queen-serena · 3 years
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xlalalandx · 3 years
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Day 17: A Gentle Man - ssskmonth
Source: Ep. 66 from Boruto
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sgrayonderii · 3 years
nom de guerre
SSM21 Day 17: a gentle man
In which some titles are more accurate than others. Samurai-esque AU
It is common knowledge that for a noble title and a swath of land, her mother was sold to a warlord.  
Haruno Sakura had the great misfortune of being born as the daughter of a destitute samurai family. Their master had long been vanquished and their lands long sold to make ends meet. And yet still longed for days yonder. 
But her mother also had the great fortune of being born a beauty, so when the opportunity arose; a passing hegemon looking for a bride, Sakura’s parents took a chance. 
They say that the young warlord was so mesmerized by her mother that he immediately accepted the terms of the expensive bride price and took her as his wife. 
On their wedding day, mother was dressed in her finest robes while her father arrived late in a full suit of blood soaked armor. 
The ceremony itself was a soleum affair. Her parents pledged themselves before the gods and swear to their union.
And so Haruno Sakura becomes Lady Uchiha no Sakura, the wife of Lord Uchiha no Madara.
Sarada has faint memories of her father; more often than not her father is sent to the battlefield and only returns a few days to weeks at a time between campaigns. 
The Uchiha clan is one of the important noble families of the Konoha and known for its long history of bloodthirsty warriors. Her father is no exception. 
Whenever he returns home, Sarada hides behind her mother’s skirt. Her father is an imposing demon-like man, larger than life, and taller than a mountain. Someone more suited for stories and legends than real life. 
They call him a man more fearsome than Susanoo-no-Mikoto itself. So violent, so blood crazed, it is a wonder that Sakura lived as long as she did when a male heir had yet to be born. 
Thankfully, it seems that as a daughter, her father pays very little attention to her. Whenever he returns from the borderlands between here and Oto, he barely spares her a glance. 
However, whenever his eyes meet her mother’s through his helmet, he beckons her over. 
“Sakura,” he commands, voice deep and low, “bring some tea to my quarters.”
Sarada always remembers her mother looking angry but determined then. Sakura dutifully follows her husband into the inner chambers. She doesn’t emerge until late morning.
Sarada is usually having lessons during this time, but one day she sneaks out of her etiquette classes to find her mother. 
She searches almost the entire unusually empty manor before finding Sakura in the kitchen brewing tea. Her mother’s clothes are covered in blood and her hands are covering her tears. 
Sarada has never seen her mother sob so terribly before.
From then on, she decides that her father must be an especially cruel man. 
Whenever her father returns from war, her Papa also comes home. 
Today she finds him on the engawa overlooking the gardens. He is sipping some tea while looking over some scrolls. He appears injured, bandages wrapped around his torso, but otherwise in good health. 
If her father is the devil incarnate, then Sarada’s papa is a handsome devil. 
No wonder her Mama is so taken with him. Sometimes when she is supposed to be asleep, she can hear her Mama fuss over Papa. They hold hands when no one is looking and share secrets no other soul knows. 
Despite the cold manor they reside in, Mama is an affectionate woman at her core and her Papa is receptive to all she has to give. 
And Papa must be someone important too; after all he is allowed to leave and enter from the inner quarters that a normal Uchiha foot soldier could not. 
Sarada pads over to him, he looks up and beckons her closer. 
“Have you been a good girl, little peanut?” 
Sarada scoffs. “ I’m not a nut.” But she holds out her hands anyways. 
Her Papa chuckles and pulls out some dried persimmons from his sleeves. “Don’t tell Sakura.” 
Sarada smiles at their little secret before taking a bite. “What are you reading?” Her Papa allows her to climb onto his lap and drapes the scroll over her. Sarada squints, only understanding a fraction of the words on the paper. She points and reads aloud the characters she recognizes.
“Good girl.” He slips her another dried persimmon.
That is when her mother finds them. 
“Sasuke-kun!” her mama enters the scene in a huff, “I told you to stop that, you’ll ruin her dinner.”
Sarada quickly shoves both persimmons into her mouth. Her papa has the decency to look sheepish. 
“You can’t keep spoiling her like that! She is going to get an upset stomach!” Sakura continues.
“Do you want me to spoil you too?” 
Her mama sputters, all red and flustered. Her hands move to cover her flaming cheeks.
Sarada meanwhile uses the distraction to hold out her hands for another treat. Her gentle papa instead leans down and kisses her forehead.
For the past year, her father and his retainers had been defending the borders between Oto and Konoha. After the dissenters were finally defeated, a grand celebration is held in her father’s honor. 
She remembers that her father was hailed as the second coming of Madara, the legendary clan head from the distant past. The comparison is uncanny, both bloodthirsty and merciless but dauntless in the face of adversary. Soon it becomes her father’s mantle; Lord Uchiha no Madara, the slayer of the Orochi. 
Sarada hadn't been invited to the banquet due to her age but that night she is much too excited to sleep. She has never seen so many people gathered in one place in her life. And even though her father’s presence makes her nervous, she loves the tales about his exploits. 
The banquet hall is rowdy and the envoy’s drunken singing could be heard from down the halls. The fuzzy silhouettes of her father’s soldiers line the banquet hall, she has a hard time making out who is who. Everything is quite blurry even with the multiple lanterns.
The only one Sarada could identify for sure is her mother. Sakura’s features are distinct, like a lone flower against the night sky. Her mother sits obediently at the head of the table beside the man that is her father. 
He has forsaken armor this time, but there is still a sword at his side. From the distance, her father doesn’t look particularly like he was enjoying the festivities. 
He appears bored. Perhaps his blood is not used to peace, after all a beast belonged in the wild and a warrior to the battlefield. 
Sakura every once and a while would refill her father’s sake cup or serve him more of the feast in front of him. Occasionally, when her mother would lean over and her father would whisper something into her ear. 
Her mama would stiffen and her face would become strained. At first Sarada can’t make out the expression, until a small smile blooms on her mama’s visage. 
Sarada goes to bed soon after, not quite understanding their interactions. 
Her earliest memory of Papa is halfway past her fourth year. 
Father had been back for a few days now, not that she had really seen him. And to be perfectly honest, her father is a scary man and she would rather not run into him. 
But Sarada is also curious so she puts on a brave face and finds herself outside her mother’s quarters.
Peering through the crack in the paper screen door, Sarada spots her mother’s figure and a man she doesn’t recognize. 
Her mama is leaning on the man’s shoulder while he serves her sake with his free hand. Back then, Sarada found it a strange role reversal that a man dressed in such luxurious robes was pouring her mama a drink. 
Sarada has seen some men in her father’s army throw a tantrum when a pretty lady wouldn’t attend to them. Even Sakura during official functions knows to serve her father first before anyone else can even eat.
But this man sat with her mama so nonchalantly and closely, breaking tradition as if it was nothing!
Her shock was audible to where her mother and the man turned to see her crouched by the entryway. 
Sarada felt as if she interrupted a private moment, but man’s expression morphed into something soft and Sakura giddily rushes over to pick her up. 
“Sarada! Come, come! Papa is here, see?” Sakura hands her over the stranger’s awaiting arms. She doesn’t want to leave her mama’s embrace but the man’s is just as warm. 
“Hello little peanut, have you been good while I was away?” 
How is she supposed to answer him? She opts for a nod and reaches for the familiarity of her mother.
“It’s alright, she probably isn’t used to my face.” He leans over regardless and kisses her mother’s forehead. Then he looks Sarada straight in the eye. “I am you papa.” 
Sarada thinks she likes this ‘Sasuke-kun,’ this Papa. Someone so kind to her mother can’t be a bad man. 
As she gets older, Sarada becomes privy to the rumors about the current acting head of the Yamanaka clan. How her son looks nothing like her deceased husband but has the same eyes as the court painter. 
And Sarada has her own theories about her mama and the man that is her papa.
She just hopes that her father never finds out. 
Even though her mother is essentially the lady of the house, Sarada still hears whispers of her lineage. Even more so now that Sarada begins wearing glasses. 
Before her father leaves for his next campaign, he gives Sakura his inkan. 
As the wife of the lord, Sakura officially acts as his surrogate in any official business even if some of the family retainers aren’t happy about it. 
Fortunately, many would rather swallow their pride that incur her father’s wrath. 
All except one. 
Uchiha no Shin, a rather minor branch clan member, always disapproved of her father and even more so now that he left his wife in charge of the estate in his absence. 
It all comes to a head when Sakura denies him funding for a rather ill thought out building project. 
“You dirty wench! ” 
Sarada can hear the screams from her room. She rushes to the scene. Sakura is still standing her ground when she arrives. 
“I don’t see any benefit in this strategy and I doubt my dear lord husband would either.” 
“What do you know?! You are nothing but a plaything you stupid bitch, I’ll teach you some manners!” Shin chooses that moment to raise his hand at her mother. 
Sarada feels the anger seep into her bones but her mother chooses that moment to retaliate and punch Shin square in the face herself. 
Shin falls back unceremoniously. Sarada is slack jawed. 
“How dare you!” he seethes. Shin tries to get up only for another person to rush to her mother’s aid. 
Shin’s screams are agonizing and it takes Sarada a moment to realize that not only had her father returned, but he had drawn his sword and stabbed it clean through Shin’s arm, effectively pinning it to the tatami. 
Sarada blinks once. Twice. 
“Are you alright Sakura?” Her father, her papa asks, completely ignoring their screaming relative. 
Sakura nods and he turns to her as well “Are you okay Sarada?” his voice deep and low but the same kind cadence up close as her beloved papa.
Suddenly her father’s mysterious and distant features that were always hazy to her meld with the papa in front of her now.  
Sarada adjusts her glasses. She feels really stupid in that moment. 
This time, Sarada is invited to the banquet. 
It’s an annual harvest festival and her father is the guest of honor. The local leaders once again announce him as ‘Lord Uchiha no Madara’ much to his chagrin. 
“I really hate when they call me that.” Sasuke tells them later when the food is being served and drinks are flowing freely. Sakura is on one side while Sarada is on the other. Habitually he is discreetly putting any sweets that make it his way and the tenderest pieces of meat onto their plates. 
“Anata,” with time Sarada notices that her mother only ever uses this term in public when her father needed more placating than usual, “they are just just in awe of how great you are!”
“I wish they had chosen something different, Madara was such a pain in the ass.” 
“Sasuke-kun!” Her mother tries to be scandalized but can’t help but devolve into a fit of giggles. 
As her father continues to look on adoringly at his wife, Sarada can’t help but agree with him. 
A name like that is unfitting of her gentle papa. 
A/N: Happy Sasusaku month 2021! My brain is mush right now so excuse the multitude of grammatical errors. Thank you for reading!
And just to note in historical Japan, men tended to change their names depending on significant life events. For example, Minamoto no Yoshitsune's childhood name was Ushiwakamaru.
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kishillaa · 3 years
SSM21 Day 17: A Gentle Man
Sakura had to bite her lips when she sees an ebony boy lean against the hospital wall; his hands shoved deep in his pockets of his shinobi pants, one leg is bend for its to stay on the wall while the other one stand to hold his weight. He looks rather tired, especially with bandage wrapped neatly around his head where his forehead protector usually be. She sighs as she approached him. He's too good looking for his own good.
As if sensing her presence – or was it shinobi thing? Maybe Sasuke mentioned about it before? Chakra signature was it? — he turns his head to her. He push himself off the wall and face her as if to greet her coming his way.
"Hey." She said, smiling. "I heard you're here."
Sasuke shrugs, "Yeah, caught minor wound on our way back."
"Let me see." She's already reaching up to his wrapped head, putting light pressure where she saw small blood make itself known just above his ear.
"How did it happen?"
Sasuke scoff lightly, and Sakura knows he purposefully dif to avoid telling her it's not for her to know, "It's nothing serious. Come on, your shift ended half an hour ago. I'll walk you home."
Sakura fight back a grin as she nodded at him. He wasn't usually in the village, always busy with his confidential shinobi or ANBU mission, but when he is, he do every thing he missed out with her since they started this, whatever it is, few months ago.
"Have you eaten?" Sakura asked, as he leads her out of the lobby of the hospital, walking side by side.
Sasuke shakes his head, "And neither do you."
Sakura close her mouth with her hand as she laughs. He always knew, "That's true."
They walk together under the dark starless night, with Sakura looking up the sky and him ahead of their route, "So, was it a success again this time?" She asked, as she peaked at him.
"You could say that." He wears his ANBU gear, so it must be a bad stuff –as to what he said– so Sakura refrain herself asking for more.
"How was your shift?" He asked, didn't even try to hide the fact that he was blatantly staring at her.
Grinning, Sakura bounced herself so she's few step ahead of him before she turns around to face the pretty face Sasuke, while walking backwards with Sasuke following with his slow pace towards her.
"It was pretty good. Quite few new experiences. And I actually went through one surgery with a medic nin." She went on, "After all this time, I was still astonished what a ninja medic can do. There's only a handful things civilian doctor does."
"You're already great at your job, Sakura." He had said, "Though, I'm sure you'd be an okay ninja. I can't fully detect your chakra since you don't use it at all, but they are very warm, tame and quite stable. A medic nin will be a good choice if you decided to be a ninja."
Sakura hands clasped behind her back as she stop her pace and leans towards him, "If I chose to become a ninja years and years ago, do you think you and I will be in the same class in the academy together?"
Sasuke however raised an eyebrow at her question. "Probably." He said, playing along.
Satisfied that he did, Sakura's grin widen, "Do you think you'll like me when we're in the academy? Developing a crush maybe?"
Sasuke's face reveal a tiny amused smirk, "No,"
"And why is that?" Sakura tilted her head, frowning at his confident no.
Sasuke shrugs his shoulders, "I'm sure you're the one who will having a crush on me, join all those fangirls fawning over me, shamelessly ask for dates and for a seat next to me–"
Sakura makes an odd face as she cuts him off, "They did that?" She's quite impressed actually, if they went that extend for her good looking boyfriend (?)
"Still do." He replied nonchalantly, moving forward as he gently tug Sakura's arm to walk beside him.
"They do? Why didn't I know about this?" She asked as her feet fall beside him.
Sasuke rolls his eyes at her, "It doesn't matter."
"Because you like me, right? Right?" She was hopeful as she asked him. She didn't go to the same school Sasuke went, and she wasn't in the village for few years back either, so she doesn't really know people their age.
Sasuke Uchiha is always a tease when it comes to Sakura Haruno, so he smirked at her, "Maybe."
Sakura narrows her eyes at him before she turns her head away to the other direction, decided to dismiss his teasing manner and continue on to her game, "Do you think we will chosen to be in the same team, what do you call that? Genin was it?"
"Ahh." He responded.
"Genin team." She let out a short chuckle, "So cute, don't you think? What did you say your Jounin instructor was?"
"Hatake Kakashi."
Smiling ruefully, she asks, "Do you think he will like me? And your other teammate? I mean, we're going to become a team, I'm sure we will at least tolerate each other."
She doesn't realized it when her companion frown as he look down at her, "I think the dobe will have a crush on you. Kakashi will be neglecting you in training, but will be very fond of you, I'm sure."
"I thought you said your sensei doesn't like Ami." Sakura reminded.
"That's Ami. She's very aggravating, and a handful. You, in the other hand is brilliant, and Kakashi likes those who ask questions, and that's what you always do."
Sakura had to grin in content at Sasuke's subtle compliment of her, "He has many reasons to like me then. How about the other male teammate of yours. He's the blonde boy right, your best friend? Naruto?"
"Ahh." he said, and stop at Ichiraku, a ramen shop. "He liked ramen a little too much."
Sakura laughed, "Really, now? Is this where you often found him?"
"Hnn." He paused, "If I didn't know he has mission today, I'll be avoiding this place at all cost."
"Why bring me here, then?"
"It's the closest from the hospital."
"Alright, then."
Sasuke nodded at her as he pulls up the shop curtain for her to get in.
Smiling at his chivalrous manner, Sakura get in as he follows suit. They take a seat on the stool and order their food.
"This is actually good." She moans in satisfaction as she tasted the ramen. "Why haven't you bring me here before, Sasuke-kun?" She asked as Sasuke nod at the owner when he handed Sasuke's order.
"I've had a little too much of this. And plus, we hardly go out together for me to bring you anywhere."
"That's true." Sakura said, nodding her head as she feeds more of the ramen into her mouth. It didn't take long for her to finish her first bowl.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "Do you want another one?"
Biting her lips, Sakura nodded shyly and so they order another bowl of ramen for her, "Naruto will be delighted knowing you like this."
"Ahh, we should bring him together next time then?" she suggested, "Maybe your sensei too? How about your brother and that charming cousin of yours? And your smoking friend?"
Sasuke rolls his eyes at her, "Yeah, bring the whole village here if you'd like."
Sakura burst out laughing at his sarcastic response, playfully smack his arm. They chatted a few more as Sakura finishes her second bowl. When Sasuke ask her if she wanted a third one, she shakes her head while patting her stomach, "I'm so full."
He pays for their food before they left, quickly shove the money to Teuchi before Sakura could retrieve hers.
"You don't have to pay mine." Her forehead scrunch in displease.
"I already did." Sasuke replied nonchalantly shrug his shoulder making Sakura rolls her eyes as they walk to the direction of her house. The walk to her house wasn't silence with Sakura constant chatter, which Sasuke has started to like. It's way better than Naruto's too loud and bright presence.
"Thank you for walking me home. And for the ramen. We absolutely need to go back there." She said, hands clasped at her back as she beams while she looks up at him.
Sasuke shoved his hands in his pants pockets while nodding, "If you like."
Sakura giggles at him before she rose on her toes to place a chaste kiss over his lips, "You're so cute."
He rolls his eyes, "Go up now, I'll wait."
"Such gentle man aren't you, Sasuke-kun. Good night." She chuckles as she turns around, raise her hand up for a good bye and walk up the stairs to her home.
True to his word, Sasuke wait until he heard a door closed, and her room light up for him to walk away, though he still look up at the window of her room while walking.
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