ixal) #62 - Dream Mount (Twintania) #61 - Minion that isn't (Tiamat) #60 - Mount that isn't (Shoopuf)
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