#River Marie Lake
sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch 31 A Night to Remember
Ao3 Link
“We need help! We need Vendel!” Jim yelled trying to carry Barbara to the Heartstone where Vendel’s study resided.
The trolls began to grow restless seeing another human. Mom collapsed, breath coming in short gasps and she held onto her neck.
“Someone get Vendel!” I yelled, rushing to Jim and mom, magic flowing as I bypassed my own wounds and tried to stabilize her. “It’s going to be okay mom.”
Claire called out to Jim as she and the others came to investigate the commotion.
“What happened?” Blinky asked as he kneeled next to us, taking in mom’s state.
“Strickler got hurt, and I can’t heal this,” Snarling, I pulled my magic back, whatever that damned spell did making it impossible for me to heal mom.
Draal helped Strickler out of the car, knowing if we left him to the other trolls, he’d be dead.
One of the larger trolls growled, trying to reach past Draal for Strickler. “The changeling! Let’s crush him”
Draal’s mechanical arm latched onto the troll’s fist, letting out an ear-splitting roar in his face.
“Stop!” Vendel’s voice cut through the chaos, “You will refrain from killing the changeling, unless you want to be responsible for killing not only the Trollhunter’s mother, but Lady River’s guardian.”
The angered trolls slowly stepped away from Strickler, allowing Draal to escort him to Vendel. “I’ve got this one,” he grumbled, taking Strickler to the examination dwell.
“Quickly, Blinkous, help them with their mother,” Vendel ordered, rushing deeper into the Heartstone.
Blinky carefully picked mom up, wincing as the movement caused her to cry out. “You’re going to be okay Barbara.”
Mom stared up at Blinky’s face, in confusion, “Mr. Blinky?” Her head rolled back as she finally lost consciousness.
“Can Vendel fix this?” Claire asked, as we all rushed to the examination dwell with Blinky.
Frowning, I looked down at my hands, even in my troll form they were still covered in blood from my attack on Angor Rot. “I can’t heal her. No matter how much magic I push into the wound it does nothing.”
“It’s not your fault or error, Lady River,” Blinky sighed as we entered the Heartstone chambers. “Due to the nature of this curse, Barbara’s only hope is to break the spell that entwines her fate with Strickler’s.”
“Here,” Vendel stopped our group, having already ushered Strickler in. “I must treat them both, careful now.” He slowly took mom from Blinky’s arms, careful not to jostle her.
Draal joined us at the steps leading into the healing chamber, settling down to one side of the entrance. Glancing at my hands he made mention of the untreated wounds.
No one was willing to speak. Jim and I alternated pacing, while the other took up spots on either side of the chamber entrance. As I was pacing, I kept shifting in and out of my troll form. The blast I used against Angor Rot had taken up quite a bit of my mana, on top of the magic I used during the car chase and trying to heal mom, there wasn’t enough to power the collar. Hours into shifting back and forth, I finally collapsed on the steps with Draal, stuck in troll form.
Draal carefully took my bloody hands and began cleaning them. Carefully removing the blood and debris from the stone-like flesh. Once clean, it was easy to see the damage had gone further than my palms, lined where burnt flesh had been in my human form barely stopped under my elbows. Sighing softly, Draal carefully bandaged each arm, making sure he didn’t chip more flesh.
After hours longer, Vendel emerged with Strickler who was now sporting an arm sling.
“Vendel!” Jim ran to the elder troll, worried at only seeing Strickler. “How’s mom?”
Vendel sighed, “She is resting, keeping her in the Heartstone chambers is aiding to ease her pain.”
“We need to break the spell, Blinky said her life depended on it,” Jim pointed out, hoping Vendel could do it.
Vendel nodded slowly, glancing at Blinky, “I agree with his assessment. She cannot properly heal while still bound to the Changeling,” he cleared his throat, “Unfortunately, this is Gumm-Gumm magic, and thus I don’t know the proper incantation. That is also why River’s healing was ineffective.”
Growling, I stood carefully. “You might not, but Strickler does.”
Arrrgh and Toby kept Strickler cornered as I approached. He flinched back, eyes going wide at the murderous snarl splitting my face. He put his uninjured arm up defensively, “I don’t have it,” Arrrgh growled, looming over Strickler, “with me! It’s in the Book of Ga’huel. In my office.”
“Let’s go,” I stepped back from Strickler barely making it to Jim before dropping to my knees, completely exhausted. “I might have to sit this one out.”
Draal rushed to me, carefully picking me up to sit in his stone arm. “You overdid it, at least we’re in Trollmarket this time.”
“It’s probably for the best River,” Toby piped up, grinning. “That crazy psychopath will be there.”
Jim groaned, “I forgot about Angor Rot!”
Toby tilted his head in confusion, “Uh, no. Coach Lawrence! It’s the Spring Fling Dance and he’s gonna be roaming the halls.”
Jim winced, turning to Claire, “The Spring Fling. I’m sorry, Claire.”
She shook her head smiling, “Your mom’s life is more important than some stupid high school dance.”
Jim sighed, holding her hand, “I know, but I was looking forward to our stupid dance.”
Groaning, I leaned against Draal’s shoulder, “yeah, okay. I really should sit this one out then. Will you two be okay?”
Claire nodded, pulling Toby to her as she activated the Shadow Staff. “We’ll be fine. Just need to get into Strickler’s office and grab the incantation.”
“You must go now, we don’t have the luxury of time,” Vendel urged.
Claire opened a portal, pulling Toby and herself through and closing it behind her.
Arrrgh glared at Strickler, “What about the Changeling?” Nudging him forward carefully, so as to not hurt mom.
Vendel glared at him, pointing further into the depths of Trollmarket, “Throw him in the hold for now. We can’t risk him trying to run away.”
Arrrgh and Blinky escorted Strickler away, careful not to harm him.
“Come now,” Vendel waved us into the healing chamber where mom was resting. “I’m sure you want to be with her.”
Jim nodded, “Let’s go Draal,” he smiled at us, following closely behind Vendel.
Draal kept a bit of distance, nuzzling my hair. “Are you alright?  You haven’t used that much magic since the change.”
I flexed my hands slowly, careful of the bandages he had wrapped over the wounds. “I’ll be okay, just need some rest.” A frown fell over my face thinking back to the ambush.
Draal smooshed his mouth against my cheek, cutting through my thoughts. “You’re worrying.”
Smiling, I pushed his face away to look up at him, “Reading me like a book now?”
Smirking, he nuzzled carefully into the palm pushing him back. “Not exactly a hard read. Well,” he chuckled, having heard all of Toby’s arguments for my denseness, “not for me at least.”
Carefully slipping off of his arm, I pulled him into a tight hug. “Worried about dad, he stayed behind to hold Angor off. It’s been hours and we haven’t heard anything from him.”
Draal hummed, running his mechanical hand over my hair. “He’s one of the strongest Changelings I’ve ever met. If anyone stands a chance fighting Angor it’s him. He may be lying low now that it’s night again.”
“True, Angor was focused on following after us. If he’s running around on the surface now, staying hidden is probably safest.” Smiling, I tugged Draal into the room mom was resting in as Vendel walked out.
“She’s awake at the moment, careful though,” he sighed, looking over to where mom was speaking with Jim. “She’s very weak and may be in a fragile state.”
Nodding, I slowly approached the slab she was resting on, Draal staying close just in case my legs gave out again.
Mom spotted me before Jim, smiling through the pain. “There you are, Jim was explaining your camping trip.” Either her eyesight was worse than I thought without her glasses, or she was taking my troll form in stride.
“You told her about Gatto’s Keep?” I asked in surprise, glancing at Jim. “Not exactly the easiest mission.”
“Right,” she turned her head carefully, trying not to aggravate her wound. “What about Steve crashing his Vespa?”
Jim winced, “Um, vulture troll.”
“Those are immune to sunlight,” I explained, seeing the gears working in her mind at the time of day the accident happened.
Mom shifted, seeing Blinky and Arrrgh enter, staying near the entrance with Draal. “Your guidance counselor?”
“Blinky,” Jim smiled. Blinky might just be his favorite troll to talk about. “He does give a lot of guidance.”
“And he was helping with everything you talked about,” I smiled softly, Blinky had in fact helped me find out more about my mother than anyone else, other than Garridan.
Mom winced, trying to process everything. “I just,” shaking her head slowly. “Neither of you should be putting yourselves in danger like this.” Eyeing my bandaged hands, she continued, “I’m your mother. I protect you. Both of you. That’s the deal.”
“We’re fine, mom.” Jim tried to reassure her. “You don’t need to protect us. I think this is what we were meant to do.” The amulet, responding to Jim’s resolve, activated, the armor appearing. Jim frowned looking down to their clasped hands, “We should’ve told you sooner. I should’ve told you sooner. Maybe, none of this would’ve happened.”
I grasped his shoulder tightly, knowing he was blaming himself for mom’s state. If we had told her, would things be much different?
Carefully, mom lifted her hand to the amulet in the armor. “You’re supposed to be able to tell me anything.” The armor dispersed at her touch, the amulet falling onto Jim’s lap.
“We shouldn’t have lied, you deserved to know what was going on,” I spoke up, taking her hand carefully.
“Jim, River,” Vendel’s voice cut in as he entered the chambers again. “A word please.”
I nodded, carefully getting up and letting Jim have another moment with mom as I headed to Vendel. “Is everything okay?”
“Did Claire and Toby get the book?” Jim asked as he joined us.
Letting out a sigh, Vendel shook his head. “They have yet to return. Though, I’m afraid we have a new problem.”
“What’s going on?” This didn’t sound good, at all.
Vendel motioned for us to follow him, leading us out to the hold. “Your changeling teacher is refusing to undo the binding spell.”
“What?!” Snarling, my eyes began to glow as rage set in. If we saved him just to watch mom die, I’d find a way to resurrect him and tear his head off.
Jim grabbed my shoulder before I could push past him. “We’ll talk with him.”
Nodding stiffly, I let Jim take the lead, trying to reign in my emotions.
When we reached the entrance of the hold, Jim summoned the armor and Daylight. Gaze harsh as we stormed inside to find Strickler sitting in the middle of the stone floor, cowering from the trolls sent to guard him.
“Jim!” He yelped, relieved for a moment. Glancing between our faces, his relief morphed into fear.
“What do you mean, you won’t undo the binding spell?” Jim growled out, grip tightening on Daylight. “I thought you care about our mother!”
“I do,” Strickler admitted with a sigh, glancing down at his hands. “Much to my surprise, and quite deeply too.” He finally lifted his head to look Jim in the eye. “In fact, I might even,” Jim cut him off.
“Do not finish that sentence!” He snarled, “If you actually cared about her, you would undo the spell.”
“And then what?” Strickler glared at the trolls guarding him. “You see my predicament, Young Atlas. I have my own interests to consider here.”
“Staying alive,” I cut in, glaring at my former teacher. “You’re scared of breaking the binding spell because every troll here wants you dead. After everything you put us through, we would have nothing holding us back from tearing you apart.”
Jim seemed to consider this for a moment before sheathing Daylight. “I won’t harm you. I promise.”
The trolls snarled, not liking the deal Jim was making.
“And your troll friends?” Strickler remarked. “They have no love for me, as my present confinement demonstrates. And you?” Strickler glowered as he stood, careful of his injured arm. “What’s to stop you from throwing me to the wolves the second my connection with your mother is severed?”
“It’s called ‘honor.’ I don’t expect you to understand it.” Jim quipped, standing between Strickler and I.
“Fair enough,” Strickler flinched back, “but you can understand my reluctance.”
“Once you break the binding spell, you’re free to go. No strings attached.” Jim declared, “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I give you my word.”
“You have our word,” I stepped up, eyeing the disgruntled trolls. “Our allies will not harm you. Human, troll, changeling, or familiar.”
Strickler stared at us for a moment, carefully weighing our words, before sticking his uninjured arm to Jim. As Jim went to take his hand, the wound on Strickler’s neck flared causing him to collapse in pain.
Rushing to his side, Jim and I carefully helped him to stand.
“You’ve given me much to consider, Young Atlas. Lady Mordred.” Strickler spoke, clenching his teeth as the pain persisted.
“Let’s go, the Heartstone might ease your pain,” I summoned Midnight, using it to help me walk back as Jim and Strickler followed me to the healing chamber.
Vendel met us at the entrance, ushering us in quickly. “She’s not doing well.”
Jim and Strickler rushed to her side. I stayed close to Draal, still exhausted from our ambush and the resulting chase.
A few moments of quiet broke into footsteps rushing towards us. Draal pulled me away from the entrance, worried the trolls were angered that Strickler was no longer locked up and decided to take him forcefully.
Garridan burst into the chamber, troll form looking ragged and exhausted. He was clutching a book carefully. “This,” he held out my mother’s grimoire. “When Angor left, it began to glow.”
I pushed past Draal and almost tackled Garridan, relief flooding my system. “Dad!”
Garridan sagged slightly in the hug, using the arm that wasn’t holding the book to hug me. “I’m alright, just tired. I think you need this.”
Pulling back after a moment, I took the grimoire, opening to the glowing page. “It’s another healing spell?”
Garridan nodded to mom and Strickler. “It may help them.”
“But, it’s a curse,” I tried to explain, knowing the incantation Vendel taught me didn’t work.
Vendel approached us, “May I see the book?”
Nodding quickly, I handed over the grimoire. Why would I need another healing spell?
“This is Gumm-Gumm magic,” he explained, reading over the incantation. “They don’t have healing spells, all this will do is ease the pain enough for,” he paused. “Draal, get a piece of Heartstone, I don’t care if you have to cut it off. River, come.” He turned, leading me over to mom and Strickler.
“Why is there a Gumm-Gumm spell in mom’s grimoire?” I asked, following Vendel, sitting next to mom where Strickler was standing.
“As I was saying,” Vendel set the book on the slab. “This spell is used to ease the pain of a wound, allowing the injured Gumm-Gumm to continue fighting. It masks the pain enough for strength to return to their body.”
My eyes went wide, looking over the script. “This could help mom fight the effect of the curse?”
Vendel nodded, “You need to unlock more mana, that’s why I had Draal get a piece of the Heartstone. Trolls rely on the Heartstone for sustenance, you however, are able to draw magic directly from it.”
Draal returned with a piece of Heartstone that was almost as big as Jim. “This was the smallest chunk I could get without causing damage.”
Nodding, Vendel instructed him to set it near me. “This may cause the wounds to flare up as you’ll be pulling and using quite a bit of mana for this.” He explained, worried about the wounds covering my arms.
“No,” mom croaked out, weakly grabbing the bandaged arm closest to her. “You’re already hurt because of me. I’ll be okay.”
Frowning, I held her hands carefully. “Mom, what would you do if you had a patient that was critically injured and you had the tools and ability to help them?”
She sighed, laying her head back, “I’d do everything in my power to help them.”
Leaning over, I kissed her forehead, just like she used to do when she would treat scrapes Jim and I got as children. “I’m a healer, it might not be modern medicine, but I learned how to take care of my loved ones from you. Please, let me help.”
Smiling softly, I could see the understanding in mom’s eyes as she nodded, “Okay.”
Setting her hands to her sides, I stood carefully and approached that giant chunk of Heartstone. “I know it didn’t last time but, this one isn’t going to explode, right?” I asked Vendel, referring to the mana crystals on my 19th birthday and when I helped him transfer the gravity cure to Toby’s Warhammer.
“No, that was an unfortunate response to your magic fluctuating,” he explained quickly, taking one of my hands and setting it palm flat on the stone. “This time, focus on the magic flooding your mana pools.”
I closed my eyes, letting the room fade away as I tapped into my mana. As the darkness finally consumed my mind, lava-like pools slowly appeared, along with the Heartstone chunk I was holding. There was still so much untapped magic.
Breathing deep, I focused on pulling the magic to me from the crystal. For a moment it seemed to be working, but the more I pulled from the crystal, I realized I wasn’t exactly absorbing it. A giant bubble of pure magic floated on my palms.
I walked to one of the lava pools and tried depositing it there, but it seemed to just float on top. This didn’t make sense. If all of this was my mana, why couldn’t I tap into it now? Why can’t I add this to the pools?
“This way,” a soft voice called out from further down the pools.
Confused, I quickly turned, only to see a soft blue glow. It began to move further into the darkness where the pools’ flow started to choke off. I took off running after it, following it further into the darkness.
The blue glow began to circle something in the distance. “Here, Moonlight,” the voice called out again.
Slowing as I finally approached it, I could make out the outline of a woman. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
The woman looked like the Trollhunter’s of the void, was she a spirit? Turning to face me she smiled softly. “It’s been a while my little moonlight.”
I almost dropped the bubble of magic at the sight. The woman looked like me, but not quite. She was older, wearing a simple renaissance styled dress. “Ganieda? Mom?”
Ganieda nodded, “It seems Sylvina was able to keep you safe, though,” she looked towards the mana pools, “it seems sealing your magic caused more problems than we anticipated.”
“How? Dad said you died,” I couldn’t tell if I was on the verge of laughing hysterically or crying, maybe both.
“Not exactly. You regained some of your memory from the battle it seems.” Sighing softly, she waved her hand, memories pulling to us as if we were in the void. She watched the memory I had of her death as I turned away from it. “You fought bravely.”
“What are you talking about?” My head snapped to her, a child, even a troll child, couldn’t fight in a battle like that.
She shook her head, “That is for another time. For now, Barbara needs your help.” She stepped back and gestured down to the inky floor.
When I looked down I let out a yelp. It was me? My troll form and my humanoid form were encased in the floor of my own void. “What is that? How am I there?”
“The connection to your physical vessel,” she explained, before pointing to the stream of mana that was thread thin. “When your magic broke the seal, you were unable to do it properly. Only able to make this small fissure.”
“Wait, we had to cap my magic because it was killing me. You can’t tell me this amount of magic could do that.” I tried arguing, confused as to how a miniscule amount of mana could do that much harm.
Ganieda kneeled down between my vessels. She settled a hand over the heart of each form. “The change was caused by the mana that had been stored within your vessels since the time your magic was sealed. Without a proper flow, you’ll only grow weaker.”
Growling, I threw my hand out towards the stream, “How am I supposed to fix this? None of this makes sense! Why won’t the Heartstone magic meld with the,” an explosion cut me off. Snapping my head towards the thread like flow, was a new fissure created by the Heartstone mana leaving my hand.
“It seems you have your answer,” Ganieda smiled, standing up. “You need to open the flow with the magic you’ve gained from the Heartstone.”
Calming slightly, I turned to fully face the new fissure. “And Vendel said it wouldn’t explode.”
“It’s a common theme with our family,” she smiled. “Now, focus on breaking open the stream.”
Nodding, I held my arms out, forcing the mana from the Heartstone into the fissure I had created. Instead of making a clean path similar to the small stream, I let it run jagged. My mana began to flow faster towards us, melding with the mana from the Heartstone.
“There we go,” Ganieda grinned, gesturing to my vessels. “Now, try connecting them.”
I began pulling my mana faster, the fissures began to break through the darkness surrounding my vessels. With a final push I broke into the vessels and allowed my mana to flow freely into them.
Ganieda grasped my shoulder, her pride showing clearly. “You’ve connected with your mana again.”
“What will happen now?” I asked, reaching up to hold the hand on my shoulder.
“For now, you can focus on Barbara. She’ll need all the help you can give her to fight that curse.” She explained, face falling quickly. “I will return to my sleep, until you have further need of my grimoire. Your battles are far from over my little moonlight.”
Turning quickly, I hugged her as tight as I could, tears falling fast. “You have to leave?”
Pulling me close, her form began to fade, “For now, but I will see you again.” She kissed my forehead before everything faded.
“River?” Draal’s voice was the first I could hear, “Love, what happened?”
I looked at my hands, the bandages coming loose as my mana was able to flow into the collar freely and I was back in my human form. “Ganieda,” was all I could choke out for a moment.
Draal pulled me from the stone, holding me tight. “Are you okay?”
I nodded, scrubbing the tears that had been falling since I touched the stone. “I’ll be fine,” pulling from his grip, I smiled softly. “I need to help mom now.”
Draal helped me over to the slab, settling me next to mom.
Mom looked worried sick, “River, if this is hurting you,” she tried to argue, grasping my hand.
I shook my head, looking over the Gumm-Gumm incantation. “I’m not hurt mom, I’ll tell you what happened when you’re all healed up, okay?” I looked her in the eyes, “I promise.”
Nodding, she rested back onto the pillow. “Okay sweetie.”
I began to recite the incantation causing a soft orange glow to form in the center of my chest. As I read, the glow slowly spread down my arms towards mom. As soon as it touched her skin, you could see her physically relax as the pain eased. Smiling, I continued with the incantation and reached my other hand out to Strickler.
At first, he didn’t move, too stunned that I would offer him my help after everything he’s done. Garridan came from behind him and pushed him towards me. With that, Strickler used his uninjured hand to grasp my own, allowing the magic to flow to him as well and ease his pain.
Time began to blur as I continued to recite the incantation over and over. At this point, mom was on borrowed time, but I would do everything in my power to make sure she would survive breaking the binding spell.
A shadow portal opened above mom’s head. Peering in, I could see the shadow staff approach at an alarming rate. As it came through, I barely ducked out of the way before it could pierce my skull.
The staff ended up stabbing part of the Heartstone wall as the portal closed.
“The incantation!” Blink yelled out, excitedly pulling the staff from the crystal wall.
Jim frowned, watching the portal close, worried. “But where are Toby and Claire?”
“If this was at school, I’m sure they’re still there,” I tried reassuring him. “Maybe they got caught by Coach and this was the only thing they could do.” Mom groaned out in pain, I quickly began reading the incantation again.
Vendel took the paper from Blinky, reading over the counter curse. “We must prepare the conjuration at once!” I could hear him muttering, a pause as he let out a soft sigh. “Oh, it seems there is another problem.”
Jim let go of mom’s hand, pulling on his hair as he stared at Vendel in disbelief. “What do you mean ‘there’s another problem?’”
Vendel approached us, holding the page out to Jim. “The incantation as you know makes Barbara experience whatever trauma befalls Strickler. Unfortunately, breaking the binding spell will also erase her memory.” He spoke gently.
Jim and I both tensed. After everything we worked through with mom. After learning what I really was. She was going to forget all of it?
“What are you saying?” Mom asked, barely able to focus on Vendel. “I’m gonna forget Trollmarket? That Jim’s the Trollhunter? River’s magic?”
“We’ll leave you with a moment of privacy. Then we should enact the conjuration.” Vendel bowed his head. Turning, he led Strickler away from us.
Jim smiled stiffly, shrugging slightly as he tried to play off his anxiety of mom finding out. “Guess we’re gonna have this conversation again.”
Mom took his hand, holding tight. “Jim. listen to me. Promise me we will. Okay? It took all of this for you two to tell me about,” wincing she grasped his hand tighter, “your other lives.”
Jim held her hands carefully. “I just didn’t want to worry you. And I know we have.” He stared down at their hands holding back tears.
“Yes, yes, you have.” she agreed, carefully reaching for my hand. I held her hand close to my heart. “I am worried. I’m scared. But listen to me. It is my job to worry. And it’s not your job to protect me.”
Mom smiled softly at both of us. “I want you two to know something. Even before you found this amulet- before the magic- way before all of this- you two were always my heroes. My beautiful kids”
“I love you, mom.” Jim held her tight.
Smiling, I leaned into the hug, careful not to crush mom. “I love you too, mom.”
The chamber opened as Vendel and Strickler returned. Vendel held his hand out to me. “The time has come. River, I will need you to act as the Heartstone.”
I nodded quickly, prepared to help in any way I could.
Vendel gestured to mom and Strickler, “Take their hands.”
Mom quickly grasped my right hand as Strickler took my left.
Grasping my hand tight, Strickler tried speaking to mom.
“Don’t talk to me,” Mom’s reply cut him short. “You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting.” She turned her head to face Jim, not wanting to look at Strickler.
His face fell completely, heartbroken but unsurprised by mom’s response.
Vendel began the incantation, the fiery glow of Heartstone magic spreading through my veins.
“Jim,” mom tried to focus, “promise me. After this is over, don’t keep your trollhunting a secret from me anymore. Promise me.”
I snarled as the magic intensified and started burning my skin. Shifting into troll form quickly to keep the damage to a minimum. I focused on the incantation Vendel was chanting. The magic of the binding spell began to transfer from mom, through me, and back into Strickler. My eyes began to glow fully orange, the Heartstone pulsating all around us.
I could barely hear Strickler’s screams and his final apology as the magic flooded my senses. Mom’s hand slowly fell from my grasp and the spell was broken.
Strickler fell back as the final bits of magic left me, passing out from the pain.
Closing my eyes, I took a slow, deep, breath. As the magic calmed around me and the Heartstone ceased pulsating, I opened my eyes, returning to a soft sky blue.
“We need to get her out of here before she wakes up,” Jim sighed, relaxing for the first time since Strickler returned to Arcadia.
“You’re not going to tell her, are you?” I asked, seeing his torn expression as I shifted back into my human form.
Jim stared at mom, gripping the amulet tightly. “I can’t let her get hurt again.”
Sighing, I stood up. “Very well, we should take her to the hospital then.”
“We’re going with you,” Draal came up, grasping my shoulder.
Garridan carefully picked mom up from the stone slab, “It’s still dangerous out.”
Jim nodded, silently leading us out of the healing chambers and Trollmarket.
Our group remained in tense silence as we returned to the house. I ran into the house to retrieve mom’s keys before returning to the boys. “We’ll take her to the hospital. Dad, Draal, can you try to fix the house while we’re gone? I don’t think mom is going to remember our ‘school project.’”
Garridan nodded, helping Jim get mom into the backseat before heading inside.
“Are you okay with this?” Draal asked while Jim stayed with mom.
Frowning softly, I looked up to him. “I don’t know. I know it was the worst case scenario, but she took everything about us in stride. You know, other than pepper spraying us.”
Draal grunted a laugh, nuzzling my cheek with his nose. “You two should talk it over, it’s both your lives you’ve had to hide.”
I nodded, kissing his cheek before pulling away. “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll let you know.”
Getting in the car, I started the engine quickly and took off to the hospital, trying to think of an excuse for mom’s unconsciousness and memory loss. “Any ideas for an explanation?” I asked, looking back at Jim in the rearview mirror.
Jim glanced up, “Passed out? Hit her head?”
“She has been working a lot of extra shifts lately, not to mention Wanda messing up her schedule all the time.” I sighed out, pulling up to the ER drop off.
Jim quickly got out of the car and ran in, a couple nurses I recognized as mom’s work friends came out with a gurney. They carefully removed mom from the back seat and strapped her to the gurney.
“Stay with her, I’ll go park.” I instructed Jim, waiting till he nodded before taking off.
Finding mom’s assigned parking spot, I turned the car off and laid my head against the steering wheel. How could Jim not want mom to know? Having a parent know, understand what we were going through? Did he really want to lose all of that? We didn’t tell her before and this was the result.
I shook my head harshly before getting out of the car. I’ll leave this to Jim, he’s the Trollhunter, he’s aunt Barbara’s child. If anyone gets to make that decision it’s him.
As I wandered through the ER entrance, one of the nurses that initially came to get mom escorted me to the back, directing me to the second floor.
Once I was out of sight, I teleported near Jim’s energy and found the room quickly.
“Any trouble?” I asked, sitting next to him.
Jim shook his head, brushing mom’s hair from her face. “No, the doctor that saw her agreed that she had been working too many hours. Wasn’t surprised at the outcome at all.”
I hummed softly, staring at Jim as mom slept peacefully.
Fidgeting, Jim finally looked me in the eye. “I can’t do it.”
Nodding, fully expecting that answer. “She’s gonna be pissed if she finds out again.”
“We’ll just have to be more careful,” Jim leaned back in his chair, wincing. “Maybe we should limit gatherings at the house.”
“Draal lives with us,” I pointed out.
“Right,” He groaned, “okay, while mom is recovering at least, we should limit our gatherings to the basement. She never goes down there anyway.”
I snorted, surprised that she hadn't found the mini troll apartment we had made in the basement. “Fair enough.”
Jim looked me over, pausing at the collar, “Are you actually okay with this?”
“It’s not my call,” was my instant reaction.
Frowning, Jim reached out, grabbing my hand tight. “I’m asking you to hide our other life, your magic, but I really think we can keep her safe this time.”
I gripped his hand, staring down at my fleshbag hand. “This isn’t another life for me, it’s the only one I have.”
“River, sis,” Jim tugged my hand gently until I looked him in the eye. “Please?”
Letting out a deep sigh, I nodded, pulling my hand free from his grip. “Fine.” I got up, heading to the door of mom’s room. “Let me know how she does. I’m going to check on the house.”
“River,” Jim tried to stop me. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. “If you think it’s for the best, I’ll play along.” I left quickly, heading into a deserted section of the hospital before teleporting out, slowly getting closer to home.
Once I was near the house I decided to walk home. I adjusted the collar, hand running over the gem from Draal.
“You’re looking a little blue, and not in the stone skin kind of blue.” Garridan was on the front porch, frowning as he saw my face.
Shrugging, I walked past him. Looking over the house I was relieved it looked mostly put back together. “Just, didn’t think I’d have to go back to acting human so soon.”
Garridan nodded, leading me back to the basement stairs. “I understand that pain, but there might be something to cheer you up.”
Tilting my head, I could hear music coming from Draal’s room. I nodded and headed down into the basement, stopping when I caught sight of Draal messing with my old radio. “Um, love? What are you doing?”
Draal jolted upright, stopping on a station playing Aurora Borealis by Bohnes, one of my favorite songs. He gave me a lopsided grin and ushered me into the room. Taking my hand he pulled me close and began dancing slowly, just shifting side to side. “I believe I owe you the right of passage of your first dance. I might not be able to take you to your human learning dungeon dance, but I thought this might work.”
Smiling softly I rested my forehead against his shoulder. “Thank you love, I needed this.”
Draal hummed, mechanical hand gently pushing the hair from my face. “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?” He asked, referring to my conversation with Jim about telling mom.
I sighed, nuzzling under his chin. “Not really. I’m letting him choose, even if I don’t agree with him.”
Nodding, Draal continued to lead the dance. After a while, he let out an amused snort. “We could still crash the human party, the panic might be amusing.”
I choked back a laugh, gently slapping his shoulder, “Draal! The troll irritated that humans started invading Trollmarket, suggesting that we expose Trollkind for laughs?” Giggling, I could feel tears gathering in my eyes, though they were happy tears. “The scandal that would cause!”
Draal shrugged, grinning down at me, “You’re worth it.”
After everything that happened these last few days, nothing prepared me for the relief those three words coming from Draal would cause. We had been fighting, panicking, pushing past physical, mental, and magical limits non-stop since Strickler showed up. I gained the acceptance of the mother who raised me and lost it all in one night. The person I’ve been closest to my whole life is now asking me to hide everything that I am. But that one sentence from Draal? Three simple words? I felt like I was home. Draal is my home.
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plasma-janes · 1 year
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The Pride Festival has arrived in Del Sol Valley
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sheepskinnedgoat · 1 year
Personal Pantheon
MAN OF MANY FACES — Universe / Transcendence / Enlightenment DEMIURGE — Artist of Material Creation / Creator SOPHIA — Wisdom / Bridge to Enlightenment / Self-Sacrifice / Right JESUS OF NAZARETH — Living Word / Bridge to Sophia MARY MAGDALENE — Living Wisdom / Bridge to Sophia BEAST OF MANY NAMES — Knowledge / Afterlife / Ego / Left EARTH — Creation / Growth / Push / Merciless / Nurturing MOON — Push & Pull / Reflection / Community / Companionship SUN — Pressure / Leadership / Rage / Contentment SEA — Mystery / Death / Mysticism / Diversity / Pull FOREST — Secrets / Guardianship / Darkness / Growth / Healing LAKES & RIVERS — Flow / Freedom / Direction / Force / Perseverance
These are the entities, beings, spirits, deities, (or whatever you wanna call them) that I work most frequently with in my own personal belief system. This is probably the most succinct and neat I have ever been able to get with how I feel about them and what I relate them to.
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honeysound · 1 year
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And the waves keep coming.
In Dreams - Sierra Ferrell // A Dark Pool - Dame Laura Knight // Lake Missoula - Ricky Mitch & The Coal Miners // Early Summer - TM Davy // Paradise Valley - Honey and the Sting // At the River Clarion - Mary Oliver
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway was held on August 10, 1954.
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wausaupilot · 2 days
'Route 51' to go behind scenes of documentary 'Bad River,' oil pipeline debate
WAUSAU – The battle between the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians in northwestern Wisconsin and Enbridge over an oil pipeline that runs through tribal land has been the subject of significant debate and legal controversy for more than a decade. A new documentary, released this month, features dozens of interviews with tribal leaders and officials, who share their…
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rebellum · 4 months
I love my English boyfriend. Why do you live in "badgersbury upon tyne on cobblespunk"
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chaemericsights · 9 months
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jthurlow · 2 years
Visual Update SLR/IRL June 23, 2022
Visual Update SLR/IRL June 23, 2022
I am very fortunate to have a team of people, “River Warriors” who help me document from sky to water the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon. Today, I share photos taken by friend  Mary Radabaugh who overnighted in the area over Father’s Day weekend, June 18-19, 2022. She took amazing photos of nature: live sand dollars, growing seagrasses, wading birds, manatees, and sea turtles. Life is…
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laurelaicoop · 2 months
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The Marans
Homeplanet: Mara, Frontier Habitat: Varied; dependent on sub-species Lifespan: 60 years Diet: Opportunistic Omnivore
An interesting mix of mustilid and primate, the Marans are a varied group of six-limbed aliens originally from the planet Mara. They are nimble climbers and strong swimmers depending on sub-species, and all generally find greater comfort in walking on four limbs (one set of legs, one set of arms) instead of two. Dislike of being seen as 'animalistic' force more proud Marans to walk on their legs to be seen as equals to their bipedal alien neighbors. Only the Ysk lack a prehensile tail.
More about the Maran subspecies and dimorphism under the cut.
Due to an eighty-year long world war (which has since come to an end), massive displacement and casualties have reduced their numbers drastically. So much so that, evidently, three sub-species are completely lost.
Cosí - the largest surviving pool. Typically found in savannahs, grasslands, and temperate forest zones.
Ysk - the second largest surviving pool. Favors oceanic and coastal zones (tropical, temperate, and polar), but can be found around landlocked lakes and rivers.
Èlais - the smallest surviving pool. Restricted to tundras and taigas (boreal forests).
Amora - only found on the planet of Frontier, and has a smaller pool then Ysk but more then Èlais. Adapted for Frontier's rocky backcountry and temperate shrublands. Speculated to be a mix of Ysk and Cosí lineage due to their large populations on Frontier.
Marans are a two-sex species, and dimorphism is most prominant in the Cosí subspecies. Sexual discrimination is common, with Mari being seen as the superior sex and Marè restricted to more subserviant roles. Referring to Marè as 'female' (due to possessing a uterus) and Mari as 'male' (due to possesing a penis and testicles) is seen as inaccurate and human-centric in the eyes of Marans.
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sorceress-coffee · 1 year
RoA Ch35 Skullcrusher’s Lair, Drowning in Hope
Ao3 Link
“We need to find out what they’re planning,” Claire was arguing with Blinky.
Blinky sighed, after the events of last night, we had been put under strict orders by Vendel and the Tribunal that we weren’t allowed anywhere near the Vault. “You know we can’t get close to it, even after Lady River’s display the Krubera are guarding the Bridge, and Usurna is in talks with Vendel.”
“That’s my point,” Claire was trying to get through to the six-eyed troll. “Why haven’t they left? She’s scared of River, and after her warning to leave, she’s still in Trollmarket and planning something with the Bridge.”
“Blink,” I pulled his attention from their argument, nodding to Claire, “She’s right. I’ll go with Claire to see what she’s planning. In the meantime, see if you can locate any information on the cure.”
Grumbling, Blinky nodded, maybe we should switch him back to regular coffee. “Very well, Tobias, you’re with me then.”
“Hey, why don’t I get to go on the super stealth mission?” Toby pouted, his chubby tracker going off, the same alarm that sold us out to the goblins on his last ‘super stealth mission.’ “Oh, right.”
Turning to Claire, I nodded to the shadow staff, “If we’re going to the Heartstone, using that is the better option.”
Draal cut in, worried about me going through the shadow portals, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to teleport?”
Claire activated the staff, answering for me, “Not if we don’t want to draw their attention, when River uses her magic close to the Heartstone they affect each other, remember when it turned red as she beat the crap out of Angor?”
Sighing, Draal nuzzled my cheek, annoyed that he was still in his fleshbag form, not being able to leave Blinky’s Library without me, Claire, or Uncle James. “Very well, just be safe.”
“I’ll be fine, love.” Smiling, I kissed his cheek, “We’ll be heading out to school later, you can come along.”
Grinning, he nodded, squeezing my hand once before letting go. “Your fleshbag classmates are amusing. This time I would like to meet the Eli.”
Smiling, I nodded as I went to Claire, “Promise!” I jumped into the portal first, waiting for Claire in the Shadow dimension. This place sent a chill up my spine, the entirety of this world feeling hollow, lifeless.
Claire fell into the shadow dimension, grabbing onto my left hand. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” Pausing, I could see the outline of a castle far off, something about it felt like I was being pulled.
“River?” She yanked my hand, drawing my attention back to her. “You sure you’re okay here?”
I rubbed my left eye, feeling the burning sensation from when Angor Rot dug his magic covered claws into my flesh, “The sooner we reach the other portal, the better. Just feels off.”
Determination filled Claire’s expression, “Got it, one express ride to the portal coming up.” Holding my hand tight, she focused for a moment before we were pulled away from the portal behind us at breakneck speeds, dropping carefully through a second portal into the Heartstone chambers.
Quietly, we made our way towards Vendel and Usurna’s voices, hiding amongst the stalagmite-like crystals.
“The Trollhunter and your wizard have gone too far.” Usurna’s voice grated, trying to keep level as she addressed Vendel. “The denizens of Trollmarket will not be safe until Killahead Bridge is destroyed once and for all.”
My teeth grit tight enough that my jaw popped, Claire grabbed my arm before I could do anything. If her highness-lady thought I would just sit back and let them destroy Jim’s only chance to come home, I’m bashing her head in with that stupid crown she wears.
Vendel’s fist tightened, “You know as well as I, Usurna, the pieces cannot be destroyed.”
“No,” her highness-lady admitted, turning to face Vendel. “But they can be thrown into a hole so deep that no living thing can hope to find them.”
“And I suppose you know of such a place,” Vendel sneered, disgusted that she would suggest this. “I cannot agree to this! You are signing the boy’s death warrant, and your own if Lady River ever hears of this!”
“He signed it himself the moment he crossed into the Darklands,” She argued, teeth bared in anger. “Your Wizard puppet doesn’t scare me Vendel, my fighters could tear her apart before she had the chance to react. The edict has already been made. Killahead Bridge will never be found again.”
Claire grew tense, terrified for Jim if the queen won this time.
My teeth gnashed together, using every ounce of control to keep myself from tearing into her highness-lady right here.
Vendel seemed to deflate, Usurna turning to leave, a smug look plastered over her face. Glancing to the queen, Vendel’s words cut through her façade. “The same fighters that can’t even touch her?” He asked, eyeing Usurna’s form as she went stone stiff. “The guards who are so sensitive to daylight, that merely touching her skin has turned their flesh to rotted stone? Are those the fighters you speak of Usurna?”
A heated glare took the place of the queen's smugness as she turned back to face Vendel. “Are you threatening me, old goat?”
“Oh, I’ve never threatened you before, and I don’t need to now.” Vendel spoke, leveling her with his own glare. “Your first visit showed that you couldn’t manipulate her, this visit showed why you should fear her, and your last fight with my student?” He paused, slamming his Heartstone staff against the floor. “That should have shown you just how far you are from ever touching her. You will never have Merlin’s heir. You signed yourself to that fate when you ordered the destruction of the Bridge. She may be young, but she has slain foes far worse than you could ever hope to be. Edict or not, River will not take this lying down.”
“Then she will face trial as a traitor to all Trollkind,” Usurna snarled.
Vendel simply smirked, amused by the queen’s argument. “You’d have to recognize her as a Troll for that to happen. I doubt you or the other Tribunal members will ever recognize a Changeling as one of our own.”
I pulled on Claire’s arm, having heard enough.
Nodding, Claire opened a shadow portal under us, sending us directly through to her home. “Sorry, couldn’t focus on someone specific.”
I shook my head, plopping down on the floor by her bed, pulling my knees to my chest. Everything felt hot. My left eye continued to sting as I tried to reign in the rage I felt.
“Whoa, what happened to moonlight?” NotEnrique’s voice pulled our attention to him as he pushed a box filled with his belongings into Claire’s room.
Claire sighed, seeing the eclipse tendrils trying to form, hoping that going through the shadow dimension wasn’t affecting it. “Bad news from Vendel, and a threat from the Krubera Queen.”
“Never liked her, don’t worry, moonlight, we can always sick the gnomes on ‘er.” NotEnrique grinned, trying to cheer me up.
Claire noticed the box, frowning. “Leaving already?”
NotEnrique sighed, rummaging through the box, “Well, I was thinking,” he went over to her mirror, staring at his reflection. “Now that your brother’s out of the Darklands, I’m stuck looking like this, forever.”
“What are you going to do?” She asked, worried about him going off on his own.
“Who knows?” NotEnrique shrugged, “Trollmarket ain’t my style. Probably find some comfy hole to make my own. Take the A-train down to Trouble Town. Got no reason to stay around here anymore.” He hopped up on her reading bench, opening one of the windows.
Smiling, Claire grabbed the stuffed rabbit that was hers, holding it out to NotEnrique. “Keep it, she’d miss you.”
NotEnrique glanced from Suzy to Claire before carefully taking the stuffed rabbit, hugging it close.
“But,” Claire began, glancing back to my form, still curled in tight, right iris glowing turning red then back to blue. “What if there is a reason for you to stay? Vendel and the Tribunal have, technically, recognized the Changelings who’ve helped us as their own tribe in Arcadia. Plus, you could help me, help both of us, save Jim.”
My head snapped up at the words, realizing Claire had a plan.
NotEnrique grinned, “Does this mean I get to hang in the Lake house now?”
Claire looked back to me, waiting for an answer.
Nodding quickly, I wanted to see what she was thinking of. Out of everyone, NotEnrique was always welcomed at our home.
“You’ve convinced me,” NotEnrique smirked, hugging Suzy tight. “So, how can I help?”
“The Tribunal is going to transport Killahead Bridge where no one will be able to find it. I need you to hide with the pieces of the Bridge.” Claire explained, pulling out the shadow staff.
“Ya need an anchor to the Bridge,” NotEnrique realized, nodding in thought. “Alright Spongeface, I’ll smuggle myself away, Suzy can keep me company till then. Ya better keep an eye on moonlight though, anymore colors and she gonna start looking like an opal.” NotEnrique winced, watching my magic shift between the pale blue of daylight, the Heartstone mana, and the newly developed red eclipse.
“I’ll be fine, NotEnrique,” I smiled, trying to reassure him.
“‘Ey, I might’ve been playing ‘baby’ for a few months, but I wasn’t born yesterday. Yer’ angry, moonlight. And ya’ should be. Their messin’ with yer’ family.” He grit out walking over to me, “Yer’ magic is goin’ all wonky, and ya’ know why, so I won’t bother goin’ into all that,” sighing, he punched my shoulder, much like I do with Jim when I’m giving him a hard time to drill something in his head. “So yer’ a little spooky? Big woop, just figure out yer’ thing.”
“My thing?” I asked, a little more confused than I was at the start of his lecture.
“Spongeface has been usin’ anger, that’s helped her enough so far, but I’ve been around shadow magic most me life,” He shrugged, looking at the shadow staff. “From what I’ve seen, you can use any strong emotion to power it.”
“But I’m not supposed to be able to use it in the first place, the only reason I can do this is because of the Triumbric stones in the Amulet.” I sighed, wishing I had a better understanding of my own magic. The more I learned, the more I felt like I was falling behind.
Scoffing, NotEnrique rolled his eyes at that, “Why? ‘Cuz you can use daylight? If there wasn’t light we wouldn’t have shadows, right? Can’t really separate them.”
Tilting my head, I thought over his statement. A shadow was born from something existing in front of a light source, the same could be said for eclipses, right? A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon, and a solar eclipse happens when the Moon blocks the Sun from reaching the Earth.
Toby’s ringtone sounded from Claire’s phone, “Sorry,” She grabbed her phone, reading the text. “We should get back to the Library, Toby think’s Blinky got into the coffee again.”
Nodding, I smiled at NotEnrique. “I’ll keep that in mind Squishy. You get him to the Bridge, I’ll see if I can placate Blinky’s caffeine high.”
Claire opened a shadow portal, pulling NotEnrique in with her.
Waiting for them to disappear, I concentrated on my mana. Focusing on the feeling Eclipse had when it took over my magic last night. Taking a deep breath, I felt the shadows extend over my hands and feet, slowly crawling up my flesh. Red glowed in the pattern of the carvings of my stone flesh, mimicking the Eclipse armor Jim now wore. This didn’t feel much different from daylight, though it didn’t burn my human flesh either. Opening my eyes, I looked over the patterns of red against the shadows forming over my arms. Concentrating again, I tried to pinpoint what I felt as I seemed to be in control at the moment.
Hope warmed my chest, the feeling had returned once more when the Amulet spoke to us. The fallen Trollhunters have found a way to save Jim, now we just had to focus on saving the Bridge. Focusing on hope, the red glow seemed to feed off of it, burning brighter.
I know there will be times when anger and pain outweighs everything else, but as Blinky stated, ‘even the word hopeless isn’t void of hope’.
Smiling, I watched as the shadows faded and the red glow died out. The Eclipse armor was made to give the Trolls, every living creature, hope. The hope that we would one day live in a world without the threat of Gunmar looming over us.
Turning my mind to Draal, I focused, leaving Claire’s room in a flash of light, appearing once more in Blinky’s Library.
Draal jumped, calming down once he saw it was only me. “You’re getting very good at that.” He smiled, seeing that I haven’t tired myself out.
“Perspective helps,” I grinned, sitting with him as I turned to see Blinky tearing through a book. “Did he actually find the regular coffee?”
Humming in thought, Draal eyed the studious Troll, “Not sure, Toby thinks he found your stash, but it doesn’t look like anything’s missing.”
Eemeli groaned as he dropped on a seat at our table. “He’s been like this since you left, even James is on edge, something I didn’t think was possible until today.”
I glanced over at Uncle James, watching as he kept his focus on dodging books and scrolls, Blinky hazardously tearing his own library apart for any record or excerpt on Creeper’s Sun Poisoning.
“Aha!” Blinky shouted, pulling everyone’s attention, “Oh, no, grumbly gruesome.” He groaned, deflating as he read further.
“Is that good or bad news?” Toby asked, stomping on a scorch beetle.
“The poison was created by the ancient guild of changeling spies, as old as they are mysterious.” Blinky huffed, scratching at his stone chin in thought. “If you’re fortunate enough to find a member, you’ll unfortunately find death.”
Eemeli snorted, “Unless you’re River. You’re what, five Changelings in, and only one death? And that was at the dentist's office.” Pausing, he seemed to realize the entirety of what Blinky said. “Wait, you’re saying the Janus Order created the poison? I never heard of it being us, well, them now.”
“I must admit, even with the spy network in place, this knowledge eluded me as well.” Uncle James frowned, Walking over to see the passage Blinky read.
Sighing, Blinky walked over to Arrrgh, “If the cure for Arrrgh lies with the Janus order, it may as well lie with your,” his arms flailed as he tried to think of a simile for Toby, “Easter Bunny.”
“Hey, what was all that talk about finding hope when things are hopeless?” Toby asked, patting Blinky on his upper shoulder.
“Besides,” I cut in, walking over to them. “It’s not like we have to start from scratch. We’ve got two Changelings that worked for them, and one that has a network of spies within. What if we fed them information?”
“What kind of information?” Uncle James asked, curious where my mind was going.
“Exactly what we’re looking for.” I smirked, turning to the others. “Make it seem like one of their spies found out what we’re looking for, that we’re desperate. Their goal is to free Gunmar right? Something they can’t do without the Trollhunter.”
Eemeli grinned, sclera glowing with excitement, “I know exactly who that information should go to then.”
James nodded, looking at Eemeli. “We’ll work on that then.”
“Work on what exactly?” Vendel’s voice caught us off guard. Turning to the entrance of the Library, he was glowering over us.
No Krubera in sight, not sure if that was good or bad news.
“Need I remind you, after yesterday’s incident, the Tribunal has you under my strict probation?” He asked, watching Blinky fumble with the books. “Out with it!”
“We’re,” Toby sighed, looking back to Arrrgh, “Looking for a miracle to save my wingman.”
Vendel glanced at Arrrgh’s remains before glaring at Blinky again. “So, you aren’t meddling with the Tribunal's edict to bury Killahead Bridge where no troll nor mortal can ever reach?” He asked bluntly, fidgeting with his Heartstone staff.
“They’re moving the Bridge?” Blinky was shocked.
Claire portaled further into the library, coming to find us from Blinky’s storage. “We need to move on without Jim. Don’t worry, Vendel. We’ve accepted the Tribunal’s decision.” She spoke, elbowing Blinky in the side before he could argue.
“We have,” Toby agreed as Blinky elbowed him in turn, glancing back at me.
Vendel hummed, turning his full attention to me. “Is this true?”
I pulled the Amulet from my pocket, staring at it before I nodded. “Jim chose to go into the Darklands. He put more than himself in danger with that choice. If the Tribunal has decided to move the Bridge, who am I to argue with their decision?” I asked, looking Vendel directly in the eyes.
I could see a flash of realization cross his eyes at my words. Vendel for a while was the closest person I had to a father, he was my teacher, the only person who knew me better than him was Draal. He could tell with that statement, exactly what I knew. “Very well, I wish things were different, but, to go against the Elder Word is to court treason, war.” Mumbling something about them being severely underpowered for that.
“We all have to live with the consequences.” Claire assured him.
“Very well. Tidy away.” Vendel paused, nodding at me before he left.
Toby sighed, looking back at me, “Why do I feel like there was more going on? How could you say you agree with them?”
“Because she doesn’t,” Draal smirked, clasping my shoulder, “And Vendel knows her well enough that she never would.”
“So all of that?” He asked, still confused.
Claire grinned, “Was all a show in case her highness-lady is lurking about. River’s become a terrifying thorn in her side.”
Uncle James scoffed, shaking his head, “The Queen realizes she’s a Krubera, right? River’s magic is deadly as it is for normal Trolls, even more so for a Krubera.”
Eri slithered into the Library, hissing in annoyance, “Doesn’t look like she’s leaving Trollmarket anytime soon.”
I reached down, letting her curl around my arm. “What’s going on?”
“Queen annoyance is looking over the Bridge being packed up personally. From what I heard, they’re shipping it off to the deepest hole in the Earth’s surface. Don’t know where that would be.” She explained, head fins fanning out. “I’ll keep an eye on them while you’re at the learning dungeon.”
Petting her head softly, I reached into my bookbag pulling out a box of cookies. “Here, these will keep your sweet tooth satisfied while we’re away. If anything happens, come get Blinky, okay?”
Swiping a cookie from the box, Eri nodded, slinking down on to the table, mouth full of cookies. “Yes yes! Keep her safe, pebble!”
Draal huffed, flicking her snout lightly, “Yeah yeah, let’s get going.”
“Wait, what’s the plan?” Blinky asked, worried we were losing the Bridge.
Claire held him back, “Don’t worry Blink. I’ve got NotEnrique stowed away with the Bridge, that way I have an emotional anchor.”
Toby began to jump, excitement claiming him as he realized what we were planning. “An emotional anchor for us to shadow jump in, to get the pieces back! We’re gonna steal a bridge! Magic bridge heist!”
“Come on, T.P., Draal’s right, we gotta get to class.��� Claire spoke, following Draal and I out of the Library.
“‘T.P.”?” He asked, confused by the nickname.
Claire snorted, glancing back at him. “Toby Pie.”
Toby cringed, shaking his head. “Uh, no. I don’t like it.”
“I think it works,” I grinned, holding my hand out for Claire.
“Don’t fight it,” she snickered, grabbing on to Toby. With that, I teleported all four of us up to the canal.
Toby and Claire taking the lead as they argued over his new nickname.
“I think it’s better than ‘Jim the baby-handed.’” Draal smirked, holding my left hand in his mechanical hand as we walked.
“Much better,” I agreed, “Nowhere near Draal the Deadly though.”
“Or ‘River the Explosive’,” He teased, squeezing my hand lightly.
I shrugged, “The only ones that need to fear ‘River the Explosive’ are walls.” I shot back, jokingly feigning indifference towards the name.
Draal smirked, kissing my cheek as we reached campus, “Or my father. Though he really has to fear ‘River, thrower of sacred amulets.’”
Pouting, I squeezed his hand back, “You’re lucky you’re cute, even when you’re squishy.”
“I’m cute now?” He chuckled, following me to my class as we separated from Claire and Toby.
“Hmmm,” I paused outside of the office, flicking my hand and pulling a visitor’s slip to my hand. “Yes, cute.” Smirking, I handed him the pass. “If anyone asks, you’re here to keep an eye on me as a wellness check.”
“I’m guessing this has to do with whatever that’s for?” He asked, pointing to a sign for the ‘Save Jim Lake Jr.’ bake sale. “Is that part of the cover?”
“Sort of?” I sighed, “Eli, my fleshy best friend, put it together. He knows something is going on, but he hasn’t guessed what exactly. He’s been helping me cover for Jim’s absence.”
“Are you going to tell him?” Draal asked, purely curious.
I glanced at his face before looking down, right hand coming up to pull on my hoodie strings. “I promised if he guessed close I would tell him. He knows whatever is going on is dangerous and that something happened to Jim. He also knows I'm not supposed tell him.”
“Why?” Draal stopped in tracks, his mechanical hand holding my left stopping me as well.
“I’d be bringing another human into Trollhunting. Aren’t we trying to avoid that?” I asked, confused that Draal was even asking why.
“So? Jim has Toby, his best friend. Has had him since the start. Not to mention, Claire got dragged into Trollhunting due to the Changelings. Why can’t you have your friend with you?” He pushed, keeping his voice low as the halls cleared.
“I,” Pausing, I realized the only reason I didn’t include Eli was that Jim had decided it was too dangerous before I had the chance. “I’ll think about it.” I answered as the bell rang.
I pulled Draal into Ms. Harper’s class, introducing them quickly. “He’s here on my doctor’s request. Since Draal knows me best, they figured he'd be able to do an accurate wellness check. I hope you don’t mind.”
Ms. Harper seemed to light up, shaking Draal’s mechanical hand eagerly. “Of course I don’t mind! Oh, I’ll email your other teachers. If they have any issues, Sr. Uhl will get onto them.” She snickered, quickly going to her paint splattered laptop.
“I assume this is your art class?” Draal chuckled as I led him to my station. “Whoa,” his eyes went wide as I uncovered a large canvas.
The canvas was entirely black, ‘glowing’ fissures breaking apart the abyss. In the center was the spirit-form of my mother from when we met in my mana pools.
“Yeah, I think Ms. Harper was starting to get worried.” I admitted, knowing most of my pieces were happier subjects, or at least, not this dark. I sat down, explaining the project to Draal.
“So, the black abyss is where your mana pools reside, and you can connect to others?” He asked, trying to follow along.
Nodding, I went to work on finishing Ganieda’s form, having to switch to traditional paint over my spray paint. “That’s how I was able to find Merlin. My mom found me when I was trying to help Aunt Barbara, she guided me in reopening my mana pools correctly.”
“So, your mother is alive?” Draal’s simple question made me go stiff as stone. “Love?”
I shook my head, trying to keep my mind anchored to the present. Draal's hands carefully took mine, slowly prying the paint brush from my grip.
“I,” taking a deep breath, the touch helped me ground myself. “I asked her how she could be there if she was dead. She saw the memory I had of her death, she said something along the lines of her being ‘dead’ wasn’t quite right.” Mumbling quietly, I tried to think back to our conversation. “I don’t know what that means.”
“Maybe she’s in a similar state as Merlin?” He asked, “From what we know, he sent his physical body into a sleep so deep, it feigns death.”
“That’s possible, he’s been able to watch over us from the mana pools. Maybe mom can do the same.” I thought back, “Merlin would know, he was the one that took care of her after dad and I fell through the portal.”
The bell rang, startling Draal and me, I quickly put my tools away. “Looks like you get to meet Eli next,” I grinned pulling him with me to Ms. Janice’s classes.
As we entered, Ms. Janice waved us off as I showed her the slip. “Ms. Harper has informed us, Mr. ‘Garson’, please take the seat to River’s left.”
Draal nodded, having seen the last name on the note I had forged.
Steve’s groan cut us off as he saw us approaching my seat. “Great, this guy is back? What happened to you being River’s date for the dance, huh?” He sneered, trying to size Draal up.
“When do you think the car accident was?” Draal snarled, taking the seat he was instructed to, turning his back on Steve.
Steve was sputtering as I took my seat. I grinned seeing Eli walk in. “That’s him.”
Eli looked up, head tilting as he saw Draal sitting next to me. Quickly he took his seat on my right, “Hello! Are you new here?”
Draal shook his head, waiting for me to explain.
“Right, Eli” I smiled, gesturing to Draal, “This is my fiancé, Draal. He’s visiting for a little while. Draal, this is my best friend, Eli.”
“I have heard much, Eli,” Draal held his right hand out, copying the human greeting of shaking hands.
Eli’s eyes lit up at the sight of Draal’s prosthetic, immediately knowing it wasn’t normal. Shaking off his excitement, Eli shook his hand quickly. “I heard River had a boyfriend, I didn’t realize you were engaged.”
I pulled at the string of my hoodie, laughing softly. “That’s a long story.”
Steve grumbled behind us, “Oh great, the Jim Lake Jr. hoax squad has another member.”
Draal stiffened, watching for my reaction.
Turning in my seat, I leveled Steve with a glare, making sure to keep a hold on my magic. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion on Jim’s ailment, Palchuk.”
“You mean the hoax?” He sneered, adjusting the stupid spring fling crown on his head. “You really think we buy that? You’re all hiding something, and I’m going to prove it.”
Snorting, I turned my back on him, settling in for class to start. “Good luck with that.” Taking a deep breath, I felt my hold slip as my right iris glowed red.
I could hear Eli go rigid as he saw the glow. Quickly blinking, the glow died down as I looked at him, an apology written over my face.
Eli nodded, realizing whatever he just saw had to do with our promise. During class, instead of taking notes on trig, Eli was filling the pages of his notebook with theories. It looked like ‘Aliens’ or ‘Magic’ was in the lead. Looks like I’m going to have that talk with him sooner than I thought.
The rest of the morning went by without incident. Draal and I met up with Claire and Toby, getting ready for lunch. “Alright, who else is tired of dodging questions?” I groaned, throwing my backpack into the locker, only taking Midnight’s collapsed form out to clip it to my belt.
Sr. Uhl’s voice came over the loudspeaker, congratulating the school for the success of the ‘Save Jim Lake Jr.’ bake sale, while Eli was taking donations in the quad.
Steve got us in his sights, zeroing in on Eli first, he used the hand scepter to flick the cup out of Eli’s hand. “Donate, my butt!” He sneered, spying Toby’s back as he was busy opening his locker. “Make way for the king!”
Draal glared Steve down as he went to help Eli pick up the money Steve scattered.
“‘Save Jim?’ “ He asked, forcing Toby to turn around and face him.
My fists tightened, knuckles going white as I reigned my anger in. Steve wouldn’t survive a blast of magic.
“What a load of crock!” He snarled, pulling Toby up by the straps of his backpack. “Admit it, ‘Dumbzalski,’ he’s not sick. He’s just faking this because I won Spring Fling, and he’s trying to steal my thunder.”
Where was a troll to hold me back when I needed it? Steve’s a jerk, but he’s not Gunmar. The gaggletack proved he’s not a changeling either. Don't kill the bully.
“Let go of me!” Toby struggled, fist balling up as Steve continued.
“And what are you gonna do about it, Dumbzalski? Sick River on me? Can’t fight me yourself?” Steve snarled, trying to rile us both up.
“Let him go, Steve. Go back to the ‘80s, where bullies belong,” Claire cut in, getting her things from her locker, glancing past the boys to me. “Besides, no one cares about your stupid dance crown.”
“What?” Steve floundered, letting go of Toby, “Everybody bows to the king!”
The students gathering around us began to agree with Claire, tearing Steve’s ‘king-ness’ down fast.
“I ‘internetted’ somethings, and there’s never been a single case of Jim Lake Disease, like, ever!” He ground out, trying to get the students on his side.
That’s what Eli went with? Sighing, I grabbed Steve’s shoulder, pulling his attention from the crowd. “Congratulations, you learned that a new disease can get its name from the first person to ever have it.” I snarked, daring Steve to do anything at this point.
Snarling, Steve pulled away from me, pointing in my face. “You plebs can only cover for Jim for so long. I’m onto you.”
“Oh, no, whatever will we do?” I asked in a monotone voice. “If you want to keep that finger, I suggest getting it out of my face.”
Draal’s mechanical arm draped over Steve’s shoulder, grinning viciously at him. “I’d listen to her, she’s an expert at removing people’s limbs.” Snickering, he waved the fingers of the prosthetic in his face.
Horrified, Steve pulled away from us quickly, hiding his hand behind his back. “Whatever!” He walked off.
With Steve dealt with, I turned to look for Eli.
“Your friend went to the lunch room to collect ‘donations’.” Draal spoke, knowing who I was looking for.
“Thanks for helping him,” I smiled, taking his mechanical hand and going to Claire and Toby as Toby sized the air up, doing quick little punches.
“I hate that guy,” He huffed, having wanted to hit Steve in the moment. “I wish I could punch him in his perfectly-chiseled face.”
“He’s not worth it, Tobes,” Claire pointed out, shaking her head.
“I’m surprised he didn’t end up in the wall,” Draal chuckled, elbowing my side.
“Hey, I know when and when not to attack. Besides, he’s human, not much I can do against that without it being fatal.” I grumbled, in the same boat as Toby at the moment. “Now, if it was day one? You bet he’d get a left hook.”
“Left hook?” Draal asked, confused on when hooks got brought into the conversation.
“River’s left handed,” Toby piped up, “‘Left hook’ means a left handed punch. Or a ‘southpaw’ punch.” Seeing Draal about to ask, Toby clarified, “Southpaw means left handed too.”
“Would that make the right hand a ‘northpaw’?” Draal looked to me, the terms confusing him.
I shrugged unsure of that myself, as Claire’s phone went off, “Is it him?”
Claire grinned, answering it right away, “Where are you?”
Even from here I could hear NotEnrique on the other side, “I got no clue where on Earth I am, but come and get me!”
“Hold tight,” Claire spoke, pulling the speaker from her ear. “We have to find a secluded spot.”
“You get the bikes, I’ll find a spot,” I told Claire. Draal and I ran off before she could answer. All I heard was Toby asking about Jim’s assignment she was supposed to turn in after lunch.
Once we were out of sight, Draal took my hand, getting ready to teleport. “Any ideas?” He asked, knowing it would have to be safe from the Krubera. “Can’t exactly build a bridge in your backyard.”
“Close,” I grinned, teleporting us to my favorite spot since meeting Draal, the back of the billboard where we had our dates.
Draal took a moment to look around, realizing where we were, “As sweet as this is, Love, I don’t think a bridge will go unnoticed up here.”
Smiling, I pointed to the forest in front of us, “That’s where we’re going. This was the easiest point I had an emotional anchor to.” I explained, kissing his cheek before teleporting us down into the woods.
A smug grin split his face. “Our first ‘dates’, yes?”
I pulled my phone out, sending the location to Claire and Toby, “Surprised?”
Draal shrugged as we settled in. waiting for the others. “Not entirely, it’s a logical spot, just surprised it was the first place you thought of.” He teased me.
Rolling my eyes, I elbowed him, “Oh, well sue me for having a sentimental thought.” Chuckling, I leaned against his shoulder.
Draal hugged me close, humming in thought. “Why did you send the others for bikes?” He asked, wondering why I didn’t teleport all of us here.
“It’ll be easier for me and Claire after we get the pieces.” I explained, knowing wherever NotEnrique was, it would be further than we’ve ever traveled. “We’re planning on using shadow portals, but Claire doesn’t have the training or mana to do this alone.”
Draal winced, realizing what I meant, “You’re planning on being a battery? I thought you hated those plans?” He huffed, knowing I was against it before.
“NotEnrique told me something this morning, something that cleared my mind over this,” I pulled up my sleeve, focusing on my hope for the plan, to steal the bridge, to save Jim, the eclipse magic began to spread, black tendrils alight with red mana.
Draal stiffened at the sight, eyeing me as I was still calm. “What could the whelp have said for you to do that while being calm?”
“Two things, really.” I let the magic fade, showing him it was completely gone. “Without light, there wouldn’t be shadows, they’re two halves of a whole.”
Snorting, Draal smirked, “Like you and Jim.”
“And like eclipses.” I smiled, letting him in on my revelation.
“And the second thing?” He asked, surprised NotEnrique could hold any wisdom in his tiny being.
“Shadow magic is powered by strong emotions, feelings. He said he’s seen any strong emotion fuel it, not just anger.” I explained, smiling up at him.
“What did you use?” He asked, turning my hand over, seeing that the shadows had completely left at will.
“Hope,” Snuggling into his side, we watched the shadows of the trees grow as time passed. “Hope was strong enough to lead me to Merlin, strong enough to allow my spirit into the Darklands, and strong enough to power Eclipse.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Draal chuckled, “Seems fitting, daylight and darkness in one.”
Nodding, my head snapped up as I heard leaves rustling ahead of us, left hand resting over Midnight as we waited.
Toby broke through the brush, groaning as he spotted me and Draal, “Found them!”
Claire ran into the clearing grinning, “This is perfect! Far enough from the city that people won’t find it by accident.”
I gave a mock salute with my pointer and middle finger, “Glad to help, let’s get going. Toby, you and Draal are staying here.” I spoke getting up and standing with Claire.
“Why do you get to go?” Toby pouted.
“I’m the backup battery,” I snickered as Toby’s face fell. “I have a feeling this is going to be draining for both of us.”
“That’s why we had to get the bikes?” He asked, as Claire opened the portal, jumping in first.
“Yup!” I grinned, falling backwards into the portal, floating next to Claire in the shadow dimension. “Ready.”
“You sure?” She asked, hesitating at the idea of using me as a battery. “You could stay with the boys.”
“I’m good,” I righted myself to stand next to her, holding my hand out for her. “I’m focusing on hope.”
Smiling, Claire knew I was referring to our conversation with NotEnrique, “Okay, if you change your mind, teleport back, alright?” She grabbed my hand, shooting off for NotEnrique.
“Promise,” I grinned as we fell out of the shadow portal and into complete darkness. I flooded my palms with my magic, an orange glow lighting up wherever we were. “A cargo box?”
“NotEnrique? Where are you?” Claire asked, looking over the crates.
“Spongeface? Moonlight?” NotEnrique poked his and Suzy’s heads out of a box. “Took you long enough.”
“What are you doing in there?” Claire asked, glad to see he was okay.
“I, uh,” NotEnrique stammered, holding up the rabbit, “Suzy’s a little scared of the dark.”
I didn’t realize trolls could be scared of the dark, they have excellent night vision from what I’ve seen. Maybe it’s a Changeling thing? “You two okay?” I asked.
“All the freaky noises in this place are giving her the heebie jeebies.” NotEnrique explained, coming out of the box fully.
“I’ll keep the lights on, Suzy doesn’t have to worry about the dark anymore.” I smiled, ruffling the hair on his head.
“Alright,” Claire grinned, opening a portal, “Let’s get to work.” The ground seemed to sway under us. “Where are we?”
“All’s I could make out was someone saying ‘starboard’ or ‘captain’,” He told us, helping Claire push the crate into the portal. “We could be on a spaceship, for all I know.”
I snorted, that would make Eli’s day.
We listened as voices grew closer to the box, “Yeah, yeah, the paperwork says dump it here.”
“Dump it?” Claire asked.
The box began to move, realization hitting us like we were hitting the water. “Cargo ship!”
“They’re dumping us into the ocean!” Claire began to panic, the portal closing as she lost focus.
“The ocean? But I-” NotEnrique stammered, telling us that Suzy couldn’t swim.
All of a sudden, gravity left as we were dumped into the ocean, the crates and our bodies floating right before we hit the water, slamming back down onto the floor.
Getting up quickly, I let the glow climb up my arms as I helped Claire up, “Panic later, we can’t stay in here forever.”
“Right,” Taking a deep breath, Claire grabbed the shadow staff, thinking of Toby, she opened another portal.
Quickly, the three of us got to work, pushing as many crates as we could into the portal. Panic began to set in again as the metal groaned, water beginning to pour in.
“The metal can’t hold for long! The water’s going to pour in at any minute!” Claire yelped, trying to focus on another portal, pouring too much of her energy into it as she panicked.
“Claire,” I grabbed her shoulders, pushing my magic into her, an odd sensation creeping up my spine as I connected to her shadow magic, “Focus on the portals, open them under the crates.”
Nodding, it seemed like our work began to move faster. Claire's magic quickly fed on my own as our shadows intertwined. I could feel the pull of the shadow staff through Claire. At one point NotEnrique admitted to some questionable acts in order to get Claire angry enough to power the staff. Seconds felt like hours as we continued working under the literal pressure of the ocean.
Down to our final crate, metal bolts gave way, water pouring into the crate exponentially faster.
“Oh, no!” NotEnrique yelped as we climbed on top of the crate. “Time to bail out of this deathtrap, moonlight!”
“No!” Claire glared, grip tightening on the shadow staff, “We lose the bridge, we lose Jim. We need this last crate.”
“Alright then, just power up that staff and make a portal under the crate, or we’re doomed!” NotEnrique had a death grip on Suzy.
Claire and I tried to focus both of our mana directly into the staff but it wasn’t working. At this point we were both drained.
“I can’t! I’m exhausted!” Claire cried, the tiny portal she managed to make closed immediately. “How did you work like this?” She asked me as the water reached us sitting on the crate.
“Life or death usually put things in perspective during our fights,” I answered, feeling as drained as I was after fighting Bular. “If we don’t get this portal opened then not only does Jim die, we do too.”
“Look at me, big eyes,” NotEnrique climbed over Claire’s head, the water quickly climbing up to our chests. “Dig deep. Maybe anger’s not your thing. Maybe you gotta find somethin’ stronger inside.”
“I can do this!” Claire spoke as the water reached our chins, repeating it like a mantra.
We all took a deep breath as the water completely filled the crate, I grabbed onto Claire’s shoulder, pushing the last of my magic directly into her. After that things began to get fuzzy as my lungs burned for air.
It felt like an eternity as the light I was giving off faded and we were drowned in darkness.
Gasping for breath as the water gave way I could feel someone hugging me tight.
“Come on Love, you’ve gotta be alright,” Draal's voice broke through the fuzzy darkness.
As my lungs filled with air, my vision slowly came back. “Never,” I gasped, gripping his shirt tight, “again.”
Draal’s shoulders dropped in relief at my voice, pulling me impossibly tighter to his chest.
“Need air,” I winced, Draal easing up just enough to let me breathe. “Others?”
“They’re okay, you’re okay,” Draal spoke softly, waiting till I could sit up on my own.
“Moonlight okay?” NotEnrique’s voice sounded raspier than before.
Draal nodded, letting the Changeling close. He looked a little worse for wear.
“Never leave Pudgebucket ta’ do CPR,” He huffed, curling up next to me.
“Noted,” I sighed, hand falling to rest over his scruff.
Toby pouted, but was glad overall that he was able to save NotEnrique. Claire was still getting her breath back as well sitting against the final crate we needed. Steve appeared to be out cold, looks like something knocked him out if the bruise on his chin was from tonight.
Wait. Sitting up far too quickly, as everything began to spin, “What the hell?” I gasped out, lungs burning as panic set in.
“Don't worry, he didn’t see much,” Toby quickly explained. “He followed us out here, I had to use the Janus mask, he thinks we’re lying about Jim. He made me record a stupid “Steve was right’ video, as Jim, then he freaked out when Jim ‘ran away.’ Uh, not to mention he pissed Draal off.”
I stared at Toby in disbelief. What part of that was supposed to be helpful? “Knows?!”
“Okay, maybe it’s bad, but it’s Steve! Most of the school thinks he’s gone crazy with power!" Toby tried again.
“Phone.” I ordered, pointing to Steve.
Toby ran and got Steve’s phone, handing it to me quickly. “Yeah, so you wouldn’t happen to be able to erase memories, would you?”
I stared at him blankly before opening Steve’s phone and deleting the video he took of ‘Jim’. “Video, change.” I handed the phone back to Toby.
“Oh,” Toby caught on, “Change the video, gotcha!” Grinning maniacally, we watched as Toby scooped up the crown and hand scepter, recording a video basically stating that we pranked him.
Draal sighed, having been with Toby through the whole ordeal with Steve.
“You okay?” I asked, nuzzling under his chin.
“The Palchuk really messed with Toby,” He grumbled, gritting his teeth as he glared at Steve. “He’s jealous of Jim and is taking it out on his friends and you.”
Nodding, I looked over to Steve’s knocked out form, “How?”
Draal grumbled, his fist tightening in my sweatshirt, “He threatened my family, questioned their honor, and used the human slur ‘freaks’.” Pausing, he pouted as he saw the look of disbelief on my face. “So, I punched him.”
Snickering, I didn’t know if I had the heart to reprimand him, “Freak is not,” wincing I had to pause, between drowning and using up my magic, everything hurt, “always a slur, was in this case. Worth it?”
Draal grinned, kissing my cheek, “Yes.”
I smiled at the kiss, curling up against Draal as I realized how easy it was for Steve of all people to find us. “Not subtle.”
“When we ran off? No, not at all,” Draal sighed, pulling NotEnrique onto my lap, standing up while holding us. “We should do something with him.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Claire cut in. She and Toby were able to get Steve onto the back of her bike.
Draal carried me as they carefully rode their bikes into town. Stopping near the park, they unloaded Steve onto a bench, leaving his scepter on the ground and his crown on his butt. If we didn’t know what happened, it would look like Steve went on a tirade and passed out in the park.
“Good to go!” Toby grinned, choosing to walk his bike the rest of the way.
Claire was strong enough to walk her bike, and we all headed for my house. Mom should be at work and we could all pile together in the living room.
Toby opened the door for us, leaving the bikes out front. Draal settled me and NotEnrique on the couch before heading to the basement, getting as many blankets and pillows together as he could. Claire slumped on the second couch, once she was settled, NotEnrique crawled back over to her, passing out as soon as she handed him Suzy.
Once Draal returned, Toby locked up the house and helped him distribute blankets and pillows. Toby settled on a reclining chair, turning the tv on at a low volume so we had some background noise and off to sleep he went.
Draal climbed over me, settling against the back of the couch and pulling me up to lay on his chest. “You’re exhausted,” he whispered, petting my hair out of my face.
“Drowning will do that,” I yawned, nuzzling my face into his chest. “More comfy when stone.” I pouted, still not used to my temporarily human mate.
Chuckling, Draal pulled the blankets around us, humming a Trollish lullaby softly. It wasn’t long until sleep overcame me.
Instead of nightmares about our time drowning tonight, my dreams were filled with a familiar castle. Inside I found a single chamber home to a giant green crystal. Leaning in to take a closer look, there was a faint red glow in the center.
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled from the crystal into a dark chamber. Where am I now?
“River?” Jim’s voice was quiet.
I looked up to see that we were in a cell, closed in by jagged crystals. “Jim? Where are we?”
Jim sighed in relief, realizing he wasn’t seeing things. “Gunmar’s lair.”
“What?!” I hissed, keeping my voice low as he was.
“They’re keeping me alive, for now.” Jim sighed, holding up a Nougat Nummie with ‘KIC’ written on it. “He knows.”
We sat in silence for a moment, “We have the bridge,” I finally told him. “The Trollhunters say Arrrgh is the key.”
“But,” Jim winced, anguish spreading through him at the mention of Arrrgh.
I ran my hand through his hair mana barely able to make any contact in my weakened state. “There’s an antidote, we’re working on getting it.” I smiled softly, vision fading as Jim looked up to me. The last thing I saw was hope, Jim regained his hope that we were coming for him, that he’d come home. That he could see Arrrgh alive and well. “We’re coming, That’s a promise.”
UPDATE: Next week's chapter may be late. Due to surgery I only have the use of one hand at the moment so typing and editing is difficult. Good news is that my drawing hand is fine so I've been working on art for the fight with Angor, River's chosen family, and her 'upgrade' coming up in Phase 4. Those will be posted on my Tumblr https://sorceress-coffee.tumblr.com when completed, they will be linked in the Table of Contents pinned to the top of my page. For now, I can answer questions but it may take me a little while to get to, if your comment has been marked 'read' it may be that I can't answer without spoilers, if it has not been marked 'read' then I'll be getting to it as soon as possible. Thank you for all the support!
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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Native American tribes from Michigan, Wisconsin and Ontario have come together to call for an end to the Line 5 pipeline.
The Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline, first constructed in 1953, stretches from Wisconsin through 645 miles of Michigan and ends in Sarnia, Ontario. Part of the pipeline travels underwater through the Straits of Mackinac.
In recent years, the pipeline's continued operation has become a source of controversy. Many tribal nations and communities claim that the pipeline goes through their traditional territories. The Straits area in particular is considered a place of significant cultural and historical importance to many native groups, including the Anishinaabe. According to tribal leaders, the pipeline poses a major and direct threat to the ecosystems along its path.
“The Straits of Mackinac are [...] sacred from both a cultural and historical perspective in the formation of the Anishinaabe people,” said Austin Lowes, chairperson of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, in a statement. “Protecting the Straits is also a matter of the utmost environmental and economic importance — both to our people and the state of Michigan.”
Tribal leaders and other environmental groups have publicly opposed the pipeline for many years and have called for the pipeline to be shut down.
Supporters of the pipeline point out that it transports 540,000 barrels of light crude oil and natural gas liquids through Line 5 on a daily basis. [...]
In an effort to address safety concerns, Enbridge has proposed an underwater tunnel to house the portion of Line 5 that runs under the Straits of Mackinac. [...] Critics of the tunnel project say no oil should be transported through the Straits at all, as a spill could have a devastating impact on more than 700 miles of Great Lakes shoreline. [...]
Previous attempts to shut down the pipeline have been stopped through various means, mostly the 1977 Transit Pipeline Treaty between Canada and the United States.
The latest attempt saw 51 tribal organizations from Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario submit a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council. This report, dated April 4, claims that the Government of Canada is violating the human rights of Indigenous peoples through its continuous support for Line 5.
The report was submitted to be considered during Canada's upcoming Universal Periodic Review, conducted by the United Nations. As a United Nations member state, Canada is required to be evaluated for its human rights record on a regular basis.
Canada's Universal Periodic Review will take place this year on Nov. 6-17.
The 51 different tribal organizations that signed the report include: The Anishinabek Nation, which represents 39 First Nations throughout the province of Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Headline and text by: Brendan Wiesner. “Michigan, Wisconsin and Canadian tribes come together to fight Line 5.” Yahoo! News. 8 April 2023. Article originally appeared on The Sault News with the title “Great Lakes tribes send report to United Nations to fight Line 5.” [Some paragraph breaks and contractions added by me.]
Line 3 brings oil from Alberta to Lake Superior. Then, Line 5 brings the fossil fuel from the Duluth area to the Detroit/Windsor area in Ontario.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 6 months
Ik you said resquests are close but my oh my, I'd love to see your relationship/sex hcs for the GIRLS
Relationship/Sex HC For VDL Gang Girls
Thank you anon for requesting something with the girls. Also I didn't include Sadie bc I wrote for her already previously in another post
Warnings: smut
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Mary-Beth Gaskill
Very affectionate and loves showing you off
Lowkey writes short romance stories about the two of you but uses different names
Loves asking for your opinion on her outfits
Very shy with her writing but allows you to read em
Tries to recreate scenes the romance novels she reads with you
Plays with your hair and tries to style it for you
I can imagine her making flower crowns
Is so lovestruck, she definitely believes y'all are together FOR LIFE
I just know she reads smut in her books
She'd probably ask to try out a few of the things she reads about
Comes off as docile or vanilla but would be surprisingly kinky, huge expiramentalist
Bottoms for sure
Would unintentionally grind into your face or shove you in while eating her out
High pitched moans or gentle mewls
Squirms and moves around a lot, just cannot sit still for the life of her
Karen Jones
She'll put on a tougher front but she needs a lot of reassurance
Very sweet in private
Gets flustered with PDA but still does it with you
Loves it when you hold one another closely especially around the camp fire
She'd become very vulnerable with you
Especially when she's drunk
She'd feel as though you're the only person who can see the real her, and that just makes her feel even more in love
When she's unable to take care of herself you do her hair for her
Asks to dance with you randomly
As we saw in-game, cries during sex
Feels extremely vulnerable during the act, but instead of sadness it's more of an overwhelming feeling of love that brings her to tears
Super clingy, holds you close during
Wants to stimulate every sense, bascially smothering you
Loves kissing all up and down eachother's bodies while fondling and just holding
Also enjoys hand holding during sex
Likes to start off gentle but things get progressively wilder
Tilly Jackson
She's a playful, yet altruistic lover
Puts you before herself all the time
She could be bleeding out while you have a papercut and she'll insist they tend to you first
Constantly fixes things for you or just generally takes care of things just so you don't have to do them yourself
I hc that whenever she falls asleep on you she drools A LOT
Because she gets really relaxed
Likes sitting along rivers and lakes with you and feeding ducks or skipping rocks
Super short so she's gotta go on her tiptoes to kiss you; constantly cranes her neck to look at you, even gets taller boots
Like in other aspects of your relationship, a giver
She knows just what you want, and is more than happy to provide
I feel like she'd be real skilled with her tongue and hands as a result, skill born out of practice
Kinda likes riskier sex so she'll opt for more scandalous locations or situations
Y'all could be doing chores together and the next thing y'know y'all are sneaking off behind a nearby tree
I feel like she'd top, but she's down to switch
Abigail Roberts
She's a good, honest woman
And she's got standards for her lover
Constantly has your back, and is very patient with you as you two grow with eachother
Constantly encourages said growth and improvement in oneself
Loves seeing you put effort into improvement or work!
She just wants a calm, stable life, so if you're able to provide that for her, even if little by little, she'll be happy
Very affectionate with you, one of her favorite things to do is to sit down and have deep, intimate conversations with one another while chilling
Doesn't care how many or mundane dates are, as long as the effort is there
She's got demands, and they will be heard
Loves recieving head, or being the main focus of sex as you provide for her. Will hold your head in place
Likes telling you what to do, definitely a dom hehe
Into kinkier stuff so maybe tying you up or even spanking
LIVES to see you cry or to embarass you
She'd probably make you bark for her
Will top or bottom, doesn't matter to her as long as she's taking the lead
Likes passionate sex so she takes her time with every detail, especially foreplay, rather than speeding things up
Molly O'Shea
She falls HARD
The most lovestruck, romantic girlfriend ever
Writes love poems for you
Likes it when you show eachother off
Her favorite types of dates are when the two of you go out together and try new things
Like a new restaurant, a new spot, a new show, etc
Cue that meme of one girl sitting on another's lap while she does her makeup
Yeah that's her
Loves asking for your opinion on her makeup, greatly values your opinion in general
Constantly tells you she loves you, gets sad if you dont say it back
Will ask you to be gentle but like rough passionate sex
Moans loudly and shamelessly
Definitely a pillow princess, this is cannon
She'd communicate lots with you about what she likes and what she wants you to do
In a modern setting I feel like she'd wear lingerie or sexy outfits for you
Probably likes roleplaying
Also a huge expiramentalist! Likes trying next and exciting things, including in the bedroom
Susan Grimshaw
This woman keeps you on your toes constantly
Probably a little high strung but it's easy to tear her walls down!
Good at setting and respecting boundaries, while also reminding you of her own
Knows the time and place for affection, so when y'all are working, wants to keep it to a minimum.
But during down time, loves to dance, talk, kiss, and play games together
She's super hardworking and she loves real hard
Good at grounding you and keeping you in check
Like many things in her life, puts so much effort into the relationship and will never let you down or make you feel neglected.
Like Abigail, has demands that will be known
Though she'll make sure to pay special attention to you as well and not just focus on herself
I feel like she'd like to be called mommy LMAO
Loves taking care of you and the name during sex would definitely do things for her
She has lots of experience so you'll always recieve the most mindblowing orgasms
Has like a mental map of your entire body imprinted into her mind at this point
Also hands, I feel like she'd be into anything hands
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
How do you do, fellow simps?
We are Nosferatu (also known as Mary, Elizabeth or Rat; they/she/he/it/ze/xey/fae/per/chaos/ghoul/blood/doll; main @nosferatu-inside-of-me), Nyx (she/her; main: @christie-r0ad), Zenith/Jasper (he/him; main @z-xmyers) and Death (she/they; main: @deaths-reign02) and we have decided to do write horny shit here. This sideblog will mostly include anything Ghost and Repugnant related. You can learn more about us here.
We also have a discord server for the Ghesties and Repugnant fans to chill and vibe together! You can join the server here.
We provide content fot the entire Emeritus bloodline and some personal favorites, which means we write for:
Papa Emeritus Zero/Papa Nihil (both young and old because we're filthy simps)
Papa Emeritus I/Primo
Papa Emeritus II/Secondo (biblically accurate because y'all forget he's a party animal)
Papa Emeritus III/Terzo (he/they)
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia
Sister Imperator (both young and old because, as written above, we're filthy simps)
Mister Saltarian
The Director
Father Jim Defroque (because y'all are sleeping on daddy Jimmy fr)
Here you can find out more about our headcanons about their identities!
Multicharacter human masterlist (more than 3 characters) can be found here.
As well as all the Ghouls:
Fire Ghouls
Alpha (he/him)
Ifrit (he/him)
Sodo (NOT Dewdrop; he/him)
Blaze (Papa Nihil's Ghoul; he/him)
Water Ghouls
Chain (it/ghoul)
Lake (he/him)
River (they/them)
Cowbell (headcannoned by us as a water ghoul; they/it)
Mist (he/she)
Rain (he/she/ve)
Storm (Papa Nihil's Ghoul; they/he)
Earth Ghouls
Cliff/Big Earth (first Earth Ghoul; they/he)
Pebble (he/him)
Ivy (he/xe)
Mountain (he/him)
Quake (Papa Nihil's Ghoul, they/them)
Air Ghouls
Eurus (first Air Ghoul, they/she)
Zephyr/ChAir (they/he)
Cirrus (she/ze)
Cumulus (she/her)
Tornado (Papa Nihil's Ghoul, ze/zir)
Quintessence Ghouls
Omega (he/him)
Delta (transelemental Water-Quintessence; they/it)
Aether (he/him)
Phantom (he/they/xey/it)
Chaos (Papa Nihil's Ghoul; he/she/they/it)
Multi Ghouls
Swiss (he/it/xey)
Phil (he/him)
Sunshine (she/her)
Aurora (she/they/fae)
Here you can find out more about our headcanons about their identities! (Ghoulettes/Ghouls/Papa Nihil's Ghouls)
Ghouls masterlist can be found here.
Other Ghost headcanons (mostly world-building) can be found here.
We also make content for the following members of Repugnant:
Mary Goore (they/them. i will not answer anything where mary goore is regrded as a he/him.)
DD Sars (he/him)
G. Grotesque (he/him)
E. Forcas (he/him)
Tom Bones (he/him)
Here you can find out more about our headcanons about their identities!
Repugnant masterlist can be found here.
We provide both SFW and NSFW content in forms of headcanons and fics, big and small. We won't write anything that makes us uncomfortable, might post some small graphic edits, too. We're absolutely cool with LGBTQ+ stuff. This blog is a safe space for you, no matter your size, race, sexuality or identity and we promise to do our best to make you feel included, respected and comfortable. If anything we wrote or published makes you feel wrong, please do not hesitate to say so in the comments or to message Nosferatu about it.
If you do not specify that you want a oneshot/fic, we will most likely write your requests as headcanons since it's easier to read and write.
Our wonderful profile picture has been provided by the incredible @tasty-ribz. The beatiful Pride background was made by the amazing @mustluvecho.
Kinktober 2023 (it will be finished one day you just gotta believe.)
a pedophile
a zoophile
one of those disgusting anons who sent death threats to tasty-ribz
one of the anons bullying copias-girl
one of the assholes who spam Chris
one of the idiots invading Jutty and Liv's privacy
a Phantom/Aurora hater
As for minors: we are NOT your parents. It's your call if you read our content. We take no responsibility for it.
Our taglist can be found here.
Send an ask if you'd like to be added. Mention if for all or only specific characters. (these asks will not be published)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 days
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The Saint Lawrence Seaway, linking the North American Great Lakes and  the Atlantic Ocean, officially opened to shipping on April 25, 1959.  
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julesofnature · 1 month
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By the lake or river-side Where the Alders dwell, In the Autumn may be spied Baby catkins; cones beside — Old and new as well. Seasons come and seasons go; That's the tale they tell!
After Autumn, Winter's cold Leads us to the Spring; And, before the leaves unfold, On the Alder you'll behold, Crimson catkins swing! They are making ready now; That's the song I sing! ~ Cicely Mary Barker
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