thecpdiary · 2 years
Time to rethink Mental Health
I don’t know where I’d be without my writing. With autism, I’m coping better, because I talk about how I feel. Mental health is a more prevalent problem in society, particularly in the wake of the pandemic and in the UK, in the wake of Brexit.
How many of us think about Mental Health?
I’m not sure how many of us take the time to think about mental health in those terms, or will think about mental health. I think if more of us did, we would choose to be proactive. Mental health is lagging in popularity. It’s the last thing to think about, but the first thing to go.
It is important to be open and honest with yourselves
I have never made any excuses around my own mental health struggles. Through my writing, I am open and honest about what I deal with. It makes me feel mentally stronger to know others understand. Watching someone close to you struggle with their mental health reaffirms your own struggles, your own mortality, and highlights your own mental struggles.
My mental struggles are why I started writing, I needed to deal with my own ***t, but each of must be happy to pick up the gauntlet for ourselves and be proactive on mental health. I am sure about that.
We think we have time
We think we have time. No one has time, no one knows what’s around the corner. No one knows what will happen, or when ill-health will strike. But mental health is the catalyst to either good or ill-health. Covid-19 has changed the world, it has changed attitudes, it has changed us. Three years in and nothing is normal and mental health has taken a nose-dive.
Failing to connect with ourselves
My twin has said she failed to check in with herself, she took her eyes off herself, she took her eyes off the ball, she took her eyes off her mental health. She was looking out for her physical health.
Connect with your 'Mental Health'
But how many of actually think about mental health? In a world that is changed through the Coronavirus, the high risk and vulnerable are still home and the world is still living with a virus it doesn't know where it is, or even when it may strike and mental health is still taking its toll on us.
If you're interested in grabbing copies of my first two books, Cerebral Palsy: 'A Story' or Spirituality, Healing and Me,' you can order Kindle or paperback copies on Amazon, and through the following link https://linktr.ee/Ilana_Estelle
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Following on from yesterday, as we count down to New Year’s Day tomorrow, I am sure there will be many people wanting to restart their mental health focus and positive outlook for the New Year. So, for the next 2 days we will be posting our 5 Ways of Wellbeing Flower, each day elaborating a little on each of the "5 Ways". Today we will focus on "GIVE"... Do something nice for a friend or stranger, thank someone, smile, volunteer your time or consider joining a community group. Look out as well as in. Seeing yourself and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you & is fun to do. #newyear2020 #refocus #positivementalattitude #rethinkmentalhealth #5waysofwellbeing #askEMHO #mentalhealthsupport #selftherapy #give https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vAe99nuek/?igshid=178nurxq187nh
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Harrowing video about Dissociative Identity Disorder telling Jenny's story of being the first woman to put her alters on the witness stand against her abuser.
Psychotherapist George: "By definition, the only way you get DID is to have been traumatised. There is nothing wrong with Jenny's mind, or anyone else's mind who has DID. Their mind is just coming up with an incredibly sophisticated solution to a scenario that most of us could not begin to understand and relate to"
Jenny: "You are doing it to protect yourself and you are doing it for love. And Multiple Personality Disorder is an act of love; it is not an act of mental illness or playing silly games; pretending to be other people. You are protecting yourself. You are protecting your soul".
Detective Paul: "I think she is the greatest person I have ever seen, her strength, power, determination, she is incredible"
#RethinkMentalHealth #DissociativeIdentityDisorder#MultiplePersonalityDisorder #PartsOfSelf #ChildhoodSexualAbuse#ComplexPTSD
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tattooedprincess91 · 9 years
Nearly £700 raised for #rethinkmentalhealth today by doing a 10,000ft skydive!!! Holy fuck 😲😲😲 CAN I DO IT AGAIN?! #charity #skydive
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recoverybucketlist · 11 years
You have a wonderful blog!
thank you so much
- Julia
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thecpdiary · 2 years
Rethink Mental Health
We can either deal with mental health or choose to ignore it. We can allow others to take control of our mental health, or we can take control for ourselves, get to know ‘us’ and change the way we live and think about our lives.
In the early years of my blog, I saw the world take control, and dealing with mental health was on the rise, but through my blog, I have also seen mental health decline in the latter years. It is not difficult to see, or understand why.
The UK got Brexit done and now the world is in free fall in Covid-19, and the spotlight once again is on each of us, on our mental health. But not everyone is talking about, or dealing with their mental health.
I am open about my own mental health issues. Living with autism, I was born unlucky that way, but I still continue to champion it, because it is a part of me and I’m not prepared to get ill through it. But none of us are free of mental health issues.
If you carry a concern, it is a mental health issue. If you overthink and continue to overthink a concern, a worry or an issue, which many of us do, that is a mental health issue, so you see, no one is free of mental health issues.
In the UK media, it is not a talking point, but on social media, through the many issues that individually we’re having to deal with, away from the decisions that have been made for us in the pandemic, mental health has become a talking point. It is something that should continue on this platform.
I am not sure whether it’s all very stupid or very sad, but there is no getting away from the fact that with lifting restrictions, there is an element of struggle for each of us, even if we’re in denial. Although those like me with a disability are a minority, none of us are free from mental health issues.
Yes, your mental health may not be pandemic related, but there will be something with mental health. It would be remiss of us to think the material things matter and mental health doesn’t. Of course, for those of us who continue to deal with a disability in the pandemic, mental health is even more important.
It is only when you struggle with mental health, that you may choose to deal with mental health, but we should all  presently be dealing with mental health and not unconsciously think it’s not for me, it’s for someone else to deal with.
Mental health isn't popular. It's the one thing we continue to ignore, but you have to remember, we are affected by it. It escapes no one, instead we should take control and deal with it.
If you’re interested in dealing with your mental health, for more info, or if you fancy grabbing your copy and so mental health charities can benefit, please go to the following link https://linktr.ee/Ilana_Estelle
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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Following on from yesterday, as we count down to New Year’s Day, I am sure there will be many people wanting to restart their mental health focus and positive outlook for the New Year. So, for the next 3 days we will be posting our 5 Ways of Wellbeing Flower, each day elaborating a little on each of the "5 Ways". Today we will focus on "KEEP LEARNING"... Don’t be afraid to try something new, rediscover an old hobby or sign up for a course. Take on a different responsibility, fix a bike, learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy. Learning new things will make you more confident, as well as being fun to do. #newyear2020 #refocus #positivementalattitude #rethinkmentalhealth #5waysofwellbeing #askEMHO #mentalhealthsupport #selftherapy #keeplearning https://www.instagram.com/p/B6sTeWFAE2Q/?igshid=1p6cgdx4jlq6b
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Following on from yesterday, as we count down to New Year’s Day, I am sure there will be many people wanting to restart their mental health focus and positive outlook for the New Year. So, for the next 4 days we will be posting our 5 Ways of Wellbeing Flower, each day elaborating a little on each of the "5 Ways". Today we will focus on "BE ACTIVE"... Go for a walk or run, cycle, play a game, garden or dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity that you enjoy; one that suits your level of mobility and fitness. #newyear2020 #refocus #positivementalattitude #rethinkmentalhealth #5waysofwellbeing #askEMHO #mentalhealthsupport #selftherapy #beactive https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qTMsHAI43/?igshid=1j2mlt7bi8g20
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As we count down to New Years Day, I am sure there will be many people wanting to restart their mental health focus and positive outlook for the New Year. So for the next 5 days we will be posting our 5 Ways of Wellbeing Flower, each day elaborating a little on each of the "5 Ways". Today we will focus on "CONNECT"... Connect with the people around you: family, friends, colleagues and neighbours at home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these relationships as the cornerstones of your life and spend time developing them. #newyear2020 #refocus #positivementalattitude #rethinkmentalhealth #5waysofwellbeing #connect #askEMHO #mentalhealthsupport #selftherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oFQwhAKSN/?igshid=77ysan0ha6nq
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