#Ralph Rudder
eating-the-inedible · 8 months
What book that you had to read for school have you hated the most?
lord of the flies
because i just. dislike that book
it's just. i really dislike it
I first determined i disliked the lord of the flies before i read it
I read a book called Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman and in that book he talks about how there was a real lord of the flies situation and it did not, in fact, end in chaos and death
I didn't want to say i disliked it without having actually read it, so i read the book
then, a month later i had to read it for school
fast forward a few more months, i am writing an argumentative essay for the same class and I decide to write it on why humans are actually usually good deep down (mainly as a way to convince myself later on when i was in doubt)
here is an excerpt from the lord of the flies part of my essay, in case you were wondering what i meant about there being a real situation:
....This provides evidence for the idea that humans are born with a preference for good. Some skeptics, upon hearing this, will immediately reference one story, saying, “Well, if kids are supposed to be showing how innocent people really are, then how about the invidious children in the Lord of the Flies? They were savages the second that they were rid of adults. Their belligerence shows the true bellicose way of mankind.” This is simply not true. First-- the Lord of the Flies is a fictional book written by a bitter, devout alcoholic, a man who considered the book to be “a joke,” (Carey), and second-- Lord of the Flies happened in the late 60s, and the outcome is nothing like what Golding had thought would happen. Lord of the Flies is a book about a group of British school-boys, at the beginning of a fictitious world war. The boys are stranded on a deserted island, with no adults, after their plane is shot down. The boys agree that they will survive, have fun, and keep a signal fire burning until they are rescued. Eventually, the boys split into two “tribes” after the fire goes out and there are differing priorities. Three boys are dead, two murdered, and the forest is set on fire, before a British naval officer spots the smoke and comes to rescue the boys. After the officer’s comment about expecting more from the boys, Ralph, the leader of the pack, breaks down and starts to sob. “...Ralph wept for the end of innocence, [and] the darkness of man's heart…” (Golding 202). Lord of the Flies is meant to show that, without society, humans are infantile, savage beasts who will immediately resort to violence and brutality the second they have the chance. This, though, is a fictional book. While many people believe Golding’s work accurately depicts human nature, it has been proven to be wrong. In 1966, a group of six Tongan boys were found and rescued from an uninhabited island. They had left their boarding school with an agenda of escaping to Fiji on a fishing boat, when a storm hit; their sail was in tatters, and their rudder broken. For eight days the boat drifted, and the boys’ food supply depleted. They used coconut shells to gather rainwater, then split it evenly.  When the boys finally saw land, it was the uninhabited, rocky island of ‘Ata. They were stranded there for just over a year. By the time they were rescued, by Australian ship captain, Peter Warner, they had set up “a small commune with food garden, hollowed-out tree trunks to store rainwater, a gymnasium with curious weights, a badminton court, chicken pens, and a permanent fire, all from handiwork, an old knife blade and much determination.” (Warner 19). In Lord of the Flies, the boys could not keep their fire going and that became the start of the conflict. On the island of ‘Ata, the six boys kept a fire going from three months after they were stranded, to the day they were rescued. Any conflict that they had was resolved by having the feuding pair go to two respective parts of the island, and come back to apologize when they calmed down. There were no battles or extreme arguments, and the only injury was when one boy fell off a cliff, breaking his leg. The boys used sticks to set his leg and it healed with no permanent damage, confounding doctors who would later examine them. This was a real life example of boys being left to fend for themselves with no adults on a deserted island, and they behaved perfectly. This is still not enough to convince the cynics of the world....
lord of the flies
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vintage-london-images · 10 months
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We have all seen or heard of Cleopatra's Needle on the Thames Enbankment, but how did it get there? Well to start with the obelisk known as Cleopatra’s Needle has actually very little to do with Cleopatra at all.
So it was originally presented to Great Britain in 1819 by the then great ruler of Egypt and Sudan, Muhammed Ali, in commemoration of the victory by Lord Nelson at the Battle of the Nile and the later victory of Sir Ralph Abercromby  at the Battle of Alexandria in 1801. Although the British government welcomed the gesture, it actually declined to pay to move the obelisk to London at that time, so the obelisk which is originally one of two made in Egypt for the Pharaoh Thotmes III in 1460 BC, making it almost 3,500 years old was to stay in Egypt for now.
So step up Sir William James Erasmus Wilson, a distinguished anatomist and dermatologist and Egyptian antiquities enthusiast who in 1877 decided to sponsor the obelisks transportation to London from Alexandria. So how was he going to do it? Well following consultation with his friend Mathew William Simpson, a railway and locomotive engineer, it was decided they would float it back to England.
It was encased in an amazing iron cylinder, which was then rolled by means of levers and chains down a track into the sea. It was fitted with a deckhouse, mast, rudder and steering gear and was to be manned by a crew of Maltese sailors. This craft or pontoon was named Cleopatra and was to be towed to Britain by the steamship Olga.
So on the 21st September 1877 they set of for Britain but they found that the Olga could only make 7 knots whilst towing the occasionally manned pontoon, and everything went well until the 14th October when the effort met with near disaster when they encountered a storm in the Bay of Biscay. The Cleopatra pontoon began wildly rolling, and became uncontrollable. The Olga sent out a rescue boat with six volunteers, but the boat capsized and all six crew members were drowned, it was decided to cut the tow ropes to save the Olga, and it was thought the obelisk was lost.
But it wasn't to be, the Cleopatra pontoon stayed afloat and was sighted four days later and taken in tow by a Spanish ship which took it to a Spanish harbour. A salvage claim was lodged it is said for £2000 and this was later paid. The paddle tug Anglia was hired to collect and tow the Cleopatra pontoon to London and it eventually arrived on the 21st January 1878.
So what a story. The men tragically lost at sea are commemorated on a plaque at the base of the needle, which was eventually erected at the new Victoria Embankment and dedicated on the 12th September 1878, nearly a year after leaving Alexandria. Interestingly the needles twin made its way to New York were it resides today, but that is another story.
Coming up to date, there have been calls in recent years to have both obelisks as well as other artifacts returned to Egypt, we will see what the future holds.
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 9.7
Air Force Day (Pakistan)
Bitcoin Day
Constitution Day (Fiji)
Day of Military Intelligence (Ukraine)
Feel the Love Day
Festa Della Rificolona begins (Paper Lantern Festival; Florence, Italy)
First Day of Peel Season
Flag Day (Kuwait)
Fluidra International Pool Pro Day
Google Commemoration Day
Grandad’s Day
Grandma Moses Day
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (UN)
International Manatee Day
Lusaka Peace Agreement Day (a.k.a. Victory Day; Mozambique)
Military Intelligence Day (Ukraine)
Miss America Day
Napoleon Day
National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day
National Buy A Book Day
National First Day of Peel Season
National Grateful Patient Day
National Napoleon Day
National New Hampshire Day
National Regina Day
National Tatiana Day
National Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Neither Snow Nor Rain Day
Newt Day
Nijamati Sewa Divas (Civil Servants Day; Nepal)
Raggedy Ann Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Seven of Nine Day
Still’s Disease Awareness Day
Superhuman Day
Texas Energy Savings Day (Texas)
Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Turn A Cartwheel in Public Day
Victory Day (Mozambique)
Walter White Day
Wild Rose Day (French Republic)
World Day of the Diver
World Duchenne Awareness Day
World Fair Play Day
World Field Epidemiology Day
World Menopause and Work Day
Youth Mental Health Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Acorn Squash Day
National Beer Lover’s Day
New England Apple Day
Porter's Porter Day
Salami Day
1st Thursday in September
International Day of the Orchid [1st Thursday]
Jeûne Genevois (Geneva, Switzerland) [Thursday after 1st Sunday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Brazil (from Portugal, 1822)
Istria (Declared; 2005) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alchmund and Tilberht (Christian; Saint)
Alexandre Falguière (Artology)
Anastasius the Fuller (Christian; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Clodoald (a.k.a. Cloud; Christian; Saint)
Coulomb (Positivist; Saint)
Eunan (Christian; Saint)
Evurtius, Bishop of Orleans (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Durga (Goddess of Energy and the World)
Grandma Moses (Artology)
Gratus of Aosta (Christian; Saint)
Grimonia (a.k.a. Germana; Christian; Saint)
Jacob Lawrence (Artology)
Madelberte (Christian; Saint)
Marko Krizin (Christian; Saint)
Matthäus Günther (Artology)
Media Aestas VI (Pagan)
Murray Monster (Muppetism)
Old Boyfriends/Girlfriends Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Regina (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Pongracz (Christian; Saint)
Susan St. James Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [26 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 41 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [43 of 60]
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1987)
Anna and the King of Siam, by Margaret Landon (Memoir; 1943)
Anna Karenina (Film; 2012)
Astro Boy (Animated TV Series; 1963)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1987)
Brandy, by Brandy (Album; 1994)
The Brother from Another Planet (Film; 1984)
Buddy Holly, by Weezer (Song; 1994)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
The Lady in Red (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1987)
No Sail (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Peppermint (Film; 2018)
Rock Star (Film; 2001)
The Silver Chair, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1953) [The Chronicles of Narnia #4]
SportsCenter (Sports TV Show; 1979)
Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying, by Wolfgang Langewiesche (Flying Book; 1944)
3:10 to Yuma (Film; 2007)
True Blood (TV Series; 2008)
The Unmentionables (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles (1979)
You Send Me, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1957)
Today’s Name Days
Otto, Ralph, Regina (Austria)
Marko, Memorije, Regina (Croatia)
Regína (Czech Republic)
Robert (Denmark)
Regiina, Reina (Estonia)
Arhippa, Arho, Milo, Miro (Finland)
Reine (France)
Otto, Ralph, Regina (Germany)
Casino, Sozon (Greece)
Regina (Hungary)
Grato (Italy)
Ermins, Regīna, Valdone (Latvia)
Bartas, Bartė, Palmira, Regina (Lithuania)
Regine, Rose (Norway)
Domasława, Domisława, Marek, Melchior, Regina, Rena, Ryszard (Poland)
Marianna (Slovakia)
Judit, Judith, Regina (Spain)
Kevin, Roy (Sweden)
Raegan, Raina, Rana, Rani, Reagan, Regan, Regina, Regine, Yale (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 250 of 2024; 115 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 36 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 23 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 21 Elul 5783
Islamic: 21 Safar 1445
J Cal: 10 Aki; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 25 August 2023
Moon: 44%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 26 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Coulomb]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 78 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 17 of 32)
0 notes
brookston · 9 months
Holidays 9.7
Air Force Day (Pakistan)
Bitcoin Day
Constitution Day (Fiji)
Day of Military Intelligence (Ukraine)
Feel the Love Day
Festa Della Rificolona begins (Paper Lantern Festival; Florence, Italy)
First Day of Peel Season
Flag Day (Kuwait)
Fluidra International Pool Pro Day
Google Commemoration Day
Grandad’s Day
Grandma Moses Day
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (UN)
International Manatee Day
Lusaka Peace Agreement Day (a.k.a. Victory Day; Mozambique)
Military Intelligence Day (Ukraine)
Miss America Day
Napoleon Day
National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day
National Buy A Book Day
National First Day of Peel Season
National Grateful Patient Day
National Napoleon Day
National New Hampshire Day
National Regina Day
National Tatiana Day
National Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Neither Snow Nor Rain Day
Newt Day
Nijamati Sewa Divas (Civil Servants Day; Nepal)
Raggedy Ann Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Seven of Nine Day
Still’s Disease Awareness Day
Superhuman Day
Texas Energy Savings Day (Texas)
Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Turn A Cartwheel in Public Day
Victory Day (Mozambique)
Walter White Day
Wild Rose Day (French Republic)
World Day of the Diver
World Duchenne Awareness Day
World Fair Play Day
World Field Epidemiology Day
World Menopause and Work Day
Youth Mental Health Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Acorn Squash Day
National Beer Lover’s Day
New England Apple Day
Porter's Porter Day
Salami Day
1st Thursday in September
International Day of the Orchid [1st Thursday]
Jeûne Genevois (Geneva, Switzerland) [Thursday after 1st Sunday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Brazil (from Portugal, 1822)
Istria (Declared; 2005) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alchmund and Tilberht (Christian; Saint)
Alexandre Falguière (Artology)
Anastasius the Fuller (Christian; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Clodoald (a.k.a. Cloud; Christian; Saint)
Coulomb (Positivist; Saint)
Eunan (Christian; Saint)
Evurtius, Bishop of Orleans (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Durga (Goddess of Energy and the World)
Grandma Moses (Artology)
Gratus of Aosta (Christian; Saint)
Grimonia (a.k.a. Germana; Christian; Saint)
Jacob Lawrence (Artology)
Madelberte (Christian; Saint)
Marko Krizin (Christian; Saint)
Matthäus Günther (Artology)
Media Aestas VI (Pagan)
Murray Monster (Muppetism)
Old Boyfriends/Girlfriends Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Regina (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Pongracz (Christian; Saint)
Susan St. James Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [26 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 41 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [43 of 60]
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1987)
Anna and the King of Siam, by Margaret Landon (Memoir; 1943)
Anna Karenina (Film; 2012)
Astro Boy (Animated TV Series; 1963)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1987)
Brandy, by Brandy (Album; 1994)
The Brother from Another Planet (Film; 1984)
Buddy Holly, by Weezer (Song; 1994)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
The Lady in Red (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1987)
No Sail (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Peppermint (Film; 2018)
Rock Star (Film; 2001)
The Silver Chair, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1953) [The Chronicles of Narnia #4]
SportsCenter (Sports TV Show; 1979)
Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying, by Wolfgang Langewiesche (Flying Book; 1944)
3:10 to Yuma (Film; 2007)
True Blood (TV Series; 2008)
The Unmentionables (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles (1979)
You Send Me, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1957)
Today’s Name Days
Otto, Ralph, Regina (Austria)
Marko, Memorije, Regina (Croatia)
Regína (Czech Republic)
Robert (Denmark)
Regiina, Reina (Estonia)
Arhippa, Arho, Milo, Miro (Finland)
Reine (France)
Otto, Ralph, Regina (Germany)
Casino, Sozon (Greece)
Regina (Hungary)
Grato (Italy)
Ermins, Regīna, Valdone (Latvia)
Bartas, Bartė, Palmira, Regina (Lithuania)
Regine, Rose (Norway)
Domasława, Domisława, Marek, Melchior, Regina, Rena, Ryszard (Poland)
Marianna (Slovakia)
Judit, Judith, Regina (Spain)
Kevin, Roy (Sweden)
Raegan, Raina, Rana, Rani, Reagan, Regan, Regina, Regine, Yale (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 250 of 2024; 115 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 36 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 23 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 21 Elul 5783
Islamic: 21 Safar 1445
J Cal: 10 Aki; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 25 August 2023
Moon: 44%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 26 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Coulomb]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 78 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 17 of 32)
0 notes
whopooh · 4 years
Thoughts about Miss Fisher and Antony and Cleopatra
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I saw Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra from National Theatre on Youtube the other week, and I really want to talk about the parallels between Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and the play – since this is the Shakespeare play that is most referenced of all in the show. Having finally seen the play, I want to explore this a bit!
Antony and Cleopatra is very present in MFMM. In “Ruddy Gore”, when Phryne challenges him to perform, Jack quotes lines about Cleopatra from the play for her and to her: 
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale  Her infinite variety: other women cloy  The appetites they feed: but she makes hungry  Where most she satisfies. 
It’s beautiful and so fitting to Phryne, and to Jack’s view of Phryne, and the way he speaks the last line is amazing (it also stops perfectly before the quote starts talking about “vile” things). Later, in “Murder in the Dark”, Phryne tries to persuade him to dress up as Antony to complement her Cleopatra in the masquerade. Jack replies with another quote from the play, suggesting he would then become “The triple pillar of the world transform'd / Into a strumpet's fool” – one of the harsh characteristics of Antony being in Cleopatra’s thrall. Phryne dismisses the charges, pointing out that he is rather a single pillar, and has been for rather too long. (Especially poignantly put since he has only been divorced for a few hours at this point, which Phryne doesn’t know.) Finally, when they find the corpse in "Murder à la Mode”, Jack quotes a line from the play after Phryne has shown him the pearl: “He kiss'd, – the last of many doubled kisses, – / This orient pearl”, rather suggestively apostrophing the closeness between them (the pearl is a token of love sent from Antony to Cleopatra) and at the same time making a cunnilingus joke. Phryne smiles and diffuses the tension by pointing out that even Mark Antony probably wouldn’t want to kiss that pearl (which has just been used as a murder weapon).
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So, you want me to perform, Miss Fisher?
For a reference, then, this is used unusually consistently.
Why? I would say that it’s used in several ways. Most easily, it’s a way to show the depth of Jack (he is more than “just a copper”, he knows his Shakespeare) as well as of Phryne and her flirting  – which also shows how well-matched they are. It brings out the sensuality of Phryne, and the energy between Phryne and Jack and how it could become much more, by bringing out the likeness to one of literary history’s famous love couples. But most of all, it interests me how the play simultaneously works as a parallel and a contrast to the duo we are watching – and how that says so very much about what the show is doing.
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Antony and Cleopatra, National Theatre (Sophie Okonedo and Ralph Fiennes).
The parallels are many. Most strongly resonating is, I think, that both are love stories about adult, mature, accomplished, and independent people, who happen to find a strong passionate love in an age far from the teenages of Romeo and Juliet. They are capable, they have their own lives already before they meet – and then they meet someone they feel passionately about, and that love is depicted as so very tangible and real. Both Cleopatra and Phryne offer sensuality, pleasure, and fun to a person usually ruled by duty. Cleopatra is famed for her beauty, but also for her cleverness and capability (even if Shakespeare downplays that part, I’d say), and Phryne is as beautiful as she is clever. They are not afraid of “what people think” and very alluring to a man of honour who is used to follow the male order of the army and the police, accustomed to carry an “armour”. Antony and Jack are both competent, handsome, and worth to be admired. They are bound by duty, and by promises.
And this is where the contrasts take over from the parallels – because what is made of this are two very different things. Antony and Cleopatra, despite all the love, will end in tragedy, because love overrules duty. Antony will lose everything because he abandons the duty-bound ideal for pleasure and love (and a lot of horniness, to be frank), a chosen path that cannot be allowed in his world. [Note: It is very clear, though, that the characters around him still admire and love him, both his allies and his enemies; they simultaneously seem to feel he has gone astray and admire him for what he was.]
But this is not the case with Jack and Phryne. MFMM is not a tragedy, and the development of the plot shows us (and Jack) that a man can choose sensuality and love without losing his dignity. To go along with Phryne and her shenanigans is not to lose the path of duty, but a way to both complement and enhance it. Where Shakespeare’s play puts the male and the female as a kind of opposites, where the struggle between them threatens to bring the male down, in MFMM it is a mutually beneficial meeting.
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“To be or not to be Mark Antony, that is the question.”
It is really notable in MFMM how the “norm” on the male/female division is challenged and proved to be unnecessary. We have all noted how Phryne and Jack have traits that traditionally are seen to belong to both genders, and they are mixed up in a great way. Phryne doesn’t lure Jack away from something, she is not dangerous or allowing lust to override rationality. Rather, with Phryne the creators have taken what could have been that, and completely upended it, filling it with so much humanity, care, and interesting traits. Phryne is utterly female, but she is not female in a way that is opposite, dark, threatening, or alluring like a siren. She may look like Cleopatra, but she is no Cleopatra.
And by this I don’t mean to downplay the power of the character Cleopatra – she is interesting and there are many nuances also in her, of course. But she is still depicted as the downfall of an honourable man – the fact that he follows her is his flaw, taking away his bravery and leadership to instead disastrously follow her lead: “My heart was to thy rudder tied by the strings, / And thou shouldst tow me after: o'er my spirit / Thy full supremacy thou knew'st, and that / Thy beck might from the bidding of the gods / Command me.” 
This is not what Phryne does. She is not here to apologize, but she is also not here to be someone’s flaw or downfall.
In Antony and Cleopatra, the talk about male and female, and the threat of them becoming mixed or swapped, is really overt. More than once, Antony is depicted in female terms and Cleopatra in male, and since the outcome is tragic, this has the potential to be seen as a bad thing [the power of the characters, despite the tragedy, can also say the opposite, that it can be seen as a good thing but in the wrong world, but I’ll use the first line of thought here]. One example is this description of Antony: “he fishes, drinks, and wastes / The lamps of night in revel; is not more man-like / Than Cleopatra; nor the queen of Ptolemy / More womanly than he.”
And this will be my final point here, that this mixture of gendered traits is a parallel with MFMM – but in MFMM this is unanimously depicted as something good. The fact that Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries in this sense isn’t anything like (for example) Antony and Cleopatra is its real strength, and a place where the show feels so incredibly hopeful.
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“Come on, Jack, Just one gaudy night,” Phryne says, echoing Cleopatra’s “Come, / Let's have one other gaudy night” in the play.
Oh, and one more point! In the play, when Antony is going to war, Cleopatra helps buckle him up. In the show, Phryne helps to unbuckle Jack, or at least his tie, at the masquerade. That is such a fun parallel, and we get to see Jack a bit dishevelled – but again, this never compromises him, and when they need to chase a murderer, he is instantly ready to work.
PS. I would love to hear your thought about this! Please feel free to both agree and disagree or pick out other parts of the parallel!
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Domestic Fallout life tho
Okay I've always been obsessed with living in the fo world like this just cause
I'm not talking about nuclear family type stuff but maybe a lil
I mean like chilling out in Megaton..,,.,,.. just being a permanent resident in Megaton
Or Goodneighbor
Or Freeside
Or wherever
No responsibilities to save the whole goddamned wasteland no politics or fetch quests
Just waking up whenever after a crazy night out or an early night in
Maybe heading down to the local bar (Third Rail, Moriarty's/Gob's Saloon, Atomic Wrangler, etc.) and just chatting it up w other residents
Sitting down and having a pleasant chat w Gob or listening to Magnolia sing
Maybe getting up on stage w Macready in the Third Rail and performing some slightly drunken karaoke
It becomes an inside joke for the whole town
Or getting out and going shopping for that stupidly small part for your gun that you KNOW Mick at Mick & Ralph's has
Heading over to the Old Mormon Fort to hand over some meds to Julie and conversing with her about some of the new addicts popping up
Asking Leo Stahl about his own addictions in hushed tones so as not to attract unwanted attention
Hulking a bag of scrap metal over to Winthrop in Underworld
Brainstorming with Piper about new ideas for an article
If you're religious/your OC is heading over to whatever church in town and just spending some time there practicing your beliefs
Chilling in your own settlements in the Commonwealth w Preston Garvey and Sturges
Watching traders moving through
Hearing about recent gossip in the rest of the wasteland from them
Antagonizing a bar fight down in the Muddy Rudder
Chatting with the Kings while you get your hair done
Watching a show while you're there
OH MY GOD spending hours if not more in the Memory Den just to watch some of your best memories depending on you/your OC
Maybe you're watching your early years in your home settlement or seeing yourself struggling out in the wasteland at a young age
Being able to do all kinds of deeper things you never get to do in a video game like free Gob and take him out to see the world (this last bit has nothing to do w the fact that I love him)
Learning even more about your fav characters back stories just by living around them everyday
Listening to the wind of a sand storm hitting the metal walls of your Megaton home as you fall asleep
Or hearing smashing glass and shouting bc some Kings or maybe just some drunks are getting into a brawl over by the East entrance of Freeside
Idk why I just love that idea of living a v simple life in the Fo universe
I love thinking about the little things you'd experience just as a resident of whatever town you want in whatever game
Yeah this is really rambly I'm really really tired so this probably doesn't make sense anyways
Feel free to add on if ya wanna
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The Best Freeport Maine Pet-Friendly Hotels
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Freeport is a wonderful vacation destination that offers a lot of great treats for tourists. Aside from being near cities like Brunswick, Portland, Augusta and Auburn, it also offers recreational activities such as golfing, ice skating, hiking and skiing. You can also find here the Agua Boggan Water Park, Cumberland Country Civic Center, Regal Cinemas and the Admiral Perry Museum as well as the Blueberry Pond Observatory, Boothbay Harbor, Bradburry Mountain Park and the Desert of Maine.
Restaurants abound in this region. Freeport Café is open from 6PM to 8PM Mondays to Sundays. Muddy Rudder is open from 11AM to 12MN Mondays to Sundays. Shopping destinations include L.L. Bean and Delorme. For those who seek jobs, the area boasts of its L.L. Bean Corporate office, and retail and factory stores. This is along with Cole Haan and Delorme.
Lodging accommodation options are more than enough to welcome a large number of tourists. Here are some of them.
Harraseeket Inn
This two star pet-friendly hotel is located at 162 Main Street Freeport, ME 04032. It was in the year 1984 when this hotel opened as a "bed and breakfast" facility. It was the Maine family who built https://www.sanctuaryinn.com.au/ this Inn, along with a long line of inn-keeping expertise that started since the year 1895. It has a total of 84 rooms in all of its 3 floors.
Each room is elegantly equipped with a Cable TV having HBO, sprinkler system, mahogany-paneled drawing room, complimentary tea, hairdryer, iron with board and bathrobes. This is along with complimentary breakfast, elevators, porters, parking areas, a pool, exercise gym and room services. Upon request, they also have honeymoon suites and you can even coordinate with their staff regarding boating excursions and gold activities.
Harraseeket Inn is also near shopping districts that has no less then Ann Klein, Ralph Lauren, Laura Ashley and Perry Ellis shops among others. It is also in close proximity to the Wolfe Neck Park, Mast Landing Sanctuary and Towne Landing. Apart from this, you will love the fishing, golfing and hiking activities in the region.
Check in time at this hotel is at 3PM. Check out time is at 11AM.
Comfort Suites Freeport
This three star smoke-free hotel is located at 500 US Route 1 Freeport, ME 04032. It is in close proximity to museums, lighthouses, antique shops and botanical gardens. This is along with seafood restaurants, L.L. Bean, beaches and Parks. Activities you will enjoy include fishing, boating, hiking, biking, bird watching and harbor side dining.
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dingleonearth · 5 years
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its another new song that i don’t really have a name for but there’s an instrument i used that sounds like its saying “rudder rudder ralph ralph” so i just went with that
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“A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.”                           Ralph Waldo Emerson                    
Remarkable men and women.  Yes, they come our way!  I’ve known one for many, many year.  Today is his 71st birthday.  Let me tell you about my brother, Doug.
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Not all brothers share the good fortune of a lifelong friendship.  Certainly a biological family creates the beginning environment for sibling bonding.  But, there’s no guarantee that such bonding will be for a lifetime!
My bond with The Nail, the name Doug’s fraternity brothers gave him in college, has an icing-on-the-cake-story for me.  Doug’s life has chronicled a major story with significant impact on many people, including me.    
Brother Doug has used his life to demonstrate a huge life lesson.  His lesson learned is revealed in finely-honed skills developed over many years. Everyone who knows Doug deeply appreciates his lesson learned skills... as the Master of Friendship. It is his most distinguished life expression.  He is a gracious vessel who carries an Advanced Studies Life Degree…in what I call…Count-On-Me-To-Be-Your-Friend.
Let’s go back forty + years. You won’t believe this fact about Brother Doug.  By the time he was thirty, he had been the Best Man in 15 of his friends’ weddings. Is that unbelievable? Clearly, it informs you about his #1 priority…building meaningful friendships. Whether you’re with Doug for a one-time exchange or fortunate enough to experience a lifetime of conversations and activities, you discover Doug’s pedigree relational DNA. He communicates authentic interest in you!  He knows how to do so: He asks questions to engage himself in your world.  And if you want to know about his world…well…buckle up for a raucous ride of tall tales about the crazy world of people.
Meet Doug just once?  You’ve been blessed!  You know it! Why?  He’s a warm bubble bath who makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.  It’s as if, when Doug is with you, you know a Friendship Magician has shown up to wave his magic wand of Good over you.  His closest buddies…there’s a group of them…are a Band of Brothers who are bare knuckled in their digs and putdowns with each other when they gather together for a round of golf… in a fishing boat catching salmon in Alaska or playing Texas Hold ‘Em.  These guys know: Doug is their Ground Zero…the Epicenter… of a decades-long mutual friendship bond.    
What if you don’t see Doug for many years and, by chance, your paths cross? Instantly, he remembers your name and speaks with you as if continuing a conversation that began the night before on the phone. And, what if he learns that life has kicked you to the side of the road?   Doug is the one who puts a smile back on your face and lightness back in your step!      
Influence for Good is the rudder for writing these 2019 Inspiration Impulse reflections about significant people who have come my way over many years. My weekly blog post storytelling of influence is not rooted in an individual’s positional importance, though I have experience some notable national influencers.  Rather the stories primarily are intended to communicate a fundamental message: the #1 Life Influencer Skill that, I believe, is the major marker identifying how our life matters to others. Caring is the yardstick of influence.  Deep friendships are the cornerstone of caring. 
Brother Doug is a master influencer of this story of influence for Good.   It is, I believe, a gift of God’s presence moving through one’s life purposefully to encourage another’s life.  He has used his caring craft, given to him from On High, for the benefit of others. Yes, Brother Doug is an extraordinarily good man. I am guessing you, my Reader, carry such a story about That One who has presented you with powerful evidence about this #1 Life Influencer Skill.
So, here’s a good Monday Morning Motivator from the Inspiration Impulse for you and for me.  Who will we touch this day with our personal care demonstrating the #1 Life Influencer Skill?
Best and blessings to you,
Russell Williams
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A huge, strange-looking fish washed up on a California beach. Scientists say it’s a first
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — This is the extraordinary tale of how a massive, strange-looking fish wound up on a beach on the other side of the world from where it lives.
The seven-foot fish washed up at UC Santa Barbara’s Coal Oil Point Reserve in Southern California last week. Researchers first thought it was a similar and more common species of sunfish — until someone posted photos on a nature site and experts weighed in.
What transpired after that surprised researchers from California to Australia and New Zealand.
It turned out to be a species never seen before in North America. It’s called the hoodwinker sunfish.
“When the clear pictures came through, I thought there was no doubt. This is totally a hoodwinker,” said Marianne Nyegaard, a marine scientist who discovered the species in 2017. “I couldn’t believe it. I nearly fell out of my chair.”
How the hoodwinker got its name
Nyegaard spent years chasing the hoodwinker sunfish before she located and named the fish. All cases of the big fish were found in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Chile, she said. Except for one time in the 1890s, when drawings and records documented the fish appearing in the Netherlands.
Scientists say there are five species of saltwater sunfish, and they come from different places. One enjoys tropical waters, another likes the subtropics and the hoodwinker prefers temperate water, Nyegaard told CNN. She works in the marine division at the Auckland War Memorial Museum in New Zealand.
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The seven-foot fish washed up at UC Santa Barbara’s Coal Oil Point Reserve in Southern California last week. The mouth of the fish has a unique look, said Thomas Turner, an evolutionary biologist.
“This is why it’s so intriguing why it has turned up in California,” she said. “We know it has the temperate distribution around here and off the coast of Chile, but then how did it cross the equator and turn up by you guys? It’s intriguing what made this fish cross the equator.”
The antics of this wayward fish are comical, especially considering how the species got its name.
As Nyegaard researched the fish, she realized some species of sunfish had been misidentified. One species that was thought to be rare was very common, while another fish thought to be common was misidentified, she said.
“It had gone unnoticed because no one really realized it looked different. There’s a long history of confusion about the species in the sunfish family,” Nyegaard said. “This fish had managed to stay out of sight and out of everybody’s attention. It had been taken for mola mola (an ocean sunfish) so it was hoodwinking us all.”
And a bit of hoodwinking is what it was doing to researchers in California, too.
Scientists first thought it was a different type of sunfish
An intern at Coal Oil Point Reserve alerted conservation specialist Jessica Nielsen to the dead beached sunfish on February 19. When Nielsen first saw it, the unusual features of the fish caught her eye.
“This is certainly the most remarkable organism I have seen wash up on the beach in my four years at the reserve,” Nielsen said in a UC Santa Barbara press release.
She posted some photos of the fish on the reserve’s Facebook page. When colleague Thomas Turner saw the photos later that day, he rushed to the beach with his wife and young son.
Turner, an evolutionary biologist who is six feet tall, stretched out his arms to show the scale of the seven-foot-long fish. He snapped some photos of what he thought was an ocean sunfish, a rare sight up-close, he said.
“It’s the most unusual fish you’ve ever seen,” said the UC Santa Barbara associate professor. “It has no tail. All of its teeth are fused, so it doesn’t have any teeth. It’s just got this big round opening for a mouth.”
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Researchers investigated the strange-looking fish that wound up on a beach on the other side of the world from where it lives and took measurements of it.
Turner posted his photos on iNaturalist, a site where people post photos and sightings of plants and animals.
A fish biologist commented and alerted Ralph Foster, a fish scientist and the fish curator at the South Australian Museum. It was Foster who first said this may be a hoodwinker sunfish and not an ocean sunfish in the comments on iNaturalist.
Turner was stunned, he said. “To discover that it may be the first record in all of the Americas and only the second Northern Hemisphere record for the species, then I got very excited,” he said.
Foster excitedly emailed Nyegaard, the woman who discovered the species, and told her what he was thinking.
“He sent me an email with links and said, do you reckon this is a hoodwinker?” Nyegaard said. “But the pictures weren’t very clear. I was reluctant to settle on an identification because it was so far out of range.”
Nyegaard and Foster asked to see more photos so they could make a more educated call.
Soon they confirmed its true identity
It had been two days since Nielsen had first seen the fish. When Turner and Nielsen went back to the beach, the creature was no longer there.
They started two miles apart from each other on the beach and kept looking, walking toward each other until they found the missing fish. It had refloated on the tide and washed up a few hundred yards away, Turner said.
The pair looked for physical markers that are common in the hoodwinker sunfish.
Where a fish normally has a tail, the hoodwinker only has a clavus — a structure that looks like a rudder, Nyegaard said. All sunfish have a clavus, but the hoodwinker’s has a shape that’s distinctive.
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Researchers first thought the massive, strange-looking fish was a similar and more common species of sunfish — until someone posted photos on a nature site and experts weighed in.
It’s scale structure and the number of boney structures also are different from other species, she said.
All of the features in the photos matched up with the hoodwinker. When Nyegaard saw the photos, she knew she had a hoodwinker case on her hands.
But how did it get there?
No one is sure whether this lonely fish wandered far from home on its own or is part of a population of hoodwinkers in North America that’s yet to be discovered.
Nyegaard said she wants to compare a genetic sample of the hoodwinker found in California with her samples of the fish from Australia and her region.
“It’s not uncommon for sunfish to wander really far,” Nyegaard said. “In the future, we will understand whether this fish occurs regularly off the coast of California or whether this is a one-off.
Both Nyegaard and Turner marveled at how social media and the iNaturalist site can help bring researchers closer to an answer.
“iNaturalist is brilliant because we can log the sightings and learn more about (the fish’s) distribution,” Nyegaard said. “We are living in a changing world and it’s important for scientists to get input from everybody in what they see because we can’t be out in the field every day all over the world.”
Turner said it was exciting for him to help identify the first recorded sighting of a hoodwinker sunfish in North America — and only the second in the Northern Hemisphere.
“I’m a professor, I’m a biologist but I didn’t actually know what was special about this fish,” Turner said. “I just posted a picture and that connected me with the world’s expert and the discoverer of the species.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/03/01/a-huge-strange-looking-fish-washed-up-on-a-california-beach-scientists-say-its-a-first/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/03/02/a-huge-strange-looking-fish-washed-up-on-a-california-beach-scientists-say-its-a-first/
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Terminus by Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is time to be old, To take in sail:-- The god of bounds, Who sets to seas a shore, Came to me in his fatal rounds, And said: ‘No more! No farther shoot Thy broad ambitious branches, and thy root. Fancy departs: no more invent; Contract thy firmament To compass of a tent. There’s not enough for this and that, Make thy option which of two; Economize the failing river, Not the less revere the Giver, Leave the many and hold the few. Timely wise accept the terms, Soften the fall with wary foot; A little while Still plan and smile, And,--fault of novel germs,-- Mature the fallen fruit. Curse, if thou wilt, thy sires, Bad husbands of their fires, Who, when they gave thee breath, Failed to bequeath The needful sinew stark as once, The Baresark marrow to thy bones, But left a legacy of ebbing veins, Inconstant heat and nerveless reins,-- Amid the Muses, left thee deaf and dumb, Amid the gladiators, halt and numb.’
As the bird trims her to the gale, I trim myself to the storm of time, I man the rudder, reef the sail, Obey the voice at eve obeyed at prime: ‘Lowly faithful, banish fear, Right onward drive unharmed; The port, well worth the cruise, is near, And every wave is charmed.’
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alwaysgoodstuff · 5 years
Poem of Courage ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poem of Courage ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
As the bird trims her to the gale, I trim myself to the storm of time, I man the rudder, reef the sail, Obey the voice at eve obeyed at prime; “Lowly faithful, banish fear, Right onward drive unharmed; The port, well worth the cruise, is near, And every wave is charmed.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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verschwoerer · 5 years
Also Cimino noticed the data print out that the power-on sequences were not noted and there were too many of them. What happens when a pilot turns on the power to the airplane, the FDR starts recording. Also the FDR sends a warning light to the pilot if the FDR is not working correctly. This is called the power-on sequence which should have been noted in the data released by the NTSB. And when he questioned the NTSB about the irrationality of the data, data that any pilot would see wasn’t real, they gave no answer, they did not respond. These serial number problems would have set off an audio alarm as soon as the pilots turned on the electrical power to start up the jet engines. It is illegal for a commercial pilot to fly when the flight data alarm goes off. If such an error is observed in any commercial airplane flight data recorder, the aircraft is grounded until fixed. Cimino is an expert with over 30 years of advance research experience in the following areas: SPH-2 RAVIR , flight data recorders and data , video processing , radar, radar recorders, radar signal propagation, IFF /// friendly or foe /// / ( the ID code number that comes up on the radar scope at the FAA aircraft control center and tells, Aerodynamics and flight systems, and is a commercial pilot. The data file dump from the crash protected memory module from AA77 (757 numbered N644AA) of the FDR indicates it was downloaded onto a test station a full day before they allegedly found the recorder. The FDR recorder records every time the power is turn-on for the airplane and the FDR boots up (as in your computer booting up). There were too many “sequencing” or powering-up noted. No pilot would turn-on and turn-off, the airplane and FDR. Therefore, it appears the data was faked in a flight data recorder maintenance shop. There is further evidence that the flight data is not from an American Airlines jet, nor from AA77, because the latitude and longitude coordinates in the data, show AA77 more than 3,000 feet in error at time of departure from Washington Dulles International Airport. The direction that flight AA77 was heading just prior to impact (62.5 degrees) and the altitude it was flying, did not match that which was noted on NTSB’s flight data recorder data. We know this because the 757 hit five or six street light poles with its wings and by doing calculations, the real direction and altitude were determined. The FDR showed the airplane at 380 feet above the ground on impact, yet the plane flew inches above the ground into the ground floor of the Pentagon. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=21149 You can listen to Dennis Cimino explaining this evidence of FDR fakery at this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBIEMHWe7dE After more than four years of research by Pilots For 9/11 Truth there is “overwhelming” evidence which suggests the data that is being provided to the public through the FOIA, is not from an aircraft which has been operated by American Airlines in the case of the attack on the Pentagon, tail number N644AA alleged to have been AA77. AA77 was not equipped with a Global Positioning Systems (GPS), yet the data provided by the NTSB, shows a GPS as "operational." The data shows that the Latitude/Longitude plots auto-aligned with Radar plots in flight after departure. American Airlines aircraft do not have the capability of in flight alignment nor would such an aircraft depart with such a large error and an Inertial Reference System (IRS) as its primary source for navigation. It is impossible for an IRS equipped American Airlines jet to give accurate position information if the system was not aligned at the gate. The aircraft needs to be stationary for proper alignment or else the navigational device will have large errors and could perhaps be fatal. According to American Airlines 757/767 Captain Ralph Kolstad who has actual flight time in N644AA, if the Inertial Reference System (IRS) is lost in flight (or shows large errors), an emergency has to be declared. How can an auto-align occur airborne if American Airlines aircraft do not have this capability nor a GPS? This is more evidence demonstrating the data did not come from an American Airlines jet. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=21149 A November 26, 2007 FOIA request of the Federal Aviation Administration for the last known serial numbers fixed onto the flight data recorders and other components on the aircraft was denied. With flight data recorder serial numbers one can trace an installed device to a particular registered aircraft through manufacturer or airline records. (http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=11066) The FBI and the FAA have refused to reveal aircraft component serial number data in their possessions that would confirm these serial numbers agree with the federal registry identifications of all commercial civil aircraft. The National Transporation Safety Board’s (NTSB) spreadsheet of the FDR data noted that the autopilot was never turned off as the pilots were fighting with the alleged hijackers. Any sudden pushing or bulling of the steering wheel of the airplane (called the yoke) or push on the rudder pedals, would cause the autopilot to disengage (turns off and the pilot must now fly the airplane. The Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit sent information to the flight data recorder noting that the flight deck door to the pilot area was closed after take-off and for the entire flight. The alleged hijackers had to have opened the door to take control from the pilots. After the hijackers allegedly took control of the 757, they would have had to re-programmed the flight control computer to make the airplane turn back toward Washington, DC., and this a complex task taking at least 15 minutes. But there is no evidence on the flight data that the flight control computer was reprogrammed. The Washington Post reported official account that American Airlines flight 77 (AA77) they became totally invisible for about nine minutes, just as the plane turned. It is highly likely that the flight control computer had been programmed to make a u-turn back to Washington DC. in a radar hole (a section of the sky where the FAA radar coverage was poor or not at all). The FDR also showed that the rudder pedals were not touched after the hijackers allegedly took control of the airplane. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=21149
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thechasefiles · 6 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 6/17/2018
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Sunday June 17TH 2018. Remember you can read full articles by purchasing Sunday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS), via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS).
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IMF RETURNING NEXT MONTH – A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be back on the island for more talks next month. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley made the announcement this afternoon during a media briefing to update the country on her recent visit to Washington to meet with the IMF. Mottley said the team would arrive in Barbados on July 2 and talks would continue until July 12. A team led by Dr Bert van Selm spent three days here earlier this month. She said everything remained on track and her Government could not afford to take the advice of those who said to slow down. The Prime Minister said they were moving quickly because uncertainty was not in the interest of the country. “Relax, we got this,” she said on more than one occasion during the live stream from Government Headquarters on Bay Street. Mottley noted that once the country signs an agreement with the IMF, the country will able to access financing from the Inter-American Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank and others. She also addressed the country’s debt restructuring plan. “We have this matter under control. I know that there are some who are a little nervous about the manner in which the comments are coming from persons with respect to debt. The bottom line is there is no easy way to say that you are suspending debt payments. There is no easy way to make an omelette without breaking eggs and we have to go through the process,” she said. Mottley left the island on Wednesday afternoon to engage IMF managing director Christine Lagarde on the state of the Barbados economy. She thanked Lagarde for the speed with which she responded to all correspondence from Barbados. The Prime Minister was accompanied by Chief Economic Counsellor to the Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment, Ambassador Dr Clyde Mascoll; Director of Finance and Economic Affairs, Ian Carrington and Governor of the Central Bank, Cleviston Haynes. (SS)
IDB PRESIDENT TO VISIT BARBADOS ON WEDNESDAY – President of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Luis Alberto Moreno will visit Barbados next Wednesday for talks with the new administration led by Prime Minister Mia Mottley. Mottley, who made the announcement of the upcoming visit this afternoon, said the IDB boss has praised Barbados for recent the steps taken by her administration to fix the island’s ailing economy. “When he called last week [he] said ‘look, we want to come and stand shoulder to shoulder with Barbados because we recognize that Barbados is doing a difficult thing, but it is doing the right thing by acting in this manner,’” the Prime Minister said. “And they know, as we do, that once we settle this arrangement [with the International Monetary Fund], it unlocks hundreds of millions of development capital for us to fix our broken infrastructure  and for us to create the platform for greater competitiveness.” (BT)
PM RESPONDS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT WHITE OAK – Prime Minister Mia Mottley has reiterated that the Government has appointed the best advisors with respect to debt restructuring, namely White Oak Advisory Ltd. The London-based independent financial advisory firm’s appointment has caused much discussion especially from the Leader of the Opposition Bishop Joseph Atherley. In Parliament earlier this week, Atherley questioned the involvement of the firm as the country has defaulted on its debts. He demanded that the Mottley-led Government be transparent with their connections to the firm.  “We need to hear the bona fides of White Oak. We need to understand whether or not they are the subject of any transactional conflicts. We need to find out if White Oak has any local connections. It would be good if we knew who their principals are. We need to know what is the full extent of their involvement. Is it just that they are interfacing with our creditors on our behalf full stop, or is there further involvement?” asked Atherley. In a statement issued to the press, the administration assured that the sovereign debt-restructuring agency, which has completed successful debt restructuring programmes in St Kitts, Grenada, Pakistan and Iceland, would be tackling the islands creditors in the coming weeks  “The financial advisor is in the process of establishing initial contacts with affected creditors, and is expected to soon commence creditor engagement on the basis of the medium-term macroeconomic projections to be finalized by the Government in the coming weeks,” the Mottley administration said in a statement. Today, Prime Minister Mottley revealed that the Cabinet placed the advisory agency under the Financial Administration Management Act, to get “proper footing” as it relates to engaging with creditors. “At the level of strict debt advisory we have hired in our view one of the best critique firms in the world,” she stressed. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister is assuring the Barbadian public that the Barbados Labour Party Government has everything under control. “Relax, we got this,” Mottley  confidently said this afternoon. Returning from discussions with Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, the Prime Minister, said that the Government’s objective was to “save our quality of life and to save the value of our dollar”. (BT)
PUBLIC SECTOR JOB CUTS WOULD BE A LAST RESORT – As the Government prepares for continued negotiations with a team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Prime Minister Mia Mottley has assured public sector workers there are no immediate plans to cut jobs. In fact, Mottley said job cuts in the public sector would only be done as a last resort. “To the extent there are any at all it is going to be the result of a rationalization only with the greatest, greatest delay,” said the Prime Minister this afternoon at a press conference held at Government Headquarters, Bay Street, St Michael. She indicated that in the event Government has to go the route of laying off public servants, they would be provided with income-earning alternatives under the Government’s Procurement Act. “Even if there is a need for any form of job cuts . . . we have said that we will seek to work with those persons in good faith,” she said. “We will look at onset legislation for procurement that allows persons to be able to benefit from a percentage of government procurement, or those who may prefer to farm we will give them access . . . or in terms of vending. “We are not prepared to do as the last government did or the government did in 1991 . . . [and] say job cuts first,” she added.
The newly-elected Prime Minister went on to reveal that after meetings with the IMF, Director Christine Lagarde was pleased with the Government’s prompt response to the country’s $15 billion public debt. The IMF has also expressed concerns about the Barbadian dollar’s peg to the United States dollar. There have been calls for a devaluation, however, Prime Minister Mottley discarded the idea, arguing that it would be to the detriment of Barbados. “There is nothing to be gained by the devaluation of the Barbados dollar. We don’t have any goods that are exported, that will become cheaper and in terms of our tourism, our tourism is not price competitive . . . our tourism is based on quality,” she said. “The only thing we get from devaluation . . . is a hard lash for bad behavior and we have had a lot of fiscal bad behavior for the last decade. The government went on a spending spree and we don’t see the results of where it went,” Mottley added. (BT)
PM TO ATTEND OECS’ AUTHORITY MEETING – Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley will attend the 65th Meeting of the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States’ (OECS) Authority, which will be held on June 18 and 19 in St Lucia. Mottley will be accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Dr Jerome Walcott, and his Permanent Secretary, Simone Rudder; and Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, Alies Jordan. The meeting will be held under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves, and Prime Minister Mottley has been invited as a special guest of the Authority. Traditionally, Barbados and the OECS have had close historical ties and they have continued to strengthen relations at the regional and sub-regional levels. (BGIS)
BWA INJECTION – The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) will earn just over $700 000 more per month more from the new Garbage and Sewage Contribution (GSC) to be levied from August 1. BWA general manager Keithroy Halliday said the financially challenged agency was grateful for the near $8.4 million annual injection, as it will assist with the cost of correcting and repairing of the sewerage systems. He intimated that the GSC was not an increase in water rates as much of the revenue from it will be going to the Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) through the BWA’s bills. The BWA boss, however, acknowledged utility companies have been challenged to keep the cost of production down by resisting rate hikes, and the BWA was no different. But he quickly stressed that he was not suggesting there should be a rate increase. Rather, he said Barbadians needed to appreciate how the costs to produce and supply water had grown over the years without a comparative rise in rates. “What the country does not understand is that the price of water has been going up for years. . . . Typically whenever there is a rise in the electricity bills, we absorb it. We are the [Barbados] Light & Power’s largest customer,” said Halliday. The BWA, like all of the BL&P’s customers, will be hit with an approximate 14 per cent spike in electricity bills this month. This will cost the authority several thousand dollars more than budgeted for. Halliday said the BWA has been trying to reduce its costs but declined to reveal what the Authority’s operational expenses are, stating he first had to discuss this with his ministry. (SS)
COURT CLOSURE FOR EVIDENCE OF LAW TRAINING WORKSHOP – Members of the public are asked to note that the Supreme Court and Magistrates’ Courts will be closed on Monday, June 18, and Tuesday, June 19, to allow the judiciary, prosecutors and attorneys to attend a training seminar on the Law of Evidence. However, the District “A” Magistrates’ Court will continue to hear new charge sheets during this period, while the offices of the Magistrates’ Courts will also remain open. The opening ceremony for the seminar will be held at the Radisson Aquatica Resort, Aquatic Gap, St Michael, on Monday, June 18, beginning at 9 a.m. Chief Justice, Sir Marston Gibson, and Australia’s Ambassador to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), John Pilbeam, will address participants. The seminar is designed to provide guidance on recent developments in Australian law on which the Evidence Act of Barbados is based. It is anticipated that it would also assist in the streamlining of the island’s trial process, particularly in respect of the introduction of items into evidence. It is geared towards members of the Judiciary, Magistracy, Police Prosecutors and attorneys from the Department of Public Prosecutions, the Solicitor General’s Chambers and the Barbados Bar Association. (BGIS)
MOVADO’S SON CHARGED WITH MURDER – Jamaica police have slapped murder and other criminal charges against the 16-year-old son of popular entertainer, Mavado. Police said that the minor, whose name cannot be released, had been charged in connection with the murder of Lorenzo Thomas, 23, popularly known as ‘Chulups’ and ‘Israel’, who was shot and killed and his body set on fire by a group of armed men who forced their way into his home last Wednesday. The police have also charged him with conspiracy to murder, arson, shooting with intent as well as illegal possession of firearm and ammunition. He will appear in court on Monday. Media reports said that the killing occurred days after Mavado, whose real name is David Brooks, was reportedly shot at by a man. Over the past few days, the police had been urging Movado to report to them saying that they believe he can assist with an ongoing investigation. But his attorneys say the singer is overseas fulfilling prior contractual obligations and is prepared to meet with investigators at a mutually convenient time.  (SS)
OWN GOAL AND PENALTY ENSURE CROATIA CELEBRATIONS – An own goal and a penalty gave Croatia a comfortable start to their World Cup campaign as they beat a limp Nigeria 2-0 in their Group D clash at the Kaliningrad Stadium on Saturday. A diving header from Mario Mandzukic was deflected into his own net by Nigeria midfielder Oghenekaro Etebo after 32 minutes to hand Croatia the half-time lead, doubled by Luka Modric’s successful penalty kick in the 71st minute. It was awarded after Nigeria defender William Troost-Ekong had wrestled Mandzukic to the ground right in front of the referee, wrapping both arms around the striker as they jostled for space in the Nigeria box. Croatia, who were barely extended by their African opponents, now top Group D after Argentina and Iceland drew 1-1 in Moscow earlier on Saturday.   (SS)
ICELAND HOLD ARGENTINA TO 1-1 DRAW AS MESSI MISSES PENALTY – Tiny Iceland made a stunning first-ever World Cup appearance on Saturday when they held 2014 runners-up Argentina to a 1-1 draw in a dramatic match where Lionel Messi blew his chance to win it when he had a penalty saved by Hannes Por Halldorsson. Sergio Aguero had given the twice world champions the lead after 19 minutes of the Group D match. However, Iceland, who stunned the soccer world with their run to the quarter-finals of the European Championship two years ago, showed exactly the same commitment and self-belief to hit back four minutes later through Alfred Finnbogason. Argentina, playing in all-black and roared on by the vast majority of the crowd in the Spartak Stadium, eventually took command and delivered wave after wave of attacks in the second half. But they actually created few chances either side of Messi’s poorly-struck 64th-minute penalty. Iceland, by far the smallest country by population to appear at the World Cup, famously beat England in the last 16 of Euro 2016 and again inspired by their “thunderclapping” fans ran tirelessly and fought for everything. They signalled their intent from the kick off, sending seven men charging into the box to challenge as the ball was pumped long and it proved to be just the first of many uncomfortable moments for a decidedly shaky Argentine defence. The South Americans looked more assured in attack, though, and went ahead when Aguero turned tightly in the box and smashed in an unstoppable shot. Iceland, however, are not a team to sit back and sulk and soon forced an equaliser when goalkeeper Willy Caballero palmed Gylfi Sigurdsson’s low shot straight into the path of Finnbogason to sweep into the unguarded net. After Cristiano Ronaldo’s hat-trick in Portugal’s 3-3 draw with Spain on Friday, all eyes were on Messi to respond but he got little joy from the rugged but controlled Iceland defenders, no respecters of even the greatest reputation. The great man was given the ultimate opportunity after Hordur Bjorgvin Magnusson got entangled with Aguero in the box, only for Halldorsson to fly to his right and palm the penalty clear. Iceland then defended superbly, almost fanatically, and will have real belief that they can get out of a group that also contains Croatia and Nigeria, who meet later on Saturday.   (SS)
FREEWINDS FETED – Hundreds are partying at the Bridgetown Port tonight during a send-off of the Freewinds cruise ship in celebration of its 30th anniversary. During their speeches, Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds and Minister of Culture John King thanked the international organisation for its continued support of many local nongovernmental here in Barbados over the years. Following the formalities, there were performances by local artistes including Alicia Yarde-Collins, Lisa Griffith, stilt walkers and the Barbados Landship. The event is expected to end around 9:45 p.m.  (SS)
BIG SHOW OPENS – FirstCitizens De Big Show has a big roster as they opened at the Sea Rocks Dome in Christ Church. One of six tents to judge for the Pic-O-De-Crop competition the tent is known for its mix of social commentary and party vibes. Veteran Pompey was first up with Pow Pow in reference to the violence last year that marred Grand Kadooment. Up next was newcomer to the tent Kirk Brown started the party section of the tent with Never Over as he brought on two dancers. MRBLOOD sang about Sexual Harassment as he advocated that it goes both ways. The tent has the most monarchs out of all and on the list is Pompey, Ado, Classic, iWeb, MR BLOOD, Mistah Dale, TC, Chrystal Cummins-Beckles, Grynner and more.  (BT)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 197 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles  #dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
A glider with no tail? I flew one
My search for a flying wing sailplane ended with the purchase of N86TX and its relocation to Hangar 115 in New Braunfels, Texas (my brother’s three-car garage). For the next several months he, with help from my cousin Rayford and my father Tom, did the remaining 30% of the work to get the sailplane to a finished state and ready for inspection.
I called the FAA and they sent an inspector over. For four hours, I answered questions from Mr. John Irwin on just about everything you could think of. “Where is the engine? Where is the fuel tank? Where is the nav system? Where is the EGT? Where is the rubber band to launch it?” Not really; he was nice and very professional and I appreciated every nut and bolt he checked. My brother Buddy passed and this is his recollection of N86TX. In his memory, I post his version of “Our Wing.”
Buddy’s Story
I have known my only older brother all my life—TV producer, private pilot, sailplane pilot, Hobie Cat owner, AMX owner (a rare sport vehicle), and recently a flying wing owner. He lives about fours hours away by ground transport so he contacted me on a 30-minute communiqué via satellite. I got this excited and almost unintelligible conversation that conveyed the following, where I did manage to pick out the basics:
He wanted me to travel about 50 miles to look at a “Mar-ski” flying wing. Yeah, right! I was thinking, “Not another radio controlled project!”
Check it out to see if it is capable of being finished. (Now I knew the real reason for the call: I get to finish it).
Send pictures so he can consider the purchase of same. This could be a profit center for me if I could just bill him travel time. I had all the mechanical aptitude and inventiveness, the workshop to support the project, and a massive Snap-On roll-a-round with all the required tools. I also had four years in the Air Force as a weapons system technician and a year in AC-130 Gunships—and big brother has a really big selective service number and the time and resources to fly. Ain’t it always the case!
I grabbed my favorite traveling buddy, Ray Silkwood, fired up the weekend road warrior (a 1972 Blazer with a more than stock power plant), and took to the road on the first free morning for all involved.
The backup reason for the excursion was a stop at several of my favorite pawn shops and secondhand tool stores, just in case this was another Piper Cub in need of several years’ worth of annuals, lots of navel jelly, and a whole lot of rat poison.
Now what???
We located the correct driveway and rumbled in… There it was… .
There was this little bitty cockpit and these massively long wings and it was all supposed to be stuffed in this crafty little trailer.
My first thought was, “how am I going to get the entire 50-foot wing into that itty-bitty trailer?”
My second thought was, “if there is just a little bit left to do to make this bird flight-worthy, how come my brother said it was only 70 percent complete?”
My third thought was, “how come it was not complete and not flying?”
Ray and I tore through the inspection covers like a “Tim Allen modified Binford ten horse shop vac” and found almost nothing wrong with the interior of this really unique looking, stubby little flying wing. It did not have a motor or a visible means of pitch control but it did have a conventional stick and rudder.
I was thinking, “Maybe I can put in a Rotax and gear it to push a prop through the hand crafted gear reduction linear inter-digitized rectabular extrusion three-to-one… nah, maybe not!”
Paint was not great but adequate—basic white with a really poor red stripe job.
Again I was thinking, “Maybe some ghosted flames in neon green with a false flying tigers shark teeth in matching yellow along the canopy … nah, maybe not!”
The instruments needed a little TLC. The panel was really basic and the interior was pretty functional except for the bicycle handle grips on the spoiler and stick–maybe a porcelain gearshift knob would fit.
One thing had to go, though: those stupid looking trailer wheels. (Maybe a Boyd’s inverted-finger wing-three spoker with center covers… Yeah, that will do it!)
Sure as there is ridge lift in the Rockies, I didn’t get to stop off and see any of my favorite pawn shops.
I ended up with this little sweetie in my workshop and a promise from my brother to come down on the weekends to “help me a little” with the process of getting this bird flight-certified.
So with Ray, my dad Thomas M., and my only older brother and this Mar-Ski flying wing in my front yard, we started off what was to be a great part of life for me and my only older brother.
Next day was a wash job, complete inspection of every moving part, and an agreement that the PVC pipe bushings in the wing ribs (installed to ease the friction on the push tubes) had got to go. The noise of aluminum tubes and PVC rubbing when aileron was actuated was like a fingernail on chalkboard symphony!
Nine weeks later and with just a few hundred drops of red and white corpuscles on the shop floor, the FAA inspector was in my workshop and spending time with my older brother to determine if all of Irwin’s and my work was government-approved or not.
I watched with amazement as document after document and photograph after photograph were detailed with more conflagration of verbiage than the control tower at O’Hare has ever heard.
Needs a little TLC, as they say.
Sure enough, after an hour or so the inspector had to 10-100 and the pow-wow between me, my Dad, and my only older brother centered on how we were going to have to deal with this inspector to get the ticket we needed.
Back he came and he wanted to see the wing disconnected. Mind you, we had spent several hours in the early morning sweating the process of getting the wings all aligned perfectly and this guy wanted me to remove a wing!
So with a little banter about the time this might take and a raised eyebrow of disgust on my part, I agreed to allow this government inspector to view the ballet of professionalism required to dismantle a single wing.
I found out that when he spoke to me he was a pretty nice guy who really liked my workmanship and was fully satisfied with the inspection process – and signed on the dotted line and it was all over!
My little sweetie had official governmental approval for N86TX to be stenciled on my… my only older brother’s bird.
Lloyd’s Story
One early Saturday morning in mid-April of that year, I rolled over and asked my wife to attend the test flight of my flying wing. She was up and was ready almost as fast as I was. What a blessing to have such a cool and supportive wife!
We could read the thoughts in their eyes: “You’re not going to get me in that thing!” Several walked around to the rear of The Wing and one said, ” Where’s the rest of the tail? This thing can’t fly!”
I asked if I had any volunteers for testing. Immediately there was a mass exodus to the coffee lounge. With the parachute, we did another weight and balance check and all was well. As I walked to the FBO at 9am to use the facilities, I overheard one instructor telling another that planes without engines don’t fly very well. He continued, “You are too busy worrying about where to land to enjoy the flying.” Boy, is he wrong.
I have to admit that for many nights prior to the flight I had gone through the checklist over and over. I imagined every possible scenario and even wrote a detailed test program with emergency procedures that my brother and helpers could put into action if needed.
The day came and much of that got stored away to be retrieved only if really necessary. My brother Buddy had checked the wing over a thousand times. He had butterflies.
My dad handed me the canopy. The time had come to set her free! Butterflies were there, but I had explained to myself, “Self, it is a sailplane with many hours of hard work to build, a very, very good designer, Jim Marske, working out all the problems, and she’s just waiting for you to say, ‘Let’s go!'”
“OK, let’s go!”
Silently I said, “Now, Lloyd, shut your mouth! Go into the restroom and ponder.” So I pondered.
Ralph Thompson, a member of the airport board of directors, was going to fly chase with his 115 hp Citabria. He was also there to allay fears of the airport manager. Ralph found himself caught in a political squabble about my testing my flying wing glider at their airport. Thank you, Ralph, for all the Unicom and traffic advisories.
Time to test the new bird.
The airport manager had given me a really hard time prior to flight, including some guff about not letting me do my auto test tow on the airport. I did those at another airport. I wanted the runway length here for safety. Finally, he came around.
I had thought several times about letting someone else do the initial test flights. After getting my commercial glider pilot ticket and thinking about the wing and studying every article I could get my hands on and with the support of Jim Marske by phone over several discussions… I decided to go for it.
I wanted to take my time with these flights, but things quickly changed. The tow plane landed 30 minutes late. As he rolled up, the pilot told me he had a flat tailwheel and bad battery. We needed to go ASAP! Across the taxi way we went—crew, wife and Wing.
I had chosen the runway into the three knot wind. As I strapped on the parachute, out of the clear blue it hit me: “I am going to test fly this Wing?”
I stopped momentarily and had a quick conversation with my Heavenly Father to say, “Thank you. Please find the time to assign a few more angels to me today. And bless my family if anything goes wrong.”
I stepped into the cockpit and for some reason felt calm and warm.
Everything slowed down. Radio check… release check… control check… seatbelt check… kiss from wife… thumbs up from my brother on the wing after attaching the tow rope. He checked it twice and then once again. I was not sure the Super Cub pilot was sure what to expect towing this white custom sailplane down the runway.
The radio crackled, “N86TX on runway 17 New Braunfels for glider tow and test flight.”
With that the rope came taut and we rolled down the open runway. In the first 200 feet, I was focused on deciding if it was going to be stable. Jim Marske and Mike Hostage, who design and build wings, had given me all their words of confidence, but this was the true test. Lift off and in ground effect.
The Cub accelerated to 70 mph and we started to climb. The airport has three runways in a triangle so we turned left to always have a place to land if needed.
At 300 feet it was calm and The Wing was just beginning to relax. Me, I was sucking about 40 cubic feet of air so there was no way the canopy was coming off. “Fly the plane Lloyd!” I just kept telling myself that it is just like the test auto tows.
“Ah, right! It really is flying just like Jim said it would!”
Check roll carefully. OK, check airspeed. 70 mph, now at 1000 feet. If all went well, I had planned to go to 2000 ft. on the first tow to give me 100 ft. to just fly smoothly. The air was dead calm and very smooth. One circle of the airport and we were now at 2000 ft., northeast of the airport. I reached to pull the release and everything stopped for a second. I had done the dozen ground tows but now we were at 2000 ft.
Flying free!
A nice calm voice said, “I want to be free!” So, with a smile I pulled the release. For the next 20 to 30 seconds we flew without a single input. I slowed to about 55-60 mph and just flew.
I said to myself, “Lloyd, this is what it’s all about!” I just let her spread her wings without a single touch; she was stable and flew effortlessly at 60 kts with not a single hiccup. I opened up the NASA scoop more and what little noise there was disappeared and we just floated. The air was very calm and I just gave her time to breathe as well. What a rush. What a great time to be alive.
Slowly I turned to the left to overfly the airport and head south. It was as though The Wing was stretching its wings after a long, long sleep. No surprises, just very smooth. We did some slow turns, 45 degrees then 90 degrees at about 10 degrees of bank and no more. I was always talking on Unicom to ensure ground and chase knew my intentions. I took The Wing down to 1500 ft. and decided to slow down.
At this height, my mind turned to the pattern and landing. The tow plane was down and the chase plane was clear and advising traffic of the test flight.
I turned downwind and found myself at 1200 ft. for runway 17. Without even thinking “full spoilers” The Wing said, “OK!”
At this point I realized my toes were starting to hurt; I was trying to push the rudder pedals out the front of the plane.
Down we came, going crosswind at 600 ft. I had full spoilers while turning to base at 400 ft. so I retained full spoilers with plenty of room.
A small voice said,”Just watch this squeaky clean touch down. 
Coming in for a landing!”
I did not even have a second thought and I said “OK.”
We rolled to a stop about 300 ft. down the runway from the numbers and a wing touched the ground.
I had a few seconds after stopping to thank the Great Designer of Life for everything, to thank him for my wife and my family and the dream he gave me and also to tell my Wing, “Thank you!” before all the crew arrived.
Time to celebrate.
The next tows were each to 4000 ft. We found a heavy mush to occur at 40 mph but we still had some nose weight to remove. The first 4000 ft. tow was quiet and peaceful. We did some 90 degree turns with the bank angle at 45 degrees and then 75 degrees with good response. The Wing had a tendency to slowly lift the left wing (we adjusted that later).
The Wing and I tried some stability tests on pitch. We increased speed to 85 mph, released, and did two cycles of pitch until The Wing stabilized at 60mph, maybe 58mph, in level flight. Then we tried several 360s left and right. The Wing wanted to turn better to the right but we would see after adjustment. We did some more stall approaches and there was no tendency to fall off.
The Wing was heavy with nose weight, parachute, and an overweight pilot! The landing was pleasant and very comfortable. My wife and the crew and the rest of my family rushed over to tell me how good it looked.
The joy of the successful test flights! Thanks to my wife, Denise who gave me the support needed to complete and fly the Pioneer!
The post A glider with no tail? I flew one appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/05/a-glider-with-no-tail-i-flew-one/
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beggingu2bmyescape · 7 years
A ship that's not underway is at risk of being blown onto the rocks by an onshore wind. Yet when the ship gets moving, the rudder, not the wind, determines where the ship will go. Do you fear being blown in an undesirable direction by events in the world around you? Then get going, get your ship underway, and choose your own direction. Just because the world can make you weary and discouraged, doesn't mean it has to. You can propel your thoughts, your attitude, your actions in a positive direction. Fill your days with your own efforts, your own passions, your highest values and priorities. The more compelling your objective, the less power anything else has to bring you down. Invest your energy where it matters, in the good things you can achieve. Direct your focus into the factors you can influence and the places where you can make a difference. Amid noise, uncertainty, confusion, choose to live with clarity, with purpose and effectiveness. And lead all of life forward by positive example.
Ralph Marston
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