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Sablés will be starting this week off. from a brief google, it seems like sablés and palets are very similar cookies, so my hopes aren't high for me loving this cookie. I again had hot chocolate with this one. I got Les Sablés de La Mére Poulard for these cookies.
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Honestly, these taste almost exactly the same as the palets. Dry and crunchy, with a toasted butter flavor, although these have a faint bit of vanilla flavor as well. They dunk well, but like the palets, they're just not to my taste.
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astipaxvancizbu · 6 months
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Des sablés Batman pour fêter Noël avec les collègues 🦇
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1, 2, 3 et 4 sablés bretons !
🍓🌱 Fraise et basilic  (Sablé breton, chantilly au basilic, palet de confit fraise-basilic, pesto de basilic au miel, fraises fraîches)
🥭🥥 Exotique (Sablé breton, palet de confit et brunoise de mangue à la vanille et citron vert, chantilly à la noix de coco, coco râpée, mangue fraîche et grains de passion)
🍫☕️ Chocolat et café  (Sablé breton aux pistoles de chocolat noir, praliné grains de café et bailey’s, ganache montée chocolat noir, crémeux café, pistoles de chocolats lait et noir)
🌿 Framboise-menthe (Sablé breton, palet de mousse à la framboise, chantilly à la menthe, framboises fraîches, pesto de menthe sucré)
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bergamotefamily · 1 year
Biscuits d'amour - Saint Valentin
Pour la Saint Valentin,je vous propose de réaliser avec vos enfants de petits sablés à la vanille avec des formes originales : des lettres d’amour et des petits amoureux ! Ingrédients : 150 gr de farine 74 g de sucre Une pincée de sel 1 cc de vanille liquide 75 gr de beurre 1 œuf Préparation des biscuits de la Saint Valentin : Dans un récipient, verser la farine, le sucre, le sel, la…
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cecilecoutant · 1 year
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🎀 Spritz 🎀 En attendant Noël on se fait plaisir avec ses gâteaux gourmands 🤤 Recette: -170g de beurre mou -70g de sucre glace -1càc d’arôme vanille -1 blanc d’œuf -200g de farine -1 pincée de sel Préparation : Préchauffer le four à 180•C. Commencer par travailler le beurre au batteur afin qu’il devienne crémeux. Ajouter le sucre glace, le blanc d’œuf et la vanille et continuer de battre. Finir en ajoutant la farine avec la pincée de sel et fouetter jusqu’à ce que la farine soit bien incorporée. Mettre la pâte dans une poche à douille cannelée et réaliser les sablés sur une feuille de papier cuisson. Enfourner environ 15min. Ils doivent être légèrement doré. Laisser refroidir sur la grille. En attendant faire fondre 200g de chocolat (noir ou lait). Tremper un côté de vos biscuits dans le chocolat fondu et le déposer sur une feuille de papier cuisson. Placer au réfrigérateur afin que le chocolat se fige. Déguster 😜 #degustation #enattendant #noel2022 #spritztime #chocolat #spritz #sablés #findannee #pastry #pastrylove #bonapp #gateaux #pocheadouille #miammiam https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWE524j66P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Noël arrive à grands pas avec son florilège de cadeaux. Les éditions @laroussecuisine propose de jolies coffrets pour réaliser ses biscuits de Noël. Mon petit renne à croquer et petit sablé de Noël feront le bonheur des tous petits pour des recettes spéciales goûter enchanté ! #noel #gouter #coffretcadeau #cadeau #biscuit #sablés #laroussecuisine (à Plage De Bananier) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cly09ySIm_g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbagaia · 2 years
Recette des sablés parfumés aux fleurs de fenouil
Recette des sablés parfumés aux fleurs de fenouil
Si comme moi vous êtes un peu gourmand(e) et que vous apprécié le goût de l’anis, cette recette est faite pour vous ! Pour la réaliser, vous aurez besoin d’aller cueillir des fleurs de fenouil sauvage. Il est important de choisir un lieu de récolte éloigné de toute source de pollution. De même, veillez à ne cueillir que la stricte quantité de fleurs dont vous aurez besoin. Cela permettra à la…
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cuisines-du-monde · 2 years
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Une fournée de petits sablés croquants noisette à la cassonade et la cannelle!!! #biscuit #sablés #croquant #noisette #cassonade #cannelle #cinnamon #brownsugar #homemade #mooncakemold #instagram #chilltime #lifeissweet #cutecooking #cutecookies https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfg0zCasjcH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nogarlicnoonions · 2 years
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Remember #grandma? #sablés https://www.instagram.com/p/CfLLhsFI5iR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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republicsglory · 11 months
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stardust cookie's astral guest
so so so the main concept of the fan update
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kitty-n-classe · 1 year
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vsnapdragon · 1 year
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Silly old people
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robespapier · 4 months
For Fouché Friday @tierseta, Fouché savouring a shortbread while the aristocrat in hiding who sold it to him almost shits herself.
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I was informed regularly by Charlotte, with whom this deceiver was back in touch. He was suggesting that, despite his family life, he had never gotten over their broken engagement. But she was very aware that he was only trying to mend his relationship with Robespierre through her. By chance this alert fox came across Mme de Valbreuse and her son, faubourg Saint Marcel. His expert eye immediately detected that this woman, carrying herself elegantly, wasn't confortable at all posing as a street merchant. And this zealous servant of the State went as far as to buy a shortbread biscuit from her. "Brown sugar of this quality is rare!", he noted as he tasted it. He prided himself on never forgetting a face, and was certain he had already seen her somewhere. Wasn't it in the Vendée, from which he was the representative? Mme de Valbreuse did her best to not show any emotion. Nor her or her son had a civic certificate. Moreover she worried that new documents compromising her husband had been found in the iron chest. Fouché was taking his sweet time savouring the biscuit while racking his memory. Would he put a name of Mme Valbreuse's face, that he had indeed met during his political campaign, when he visited Father Frédéric? Luckily for the viscountess, Fouché was expected. He took his leave. But she knew that he would be back soon, having guessed who she was. Ever since, she and her son where staying indoors.
La pensionnaire du bourreau, Olivier Dutaillis (also the book in which Robespierre likes the view from this window on the muscular young men working for Maurice Duplay).
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tamiisnthere · 2 months
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I finally rigged Robert de Sablé, one of my favourite AC villains! 😈
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dyslexic-nitwit · 21 days
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Brewster Sablé
I gotta pick a better sugar cookie recipe next time. They didn’t spread which is what I wanted but the taste is boring
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starbeamssovereign · 16 hours
Can I request a vampire reader x these specific cookies? You don't have to do all of them if it's too much!
Clotted Cream, Affogato, Prune Juice, and Sablé Cookie?
If you're able to or if you're comfy with it, can you make it seem a lil suggestive? If not that's completely fine and I'm sorry for bothering you-
I just really love your writing :(
OMG YES ABSOLUTELY (I can only do suggestive with Affogato and Clotted Cream sorry 😞 and no guys this isn’t the Vampire Cookie we all know)
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Clotted Cream, Affogato, and Sablé Cookie x Vampiric Reader
Summary: It seems that you’ve arranged a deal with a few select individuals. As a vampire, you can’t help but yearn to taste the delectable blood strawberry jam within those feeble cookies. You drink their blood on certain nights, and they can do whatever else with you as their part of the deal. Whether that be asking you questions and gaining knowledge, or more…personal things. Well, let’s just see how this goes! 🤭
TW: Well…vampires. And blood, plus some other random shenanigans. I’m gonna say blood for this set because I feel lazy tryna say strawberry jam
ALSO PRETTY SUGGESTIVE FOR CLOTTED CREAM AND AFFOGATO JUST A BIG WARNING FOR THAT. Expect a bit of whimpering. A lot. A lot of whimpering. More for Affogato cause he a whiny bitch <3
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Clotted Cream Cookie
When you first encounter the poor Consul, it was after a late night of getting berated by his father, Custard Cookie, as well as dealing with documents that would…“Create a better and brighter future for the Republic.” Of course, this was all about the Higher City and new improvements to increase everyone’s wealth and whatnot. Unfortunately, the Lower City never even got a chance to be heard or mentioned. As if it were just…a speck of dust in someone’s shiny new cloak.
So, Clotted Cream was sitting at his desk, looking like he was about to faint at any moment from sleepiness. That is, until he felt a cold, death-kissed hand touching his shoulder, and crimson eyes that stared down at his form with a sweet, fang-filled grin.
“Ah…aha~ slow..down there…you’re going to drain my entire…ngh..being..”
The Consul had whispered in a breathy tone, trying to keep his grip on your hair while you sat on his lap, drinking up his oh-so warm and sweet blood.
It had been several weeks since your first meeting with him. Since then, the two of you exchanged a deal. You drained him of his blood, then patched him up so he could have a time to actually rest and get his stress out. However, this arrangement became…quite complicated.
He had to force himself to stay quiet, otherwise a maid might overhear and think that there was much more going on…even worse if it was a maid who gossips..
Clotted Cream let out another whisper, this time cursing to the Divines as he pulled your hair back, staring at your teeth, stained with his blood. Hell, he could’ve assumed that you just decided to drink too much wine and that you were drunk. Yet, that was not the case. With a little grumble, he allowed your fangs to pierce his sensitive neck once more, the feeling of your tongue lapping up his blood making him feel waves of emotions he couldn’t escape nor explain.
“You’re lucky…I don’t usually let…d- demons..into my lap..”
You merely looked at him and smiled softly, pressing your bloodstained lips to his own, in which he responded by pulling you closer to his lap and moving one of his hands to the small of your back.
Well, it seems that he’s up for something more then just a bit of biting, don’t you think? 😇
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Affogato Cookie
He met you one night while walking in the halls of the Citadel. He could immediately tell by the scarlet in your eyes and the fangs you bared at him in every smile you gave. You were definitely a creature of mystery, but also one of power. Well, he could always get more of that, so why not make an alliance with a vampire? After all, a new powerful puppet in his grasp would be wonderful, would it not?
However, Affogato soon realized that you weren’t happy on settling with mere scraps while you helped him, so some fun revenge was your best option. Your deal with him was much like Clotted Cream’s one: You drank his blood, but this time, Affogato would use you as a pretty little weapon to help take over the throne.
“Oh…~ y/n, please, agh..it’s too much..you’re draining me completely~”
The Royal Advisor whimpered softly while you pinned him down on the table in his room, not bothering to check if any stray droplets of his delightful blood stained the papers he was working on moments ago. You know, for someone as cunning and intelligent as he was, you couldn’t help but notice how…soft and pathetic he looked while getting the rough treatment.
You took a fistful of his hair and he let out a pleading and breathy moan, his body shuddering as you used your other hand to keep him steady, his neck exposed just for you. Affogato could feel your tongue flick out, the appendage trailing from behind his neck to closer by his chest, and he was practically shivering in both fear and pleasure. He could hear you let out a pleased hum, before your teeth sunk into his already soft and tender flesh, the blood trickling down as you created a second bite.
I do want him bent over and whimpering for me thank you, thank you. /j
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Sablé Cookie
(I hc her as being in her early 40’s or late 30’s, making her the youngest Elder there)
Our dearest Sablé met you once while on a midnight stroll, stopping by one of the glorious fountains to admire its shimmering waters under the pale moonlight. It was by a stroke of…well, she wouldn’t call it luck. Or misfortune… But you? You were looking for a new victim. Another life to drain, more blood to spill.
But how could you bloody a body as soft and beautiful as that? Her smile graced the reflection of the fountains, while you merely stared back with a numb and confused gaze. And her voice…she sounded like there was a harmony in every word she spoke, even if she was just infodumping on a new piece of art she planned to work on. It almost felt criminal to you, planning to kill someone so gentle and graceful. Your hunger was stopped abruptly as you considered your options. To either kill, or to…prolong your interactions with her.
“Oh, y/n, dearest…perhaps I might make a new set of paintings, dedicated to this..moment.”
She had whispered to you as you sunk your fangs into her collarbone area, then her shoulder, then finally settling on her neck. You could really be teasing her, or testing which areas would be the best. After your little encounter with Sablé, she had decided to strike a small deal with you. She had been dealing with quite the lack of creativity. She needed something to give her that spark. And so she decided to enlist your help. You drain her blood out, and she’ll try to get ideas from it all.
Currently, she was laying on her bed, your cold body in her arms as you lapped up the blood droplets eagerly. Seeing her face contort into pain, yet she powered through it to please you… now that was something you liked a LOT about her.
Your cold fingers intertwined with her warmer ones, holding her close as you pressed your frigid lips against her collarbone. The blood on your lips acting as a lipstick, staining her glorious body.
Well, she definitely had some ideas on what to paint or sculpt…perhaps you’d like to be her new muse?
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