#Porsche left him to join the mafia
snickerdoodlles · 1 year
To be fair kidnapping Chay wasn't Vegas's fucking plan, Tawan is just insane. Agreed though I think Kim and Porsche are decent in-laws
I know it was left a little vague, but in canon, Tawan went off Vegas’s plan by accelerating it.
Vegas and Porsche make a plan to pick up Chay the next day so he can join the two of them on the run. while that itself wouldn’t be kidnapping, Vegas’s entire plan was to. y’know. frame Porsche as a sell-out and kill him and Chay to cover it up. kidnapping Chay and holding him hostage is still part of that plan, it was still going to happen—Tawan ruined it by kidnapping Chay before Vegas could.
also, even if it wasn’t, Tawan kidnapping Chay in the first place was to help Vegas. this doesn’t necessarily put that blame directly on Vegas, but who the fuck would blame Porsche if he were really fucking pissed at Vegas for it anyways? bros don’t kidnap other bros little brothers, not even tangentially >:(
but Porsche doesn’t hold it against Vegas! he might’ve let it go because of unusual circumstances and how he was short of options at the time, but Porsche overall has astronomical reserves for forgiveness. he quietly works through his feelings when he’s upset with people and usually comes out the other end having forgiven them—see Arthee, see Kinn, see Vegas, hell even see Khun! the only person he doesn’t forgive is Korn (who killed his father, kidnapped his mother, forced him into the mafia, and fucking more) (fuck Korn). getting back to my point—Porsche doesn’t hold grudges against people, and he most certainly is going to start with Kim.
Porsche just plain isn’t going to hate Kim for any of the mafia shit, or even anything that went down in Kim and Chay’s canon relationship. they’re dumdums in love, but Porsche will let them sort it out themselves (may I remind people that Porsche only punched Vegas once for KIDNAPPING AND TORTURING HIS FRIEND even while also giving him the chance to talk shit out with Pete—Chay might be more of a hot button than Pete, but Kim only hurt Chay’s feelings and ran away, Porsche is not so irrational). sorry nonny, I did not mean to go off on a rant here, but I despise this trope where Porsche hates on Kim because it:
a) completely disregards who he is in canon and massively distorts Porsche’s character into this irrational piece of shit hypocrite
b) overrules Chay’s feelings/choices/decisions just so the author can be mean to Kim
c) Porsche’s gaydar got replaced with a nongdar. the only person who adopts more little brothers than Porsche is Tankhun—Porsche 100% sees angry little bitch Kim and goes free brother! without stopping to ask permission
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divorcedmalewife · 1 year
I'm actually so sick of people misconstruing chay's actions in the final few episodes as him just throwing a tantrum or like, it just being about Kim and their breakup. like Chay is a boy who had every choice, even before canon, made for him. he wasn't allowed a job to help with the bills. he had to go to university to get a good job. and then Porsche joins the mafia, which could literally kill him, the only family Chay has left. and he did it for Chay. even though Chay would've begged him not to. he would've begged Porsche to stay safe. and then Kim comes along and attempts to get close to him for information and ends up falling in love with him anyway. but Kim makes the decision to break chay's heart to spare him from the dark world of the mafia. only, newsflash. they were born into that mess just like Khun, Kinn and Kim were. Chay is then forced to move from his family home into the cold and unforgiving main family house under the watchful eye of Korn. no fucking wonder he skips the school interview. no wonder he dyes his hair and goes to the club to drink and maybe try drugs. these are the only things he has control of in his life. he's allowed to be angry. he's allowed to be resentful.
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ae-azile · 17 days
I deleted the poll, but for good reason. I have one-shot summaries and tags for each potential one-shot. Read them below and vote for the one you would most like to read! 🩵
After Tankhun gradually and quietly weans himself off of the last of his psychiatric medications, he prepares himself for the worst. There is a chance his emotions will get the best of him and he will cause a scene at a family dinner. Or maybe his sleep schedule will be no more and he will stay up several nights in a row before hallucinating. In contrast, he may sleep the day away and spend his waking hours in a catatonic state. There is always the possibility of the suicidal ideation making a comeback. And if he is perseverating on certain memories intently enough, that ideation could lead to an attempt. So many risks.
But despite the medications being adjusted again and again the first few years after his kidnapping, they have been left as is for over twice as long. 
Tankhun just wants to know who he is, despite the risks. He may have lost Pete, but still has Arm and Pol. They're his guards and his friends. If one of those risks becomes a reality, he knows he just needs to say one word and they will help him. With Arm, he often doesn't have to say anything at all. 
But somehow, Tankhun feels fantastic. Even after the first week completely off his medications, he isn't easily distracted, somehow feels calmer but still has energy, and does not have one suicidal thought cross his mind. In fact, he has only had one side effect: persistent and repetitive sexual arousal all throughout the day accompanied by the most vivid dreams at night. 
Suddenly, saying one word for help seems incredibly daunting, especially when the dreams revolve around the person who helps him the most.
Pairing: Arm/Tankhun, sort of Tankhun/OMC and Tankhun/OFC
Rating: E
Warnings: hinted medical abuse/control, references to past suicidal ideation and attempts, past kidnapping, and past sexual abuse, yet somehow manages to be sassy and funny. 
Key Tags: Masturbation, prostitutes and hookups, confused/concerned/jealous Arm, sexually and emotionally frustrated Tankhun, impromptu vacation, friends (or boss/employee) to lovers, post-canon.
Summary: After gay marriage has officially been legalized in Thailand, Vegas doesn't think it will have any impact on his life. Even though he is in love with Pete and they have formed a small, but incredibly stable family together, their relationship is far from traditional. Vegas doesn't need marriage. At all. In fact, it sort of sounds like a hassle. Vegas isn't going to propose a hassle to Pete.
So Pete not bringing up even the possibility of marriage shouldn't bother him as much as it does. 
Pairing: VegasPete, side KinnPorsche
Rating: Likely M
Warnings: low self-worth moments and Vegas spiraling a bit over not having a ring on his finger.
Key Tags: Proposals, Miscommunication, Pathetic!Vegas, Oblivious!Pete, Post-Canon
Even before joining the mafia, Porsche has had a tendency to find trouble, and occasionally create it. However, he is MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS during this kidnapping. He doesn't even know how this lady is as strong as she ends up being. He's sort of impressed. She is pretty tiny and just manhandles him. 
However, his respect quickly diminishes into horror when she taps him on the head with a stick and separates his soul from his body. 
“Don't worry. I’ll return you to your body unharmed once you stop being of use to me.” 
What does that even mean?! When Porsche tries to grab her, his arm goes right through her. Eventually, he walks back to the compound to tell Kinn about this bullshit. Or he would, if Kinn, Chay, Khun, Arm, Pol, or even Korn could even see or hear him. 
But despite his ghost form being a huge stressor and annoyance, the grief, fear, rage, and never ending love and determination Kinn shows over Porsche’s whereabouts and his safety makes Porsche feel special. Kinn acting this way is dangerous for everyone, but Porsche thinks it's so cute at the same time. He has come to the conclusion that as long as Kinn doesn't do anything TOO reckless, this will be interesting to see play out until this lady gets whatever she wants from Korn. 
As for the other drama at the compound that Porsche now has a front and center view to? It's pretty eye-opening. 
Pairing: KinnPorsche, side ArmKhun, side KimChay, side Ghost!Chan/Ghost!Big
Rating: M 
Warnings: Characters experiencing grief, anxiety, and fear over their loved one, voyeurism, secrets being revealed, (sort of) temporary character death. 
Key Tags: Ghost!Porsche, Ghost!Pals, Ghost!Gun, Mourning, crack treated seriously, Badass!Kinn, revenge, secret relationships, post-canon
After Chan and Big both survive their injuries and the trauma from the attack, they move in together to lend each other a hand while they heal from their respective injuries. It's not about Big finding the sight of his dead roommate’s bed anxiety inducing, nor is it about Chan questioning his alliance with Korn for the first time since he started working for the family. Even if it was, Chan is good with bringing Big back down from panic attacks. As for Big, he would like to think he can be someone Chan can trust and talk with while he figures out his next move. He wants to be as much of a comfort for Chan as Chan is for him.
Even though that's not the reason they are rooming together. At all.
Pairing: Chan/Big
Rating: E
Warnings: long-term injuries, betrayal from other characters. 
Key Tags: Bed sharing, hurt/comfort, roommates to lovers, age difference, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence
He's so pathetic. He doesn't know why people leave him gifts in front of his apartment building. But none of those gifts cause the confusion he feels when he finds a newborn baby outside his front door. It's the strangest “gift” he has ever received and it's one he has to contact the police over. 
Kim’s fans can be a little…intense. Ever since Why Don't You Stay was released, Kim's fame has continued to rise, but so have the inappropriate comments and flirtations, number of stalkers, and number of strange gifts. And none of those things matter when Chay has yet to say more than a few words to him. He doesn't want any of the excess attention, propositions for sex, or gifts unless it comes from Chay. 
And again. 
And again. 
When the baby appears at the foot of his bed out of thin air, Kim figures he may need help that no cop can offer. But until he can find the kind of help he needs to get this baby out of his life, he is moving back to the compound for the first time since he was seventeen. He hates the thought of it, but he's not staying in his apartment with a cursed baby. At least Khun and Kinn are at the compound, as well as guards who can tend to this thing so Kim doesn't have to. 
As for Chay’s presence? It's a big building. If Chay truly doesn't want to see him, Kim will stay out of his way, deal with this problem, and Chay will be none the wiser. 
Pairings: KimChay, side Armkhun, side KinnPorsche, side VegasPete+Macau
Rating: M
Warnings: forced parenthood 
Key Tags: Magical/Cursed babies, crack treated seriously, KimChay reconciliation, KimChay as co-parents, friends to crushes to enemies to co-parents to lovers. 
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catarsisdecoraje · 2 years
Brotherhood in the Theerapanyakul Clan
The finale of KinnPorsche brought this absolutely stark realization to my mind on how differently the brothers of each family interact with one another. We have the fathers, Korn and Gun, who for the entirety of the season are at each other’s throats, making the relationship between Main and Minor families incredibly tense. They made their sons into perfect enemies, creating a rivalry so deep that every bad thing that happened to one was the result of the other. When Kinn succeeded, Vegas paid the consequence of losing to his cousin. Vegas was constantly told by his father to keep an eye on Kinn, to always stay a step ahead of him, to lie, cheat and murder to get an advantage over him. Kinn was told that the minor family were out to get him, his family his biggest threat.
We don’t know how Korn and Gun got this way. We see glimpses of half-truths during the finale, with both brothers accusing each other of killing Nampheung’s husband. Korn accuses Gun of assaulting their foster sister, and uses that as the excuse to why he kept her locked up for years to protect her from Gun. There is a moment where Gun shouts “you’re worse than our father” to Korn, which clearly indicates both sons suffered abuse from their father probably in the same way they dispense abuse over their own children (korn being mentally abusive while gun is more physical). What fully cements the vicious relationship between the brothers is the fact that Korn can shoot his brother dead in the third eye for the sake of keeping his twisted web of lies intact.
However, as toxic and volatile as the main and minor families are with each other, the harmony that exists within the brothers of both families, especially in times of crisis, is astonishing.
At first glance, the Theerapanyakul brothers of the main family seem to be off in their own worlds, unconcerned with what the others are doing. However, Kim created a whole murder board to figure out who his brother’s new bodyguard was and who could possibly be the mole amongst their staff all while not living in the house. Kinn got worried every time Khun left the house and even joined him on his second outing as a way to ensure his brother’s safety as well as appearing at the drop of a hat when Kim called him for assistance, no questions asked. And Khun, a big brother for the ages, who despite having PTSD and social anxiety (most likely) was the most logical during the Tawan situation and found a way to help the family during the shoot out in the finale. Not to mention his trust and love for Porsche was spectacular throughout the series, especially once he learned of his significance in his brother’s life. When Korn fakes his death, the three brothers find solace in one another’s presence, although their reactions to his “death” are very different. Kinn, twisting his ring on his finger, clearly realizing the true weight of it now. Khun crying his eyes out, the one who least likely saw the evil in their dad, saddened by the loss. Then there’s the ever suspicious Kim, either skeptical at the news or aware of what’s to come.
On the other hand we have the minor family brothers, Vegas and Macau. We don’t get a single scene of the brothers alone together, but from the little we get of them, it’s evident they love and care for each other. Macau is still in high school so he’s obviously not as involved in the mafia business yet, but he’s enough of a presence to already be a disappointment to his father. While Vegas lives trying to gain the validation of his father, he also lives to protect his brother. We see him turn red with rage when Porsche splits Macau’s head open, evidently willing to kill for his younger brother. The scene at the end with Pete in the hospital room also establishes a loving relationship between the two, Vegas placing a soft kiss on both Macau’s and Pete’s cheeks, signifying these are the two people he loves the most in the world.
Among the many things KinnPorsche as a series did well, establishing clear lines of trust and love amongst the younger men of the Theerapanyakul lineage was a refreshing take on a tired family rivalry troupe. Kim could’ve been trying to usurp Kinn with his behind the scenes machinations. Kinn could’ve secretly resented the hell out of Khun. Vegas could’ve hated having to take care of someone else when he could barely care for himself. Growing up in such a toxic environment, seeing the older generation at each other’s throats could’ve inspired the same in both sets of brothers, but I think this is the one thing that made them stronger. In a world when you can’t trust anyone, what are you left with if you can’t trust your own blood.
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turtlesocksv2 · 10 months
Kinnporsche 12 Rewatch Thoughts
God, Chay not going through with the university interview is fucking heartbreaking. But if I was Porsche I would kick his ass, my god given right as Older Sibling. Porsche spent years busting his ass off working at the bar to give Chay the opportunity at a better life, is encouraging him to go to music school which is one of the worst fields re: actually making any money, and JOINED THE GODDAMN MAFIA so that Chay could keep his house and go to school and this ungrateful little shit! just throws it away! because he's ~sad about a boy~! NOT IN MY FUCKING HOUSE. Chay would be suplexed through a table if I was his older sibling. (yes yes i know it's more complicated than that and Chay is going through a lot! but my older sibling rage does not care for logic or reason, here)
I know Porsche and Pete are Besties but Porsche and Arm have such a solid friendship. Arm is his Bro. Arm is Team Porsche. They have secret codes about stalking Kinn for jealousy reasons. Arm asks Zero questions. Code Red?! Here is your access to all our surveillance tech, Porsche! but also, Porsche really needs to learn not to listen in to conversations when he's not ready to hear them.
Just Normal Kidnapping Things - reading horoscope books with your kidnappers pet hedgehog and making fun of/psychoanalyzing your kidnapper by telling him that he is sensitive and needs love. Hmmm, also I think Vegas knows here that something is wrong with Khun Spikes. Not how serious it is, but that something is Off.
Kinn admits that Korn was the one really pushing for him to get Porsche to work for them by any means necessary and Porsche asks THE burning question: Why Him? Kinn offers to help Porsche get the answers, but Porsche realizes that Kinn can't help him, not really. Because asking the questions Porsche really wants answered is going to involve going against Kinn's dad. And Kinn is the wrong Theerapanyakul for that. (ask Tankhun, porsche! Tankhun could probably get you the answers! The tragedy that no one realizes how smart Tankhun is.)
Every time Korn opens his mouth in this scene:
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just straight up lying! all the time! When Porsche storms out and Kinn gives his dad the "really? you just fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me i can't believe you." look, that is not enough!
Ok so I absolutely believe the meta that Khun Spikes died while Pete was asleep and Vegas was just waiting for him to wake up so that he could stage Pete's 'escape'. He made sure Pete knew there were no guards, he left the key, the shirt. it was on purpose. the clues are all there. He had one pet die in that fucking safehouse and didn't want another. But Pete can't bring himself to leave when he sees how sad Vegas is. After they bury Khun Spikes, Vegas walks away from Pete, he doesn't even look back. He's letting Pete go!!! But Pete chooses to stay!
RIP Khun Spikes. King. Legend. Your legacy lives on.
You know, i didn't notice the first time through, but the cinematography and art direction in the VegasPete Fuck Nasty bondage chain sex is like...really unsettling. with the music and the quick cuts and everything. these are not two healthy individuals making smart choices and I love that for them. glad it works out for them in the end.
aaaaaand we immediately go to Bread Product Placement. fucking love Farmhouse Breads for greenlighting the absolutely batshit insane product placement. them and Deutsche Bank.
Kinn is such a schmoopy, gooey bastard when he's in love. "i could live anywhere as long as it's with you" Korn is now terrified that Kinn is gonna pull a Nampheung and run off with a Kittisawat Boy.
here we go, the really fucking weird Tay-Porsche conversation where Tay says that Time doesn't really love him and it's not like it is with KinnPorsche. what an absolutely batshit weird thread that's just vaguely in the background. i have to know what was cut for time/pacing. also, I think Tay might have had feelings for Kinn at some point and even if he's not currently, like, in love with Kinn there's still a light "Kinn would treat me better than Time does :(" energy. and he's right! Kinn would treat him better than Time does! Dump Time's fickle ass! When Porsche tells Tay that he and Kinn are both out of the business now, Tay gets this look on his face like:
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And of course Korn can sense that Kinn is happy and has to crash the party and ruin it. (I do like how in tune Tay and Time were here, they've been Kinn's friends long enough to realize it's about to go down and they should leave.)
I do have to wonder what that dude did to piss Korn off that he gave Porsche his picture and address and said "this is the man that killed your parents. have fun :)" He had to know there was the possibility that Porsche would go through with it. just like there was a possibility that he wouldn't. so did korn care if this guy dies? does he die a few weeks later in a mysterious accident anyway? HMMMM. Anyway, Porsche choosing not to kill the guy is such an important moment. We're on a Porsche Corruption Arc but he's not that far gone.
Chan just looms in the background and i am dying to know what he knows. what he thinks. he's been korn's right hand man and closest bodyguard for so long. he must know so much.
Kim realizing just how much he fucked up with Chay is hilarious. And Chay trying to have his post-breakup rebellion is even funnier. sir, you are a kitten you do not drink or do drugs or have dyed hair.
Uncle Thee is a dick for extorting Porsche, but you know what, Stopped Clocks and all that. He's right to tell Porsche not to trust Korn. I do wonder if he knows exactly what happened back then or if he's just bullshitting.
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saturnskyline · 1 year
the unhinged ted talk is what i am here for! ♥ i think the camaraderie that they have is nicely summed up in ep13 by vegas saying that they "both were blinded by adults", that vegas in this was no different from porsche, they are pawns in someone else's bigger game. they can't trust each other, not like friends or family would, but they both don't trust the main family (korn), and they both don't like that they are being played with. and they both have something the other wants. and honestly, after vegas sees pete, says sorry for the last time (because vegas, i think, is pretty sure he might die, he might not, but he might, so he has to say sorry before he dies), he could just not help porsche the next day and not give a fuck about porsche's uncle or mom. but he does, and even if one could argue that vegas does it in hopes of porsche joining his side, does he really? he doesn't do the usual tactics of trying to convince porsche to join him, he doesn't do any real manipulation, just a 'porsche, be careful, good luck with whatever you choose'.
i could write essays about post-canon them, because, yikes, vegas, if porsche finds out you sent men to kidnap porschay from hum bar? chay? that could have and would have been hurt if kim didn't kill those guys? ufffff. and then vegas seeing porsche with his father's ring, the same ring that bruised his cheek so many times now on kinn's boyfriends hand? and YES yes yes vegas probably learns how amazing it is to not have to compete with kinn and be "the second" (he is first to pete and to macau which all that matters), and just be vegas, instead of 'vegas of the minor family'. but also, i keep thinking about minor family's compound and how vegas walked through it, and you could tell his people respect and love him, he felt so appreciated there, the small bows and 'khun vegas' they gave him. these were people that saw him, that feared him, admired him, people that worked for minor family, were loyal to them, and porsche is taking all of that from vegas. (except in my head he doesn't really, porsche is so over his head, and he needs vegas's help, and korn might have planned to put porsche as minor family's head to end the rivalry (but does he really? he is the one who thinks competition is good? so why end it?), and move vegas off from his chess board, but porsche is a rebel, he picks vegas and asks vegas for help because who else would know things better than vegas. porsche doesn't trust vegas further than he can throw him, he knows how vegas feels about being second in the second family, but porsche also knows that he needs vegas to secure his hold, and he knows that vegas needs to feel useful and needed (another headcanon, when vegas says "i have nothing left", he doesn't discount macau or pete, it just means "i have nothing to give to you, pete, why are you here still when i am useless"), and porsche can give vegas that while vegas figures out his life with pete and how pete does not need anything else from vegas but vegas himself).
and you know, maybe they will never be best of buddies, but i can totally see post-canon vegas who loses everything but gets to have pete, and post-canon porsche who in a way, also lost everything (his dream of opening a bar, keeping chay safe, escaping mafia life at some point) and gets to have kinn, realizing that they are in some ways two sides of the same coin, and hey, if you murder enough people on adrenaline rush missions together, and you race each other on expensive ducatis for fun, you sort of kind of can call them a friend? maybe?
(honestly, i am just weak, i want everyone to be happy, so please vegas manipulate me into believing you can actually care about people other than your new family.) oh, shit, i just realized how long this is, i am gonna send this non-anon way, so you don't need to answer on your blog if it's too much. :D
thanks for indulging my brain worms! x
ahhh yay, so happy to have another ted talk contributor!!! no worries about the lengthiness either; the more words the better i think 😊
no you hit the nail on the head with this!! i think the main reason i'm so obsessed with the vegasporsche dynamic is that trust is something neither of them can really afford. porsche even says as much: "i don't trust you. i can't trust anyone. even the main family, i don't trust any of them." that last part is really the key here, since the thing that goes unspoken is "i can't afford to trust kinn right now". and oh boy, that is a WILD thing to admit to the guy who has spent his entire life in competition with your boyfriend lol
still, that isn't even the part that really gets me. no, the thing that really gets me is exactly what you pointed out: the lack of manipulation on vegas' part. dude had the information to do SO MUCH DAMAGE.. but he didn't. he didn't even gloat over the fact that he's the only one porsche can turn to (one-upping kinn btw!); he just went "well, i wondered what kinn couldn't help you with, and now i know". and then there's "i'm glad that you thought of me" .... well. *adjusts clown wig* i think that that was completely genuine, in the same way that most of the motorcycle scene seems genuine. call me crazy, and i know the fandom talks both sides all the time, but EYE personally think that vegas has a real fondness towards porsche. whether it's due to his sheer honesty and naïveté, or whether it's just "oh he's so easy to exploit uwu", that's up for interpretation. but that's my opinion there :D
there's also the fact that in this conversation (bc clearly i have many thoughts on this scene), vegas doesn't try to talk porsche away from kinn's side; in fact, he essentially does the opposite! porsche asks if he knows anything about his parents, and vegas' response is: "i know nothing. and i don't think kinn knows about it too", followed up with the line about being "blinded by the adults". so basically HE'S GIVING KINN THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. he's talking about the fact that he and porsche are both pawns in this game, but kinn is also brought up directly in that context. "he probably didn't know either, since he's not really in charge." and thinking about this from a typical vegas manipulation point of view, wouldn't it be better to let porsche doubt kinn? wouldn't he be a perfect tool at this point, turning to you while incredibly vulnerable, admitting he can't trust the main family? why didn't vegas take advantage of that?? we don't have clear answers anywhere, but i guess that just adds to the ✨ flavor ✨
"vegas seeing porsche with his father's ring, the same ring that bruised his cheek so many times now on kinn's boyfriend's hand" NOW WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS 😭😭 *patrick bateman voice* did you know i'm utterly insane?? ahem but anyway. yes. ring symbolism my beloathed 💔 post-canon vegasporsche is the biggest mess ever bc absolutely, vegas is gonna feel some type of way about losing what was rightfully his. and oh, i LOVE that you brought up the scene at the minor family compound! the duration feels like such an intentional choice, since it lasts just long enough to make sure we take note of how powerful vegas is in this space. he is feared and/or loved (machiavelli in the chat?); people see him and immediately pay their respect. and now porsche, unqualified porsche of all people, is in charge of it all. i do like to think that vegas comes to terms with that eventually, and is softened by the love of his family and the search for a new purpose. but i absolutely agree, i think that he isn't out of the game at all, not really, so long as porsche needs his help and korn is alive. pro: he gets to work in his area of expertise! con: he isn't fully removed from the "vegas from the minor family" label that he clearly resents. hmm. many jumbled thoughts on this
glad that you brought up vegas sending his men to kidnap/possibly hurt chay.... i really do forget about that aspect of things 🥲 along with the fact that he drugged him and maybe would have assaulted him given the chance? insert further fandom discourse here, tried to kill him multiple times, and used him to get to kinn way more times than that. so yeah, a complicated history, to say the least. but you know what they say: the best friendships are forged by unresolved conflict and emotional baggage! (okay maybe they don't say that. but i just really want these two to be friends for some reason idk)
oh wowww, i love the idea of them being opposite sides of the same coin! absolutely fascinating stuff there. reminds me of when vegas tells porsche "we're not so different on the same team now, you and i". plus i'm absolutely down for some murder/motorcycle racing!! quality bonding time for sure 🥰🥰
weirdly, even after all this, i feel like there's so much left to say bahaha. i guess that's an invitation (to all) to drop by and share vegasporsche brainrot anytime! i will probably write a whole nonsensical book about it though, so be warned hehe
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nyxelestia · 1 year
The Closest Memory of Being Orphaned That Chay Has
Okay so fandom, to varying degrees, Does Not Like Arthee. But regardless of how not good vs shitty vs evil you think he is, it’s pretty clear that at least he was around for most of Chay and Porsche’s life.
Porsche was like, what, 7 or 8 when his parents died? And Chay was 2? And given how young Arthee was even by the time of the show, he was probably not even 20 when Pat and Nampheung died. Porsche might’ve become a parental figure for Chay in recent years, but he could not have been the parental figure all this time. Besides which...
Being an athlete ain’t cheap nor easy, nor is paying for one’s own university. Porsche definitely and clearly made a lot of sacrifices over the years, but they still had the house after all these years, the family once had enough money to support Porsche becoming a national Taekwondo champion, and Porsche was in university until he dropped out to join the mafia. He was shocked to discover the depths of Arthee’s gambling and kicked him out as soon as he learned of it; we don’t know how new this was, but this was definitely not an old behavior or lifelong habit of Arthee’s. We know Chai and his enforcers came to the house and Arthee was beat up badly - but Chay was unscathed.
Arthee might not have been a great uncle, but he at least used to be a decent one. And if he got Porsche and Chay both through school and saw Porsche to university and national athletics, then at some point he was a good one.
To me, that actually makes his recent behavior all the more heartbreaking. That isn’t someone who never loved his nephews or never took care of them. That is someone who used to love them, who used to take care of them, who used to protect them...but then slowly did that less and less and less, as an addiction took over whatever kind of man Arthee used to be.
But, this isn’t an Arthee defense post. No, this is just making a point: Chay grew up with two people taking care of him, even if they weren’t his parents.
And he lost them both at the same time.
Because Porsche told Arthee to leave and never come back, and as far as we can see, Arthee never came back to the house, beyond maybe picking up some belongings at the most. The next time Arthee meets Porsche, it’s not on great terms, and then he dies. The last time Chay ever saw Arthee was when he was being dragged away by Chai and his enforcers. And of course, we find out that Kinn leaned on Chai to worsen the Kittisawasds’ situation to back Porsche into a corner.
But that was why this was also the night Porsche slinked out with nothing but a note full of lies, which even Chay recognized was bullshit.
Now, this time wasn’t exactly a permanent loss. Porsche came back, and later they were reunited...but Porsche was already a different man the first time, let alone the second. Porsche was already a killer by the first time he and Chay were reunited, and he’d become comfortable with killing by the time they reunite again after Chay’s kidnapping. Porsche now has another priority in his life (Kinn), and his life is being overtaken by running the second family. I have no doubt Porsche and Chay still love each other, but their relationship is still drastically different from what it used to be - and certainly, nowhere near as close. The skipped interview and the fiasco of the finale might be the culmination of that change, but that started the night Porsche left in the middle of the night.
As mentioned above, Porsche was 7 and Chay was 2 when they lost their parents. Porsche remembers...but Chay does not. Chay does not have any conscious memory of losing his first set of parents, he doesn’t remember them at all.
But Chay does remember a life being raised first by Arthee, then by Porsche.
And he lost them both in one night.
tl;dr - The closest closest memory of experience of being orphaned that Chay has is the end of the first episode of the show, when he finds himself suddenly all alone just twenty-four hours after he’d had his uncle and his brother safe with him in his home.
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findinghomesomehow · 2 years
I saw this line on twitter and haven't been able to stop thinking since, though I should be studying.. anyways let's get into it because I absolutely agree to it.
Kim might have approached Porchay with an ulterior motive but as soon as he understood that Porchay has no extra information to offer he starts trying to stay away from Chay.
First, because staying with porchay wasn't of any use and secondly, HE KNEW this won't go well for him. Kim knew it from day one that he couldn't refuse Porchay, that he feels when chay is around.
Also he didn't want Porchay to know who he actually was and somewhere down the line he didn't want Chay to be any more engaged with the mafia world than he already is due to Porsche.
Even if he didn't realise, he was protecting Chay from the very beginning.
Now coming to the main topic, Kim's love language being protecting Chay.
The day when Chay said "I love you" and later got kidnapped (aka Episode 10) : The Kim who maintains his distance from his family, the Kim who hasn't met or spoken to his brother Kinn properly ever since he moved out, the Kim who stays away from his Mafia side, that same Kim didn't put a second thought before calling Kinn to know what's happening on the family that led to Chay being kidnapped. And this was the first time we saw Kim using violence, fighting, shooting, being in rage and being in a slutty outfit. He even straight up went opening firing on Vegas and his men with only Big by his side. All for Chay, all for his need to protect Chay.
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When Chay almost got drugged at the club (aka Episode 12) : So we see Kim going to college why did no one tell me he's still a student and not an alumni, which I feel was to casually bump into Chay or like to see him from afar to make sure he's okay and happy. But then he gets to know Chay never joined and through his alter who Kimlock Holmes somehow knows where Chay is. Cut to Kim showing his hot violent, authoritative (those eyes) self again, just because Chay was in danger being in the wrong company. He was almost drugged and I can bet I wouldn't have gone well if Kim hadn't shown up. Again, everything just to protect Chay.
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Kim breaking up with Chay (aka the cursed episode 11) : Kim broke up with Chay solely for two reasons : he cannot start a relationship based on lies and that he needed to protect Chay from himself. Kim knew Chay is already brought into this dark world beacuse of Porsche being brought into here, but he also knew that Chay would be in much more danger if he gets involved with him (rivals can use the love interest to weaken a mafia leader). So even though he himself is hurt by Chay crying and having to break his hurt, Kim leaves Chay.
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Bonus : Then why did Kim kiss Chay? Because this one time he couldn't stop himself from being selfish. He wants that sunshine to be in his life, to make it happier (Kim hasn't smiled ever since Chay left his life). Even though he is hesitant in the hug, even though he knows he shouldn't have done it, the man was overpowered by his feelings. He knew he'd have to leave Chay and break his heart, but again he's a human with feelings.
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my-usernames-posts · 2 years
How Kim & WIK were 2 different people until Porchay came along.
Part 4/4
For the first time Kim almost immediately loses his composure on hearing Porchay didn't turn up for his college interview.
Let's take a moment to appreciate how deep Porchay's love was. 😭 He must have dreamt of joining music school after idolising WIK. The more he got to know him, his idol became his muse & first love. (There's a quote which says "Love is creating a religion with a fallible God") He loved him with all his heart so when WIK left so did Porchay's ability to make art 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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The vexed person here is not Kim but WIK. He was surprised after hearing even teachers found Porchay as promising as he did. He did spend time tutoring Chay & as a teacher, he was hoping his student to do well.
He also knows Chay is neither incapable nor weak. He was not like regular kids whose main struggles were graduating high school or getting into college. Porchay was coping with their uncle's betrayal. Porsche abruptly leaving him alone with a letter & no way of communication. He was fighting his battles alone the whole time & still managed to stay positive.
Kim probably went thinking Porchay lost confidence & needs reassurance. But then he realized he had been a monster all along. Because it hit him that WIK was the reason Porchay learnt to dream. And KIM was the one who crushed it.
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When Porchay tells him off, Kim realises for the first time that he's not in position to lecture anyone. Now that he let someone know about his double life, who was he to teach about separating personal & professional lives? What right did he have to tell anything, when Porchay reminded that he never interfered in Kim's life?
When Kim left warning "From now on, what you do is your darn decision" I don't think he meant, "I'm no longer going to care about you or protect you."
Rather, he must have meant, "You're growing into an adult who needs to take responsibility of his life. So don't do anything that you would regret later." He's right. Porchay should have prioritised college. He's got a long life ahead to wallow, date & break up.
But it doesn't look right when it's coming from Kim, who grew up the way he did, has almost no issues listening to his head over his heart, and is now failing to either hold on or let go. He first leads him on, breaks his heart, and still continues to show up like a knight in shining armor. Only walk away without even an elaborate apology. He can't nurse his broken heart & move on until you withdraw from his life P'Kim😪
Now ik we're all rooting for a happy ending for our y/n x celebrity in a mafia au 😂
It's unrealistic to expect Kim to turn into this openly affection person with good communication skills. It's also weird if Porchay adjusts seamlessly into the world of organised crime. Yes even I want Kim to go out of his way & give Porchay a grand apology. I also hope Porchay says that he understands but he's still hurt. That he takes his time to heal & forgive.
A believeable happy ending would be the one where Porchay agrees to make an effort to understand Kim & his life. Meanwhile Kim stops separating parts of himself and promises to love Porchay as Kimhan Theerapanyakul instead WIK or KIM.
Love is not an end result but the efforts made every single day.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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kpdeek · 2 years
EP14 Predictions (The Couples)
So when I first started watching KP, I used to make inferences about what's going to happen. Then at some point I stopped because the show took impressive twists & turns that I didn't see coming. Never once following the basic plots expected. But, with the final episode coming up, I thought, huh. This might be something fun to do for the last time.
I have a feeling this thing is going to get hella long, so I'll split it into multiple posts. This post will focus on the couples/pairings. Without further ado:
Opening of the episode:
Starts off with Korn explaining his relationship w/ Porsche's mom OR
there'll be a little time warp to scenes we didn't see in EP13 that ultimately lead us to Porsche pointing his gun at Korn. The conversation bet. Korn and Kim, for example (this convo could be shown through proper flashbacks instead, though. This show loves flashbacks).
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Porsche: we see Porsche so emotional in the teaser clip (in the clip, he's also standing in the same room we left him in), so Korn is finally spilling all the beans. i have a feeling it'll be thru flashback, maybe some narration on Korn's part. I wanna say that Porsche escapes from the house and Korn just lets him go, before Kinn or other guards arrive. Where he goes, what he does, I have no idea. Now that Porsche knows whodunnit, he'll decide on one of two things: 1) should he go after Kan (who I predict is the killer), or 2) he decides to extricate himself from this mafia life; disappear with Chay without a trace even if this keeps him away from Kinn forever. But we know that he reunites w/ Kinn during the shootout, possibly for the first time, as Kinn looks fierce in that scene, so the latter decision won't last long. But I don't see him going after Kan for some reason. In the same way he let the scapegoat live, maybe he'll take Macau into consideration? After all, he is the same age as Chay.
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Kinn: my biggest interest in EP14 is how Kinn will react to Porsche's deception. Are we going to see him revert back to his old ways, drink drink drink until he figures out what to do in another family meeting? or is he going to have faith in whatever Porsche has set off to do and waits to hear back from him? I'm gonna go with somewhere in the middle. He loves & trusts Porsche so much now that he won't want to doubt him, but at the same time Porsche left him in the dark, took off abruptly (with Vegas no less), and threatened Korn. Maybe we'll see Kinn completely break from his father and do something daddy doesn't want him to, but that Kinn has decisively figured is best. What that is, idk. There's a lot I can't guess with them.
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Vegas: up until EP13, I thought Vegas was storming the main family house in an act of revenge because Kinn and Porsche have ruined everything for him. Of course, my mind on that has changed. I think he hears that his father is the killer, maybe from Porsche himself since he's his getaway driver, or maybe thru a hole in the wall. With the development we've seen of his character, I suspect he might gather those Guards he's closest with from his place & storm the main family house in their defense!! Not because he suddenly likes them, but he joins forces to take down his father, who he'll maybe finally blame for the way his life has gone.
OR, things can happen the opposite way; he hasn't learned from what Pete has been telling him, and he falls victim to his father's abuse once again. Papa Kan convinces him once more that it's the main family's fault for the deplorable conditions they've been in for the past month, and thus gathers Vegas to fight on his side. They storm Kinn's house as a united front. I personally don't like that second scenario, so I'm really hoping against it. But seeing as Vegas is functioning as a free agent now, so to speak, I feel like the former is more valid. But I do think Vegas will get shot. It's his turn to take a bullet, no? Besides, if the production team is playing around with a season 2 (and Pond has mentioned before that the show was intended to have more than 1 season), whether we get that season or not, Vegas getting shot sets up a good starting point for them. His phyiscal, mental, and emotional healing process, all points to kickstart his new story.
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Pete: we know he's fighting on Kinn's side. I think he'll have a moment where he comes face to face with Vegas and again doesn't shoot him. But would they have a scene with KP pointing guns at each other AND VP pointing at each other? I wanna say it's possible, almost probable, because there have been so many parallels between the two pairings in more recent episodes. & if KP do the shootout tango as their way of making up, then Pete & Vegas might simply turn each other's guns away from the other and focus on what each of them are there for. No tango for them, but also no shooting each other. And if Vegas does get shot, then Pete will be the one to kill whoever shoots him.
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Kim: I'm gonna give Kim the benefit of the doubt here. As much as I want to see him in the shootout, fighting side by side with Kinn (I'm crossing my fingers for a scene with them together), we know he hates anything that has to do with the mafia life. In fact, he's not informed on anything happening in their world currently. That could be what Korn sent after him for; to tell him of how things have been going so he can prepare himself for whatever he decides he wants to do. From scenes we have floating around of him in the final episode, I'm gonna say he goes looking for Chay, maybe to make sure he's safe, or take him somewhere safer. Will Chay get an apology? Will he hear Kim out? Will he go with him? But let's say Kim doesn't find Chay. Then he'll go help his family.
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Chay: I have a feeling that he'll be tucked away for the entirety of the violence. He'll have been safe and sound the whole time. But I'm also gonna' guess that he wasn't w/ Yok. He was with Jom or Tem. Why? Because the mafia world knows Yok, they've frequented her bar. She's too obvious of a choice. But Jom and Tem? They'll laugh at the idea that Porsche would trust two wild guys with the protection of his brother. They won't go after them. And that's what makes them the perfect babysitters.
My next post will be on my guesses for how we get to the shootout, and Korn & Kan's place in it.
Feel free to offer your opinions on this, your own predictions, anything. I really, really wanna know where others' minds are taking them. But please remember, I have no idea what I'm talking about, and I look forward to all this being proved wrong in the finale. This is just guess work to keep the fun alive until the next EP.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
☕️ I’d love to hear some bitching about tropes 👀
one thing that makes me immediately exit out of fics: Chay wanting anything to do with the mafia.
in general, I don't think fics let Chay be angry enough. or like, they have Chay be angry at Exclusively Kim, which I hate the most, but Chay's so pissed at Porsche after he found out he left him for the mafia he stormed off. like, the kid who's entire character is loneliness and willingness to burn the world for 1.5 people, storms off from His Person because he's pissed he lied to him and joined the mafia. Chay's anger isn't explosive, but it is fierce. also, please look at his face in the Chay & Porsche pool scene. he is SO BEGRUDGING about the fact Porsche wants to stick around for Kinn.
ANYWAYS. my point: Chay hates the mafia. he Is Not Happy In The Mafia. he very begrudgingly puts up with the mafia for his brother and will accept it for Kim also after their reconciliation, but he holds the rest of them to a double standard and resents them for being mafia. if a story involves Chay thinking he "owes" the family (???) or wants to be involved in jobs, I know it's not the story for me.
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal opinion, I'm not going to be mean
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
Rebellion: Part 1 - Porchay
After episode 12, I finally found one word that could match Kim and Chay: "rebellion," not only for this episode but also for the previous and future sequence of their roles in the story. So I did a little search to understand how the term might fit my observation and, of course, to help with my thoughts recording and interpretation process.
Since it gets too long as I'm talking from their very beginning, I split this post into two parts. I will talk about Chay in this first part and Kim in the second part.
The younger Kittisawasd has been the anchor in Porsche's life since their parent's car accident. He signifies a goal towards which Porsche always navigates his life throughout, that is for Chay to have a university degree and a good quality of life, as requested by their parents upon Porsche. This was established from the first episode.
In the episode, we see Chay as a stubborn yet understanding and thoughtful little brother to Porsche. He insisted on helping Porsche with work. He even suggested selling their home and living somewhere else in a smaller house while collecting enough money to open a bar by a beach like Porsche's dream. He tried to reassure Porsche that their parents would know Porsche had done his best to raise Chay. But Porsche is just as stubborn and a responsible big brother to Chay. He couldn't just follow that as he might wish, and decided to take the offer to join the mafia instead in exchange for taking care of his uncle's debt and Chay's study expenses.
One thing to note is that this was a decision Porsche made without consulting and informing Chay. He left the next day, leaving only a letter behind for Chay explaining his 'new job' at a bar on a remote island, which we know wasn't true. That's why I was glad the show made them readdressed the matter after the kidnapping, and Chay was invited to stay at the main family's place in episode 11. Chay finally came and confronted Porsche about the secret he kept about his working situation.
Did everything come in place between them by then? This is where my concern started. Chay's expression throughout their talks seems a bit off to me. Yes, they had a dialogue, quite heated at some points, I must say, with Porsche's frustrated plead *) and Chay is not backing down either. But in the end, they reassured each other and hugged by the pool (I must say I missed Porsche's kiss on Chay's head). Personally, it was a bittersweet and touching scene at once. But this is not to say that I didn't sense there was more to Chay's emotion than he let out. Also, I'd be lying if I told you I didn't notice the growing distance between the brothers.
*) This is my interpretation of Porsche's tone of speaking in this particular scene; it just felt slightly different from how he usually talked with Chay.
No doubt Porsche always do anything in his power for Chay's best interest, but lately, I wonder if he ever realized that all Chay needs the most is his brother to be there for him, safe, healthy, and happy. The only moment I saw Chay genuinely smile through episode 12 was when the three of them - Kinn, Porsche, and Chay - were at their home, and he saw how his brother was happy with Kinn. When the kidnapping happened, Chay felt his only wish was threatened as he learned about the dangers his brother must've constantly dealt with by entering the mafia world. Furthermore, knowing that he's doing it all for him must have distressed Chay.
After Porsche, the next important thing to Chay maybe his interest in music. In episode 4, Chay and his friend visited the open house event in the Faculty of Music at the Anantrameka University. They watched Wik(Kim)'s performance, a senior who inspired Chay to study music there. In a recap, we have the meet-cute of Kim and Chay, followed up by tutoring sessions under the pretense of investigating Porsche from Kim's side. Knowing all is innocent with Chay, Kim tried to back off, but of course, Chay found a way to see him, and Kim could do nothing but let him played his song. Finally, Chay passed his practice exam. He gave his thank you along with a hearty confession, thinking it was supposed to be their last meeting. To think that Chay even confesses his feelings, Kim, his idol, his tutor, and his love, all at once, might very well be another important person to Chay, just second to his brother.
We know how it went up and down the hill in a short time after their blissful moment on the couch of Chay's house. The kidnapping and revealing of everything: Porsche's job and Kim's status as one of the Theerapanyakul's sons. He tried to confront Kim and received the cold treatment and hurtful words. Another distance came between Chay and his important people.
Imagine having an emotional confrontation on a matter of heart with the two most influential people in his life simultaneously. Those are probably enough to push him on edge: giving up the opportunity to study music that he always dreamt of (as the story has told us). On a very personal level, I understand his seemingly reckless decision. Distress. Distrust. Disorientation.
Chay Rebellion
Rebellion is a behavior that opposes social rules/norms or authority/power. On the extreme level, it may extend to opposing own self-interest, engaging in self-destructive behavior, experimenting with high-risk excitement, rejecting safety rules, and hurting the relationships with people they care about.
In Chay's case, it's a rebellion in late adolescence (15-18). With the new distance abruptly pushed between him and his two most important people, he finally rebels to free himself from his dependency on anything he felt a strong attachment to. The first is Chay's dependency on Porsche's approval of his future (education and social life), and the second is Chay's dependency on his admiration and love for Kim. As shown near the closing of episode 12, this is where it leads towards a dangerous side of his rebellion. First, he opposes his self-interest in studying music, and then he went for alcohol and almost tried drugs (oh, Chay). Finally, and the most critical, he risks jeopardizing his relationship with Porsche once he learns about this. Upon rewatching the scene of their swimming pool talks and the scene where Porsche dropped Chay to his interview, I wonder, didn't Porsche notice that something was off with Chay? Knowing Porsche throughout the series, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. But catching the subtle change in his eyes and smile in both scenes, I wanted to believe he noticed but, for some reason, decided not to pick it up.
To further see the connection between Chay's rebellion and Porsche, this excellent post by @hael987 puts so many details on the rebelling side of Chay that emulates Porsche, and I agree with the points made there.
The thought of confusion Chay might have in mind overwhelmed me. He loves his brother for sure, yet it's possible to feel burdened with the expectation of leading a better life. But what kind of a better life he, Chay himself, imagine having? On the other side, he admires and falls in love with Kim and then gets confused, knowing his secrets; what were his true motives and feelings? But then, after having that knowledge, what would he actually want from him? How far he's willing to take the all sides of Kim -- if he ever lets him?
There're only two episodes left, and I'm not sure how this rebellion-reconciliation (if any) will play out. So here I'm crossing my fingers first and the foremost for Chay's contentment and for both Kittisawasd brothers to hold on to their admirable understanding of each other.
And here's my thoughts on Kim rebellion part.
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lily292 · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
Tagged by @adanima, first time I’ve ever been tagged before so thank you!!
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that’s speaking to you/an au you’d like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
First, I would like to clarify for anyone who checks my tumblr for ao3 updates that I’m being kept away from my WIPs because I’m in the middle of finals and I will be back to updating fics when it’s over.
Second, most of the AUs I post in my tumblr are not on ao3 solely because I do intend to write most if not all of them at some point including my babytrapping AU which exploded today for some reason (chapter 1 is already halfway done).
In terms of ideas I have but haven’t fleshed out yet:
Pete gives in and lets Vegas give into his family urge to atticwife. This is very directly connected to my belief that Pete left Vegas at the safehouse for 2 reasons: loyalty and because Vegas failed to convey that he loved him. It's also connected to my inherent dislike for leaving my house. Pete's lived basically half his life stuck in the Main House with Tankhun. You can't convince me that Pete wouldn't be perfectly fine being an attic wife. It's just his pesky sense of duty and also because Vegas screwed up and made him think he was an emotional punching bag instead of the love of his life that he left.
more Pete and Porsche being friends. I don't think there's a concrete timeline of events. Theoretically, it seems like it could be interpreted that everything happened right after another but also it's more juicy to think that there were time skips. More fleshing out their friendship. What chaos did they get into during this time?
Porsche not immediately getting over the whole Tawan storyline. I'm still salty over this. Up until this point, I actually believed that Chay would be Porsche's one hard line in the sand. And not only did Kinn pull the I trust no one (whether he meant it or not, the mere fact that he didn't tell Porsche his plan in advance is telling enough), but his whole thing with the ex (which I would also hold a grudge for) put Chay in danger. I still can't believe KinnPorsche basically went back to happy couple in 2.5 seconds.
KimChay: I've seen plenty of posts that Chay is very bold. Also, too nonchalant about the whole my brother joined the mafia thing. AU where Chay actually got isekied into KinnPorsche but also never actually watched it, just witnessed parts of it on Tumblr and knows the basics and some random things but does not really know how the show goes.
the alternate version of my Switch fic on ao3 where instead of precanon Pete switching places with his postcanon self, it's Vegas.
actually, I would also like a KimChay version of a Switch too. This is why Chay is so bold. It would make so much sense.
soulmate AU. I'm always a sucker for a soulmate AU and also love at first sight. But PetePorsche platonic soulmates. Porsche avoiding Vegas not because of Kinn but because Pete has had a crush on him for ages. Porsche telling Kinn that he's dumping him if Pete doesn't like him. Pete deciding that since he's more senior and has more vacation days saved up, he'll spend a few with Chay who should go meet his grandma. Tankhun delighted that two of his squad are soulmates and letting the two become more and more chaotic as they realize how much they can get away with because Tankhun will protect them.
more Tankhun squad shenanigans. Arm, Pol, Pete are ride and die. Porsche is learning but he'll get there. The shenanigans they get up to which Tankhun allows and enables.
I'm going to end this here because the longer I think about it, the more ideas I'm getting. I always love when people interact with me on Tumblr so thank you @adanima who I think of very fondly as the first person to ever interact with me on my first Tumblr post.
I've also never tagged anyone before so other people I've interacted with on Tumblr, you are my go to default: @dramaloverrants and @sweatyflytrap. Also @chalkrevelations who I'm pretty sure is responsible for blowing up my Babytrapping AU again today.
(No pressure though)
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ahdriking · 2 years
What kinnporshe relationship do you think needs the most work in a hypothetical season 2 and why is it definitely Porchay and Porsche
GORL. YOU'RE SO FUCKING RIGHT OH MY GOD. THERE'S SO MUCH. SO. FUCKING. MUCH. THAT BOTHERS THE SHIT OUT OF ME ABOUT THEIR ENDINGS. Porsche devoted his life, countless years of it, to being the provider and protector for his brother. He gave up so much, he sacrificed so much, it meant so much to him to live up to his parent's promise and keep his brother happy and safe and successful. AND THEN HE MEETS KINN. AND IT'S LIKE "WHO'S PORCHAY? MY LITTLE BROTHER? WHO I DON'T EVEN KNOW DIDN'T APPLY TO THE UNIVERSITY COURSE I JOINED THE MAFIA SO HE COULD PARTICIPATE IN??? HELLO??" tHERE'S JUST there's so much left unsaid between them. They only get like a handful of scenes together, and none of them include the emotional catharsis of them actually talking about everything properly. They ABSOLUTELY need some serious work.
I'll also raise: Vegas and Porsche. I still desperately want to know what Porsche's reaction would be to finding out Vegas tried to rape him at the diamond auction, cos it feels like such a glaringly huge hole in their relationship? Which is complicated enough already? IDK I feel like there's lots of unexploited potential there.
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mortimerlatrice · 2 years
Sometimes I get incredibly sad about Big. Like, it's sad that he died for Porsche, it's sad that he died pining over Kinn, and it's sad that his loved was desperately unrequited. You know what's even worse?
How he gets left out of Kinn's life so intentionally.
We all joke about the ChanBig "ghost ship" and I'm writing this because someone mentioned how startled they were by how many of us there are, but... That's kind of all Big gets? Like aside from solving his unrequited love or pairing him with the traitorous Ken, he kind of has no one. Like yes, fine, he's assigned to Kim. However, Kim has him running errands and he's inevitably free during training with Porsche and is often on Kinn's detail.
He's also notably not invited to party with Kinn. Pete is, and we are led to believe that Pete is Kinn's guard at the time. Ken doesn't ever display a close relationship with the boss, so that makes more sense, but Big was Kinn's head bodyguard.
With him through Tawan.
Big—loyal, respectful, subservient Big—has the audacity to speak out against Porsche to Korn. To me that's about more than rank, it's about comfort and the level of deference he was probably given prior to Porsche. He is able to speak out again, later about Tawan.
...but Kinn brings Pete alone when they go to Yok's. Or at the very least allows him to go with Tankhun (you will never convince me he didn't check with Kinn just like Porsche did).
There's an argument to be made for meta decision making like Big being the traitor in the book. Big would have interuptted the budding affection between Kinn and Porsche. Big is sort of painted as a sourpuss party killer, so you could argue that too. That's what bodyguards are for though right? Is there anything wrong with one (cute) sour bodyguard not joining in the festivities? Outside of Meta, there's not a solid reason not to.
Except Kinn doesn't bring any bodyguards. He knows Pol, Arm, Porsche, and Pete will be there. We can assume Arm and Pol are very well trusted since they guard Tankhun and Kinn names Pete as one of his few trusted and Porsche is... Porsche and the reason they all showed up tonight.
And Kinn doesn't bring anyone else. More bodyguards should be better. More bodyguards should be safer. But it's not because there's a mole. And on some level. On some tiny, unvoiced level, Big is suspect. All of Ken's staff are except Porsche and Pete. Porsche is new but why Pete? What makes him special? It's not tenure, if behind the scenes are to be believed.
Yeah, Big and Ken are bullies, but this is the Mafia. Pete beats people. Porsche pantsed Ken, which is undeniably a bully move. Grey Morals y'know?
Anyway my point is that Big is horribly isolated. He was Kinn's head bodyguard which means he the boss and that might mean he has very few friends on his level. The one named 'friend' we see him with is Ken who apparently had no problem selling him and Kinn out and getting him shot. Kinn doesn't even fully trust him DESPITE his position (or because of?). Kim obviously ignores him at best and taunts him cruelly at worst and that's it. He has no one else.
He's basically alone.
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shen-ne · 2 years
The writers inconsistencies really through me off this episode...
...and that is the reason I didn't enjoy ep 10 as much as I thought I would (long post ahead).
To be fair, the series has suffered from plot holes from day 1. But I decided to gloss over them because something else would make up for it. But there were too many in this episode which prompted me to write this post and share my thoughts once and for all.
Ok so the writers have theses habits of:
1. Putting something in an episode and not following up on it or not giving us any background of where it came from.
2. Putting something in an episode, not explaining a thing about it and leaving the audience to figure out what is happening. This can work once in a while and with the proper set up but the show is constantly doing it with no warning.
3. The dialogue sometimes does not fit the situation. Though might be partly explained with the quality of IQIYI's subs, some dialogues throw you off completely from the show and you ask yourself what are the characters even talking about.
4. Something that obviously happens because the writers want it to happen while it doesn't makes sense in the scope of the story.
A good example in mind of my first two points is in ep 3, when Porsche tells Kinn he hates what he has become/killing someone). After that episode, Porsche continued killing people and we never got a glimpse of what was his state of mind (Does he still hate it? Does he start to like it? I mean he is a murderer now and completely flipped his beliefs, so you know might be good to show where he stands in his new reality).
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In ep 10, I legit said "WHAT?" and "Where did it come from?" when I saw Kinn smoking. Yeah that was hot but it came from nowhere. There was no background as to why he started smoking, we never saw him smoking prior to this episode. Again the audience was left on its own to figure out the reason Kinn was smoking, some thought it was because he was stressed etc...Whatever it was, writers should have hinted on that prior to episode 10. And not make it seems like the sole reason they incorporated it was because it made Kinn looks hot and closer to a classic mafia's character. (Also am I the only one that felt like Kinn had a completely different vibe/aura yesterday? While I enjoyed this Kinn, sometimes it felt like he was a complete different person. Like his lost twin reappeared or something. All I ask really, is a smooth transition for a character's actions/ situations to make sense in their universe).
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Why have we not seen the reaction of Pete when Kinn let go of Porsche at the beginning? In his mind why would Kinn, after pointing out a gun towards P, decide to let him go to join his enemy Vegas? Because, I don't think Pete is aware they are a thing. We didn't get any confirmation in episode 9. Also, why would Kinn leave Porsche be when he knew the plan "all along"? Is it his way of saying "Make your own mistakes and learn"? Because it doesn't make sense? P could die following Vegas and Kinn had a chance to prevent it but he said to Porsche "Go ahead my love, best of luck!". Writers...I'm looking at you.
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I raised an eyebrow when Vegas and Porsche held hands because it was so out of place: they were never that close. It would have made more sense if they had shared meaningful moments before that but they were barely acquaintances. Again we have the writers all over the place just for the sake of what they want and not whether or not it fits the story. I mean they also really dumbed down Porsche and made him so gullible for the sake of the plot.
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Can we talk about Tawan being sandwiched between two guns and still able to take his own life. Kinn and Porsche had enough time (plus solid motives) to put a bullet through his skull but they didn't do it and instead talked and wasted time. Why you say? Because the writers wanted Tawan to make the bomb explodes. And I don't have an issue with that but why make it so obvious that there was no intention that K & P would shoot him? It's clumsy!
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When Porsche came to the rooftop, I was taken aback by Kinn having the cheek to ask an apology from Porsche when he put him through so much. Are you not self-aware? And it comes off as so arrogant too, like you both fucked up but at least P didn't knowingly put your life in danger. I was checking the time left because I didn't want the pool scene to happen after this, It didn't feel right. They are still not on the same page and I'm glad the writers decided not to do it. Because I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it.
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"Yeah. I'm stressed too. It's like I've forgotten something" right after Porsche said that Chay asked him to resign! This is an example of a dialogue not fitting the situation. First, I didn't understand what Kinn was talking about because why would he talk about something he has forgotten when P just told him he might leave? Shouldn't he follow up on this conversation first and then talk about whatever was on his mind? But it felt like it was an afterthought and we just had him respond "Yeah" ?!? There is no coherence here, team of writers.
I mean there were more WTF moments in this episode where the writers dropped the balls: Kim rescuing Chay in a sleeveless black top accompanied with Kinn's most loyal bodyguard (why were Kim and Big together?), Kinn arriving coincidentally late for the "final blow" plus not with Big, Big's sacrifice (show me when he understood Porsche was Kinn's reason of living or whatever. Don't leave the audience in the dark and then show Big save Porsche's life out of love for Kinn! Show us how Big came to this decision), Kinn proclaiming he knew the plan all along (when his incompetence and lack of making any decisions was so flagrant this episode. What I mean is that the writers didn't show any of his "anticipated" moves to trap Vegas/Tawan but only showed us how he followed the flow of his subordinates' actions and then we have Kinn saying he knew everything...riiiight!), Pete spying in a bright red outfit instead of a low key color, Korn not killing his brother on the spot etc..but I've written so much already and really don't want to go through all of them in details.
I did like some scenes however and would like to share them to finish this post on a somewhat good note:
Porsche and Pete fighting - Didn't expect it but was agreeably surprised we got it.
Porsche being protective over Chay and ready to kill anyone that touches him (though you are also putting him in danger but that's for another story): brotherly love is just so beautiful to see even when it leads to murdering people.
Tawan kicking Chay - Ok, hear me out! It's not that I liked the kicking itself but the fact that the writers had the balls to go this route. Chay is this cute/no harm character which happens to be a minor and the fact that he was getting beat up with no regard for his life...and in front of Porsche!! Because really, why would Tawan care about this teenager's life? Chay was treated like anyone would have been in his place. I don't know, I just liked it. And it was in brand with Tawan's fucked up ass too.
Vegas being annoyed with Tawan's idiocy - I don't know, his "that wasn't the fucking plan!" made me chuckle.
Porsche and Kinn sharing a cigarette - Safe explanatory but also because you could clearly see the moment Porsche said "fuck it" before he took his drag (yeah, quitting smoking would have to wait a bit).
The last scene of Porsche and Kinn in bed - They are so in tune and comfortable with each other. Though as I said earlier I didn't like that forgotten line from Kinn (was so out of place). But the rest was beautiful.
All in all, I understand now and will try to accept that the direction the show is taking will continue to not make sense for some parts of it (could be explained by the amount of content they have and not having enough screen time to fit/and make sense of it). Apo and Mile's chemistry and acting are still holding me by the throat and it is plenty enough to be able to enjoy the rest of the show.
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