HELLO to Gilgameshians over on Discord, I was your @runefactorysecretsanta this year~ I saw you liked Raven/Micah, so hopefully you can enjoy two of our favorite shifters having a nice afternoon by the water~♥
[ If you see a friend request from someone with a cat avatar, that's me, sending you this thing's full resolution♥ ]
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halucynator · 5 months
It's secret santaaaaa. I see you're a Sabrina fan, what is your top three of her songs???
Mine: emails I can't send, feather, tornado warnings
(kinda basic cause I'm a newer fan)
hello hello 😌
oh yes i LOVE sabrina carpenter she's the loml (who would've guessed)
your choices are impeccable i think this is really hard for me to choose just 3 bc all her songs are AMAZING but here are some that i listen the crap out of:
tornado warnings
is it new years yet
nonsense (or a nonsense christmas)
ik you said three but i cheated and put 5 bc yes
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secret-third-thing · 8 months
'tis i, your secret santa!
i am very excited to work with you and i can't wait to pick your brain for this project - a little birdie told me you're interested in fanfiction, preferably for our fiery power couple neris... 👀
now i'm down for anything but first i'd like to know: what are your favorite tropes? what do you absolutely want to see in your gift fic? and also: ARE YOU AS EXCITED FOR THIS AS I AM??
HEY SANTA!!!! I am finally back from work so I can answer you! In fact, I may have cut out a little early OOPS. Don't tell my boss. or his boss.
I would love to have some fanfic of Neris if that's alright with you! (Honestly, I'd ship Eris with just about anyone, lol)
Before I dig into tropes, I wanna say that I am super easy to please, and I hope that whatever you wind up making is a lot of fun for you because the best creations are ones where you can tell that the creator had FUN!!
Okay fav tropes: enemies to lovers, rivals, forced proximity, fake dating, vegas/drunk weddings, second chance romances, sleeps with everyone but you, fairy tale or myth retellings.
TRULY I love all tropes, even the extra spicy ones. I think as long as it's not 100% miscommunication the entire time, I'm good!
As far as must-haves: BANTER! And make it a little mean. I love the snark from both of them. And scheming. You don't need to bash cassian in the process (unless you feel like it lol), but I love stories that really highlight how clever eris is / how shrewd Nesta is.
Let me know if you want more deets. I am always afraid of being TOO specific
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ceoofdumbassery · 1 year
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Touhou secret santaaaaa
MERRY LATE CRIMBO @hardman5509 i am sor sorry for not making it on time for crimbo
this event was fun, mucho gracias to @touhousecretsanta for hosting this event
Have a good one
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Hey there, it's your HBO War Secret Santa! Super excited to create something for you, and I hope you're well! Quick question if it's not too much trouble - do you have a list of your favorite fics for each pairing? Have a good one :)
Anon Santaaaaa I am SO incredibly sorry for how late this reply is!!! I was launched into a new rotation at the hospital that had me drowning and sent my last 2 brain cells into chaos for the past 2 weeks, but that’s really no excuse and I’m sorry for the inconvenience!! Totally understandable if you’d rather not take these answers into consideration given how long they took to get here, and please rest assured that I’m always happy with anything and everything when it comes to hbowar <3 also additional apologies if I missed some of the pairings I listed when I answered the form, I answered it in the middle of a 24-hour duty day so I really only had 1 brain cell in attendance at the time hahaahjksfakdsf but here goes! (you didn’t need reasons for why I liked the fics but I ended up putting them anyway woops HAHAHA)
- Not Yet Wise by streetsuss_serenade >>> one of the first GK fics I latched onto, and I think it will stick with me for the rest of my life akjdfafsdjkd  the way it captures Nate’s internal struggles!!!!! ARGH!!
- Leading the Way by nogoaway >>> I loved the lives the author built for both Brad and Nate outside of what we know and see in GK, how they gave cues on the passing of time with the cultural references they chose to include, and how so much of the emotional beats were shown rather than explicitly spelled out by the characters :(((((
- Aftermath, USA by traveller >>> for the angst!!!! I am an absolute sucker for this brand of angst!!! - Do No Harm by NoMomImTotallyNotReadingPorn >>> a lovely hospital AU with hospital shenanigans!!!
- left in the hands of the living by dykealore >>> where would I be without recommending my most beloved author!! the EMOTIONS and heart-wrenching flashbacks while also Making Marvel Better is everything ;_;  
Andy/Eddie (these were the fics that came to mind but I would absolutely die for anything andy/eddie related at all hahaha)
- The Holy Vow of a Teenage Kiss by rivlee >>> the best romcom vibes with this one!!
- straight on til morning by seabright >>> I didn’t even think I was looking for crossover fics when it came to the pacific but I took a chance on this one and it WRECKED me—the slow build up of their friendship and love with the constant threat of war in the background aaaargh !! not rly relevant but this fic single-handedly got me back into HP after what must be 10 years of not engaging in the fandom waaah
- The Church of Saint Andrew by hillbilled >>> still ongoing and still continuously hurting me aksjdfhkjadhsfadsf  the reincarnations of andy over time and how he comes together with eddie in different ways is so riveting and painful and I don’t want it to end
(sorry I don’t have more for BoB at this moment, not for lack of fic out there, but more that I haven’t visited the tag to look for new ones in a while huhu)
- By Small and Small by luxover >>> once again I am a sucker for hospital AUs and big happy bar scenes what can I sayyyyyy
- A Softer War by twelve_pastels >>> take me to the bayouuuu this fic is so soft and lovely &lt;3
- Till the Day is Born by rum4life >>> not Babe/Roe-centric since it’s a trilogy crossover, and hot daaamn the complexity of the Babe/Roe/Doc Bryan triangle alone is enough for me to rec this, but everything else about it was such a wild and gripping read as well!!
- It Happened One Night by raquelpillo >>> hngh! no ! words !
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spark-my-nature · 6 months
Hi! Im gonna be your GVF Secret Santa!! Im super excited to ask you questions and get to know you!! Speaking of asking questions heres the first one!!
1. Whats a quote that you like by gvf?
Verrily merrily,
Secret Santa 🎅
Hi friend!!! This is so exciting, thank you for the ask!! ✨❤️
As for a quote, that depends whether you’re looking for serious or goofy. A serious one, maybe “Carbon dancing through time” or “we are the land, the sea and the sky” (anything from Stardust Chords tbh)
Goofy ones… honestly anything that comes out of their mouths is goofy. Maybe Sam going “cutting booaaaard” in the permanent jewelry tiktok, or “Daniel have you ever done molly?” Or of course “crack some bones, slap some asses”
🫶🏻😉❤️ thanks secret santaaaaa 🤭❤️
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hotdadsparty · 1 year
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veinsofmantra · 6 years
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A small House Martell edit from your GoT/ASOIAF Secret Santa
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gingeralepdf · 3 years
ummmm hey!
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adoginthemanger · 3 years
Hey girl!!!!! So its Christmas Eve today. And tomm is Christmas and its almost the end of 2020. Hope you had a good time. Just remember when you are entering the new year, always throw out all your bad moments and negative vibes. You are good, friendly, smart, beautiful and all. Don't let anything or anyone to let you down. You are a brave girl who can handle problems like a pieace of cake. You are always loved by everyone and you are stronger than you think. - Secret Santa😉
Santa what is this behaviour. I want you to text me tomorrow. I'm taking zero shit. You're just really really really really really sweet. Reveal ypur identity we'll be fwends! I'll send you doggo pics. Thank you for the heads-up. And for your time and energy. I want you to text me. No drama. Listen to this song now. It's an order
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nalshiradraws · 6 years
Santa here. Im so so sorry my laptop broke and all my fics for Asra and Elyon died with it and I just Im remaking your fics i had 12 fics for u like 12 days of christmas style 😔 Im sorry if what you get is the unfinished one. Ill give you the first day of Christmas and I will update until it finishes to 12 days! (Plus I will include a bonus 1 fic) Im so sorry!
OMG Santa I hope the damage to your laptop is easily fixed!! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been outside the whole day and my net was really bad. I want you to know that it’s totally okay and don’t worry about it! You’re the best and I can’t wait to see your work!! (.づσ▿σ)づ.
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dindjarindiaries · 3 years
Secret Santa here! I’m hoping to have your fic posted either today or tomorrow! I’m so excited for you to read it! 🥰
SANTAAAAA YAY I am so excited! But also take your time—no rush! You’re the best! 🥺🤍
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You guys I’m like SO excited (and impatient) for the PotO Secret Santa to start :D Anyone else?
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So, uh... whatcha' think?
// MERRY CHRYSLER @askfirebendergilbert cuz I'M YOUR SECRET SANTAAAAA :D
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captainodonoghue · 4 years
Heyheyhey! How are you? Stopping by to let you know I'm super glad you like your 1st gift!! That bloody Xmas shirt was the death of me hahaha Oh and I come bearing another snipet! Bc you asked angst and I hope you ready for it. So here the crash test! "She was a strong woman, and she would survive this meeting with her parents. “How many time do I have to tell you,love?I’m a survivor.”Or perhaps she would be a little girl in need of comfort from her parents." :D-your not secret CSSS ;p
Hello again! Damn I can’t believe I’m more active now than before hahaha bref! Jumping one last time to say, gift no2 and 3 are 99.99% done!! So get ready to see the full fic and laugh after the angst with the second art ! - your csnotss ;p
Santaaaaa!!! XD 
The angst in this snipet is killing me!! haha I’m going to read it when I go to bed with my Christmas tree lights on and ‘cause that’s when there is a nice silence. haha BUT as the impatient person that I am I did read the first couple lines and I can already tell that it will be perfect! The cats’ names are amazing! I love Jolly and Roger!!!! XD 
The second art is fantastic!!!! I love it so much!! I can’t handle all this cuteness!!! Killian and Emma look so happy and of course the cats will photobomb their photo!! haha 
Thank you!!! You’re the best Santa! 
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shihomiyano · 4 years
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Hello there! Your Secret Santa is back and all roped up in the Christmas preparations! There is just so much to do and finish but yet we already have already passed the first 10 days of December? Where did all the time go? There still hasn‘t been any snow but maybe there will be a White Christmas. 🤞  How are your presents coming along? Did the inspiration finally hit you? No matter what you‘re gonna make, I‘m sure the receivers will appreciate it a lot, seeing how you spend a lot of thoughts on this. 👌 ❤️ I‘ll stick to the left hat then. I do agree though, I always look clever. 😎 I started getting out the decorations as you can see, but things got kinda tangled. My friend helped me out, but proceeded to laugh at me. I guess I kinda deserve it for teasing her. A little. or a lot. It‘s mutual.  Next I want to get started on the cookie baking, but I‘m very weak for chocolate. My friend kind of uninvited me from the baking session because the chocolate chips kept disappearing, but I‘ll try sneaking in anyway. But pssst! Will you bake something? (Maybe a KID cookie?) Have a great week and treat yourself to something nice! Hot chocolate or whatever makes you happy! :D Your Secret Santa
*screams* hello santaaaaa 💖🎅 I’m so excited to hear from you again omg your messages always make my days so much brighter !! time is passing by *so quickly*, I’m literally freaking out because christmas is so close already and there is so much left to do adhaksd I really hope to get a white christmas but the chances are pretty bad I think *sobs* You need to share pictures if you’ll get some snow ⛄️ 
I actually did find some inspiration for presents ! your santa hats probably brought me into the right christmas mood for present shopping 💪 still need to buy a bunch of them tough *screams* asgsajsd christmas decoration can be tricky indeed hahahaha my room is already stuffed with a bunch of fairy lights, I love it tbh ! and omg !! christmas baking 🍪 I absolutely love baking but my ingredients are always disappearing as well, I have no idea where they go hehehe 🙃 let’s sneak into your friends kitchen together and steal some chocolate 😎🍪 I already did some holiday baking but hopefully I will get some more cookies done until christmas ashsaj I just made a gingerbread house with my nephew which is like a christmas tradition for us well it was his first one but I make gingerbread houses each year since I was a kid ahdska ! 
thank you so much for your sweet message santa 🎅 I’m not feeling my best lately and your message always brighten up my day and make me so happy omg THANK YOU !
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