#Salmo 10
estudiandodelabiblia · 3 months
El reinado de Jehová en Sión: Un sermón basado en Salmo 9, 10
Introducción   A. La conexión entre los Salmos 9 -10 denota una unidad. Ambos salmos están originalmente conectados como uno solo, evidenciado por un conjunto de iniciales alfabéticas que abarcan desde el primer salmo hasta el último. Los Salmos 9 y 10 están unidos en la LXX. Algunos piensan que originalmente eran un solo salmo porque el 10 no tiene título, la forma y tema son similares.   B.…
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versiculosbiblicos · 10 months
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gcik · 1 month
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mesientotanamada · 8 months
No me siento tan amada.
A veces.
Hay momentos en los que no me siento amada por Dios, ni por nadie.
Y me siento sola.
Me di cuenta de este pensamiento ayer al revisar el blog. Pensé: tengo que cambiarle nombre, porque estoy mintiendo.
Y luego entendí que es normal no tener siempre esa sensación de paz y amor pleno con Dios. Que es normal a veces dudar de Sus promesas, de Sus tiempos, de Su voluntad. En medio de los problemas, de las dificultades, de la incertidumbre, del sufrimiento, es normal pensar que nadie me quiere y que estoy sola ante los ataques.
Y aunque me sienta abandonada, y totalmente olvidada, Dios me sigue amando.
Cuando no veo absolutamente nada, cuando nada tiene sentido a mi alrededor, cuando todos se han ido, Dios sigue ahí amándome.
Me ama a mi, con mis defectos, con mis pecados, con mis quejas y mis dudas. Me ama a mi con mi físico, con mis pensamientos, me ama tal y como soy. También cuando yo no me quiero a mi, y no le quiero a Él.
"En esto consiste el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que él nos amó y envió a su Hijo para que fuera ofrecido como sacrificio por el perdón de nuestros pecados." 1 Juan 4:10
Este último periodo estoy llena de dudas, me enfado continuamente con Dios por como hace las cosas y por Sus tiempos que son para mi siglos de espera inútil.
Me enfado con Dios porque no cumple con mi plan, con mis ideales, con mis expectativas.
Me enfado con Dios porque a lo mejor me prometió algo, y como aún no me lo ha dado, Él es malo.
Me enfado con Dios porque me siento sola y porque no me siento amada.
Pero Él está ahí amándome.
Y me enseña que no importa lo que opina la gente, cuántas amistades tengo, si mi marido es más o menos cariñoso, si en mi trabajo me valoran o no. Lo que importa es que Él está conmigo y que Él está enamorado de mi.
Me cuesta mucho verlo, dudo mucho, pero me acuerdo de esa oveja que, sola, perdida, Él fue a rescatar. A mi me rescata todos los días.
Y si eso no es amor...
"No bien decía: «Mis pies resbalan»,
cuando ya tu amor, Señor, venía en mi ayuda.
Cuando en mí la angustia iba en aumento,
tu consuelo llenaba mi alma de alegría".
Salmo 94:18-19
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x-heesy · 8 months
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WhoooopooP 🇮🇹
I don't sing with autotune
Better I'm with the crew in a blue car
You're shit on live, good on Youtube
They make me Oh, they make you Boo
They say rap is dead
In fact, starting this year they're all doing trap
A bit like those days when I dress like an idiot like Johnny Depp
I'm getting ready for the big gala
I enter with the casquet like Carrà
This club looks like the Maracana
Petrifying cachet like Jerry Calà
'This girl wants me in chains
I have a hole in my heart a crater deep
Milan to drink, I let myself fall
Do you want to make me happy? Can you give it to me to drink?
It's so bad, anyone who talks too much here has a snowball's chance
Call the doctor and receive
Talk about the money he lends to the money he drinks
To the money he owes
Tonight I won't dance
No, I won't dance
You take me as badly as Ballarò
No, I won't dance
Sorry but not today
Have you seen what this shit does to me?
Tonight I won't dance
No, I won't dance
I'm sorry but the party's over
The party's over, the party's over
I do numbers, you count slowly
I'm the guy who breaks your plan
Or did you think I was Montalbano?
Instead Albano died; joke
Have a laugh, now that you're older you're already vaginal
During the day you seemed ill to me
I find you more beautiful but at the end of the evening
I see as Captain Harlock
I smoke, if I get the chance I'll talk
Good morning, I'm already polite
Do you pray to San Gennaro? I am Japanese!
I've loved being away from you and being alone all my life
That's why when the sun comes down
I wear glasses myself at night
And I know I should take a Drake walk
Instead you call me Mandrake
Because I'm a magician and I'll send you on holiday to the lake if I get the verses in one take
Let's go to the beach, like the Righeiras
The music takes off already on the first evening
It consumes me under the sheets in spring
This mask doesn't hide me, it reveals me
I don't dance like Michael, Lebon Simon
Love Is In The Air holding the Baygon
Psycho, a hermit's life
My head hurts, sorry but the party's over
Tonight I won't dance
No, I won't dance
You take me as badly as Ballarò
No, I won't dance
Sorry but not today
Have you seen what this shit does to me?
Tonight I won't dance
No, I won't dance
I'm sorry but the party's over
The party's over, the party's over
@bigbonzo @faccaldo 🇮🇹
La festa è finita by Salmo 🤘🏾����🤘🏾v5.1b
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seguirsuspisadas · 3 months
𝐄𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐯𝐚́ 𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐨́𝐧: 𝐔𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨́𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨 𝟗, 𝟏𝟎
Los Salmos 9 y 10 forman una unidad, posiblemente compuestos originalmente como uno solo. David pudo haber sido el autor original, adaptado luego por Ezequías. Estos salmos expresan lamento, confianza en Dios y súplica. Proféticamente se vislumbra la derrota de los enemigos y la completa eliminación del mal. Se destaca la justicia divina y la victoria final de Jehová.
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mariliva-mello · 2 months
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Salmos 86:10
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promessas-de-deus · 11 months
"nenhum mal te sucederá, nem praga alguma chegará à tua tenda."
— Salmos 91:10
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ritadcsc · 8 months
Ensina-me a fazer a tua vontade, pois tu és o meu Deus; que o teu bondoso Espírito me conduza por terreno plano.
Salmo 143: 10
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me-ensinasersanto · 1 year
Cria em mim um coração puro, ó Deus, e renova dentro de mim um espírito estável.
Salmos 51: 10.
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jesus-e-meu-guia · 1 year
Tu és o meu Deus; ensina-me a fazer a tua vontade. Que o teu Espírito seja bom para mim e me guie por um caminho seguro!
Salmos 143:10
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versiculosbiblicos · 1 year
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cristianismosimples · 10 months
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“Estende o teu amor aos que te conhecem; a tua justiça, aos que são retos de coração”. Salmos 36:10
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aulascomdeus · 5 months
A base do relacionamento com Deus é a obediência que é gerada genuinamente ao ouvir, meditar e praticar os ensinamentos provenientes das Escrituras. Os corações que não se dispõem em conhecer a Palavra e dela adquirir graça, conhecimento, sabedoria e direção, nunca alcançarão a plena alegria da convicção de se estar conhecendo ao Senhor.
10 DE DEZEMBRO: Quanto amo a Tua lei! É a minha meditação todo o dia! (Salmo 119:97)
Aulas com Deus
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spoilergodwins · 1 year
O que agrada a Deus não são cavalos fortes nem soldados corajosos, mas, sim, as pessoas que o temem e põem a sua esperança no seu amor.
Salmos 147: 10-11
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x-heesy · 2 years
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#panicdynamicpandemic #trackoftheday #gifattack #gifmania #moody #edm #electronicmusic #shakewhatyamamagaveya #raaaaven #electroshockboogie @falcemartello 🇮🇹 #dancemfdance #partymusic #lostinmusic #thankslordformusick:
Eventually I managed to make more money than all those motherfuckers
Who licked the teacher's ass at school
To get an extra grade
So you know what I'm telling you?
Fuck you, yeah, man, fuck you
I thank God if we were born poor
I thank the bro if they are still (here)
We are the story on Discovery
When they tell me your name I answer (who?)
Did you know what the kit for the real poor is?
Bitch, drum and beers at Eurosp- (-in)
We are the story on Dispovery
Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor
It's a biased joke when I say "rock"
Live on tiptoe but like the duke in heels
You want to beat the rapper in the checkered suit
But for rap you look like Gianluca Vacchi's son
At Valtur, and you ask me how the tour is going
And parkour, I'm the king like Arthur
But these rappers are sending them all back to work at Carrefour
I have the homemade sound like polenta
I hit and wake up like Lapo Elkann
I was a poor man in the city under the blizzard
Now poverty dreams of me when he falls asleep
You were born lucky even if you did not make a result
And they told you "underrated"
I'm sorry bro, you're just underdeveloped
You are poor when you realize that a truly rich man has no vices
You are rich when you realize that you no longer have any friends (Poor)
I was once poor, now a fairy tale
Yet how is it that it happens to me
Canned food, toilet paper at the table like the real poor?
I thank God if we were born poor
I thank the bro if they are still (here)
We are the story on Discovery
When they tell me your name I answer (who?)
Did you know what the kit for the real poor is?
Bitch, drum and beers at Eurosp- (-in)
We are the story on Dispovery
Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor
(Check it) Check it, try it, you ask me what
I see purple pieces in your thong
What do you get in the area, if you queue
Now that checking baking soda is still in fashion
I'm on your balls because I'm the king
And I turn the beat upside down because I take the trash and then I make it chic
And I make cash with it, even away from the flashes of fashion week
I have a room that looks like a recycling center
It is already a long time that I do not defecate inside
You call me poor but I don't take it
First I'll get it and then I'll sell it to you
And if I want to scratch I can do better than Wolverine
All you need is reproaches
It's not like if you put on a duffle coat you're Sean Connery
We are born gentlemen, we die as poor
Poor, poor, poor
I look around and see a world of the poor
Inside the metropolis, from squares to shelters
They take vacations but don't go on strikes
You are a clone of shit, my imitation, a Lion of Lernia
Press the play button, then ask me: "How does it look to you?"
Do cabaret rap, go to Comedy Central
Life is a bullfight I already know, you want to be a matador
I buy your life but I won't pay for it
No, no, give me the change in Goleador
You don't understand when you come down to the bar
So much ignorance I fill a bazaar
And you who feel like a star
Know that for me you are the new Kendrick Lamar but of the poor
I thank God if we were born poor
I thank the bro if they are still (here)
We are the story on Discovery
When they tell me your name I answer (who?)
Did you know what the kit for the real poor is?
Bitch, drum and beers at Eurosp- (-in)
We are the story on Dispovery
Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor
DISPOVERY CHANNEL (feat. Nitro) by Salmo, Nitro
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