oasis-wasteland · 3 years
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Day 5: Time Changes, People Don't
Someone needs to be responsible for protecting the timeline. Who better than a former Time Master? And any of you who'd like to join me.
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kalinara · 3 years
It’s Rip Hunter appreciation week!   
I admit, I thought about skipping it.  I’m not much of a fic writer (one a year has been my average) and there’s only so much meta you can write when you haven’t watched a show for three years or so.
But what the heck.  People do more with less.
So today’s prompt is “Time Wants to Happen.”
I know that Legends of Tomorrow is a time travel show, but I’ve always been disappointed at how disorganized they are in terms of portraying the effects of time travel and changes in the timeline.
Rip killing George Washington was a big deal.  But the team killing a Tokugawa Shogun ten years early (during the height of anti-Western exclusionism no less) had no effect at all!
A part of me assumes it’s just because the majority of the showrunners don’t give a shit about Japanese history.  But that’s the kind of thing that should change things.
Amaya’s village being saved brought Mallus forth (and wiped out the entirety of the Vixen tv show and I’m not completely okay with that), but apparently they killed of Spartacus recently and nothing happened?!
I’m not entirely certain about the latter part, because as mentioned, I haven’t been watching.
But it does remind me how one of my hopes for the Time Bureau, before it became a cardboard cut out obstacle for Sara and Ava’s grand romance, was that it might address some of these contradictions.
There are folks who STILL, to this day, refer to the Time Bureau as some kind of “betrayal” of the Legends.  This is infuriating for so many reasons, not the least of which being that the Legends were actually trapped at the end of Aruba/beginning of Aruba-con in a collapsed time anomaly, and only got out because Rip had created the Time Bureau and got them out.
The idea that Rip might have created an organization to handle the day to day management of time in a structured, orderly and most importantly ACCOUNTABLE fashion was a good one.  And if the show had thought about it, it would have been the perfect way to explain how the Legends can go around careening from event to event, fucking up history, without wiping themselves or civilization out entirely.
Tokugawa Iemitsu dies ten years early.  Oops.  But what if there’s someone who could recruit/hire a shapeshifter, or an android, or something like that to take the guy’s place so that history could stay on course for the next ten years.  Easy fix.
Heck, it could make the whole “I am Spartacus” idea darkly hilarious if they ended up replacing the prematurely dead guy with a duplicate.
There are so many ways that the show could have used the Time Bureau without interfering in the Legends’ unique mayhem.  
And there’s room for conflict, because sometimes bad shit happens.  And sometimes the Time Bureau will have to facilitate that because that’s how history is.  But sometimes there’s wiggle room.  This was something I thought the show did really well with Zari’s origin and the Helen of Troy episode.  I could imagine Rip, and other like minded individuals, working to find places where the timeline could bend or be nudged to allow more people to be saved, or more catastrophes to be avoided.  And perhaps sending in the Legends to bash it all into submission while keeping plausible deniability.
Missed opportunities, I guess.
But I suppose in the end, I think that’s what Rip’s probably doing now.  There’s no time bureau anymore, but Rip’s still out there.  (Comic Book Rule #1: no body, no death).  He had those pellets in Return of the Mack, so maybe he sets off the drive, freezes time with a pellet, slips out in Eobard Thawne’s old time sphere, and goes off to create a bunker in Arizona with a shit ton of chalkboards.
Every time the team does something like let Spartacus die much too early, I’m going to assume history doesn’t implode because Rip fixed it afterward.  It works for me.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021
28th June to 4th July
We’re proud to announce the themes for this year’s Rip Hunter Appreciation Week, and we’re looking forwards to lots of great creativity and Rip content.
We welcome all kinds of fanworks: fiction, art, gifs, moodboards, videos or anything else you can think of.
This year we’re giving you quote prompts that you can use or the theme the quotes suggest. It’s up to you decide how you want to use them, or even just incorporate the quote in what you’re doing. But don’t worry if you want to make something that doesn’t fit with one of the themes, we’re still pleased to have your work.
Day 1: “Time wants to happen” – Time travel is what Legends is all about, but it’s moved away from that lately. What historical or futuristic adventures should Rip have had?
Day 2: “Have you two considered couples counselling?” – Who should Rip be with and do they need counselling to stay together? Or it’s not romantic help he needs but a different kind of counselling. Over to you.
Day 3: “I’ve seen darker days.” – Terrible things have happened to Rip throughout the show, but as fans we’re good at thinking up more. It’s Whump Day!
Day 4: “One person acting alone can’t save the world.” – This is all about the team and Rip’s relationship to it, maybe it’s the one Rip built, but it could be an entirely different one, or just the people he’s met along the way.
Day 5: “Time changes, people don’t” – Everyone is the same, but the setting is different, or possibly this is just a comment on the nature of being a Time Master.
Day 6: “Live the next day” – Rip is still out there, so how does he re-join Gideon? Perhaps he’s got something up his sleeve that he’s working on.
Day 7: Free Day – You're free to give us anything you like, so let your imagination run wild.
Don’t forget to tag your post #RipWeek with the day they’re for.
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theadrogna · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 7: Free Day
Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase (Part 1)
(Part 2)(Part 3)
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following-the-drum · 3 years
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week - Day 3 - “I’ve seen darker days.”
There is a day that will come and he knows when it is and how it will happen there is little to be done to stop it or slow it's ever approaching yet so very distant moment. A moment every child knows in their heart, when the one whom he has left to call home, the one who made the best mince pies, and taught him to be who he is the real him underneath that mask for the world will not be there for him. Luckily she will also still be there in the past where he can find her should the need ever arise, but it haunts him...
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slothsareeverything · 3 years
I didn’t really know what to do for day five so I wrote a short fic, my first one in years
The dark sky was full of stars that twinkled softly, Rip lay on the soft grass and simply looked at them. His mother had taught him all of the constellations but after he left the refugee he had never taken time to relax and do such a simple thing as watch the stars and try to spot Ursa Major or something similar. But tonight he felt utterly exhausted, even his bones seemed tired which made him ponder on how old he really was these days. It was hard to keep track of when you travelled through time. Rip could ask Gideon but deep inside he didn’t want to know how long he had done the same thing; he had been told that being a time master was a blessing but nobody had mentioned how it could also be a curse. He had been all over the world, travelled all across the past and present and traversed space. The only thing that changed over these millions of years was time, but people never did, wherever he landed things never really changed. People rushed to work, cried over heartbreaks, achieved a huge goal they had, fell in love, stressed over the bills, and tried to live their best lives. There was always crimes, murder and atrocities committed and sometimes Rip had to make sure an innocent person wasn’t saved. The more he corrected the timeline the less heroic he felt and some days he couldn’t feel anything but numb, even on the best of missions where he got to stop pirates or save somebody there was always a darkness lurking behind the light. Today it was a kid that Rip had spotted stealing purses, the time masters wouldn’t rescue because one day he would invent something he couldn’t remember. He only remembers the haunted look in the kid’s eyes that he himself used to have. Tomorrow it would be something else, there would always be something because people never changed, time moved and they didn’t. “Captain we shouldn’t linger here much longer”, Gideons soft voice interrupted Rip’s gloomy thoughts and he smiled softly, her presence in his life would never change but that he was grateful for. She was the one person he hoped would never change no matter how much time did. “Yes Gideon I am on my way back, start the engines and set course for the next destination”. In the end he had to do his work and ignore the downsides of it.
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incendiaglacies · 3 years
Fic: Guiding Force
Title: Guiding Force
Summary: “Thawne is somewhere in this timeline, no doubt, seeking revenge on a younger Barry Allen. The only way I am going to find justice for my family is to keep the young boy safe from that monstrous man.”
For Rip Week Day 5: “Time changes, people don’t” A Flash AU where Barry has Rip Hunter to mentor him.
Word Count: 3K
Read AO3
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Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021 Day 7 - Free day
Here are some pictures of the awesome Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter.
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g0dyuki · 3 years
Day 7 | Free Day
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Oh boy.... What a awesome week I had. I’ve joined a great community of Rip Hunter lovers and they do an amazing job to appreciate this awesome character. At the moment I’m not quite good in writing FFs in english, so I decided to make an FMV like the good old times. How I missed them. 
I guess it went pretty well. Hope you’ll enjoy watching it. 
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yesmissbzzz · 3 years
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Day 2. "Have you two considered couples counselling?"
Maybe this is a sequel from day 1. Maybe Booster recluited us as the only apocalypse survivors to prevent it to happen. Maybe I just want to draw Booster and Rip wearing his comic suit.
One thing is for sure: whatever started the argument, it was Booster fault.
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kitkatt0430 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart Characters: Rip Hunter, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Gideon (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Sara Lance, Martin Stein, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Ray Palmer Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Leonard Snart Lives, Humor, Not to be taken seriously, Rip just wants Mick and Len to stop arguing Series: Part 2 of Rip Week 2021 Summary:
Rip can count the amount of time Leonard Snart's been alive again down to the minute. Largely because the arguing between Snart and Rory has been nonstop from that moment forward.
Time for Rip to take matters into his own hands.
(For Rip Week Day 2)
@ripappreciationweek I took another humorous slant on the quote for this one too and had a lot of fun with it.
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oasis-wasteland · 3 years
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Day 7: Free Day
"I wish that I could be the guy that you want me to be, that Rip, but I am not."
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kalinara · 3 years
Today’s prompt for RipWeek is “One person acting alone can’t save the world.”
And there’s something funny about that to me.  I mean, on one hand, I think it encapsulates Rip’s feelings about the issue very well.  Rip is at heart a people person.  He befriends Jonah Hex (and presumably a far future Barry Allen), allies with the JSA, he gathers the Legends, he establishes the Time Bureau, he picks up Wally.  He’s just simultaneously awful at actually interacting with people.
On the other though, it’s pretty hilarious that Rip is far far more effective on his own than he is with other people.
Rip is a decent fighter with the team, though I wouldn’t list him as one of the strongest.  He had trouble taking on one giant Russian in a sauna, after all.  And yet in Out of Time, as soon as the Legends leave, he takes on an entire room of Nazis, in a poorly fitting dress uniform, all without spilling a drink.
Look at evil Rip, that calm, efficient way that he ambushed the Legends and tore through the ship for the spear shard.    Look at his takeover of Camelot, and the destruction of the compass in Land of the Lost.  That is a very efficient, very skilled man.
Hell, look at the Time Bureau.  As soon as the man’s away from the legends, he manages to create a full on, theoretically self-sustainable agency (okay, it only lasts one more season, but I blame poor management) with a completely new operating style and technology. 
Hell, he makes a pretty good showing in Return of the Mack, with those time pellets.  Sure, Dahrk ended up getting the better of him, but no one’s perfect.
Rip is a man who is credited with inventing the Time Sphere, off screen.  He adjusted Mid-Nite’s emotional stabilization device to mass mind control.  He presumably built the time corridors and the time pellets.
The man is terrifying!  As long as he’s not with the group.
I’m sure there are Doylistic explanations for that (for one, we actually want the team to be able to do things, and the characters tend to lose abilities anyway as the plot demands - see Sara and her ability to control the team in late season 2 vs. any later season), but I’m more interested in the Watsonian end, because it does seem intentional.  It would be easy enough to just make Rip an overwhelmed bumbler the whole time.  Or even just a chaotic wild card like the Doctor, who can’t be expected to be consistent.  
But they make a point of it.  Jon Valor talks about his impressive reputation.  Zaman Druce is fairly desperate to win him over.  And as the examples show, under certain circumstances, Rip IS badass.
We can theorize why.  The Time Masters were not team players.  Each Time Captain we’ve seen has been alone with their ship.  Miranda was praised for a maneuver that put her and her partner in danger without telling him.  Rip had a childhood where relying on other people was not an option, and he’s a basket case that needs decades worth of therapy.
I’d like to think Rip is still out there (no body=no death!), collecting a bunch of random people, bumbling along with them, and eventually pissing them off too.  This time in a bunker in Arizona.  Who knows, maybe one day he’ll make it work.
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ripappreciationweek · 3 years
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RipFic Round-up
Rip Hunter Appreciation Week 2021 has produced a huge number of new RipFics and I’m so impressed with the Rip Fans this year. 
As always, let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Day 1 - Time Wants to Happen
Time Masters and Amazons by @singledarkshade -  Rip is sent to Thermiscrya to retrieve a suspicious pod released by Time Pirates. Time Wants to Happen��by @kitkatt0430 -  The first lesson Time Masters in training are taught is 'time wants to happen'. Made in China by @theadrogna -  Rip heads to Bronze Age China to deal an anomaly and finds rather more than he bargained for, including a female General and some old enemies. Untitled by @yesmissbzzz & @riphuntertimemasterlegend​ -  the most difficult, dangerous, and important mission of all time.
Day 2 - Have You Two Considered Couple Counselling?
Forgotten Memories by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  When a presumed dead Rip Hunter shows up alive, he finds out Gideon is human and missing. Two Weeks, Three Days... by @kitkatt0430 - Rip can count the amount of time Leonard Snart’s been alive again down to the minute. Stuck Together by @singledarkshade - When a mission goes wrong, Rip and John need some help to break a curse leading them to Miranda. Non Quoque Hic Asylum Est by @theadrogna -  It’s tough when your husband is a time traveller, but at least he can protect your past self if necessary.
Day 3 - I’ve Seen Darker Days
Alone by @singledarkshade -  He hoped Gideon had been listening when the signal went out, as brief as it had been, and it reached her otherwise he would probably die here. But as the last of the Time Masters, maybe it was time. For Victory! by @kitkatt0430 - “We can still do this. We can come together and win. I’ve seen darker days than this.” The Fight in the Dog by @theadrogna -  Rip and Jax find themselves fighting for their lives when they’re captured and thrown into an alien gladiatorial arena. Untitled by @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  He couldn’t move his legs, that was the first thing he noticed as he sluggishly awoke. Are You Afraid of the Darkness? by @promptsforyourwhumpfic - 
Day 4 - One Person Acting Alone Can’t Save the World
Home is Where Your Family Lives by @kitkatt0430 -  Rip Hunter wakes up in a hospital. No idea who he is. Which should probably worry him a lot more than it does, but it turns out he’s got family here in the early twenty-first century to look after him. Life Lessons by @singledarkshade - “There are times when it will be required for you to work with your fellow Time Masters to complete your mission.” Sullen and Sarcastic by @theadrogna -  When Rip has an accident with the timedrive, the crew of the Waverider have a seriously difficult teenager to deal with.
Day 5 - Time Changes, People Don’t
Guiding Force by @incendiaglacies - A Flash AU where Barry has Rip Hunter to mentor him. Edge of a Blade by @singledarkshade - A year after losing Miranda, Rip is trying to help his son with his grief. He hopes ice hockey will bring Jonas back out his shell but it also may help Rip as an old friend is the assistant coach. Untitled by @slothsareeverything - Short fic The Lost Centurion (chapter 15) by @theadrogna -  Roman AU in which Rip is a Roman Centurion, captured by the Waverider tribe. Midnight by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend -  The door of Midnight opened and another beautiful woman walked in.
Day 6 - Live the Next Day
Muscle Memory by @oasis-wasteland -  For Joe West, a strange man appearing out of no-where in the middle of Central City, is almost a normal week day. The Director by @incendiaglacies & @riphuntertimemasterlegend - The Waverider was the crown jewel of the Time Museum. Ghosts and Demonologists by @theadrogna -  Rip awakes on the Waverider following his decision to overload the time drive. The only problem is that no one but John Constantine can see or hear him. Lost in Time by @singledarkshade -  Reappearing in the world many years after he faced a Time Demon, Rip is surprised by how things have changed but where is Gideon and the Waverider?
Day 7 - Free Day
Back to the Beginning by @singledarkshade -  Overwhelmed by the new world he's in and all that is expected of him, Michael is surprised to find a familiar man injured near his hiding place. Legends of Lego - Tertiary Phase by @theadrogna - The Lego Legends struggle with weird anomalies.
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theadrogna · 3 years
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RipWeek Day 2 - Have you two considered couples counselling?
Non Quoque Hic Asylum Est
It's tough when your husband is a time traveller, but at least he can protect your past self if necessary. The question is who protects him. John has spent too much time in asylums, the last thing he wants to do is spend more time there.
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following-the-drum · 3 years
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RIP APPRECIATION WEEK 2021 - Day One - "Time Wants to Happen"
I think it would have been great if the show had gone in a direction where the Legends had to go back in time and fix time "holes" involving famous figures of history. Or maybe Rip has to go save the team from those places in time?
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