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quirkyskeleclown · 3 years
what’re your fav ducktales headcanons??
okay so! I don't exactly have any fav headcanons, however, being the Gyro stan I am, I do have quite a few Gyro headcanons, along with some lgbt headcanons so I'll give you those!
-Trans Gyro!!
-bc of Gyro now team science listens to Vocaloid in the lab
-Gyro was adopted by Scrooge
-Gyro is like another cousin to the duck cousins
-Gyro and LP were childhood best friends
-Gyro used to live in Duckburg, moved to Tokyolk, and moved back
-Gyro went to college in Tokyolk, that's where he met Dickie and Daisy (like in Ducks on the Road)
(I actually have a bunch of hcs about Gyro's past and childhood if anyone's interested)
Trans Gay Gyro
Bi Fenton
Genderfluid Bi José
Trans Pan Panchito
Trans Bi LP
Trans Bi Drake
Demi-Boy AroAce Boyd
Trans Bi Donald
Lesbian Della
Lesbian Penny
Enby Fethry
Bi Gladstone
Lesbian M'ma Cabrera
so yeah there you go there's some headcanons of mine!
(everyone is valid and everyone's hcs are valid!!!)
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bugsongs · 6 years
First impression: gay bird!! and funny, because i loved that he had to pull out cards bc scrooge knew he can’t be trusted to talk to the board
Impression now: ronnie like you didn’t give me Loving Gyro disease.. i love him of course ! i’m really into characters who are rude/mean and gay it’s a really good combo and i love it in gyro because i think it has a lot of potential in a lot of directions! and i’m excited to see him more in the show and how he’ll change.
Favorite moment: okay he has so many good ones. i like when he gives lil bulb to louie and he tells lb not to rise up against his masters and covers it up with “ha! just a little... robot humor!” and then does the i’m watching you gesture at him too! gyro has so many genuinely funny moments and hes so dramatic i love him
Idea for a story: gyro opening up!!! in pretty much any way to pretty much any other character... he’s got the potential for a lot of good dynamics and friendships he just has to get his head out of his own ass!!!
Unpopular opinion: idk whats unpopular bc i follow a lot of gays who like him but. he’s good and not malicious!! dt has a whole point that just bc someone is weird/different/eccentric doesn’t make them bad. gyro obviously has to learn how to interact with people and Make Friends but being mean doesn’t make him evil
Favorite relationship: i think it’s p obvious that gyro and fenton are going to spend a lot of time together now that they’re coworkers, and i’m suuuuper excited to see how that plays out cuz their personalities and strengths could work really well together but they both gotta learn some shit and be mature. also i’ve seen gyro/launchpad and gyro/fethry and i just think those are so valid and neat
Favorite headcanon: i’m not even counting gay/trans as a hc since we all just Know That so another fave is that he grew up on a farm, or at least someplace really rural! which i like bc it lines up with a bunch of other headcanons about backstory and stuff
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