#Redacted Delphinus
I still see your face
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CW: Cursing, D(a)emon bigotry, Canon compliant violence, Vega-typical manipulation, Cam slander (i'm sorry), Alnilam slander (not sorry also everyone should hate her and blame her), Some original character cameos, FL and Gavin and Caelum cameos
"Sometimes I still see your face laying on my shoulder. And my heart beats so fast that I start to feel alive again."
The Chorus took Brachium from him, and he wasn't going to forgive them. Nor was he going to give up on his lover. He did not go through thousands of years and a steward like Alnilam to suddenly be left alone. But he also didn't know that a naive little Inchoate would remind him of what he lost either.
"Pretty sure we were talking about how Cam is a dinosaur."
@wib-was-here @star-sheeps @teeiasposts @neongreenskunk @clover-46 @teafairywithabook @blueshadow420 @pinksparkl (tysm for beta-ing TT-TT) @angel-shaw @haze-hours
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The birthing process was a difficult one, for humans and demons. And daemons. But while for humans, they had to tear and stretch parts of their bodies, for demons (and daemons) the Elision Well had to pull magic from its surroundings to form a demon. Whatever the majority of demons were nearby was usually what would be caused to form.
He was pulled from seemingly nothing, shoved into a plane of existence he knew nothing about. His aura, all red and black and a green so dark it blended seamlessly into the black – flickered as he tried to regain his bearings. Other demonic auras flashed around him, only serving to unground him further. The only information he had was his name and his limits on emotions he was capable of feeding on. Other than that… he was lost.
Be still, young coalesced. A voice sounded, words vibrating through his essence. His attention turned towards the cause, and was greeted with forest green and black. A softer mix than his own. He moved away from them, his emotions sharp with distrust. The calming mix didn’t back away or move forward, hanging suspended in the swirling mix of raw magic. My name is Brachium. Do you know who your steward is?
Steward. The word was familiar and he could feel a tug on the core of his astral form. But everything just looked like blobs to him. He didn’t answer, glancing back towards the pit that spat him into this new life. 
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
D.A.M.N Crew Headcanons Part 2 (Ft. Kody, Xavier, and Hudson)
Author’s Note: Apparently I only wrote 1 DAMN crew headcanon? Let’s fix that. Anyway what headcanons yall want next bc I’m OFFICIALLY NOT SICK ANYMORE
- Freelancer tends to grow out their hair without realizing.
- One of Huxley’s moms has a southern accent that the other simply adores.
- Lasko’s hair is either curly and reaches his ears, or long and fluffy and touches his butt.
- Gavin has nipple piercings.
- Damien hates the idea of forehead piercings.
- No matter how simply you explain the game to him, Caelum will never understand how to play Go Fish.
- Damien and David would make great friends.
- Xavier used to run around campus screaming the lyrics to “Let it Go” while wearing a random flowy dress and freezing the floors he stepped on. Whenever he was caught he threatened to make a castle then and there if someone touched him.
- He very much could do it but he never actually did.
- Huxley has a teddy bear. He doesn’t remember how or when he got it, he just…has it. But god forbid anyone tries to take it from him.
- Whenever Lasko draws, he draws people with a “:3” face.
- Caelum has drawn those lime lips people hate so much.
- Gavin thrives on VRChat.
- If Freelancer had their way, they’d be in bed until 4pm.
- Whenever Kody had his “mandatory counselor meetings” after he bridged with Freelancer, he’d ever so slightly, yet constantly, dampen the plants in his counselor’s office so they’d die.
- Once, when Caelum couldn’t convince Freelancer to wake up, Gavin came over and played a very annoying “wake up call” from a radio show host. That woke them up.
- Damien loves Hell’s Kitchen. Not because he likes seeing Gordon yell at chefs, but because he likes seeing chefs who do a good job cooking receive praise.
- Xavier and Huxley prefer the chewy Chips Ahoy cookies (as they should).
- Lasko’s alarm is so soothing it actually puts him back to sleep.
- Caelum has a Nintendo 3DS.
- Huxley met Lasko when a stray football hit Lasko square in the face and Huxley came up to check if he’s okay.
- Kody prefers honey barbeque chips.
- Damien loves the snow. Even if he feels weak and vulnerable during the winter, he loves how it looks and how it feels. He’s never lost a snowball fight either.
- Xavier preferred online classes. Not because it was easy to skip and sleep through, but because it was genuinely easier (to him).
- Lasko has asthma.
- Kody used to have his hair in a ponytail, now he just keeps it out.
- Freelancer can double dutch.
- Gavin can’t but don’t tell him that.
- Caelum has tiny little wings that can just barely pick him up off the ground if he flaps hard enough. He can float anyway, but he likes flapping his wings.
- Damien likes soft cookies, so if he’s given a hard one, he’ll microwave it until it’s soft and melty.
- Lasko likes durian fruit.
- Huxley collects fidget toys
- And igneous rocks.
- Gavin had a pet fish he won, but it died, so he fed it to a stray cat.
- Lasko doesn’t know about the existence of oatmeal raisin cookies.
- Freelancer likes tres leches.
- Sometimes, Caelum stays up past his “bedtime” to use his Nintendo 3DS.
- Whenever Delphinus checks on him in the middle of the night, he swiftly shuts his DS and stuffs it under his pillow as he pretends to be asleep. He’d get away with it too if it wasn’t for Mario saying “Bye bye!” as it closes.
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risarchives · 2 years
caelum: hi! do you want a drink?
camelopardalis: certainly, my friend. what options do i have?
caelum: yes or no?
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chaotic-cheshire · 2 years
Caelum, honey, I missed you A LOT..
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yetdevout · 2 years
If you think about, Caelum is the reason anything in the Freelancer storyline even happened. If Freelancer wasn't assigned to him as a charge, they may or may not have even met Gavin, gone to DAMN or met the others at all if Caelum didn't decide to be bored one morning and wake Freelancer up and tell them that they shouldn't hide their powers and all that.
Erik please bring my bakadere boy back. I miss him :(( I don't want to believe the theories that he's gone but it's still a possibility.
good morning. :)
youre completely right here! caelum is the root of so many relationships in the redactedverse, it's crazy. we owe him so much for fl and the damn fam, david and angel, and so on.
im gonna be honest — i don't believe the "fl can't see caelum anymore" theory. fl is Still going through shit, and it would be his job as an empathy daemon to make them happy. the entire reason he's not here is bc he's young and never dealt with so much negative emotion before. logically, if the chorus decided "hey, ur charge can't see you anymore", i feel like that'd send him spiraling even further. fl is his anchor and when he's ready, he'll hook right back on.
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Call me crazy, but I do worry that the reason Caelum has been gone from the channel for over a year is that Redacted knows that people have sexualised him, and doesn't want it to happen anymore - someone did ask a question about it on a live once so it's not impossible. Personally, I can't bring myself to understand why people want to think about this character that clearly thinks, talks and acts like a child, in romantic and sexual situations. From comments from Gavin and general context, I gather Empathy Daemons develop differently to other Daemons and emerge from the elision well like a child, and whilst Regulus and Delphinus have clearly been around long enough to have adult minds, Caelum clearly won't get there for a while longer.
Either way, I'm sad he's been gone for so long, his and Freelancer's relationship felt really special.
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mirrorballls · 3 years
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* jacob elordi, male + he/him  | you know stephen maldonado, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to jerk by the front bottoms like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole dark denim jackets littered in pins paired with ratty white nikes, brow seemingly held frozen in a consistently furrowed brow, and empty bottle of mountain dew code red stuffed with cigarette butts thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 13, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
one more time with feeling (until i stupidly take up my fourth muse ASAP).  liz (she/they, 23, est) AKA auld liz syne#2288 on discord.edu. anyways every squad got the Extremely Normal Guy and sometimes that’s stephen. 
full name:  stephen casey maldonado. birthday:  november 13, 1997. big three:  scorpio sun, capricorn moon, taurus rising. sexuality:  bisexual. occupation:  guest service representative at the palm motel. neighborhood: grew up in the orion avenue area, now lives in delphinus heights.
stephen was raised by irving stock. his parents were hometown sweethearts that started dating when his mom was a sophomore and his dad was a junior and somehow, they made that last. they never wanted more than to live in their little home by the beach with their family and the community they were so attached to. his mother was a social worker and his father was a firefighter and they loved their little suburban life. they had kids and got involved in their neighborhood play groups and that classic idea of the little house and the two kids and an abundance of hometown spirit.
death tw. when stephen was seven, his dad died. it was sudden, unexpected, not even related to his work or anything. it was just like one morning he was there and the next he wasn’t. and it hit his family hard. he had always been close with his dad, and after this, he became immortalized to stephen as a hero. he still bumps into people in irving who’ll have a story about how his dad, who he barely got to know, and how he was this amazing guy that he should strive to be like. it’s given him something of a complex. he’s got this idea of the person he needs to be an he’s scrambling to piece that together. it’s just not as easy to him as all the old stories lead him to believe it would be.
through it all, his mom and his sister grew closer, and stephen began to feel like something of an outsider in his own family. it wasn’t their fault, it was natural. they had things in common, a similar temperament, just these natural things bonding them that stephen wasn’t apart of. he was already spending a lot of time hanging out at other neighborhood kids houses while his mom worked, so it wasn’t a stretch for him to stick around when he realized he had more fun there than at home. so he became one of those kids that would just bounce between friends houses and look for any opportunity for a group hang or sleepover. 
middle school stephen was that kid who wanted to be really funny and athletic and likable but always fell short. he wasn’t horrible by any means, he was just kind of a dork, by middle school standards. when high school came around, he was determined to rebrand himself, and it sort of worked. he grew out of his awkward phase, got a pass for his daily uniform of ratty flannels and hand-me-down levis from his mom’s friend’s kids, because now it was grunge and it was an aesthetic. he never had the confidence to try and pass himself off as Truly Cool, but he found a way to make his whole thing work as like a pretentious kind of cool guy. 
but what he did not realize is while being pretentious earned him street cred with a certain group, it also made him kind of a jerk. he always had to be right or like assert his opinion even when no one fucking asked. bit pathetic. but sometimes that’s the price of being a depressed indie king....
when he graduated, he got into hospitality. part of it was a fluke: when his friends all went off to college, he needed a job. so he took one working nights at the palm motel, because it was the best pay he could find and he was still able to sleep in on weekdays which was an epic win in his mind.  in the end though, he ended up loving it. it’s corny and he’d never admit it to anyone because he has a reputation to uphold, but he loves getting to feel like he’s giving the tourists that come through town a special little home away from home. he knew he loved the feeling of getting away, even if it was just down the street, when he was a kid, and he likes giving that feeling to other people. it was also around this time he started getting serious with his girlfriend and they moved into their own little place they could barely afford but still skillfully and thriftfully decorated and it felt like everything was really coming together.
like sure it wasn’t his parent’s perfect marriage and beautiful community serving jobs, but it felt like something close. something precious he could have and be proud of and use to get to sleep at night with a hope that his dad would be proud too, if he could see it.
but that was years ago, and now things have taken a turn for the worse. things lose their glimmer, over time. he still loves the idea of working at the motel, and has even worked his way up the ranks over his time there, but now working as a guest service rep, he’s dealt with enough pissed-off moms and spring breakers that fuck shit up for fun to last him a lifetime. “disgusting-little-man”gate hasn’t been great for business and he’s having to face the facts that there may not be much else for him left at the palm, but he’s also too broke to really stop and reassess the situation. icing on the cake has been his recent breakup and his car getting two flat tires at once, landing him in the ideal situation: living with his ex-girlfriend that he still has feelings for with no clue what’s gonna happen next in his life. funny sadman falls on hard times :pensive:
plotting ideas.
friends/acquaintances because he’s weirdly socialized!
enemies/people he’s pissed off being a pretentious [redacted]!
it’s always weird to ask for cousins but honestly i love extended family stuff be my cousin.
tinder date he fucked up by being too emotional about being recently dumped!
tinder date that went better and they hooked up but then he ghosted because he’s a bit out of it!
i’m out of ideas to just vaguely list but..... we talk and we plot something amazing okay?
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ashitomarisu · 3 years
I don't remember if I made this a masterpost but oh well. Love Live idols if they were Precure...(UPDATED w/ Liella)
Honoka: Cure Sunrise
Kotori: Cure Altair??
Umi: Cure Sagitta
Hanayo: Cure Alpaca?
Rin: Cure Felis
Maki: Cure Marinara
Eli: Cure Harasho (or Tundra)
Nozomi: Cure Tarot
Nico: Cure Nico
Chika: Cure Mikan
You: Cure Pyxis
Riko: Cure Forte
Hanamaru: Cure Azalea (DON'T EVEN)
Ruby: Cure Moonrise (originally I wanted to do Lollipop but I KEPT THINKING OF PANDAS AND 80S CITY POP TO DECIDE I WANTED HER TO BE MORE OF A BADASS)
Yohane: Cure Raven
Dia: Cure Lepus (BUNNIES)
Kanan: Cure Delphinus
Mari: Cure Polaris
Leah: Cure Snowflake
Sarah: Cure Blizzard
Ayumu: Cure Serpent
Ai: Cure Jubilee
Setsuna: Cure Pyro
Kasumi: Cure Royale
Shizuku: Cure Façade
Rina: Cure Analog
Karin: Cure Starlight
Emma: Cure Evergreen
Kanata: Cure Aries
Lanzhu: Cure Aurum
Mia: Cure (REDACTED)
Kanon: Cure Fiesta
Keke: Cure Panda (I don't want to hear you Woob nerds go ballistic on me).
Sumire: Cure Galaxy (or Cure Universe at this point)
Chisato: Cure Takoyaki (Arienai)
Ren: Cure Ballare (Latin for "dance")
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
D.A.M.N Crew Headcanons Part 3 (Ft. Kody, Xavier, and Avior)
Not as many Kody and Xavier headcanons as I wish there would be, but they’re still there. Enjoy!
- Caelum had his front tooth kicked out by one of his older brothers on accident.
- Freelancer will never let anyone else crack the eggs if they’re baking something. It always has to be them, not even Caelum can do it if they’re around.
- Damien has busted his ass while skating once and never touched a skateboard again.
- Lasko can use a hoverboard but lives every second in anxiety and fear when the low battery sound plays.
- Huxley’s instagram is just full of pictures of his moms and rocks with googly eyes.
- Lasko and Huxley say “Golly” unironically.
- Caelum enjoys chocolate ice cream.
- Freelancer prefers French Vanilla.
- Xavier has sung “Nations of the World” from the Animaniacs perfectly after only watching it once.
- Gavin can do the “disappearing thumb” trick.
- He’s done it in front of Caelum but Caelum started to cry after he saw it.
- Damien can write and speak in cursive.
- Damien can understand Russian script.
- Huxley has always wanted to give Damien a piggyback ride, and only got to do it after they got together. It was the best thing ever. For Huxley, anyway.
- Lasko likes to watch Ni-Hao Kai Lan.
- Whenever someone tells Freelancer to pose, they always do a peace sign.
- Gavin bullies people on Discord.
- When Freelancer and Gavin first met, Freelancer genuinely didn’t know he was getting sucked off until he mentioned it.
- Caelum likes growing his hair out, so whenever Delphinus says it’s time to cut it, he flies to the highest altitude he can muster and just…stays there…until Delphinus gives up. He’s done this for a year and a half now.
- Kody’s eyes are usually glossy, like he’s about to cry. It’s ironic because he hasn’t cried since the 5th grade.
- Huxley has cut his hair into bangs before, never again.
- When Lasko sneezes, it evolves into a series of annoying tiny sneezes that leaves his nose red.
- Damien would rather die than use Airpods.
- Xavier has always wanted a BIG dog, but never got the chance to get one.
- Caelum has his own section in Freelancer’s dorm where he can play and sleep.
- Gavin heard what happened to Avior when he tried to rift back to Aria and said “And people ask me why I don’t rift back home anymore”.
- Gavin has called Avior a “dickrider” before.
- Freelancer is FASCINATED by Vampires.
- Lasko owns a robe that reaches past his feet.
- Huxley belly flops onto pools for fun.
- Damien hates tanning.
- When Caelum heard about the Nintendo EShop shutting down, he begged and cried for Freelancer to hack his 3DS since Gavin and Delphinus had no idea how to. Freelancer had to look up how to do it, and spent the night doing it, but it was easier than they thought.
- Kody randomly walks around his house in jeans and flip flops while being shirtless.
- Gavin believed in the “Talking Angela is stalking you” theory.
- Lasko refuses to download Twitter.
- Freelancer developed their powers in the 6th grade when someone was picking on them, and hid them from their family for 4 years in fear of what they could do with them. Their parent(s) found out after they froze their room while having a breakdown via stress.
- Huxley played spin the bottle at a party with his friends a few years ago, and when the bottle landed on Xavier, they immediately began kissing with no question, hesitation, or awkwardness.
- Caelum hates Baby Shark.
- Lasko has a sleep mask, a bed that regulates temperature, 7 pillows, and a surround sound system that plays rain sounds at night.
- When Damien first came into his room, he was appalled at how comfortable it looked.
- Caelum makes hot cocoa and then puts it in the fridge to cool down.
- Huxley’s moms owns 3 cats. One rarely moves, and the other two are menaces.
Taglist: @morgansplace
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foolish-idiot · 7 years
Yeah yeah, but you’re a colossal dork too :P
Planets: Life
    Mercury: What’s your full name?Amanda Love Griffin
   Venus: What’s your first language?English
   Earth: Where’s your home?Right now? Florida.
   Mars: What’s your sexuality?Bisexual
   Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?I have 3
   Saturn: Any pets?Yes! A cat and she’s the love of my life!!!
   Uranus: What’s your hobby?Mostly just hanging out and talking to people i think? I like to read and write and draw too.
   Neptune: When’s your birthday?March 24th
   Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?9:33 am
   Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?I hope to study Psychology.
Stars: Experiences    Sun: Have you ever had alcohol?Oh yeah. Lmao.
   Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?I have. Lol.
   Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?I have!!!! And I used to hate them but I love them now.
   Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?Yes :)
   Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness?Oh yeah. I laugh myself to tears all the time lmao.
   Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?My father and chicken wings story and the hot-sauce-on-the-tongue story….Im convinced he’s the reason I don’t like spicy foods lmao.Ask me if you wanna know the stories.
   Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?My friends and my family and my cat.That’s more than one something yes but damn it I care deeply about who I love…. And Im kinda sorta maybe just a little a lot protective..
   Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?I have no to my knowledge.I say to my knowledge because it was never confirmed if my ankle was broken or fractured lmao.Another story in more than willing to tell to anyone that asks.
   Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret?I have yes.
   Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?Oh yeah. Lots of times.
   Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?There’s so many things…A couple people too honestly. Lmao.
Constellations: Favourites    Centaurus: Favourite holiday?Halloween. Im sorry. I love dressing up for it and it’s my favorite holiday to decorate for!Next would be Christmas! Because I fucking love any excuse to shower the people I love win gifts!
   Orion: Favourite month?March, honestly. Lmao.
   Cassiopeia: Favourite book?Oh fuck me… um… damn it…. I don’t fucking know!! There is so many!!!I know I always say Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but honestly I just say that because it’s always right there by my computer!!! I do love the book I just…. Man don’t make me choose!!!
   Delphinus: Favourite study?Uuummmmm…. I loved science in school? And history. History and culture has always been an extreme interest of mine.
   Hercules: Favourite instrument?Violin. Though I don’t play it is love to learn how to one day.
   Gemini: Favourite song?I don’t know. This is just as hard as favorite book.I don’t have a favorite song I just love music in general, okay? Lmao.
   Pegasus: Favourite place to be?With the people I love.
   Libra: Favourite colour?Blue! All kinds of blues!!!!
   Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?Dresses or skirts :)Also my fuzzy soft sleeping pants 💙
   Aries: Favourite movie?Fuck if I know. Same issue as favorite book.Princess Bride is a recent favorite that I’ve watched.
   Cygnus: Favourite weather?Rainy 💙
   Hydra: Favourite sound?The rain lmao.I also really love ocean sounds too.I think just water in general.
Galaxies: Love/Friends      Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?Leah  :3 💙💙💙💙
   Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?I can be sometimes.. ?
   Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?Not really. No. I think to love someone you have to get to know them first…
   Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?When I was little oh god…. Like… idk… 5 or 6?I barely remember the guy. He was just someone that went to the same babysitter as me.
   Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?Horrible. Omg the worst ever xDIm such a mess
   Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much?Yes. Though I think it was less of them changing and more of me just not taking the proper time to get to know them good enough before we started dating… so yeah. Lmao.
   Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?Yeah, I would :D
   Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?Sure do
   Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?No I have not lmao
   Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity?No. If Im trying to be your friend or I want to date you it’s because either genuinely like, it’s not because I pity you.
   Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship?Friendship never ! :DRelationship? Depends on who’s offering :P
   Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?Oh yeah. Lots of times. Lmao.
Other stuff: Wishes    Comet: What’s your big dream?To travel
   Asteroid: What does your dream life look like?I… don’t know. With the bunny squad closer for starters lmao.
   Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?Im stealing your thing.[Redacted]
   Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be?Letting myself get behind in school and dropping out of college.
   Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be?Im not sure… lol
   Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?Hopefully travel. Get a better job. School.
   Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?Travel. Lmao.Like seriously there are so many things I want to see!
   Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?You
   Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t?I don’t know, there’s a couple things really…
   Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?The people I love.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
D(a)emon Headcanons (Ft Starlight, Freelancer, and Precious)
Again, I call Regulus’ listener “Precious” because I really don’t know their nickname
- Gavin flosses 4 times a day
- Avior wears glasses with chains attached
- Warden has worn the same flower crown for so long that it’s dead, nobody has the heart to tell them
- Scorpius fakes his accent
- Whenever Freelancer wants to sleep in, and Caelum won’t let them, they open their phone, go onto Youtube Shorts, and show him someone playing Subway Surfers.
- This distracts him for 10 minutes to 3 hours, and usually ends the 3rd time he sees Family Guy.
- Avior has never had coffee, so when he and Starlight planned on going to the coffee shop, he was actually looking forward to it
- Vega loves Regina George from Mean Girls.
- Cam has a Zen garden, it’s his pride and joy
- Gavin ADORES jelly donuts
- Regulus can draw…like..scaringly good
- Whenever he modifies memories, Scorpius usually steals some traumatizing memories as well
- Warden loves Zootopia
- Gavin only knows “pecs” as “tits”
- If your version of Cam has long hair, he wears it in a ponytail
- One of them has a badass spear, I just don’t know which
- Avior uses cable boxes to watch TV
- Caelum doesn’t know his ABCs, or how to talk telepathically
- Caelum watches PBS kids
- Scorpius has a dress somewhere and it looks SO damn good on him
- Delphinus has the calmest smile ever
- Warden has never fed on sadism, they didn’t know it was something they could do. They hated doing it for the first time with Vega.
- Scorpius plays tic tac toe with himself and hates it when he loses
- Vega has a chipped horn
- Avior CANNOT jump rope
- He WILL fall on his face after being caught on it
- Warden can only jump rope if they do it backwards
- Due to the way Regulus grips his pencils, he can only draw traditionally
- Despite popular belief, Cam prefers Lemon Tea
- Gavin microwaves water just to piss off Damien, especially if there’s a kettle in front of him
- When Warden first coalesced, their first words were incoherent and LOUD. They were just taking in the beauty of Aria for the first time and didn’t know how. Their steward/ess was concerned about them. They got embarrassed when they realized what was going on.
- Scorpius hates streaming sites purely because of their raising prices
- Caelum was forced to soap his mouth out after one of his older brothers’ tricked him into saying “comé mierda” to Delphinus. He thought it meant “I love you”
- Warden uses Instagram reels
- Vega only talks telepathically because he bites his tongue with his sharp teeth so often he took a vow of physical silence
- Avior hates fantasy books because of how much they get wrong
- Cam and Warden used to have tea time on Wednesdays before they decided to “rehabilitate” Vega
- Regulus can’t operate a camera
- Caelum likes to pretend to be a dinosaur and have Cam try to defeat him
- Gavin has a unicorn onesie somewhere in his closet he wears to sleep with Freelancer
- Warden always blushes when they smile. It’s not a romantic thing, their cheeks just go red.
- If your Warden is darker skinned, their pupils expand when they smile.
- Scorpius has broken covert for fun, like, 7 times
- Regulus uses Tarot Cards on himself. The first time he used them, his future was the “6 of Lovers: Attraction, Upside Down”^1
- Avior does the Velma “My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!” thing whenever Starlight steals them. He doesn’t need them, but he likes how they look
- Regulus likes to kiss Precious’ hand as a romantic gesture 
- Warden wears glasses for fun, inspired by another inchoate demon they befriended
- Vega refuses to call bananas “berries” and glares at anyone who does
- Cam believes in astrology
- So does Caelum
- Delphinus is TALL, I’m talking 6’11
- Gavin wears shirts with boob windows, if it wasn’t obvious enough
1: Infatuation, Passing fancy, Lust
Taglist: @ryn-halo26
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