Learn QHET Arcturian Healing method. Live classes on Zoom
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Dearest, I am grateful that I can offer, in a new form, QHET Arcturian Healing hypnosis course of New Earth coherent synergy. Channeling with years of experience in quantum field with Light Teams, Arcturianous. S�ign up for this QHET Arcturian Healing Technique course Link in Bio let pouring light into your heart, and that’s with Arcturianous, with my Teams, with Arcturians whom I’m very very grateful for being here with us, they will show us a new way of healing, so from the bottom of my heart I am inviting you to join the QHET quantum hypnosis sessions, not only in January 🙂 all year round, and sign up for the quantum hypnosis QHET course which starts at the end of this month Thank you for shiny bright light here. LOVE PEACE Alexandra
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mindutme · 5 months
Lexember 22: Khet
Today’s word is khet /xet/, pl. kheti /ˈxe.ti/, meaning “onion.” It’s a borrowing from Mindutme, which results in a slightly irregular plural. The expected plural would be khetáy /xe.ˈtaj/, but due to a quirk of the borrowing process it’s kheti instead. A derived word is khetiti /xe.ˈti.ti/ “allium,” formed from the similative plural (i.e. “onions and such things”).
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Khet is also the name of the Tlette letter for the sound /x/, which looks something like a v (in the words above it joins with the letter below to make a backwards y shape). The Tlette alphabet was adapted from the old Mindutme alphabet, which used a stylized drawing of an onion to represent the same sound. Because old Mindutme didn’t have the similar sound /ꭓ/ but old Tlette did, the same letter was used for both sounds for a period. But there were also two versions of the letter for a time, one with two stalks and one with three, and eventually Tlette speakers settled on using the two-stalk version for /x/ and the three-stalk version (now called qhet) for /ꭓ/.
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
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🔴Fabricante do Libid Gel👉 https://ift.tt/2VUg7DY 👈 *Usar o gel por mínimo 3 meses para obter grandes resultados. 🔴Amostra Grátis do Gel para os INSCRITOS do CANAL👉 https://ift.tt/2HCVZ0I 👈 Curso avançado para aumento peniano que indico👉https://ajudovoce.com/treinamento-avancado-para-aumento-peniano👈 *Esse curso é um treinamento avançado que vai te ensinar passo a passo de como aumentar e engrossar o pênis em poucas semanas. O conteúdo que ensino, é testado e aprovado por mim e milhares de homens que passaram pelo mesmo problema. Meu Whatsapp: https://ift.tt/3aEuQXI Compartilhe esse vídeo: FanPage: https://ift.tt/2U4UA9d Blog Homem Saudável: https://ift.tt/2TRoqOb 🆗DEIXE SEU LIKE, SE INSCREVA no CANAL e ATIVE o SININHO🆗 CANAL HOMEM SAUDÁVEL: https://ift.tt/2Wa65Pl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assunto de hoje: https://youtu.be/QHet-GjtLM0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Olá me chamo Marcus, sou especialista em desenvolvimento sexual e amante da medicina natural. Nesse canal vamos abordar; como aumentar o pênis, com técnicas e exercícios para aumento peniano, do básico ao avançado. Esse canal é focado em ajudar homens com problema do tamanho do seu pênis. Como aumentar o tamanho do pênis; O tamanho do pênis varia muito de homem para homem, assim como de país para país e, dessa forma, é difícil determinar um intervalo para avaliar se o tamanho do pênis pode ser considerado normal. Por isso, a satisfação com o tamanho do órgão depende principalmente do próprio homem e do local onde cresceu, já que, para um homem um pênis ereto de 13 cm pode ser considerado completamente normal enquanto para outro pode ser um tamanho pouco satisfatório. Ainda assim, para os homens que desejam aumentar o tamanho do pênis, existem várias formas de tratamento, desde comprimidos, até bombas, exercícios e, em último caso, cirurgia. Em qualquer caso, deve-se sempre consultar um urologista antes de experimentar qualquer tratamento. Qual o tamanho normal do pênis? Não existe um tamanho definido para considerar um pênis normal, no entanto, segundo um estudo feito a nível mundial com mais de 15 mil homens, o tamanho médio do pênis flácido parece variar entre 7 e 11 cm, enquanto o pênis ereto varia entre 12 e 18 cm. Em muitos casos, o tamanho do pênis flácido não determina o tamanho que terá durante a ereção e, por isso, muitos médicos só consideram opções de tratamento quando o tamanho durante a ereção não satisfaz o homem. Buscam por: como aumentar o pênis,como aumentar o pinto,como aumentar o penis,como aumentar o pau,como aumentar o penis naturalmente,como aumentar o pênis rápido,como aumentar o tamanho do pênis,como aumentar o tamanho do penis,aumentar o penis,exercícios para aumentar o pênis,aumentar o pênis,como engrossar o penis,exercicios para aumentar o penis,como almentar o penes,aumento peniano #comoaumentaropenis #aumentopeniano #libidgel Conteúdo de hoje: libid gel libid gel funciona libid gel funciona mesmo libid gel vende em farmacia libid gel anvisa libid gel site oficial libid gel antes e depois lib de gel libid gel comprar libid gel vende em farmácia libide libid gel original libid gel resultados libid gel amostra grátis libid gel amostra gratis libid gel resultado libid gel pra q serve libid gel funciona yahoo comprar libid gel Importante VER ESSE VÍDEO Antes de COMPRAR o LIBID GEL ! Importante VER ESSE VÍDEO Antes de COMPRAR o LIBID GEL ! Importante VER ESSE VÍDEO Antes de COMPRAR o LIBID GEL !
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classystudentclown · 4 years
Here’s a song for you… Dodged A Bullet by Greg Laswell
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QHET Arcturian Healing method can help you overcome, for expamples, low self esteem, fear base emotions, stress, anxiety, emotion base memories in your body, it can be work related, family issues, relationships, spiritual development, health, business just to fully receive greater flow of joy and love in your life, acceleration of abundant peaceful harmonize life, develop spiritual talents and gifts
When the light body receives a new update up-to-date, when you as light awareness itself, receive information downloads applicable to your life. This state of conscious awareness can be at ease in love achieved in quantum healing, in Arcturians modality… Theta state of brain allows you to experience nothing, a dot within heart expression, a coherent state of pure love, beyond daily routine, back to Source light, beyond any discussion which you might have with you… there in momentary change on a cellular level, also in your DNA, the process of refurbishing begins… it simple to you to acknowledge this particular state of One with All, behind the scene of the visual, beyond the expectations what might be for you to express more… the love of your Guides, is the new earth paradigms, cells will respond…. Imagine that you, self, talk to you on a subconscious level. Imagine that in this absolute union of love, pure love state of wholeness
Expect miracles. Experience within. Expand beyond.
It can be.... now world approaching, it can be a new relationship on the horizon. Arcturian Healing, the sessions quantum model of Self
To learn more about the sessions or to learn QHET Arcturian technique, please visit
Love to meet you beautiful Light! Alexandra Tabaczynska
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Every person has this beautifuly unique availability to connect, heal, and expand. The QHET Arcturian modality course can be your opportunity to do what you love: serve others, help people heal, awaken to life purpose, experience new dimensions within, while living your best life too. This course is not only for healers, light workers, it’s an open opportunity to those who feel the calling, who want to deepen the Self Expression with connections in energetic coherence in New Earth and perhaps to find a new way of life as quantum healers.
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Alexandra Tabaczynska
more about the course and how to register, please visit https://qhetquantumhypnosis.com/learn-qhet-quantum.../
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Bridging with All that You are. QHET Arcturian Healing
Arcturianous a believer:
Imagine there was a time when we were living
In the past or in a future as consciousness, imagine that for a moment you are there
For now
We are together in sphere of light traveling
In universe of yours
Take a breath in, deep one, relaxing
Imagine that all is was now now now
I am with you
Quantum reality becoming more and more recognizable as one realm united all it is.
Imagining is something for us humans to go love, become, more and more in coherence with universe in our reality.
Beyond mind there is a sparkle of light (yourself) connect to with in to all what existed,
I’m not saying you have to experience all of these remarkable realities coexisting at the moment of beingness, livingness at once, all I’m asking is to open yourself to this one possibility. I’m one with the all one love love love in myself.
I was saying many times with Arcturianous, there becoming now here.
Universe, sound, love exceptionally loved we are and back, I’m love, I share love not even thinking about it.
QHET is one stop, a one dot, when in light, where in nows, as stop points you can love the one in you and see the most wonderful, joyful, loving reality were you where in moments.
I’m here with you, in the script, Arcturian Healing script, is. I’m here with you now
Imagine love, yourself in moments
Imagine the vibration of love (you Star Seeds in awakening time on earth) brings something for from yourself. What could it be….
Abundant thought
Abundant mind heart
Abundant self loving life for from yourself…. I might be wrong in discussion what’s coming, as the time travelers, time in coexistence is real;
I might be right or simply saying I’m here to explore more within in the universe and beyond, can be the stop~ing life for many lights, in meanwhile as creators we want more from for our lives, we wish to express more not always finds the “right words” to seek love in others in the same time in ourselves, I want to become, I might wish to find my love, relationship, works, loving companion or a new career, I might wish… and
there’s, as we know now now. We are gaining the new perspective on how, where…
Let’s get back to present,
Ascension love
Ascended mastery in love
Ascension in multiple universe believing there, now, in universe is a gate=portal in communication, like a tuning point tune in to universe
QHET is modern hypnosis. It’s like an adventure once for a while to take to understand, explore and experience yourself.
Imagine love guide with you, what’s his/her name ? Imagine a window within the heart… would it be a communication in vibration ?
Unseen world has so much to offer, I’m nor a healer per se, but I can
with Arcturianous guide you in quantum light, to one stop where believer become self, when one spot light can light up all it is in
A dot
Self source companion.
Would it be beneficial? As yourself, is me talking within
Is my universe better bigger now as I’m progressing,
Is it real what I’m deeply dreaming of, a better bigger world where star children living in coherence with many star races, where all once where was told becoming reality… am I correct to say that we are a race humans to dream bigger better about our own, and beyond future?
Am I here to love? To express gratitude and love love love self and
Quantum is love in moment to moment, bridging all what you are I mean all
love light past future
In one
Benevolent time awakening
On planet earth
After all we know before we came
The everything is possible
That one time our family galactic star family came down with a bookey saying
Celebration to ALL we are
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ratchaptermaster · 5 years
News: Big Rats steals Little Rat
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Chapter-Master Vun: “This Sackrat is our, you-you can’t have-keep~!”
Grey Seer-Lord Qhet: [The Pettiest Rat Snicker Ever] “Nope-nope~”
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ratchaptermaster · 4 years
How to start a New Solar Year
The Battle Barge Supreme Lance slammed her crackling horned helm into the broadside of the wounded Tyranid bioship, the beast groaned the sensation of pain as unnatural energies burned at its innards. Muscles convulsing and crushing its crawling swarms, the ultra-powered thrusters pushing it against another of its kin-ships. Inside, the designated slave-captain bounced and cackled at the pain he insured. 
“Yes-yes! Give the xeno-ship sweet-pain! I want to hear it scream!” He cackled to his servitors, the last remnant of humanity in those half-machines were bleak at best but it acknowledged in dull crackling voxes as multiple servo-limbs translated the maddened bloodlust of their master to the barge’s combat capabilities.
The hundred years in warp-space was ample time to the inventive minds of the Blessed Ratmen of the Horned Emperor. The thousands of battery guns lining her starboard, portside and bow were relentless, millions of bolts flying across the air to hit ships of the Nom-things, big and small. Careless of the fighters between their destruction. 
The Vermintide washed over the Rift-stolen Nom-Fleet, a great fleet of greedy hunger devouring the Incarnation of Hunger itself. Two of the same coin but it was clear who had the clear disadvantage as the screaming daemons born from the Black Hunger writhed and reached from between stars to tear at these offences of their very existence.
The Shadow of the Warp pained them and in pure ugly spite, the Children of the Rat-God fought with bloody teeth and claws. 
Tearing the groaning bio-ship in chunks, the Captain cackled with madness clear in his eyes. “Yes-yes! More-more!” He cried out, “Spill excess heat and fire! Hahah!” The command made manifest, the deadly overheat of both the converted engines and constantly shooting guns was siphoned in a fatally clever way, feeding one of the countless armaments that fed out from the Supreme Lance of Clan Skryre. Like a massive meltagun, vents spewing sun-level heat out into the vacuum of space - shields actively keeping the temperature to the barest capabilities of burning every mutated crewmen at the bottom and sides of her vessel before all was sung into one great belch of pure hatred through the bio-ship and the ship beyond it, spilling millions of charred Nom-things in the cold talons of space. 
 The fleet kept moving, even as one of the strike cruisers exploded from an overexcited core. Blossoms of green fires before it literally lunged for one of the Nom-ships in a twisted sacrifice of noble spite before taking the xenos with the crew. 
 Hissing out with a smile and tears running his messy face, the slave-captain clicked on the vox-link for the barge’s inner sanctuaries. “Great and Ever-Ingenious Master-Warlock of Sciences and Knower of the Great Rat in the Cables, we-we lost Strike-Cruiser Gaggle’s Cry.” He alarmed, there was a moment but a growl that was hard to distinct of the vox malfunctioning, the blessing of electronic vermin-daemons crossing between their airways or the True Master of the Barge’s vocal replacements. 
“Good-good, ship full of fool-thralls. We get more! Keep forward-up to the Nom-Things’ Head Ship. Prepare the Warp-Cannon!” The cold clicks and malign hiss of the Lord-Warlock commanded, then the Supreme Lance herself started to react to her master before actual input was made. 
Now the Master had the command and the Slave-Captain was the spectator, the entire Vermintide of Skryre’s Front started to mobilize with disquieting unity, even as the shipmasters screamed in demand for their ships to obey them - the Spirits of the Ships were the Master-Warlock’s and his dominance was made clear with each ram of slave-ship biting a wound into a Devourer-ship and Astartes-ship slicing and beating the fleet in sections like a finer dining noble-rat of the Skavenblight.
In the Supreme’s heart, the great Warlock’s six optics gleamed with the wide metal-toothed smile, cackling with the great cape of cables flexing and feed his inhuman ambition into his beloved ship. His ship was second-biggest to the Chaptermaster, his despicable counterpart - Seerlord Qhet may have the Master’s ear and attention - but the Master of All Warlocks had the intelligence to give the Great Rattus Astartes the power that all envy!
All of his hatred, envy, ambition, pride, and logical bloodlust pumped into ichor and the Supreme Lance sung her infernal love for him, directing every shot to the swarm of small nom-interceptors with undeniable precision. Those that managed to evade and only slam into the front shields as bubbling memory upon the crackling green warp-shield. The great vessel painstakingly tattooed from bow to stern with hemogrammetic wardings inlined with crushed Warpstone of a hundred worlds etched by the bleeding hands of thousands of slaves, whose souls now scream and howl in each cornerstone of his polish warpstone works. 
All in the name of Clan Skryre Supremacy and in extent, the Great Chapter Chosen by the Great Emperor! 
And in this beautiful destiny manifest, the great Lord-Warlock Zextal laughed with the madness of a thousand plans in each black heartbeat as his vessel fired the tri-cannons of his Warp Cannon, lancing pure weaponized warp-lightning in its raw extremity across the vacuum of space and arched against anything that dared to stand in its way or near. The cooking of chitin and flesh, innards, and spawnlings before hitting the heart-ship into nothingness. 
In return of such awesome power, the cannon’s links exploded and took at least a hundred thousand slave-rats and man-things in green fires and ashes. The self-wounding brought a soft chatter of pain...but it was worth it.
A good war-testing for his works, yes-yes!
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ratchaptermaster · 6 years
Insider’s word
Disagreements between the Chapter-Master and his First-Seer are humorously frequent. Humans would call them an ‘old married couple’, they would look and act like they utterly hate and would kill each other at the moment’s notice. Only to fight together and kill for each other a second later without saying a word.
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(Chief-Librarian/ Seer-Lord Qhet ‘boxing’ with the Chapter-Master)
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