crimescrimson · 9 months
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James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2 compared to Silent Hill 2 Remake
Silent Hill 2 (2001) | Silent Hill 2 (2023) [1 2 3]
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proxxifoxxi · 2 days
The reviews are in! Stream Was Bad
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thinking about the silent hill 2 remake too hard and i feel like its weird that literlly no one is talking about the vocal performances. Something i feel like people dont realize when talking about the style or vibes of the original team silent games is the fact that the voice actors for the games were largely unknown, not only that but they are extremely amateurish and some parts of their performance come off strange but at the same time extremely realistic. A large part of why i say this is i keep thinking about james and his original voice, guy cihi was basically plucked off the street since he was only auditioning for the part because he brought his daughter to audition for laura and thought oh what the heck ill audition for this guy and got the part (funniest thing is his daughter didnt lmao... sorry girl) but that amateurishness is something they would never do in this remake or even currently because everything has to sound so official, its part of the reason the 'new voices' dub in the hd remake sound so off is because of how generic and official they sound i mean they got nolan north to do james the like #1 voice actor for games guy. I feel like especially combined with the actual physical performance of james in the trailer it really seems like they are erasing alot of the personality from the original games, i mean that one scene with james yelling and hitting the ground is downright embarrassing, the whole point of his character is that hes extremely bristly and subdued, hes repressing basically any emotion and thats WHY silent hill gets to him, because now he cant run away from his past anymore, meanwhile in the sh2make hes been made into generic protagonist who totally loved his wife and is DESTRPYED that shes gone #102 this isnt even touching on my thoughts on how every single adaptation of sh2 is likely to be extremely sympathetic towards james and completely miscontrue the purpose of maria and mary and make it a completely black and white issue but its fine i might make another post about that tbh
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witchblade · 2 years
he pulled the james sh2make face reading chat
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dvalshock · 2 years
the comedy of the type of posts I reblogged for sh2make versus the type of posts I reblogged for re4make
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