#Progress report
redo-rewind-if · 1 day
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Got an interesting report this time around. You see, I'm considering splitting what was originally going to be chapter 3 into 2 separate chapters instead.
What does that mean for you, the readers? Well, if I do split it up into 2 chapters, I might be able to get the next update out much sooner, since, the new end point would be after the Club Pyre path which I'm currently finishing up! Then, it'd just be a couple more weeks of editing, coding, and bug testing before release!
No promises though, I still haven't made my mind up on it yet. Just something to think about.
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Next Update (Chapter 3 & 4? Maybe?):
Intro Scene (if not on music fest route): 100%
Music Fest Routes (Solo, V, and Amara): 100%
Club Pyre Path: 70%
August Part 2 Electric Boogaloo: 0% (not started)
Avoid Death (Eventually?): 0% (not started)
Work Time! (End of Chapter): 0% (short outline, not started)
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One interesting point, that some of you may have already noticed, is that the progress for the Club Pyre path has mysteriously decreased.
That would be because, I may or may not have expanded on it and added more routes and options. Oops. So, even though more writing's been done, the overall progress of that part has gone down due to the expanded outline. Rip to me I guess. 😔
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
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Triaina: Academy Update (12/29/2023)
Hello everyone. It's been a long time coming hasn't it. But I am very happy to announce the new update for Triaina: Academy, which incorporates a whopping 81k words, even larger than I originally anticipated, to provide ya'll with a series of unique developments for each RO during the Day of Independence Festival.
It was far longer than I had originally anticipated, and took far more time in the development stages than I wanted it to due to my own scheduling complications and lack of effective time, but you are all nontheless justified in your concerns over the lack of progress.
I anticipate upcoming updates to be on a far reduced scale, both to decrease my workload and provide a bit more consistency in my presence.
For those that have been anticipating this update, thank you for your patience. I hope you thoroughly enjoy all of the new content that's been added, and be sure to let me know what you enjoyed most!
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 29/March/2024
Very much a same-thing kind-of week! Writing and getting prepped towards the demo.
I mentioned before about having a different system in place for Book Four when it comes to editing and testing. The plan is to write one chapter, completely do all my own editing and testing on it, then move onto writing the next chapter. Whilst I then write the next chapter, the previous one can go to the editor before then going to the readers and testers.
Hopefully completely finishing up one chapter at a time will make things much easier than overwhelming my poor editor and readers with lots of chapters in one go, especially with there being so many more branches and variations that all weave in and out and together at this point in the series! It wasn’t as necessary for Book One and Two, but I definitely came to realise that things needed a more thorough go over by Book Three when it was all more intricate to work all the scenes and branches around each other!
But you know I LOVE my variations and branching, so I don’t want to compromise on writing those, it just meant a different process was needed.
It does mean I have to take more time between chapters, but in the end it should save time towards the end parts of the book when I usually save up a lot of my testing for then.
It’s all kind of an experiment, but I really think it will take the pressure off for a lot of the process!
Saying that, I already kind of got off plan because I started writing on Chapter Two because I hadn’t decided where Chapter One was ending, lol! :D
But I’m back to Chapter One and working my way through that, as well as dipping back into the character creator when needed as I go through it.
It’s a Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK, so we'll be back to it on Tuesday instead of Monday! (I do realise today is a bank holiday as well, but I really wanted to get just a bit more done on the editing!).
Hope you all have the most wonderful weekend! I’ll update you all again next Friday <3
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ataleofcrowns · 1 month
Chapter 12 Progress [08/APR]
Hey gang, I've started posting updates on my Patreon now that I'm actually making some damn progress on this chapter, so I figured to cross-post the latest update here as well. These are usually for members only but it's been sooo long, the ones I'm posting in April are all going to be for free 🙏🏼
This progress report focuses on a specific section of what I'm working on regarding CH12 and, more specifically, Kham.
About Kham
This one is turning out to be a bigger branching route than I expected. For those not in the know, I described in my dev sneak peek from last month how the opening scene of CH12 will involve the Crown dealing (or not dealing?) with Kham. It will be a bit of a culmination of all the choices you've made regarding Kham so far: did you inform her of the assassins in CH5, did you decide to trust her/were you honest with her in CH6, and did you choose to ask her to mediate for you in CH10?
Particularly that last decision will lead to the biggest difference in scenery: if you asked for Kham's help, you will get a scene at the palace involving her and the peri trader. If you decided not to ask her, however, the story will instead see you investigating the peri trader personally.
Initially, these were both two very clear branching paths with two very clear-cut consequences, but I decided it made more sense to offer additional variation. Choosing not to ask for her help with the peri trader will NOT lock you out of being able to ally with her... but the circumstances of it will be quite different compared to a player who has trusted Kham from the start and asked for her help.
You can, of course, decide not to ally with her on either branch as well, if you don't think she can be trusted. In which case, you should be prepared to make an enemy out of her: there's no fence-sitting on this one, and there won't be any chances to make an ally of her later on in the story. Similarly, if she turns out to be untrustworthy, and you make an ally out of her now, there won't be any takebacksies later... so you might end up stabbed in the back.
This is your one and only shot, so choose wisely.
About D and X
I'm currently working on the branch of the Crown dealing with the peri trader without Kham's involvement, and it's a pretty fun variation. There are some undercover detective vibes going on, and it's nice to write a scene set in the city as opposed to the palace for some variety. Though I've also dabbled in the route with Kham's help, and the Crown really flexes their royal authority in that one. Can go no wrong with either option in terms of entertainment, imo!
What's also been fun to explore further is how the main LI's subplot is starting to affect things in the story. I do have to note that for the branching sequence with the Kham choice, there's a bit of a spotlight on D and X since those two were gone for a whole chapter, so they get to spend some special time with the Crown in the first half of CH12. But R and A will be back for the rest of it!
I'll give you some D and X route crumbs this week since I've been chipping away at that one first, and hopefully I'll also have some on R and A next time:
For people who aren't on D's route, they'll get to find out something special about D that D romancers became privy to in CH11. It doesn't change much for the Crown on those routes, just some D lore you may enjoy and an opportunity to grow your friendship further.
As for D romancers, you all may or may not get a potentially devastating sequence depending on how your Crown handled their little court scene in CH11. If you managed to protect D, then all the better, but if you couldn't stamp out the court's protests... well, let's just say your Crown is going to have to be the one to inform D of any bad news.
Plus there's that damned letter to worry about. I'm sure that won't become any kind of problem at all.
For people who aren't on X's route, things are peachy! Honestly, all of the drama that happens for X romancers is not a big deal for everyone else, since X's romance with the Crown is the thing that causes them to act out. X friendship players are coasting in that regard, you just enjoy seeing X get to be their usual menace self.
For people who are romancing X, people on their low route might start noticing something different about them. Their actions in the high and low romances will be the exact same, but the vibes on the low route will be off, to say the least. You can still recover to a high route! But it will require having to pierce through that mask X is so fond of wearing...
High romancers: kick back, relax, and enjoy your upcoming romance content guilt-free LMAO
That was it for this week!! I wish I could give you an estimated release window, but I've been wrestling with this chapter, and I'm frankly deeply afraid I won't be able to finish it before summer rolls in 💀
Please keep your local struggling writer in your thoughts and prayers, and as always thank you for your patience and support 🙏🏼
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personally i am a huge fan of when i say "man i dont like this sentence :/" during the editing process and then proceed to rewrite it into about 2-3 business paragraphs, usually at the tender hour of 3am
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solaceinabandonment · 2 months
April 2024 progress report
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Tldr; there's been some minor issues with development that were unforeseen, so it's going slower than expected. Something about the software not being able to edit events past a certain number of them? It's still ongoing though, so don't lose hope.
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suicidal-coffin-boy · 2 months
I haven't posted about Tcoaal for a long time and i apologize for that
But yeah I saw the new stuff too and
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Andrew you manipulative bastard bro did our girlie Julia dirty like that
I find the second image of Andrew so intensely hot for some reason,It's like he's found his prey,It just does things within me
Why can't he do that to me instead
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king-of-fae · 9 months
Chapter One is here! 🎉
Chapter One is finally complete and out in the world! It may be rough, but I do plan to keep polishing the writing, UI, and pretty much everything as I continue so that this game becomes better and better as time goes on. If you encounter any bugs or continuity errors let me know (being a one person testing team is hard lol).
More importantly: thank you for your patience and interest and I hope you enjoy! 💕
I am putting content warnings under the cut due to spoilers! If you have any concerns please check them!
Content warnings: unlawful imprisonment, character death (MC's included)(it is kept vague, but it is still there), mentions of blood
If there are any that you believe I need to add please let me know!
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louroth · 9 months
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Hello hello everybody! It is time for another months progress, and I am so excited to share with you, all the things I have gotten my grimy little gremlin hands on. First off, what we are all here for; writing. I have been on fire, to be honest! Last month I churned through the last of the first batch of erotica stories (there's 6 (!!!) of them on my patreon already) and set them up for publishing along with two more unseen ones- I'm still going over the logistics of where to publish for the best revenue (I know this sounds boring, but I have to make an income somehow, and hopefully find another audience as a smut writer on other platforms 💀 I love writing it so why not!), and I am making headway, learning the ins and outs of self publishing. On patreon, there are also two Q&A's that are written in a bit more fictional manner, in character: a more fun way than just writing answers straight up and down. I have enjoyed those so much! There's a bunch of other stuff I haven't even mentioned- honestly, I have to say, I'm really proud of my output on Patreon even though I have been really anxious about writing full time. It's going great! I have to thank my new friends and support-network on discord; you make this all worth it. I cannot express how fun it is to shoot the shit with you in vc, gaming together, or seeing your shenanigans in gen or your in depth theories (thanks for the brainworms!) or memes or staring longingly at the fanfic channel or drooling over your art (ouro related or not) or... Gah. You are just amazing people, and I will waste no opportunity in saying so. Thank you forever and ever and ever an-
When it comes to OUROBOROS, I am happy to announce that the next chapter is damn near done! I was halted because of the discovery that dashingdon is no longer supported by it's creator, and have been working on the twine version ever since, earlier than I expected- it's tough work, but I am so excited to make this an actual game made entirely by myself, and not submitting to a company that quite frankly leaves a bitter aftertaste. It is taking long to make because I want to make it mobile compatible from the start, which there isn't a lot of resources for. But I'm doing my best! The plan is that I will be posting the next chapter for Patreons in the coming month, and then treat you to a full twine release here on tumblr. I haven't made any rewrites when porting the twine build, but I would like to do that too... so we will see; this plan is not set in stone. I will just have to see how it evolves over the next month. Yes, beta-readers is still on the schedule, just holding off a little while while I wrap my head around this new coding landscape.
Other than that, I have been working on the set aesthetic for ouro, which has been really hard, a lot harder than I expected. You all know I am no wizard when it comes to graphic design, but I want to at least develop a set palette and imagery and portraits that is cohesive to the story. The work is ongoing, and I don't have much to say about it- even though it is taking a lot of my brain power. I'm hoping I can come to some kind of set and in depth conclusion that I am happy with before the twine release, because I want the game to feel like a treat to open up and play; a world to get lost in.
That's it! If you want to see weekly and more in depth dev-logs, you know where to go. I hope you have an amazing day or night, and we will see each other soon. xx
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suzukiblu · 2 months
Haven't done one of these in a while, but have a current projects list of the DC-related projects I owe people right now (not including assorted requests I'd like to finish). Most of these are thank-you sentences from Ko-fi, but also there's the bookshelf fic from last month too. Which admittedly is also from Ko-fi, but still, haha.
And, uh, just no comment on the eight billion OTHER things I'm working on right now, hahasob. I BELIEVE this is everything from Ko-fi right now, but if I'm missing anything/anyone, please hit me up in a message or an ask!
It's a process! We're processing! 😅
( there is def also a commissions list from before my last mental breakdown but that's, uh, not going great so we're just doing what we can there for now, hah. )
current projects' current progress:
Jason gets knocked up and accidentally goes home about it [ J; ??/100 ]
mirrorverse!Clark and Kon's daddy issues both get some [ this-is-a-terrible-idea; ??/45 ]
Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! [ Guest; 30/30 ]
Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! [ Karam; 60/60 ]
Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! [ Ghost Squid; 72/72 ]
Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! [ quietellen; 60/60 ]
mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees [ Jan; 35/60 ]
mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees [ anon; 0/60 ]
the Gotham Kid [ sil-sol-set; 24/40 ]
nineties "Captain America" ride or die [ this-was-a-terrible-idea; 0/60 ]
the wet nurse omegaverse [ qwertynerd97; 40/40 ]
alpha Jazz, a dark alley, and a very pretty omega [ tabetharasa; 0/120 ]
dealer's choice, undecided [ redflawedglass; 0/100 ]
congratulations, it's a metaweapon! [ qwertynerd97; 1k/1k ]
kidnapping your soulmate for fun and profit [ assorted; 3.5k/7k ]
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mygenderisfuckoff · 8 months
More progress!
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First, the dice bag! I removed the original guide threads and put new ones in along the radials, and I’m finally making some progress! Also, my cat presents her greetings.
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
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Merry Christmas!
It is unfortunate that I worked through most of it haha
It's about 5 days until the update, and I'll go through a bit of what you can expect from it!
The festival has two parts to it.
The first part is the general festival date. This lets you go between four different locations, that either being looking through a small food court, trying out game stalls, browsing shops, or visiting a fortune teller's tent.
Though these are the same options for every RO, the specific romance route that you are in will determine completely different outcomes for each option (I.E. E checks out souvenires in the shop, L will be interested in books, while F inspects a flower shop). These scenes showcase different lore regarding each character's interests and various worldbuilding that ties into their route.
The second part of the festival is the character specific scene. This is an extended scene exclusive to the character's romance story in which a couple things will happen:
You will meet secondary characters tied very closely to the romance route you're on. Your father/fill in will appear, and meet/confront your chosen RO.
For some, the specific routes are very sweet (Hospital visit with E, Hairpin exchange with L, Running from the guards with S) While others are definitely steeped in malaise (V's betrayal, P's defeat, Raven's identity breakdown). Then there are others that have a little of both in them.
Overall, each one presents very substantial strides in the RO's story, and I'm both happy in how they ended up turning out and excited for you all to experience both the happiness and sorrow of this festival haha
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seraphinitegames · 7 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 20/Oct/2023
So the plan for the beginning of this week was to get back to working on all the preparation coding that comes before the game even starts…but the writing was calling to me! A siren song I just couldn’t resist, hehe :D
But I did behave and got back to the coding mid-week after working on more of the opening, as it splits depending on love interest. I was writing this really lovely moment with Nate/Nat that just took my breath away…it was such a quiet, close moment where not much was happening but that kind of just made it more intense somehow.
Anyway…back to the coding, lol!
As I was working through adding in what’s needed for those creating characters for Book Four and not importing, I realized just how clunky and BIG all of it is. I don’t want to overwhelm everyone when really all players want to do is get playing not spend ten minutes ticking through choices, lol!
Although I’m not sure there is actually a better way for me to do it— there’s three books worth of choices and info to go through, after all—but I am going to start looking at it and seeing if I can find some way smoother. Possibly really shortening the prompts of the choices so as it goes much faster.
I’m not sure it needs a whole overhaul, but definitely cleaning up and streamlining somehow hopefully. But I’ll be running it through my editor and readers thankfully when they go over the first couple of chapters, so I can get their opinions on whatever I try when that time comes.
I did end the week on some more writing though to help ease my brain after all of that, hehe! :D
I hope you all have an amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next Friday <3
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ataleofcrowns · 10 months
CH11 Release Dates
Hellooo, hope your summer is going well so far 🌻
It's been a while since I gave a solid update but I wanted to wait until I was absolutely sure I could finally announce the CH11 release dates.
I'm at 62k words at the moment, having finished A's route and filling in the last scenes for D's route as well. The drafts for each LI route will be finished within the week, but there are some portions I'm not completely happy about, so I will have to take time to do rewrites as well. I've already been doing a LOT of editing of the past month lol.
But, I can finally get started on writing the last 15-20k words that consist of the main plot for this chapter!! It does mean that if I want to make it in time for an early access release, it might be a situation where only the LI routes are released for Patrons, and then the full chapter will be released together with the public release.
Hopefully it won't come to that, but I've never written a chapter this huge before, so I'm letting you know just in case that ends up happening!! As for the release dates:
Tier 3, Crown: August 17
Tier 2, Successor: August 24
Tier 1, On the Run: August 27
Public release: August 31
So there you have it!! I'll also be opening up beta reader applications during the coming weekend, so keep an eye out for it.
That's it for now!! Until next time 💖
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