#Protecting Firearms
summerlinarmory · 2 months
Corrosion poses a significant threat to the integrity and longevity of firearms and other supplies. Safeguarding your investments against corrosion is essential for maintaining their value, performance, and aesthetics. As a gun shop in Las Vegas, NV, allow us to share some proactive measures to protect your beloved firearms against rust.
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This essay about how firearms classes teach attendees to be constantly vigilant and to shoot others at a moment’s notice is IMHO so important that I made the link above a gift 🎁 link, so anyone can read the entire article, even if they don’t subscribe to The New York Times.
UT Austin Associate Professor Harel Shapira attended 42 firearm instruction/ safety classes in different states and came away with a disturbing understanding of why we might be seeing more and more senseless shootings in our nation (like people being shot because they went to the wrong door or drove up the wrong driveway).
Apparently, classes in how to use firearms have changed over the decades from an emphasis on gun safety to an emphasis (in addition to safety) on the importance of shooting someone for self-protection at a moment’s notice.* Here are some excerpts from the essay:
I did not grow up around guns, but 10 years ago, I started attending firearms training classes. I wasn’t there to learn how to protect myself or my family. I was there to learn what was taught in the classes themselves, which a broad coalition of groups — including many police officers, Republican and Democratic legislators and gun violence prevention organizations — have hailed as a path out of the nation’s epidemic of violence.
I found something very different. The classes I attended trained students to believe that their lives are in constant danger. They prepared us to shoot without hesitation and avoid legal consequences. They instilled the kind of fear that has a corrosive effect on all interactions — and beyond that, on the fabric of our democracy.
I took 42 classes and conducted interviews with 52 instructors and 118 students, in traditionally red states like Texas as well as blue states like Massachusetts, in urban areas like Newark as well as rural Southern Illinois.... Most of all, I immersed myself in firearms schools in Texas, where I live, that cater to people who wish to learn how to use guns for self-defense. Some instructors in these schools told me they have been involved in drafting public safety protocols or running active shooter drills for public school teachers. Some of these instructors’ students have gone on to open training programs of their own. [...] First, the good news: Every firearms instructor I encountered was extremely serious about preventing accidents. [...] But teaching people how to avoid shooting someone by accident is a small part of what these classes are about. The primary lessons are about if and when to shoot someone on purpose. And this is where the trouble begins.
Instructors repeatedly told me that a big part of their job was to make people feel vulnerable, to make them aware of dangers they were not conscious of before to understand that bad things can happen at any time. One instructor told me he encourages students to carry their gun at all times. If students say they plan to leave it in the car, he responds, “So what you’re telling me is the only time you are ever going to get attacked is if you are in your car?”
The instructors describe a world teeming with violent and deranged individuals. And not just any individuals. The scenarios cluster around the public spaces of racially diverse cities. “More often than not,” an instructor who had been a high-ranking police officer said, the place you’re likely to be attacked is “in an urban part of society.” [...] Instructors repeatedly told me that statistics about crime are meaningless when it comes to the need to carry a gun. It’s not the odds, I heard on numerous occasions; it’s the consequences....  Repeatedly the lesson was that I ought to shoot even when my instincts might tell me otherwise. [...] Firearms instructors are not the only ones who make an appearance at self-defense classes. Lawyers do, too. Lawyers who specialize in defending gun owners. They go to classes and tell students how to talk (or not) to 911 operators and police officers in the event they shoot someone. In one seminar, a lawyer emphasized the importance of explaining, “I had no choice.”
With more than 200 mass shootings in our country this year alone, advocates of gun regulation often cite the tragic number of lives lost or the fact that gun-related injuries have surpassed car accidents as the nation’s leading cause of injury-related death among people under 24. But another, less recognized casualty is the kind of public interactions that make democracy viable. The N.R.A. says that “an armed society is a polite society.” But learning to carry a gun isn’t teaching Americans to have good manners. It’s training them to be suspicious and atomized, learning to protect themselves, no matter how great the risk to others. It’s training them to not be citizens.
[emphasis added]
Originally posted 05/28/23; updated 05/29/23
* For instance, in the reader comments section for this essay, GN from Albany wrote: “As a young teenager in the 1960s I took an NRA course on gun safety.  It wasn't anything like the courses described here.  I learned to plink at a target with a .22 . The poison described in this article is a political artifact that was deliberately cultivated beginning in the 1980s.”
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diablo1776 · 5 months
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Left: 16" AR-15, Sig Sauer Romeo5 w/ Juliette 3x optics, HUXWRX 5.56 XD Supressor, Magpul stock, Viking Tactical sling
Right: 20" AR-10 (.308), Sig Sauer Tango 10x optic, Magpul Tri-Pod, Luth-AR MBA-3 Adjustable Stock.
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mango-bango-bby · 11 months
Mango dear I’m coming to you for help to spread awareness on KOSA cause people need to be informed ASAP
In 4 days a bill is going to be voted on in congress called KOSA.
The KOSA law and EARN IT act could get Anime and Manga banned in the US. Due to it having “gore and violence”
It’ll also ban fanfics and any mature content.
The bill is being disguised as a way to protect minors but it will ban all of this for ALL of us. The bill states if you confirm your age you can view it, but the more you read it says that if an adult views it it will flag it and get the content taking down.
To stop this please please look that the link I’m sharing. The link allows you to email your state representatives, after if you submit your phone number you will get a call that will connect you to all your representatives offices, you will get a script all you have to do is read off what is said.
Let them know you are NOT okay with this! Last year we just BARELY got this bill denied. Congress is trying again this year. SPEAK UP!
Please please take this seriously. If this passes. The anime community will be DONE.
Holy shit, I didn’t even know about this. Thank you for informing me. It’s incredibly important to protect kids,,, but this would not protect children. It would hurt children and adults. The U.S is already trying to take away so many rights of so many people. Those old fucks in the government seriously need to get it together. I mean, the fact that they’re even considering passing something that so obviously breaks the first and fourth amendment
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defensive-tactics · 4 months
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Ear and eye protection at the gun range...
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banyanas · 11 months
the reason sparrow is the one person in this generation of NPCs who doesn’t known how to shoot a gun is he doesn’t need one
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this-is-a-nice-show · 6 months
It does kill me a little bit that the character who claims not to read picked a 100% human name, but the character who owns a bookshop and works in customer service didn't.
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Sorry going insane over my flashback baby Jedikiah. Angry little bastard 16-17yo who gets more guarded and resentful every year he doesn’t break out, throwing himself into highschool genetics to understand the chances of him failing like this and turning to knives and eventually guns to regain a sense of power as his body betrays him. Long hair.
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preppers-will · 1 year
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U.S. Sen. Ed Markey on Thursday introduced legislation to outlaw the marketing of firearms to children amid growing outrage from federal lawmakers, gun violence prevention advocates, and parents over a weapon for kids inspired by the AR-15.
The Massachusetts Democrat's Protecting Kids From Gun Marketing Act would direct the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to create rules to "prohibit any manufacturer, dealer, or importer, or agent thereof, from marketing or advertising a firearm or any firearm-related product to a minor in a manner that is designed, intended, or reasonably appears to be attractive to a minor."
The bill would also empower state attorneys general and private individuals to take legal action for violations of the rules.
The proposal follows recently renewed criticism of Illinois-based WEE1 Tactical for its JR-15. After coming under fire last year for branding that featured pacifier-sucking baby skulls with gun sights for eye sockets, the gunmaker scrapped the images and now says the firearm represents "a great American tradition," a "small piece of American freedom," and "American family values."
Markey led a May 2022 letter calling on the FTC to investigate WEE1 Tactical for unfair or deceptive marketing tactics and last week, in the wake of a series of mass shootings, he joined a press conference during which Senators repeated that demand.
"I am once again calling on the FTC to step up and use its authority to crack down on gunmakers who market their deadly weapons to America's youth," he said last week. "The deceptive and deadly marketing behind the 'JR-15' is grotesque and reflects the depth of the gun industry's moral depravity."
Markey also took aim at WEE1 Tactical's gun on Thursday, declaring that "a junior version of the AR-15 has no place in a kid's toy box."
"America's gun violence epidemic is claiming tens of thousands of lives each year as gunmakers, dealers, and vendors alike continue to put sales over safety by targeting kids with advertising of a deadly weapon," he said. "It's shameful, irresponsible, and dangerous. The FTC must act immediately to prohibit the marketing of these weapons to children, a step that could save lives."
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The legislation is co-sponsored by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).
The bill is also supported by the organizations Brady, Everytown, Giffords, March For Our Lives, and the Violence Policy Center—whose executive director, Josh Sugarmann, said that "few Americans are aware that there is an ongoing, coordinated effort by the gun lobby and firearms industry targeting America's children and teens. Imagine the public outcry if the alcohol or tobacco industries introduced child-friendly versions of their adult products."
Giffords federal affairs director Adzi Vokhiwa stressed that "the gun industry's deceptive and reckless marketing practices have real consequences: Our nation's gun violence epidemic is worsening while the gun industry's profits soar. Promoting weapons to young people is especially heinous considering that guns are now the number one cause of death for children."
Just over a month into 2023, at least 154 children across the United States have been killed by gun violence and another 364 have been injured so far, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Last year, the totals were 1,675 and 4,479, respectively.
"There's no world in which deadly firearms manufacturers should advertise guns to children," said Zeenat Yahya, policy director for March for Our Lives, which was formed by students after the 2018 high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
"Unsecured access to guns has killed far too many children and young people over the years," Yahya continued. "The very idea that gun manufacturers want to take advantage of young people by targeting young people who aren't even old enough to drive with ads that sell deadly weapons is sickening."
"It's time for Congress to take a stand and defend young peoples' lives against an immoral industry practice," she added, "and we're pleased to stand with Sen. Markey and our congressional partners in the introduction of this bill."
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diablo1776 · 6 months
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quaranmine · 1 year
writing a story set in 1989 has you second guessing every little detail and googling things you previously assumed were a given like "when was bear spray invented"
(it appears to have been sold for public use starting in 1986)
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ricky-olson · 1 year
I TRULY wanna know how much the nra and meta is paying these lawmakers to pretend to care. like how many zeros does it take for them to act like they care about the children
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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How to Form a Local Militia:
Our right to "keep and bear arms" is supposed to be protected by the Second Amendment with the exercise of that right protected by the First Amendment (freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition)! The ultimate protection of our rights, however, come from you! The people of this nation armed, trained and prepared to fight any foreign or domestic enemy is our best weapon against tyranny and usurpation of our liberties. The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16, provides for States to organize and train their Militias according to standards established by the U.S. Congress, and to appoint the officers, but it was not the intention of that clause to authorize states to forbid local organization and training of Militia units, but to require that they be organized and trained. Here are some Steps to take:
Establish an Identity
Identify the Goals and Intentions of the Group. Reinforce them often to group members.
Organize a Recruiting Strategy which could start with an existing Neighborhood Watch Program.
Train Members (The Art of Guerilla Warfare: General Principles)
Practice - Run Missions
Follow all jurisdiction laws, rules and regulations. Be aware that the group may be monitored by the government.
As numbers grow, create a large number of small, independent units with many leaders. Never a central leadership.
Central Headquarters should only be responsible to facilitate communications, not command.
Defending Against, and Utilizing, Guerilla Warfare Tactics:
Harass the enemy in every way possible, within all the territory he holds, to such an extent that he is eventually incapable either of embarking on a war, or of continuing one that may already have commenced.
Strike the enemy where he least expects it, and yet where he is most vulnerable: this will produce the greatest effect in inducing and even compelling him to use up large numbers of troops in guarding against such blows.
Origin and History of Guerilla Warfare More on the Tactics of Guerilla Warfare
Militia Organizations and Resources: American Militia Association WHYU FM - 102.3 MHz [or listen online] in Meyersdale, PA (American Militia Association - Radio Station) Militia News My Militia News Should I Join a Militia? Patriot or Traitor [Reference Link] Organizing a Survival Team
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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skills2survive · 2 years
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Woods walking with the @rugersofficial Wrangler in my @masc_holster. The Wrangler makes an excellent companion for snakes and small game !! . . . Follow me ➡️ @skills2survive 🔥 . . . . . #ruger #rugerwrangler #22lr ##mascholster #leatherholster #quality #skills2survive #getoutside #useyourshit #gearreview #youtube #firearms #protection #personalprotection #personaldefense #wheelgun #wheelgunwednesday #revolver #gunsdaily #guns #explore #outdoorsman #outdoors #hiking https://www.instagram.com/p/CigCeZCuuvE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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