#QMAU stuff
aimeelouart · 5 years
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Hey you remember that one mathematician OC I mentioned in that one PK fic? Probably not, but I doodled her anyways. This is Nymeraria, Nym for short. She likes numbers, the people in the Archives, and absolutely nothing else. Mess with her data and you die instantly.
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cryptid-artha · 5 years
That feeling when you get banned from a Discord server because you didn't bend down and lick the owner's toes like a devoted little worshipper. Banned, while chatting with somebody, completely randomly, with no warning whatsoever and no explanation why until a while later!
Joke's on you, I was interested and still reading up on stuff! I hadn't finished the comic yet and was following stuff quietly, but because I didn't gush about your AU and didn't draw anything related to it yet, I got banned! I even had a character concept because it looked fun, but now? Nope. Not going to happen. Well, the whole thing is completely sullied in my mind and what interest I had died completely.
You wanna piss people off and make them not want anything to do with you? Well, that's exactly how you piss people off and make them not want anything to do with you. That level of gatekeeping is ridiculous.
The server was the QMAU server, and I didn't break any rules. And yet, somehow, I ended up banned just for not talking about the AU enough. Well guess what... Sometimes I am shy and afraid of being annoying so I just want to observe and get a feel for the community before I get involved. I hadn't even finished the comic yet, and now... I am not going to. I hadn't made an OC for it, aside from a basic concept... Well, now I am not going to. I have lost all desire to interact with that AU in any way. Too bad, really. It looked cute. But I refuse to get involved with something where people are treated like that.
Some people just don't know what to say or ask! Some people, LIKE ME, are AUTISTIC and don't know what to say or are prone to saying the wrong thing so are very careful. I know I can be stupid and annoying, even if I make a clear effort not to be.
My advice to the person running the server? Communicate. If you have a problem with somebody.... TELL THEM!!!!!! DON'T JUST BAN THEM OUT OF NOWHERE WITH NO WARNING AND NO REAL REASON WHY!!!
I mean come ON. It's really not that hard. It's just common sense! Don't think I am actually interested? Ask me. If I wasn't interested... Why the bloody hell would I join the server in the first place!?
Sorry for the rant. I have had a shit week, and that didn't help any. I wash my hands of it. I don't care anymore. It was stupid and unfair, but whatever. Stupid is as stupid does, nothing I can do about it.
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sothequeensays · 3 years
Hey! It’s been a while, but I wanted to let you know it’s me (Digi/abundleofbugs!) and I’m probably gonna be reposting stuff with my vessels for QMAU to this blog when I get the chance! And maybe updating stuff about them ^^;
Hi Digi, great to hear from you again! I'd be excited to see what you update about them!
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aimeelouart · 5 years
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Some character design work for my comic series over at @sothequeensays
The Queen’s handmaidens are composed of sisters born from a large clutch, eight of whom became handmaidens, eight of whom became the Queensguard, and ten of whom died before adulthood. Four of the eight are pictured here. The handmaidens operate as the Queen’s assistants, representatives, and agents, and are as likely to run an errand as they are to perform covert operations. Unlike the Pale King, the White Lady has no official livery, though the sisters have all incorporated a white piece into their adornments out of deference to their Lady.
Lily, the eldest of the entire clutch, is both the head of the handmaidens and the second-in-command of the Queensguard, under Dryya.
Agerata is bold and sharp in temperament, serving as a ‘gatekeeper’ of sorts to direct audiences with the Queen. Agerata also serves as the Queen’s ambassador to Deepnest when necessary.
Peony, naturally gentle and nurturing, is most often called upon to tend the Queen’s gardens and pets, as well as deal with children and bugs of nervous temperament.
Tulip is the diplomat of the bunch, sharing both Agerata’s boldness and Peony’s tendency toward measured speech. Tulip serves as the Queen representative in the Pale Court.
Not pictured are Rose, Belladonna, Iris, and Calla.
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aimeelouart · 5 years
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Compilation of charms based on AU characters over at @sothequeensays but I like these designs even out of context so I’m posting here too.
Edit: I’m going to murder autocorrect with my bare hands
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aimeelouart · 5 years
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More character design for @sothequeensays
The Queensguard is composed of sisters born from a large clutch, eight of whom became handmaidens, eight of whom became the Queensguard, and ten of whom died before adulthood. Four of the eight are pictured here. The Queensguard operate as the White Lady’s security force, under the command of Dryya. Members of the Queensguard wear off-white armor.
Acer is the most skilled and trusted of the Queensguard, working closely with Dryya and her older sister Lily. Acer also serves as Dryya’s left-hand woman. Loyal to a fault, Acer would even betray the Pale King if her lady asked.
Querca, along with her egg-twin Quercia (not pictured), serves as the Vanguard to any procession involving the White Lady. Querca is fearless and unyielding even in the face of immense pain.
Pinna, quiet and observant as she is, serves as a forward scout and messenger. Her skills at analysis have also earned her a trusted position as a strategic advisor to Dryya, Lily, and the White Lady herself.
Pruna has a fierce but quiet temper. She is the silent blade in the night, the spy, saboteur, and assassin that Dryya employs to eliminate threats against the Queen before they can act.
Not pictured are Quercia, Cupressa, Larix, and Cedra
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aimeelouart · 5 years
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The other half of the Queen’s Handmaidens.
Rose is both a seamstress and an armorer, and is responsible for every article of clothing and piece of armor that members of the Queens court have. Her skill with a needle and hammer translates into a deadly, if underestimated, ability in combat.
Belladonna is the medic, though her temperament could hardly be called gentle. Fascinated with potions and poisons, Belladonna spends much of her free time tending to a private greenhouse full of exotic plants that she uses in experimental potions, poultices, and poisons. She gets along very well with her Queensguard sister Pruna.
Iris serves most often as the White Lady’s secratry, and tends to the Queen’s records. Iris also serves as a backup representative to the Pale Court when Tulip (incidentally her favorite sister) is unavailable.
Calla, the youngest of the entire clutch, serves as a kind of “jack of all trades” among the Handmaidens, though she mostly prefers quiet jobs away from the hustle and bustle of court life.
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aimeelouart · 5 years
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Last but not least in my part 1 character design, the second half of the Queensguard
Cupressa’s incredible willpower makes her a popular choice for door guard and sentinel. Rumor has it that she once stood vigil over Dryya for 168 straight hours on a mission gone wrong.
Quercia, along with her egg-twin Querca, serves as the White Lady’s vanguard. Quercia is just as fierce and unyielding as her twin, though she tends to be far quieter than Querca.
Larix is the natural-born performer of the sisters and can often be found showing off her unique weapons skills to awed guard recruits.
Cedra is an expert in non-lethal tactics, and often joins her sister Pinna in advising Dryya and the White Lady on tactics and strategy. But don’t be fooled--she’s just as lethal as any other Queensguard member.
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