#R.A.F. pilots AU
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TAKE TO THE SKIES: A WWII Newmann AU fanfic cephalopod_groupie
    R.A.F. pilot Squadron Leader Hermann Gottlieb and U.S. Air Force pilot Newton Geiszler face war, love, and a giant octopus. 
Approximately 23,000 words total. Rated Explicit. 
TW - contains: war injury, swearing, dealing with historical homophobia, mild violence, mild torture, and sex
Chapter 1: A Rousing Start
Chapter 2: Communication
Chapter 3: Plummet
Chapter 4: White Lies and Hard Truths
Chapter 5: Sea Dance
Chapter 6: Upon My Brow
Chapter 7: Bonding Rituals
Chapter 8: Conjugate
Guerra, la pasión, el pulpo! (Also on ff.net)
Sticker of just the octopus and plane here. 
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shannaraisles · 5 years
Black Out
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A WW2 AU for Dragon Age, featuring Cullen Rutherford and Kassandra Trevelyan, commissioned by the adorable @queen-among-writers.
Goodwood, England - 17th January, 1941
Darkness lay heavy over Goodwood House and grounds, a strange bastion of calm in the deep of the night, disturbed only by the terrifying rumble of planes overhead - bombers heading for London to bombard the capital with another night of devastation and death. It never ceased to amaze Kassandra Trevelyan, nurse lieutenant of the Red Cross stationed with the 1st London Hospital at Goodwood, how the British refused to be cowed by the constant attacks by the Luftwaffe on their capital and ports. They were astonishingly blasé about it all, more likely to be seen angry over the loss of a home or loved one than distraught.
The coming of the sirens that signaled the end of the black out, and thus, the end of the bombardment for the night, was very welcome, easing the fear in the gloom of the Nissen-hut wards that peppered the grounds of the Goodwood estate. Kassandra listened as the breathing of the men in her ward calmed toward sleep, relieved herself that another night of danger had passed them by, and was about to leave the ward for a breath of air when she noticed a dim light at the far end of the ward-hut. One of her patients had not fallen to sleep in the aftermath.
Shaking off her weariness, she moved quietly toward the little pool of light, finding one of her quieter patients frowning in frustration as he tried to write something with hands still too bandaged to be useful.
"Captain Rutherford?"
The golden head snapped up in surprise, frustration covered swiftly with a disarming smile as she took a seat beside his bed.
"Forgive me, nurse," he apologized. "I did not mean to disturb you."
She smiled back at him, shaking her head.
"Well, seeing as I'm the one who is supposed to be awake right now and you're not, it's probably the other way around," she pointed out. Her gaze flickered to the paper propped on his lap. "Would you like some help?"
He looked down at his efforts, the smile fading into bitterness for a moment.
"These damned hands," he swore vehemently.
"They'll heal," was her quiet answer as she took the pencil from him. "From what I've seen, burns take a long time, but they do heal."
"You must think me rather pathetic," he began, but she cut him off.
"Not at all, captain. I'm more inclined to admire your bravery." She tilted her head, daring to offer him a gentle tease. "Or should I call it stubbornness?"
For the first time since she had taken over his care, she saw Captain Cullen Rutherford of 17 Brigade Royal Field Artillery actually crack a smile. It was brief, and more a release of tension, but it was a smile.
"Bloodymindedness, my sister would call it," he conceded. "You remind me of her."
"Were you writing to her?" Kassandra asked, unable to contain her curiosity.
"Trying," he admitted. "Mia will no doubt complain about my not having written before now, but as you can see ..." He gestured with his bandaged hands helplessly.
"Why would she complain?"
The captain sighed, a rueful smile on his lips.
"I do not write to her often, even when uninjured," he admitted. "She writes to me virtually daily. She is in Lancashire," he added, seemingly wanting to talk a little. "With her family. My brother joined the commando regiments, and our younger sister is somewhere in Poland. S.O.E."
"Oh, I see." Kassandra nodded, understanding now why Mia might be a little anxious. "Would you like me to write to her? Just to let her know where you are and how you're doing?"
"Do you not have your own family to correspond with?"
"I do," she assured him. "And for all that they disapprove of my being here, they at least know I still live. My brother, Theo, is the same as you with letters, though."
"He is on the front lines?" the captain asked.
"He's a pilot," she told him, her expression solemn. "He joined the R.A.F. at the outbreak of war, rather than wait for the U.S. to sign up. My other brother, Alec, would have done the same, but he was deemed unfit for service."
"That must be frustrating for him."
The words of commiseration made her smile come forth again.
"No more frustrating than not having the sense to ask for him from the people who are here to help you," she told him pointedly.
He gave her a slightly abashed glance in return. Kassandra laughed softly, taking the paper from his knee.
"Try to sleep, captain," she told him softly. "I'll bring the letter by tomorrow and you can approve it before it is sent."
As she turned the light out, she heard him settle down onto his side, feeling his gaze on her in the gloom, and for a moment, she swore she heard him murmur something else.
"Thank you ... Kassandra."
Biting her lip, she couldn't help the beaming smile that covered her face in answer to hearing him say her name. What else could she do, but reply in kind?
"You're very welcome. Cullen."
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Bold what applies!
Strikeout what isn’t possible
R.A.F and Test Pilot days
Broken a bone // had a near death experience // been cheated on // killed someone (and succeeded) // Killed someone (and Failed) // been raped // felt raped // self harmed // been married // had a child // adopted // been bullied // told a horrible lie // stolen something // seen a ghost // been camping // overdosed on drugs // been drunk // been to a haunted location // passed out // kissed the same sex // kissed the opposite sex // lost a limb // cheated // bullied // broken the law // invented something // punched someone in the face // been beaten up // been admitted to hospital // been drugged // had sex // had sex and regretted it // done drugs // smoked // kissed someone they weren’t attracted to // bled severely // been shot // had an attempt on their life // made an attempt on their own life // lost someone // loved someone // had a pet // been hit by someone they loved // been tortured// held hostage // held a gun // gone without food for more than a day // gone without sleep for more than a day // had surgery // been slapped by a parent // gone to another planet // been to war // been forced into something// had a panic attack // gotten stitches // gotten arrested // been hired to kill someone// played with a Ouija board // witnessed death // been possessed // been in a car accident // had sex with a stranger // been half-naked in the cold // been stabbed // passed out from pain // cried themselves to sleep // faked a smile // prayed // spent a whole day in bed // hurt themselves // taken anger out on themselves // had something slipped into their food / drink // been sexually assaulted // had a stalker // been betrayed // been a traitor // gotten away with crime // taken their anger out on someone they love // been used // used someone// been terrified// played a cruel game on someone // been dominant // been submissive // laughed when they felt like crying // accidentally hurt someone they cared about // thrown up // had a threesome // gotten into a fist fight // gone to jail // used a fake ID // gone to a rave // been in a house fire // left the country // told a dark joke
Talon Verse
Broken a bone // had a near death experience // been cheated on // killed someone (and succeeded) // Killed someone (and Failed) // been raped // felt raped // self harmed // been married // had a child(some aus) // adopted // been bullied // told a horrible lie // stolen something // seen a ghost // been camping // overdosed on drugs // been drunk // been to a haunted location // passed out // kissed the same sex // kissed the opposite sex // lost a limb // cheated // bullied // broken the law // invented something // punched someone in the face // been beaten up // been admitted to hospital // been drugged // had sex // had sex and regretted it // done drugs // smoked // kissed someone they weren’t attracted to // bled severely // been shot // had an attempt on their life // made an attempt on their own life // lost someone // loved someone //had a pet // been hit by someone they loved // been tortured// held hostage // held a gun // gone without food for more than a day // gone without sleep for more than a day // had surgery // been slapped by a parent // gone to another planet // been to war // been forced into something// had a panic attack // gotten stitches // gotten arrested // been hired to kill someone// played with a Ouija board // witnessed death // been possessed // been in a car accident // had sex with a stranger // been half-naked in the cold // been stabbed // passed out from pain // cried themselves to sleep // faked a smile // prayed // spent a whole day in bed // hurt themselves // taken anger out on themselves // had something slipped into their food / drink // been sexually assaulted // had a stalker // been betrayed // been a traitor // gotten away with crime // taken their anger out on someone they love // been used // used someone// been terrified // played a cruel game on someone // been dominant // been submissive // laughed when they felt like crying // accidentally hurt someone they cared about // thrown up // had a threesome // gotten into a fist fight // gone to jail // used a fake ID // gone to a rave // been in a house fire // left the country // told a dark joke
Tagged by: @valkyrieonlinex
Tagging: anyone. steal it please and tag me, i wanna see your hcs!
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agentverbivore · 6 years
The Crown (A FitzSimmons "The Crown” AU)                      - by agentverbivore for @whatlighttasteslike
Rating: General                    Chapters: 1/6  Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, 1940s/1950s, First Meetings  Summary: Jemma Simmons is the Crown Princess of the British Empire, and even though she might prefer microscopes to international politics, she is dedicated to her royal duty. As she navigates her family's concern for her lack of a husband, she finds herself increasingly attached to Leo Fitz, a new lord whose family's reputation makes their match nigh impossible.
An excerpt:
“But Fitzy here’s better at fixing engines than he is at breathing.” Hunter reached around to clap his friend on the back hard enough to send him shooting forward a few steps. 
Jemma turned back to the path in front of them. “Well, I should hope a chauffeur could repair his own engine.”
“I’m not a bloody chauffeur!” came the indignant voice of Hunter’s friend, his clear Scottish accent prompting Jemma’s eyebrows to rise.
Hunter let out a cackle of laughter loudly enough that she started slightly, looking over to see him leaning on his friend’s shoulder for support. “Oh, Christ, no, I’m sorry Your Highness. Fitz is the best Pilot Officer the R.A.F.’s got, and a lord in his own right, when he isn’t too busy mucking about in the garage.”
“Fixing a four-cylinder side-valve is nothing compared to a Spitfire,” Fitz muttered, batting away Hunter’s hand.
“Oh, I’m – terribly sorry, Lord Fitz,” Jemma said.
Read the first chapter here!
Posted this week for the release of The Crown’s second season, and to celebrate @whatlighttasteslike finishing the semester! <3 \o/
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