#Radigan Conagher
dinoburger · 11 months
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missed posting art. been thinking about those Conaghers - mostly working out how I wanna draw Fred
also kind of liking the thought of giving all 3 generations of engineer a bit of a protruding jaw and a sort of sloped profile...
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Hidden photographs of Radigan Conagher, Engineer's grandfather, from the Engineer Update in 2010 (including references to the soon-to-be-added Frontier Justice, Wrangler, Gunslinger, and Southern Hospitality)
(descriptions in alt text)
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tf2-pngs · 11 months
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What would you do if you met Radigan Conagher? Like to slap his bald head, reblog to slap his bald head
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0straycat0 · 11 months
A catch-up of doodles in my sketcgbook B]
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inbarfink · 9 months
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
Mister Conagher
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I wanted to draw him for a while... like for a WHILE. I like the character very much but it just never looked right.
I'm happy enough with this one (HAD to fill up the page with the engineer update weapons)
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coolhorse · 5 months
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together yay !! ( loosely insp by @dinoburger s art from a while ago. was on my to draw list for a while)
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Loser's Round 3: Match 47
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maeo-png · 6 months
me when i’m in a ‘haunting the narrative’ contest and my opponent is radigan conagher
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themannfamily · 8 months
Gray! I'm very interested to know more about what your time working with Radigan was like, how did the two of you meet? was there much tension over the fact that he worked for your brothers too?
Radigan Conagher is. . . a special story.
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Mr. Conagher and I met in person only when we were both old men, but I was looking after him long before that.
I can say that it was his work on the life extension machines of my brothers that aroused my greatest interest.
He and I were talented inventors. He had experience, and I had ambitions, a life coming to an end with an unsatisfactory outcome, and knowledge about Australium accumulated over the years of my research.
The offer was exciting, and I was very convincing, so he could not refuse such an experiment.
Of course, not everything was simple. Radigan was a reasonable and calm man, but an obnoxious stubborn. Which, however, was me too. We were similar in many ways. Unsociable, immersed in thoughts, experiencing difficulties with emotions and their demonstration, falling into an obsession with ideas. . .
We argued about a lot of things, but it always made sense. This expressed a concern for the common cause. There has always been respect between us.
Even if there was enough wariness at first, we got used to each other and got along well, accepting the peculiarities of the other. We could even say that we complemented each other. In a sense, he was a substitute for my conscience.
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Apart from the fear of not being able to finish the machine before my death, the most peaceful time of my life was associated with Conagher. Maybe even the happiest.
I was encouraged by the success. Thoughts of saying goodbye after the completed task disappeared somewhere. There was no end for me anymore and I was sure that everything was still ahead of me. Life should have become more normal, not as hard and humiliating as it was before, but filled with discoveries and achievements. And in these feelings, in the company of another brilliant genius, I wanted to live and create without end.
That's what we were doing. And we have achieved a lot in the scientific field, sharing ideas and developing them one after another. Even if all this was far from the scale I wanted it to be.
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After all, I didn't have the sophistication and wealth of my family that I aspired to. We couldn't realize every idea we had. It was. . . pretty simple. But I can't call this simplicity exceptionally bad.
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I finally got another person's recognition. Not any, but truly the best person I've ever known.
An amazing combination of intelligence, strength, decency and, well, appearance, too, what's there to hide. All this was even before the constant interaction with Australium began to influence him in the most manly way.
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The thought of family no longer bothered me so much, because I felt involved in something. I've never felt like a part of anything before. This feeling came back to me again only when I had a daughter.
In addition to contentment, with Radigan I discovered the sacred. I don't know if he felt the same about me, his shell was much stronger than mine and it was not easy to understand him. But I believe he also thought it was something special.
Alas, Radigan remained an ordinary man and did not want to add more time to himself than he was allotted. In the end, he began to look more like himself again at the time when we first met. With the difference that our relationship has changed significantly. He was silent for a lot, but in him I saw satisfaction from what he had lived.
And then he died. I turned out to be a stranger to his family, and I had to disappear again. In an effort to achieve more, I began to build my own empire, continuing to do science alone. In addition, the search for Australium became a necessity, and therefore I could not relax.
He's gone. But I still cherish this memory. After a while, it only became clearer that he had done more for me than anyone in my entire life.
I've never had such a person before him.
And after him, too.
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conagher extended lore/ headcannons part 1 Radigan
because I can't stop rotating them and I have more general ideas
I was going to include all the Conaghers but it's going to take forever so we just get Radigan for now
Radigan: was always on the loner side of things. He was born in Europe with his family and they immigrated to the States. He had several siblings and limited education. Largely self taught.
Ended up drifting away and going on his own after a while and lost all contact with his family. He doesn't know what happened to his family after he moved away and they don't know what happened to him.
He might have had a relationship/ previous marriage that resulted in another kid or two who have limited interactions with Fred but don't know Dell.
More likely I believe that he probably wouldn't have had kids if he wasn't for the Australium.
Radigan didn't think he was a family man but then he had Fred and Frank.
for clarification Frank is the identical twin I gave to Fred. He's Blu Engies dad - Mac, while Fred is dells and Linus' dad.
The Australium filled him with new vigor which lead to him getting someone to marry him and start a family. He ended up falling into the dad role and genuinely caring and loving for the twins.
Radigan may or may not have had to go away to work for the Manns/ administrator.
If he did: then his wife did his best to look after the kids. I want radigan to try and be somewhat affectionate/ try to be a decent husband and dad.
If he didn't, then the twins once old enough tended to fend for themselves. Or he tried to bring the two with him.
Either way I like to think the boys relied on each other a lot and had a strong bond.
Personally Im leaning towards he would come and go and try to make up for his absence...the two go to a public school. Radigan personally tutors the two to be proficient in Engineering.
Radigan tried to stop his sons from being snatched up by the Manns but in the end he failed. On one hand it's something he regrets not trying to do more. On the other hand they're both adults and he can't protect them forever. But he can only hope that his machines that he taught his sons will serve them well..and that they won't be too damaged by the end of it.
When his grandsons were born radigan felt a sense of contentment but also worry. He Knew by now that there was likely nothing he could do about it.
He's already seen how the Gravel war was chewing up his sons and spitting them out.
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dinoburger · 11 months
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wrong I have done
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Thoughts on the Conaghers? Like Dell, Fred, Radigan.
I don't think abt Engie much but when I DO I think abt his family a lot. I think having a character with a Very established relationship to Mann Co. and to Admin is super interesting and I do wish that (and Engie in general) was explored more in the text. I think the whole "family pressure/expectations" thing that fandoms tend to really love could definitely be written in to him - there's not really anything to back it up canonically but that doesn't mean it's not interesting! Also you've all convinced me I want to suckle Radigan's titties
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blu-cheavy · 11 months
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who the hell are you?
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birdenjoyer · 11 months
So I had a thought
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Can we have Engineer having a nightmare?
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The air feels light and the smell of something cooking filled the whole house. None of us mind it. It smells good. My Grandpa looked up from his project and smiled, before turning to me, standing on top of my chair. I was watching my Papa work. It's interesting. I like it.
“Hrm. Looks like Fred finally finished cooking.„
I giggled, hoping off and rushing over to the door, waving my papa over.
“C'mon c'mon c'mon!!„
I heard him chuckle. It's nice, hearing it. He doesn't do that a lot. I wish he would.
I'm excited. Really excited.
The smell turned into burning.
I came to a sudden stop. Why am I taller? Was something burning? It's coming from the kitchen. Did dad burn the food? I hope not!
It's...The kitchen is burning. Dad is standing in the middle of it, his back towards me. Why isn't he doing anything? Why can't I move?
The floor creaked underneath me. I fell.
And the Engineer woke up with a gasp.]
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