#Reo Mikae
dira333 · 6 months
Sharing Secrets in the Dark - Reo x Reader
A/N: I think I can stop saying that Reo isn't my favorite...
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“What was the hardest thing in your time at Blue Lock?” Hisako asks the team.
She’s the other Manager besides you and you’re glad she’s here and as bubbly and talkative as you are quiet. You don’t feel pressured to talk when she’s around, let your eyes wander and take in all the little things no one else seems to notice.
Like Reo leaving the room right after Hisako’s question, the look on his face new and uncomfortable. 
You get up to follow him, have to remind Isagi that you still exist so that he lets you pass.
Outside, Reo’s already gone, but you have a hunch on where he went.
Unsurprisingly, you find him on the field, dribbling a ball with an almost murderous expression on his face.
“Hi,” you greet him, your own voice echoing in your ears. 
He puts a smile on his face the second he hears you talk, but it doesn’t stick. It slides off his lips and reveals the scowl underneath.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask, “Or do you want me to start the Blue Lock Man Program so you can play? I’d offer to play Goalie myself but that wouldn’t be much fun for you.”
He hesitates for a moment before he nods. “I’ll shoot some Goals.” 
It’s not surprising that he doesn’t want to talk to you. After all, you’ve only been introduced a few days ago and whatever’s bothering Reo, he doesn’t seem to be the kind of person to spill his heart to just about anybody.
You still take a seat on the side, the artificial grass tickling your bare feet as you sit.
Three Goals in, Reo stops to catch his breath and looks over.
“What do you think of Nagi?”
“He’s tall.” You offer and Reo laughs so loud it echoes.
“And what about his character?”
You pull your lower lip between your teeth to think. There’s not just the question of what you think, but also what he might want to hear. Or how he wants to hear it. Reo and Nagi seem close after all.
“I think… he takes a lot of things at face value. If he doesn’t care enough or doesn’t want to spend energy on it, he doesn’t, no matter how important it may seem to others. It could be a bit unnerving because most people tend to create energy to get what they want and go beyond their limits. I mean, I’ve seen him stop eating even though he was hungry just because he didn’t want to chew any longer.”
There’s a faraway look in Reo’s eyes. You wonder if he will tell you, confide in you what bothers him so much.
But just as he opens his mouth, he’s interrupted.
“Starting without us? How rude!” Bachira bounds onto the field, steals the ball from Reo, and passes it to Isagi.
The moment is gone, but you can still feel Reo’s eyes on you even as they play.
You turn at the sound of the door.
The rooftop is mostly covered in darkness, but the golden light of the street lamps doesn’t reach the newcomer's face. But you know that hair…
“Hi, Reo.” You speak up from where you’re sitting.
He turns toward you. 
“Hey. Are you okay?” His voice is low and careful as if talking to a scared animal.
With a start, you realize that he’s not here to destress himself. He must have followed you up here.
“Yeah, sure.” You croak out and wipe the remaining tears from your cheek. “I just overreacted.”
“I would have reacted the same way.” Reo offers gently, slowly inching closer. “Can I sit with you for a bit?”
“Sure.” You nod even though he can’t possibly see it in the dark. His body is warm next to you, his warmth reaching you even though you’re not touching. He feels safe, like a living, breathing shield. Some of the tension bleeds from your muscles and you sigh, wrap your arms around your knees, and stare at the streets below you.
“Do you think I’m useless?” You ask. “You can be honest. I want to improve.”
“I think Barou is a dick.”
You snort at this decisive comment. 
“He’s your teamm-”
“No, don’t make excuses for him. He’s a dick. You’ve been nothing but helpful to all of us. He’s just grouchy because Rin managed to score more goals than him. He gets pissy when someone else is better than him.”
“But Hisako-”
“Don’t tell her, but I think she could talk a little less.” He turns his face, and you think there’s a smile on his lips, but you can’t really tell in the dark.
“You’re just saying that to be nice.”
“I’m not nice. Just honest.” He leans over and brushes his hand against your arm.
Goosebumps rise under his touch. A warm scent fills your nose. It’s not the Blue Lock 3 in 1 body wash scent you’ve come to loathe and your breath catches in your throat.
“Just like I thought. You’re ice cold. May I warm you up?”
“How?” You ask, mouth running dry when he takes your hands into his, thumb running over your knuckles. He brings them to his mouth and blows on them, his warm breath shooting through you like electricity.
Something fizzles between you, a new kind of tension you would never have expected.
You wonder if he’d kiss you, tonight, on this rooftop. 
But the moment shatters with the sound of the door being thrown open, Bachira’s voice cutting through the night.
“Reo-chan? Are you out here? We’re looking for you and Manager-chan.”
Reo drops your hand and gets up, dusts himself off as he walks over to Bachira.
“I’m here. I heard a noise, but I think it was a Tanuki.”
“A Tanuki?” Bachira sounds scandalized. “On a rooftop? Are you seeing things?”
“It’s dark out here, okay?” Reo scoffs. “Also it’s way too cold out here for her to be staying outside for so long. She’s probably in her room. Has Barou gotten a grip yet?”
Bachira sighs. “Not yet. But Kunigami is working on it. We think he’d apologize if he saw her.”
“Ah well, serves him right to feel guilty a bit longer. That was uncalled for. Let’s get inside, I’m freezing my ass off out here.”
“Not much to freeze off…” Bachira teases and the door clicks shut behind them.
“It’s getting warmer.” You remark a few weeks later.
Just outside the reach of the street lamps, Reo’s shoulder bumped into yours and stayed there. He runs warm and having him next to you is like having a personal space heater.
Ever since that first night, you’ve found yourself up here again and again.
All it needed was a shared look, one eyebrow raised or lips pulled up to one side, and you knew to come up here after dinner.
So far you’ve managed to bring up a blanket and two spare pillows to sit on. Only once you had to turn back at the door because of the weather, heavy rain pelting every available surface.
“What a shame.” Reo mumbles.
“You like the cold?” You ask, always eager to learn more about him.
No matter how many secrets you spill up here, there still seems to be more to know.
By now you know what his worst moment at Blue Lock was - Nagi turning his back on him to play with Isagi, have shared memories of your childhood and dreams of your future.
Talking has never come easy to you, but it does with Reo.
“I like warming you up.” He says and your blood rushes to your head. 
“I- don’t… don’t say something like that.” Your voice sounds way too hoarse to be natural.
“What?” He asks and you wonder if you’re imagining the little quiver in his voice. “Can’t I be honest with you?”
“I… I’m just… I…”
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, voice so low you can barely hear him about the noise in your ears. Maybe you even misheard him. He’d never ask that, right? Maybe he asked if you’d miss him. That you can answer easily.
“Yes.” You say, quietly, like a mouse.
Only a heartbeat later his lips are on yours, warm, a little chapped, but so gentle in their touch.
Your heart stops, then barges on, racing in your chest. His hands are on yours, warm fingers around cold ones. You’re holding hands as he kisses you, again and again and again, as if he’s trying to imprint their touch onto you, so that you’ll never ever forget it.
The first kiss breaks a dam and the flood takes everything with it.
Reo’s play improves so significantly that Rin and Barou are now constantly wearing a scowl on their face. He doesn’t seem to get tired when playing and when he passes, he risks moves so crazy Bachira comes running right after, hugging him with excited squealing.
You don’t think that anyone suspects anything.
The two of you keep carefully calm around each other. You hardly ever speak to him outside the rooftop, just like you hardly ever speak to anyone. 
You hand over towels and waterbottles, massage Chigiri’s leg in between breaks or run from Barou when he misses a goal. 
You bite your tongue when Hisako drowns Reo in affection and you keep yourself out of reach of Isagi’s arms - he has developed the annoying habit of hugging people after a good game. Your efforts are rewarded with soft kisses, the caress of his hands, the warmth of his hugs.
More then once have you fallen asleep on the rooftop, curled into each other, your nose pressed against his neck as you inhale a scent you’ll never get tired off.
“I like it when you’re a little jealous.” He tells you one night when you complain about Hisako droning on and on about Reo’s latest streak of victories. “Makes me feel a little better about being jealous myself.”
“Like you have a reason to be.” You tease and lean forward to kiss his nose. 
“I just…” He huffs. “I can’t help thinking about Nagi turning away from me. Like I understand in my head that it was necessary for him to improve and that I want him to improve, but everything in me screamed ‘Mine!’ when he did that. I want to you to improve and be better and have a better life too but the thought of you turning away-” He stops in the middle of his sentence and swallows harshly. You press a kiss to his Adam’s apple, trying to soothe his unease.
“I’m not an egoist.” You remind him. “I don’t have to be. I like compromises too. If you can’t have all of two things, you could settle for half of both, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“If Ego finds us out and I have to choose between you and managing Blue Lock, I can’t have both, right? But I could keep being a manager, just for another team and I could… keep you?” You don’t really mean for it to sound like a question, but you’re also not confident enough to believe that he’d want to go through the effort of dating you when you’re not conveniently around.
Reo’s answer is a kiss that silences your doubt. 
“When we get our free weekend,” he says when you’re both breathless, molten into the pillows like candle wax, “Will you come with me and meet my parents?”
Jinpaichi Ego manages to glare down at you even though he’s sitting and you’re standing.
“It was never the plan to have two managers for this team.” He begins and your heart sends shockwaves of ice through your body.
This is it. He’s kicking you out.
“So while the boys are getting ready for their game today, I have to decide which one of our dear managers I want to keep. I have only one question for you, but I’ll give you a little context.” He smiles and your heart beats so fast and loud, you wonder if he can hear it.
“Today we’re playing against a team of Star Players. I won’t mention their names but since I know you’ve been a soccer fan for quite some time, I can assure you that you’ve always dreamed of meeting them one day. It wasn’t that easy to get them to agree to a game, but I managed to lure them in. Here’s the catch. They will leave with one of our managers, who I praised highly. Now I’m going to ask you your question. Will you be egoistic and go for the best team or will you stay where you are?”
Your mind is racing. Your time with Ego has been significantly shorter than those of the boys but you’ve learned one thing… He often says one thing and means the other.
Does he really want an egoistic manager? Shouldn’t those whose job it is to care about the team be selfless in nature? Also, he didn’t specifically mention that the best team would be the opposing team. With his confidence, he surely meant that the best team would be the Blue Lock team. But what if you misunderstood?
“What’s your answer?” Ego asks and you ball your hands into fists, clench them so hard you can feel your fingernails digging into your skin.
“I want to stay with Blue Lock.”
“Explain your reasoning.”
“I…” You swallow thickly. “I care about this team. And I think they have it in them to be the best team, so why would I settle for a different team?” 
Ego’s eyes widen and you wonder if he’s just furrowed his brows, hidden from your eyes by his bangs. You shouldn’t have phrased it as a question.
“I believe you mean you want to stay with Reo Mikage.”
Your heart stops cold. Your mouth is so dry you can’t unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth. 
“If you have nothing left to say, you can go.” 
“I…” You cough, try to gather at least some semblance of self-control. “Thank you.” You bow deeply. “For my time here.”
Ego stays quiet, a weird look in his eyes. He doesn’t speak up, and you shuffle out of the room, doing everything you can to keep from crying.
Hisako’s sitting on her bed when you enter your shared room, playing something on her phone.
You know she’d been with Ego before you and her unaffected mood is like a kick in the gut.
Ego probably already knew he’d keep her. 
You quietly start to pack.
“Oh,” Hisako’s voice stops you in your tracks. “Did Ego say something when we’re going to leave?”
You shake your head and unclench your teeth to speak. “He didn’t but I… it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“Right, right. Who do you reckon we’ll get to manage? Do you think we’ll play the Japan U-20 again?” She’s twirling her hair around her finger, her eyes locked on the wall as she’s thinking. “I wouldn’t mind massaging Oliver Aiku’s legs.”
You freeze in your movement. 
“Did you… Do you want to manage the other team?”
“Of course.” Hisako has mastered sounding like she’s smarter than you whenever she talks. But you might as well just be the only one hearing that. “Blue Lock is about striving to be the best. Who would I be not offering myself to manage the best?”
You don’t answer but she’s already caught on.
“Don’t tell me you said you wanted to stay where you are!”
“I…” You start and close your mouth again.
“Oh, what’s that?” Hisako’s behind you in a heartbeat. Her closeness unnerves you, but you don’t want to be rude. Your eyes race through the room, trying to pick up on something out of order.
“Is that one of Reo’s hair ties?”
You go rigid at her words, watch her pick up one of the distinct purple hair ties he had gifted you a few weeks ago. 
“It’s mine.” You rip it from her hands and clutch it to your chest.
Her eyes widen for a moment before she laughs, almost toppling forward with the force of it.
“Oh, poor you.” She stretches out her hand to ruffle your hair. “It’s okay to have a Crush on your players, but you can’t steal their stuff.”
She’s still laughing as she steps away from you again to take a seat on her bed.
Overhead, the speaker cracks to life.
“Girls, we’re leaving in twenty minutes. Please pack all your belongings and meet us at the entrance.”
Hisako huffs. “Twenty minutes? Well, I suppose you can help me pack since you’re finished with your stuff already.” 
You nod, glad that she seems to have forgotten about Reo.
“Oh, and make sure to give back his hair tie,” Hisako winks at you as she grabs her duffel bag, “I would hate to have to interfere.”
It’s weird to see Hisako’s back on the field, to not have her talk so much nobody’s asking you questions.
You’re constantly on the move, handing Bachira a bottle of water, getting Barou a new towel, avoiding Reo… You barely have time to take in the other team but when you do, you’re taken aback. 
You heard about the match against Japan U-20. It had been the main reason for you to apply for the manager position. It must have shaken up the sport because on the other side of the field is the National Team. All of them are adult men in their prime. 
And Ego is nowhere to be seen.
No wonder your team is so tense. This could very well end in a disaster.
“How are we even going to win this?” Isagi voices your terror. 
“He wouldn’t let us play if Ego didn’t believe we could do this.” Bachira, always the optimist, barely manages to keep up Isagi’s spirit. 
Your own worries move to the back as you take in the team.  These boys might not always be the easiest to get along with but you believe in them. You believe in Reo. 
“I…” The word leaves your mouth before you realize it. All eyes snap up to you and you feel your knees wobble. Oh no. You hate it when people look at you when you talk.
Somehow you manage to lock onto Reo’s kind eyes, on the vibrant shade of purple of his hair and the curl of his nose as he waits for you to continue.
“... believe in you.” You croak out, wringing your hands. Now that the words are out, it’s a little easier to continue talking.
“If I’d have to choose to manage the best team in the world or Blue Lock, I’d have to choose Blue Lock. There’s no other team as good as you.”
You’re too focused on the slow pull of Reo’s lips to see him coming.
When Ego stars clapping behind your back, you jump away in surprise.
“Well said, Manager. Now, you’ve heard her. I didn’t bring you here to be unsure of your abilities. I brought you here to show them that you’ve got what it takes. You’ve trained under me, you won’t fail. Listen up, I’ll only go over this once.”
“Reo. You’re out.” Ego’s voice is cold and careless. You’re standing next to him, muscles tensed from head to toe. You have to fight everything in you not to jump to Reo’s side.
He’d been the focus of some intense defense during the last quarter and one foul had brought him to the floor. You suspected that under the ice pack his knee was turning all shades of blue and purple.
“No! I’m good! I can still play!”
Ego turns his dark eyes to you. “Manager? Tell your boyfriend to listen to his trainer.”
You gasp but no air reaches your lungs. 
Someone asks “What?!” and Rin rolls his eyes, calling all of this “Annoying.”
Reo’s eyes are wide open, his jaw slack.
You manage to take in a raspy breathe, than another.
“I…” You start, blinking to get rid of the fog. You swallow hard. “If Reo says he can still play, he can play.”
Reo snaps up as if pulled by an invisible string. 
Ego takes a long breathe out throug his nose before he huffs.
“Alright. It’s your decision. If he hurts himself, you’re going to be responsible for it.”
You don’t dare to look at Ego or anyone else. There’s confidence in Reo’s eyes and you nod, forcing yourself to stay as calm as you can possibly be.
Blue Lock wins.
You tell yourself that you’re not surprised. It had been a tight squeeze at some point, like it often is, and there are half-moon-shaped red marks on the heels of your hands from squeezing too hard. 
But Blue Lock wins and Reo comes running, grabbing you by the waist and lifting you like you weigh nothing, pressing you into him like he’s not just sweated out half the ocean.
“Get a room!” Someone rumbles behind you but you’re laughing.
If Ego kicks you out today, this will make a worthwhile memory. 
“Good job, my diamonds in the rough.” Ego drawls, looking over the boys with a fondness in his eyes you can’t have imagined. “This will teach them what they’re up against.”
“Uh…” Someone says behind you and you turn to see Hisako.
You admire her confidence even as her eyes flicker over you and Reo and her brows furrow for a second.
“I’m sorry.” Ego’s voice is too nice to be genuine. A shiver runs down your spine at the sound. “This is no longer your team.”
“But they don’t need a Manager outside of this game.” Hisako points out. “They just told me. I’m…”
“No longer wanted at Blue Lock. You can leave.”
Hisako’s mouth is wide open and you feel bad for her until she screeches like a banshee.
“What about her?!” She points a finger at you. “How’s she allowed to stay? She basically never talks!”
“Last I checked talking isn’t a requirement for being a Manager.” Reo quips nonchalantly. 
“Must have messed that up.” Bachira offers sweetly. “Cause all you ever do is talk.”
Hisako turns practically magenta and opens her mouth, but Ego is faster. 
“Leave.” His voice leaves no room for argument. “Before I make you.”
Your hands holding the tray shake from nerves but you manage to press the button that opens the door.
When you step inside, Bachira hollers your name.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, bounding over to you.
“Reo invited me.” You mumble, looking for him in the crowd.
To your surprise, Kunigami has him in a headlock, ruffling his hair. Next to him is Chigiri, doing a poor impersonation for you.
“But Mr. Ego! I believe in my boyfriend who I love! If he says he’ll win against the National team all by himself, he’ll do it.”
“I didn’t say that!” You disagree and Chigiri snaps out of it, having the decency to blush a little.
“Sorry, Manager-chan!” He laughs.
“We just have to teach this punk some manners.” Kunigami declares. “Has a girlfriend and doesn’t even tell anyone.”
“That’s none of your business!” Reo huffs out and manages to break free. He walks over to you, smile lighting up his face as he pulls you into the circle.
“Sit next to me, okay?”
“Not fair!” Bachira whines. “Manager-chan has the best food on her tray.”
“We all share!” Reo scolds and slaps away a hand that’s moving towards your plate of Takoyaki. 
And they do. A piece of everything lands on your plate that never seems to get emptier until you realize that Reo steals food from everyone, slyly putting it onto your plate.
“Stop it.” You hiss and knock your shoulder into his. “I’m going to burst.”
“No such thing.” He says and drops another piece of steak on your plate.
You try to glare before you get distracted by something you’d been craving ever since you got here.
“Oh, is someone eating that pickled radish?” You point at the little bowl. “I love those.”
Laughter rings through the room. It doesn’t feel like it’s at your expense but you still wonder what it was that you said that was so funny.
“By the way…” Barou clears his throat and pins you down with a glare. “I wanted to say sorry.”
Someone gasps and you can’t hold it against them. 
You swallow, feel the warmth of Reo next to you and the fullness of your belly, how a day filled with excitement has made you tired. You smile.
“I forgive you.” You pause for a second, take a breath. “But if you ever say something like that again, I’ll slap you!”
There’s a lot of laughter after that. Like when Nagi drapes himself over your shoulder, asking if you want to be his girlfriend too - and declaring a relationship too much work when you explain why that won’t be possible. 
At some point the space between yawns turns so short you can barely talk and Reo pulls you up.
“I’m going to walk you to your room,” he declares, pulling you from the boys that make exaggerated kissing noises.
His thumb rubs over the back of your hand as you stumble along. 
Just one corner away from your room he pulls you close and stops to press a kiss to your mouth, to edge of your jawline, the curve of your neck.
“I love you.” Reo mumbles, his breath washing over you. 
“I love you.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
In a way this reminds you of the beginning of you two, alone in a hallway, sharing secrets.
But this is no longer the beginning and there’s no end in sight.
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t-r99 · 1 month
Spoiling You
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Mikage Reo x fem reader
warning: a little smut
I hate the word lingerie so fucking much, it's like, *writes the word lingerie* ". . . uhm . . . . . . . . . hold up." *googles it* "okay, I got it right."
wc: 382
Reo has the entire world within his reach, more money than he could ever spend and his little love that he can spoil until the end of time.
It doesn't matter what it is. If it exists, he will get it for you.
By far, his favourite thing to get you is some good old lingerie. You look so pretty in everything he buys. Sometimes it's just a bra and a pair of underwear, sometimes he gets a garter along with it, sometimes a corset and, dear God, does the sight of you in one make his mouth water. He loves seeing you in a lacy bodysuit that sits on your body perfectly.
The best thing Reo knows is getting you a sexy set and a robe along with it. He sits on the bed and almost shivers with excitement and anticipation and waits until you finally walk in with the robe on.
It never gets old.
He will never get tired of it.
The best thing Reo knows in life is watching you slowly open up the robe and show off your otherworldly body with something he got you on.
You're so beautiful like this. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth and smile, a pink tint on your cheeks.
Reo stares at you hungrily, his pants growing tighter. "Hey, beautiful." He whispers when you finally walk up to him, pulling you down on his lap.
"Oh, you like it?" You hold his face in your soft hands and caress his flushed cheeks.
Reo's large hands are on your plush thighs and he moved them up your hips where he squeezes hard, urging you to move. "Fuck, you're so sexy." He guides your hips back and forth in small movements, the friction against his aching cock already threatening to make him cum.
You move your hands down to his chest and push lightly.
Damn, Reo really loves it when you ride him while wearing a sexy piece he got you. You look extra hot when wearing purple.
His colour.
He can't handle the sight of you clad in his colour and bouncing up and down on his thick cock that shapes your insides after him and only him.
Reo loves spoiling you, especially when it comes to something so intimate.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
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pretty 5 and lollipop*universe literally sit at the same table ?!???!?
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seishiroses · 1 month
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Anytime you think Reo can't get more Mika-gay he bravely stands up (or rather, kneels down) and says "Watch me 😏" Honestly, good on him.
Nagi's :x face is so cute here 🥺 also his clothes are so cottagecore it makes me want to put him in a little gingerbread house and give him a sewing machine (I actually saw someone do that with a Nagi doll on insta it was adorable?!!)
PS: The fact that it was Rin who bumped into Nagi was such a fun surprise!
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miyaur · 1 year
ㅤㅤ ❀ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)ㅤㅤ⁓ ㅤreq rules + byf/dni (updated 6/27/23 :P)
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⟢ byf/dni. basic dni criteria, i have NSFW/SFW content here, please be careful with what you read, minors please refrain from intereacting, in the end i dont rly care tho
⟢ will write. n/sfw content, yandere related, dark themes, tbh i dont rly mind anyth ⟢ will not write. character x character, eating disorders, footjobs — keep reading for my chrcter list!
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GENSHIN IMPACT ♡ will write. alhaitham, albedo, amber, arataki itto, beidou, candace, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, faruzan, ganyu, gorou, hu tao, kaedehara kazuha, kaeya, kamisato ayato & ayaka, keqing, kujou sara, kuki shinobu, layla, lisa, mika, mona, nilou, ningguang, noelle, raiden shogun / ei, rosaria, kokomi, shenhe, shikanoin heizou, sucrose, tartaglia, thoma, tighnari, traveler (aether/lumine), venti, scaramouche/wanderer, xiangling, xiao, xinyan, yae miko, yanfei, yelan, yoimiya, yunjin, zhongli, baizhu, dainsleif, kaveh, pantalone, arlecchino, columbina, signora, capitano, pierro, il dottore, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. qiqi, yaoyao, klee, diona, dori, nahida, sayu ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. bennett, fischl, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, barbara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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BUNGOU STRAY DOGS ♡ will write. dazai osamu, chuuya, akutagawa, tecchou, ranpo, fukuzawa, kunikida, fyodor, (i dont remember anyone else i watched like 2 seasons) ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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VALORANT Protocol ♡ will write. jett, gekko, yoru, reyna, viper, brimstone, neon, pheonix, killjoy, astra, kay/o, cypher, omen, raze, sage, skye, sova, harbor, chamber, fade ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above (no im not gonna write for breach sorry lmao)
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Hunter x Hunter ♡ will write. kurapika, chrollo, feitan, hisoka, illumi, phinks, nobunaga, machi, uvogin, shalnark, kite, mereum, mr wing, most adult characters are fine with me ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. leorio, gon, killua ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Saiki K ♡ will write. saiki, toritsuka, kaido, hairo, kuboyasu ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. teruhashi, nendo, etc. ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic inteareaction/etc. for characters listed above
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Honkai: Star Rail ♡ will write. dan heng, march 7th, seele, bronya, sampo, welt, himeko, gepard, tingyun, natasha, sushang, jing yuan, blade, luocha, caelus, serval, stelle, yukong, pela, etc. ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above ♡ will write. herta, arlan, qingque, fu xuan, yanqing ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic/romantic intereaction/etc. for characters listed above ♡ will write. bailu, hook, clara ⤷ ill write sfw/fluff/platonic intereaction only/etc. for the characters listed above
(specifically wont write for svarog, sorry!)
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Blue Lock
♡ will write. isagi yoichi, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri, seishiro nagi, asahi naruhaya, ikki niko, jyubei aryu, michael kaiser, noel noa, rensuke kunigami, reo mikage, rin itoshi, sae itoshi, ryusei shido, wataru kuon, zantetsu tsurugi, gagamaru ⤷ ill write nsfw/sfw/fluff/crack/angst/romantic/etc. for the characters listed above
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m1ckeyb3rry · 14 days
obv not a request, but something fun i wanted to ask
out of the fandoms from ur fandom list, who is your favorite character from each?
i havent watched/read all of them, but from atla aot and ve mine would probably be azula historia and violet <3
i love fun questions!! and haha i think we have p similar tastes in fav characters. i’ll list them in the order that i have them written on my fandoms list page!!
aot: pieck or historia
jjk: utahime or megumi
demon slayer: shinobu (my queen fr i love her entire storyline even though i literally never post abt kny)
violet evergarden: cattleya or leon (dietfried is my evil cunty husband though LMAOAO)
yona of the dawn: shin-ah
seraph of the end: tbh i didn’t watch much of this but i remember thinking guren was attractive so guren ig?? mika was also cool, same w shinoa
omniscient reader’s viewpoint: sooo many characters but my fav is definitely han sooyoung she’s literally me!! i love all of them though
avatar: azula
blue lock: nagi or karasu!! although out of any of them i think i would be besties w chigiri or reo irl
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paulkariyas · 2 years
Top 3 Kreibanejad tunes?!!
top 3?! i have like, about 9 diff playlists for them are you kidding djbhgdjjgjsd okay i’m going for 3 diff tunes for 3 diff scenario/setting instead!
babe by styx — those long sleepless, endless nights of not being together, yeah
alone by heart — this was like, during mika’s first year as a blueshirt
can’t fight this feeling by REO speedwagon — i mean, come on, do i need to explain this one jhbhjdvbs
honorary mention: i want to know what love is by foreigner — it’s perfect & it fits kreibanejad okokokok
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phantasmwar · 9 months
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Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars / ChiefAleister
Gentaro Yumeno from Hypnosis Mic / souisai
Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars / eiccentricparti
Sakuma Ritsu from Ensemble Stars / MerahDIRAYA
Allen Sugasano from Paradox Live / bismillahjoin
Chizei Kuzuryu from Paradox Live / LukePea61170352
Yuto Inukai from Paradox Live / LadLibra
Aohitsugi Nemu from Hypnosis Mic / Yanto12RB
Shiraishi An from Project Sekai / AkaneIPA07
Ugetsu Murata from Given / swordsint
Sazanami jun from ensemble stars / ActeurSnake
Kuro Kiryu from Ensemble Stars / HerrSolace
Fushimi Yuzuru from Ensemble Stars / Jusrtify
Hasumi Keito from Ensemble Stars / RD38MARY
Dice Arisugawa from Hypnosis Mic / lemonsquash69
Wataru Hibiki from Ensemble Stars / Eclipsior
Shibasaki Aizou from Honeyworks / isurjullieta
Shogo Yamato from Paradox Live / Hefaistrs
Rui Kamishiro from Project Sekai / bebakti
Mizuki Akiyama from Project Sekai / cannimeo
Kaida Shion from Paradox Live / gobuluck
Kenta Mikoshiba from Paradox Live / wlegant
Kurusu Syo from Utapri! / inmategray
Uta from One Piece Film: Red / chaeronkim
Yatonokami Kanata from Paradox Live / suksesgacha
Subaru Akehoshi form Ensemble Stars / idolSUBARU
Hokusai Masaki from Paradox Live / ayamkaikun
Zen Gaho from Paradox Live / eddyjooyeo
Toma Hikage from Paradox Live / meloveskafka
Tsukinaga Leo from Ensemble Stars / TyrantHuacheng
Ichiro Yamada from Hypnosis Mic / PrincipalLark
Ruby Hoshino from Oshi No Ko / hoshicno
KAITO (Vocaloid) / booglecatbox
Shinonome Akito from Project Sekai / ScientistSilas
Saburo Yamada from Hypnosis Mic / yikeps
Doppo Kannonzaka from Hypnosis Mic / laujhs
Nurude Sasara from Hypnosis Mic / slotnyamin
Madara Mikejima from Ensemble Stars / giyolmi
Ramuda Amemura from Hypnosis Mic / crutsty
Mafuyu Sato from Given / ayamnasipadangg
Ryō Yamada from Bocchi the Rock / sasakisomay
Izumi Sena from Ensemble Stars / pretendeor
Kanata Shinonome from AKB0048 / yowkaze
Maruyama Reo from Paradox Live / mikoshinyan
Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars / minatjadiidol
Mika Kagehira from Ensemble Stars / buxtery
Hoshizora Rin from Love Live / merahJANA
Kanbayashi Yohei from Paradox Live / kangbayashi
Yeon Dongha from Paradox Live / potraim
Serval Landau from Honkai: Star Rail / dekaphati
Congratulations to the chosen competitors! Change your username to @NAMEsStage (ex: @ALLENsSTage) and claim your slot here.
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anthemnz · 2 years
Anthem October Newsletter
Tēnā koutou e te whānau and welcome to Anthem’s October newsletter! September featured some outstanding milestones for our clients and friends, saw the arrival of some new Anthemites, and even took the team back to the classroom to learn about te reo Māori and taking care of our mental health.
As official Communications Partner for Chapter Zero New Zealand, Anthem Chair Jane Sweeney had the honour of facilitating their webinar ‘Communicating for climate’ where she shared practical advice for the director community on how to communicate their climate story. Anthem developed The Climate Lexicon - a practical resource for directors to support their sustainability communications.
Anthem supported the Centres of Asia Pacific Excellence (CAPEs) as they held their first ever summit to discuss unlocking profitability, sustainability, and inclusivity for Kiwis in business across the Asia Pacific. The team secured an opinion piece in NZ Herald by Dr Jason Mika, expert on Māori entrepreneurship.
A campaign the Anthem team loved last month was from specialist healthcare communications agency Essence, who won big for their playful ‘Bunnies’ campaign at the global Creative Floor Awards in London. 
Rounding out the month with a bit of #AnthemLife, the team welcomed two new Anthemites, Jay Louisson as an Executive Director and Kirsten Beggs as Head of People.
Kia pai to rā Best wishes from the Anthem team
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Anthem's Executive Chair and Co-Founder Jane Sweeney facilitated Chapter Zero New Zealand's 'Communicating for climate' webinar on 23 September providing practical advice for directors and management about effectively communicating their organisation’s climate story. Jane discussed how evolving reporting standards provide New Zealand companies the opportunity to tell the full story about their organisation’s climate impacts and achievements. She outlined how those who are true to their purpose, measure progress against environment, sustainability and governance metrics, and articulate a clear strategy can build respect and long-term, sustainable value. You can watch the webinar here.
To support communicating for climate change, Anthem developed the Climate Lexicon – a resource for directors and others who want to better communicate their contribution to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The Lexicon explains some of the key terminology around climate, sustainability, international reporting frameworks and New Zealand’s climate change agenda. 
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The Centres of Asia Pacific Excellence (CAPEs) recently held its first ever summit, aimed at bringing the country’s academic and business community together to equip Kiwi businesses with the tools to thrive in new markets, setting a course for a sustainable, inclusive, and profitable future.   Led by an impressive line-up of business leaders and top academic researchers, the Asia Pacific Summit included a strong emphasis on how Māori and indigenous business can venture into international markets in ways that reinforce their own identities and values, while also acknowledging the Asia-Pacific cultures they are working with.   Anthem was excited to be called upon to help raise awareness of the summit, by securing an opinion piece by conference keynote speaker and expert on Māori entrepreneurship, Dr Jason Mika, in NZ Herald. Dr Mika’s op-ed highlighted why the Māori economy must look towards APAC for sustained growth, and how indigenous entrepreneurial ecosystems are supporting businesses in the Asia Pacific.
Read the op-ed
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Specialist healthcare communications agency Essence was recognised last month at the global Creative Floor Awards held in London for an astounding campaign for its client Viatris.
Essence received the top award in the Campaign (Poster) category for their playful ‘Bunnies’ campaign that spotlights erectile dysfunction treatment CILATIL, and pushes the healthcare industry’s traditionally conservative boundaries.
We’re a huge admirer of Essence and the shift they underwent during Covid to reset their brand positioning. Essence’s award win serves as a testament to their incredible hard work and drive to ensure perfectly simple ideas are ignited with creativity.
Learn more about Essence's award-winning campaign
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The team is delighted to welcome two new Anthemites to the fold this month. Jay Louisson has now joined the team full time as an Executive Director, and Kirsten Beggs has stepped into a newly created role, Head of People.
With a vibrant range of communications experience in New Zealand, Bangkok, New York and London, as well as running her own public relations consultancy, Jay brings an abundance of wit, humour, knowledge, calm and logical thinking to the team.
Kirsten has a passion for enabling people to bring their best selves to work and a wealth of experience in Learning and Development, Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion and People and Culture, which has seen her step seamlessly into her new role bringing new ideas and initiatives to life.
Anthem are proud to boast Jay and Kirsten as part of our team.
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To celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori this year, the Anthem team participated in a session to support integrating more te reo Māori into our day-to-day work. In a session led by Kirsten, Anthem’s new Head of People, the team practised the correct pronunciation of vowels, learned greetings and learned a karakia.
Building our understanding of te ao Māori and te reo Māori is something Anthem is committed to and we are grateful that Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori reminds us of the importance of doing so.
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This September Anthemites partook in a special project to mark Mental Health Awareness Week.
Treated to a session with Outdoorsy’s Michelle Morpeth, Anthemites discussed ways to reconnect with nature and integrate more outdoor time into our days for the benefit of our mental and physical health. Recognising the challenges faced when trying to incorporate nature into our day, the team came up with simple ways to get outside each day, week, month, and year.
Walking the talk, Anthem has embarked on a 21-day step challenge with has seen the team racing around the office and taking meetings to the streets. Place your bets now on who will be Anthem's step champion!
To keep entertained on our daily walks we've been listening to The Nutters Club who recently dedicated an episode to the connection between chronic pain and mental health, featuring a discussion with Exsurgo's CEO Richard Little. 
That's our wrap for the month! Ngā mihi maioha
Team Anthem
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jxnetalkstoomuch · 2 years
I’m incredibly bored so i think i’ll start making a list each month of my favorite songs because some part of me feels the need to tell people about my horrid music taste. Anywho here are my top 20 songs of September (in no particular order)
also at the end of the year i’m gonna reveal all of the movies o watched from worst to best bc i have been keeping a meticulous list
Nobody by Circus Mircus
Vienna by Billy Joel
Take It On The Dun by REO Speedwagon
Devil’s Advocate by The Neighbourhood
Summertime by My Chemical Romance
Yo-Yo by Mika
Can’t Stand Losing You by The Police
R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys
El Tango De Roxanne from the original broadway cast recording of Moulin Rouge
Soolaimon by Neil Diamond
Take My Breath Away by Duncan Laurence
Lady May by Tyler Childers
If I Can Dream by Måneskin
SloMo by Chanel
MAMMAMIA! by Måneskin
Grace Kelly by Mika
That Old Black Magic from the soundtrack to Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Banks by Lincoln
Last Night by Duncan Laurence
Next to You by The Police
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igo-en · 2 years
【#Sumire Nakamura related news】“Reo Fujita to Become Youngest Pro Go Player in History at 9 Years Old - JAPAN Forward” and 5 others
Reo Fujita to Become Youngest Pro Go Player in History at 9 Years Old - JAPAN Forward
Untouched for 40 years, Hokkaido’s Railway Overrun by Nature has People Thinking of ‘Spirited Away’ - JAPAN Forward
Okinawa’s Awamori: The Spirit That Survived - JAPAN Forward
[JAPAN SPORTS NOTEBOOK] Bribery Allegations Cast a Shadow Over Tokyo 2020 Legacy - JAPAN Forward
[ICE TIME] Illustrator Mika Matsuda Brings Personalities of Skaters to Life with Her Work - JAPAN Forward
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dancerzone · 2 years
Track list - beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY 01. double thrash / 414 02. Get'em up to R.A.V.E / Disconation 03. I am / 有沢みはる from BeForU 04. Little Little Princess / SHRINE 418 (植松斎永 + wac) 05. MOON RACE / ELEKTEL 06. POODLE / Y&Co. 07. vault of heaven / Mr.T 08. Xepher / Tatsh 09. 合体せよ!ストロングイェーガー!! (Ryu☆ remix) 10. 月光 / Tatsh feat.星野奏子 - beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED 11. AGEHA / Ryu☆ 12- Close my Eyes for Me / D-crew feat.DENNIS GUNN(DJ Yoshitaka SCRATCHING) 13. Don't be afraid myself / platoniX with ray.D 14. Les filles balancent / Orange Lounge 15. RED ZONE / Tatsh&NAOKI 16. Wonder Bullfighter / Twin AmadeuS 17. ピアノ協奏曲第1番"蠍火" / virkato - beatmania IIDX 10th style 18. ALIEN TEMPLE / PINK PONG 19. Boundary / SPARKER 20. Don't forget / 中山結衣 21. pandora / dj TAKA feat.Tomomi - beatmania IIDX 9th style 22. FESTA DO SOL / Mt.Circle 23. lights / flare 24. Quickening / dj TAKA 25. The end of my spiritually / EeL - beatmania IIDX 8th style 26. I.C.F.5800 / Reo Nagumo feat.Mayumi Shizawa 27. Small clone / Yu Takami 28. TRIBAL MASTER / NAPAKICK 29. V35 / tiger YAMATO - beatmania IIDX 6th style 30. DIVE ~INTO YOUR HEART~ / NAOKI feat.PAULA TERRY 31. Silhoette of My Mind / ReR - beatmania IIDX 4th style 32. Vienna / Osamu Kubota - beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD 33. iFUTURELIST / AKIRA YAMAOKA Bonus Videos 34. GAMBOL / SLAKE - beatmania IIDX 35. Junglist King / Hirofumi Asamoto(ram jam world) - beatmania IIDX 2nd style Trivia - I.C.F.5800, Junglist King, Silhoette of My Mind, Small clone, TRIBAL MASTER, and Vienna are the only songs on beatmania IIDX VISUAL EMOTIONS 4 that weren't in a current beatmania IIDX arcade release (beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD) at the time of the DVD's release. - beatmania IIDX VISUAL EMOTIONS 4 is the first DVD in the beatmania IIDX visual series to be spelled in capital letters, a trend that continued for the rest of the series. - It's also the first since beatmania IIDX visual works vol.2 to feature unique artwork made for the DVD cover. - beatmania IIDX VISUAL EMOTIONS 4's cover features VJ GYO characters Mika, Yuri, and Akane in maid outfits. _______________________ Support the Stream! I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a pizza and share your thoughts 🎉🍕 https://bit.ly/3xv3LoL I started a Ko-fi Page! Ko-fi helps creators get support from fans of their work. Please support or follow my page! https://bit.ly/3NYVlv9 Give me a Tip : paypal.me/robo2001 ================= Refrescamos nuestra imagen, y te invitamos a vivir la experiencia Dancerzone Perú Pagina Oficial en todos nuestros canales virtuales Portal https://bit.ly/3N0lzMd Facebook: https://bit.ly/3N9DeS5 Instagram https://bit.ly/3MVQ0TR Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DancerZone Tumblr https://bit.ly/3zNsTI6 Canal de YouTube: http://goo.gl/4vzD87 Blog Oficial: https://bit.ly/3aZEs4L ¡DESPIERTA TU RITMO INTERIOR! ============================================== Propiedad de ©Konami .Todas las imágenes y contenido mostrado aquí son solo de carácter ilustrativo y son propiedad de sus respectivos autores. Property of ©Konami All images and material used here are only for Illustrative purposes, and are propriety of their respective authors . by DancerZone
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arsnovacadenza · 2 years
I really, REALLY wish Exodus had spent more time on ReoMika cause they're the only canon couple I'm invested in aside from Fumihiko/Chizuru, Ryo/Yumi, and Kenji/Sakura.
Unpopular opinion: I like the third-gen pilots more than the second-gen ones. Sure, we get Seri and her relationship with Orihime and Soushi. But the other ones are kinda...?????
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symphonic-scream · 6 years
BNHA Next Generation Status Card - Toshiro
Family Name: Jirou
Given Name: Toshiro
Gender: Male
Parent 1: Yaoyorozu Momo
Parent 2: Jirou Kyouka
Sibling: Jirou Hibiki
Godparents: Midoriya Shouto, Ashido Mina
Uncles: Yaoyorozu Tomohiro, Yaoyorozu Reiji, Yaoyorozu Tatsuya
Grandparents: Jirou Kyotoku, Jirou Mika, Yaoyorozu Eito, Yaoyorozu Makaira
Birthday: March 16
Ref Age: 17
Hair colour: Indigo
Eye colour: Dark
Quirk: Earphone Jack + Melodic Repitition
Class: UA 3A
Seat number: 9
Homeroom teacher: Midoriya Shouto
Hero name: Boom Box
Idol: Pro Hero Earphone Jack
Hero type: Search-and-rescue
First-Year Internship: Wild Wild Pussycats Agency
Second-Year Internship: Bonfire-Foxtrot Agency
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite music genre: Meme
Best friend: Bakushima Ryoko
Romantic partner: Takeda Reo
Sexuality: Bisexual
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aramajapan · 6 years
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Stars Attend the Pre-Fall 2019 Valentino and Dior Shows in Tokyo
This has been a busy week for fashion in Tokyo. Two fashion powerhouses, Valentino and Dior, showed their new Pre-Fall 2019 collections in the city. On November 27, Valentino held its first ever fashion show in Toyko, debuting its Pre-Fall 2019 collection for men and women. The collection was a mixture of Western and Japanese […]
Read more on aramajapan.com
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bbiemochi · 2 years
{ lucy’s series of favorites! ♡ }
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favorite color: light pink ♡
favorite artist(s): marina, yoasobi, conan gray, clairo, beach bunny, arctic monkeys & adoy ♡
favorite celebrity: aidan gallagher, jenna ortega, winona rider, & zendaya ♡
favorite song: miracle paint by wonderlands x showtime ♡
favorite food/drink: tempura, pizza, shawarma, takoyaki, spicy noodles & matcha flavored drinks ♡
favorite candy: rainbow belt candies \(//∇//)\♡
favorite country: japan & france ♡
favorite restaurant: kfc and mcdonald’s ♡
favorite movie: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, from up on poppy hill and belle ♡
favorite month: february ♡
favorite games: genshin, identity v, project sekai, ensemble stars, honkai series & cookie run kingdom ♡
favorite anime(s): haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, fairy tail, blue lock, and loving yamada at lvl 999 ♡
favorite tv series: the umbrella academy, euphoria, wednesday and heartstopper ♡
favorite genshin character(s): kazuha <3, nilou, alhaitham, diluc, hu tao, & kamisato ayato ♡
favorite haikyuu character(s): suna rintarou <3, kita shinsuke, shibayama yuuki & kanoka amanai ♡
favorite jujutsu kaisen character(s): sukuna ryomen <3, itadori yuuji, & shoko iori ♡
favorite enstars characters: rei sakuma <3, arashi narukami, mika kagehira, koga ogami, & hiyori tomoe ♡
favorite blue lock characters: isagi yoichi<3, itoshi brothers, nagi seishiro, & reo mikage
favorite manga: chainsaw man, blue lock, and oyasumi punpun (yes, the depressing one’s i love) ♡
any favorite ship(s)?: kaebedo, xiaolumi, thomayaka (don’t come for me pls ;-;) bokuaka and kagehina ♡
favorite fanfic tropes: anything with extreme fluff, high school au(s), self-insert fic, royalty au(s), & fake dating ♡
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a/n: i feel like i’m missing a little smth in here but i’ll check later after posting this lol
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