#Poems for Emma D'Arcy
emmadarcyextra · 1 year
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"Your Splendor"
Your splendor is a beacon
Upon the distant shores
Guiding many a traveller
To haven's abode
Hope is restored within
The hearts in the darkest
Hour. Your luminance rays
Rekindle all that was forlorn
There is laughter in the air
The sun shinning brighter
Than yesteryear as all
Footsteps alight as of yore
Exhilaration lingers about
As time exits and reenters
On continuum; delight is now
A permanent dweller of the core
2/28/23 @J.
Emma D'Arcy 🥰 has brought exhilaration to many hearts upon their portrayal as Rhaenyra Targaryen. The nuances added by them has given a three-dimensional layer to the character, hence adding depth.
Now let's imagine more screen time and a script worthy of their acting capability, how compelling season two will be. Now about Emma D'Arcy in ARMOR HBO, Showrunner and writing staff?
Please let them be clad in armor 🙏, pretty please?
Please follow Emma D'Arcy on their Instagram if you haven't already: @/EMMAZIADARCY (without the slash). Thank you.
Please follow for more Emma D'Arcy's goodness. 😍
Credit: Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.
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horizon-verizon · 10 months
Rhaenyra and Rhaenys (The Conqueror) are the only Targ Queens whose private/sexual life was constantly under scrutiny and countless rumours were invented to ruin their reputations. What do you think was the case for that?
Women --and female dragonriders--with or on the brink of more autonomous power and authority who nevertheless also fit some images of femininity Andal-Faith worshippers are accustomed to. Rhaenys was said to love socializing, music, and dance, and therefore seem more like a lady of the court/The Lady of the court. Music and dance are also feminized when it's not about actually creating scores, poems, etc.--those are (male) bards and maesters, of course. The dominant image of a singer who isn't a bard and just sings already written/known pieces is that of a woman (which makes Lyanna & Rhaegar subversions of that btw). Rhaenys--by being the first queen from a foreign heritage and having actively participated in warfare and conquest with her siblings, is a more foreign figure in Westerosi culture than Rhaenyra who grew up as a Targ-assimilated princess. Rhaenyra is not a warrior, is specifically seemingly attracted to warrior types, loves to dress elaborately, and loves being a mother, having what Emma D'Arcy correctly pins down as "her tribe" (this point is true for both HotD and F&B). And both are women who have continued the main Targaryen royal line at critical junctures for the Targs: Rhaenys' child is the one whose kids continue the Targs after Maegor's end and Rhaenyra's children continue the Targs after that devasting civil was. every Targ has a claim through Aegon but when there were "sides", only one "came out on top", and it is through these two women. Lineage makes the claim and there is always tension over who gives that claim. Therefore,:
the maesters
those who are given the roles or opportunities to teach next generations
and pretty much anyone who delves into, uses the histories for their own political purposes or studies human behavior in Westeros
seek to identify their roles and characters for now and/or posterity. Whether by emphasizing some traits or hiding some truths--sometimes simultaneously--by social compulsion.
All traits that I listed are very "hyper femme", or traits already associated with womanhood and femininity in Andal/Faith Westeros. Both have the otherworldy Valyrian beauty. Thus both can claim desirability from looks and some behaviors/preferences. Visenya, while acknowledged as beautiful as most Valyrians, was also a consummate warrior with a sword and the skills to use it (Rhaenys did not have one, a very masculinized object). This is the description for Visenya vs Rhaenys in Fire and Blood ("Aegon's Conquest"):
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Rhaenys: "playful", "flights of fancy", "no true warrior"
Visenya: "stern", "unforgiving" "serious" "harsh, austere beauty", "as much a warrior as Aegon"
In Andal/Seven culture, feminized things become feminized through their "lacking" something already "masculinized" and masculinized things have the positive value of "strength".
Visenya is described as beautiful, but her physical beauty remains aesthetic, downplayed, and not as emphasized as her "sternness" in the language. Her physical beauty takes a backseat to the very simple description list of her austerity and being "comfortable in ringmail and silk", which itself brings attention to how they see her as fluidly determining her own aesthetic presentation while acting "male" at times.
It leaves one with the impression that she makes these things work for her rather than the other way around. The unconscious idea is that she chooses to be something she "naturally" isn't but does so well, as to make masculinity itself a performance. Again, she doesn't conform, she makes things work for her. And this is more of an Andal-masculinized trait--the ability to make things go your way, you being "active". Cyclically, it's all the more emphasized how she is perceived as an equal to Aegon's masculinity when they note she "was as much a warrior as Aegon"...None of the things are things the men/maesters want to see from a woman, it diminishes the inflexible binaries of Andal manhood and womanhood, make it seem more social than natural.
Rhaenys with her male followers does this sexually (medieval notions of male virility = control/strength), but because she is also simultaneously in proximity to men while not using a sword, she's more feminized than her sister. Swords are decidedly masculine in Andal culture.
Headcanon: It is possible that Rhaenys--being the social influencer I think she was--was also aware of what roles she could play and built a celebrity about her based on her perceived comparative femininity: court lady-ness; having male admirers so there are fewer noble men compelled to talk or act against her and by extension Aegon & Visenya..."soft" power. If these men feel like they can get closer or more intimate with Rhaenys, then they feel less intimidated by her and her siblings. Another difference is that she chose that and chose to fight with her siblings and make laws without consulting Aegon, while Rhaenyra did not bc she was put into that position. Ironically, it kind of backfired, kinda didn't, but there was no real escape from that. It reveals a delicate balancing act that is sorta reminiscent of the one I see in Rhaenyra's premarital (but not actually looking for suitors) tour actually is an attempt to sell an image of her virginity being intact and her "Realm's Delight" moniker/conformity to Westerosi ideal of feminine beauty (the sexually pure model). [look to section B]
Once Visenya carried, used, and used a sword "as well as a man", she becomes/became just the "masculine" woman. The comparison = her personhood. And I mean that they can only conceive of Visenya's personhood through her comparison to her siblings--Rhaenys as well--which isn't "personhood" at all. Despite how all siblings get a description of how they interacted or were seen by the Andals in court or out of it (Visenya's "to even those who loved her" & "no one ever questioned Visenya’s fidelity to her brother-husband"; Rhaenys' "surrounded herself with comely young men, and (it was whispered) even entertained some in her bedchambers on the nights when Aegon was with her elder sister"; Aegon's "had no close friends" & "faithful to his sisters"), Aegon, unsurprisingly, is not actually defined by any comparison to either of his sisters ("Aegon's Conquest"):
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Instead, his personhood gets its own "platform", and is evaluated based on how well he fits and "surpasses" the Andal perception of an "able" man and ruler. He is independently characterized. How quaint.
Yes, both sisters rode dragons and both went to battle with them, but the Seven Faith encourages hatred for dragons & Targ incest AND all three siblings rode dragons--the Andal people were compelled to distinguish them both just to record and bc gender divisions call for it.
And the belief that Aegon was more in love with, or only in love with Rhaenys lends to her sensuality & attractiveness. There is a reason why the two sisters are described in their own paragraphs one on top of the other AND how it all ends with how the Maesters/Andal people perceived Aegon's love for each woman. They are male-gazing these women through Aegon, who temporarily takes on their own gaze bc he is the man as well as the head of that house even before the conquest.
But while sensuality is not the same as sexuality, in Westeros it becomes that way through the preoccupancy of reproduction overlapping with female fertility for male dominance-female-obedience and history-defined-through-patrilineality. To keep it very, very simple, the main purpose of a noblewoman is to contain & incubate the heirs of her husband. Noblemen have military command and participation. Therefore, everything gets bogged down or reaffirmed by the body's sexual function defining its value and attractiveness.
Rhaenyra and Rhaenys both had a more sensual seeming (for being so "attractive") while still occupying those male-centered spaces and roles or behaviors by their own selves and how they were percieved. They are still dragonriders and of Valyrian descent with a stronger sense of their own autonomy apart from male interests due to having more access to power than most Andal-descent women expect and are allowed to have, they are both still Other. Rhaenyra is more assertive of her privilege to rule by the right of primogeniture, which tends to favor men and boys in Westeros. This alone goes against ideals for female subservience, even with real examples of women leading armies or houses in pre-Targ history (Agnes Blackwood, a Vale woman I forget the name of, and Jeyne Arryn). Also, I already stated about Rhaenys & Rhaenyra's sexualities and also come into concern bc they have to do with female "chastity"/virginity and the political claims of their children/the then-critical sociopolitical climates of their respective times: Rhaenys in the freshly conquered and unified Westeros; Rhaenyra in the time where she is the one to be the first female heir/to-be-monarch after years of women being disenfranchised, sidelined, and/or abused by their Targ male relatives.
We also remember her tour meeting several of them and a Frey even declaring that he'd wanted to marry her ("A Question of Succession"):
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This shows both her manufactured image of accessibility to certain men, also creates an image of her father's intentions and control over her body.
Regarding female sexuality with Rhaenyra it is after rumors of her sleeping w/Daemon and Viserys' subsequent desire to marry her off. Rhaenyra--unlike Rhaenys--was set to become the monarch and for the very first female monarch, there was a fine line she would have to ride: she can't be seen as weak, but as a woman, she can't be too assertive AND she can't be looking for sex or intimacy as a woman,--since monarchs have been male until now-- virility is an ideological element of good rulership/kingship, and she's expected to provide healthy heirs, she cannot be as kept out of sexual matters as regular aristocratic/royal women.
Their womanhood, as perceived by Andal-Westerosi, oscillates between womanhood and manhood, suggestiveness and innocence-as-weakness bc of this relationship and the dynamic of their handling of their image. While they are more "attractive" in some familiar "feminine" traits, they ultimately still do not conform as much as they do precisely bc of that oscillation.
Therefore, there was more scrutiny, because there is always the need to punish and make them fit into one mold. More image-control. Since that mold itself is insufficient to really define a person, it never works. they will never be made "sense" of, but bc they don't they will always be the subject of attempts at "sense" making. Thus frustrating masters and garnering some of that lovely manner of misogyny in their reputations you identified.
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imaginarianisms · 9 days
the way that rhaenyra flinches & jumps back away from daemon & his visceral rage that she's. never really been exposed to before on this scale but has always existed. perhaps he's always been that way & she just never noticed. perhaps she was too infatuated with him to see the difference. emma d'arcy said that they're like conjoined twins who were separated at birth, then, 10 years later, find each other & want to be as close as possible while also acknowledging that this is essentially a grooming scenario, that he groomed rhaenyra & there was an inherent power imbalance, bc rhaenyra was a teenager at around ~15-16 & daemon was a grown ass man in his 30's & in the books rhaenyra's even younger. that's happened. viserys is dead & he wrapped his hand around her throat out of rage after she just gave birth to their stillborn child visenya. yes, there was conflicts in the marriage, but he had never once been violent towards her before. (when it comes to abuse – be it physical, mental, financial, or psychological, it’s all horrible, unjustified, and should never be tolerated, however, not all abuse, not even all physical abuse, is made equal, which, remember, statistics shows that if a man chokes you in dv, he's more than likely going to kill you; if a woman’s partner has ever strangled her, even once, her risk of being murdered by that same partner shoots up 750% compared to a woman who has never been strangled, unlike all other forms of physical abuse like hitting, punching, kicking, shoving, throwing objects, etc., strangulation is the single greatest predictor of homicide in abusive relationships, a partner who strangles you is likely to kill you, and soon, that 750% increase isn’t just an increased risk of death in your lifetime, it’s a 750% increase they will kill you within the next year, bc when a victim's throat throat lays in the hands of their abuser, a message is sent, one that says "i can kill you at any time", this, understandably, instills fear in the victim & keeps them stuck in a cycle of abuse in which the implied threat of death keeps the victim vulnerable & submissive. granted, yes, they both do have dragons but that is Very dangerous for rhaenyra.) that shocked rhaenyra. this was the same man who always fought for her birthright of the iron throne (& in the books) never once tried to usurp her & was one of her fiercest supporters over the greens at court & declared her to be the fairest maid of the seven kingdoms. this was the man who enthralled her with tales of his journeys & his battles with caraxes across the narrow sea & gave her pearls & silks & books & read books to her & studied with her & read poems to her & dined with her & went hawking with her & went sailing with her. this was the same man who gave her a jade tiara from the god-empress of leng & a valyrian steel necklace. this was the same man who always supported her & laena velaryon. this was the same man she'd challenged to carve through the kingsguard to take her to dragonstone & make her his wife on her own wedding day. this was the same man who fathered two of her children. after the deaths of lucerys then jacaerys i think those metaphorical rose colored glasses would start to come off: he is her abuser & she is his victim, although she doesn't understand or see herself as a victim until she begins to process their dynamic after his death at the god's eye in all the chaos. rhaenyra, i'd imagine, after trying to rationalize all of daemon's actions, is devastated by this. & then she gets furious, especially after the nettles incident. "give me back my girlhood, it was mine first"....................................... yeah.
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emmadarcyextra · 2 years
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Emma D'Arcy ❤️ in Paris (à Paris, oh là là) during Acne Studio Spring Fashion Week. Emma D'Arcy looks stunnin', of course.
"Your Captivating Gaze"
In a glance.
The heart softens
It is not an act
It’s your dynamism
With just a glimpse
All within sight
The nightingale sings
Its sweetest melody
A gift of heaven
And earth
Your grin enthralls,
Captivating soul
Image Credit: Stephane Cardinale, Getty Images
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
I enjoy watching Emma D'Arcy❤️ in "Mothering Sunday." It is a sweet delight! Every role their take, they make it their own. I love this about them. An incomparable talent, Emma D'Arcy is in a league of their own. 😍🥰
I revisited "Mothering Sunday," once more. I took a snapshot of the photos in this current reel and write a story/poem based on upon them. 🥰🥰 Emma D'Arcy is simply breathtaking🥰! They have a very sexy neck/nape🥰🥰... so attractive! 😍
Mothering Sunday #take 2
If only you could forsake yourself for a fraction of time and see me for who I am
Transfixed in time, mired by tradition
Must you sacrifice me?
The false pretenses
We can forgo them.
It’s been eons.
Life is brimming with boundless possibilities...
We mustn’t settle.
I’ll spread my wings
And reach for the stars
Recollecting with fondness...
I shattered my fetters that day.
Freedom is sweeter than
The "nectar" of the gods.
2/3/23 @J
Credit: Number 9 Films; Film4; Ingenious; British Film Institute
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
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A little adventure! A little fun! Syrax and Rhaenyra (Emma D'Arcy ❤️) are restless and long for a new adventure. This little poem is an exchange, mostly psychically between the two.
As you know, they are kindred spirits, and their BOND is strong!
I'm restless; you're restless
Yes, I feel your edginess
We're kindred spirits, remember?
We feel each other's
Motives, desires and wants
What's beyond the horizon, Syrax?
You've fixated
It for a while now
Should we sojourn there?
You've traveled there?
Your reluctance arouses
My curiosity
No, no, my bosom buddy
There is no need
For agitation
There is no need
For Grumpiness
You're shielding your
Thoughts from me, Syrax
I wish to satiate
My curiosity
You need to stretch
Your wings. Kindred spirits,
Let's go on an adventure
2/27/23 @J
I'm looking forward to see Emma D'Arcy 🥰 in any adventure(s) on the screen--any screen. I am missing them so much, aren't you all?
In "House of the Dragon" 🐉 season two (2), I would LOVE to SEE EMMA D'ARCY IN ARMOR. HBO, Showrunner, and writing staff, please make your fans happy (BEGGING). We love you, and WE LOVE EMMA D'ARCY ❤️ 😍.
CREDIT: HBOMAX/HBO a division of Warner Bros Discovery. All Rights Reserved.
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
This is a little fantasy world that I created for Emma D'Arcy🥰. Once more, I called upon: Mother Earth, but in a fantasy kind of way--still life instead of nature in its rawness.
Emma enters the enchanted forest every night, promptly. Their presence is immediately felt; quietude walks over to stand beside Them. Imagine this vividly, please. 😍
HERE IS THE POEM (free verse) . I've also added the poem on each photograph in the reel:
Quietude enters
The enchanted forest
Along with THEM
It is the new normal
Every evening
All sit to listen
To their numerous
Tales from
Their travels
And oh, how compelling
Is each recounting
At the end of the hour,
All walk back
Filled with bliss
And new knowledge
The enchanted forest
Resumes life as it was
Quietude and THEM
Walk side by side,
Exiting the boisterous
2-9-23 @J.
CREDIT: Ruth Crafer, amazing photographer 📸
Edited by me via differing media.
This music above and below the post goes with the clip/ reel, and it is synced to the images. I couldn't download it via instagram due to copyright issues. 😒 😑
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
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Episode 10 of "House of the Dragon" is directed by Greg Yaitanes, the director who directed: "Children of Dune," a high favorite. I knew I was in for a treat.
The scenes that depict (in graphical fashion, which I appreciate) the excruciating pain of childbirth are acted beautifully by Emma D'Arcy and are tastefully filmed, with the woven of intermittent mixes of Rhaenyra's dragon, Syrax and herself; for me, these scenes establish, without a doubt, the kindred-bond that exists between Syrax and her (Rhaenyra). It is how I see their kingship in my mind. The talented director allows us to see this visually in all its beauty and agony; it grips the heart! Syrax feels Rhaenyra's pain and she is strengthening her, consoling her. Poingnantly beautiful!
Emma D'Arcy's acting in these scenes is lauded and noteworthy. I could sense and experience Rhaenyra's suffering via their acting. Highly commendable acting ability!
The above photos are poetry in motion, depitcting the agozing moments of childbirth. No words are needed here.
Episode 10 is a combination of talents: a talented director ( Greg Yaitanes) meets a very gifted and talented actor: Emma D'Arcy.
Including the poem here:
"The Poetry of Birth"
The joys of the universe
The continuation of life
In any sphere
Excruciating pain
Yet brings forth so much
Glee at the end
Will my heart rejoice
At th e end, my daughter?
My body can't withstand
Another blow
1/29/23 @J
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
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Table for two, somewhere
At the edge of the universe...
You and I; just us two
And occasional passersby
In pairs who smile and wink
Our way; just us two
And occasional laughter
And sweet-nothings...
Whispering in tenderness
Although it's just us two
Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder
That kiss in gentleness
At a table for two, somewhere
At the edge of the universe.
Another photograph of Emma D'Arcy ❤️ from "Baptiste," season two, episode two. I love this pose of them that expresses so much about... (I am compelled to write about it for a blog post) Emma, you are OUR HEARTS! 💕
Music: Table for TWO by talented composer: Abel Korzeniowski (the poem is inspired by this melody; I am inspired to write a more intimate, more romantic version of the above poem. )
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emmadarcyextra · 1 year
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This is a little fantasy world that I created for Emma D'Arcy🥰. Once more, I called upon: Mother Earth, but in a fantasy kind of way--still life instead of nature in its rawness.
Emma enters the enchanted forest every night, promptly. Their presence is immediately felt; quietude walks over to stand beside Them. Imagine this vividly, please. 😍
HERE IS THE POEM (free verse) . I've also added a verse of the poem on each photograph. I have alreafy posted the reel/clip. Please have a look.
Quietude enters
The enchanted forest
Along with THEM
It is the new normal
Every evening
All sit to listen
To their numerous
Tales from
Their travels
And oh, how compelling
Is each recounting
At the end of the hour,
All walk back
Filled with bliss
And new knowledge
The enchanted forest
Resumes life as it was
Quietude and THEM
Walk side by side,
Exiting the boisterous
2-9-23 @J.
CREDIT: Ruth Crafer, amazing photographer 📸
Edited by me via differing media.
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