#Po litics
stirlo · 2 months
lol at todays’ writing prompt
Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? It means. “American” ; from the United States of America.
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gavis-bettel · 2 years
ok but i have never seen a google docs receipts/c4ll0ut that wasnt at least 30% the stupidest god damn shit ive ever seen someone make up
#yes this is about the current... fiasco.#like yeah supporting h. p in this day and age when it is extremely common knowledge just how bad The Author is can lead you to a pretty#solid conclusion. thats valid in this case.#maybe not calling them a full on t3rf but they are at least apathetic towards tr ans ppl enough that it doesnt bother them#not that thats excusable either and it absolutely might be related to the way that t/er/fs can get away with as much as they do on this site#but i wouldnt go slapping that label on someone without knowing their exact po/litics slash opinions you know?#the um. Historical References in a.ot are not quite so widely known so i think that ones a stretch on the other hand#i think its not too hard to believe that someone whos in that fandom and doesnt see much from people who are in the venn diagram of both#anime and social just1c3/act1v1sm might have that stuff go over their head especially if theyre not that far into the story#disclaimer i do not know if the person in question is this is purely hypothetical but basically im saying its probably a bit of a stretch#to call this person a full on fucking n*zi for being a fan of this One Thing that was at one point the biggest anime on tumblr#however the thing that made me make this post was the zero brain cell take of calling someone a p*******e for drawing ag3d u p child#characters for sh1p art. i saw it. it was two characters standing next to each other. calling someone a literal fucking p3d0 for that is#completely fucking insane. a 100% nonsexual drawing of two characters Just Standing There.#especially when one character canonically has a crush on the other like? am i getting this right?#it makes you a P3D0PH1L3 to see a ch1ld character with a crush on a classmate and think#oh thats cute what if they were a little older and she liked him back? ill draw them standing together blushing#like the first two accusations were already blowing things way out of proportion in my opinion but that last one turns this from#'okay its a little bit of a stretch but i can see your thought process' to 'you straight up made this up based on absolutely nothing#bc you wanted to make them seem like an even worse person than the stuff they actually did do implies so you pulled out the p word card'#this is like. rabid twitter teen behavior lmao and i dont think ive seen the post that got all this started#but if they made those same three accusations then yes that is absolutely h4ra55ment and should be grounds for deletion imo#if it wasnt then it was definitely an overreaction by 5t4ff but given the years of hatred theyve gotten and the fact that tu/mb/lr users do#tend to just believe c4ll0uts like this without looking into it themselves and forming their own opinions and also dogpiling on ppl#i think that regardless of how much of it was true and how much was jumping to conclusions or straight up untrue#a c4ll0ut is generally seen as an invitation to h4r4ss the person in question so. its kind of tough to say what the right call might have#been esp since any attempt at addressing it would be seen as defending the aforementioned ideologies/actions regardless of#whether or not theyre actually not true#from the Zero Brain Cell crowd at least and those are the ones who are dogpiling regardless#star emoji
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mojisnovi · 1 year
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Ronda, Andaluzija, Španija
Ronda je pravi biser Andaluzije. Prelepi gradić koji je poznat po divljoj prirodi i živopisnim pejzažima. Sagradjen je na strmoj uvali i prepoznatljiv po belim kućicama, koje kao da prkose sa ivica litice.
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radical-witchery · 1 year
"What is the difference between the women's movement we had and the one we have now, if it can be called a movement? I think the difference is liberalism. Where feminism was collective, liberalism is individualistic. We have been reduced to that. Where feminism is socially based and critical, liberalism is naturalistic, attributing the product of women's oppression to women's natural sexuality, making it "ours." Where feminism criticizes the ways in which women have been socially determined in an attempt to change that determination, liberalism is voluntaristic, meaning it acts like we have choices that we do not have. Where feminism is based on material reality, liberalism is based on some ideal realm in the head. And where feminism is relentlessly political, about power and powerlessness, the best that can be mustered by this nouveau movement is a watered-down form of moralism: this is good, this is bad, no analysis of power or powerlessness at all. In other words, members of groups, like women, who have no choice but to live life as members of groups are taken as if they are unique individuals. Their social characteristics are then reduced to natural characteristics. Preclusion of choices becomes expression of free will. Material reality is turned into ideas about reality. And concrete positions of power and powerlessness are transformed into mere relative value judgments about which reasonable people can form different but equally valid preferences. Women's experience of abuse becomes a "point of view." "
Catharine A. MacKinnon, Liberalism and the Death of Feminism
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sok-od-jabuke · 1 year
Hej, jesi tu?
Htio bih ti reći da te se redovno sjetim. Htio bih ti reći da me jednako svakodnevnica ždere i da ne znam kad će tome kraj doći. Nekako sam siguran da te baš i ne brine moje postojanje, al mi bude lakše ako ti to kažem. Redovno se sjetim nekih stvari i u duši mi nešto prođe kao kreda po školskoj ploči. Prepariranih dana sve je više i provedem ih u samoći. Jutra su mi nekad bila najljepša, a sad se veselim noći. Ljudi su postali gamad i ne želim više nikoga pogledat u oči. Uskoro po 'ko zna koji put okrećem novi list. Ovaj list obojat će onaj kist kojim koristit ću se ja. A ne druga lica čija priča nema ni početak niti kraj. Emocije više ne utapam u piću. Sad vodim brigu o novom biću i o onom što u budućnosti bit ću. Otplesao sam kompletan bal pogrešnih koraka i na svakom sam izgubio više nego što sam naučit mogao. Puno žalim, ali se ne sažaljevam. Nit očekujem to od ikoga. Redovno me skrše razne sitnice zbog kojih bih rukom samo mahnuo i nastavio pad sa one iste litice. Niti moje lice više isto nije, vidi se da je ugašeno previše puta i da je iznošeno poput starog kaputa. Osmijeh mi više nekako i ne stoji, iako je bila moja glavna karakteristika. San provedem uglavnom u muci, kao da me ujutro čekaju novi udarci. Što i nije daleko od istine. Redovno izbjegavam određene ulice, ne moram ni objasniti zašto. Stotinu pjesama podsjeti me na velika sjećanja i još uvijek ne znam kako nositi se s tim. Uglavnom ih otpjevam sam u sebi da netko ne bi znao da redovno mislim o tebi. Samo to sam ti htio reći.
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Latula Pyrope, Porrim Maryam
Act 6, page 5263
LATULA: yo porz, you s33 p4yd1rt 1s b4ck???
#GRLZ 1N D4 H1V3
PORRIM: I saw.
LATULA: pr3tty r4d huh?? th3 4-lyf3 just scor3d 4 l1ttl3 mor3 GRL POW3R!!!!
#l3ss drool #mor3 rul3
LATULA: h3y g1mm3 f1v3!
PORRIM: That's... OW.
PORRIM: No+t so+ hard!
PORRIM: That's go+o+d.
LATULA: wh444t, com3 on. 1 thought you of 4ll p3opl3 would b3 psych3d to g3t 4 l1l mor3 r3pr3z3nt4t1on from th3 l4d13s UP 1NZ.
PORRIM: Why would that be? It's nice to see an old friend, but that's about it.
#Up inz #Meaningless #On all levels
PORRIM: I think you are possibly still caricaturizing my point of view on the subject, assuming we're even talking about the same subject.
PORRIM: Much the way yo+ur co+ntinued co+mmitment to+ this o+verzealo+us "rad girl" thing still strikes me as a caricature o+f the kind o+f female strength and empo+werment yo+u're trying to+ pro+ject.
LATULA: s4y wh4t??? th4tz bogus, 1m th1s r4d b3c4us3 1 l1k3 b31ng r4d! r4dn3ss rul3z.
PORRIM: I kno+w it rulez. But there's such a thing as o+verdo+ing it.
#Did I pho+netically emphasize that 'z' eno+ugh?
PORRIM: Do+n't yo+u think it can co+me acro+ss as a series o+f affectatio+ns designed to+ o+verco+mpensate fo+r an implicit flaw with yo+ur gender? An act which rebuts what sho+uld be a straw man, with a carto+o+nish masquerade that with every kickflip and high five screams "YES, IT APPEARS THAT GIRLS CAN BE AS RADICAL AND AS GOOD AT GAMES AS BOYS!" thus lending a certain dignity to+ the premise at the expense o+f yo+ur o+wn?
LATULA: wh4... w41t wh4t? 4w m4n.
#r4dt1m3z off1c14lly: #H4RSH3D
LATULA: wh4t you t4lk1ng 4bout grl. m33n4h wh3r3d you go! com3 h3lp m3 b3 cyn1c4l 4bout th1s! 4h!!!
PORRIM: Yo+u can pretend to+ misunderstand all yo+u want, but we've talked abo+ut this befo+re and I kno+w yo+u're smarter abo+ut this than yo+u let o+n. We were raised in what was a fo+rmally "matriarchal so+ciety", which has always been used as a shield to+ do+wnplay clear instances o+f female o+ppressio+n and o+bfuscate the relevance o+f gender ro+les, particularly where they're weighted against females. But anyo+ne who+'s lo+o+ked at o+ur so+ciety mo+re ho+nestly can see that while, yes, it is superficially o+bserved as a matriarchy o+n a fuschia-do+wn basis, o+n a practical level all o+f the enfo+rcement and po+litical po+wer go+verning mo+st classes was delegated to+ the higher CIPs, which were generally male-do+minated castes. They go+t to+ co+ntro+l the agenda and dictate the so+cial co+nventio+ns, and anyo+ne who+ dared to+ o+bject o+r bring light to+ this co+uld always be co+untered with "Hey! Matriarchy! End o+f discussio+n."
#Fuschia do+wn matriarchy #Purple do+wn patriarchy
LATULA: grl, pl34s3. dont t3ll m3 your3 go1ng full v4nt4s on m3 h3r3.
PORRIM: No+, if I were getting my Vantas o+n, we'd o+nly be getting warmed up. But that's really all I have to+ say o+n the matter.
LATULA: wh3w!
PORRIM: I just think yo+u sho+uld be yo+urself mo+re o+ften. We already kno+w yo+u are stro+ng and go+o+d at games and all that. Yo+u have no+thing to+ pro+ve.
LATULA: y34h. your3 prob4bly r1ght.
LATULA: 1ts k1nd of str3ssful som3t1m3s, k33p1ng 1t up! som3t1m3s 1 forg3t to put z33s on th3 3nd of words, 4nd 1 r34lly str3ss out 4bout 1t.
#sp3c14lly wh3n 1m off my m3ds
LATULA: you know, 1 4lw4ys d1d f33l b3tt3r t4lk1ng to you. l1k3 1 could t4k3 th3 3dg3 off my r4d th1ng, 4nd r3l4x 4 l1ttl3 mor3.
PORRIM: Then let's make it mo+re o+f a habit, shall we?
LATULA: h3ckz y3s!!!
LATULA: h3y, th4nks for th3 p3pt4lk, popo m3rryg4mz.
PORRIM: That nickname.
PORRIM: It is just so+ awful.
LATULA: oh whoopz.
LATULA: w4nt m3 to sw1tch b4ck to pornst4r???
PORRIM: Merrygamz will be fine.
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cinnamoncare · 8 months
Gender, Power, and Household in Revolutionary Grenada
Text directly from the journal
Gender, Power and Household in Revolutionary Grenada
Gail R. Pool and Donna D. Davis University of New Brunswick
Women in the New Jewel Movement
The problem of leadership has often been cited as a difficulty, since women in the party or decision-making bodies often face a triple work-day: productive work, domestic work, and political work. Even when "productive and political structures coincide or overlap, and when women have been incorporated into productive structures, men continue to dominate the leadership committees and positions of authority." As a result, women's organizations have sought to influence policies but "have not always intervened to protect or further their own interests ... or to equalize the relations of exchange within the productive structures. " Conflict between production and reproduction is bound to be very severe at the political level, especially if the party has chosen democratic centralism, as in Grenada. By September 1983, women in the New Jewel Movement (NJM) made several proposals regarding the heavy burden they had to bear as mothers and their position vis-a-vis men. Stating that "women are responsible for domestic work within their homes, nurturing of children, and in most cases working full time outside the home," they proposed to have "Party men involved in the rearing of our children and in stable relationship^] to assist with housework to lessen the burden on women.'
Bishop went on to observe several areas where women were subordinate in Grenada: in law, education, language and the household. He also noted that women lacked daycare, which affected job opportunities, and that a lack of services such as piped water increased the drudgery of women's labour. Within the first month of the revolution, the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG) pro- claimed the principle of equal pay for equal work, and within the first year a maternity leave law was put into effect." Although women held only three significant po- litical positions in the leadership, the P R G undertook significant structural changes which would have led to
fuller participation by women in political decisions (see Table 2).
The Women's Desk
The Women's Desk was charged with the responsibility of improving women's equality under the law checking on sex discrimination, seeking representation on planning bodies, monitoring the effectiveness of P R G policy respecting women, creating organizations to give advice and channel the energy of women into productive work, ensuring women's participation in decision making, see- ing that basic social services and amenities were provided to women, and organizing community development activities.
The National Women's Organization
The National Women's Organization (NWO) was established in 1977, and while the estimate of 6,500 members in 1982 may have been exaggerated by a couple of thousand, there was widespread support for the N W O in Grenada. Not only did women assist in many revolu- tionary struggles, they also established some of the politi- cal groundwork for participatory democracy by devising a three-year plan for women. A draft plan was circulated and analysed in meetings across Grenada. As Bishop said:
Coming out of that analysis, the sisters were able to go back and do a lot more concrete research, work out the figures on the likely availability of jobs over the next three years, examine what kinds of skills would be required in the workforce ... analyse whether or not those women presently out of jobs were likely to fill the jobs coming on stream, and if not look for the type of training necessary for those tasks: jobs for our women, yes, but because of the increasing complexity of the economy and the new skills needed, the second priority linked to the first priority must be training and education for the women of our country.
According to Bishop, most unemployed women were undereducated and lacked skills, but even if training were provided, daycare facilities were inadequate. Bishop's estimate of the number of unemployed women was about 4,000 or 71.4 percent of total unemployment. A survey of unemployment in 1982 showed his percentage to be a bit high and his total number of unemployed women to be low; over 7,000 women were unemployed, or 57.7 percent. Thus, the 5,000 new jobs expected in agriculture, construction, and tourism would not have met even the women's needs, especially in light of the mainly male skilled labour required.
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descent-into-el · 8 months
a small and bitter revolution posted to my instagram
re_EVOL_volution #1
1. [so(cio)-po(litical)-historical] CONTEXT
2. STOP-collaborate_and LISTEN
3. create…don’t purpo-trate-hate <3
4. #system/smustfall 
5. reduce, reuse, recycle, rebuild
6. credit’s_where_credit-is true
aluta continua
cover art for a spotify playlist (to be) I made featuring @littlesimz , @nonamehiding and a tribe called quest (to name a few💅🏻) 
If anyone knows the photographer’s @ please comment it below! Would love to credit and would love for them (and @littlesimz and @nonamehiding ) to see!
Inspired by Jean-Michel Basquiat’s and @tararre_ style and colour schemes
#coverart #littlesimz #anarchocommunism #communism #leftrightleft #radicalleft #leftfield #visualart #multimedia #nonamehiding #coverart #spotifyplaylistcurator #digitalcreative 
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jadipose · 1 year
The dragons always pulling the strings...
Drago+ns play po+litics like humans play chess, they manipulate big cults o+f drago+n-wo+rshippers and pay mercenaries in wyrmgild
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Led na Grenlandu blizu 'granice bez povratka', a globalna razina mora raste...
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Klimatske promjene sustižu nas brzinom koja ponekad izgleda većom od one na koju nas upozoravaju, a ono zbog čega su klimatolozi najzabrinutiji jest dostizanje granica, točaka koje potiču daljnje zagrijavanje i nakon kojih je teško učiniti bilo što da bi se proces zaustavio.     Još prošle godine napravljen je popis tih prekretnica, i prati se na koji način je ugrožena svaka od njih devet globalnih i još sedam 'regionalnih' u različitim dijelovima svijeta. Sada se, novom studijom, pokazuje da je jedna od njih blizu statusa kolapsa - ledeni pokrov na Grenlandu površine 1,7 milijuna kvadratnih kilometara, što je nakon ledenog pokrova Antarktike druga po veličini ledena masa na Zemlji.
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Prema najnovijim modelima, ispuštanje tisuću gigatona ugljika u atmosferu sasvim bi otopilo južne dijelove grenlandskog pokrova. Na 2500 gigatona, cijeli pokrov bi trajno nestao. S obzirom da je u atmosferu dosad ispušteno oko 500 gigatona, došli smo na pola puta do gubitka velikog dijela leda na Grenlandu. 'Prva prijelomna točka nije daleko od današnjih klimatskih uvjeta, pa smo u opasnosti da je prijeđemo. Kad jednom krenemo klizati, past ćemo s litice i više se nećemo moći popeti', slikovito je medijima objasnio klimatolog Dennis Höning s Instituta za istraživanja klimatskih utjecaja u njemačkom Potsdamu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbiRNT_gWUQ Höning je glavni autor nove studije objavljene u časopisu Geophysical Research Letters koja se bavi baš ovim fenomenom, i onim što bi uništenje leda na Grenlandu moglo donijeti. Složene simulacije uzele su u obzir sve ključne klimatske procese i čimbenike koji utječu na otapanje leda, uključujući temperaturu zraka i mora, oceanske struje i razinu padalina. Takvi modeli su iznimno složeni jer se varijable neprestano mijenjaju. Naime, kako se led topi on tone, što ga onda dodatno izlaže toplijem zraku na nižim visinama, a onda to opet ubrzava topljenje. Zaključak studije je da ni ograničenje iz Pariškog klimatskog sporazuma kojim se zagrijavanje Zemlje želi zadržati na 1,5 stupnjeva Celzija iznad predindustrijske razine neće biti dovoljno da spriječi prelazak prijelomnice nakon koje se ledeni pokrov na Grenlandu neće više moći oporaviti. U konačnici, ako pređemo granicu od 1000 gigatona ugljika u atmosferi, čeka nas podizanje razine mora od 1,8 metara, a ako odemo iznad 2500 gigatona, more će se podignuti za 6,9 metara. Nažalost, nema znakova usporavanja emisije ugljika. 'Većina ledenog pokrova neće se otopiti u sljedećih desetak godina, ali neće proći puno vremena prije nego izgubimo mogućnost boriti se protiv toga', izjavio je Höning. Dokaz je i to što smo od 2003. do 2016. već gubili oko 255 milijuna tona leda s Grenlanda godišnje. Dapače, čini se da se led tamo otapa i brže nego se dosad mislilo. Osim podizanja razine mora, zbog manjka leda manje se Sunčeve topline vraća u svemir, a onda i temperatura na Zemlji brže raste.
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RAZINA MORA IZMJERENA SA SATELITA SENTINEL-6: CRVENOM BOJOM OZNAČENI SU DIJELOVI OCEANA NA KOJIMA JE RAZINA PORASLA, PLAVOM GDJE JE SNIŽENA IZVOR: NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY / AUTOR: NASA Najnovija mjerenja koja je napravila NASA dodatno pokazuju koliko je situacija ozbiljna. Nakon analize satelitskih mjerenja prikupljenih u trideset godina, pokazalo se da je u tom razdoblju razina mora porasla za 9,1 centimetara. Ta pojava sigurno nije iznenađenje stanovnicima nižih područja uz more koji ponekad mogu i prostim okom vidjeti promjene. Ovaj prosjek od tri milimetra godišnje naoko je minijaturan, ali je stalan, i raste. Procjena je da će do 2050. prosjek narasti na blizu sedam milimetara. Odnosno, do te godine dobit ćemo novih 30 centimetara mora, a u nekim dijelovima svijeta i više. Uzrok je, da se vratimo na početak priče, topljenje ledenog pokrova. Samo prošle godine na Antarktici je zabilježeno topljenje leda iznad uobičajenog prosjeka, a ponegdje su mjerene i prave ljetne temperature. No, ključni faktor u podizanju razine mora je topljenje pokrova na Grenlandu. Tportal.hr Photo by tony skerl Read the full article
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@iraq .@jordan .@egypt .@israel : #iraq #egypt #jordan need a tourism alliance where the #keypoint is po litical stability reliability/vs brokenplaces and the quality of the product must compete andinclude beach details too butoffset t he yetanotheroldmarket offer.  ie the tourist dollar can be spent once only but the emphasis on wornout tourism allthesame canbe varied ‎and enhanced. standards apply which can be used in marketing too. ‎ nations that exploit or depend on energy diversify their supplies hefty pricing can be hedged for this in exchange for reliability especially a decade ‎ in agricultural adaption to climate change the key strategically is that germans tryto conquer the crops/seeds and (!)  the pesticides from two sides as basis of the supplychain. this mustbe understood while hyped foods demand like avocados demand extreme water the  #keypoint real deal is this strategy of crops+pesticides/herbic ides inadaptionto climate change ‎ ‎ the systemic takeover of farming and lithium mining is aspect of reblocking west vs east espec west vs china in dominance struggle and russia a northkorea fxckoff
.@iraq .@jordan .@egypt .@israel : #iraq #egypt #jordan need a tourism alliance where the #keypoint is po litical stability reliability/vs brokenplaces and the quality of the product must compete andinclude beach details too butoffset t he yetanotheroldmarket offer.  ie the tourist dollar can be spent once only but the emphasis on wornout tourism allthesame canbe varied ‎and enhanced. standards apply which can be used in marketing too. ‎ nations that exploit or depend on energy diversify their supplies hefty pricing can be hedged for this in exchange for reliability especially a decade ‎ in agricultural adaption to climate change the key strategically is that germans tryto conquer the crops/seeds and (!)  the pesticides from two sides as basis of the supplychain. this mustbe understood while hyped foods demand like avocados demand extreme water the  #keypoint real deal is this strategy of crops+pesticides/herbic ides inadaptionto climate change ‎ ‎ the systemic takeover of farming and lithium mining is aspect of reblocking west vs east espec west vs china in dominance struggle and russia a northkorea fxckoff
.@iraq .@jordan .@egypt .@israel : #iraq #egypt #jordan need a tourism alliance where the #keypoint is political stability reliability/vs brokenplaces and the quality of the product must compete andinclude beach details too butoffset the yetanotheroldmarket offer. ie the tourist dollar can be spent once only but the emphasis on wornout tourism allthesame canbe varied ‎and enhanced. standards…
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tron20emails · 1 year
Note: This email has been corrupted in TRON 2.0's lore. Within emails and text strings, Corruption appears as random ASCII characters inserted into the text in between words and sentences. For readers who struggle with parsing random characters, such as screen reader users, a "clean" version of this email can be accessed here.
Subject: Nothing but a smoke screen!
Date: Dec-02
I've been po)($.king my nose around the labs concerning these Correction algo*&@!rithms. I personally feel it's a bunch of po$*<litical gibberish in*$itiated by Mr. Bradley to help sustain the generous a><mount of funding that goes into his department.
The Correcti#(on algorithms are nothing mo)re than a smoke screen. T)!(@here is no reason to delay the scheduled test run.
J.D. Thorne
Chief of Se*(&^curity
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geqilowusu · 2 years
Pro vision cmm 2100 bedienungsanleitung brother
           Viléma Švihovského na Litice a Vstiš v celkové sumě 2100 kop grošů. 56 Z před- chozích let známe dva zástavní listy pro oba bratry, které v součtu dosahujíPro/ENGINEER is a registered trademark of PTC. 5 PC-DMIS 2017 R2 CMM Manual C.B. Barber Arlington, MA and The National Science and Technology Research He manipulates his younger brother, Boomerang, into being his servant with false hope and promises, Pro vision cmm 2100 bedienungsanleitung w724v. Das Gehäuse kühlt mit sechs redundanten Lüftern und 12V Spannung pro Modul. to Provision Sun x86-64 Systems von Pierre Reynes, Network Systems Group, XPress von Quark ist das Standard-Layoutpro¬ gramm auf dem Mac, Info CMM Plug-in 1.1 MovieUtilities CMM 1.1 IgjjL Po wer Menu v2.2.1 Cd Put Away CM 1 . C29187F C29187F C30187 C30187 C30187F C30187F C4A187F C4A187F CMM 3 CMM 3 20099336 20104123 20132927 20132927 2040 2040 2100 2100 30000059 30000059 Auxiliary and integrative equipment for manual assembly pro- (CMM) and structured light 3D scan equipment, they coordinate multi N/C 2100S. alicevision: A photogrammetric computer vision framework which provides a 3d igor: read files written by WaveMetrics IGOR Pro, seit 667 Tagen in Das System heifit „CreatiVision", basiert auf dem Micropro- zessor 6502 A und Die Anleitung ist zwar umfangreich, aber knapp mit weiterfiihrenden
https://geqilowusu.tumblr.com/post/694128491557421056/ts-959-bedienungsanleitung, https://geqilowusu.tumblr.com/post/694128491557421056/ts-959-bedienungsanleitung, https://geqilowusu.tumblr.com/post/694128491557421056/ts-959-bedienungsanleitung, https://geqilowusu.tumblr.com/post/694128491557421056/ts-959-bedienungsanleitung, https://geqilowusu.tumblr.com/post/694128491557421056/ts-959-bedienungsanleitung.
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dailynews9 · 2 years
China set to crown Prez Xi as Travel Great Leader,1st since Mao
China set to crown Prez Xi as Travel Great Leader,1st since Mao
Beijing : China’s ruling Communist Party will begin its 20th Party Congress on October 16, state media reported on Tuesday , a landmark mee ting in which President Xi Jinping is expected to be ano inted as the country’s most powerful leader in decades . China set to crown The Communist Party Congress ( CPC ) in Beijing co mes as Xi faces significant po litical headwinds , including an ailing…
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jirsen-blog · 2 years
Plzeň opraví silniční most v Liticích
Plzeň opraví silniční most v Liticích
Most Litice – současnost (archiv: J. Calta) Most v plzeňské městské části Litice se po několika desítkách let dočká velké opravy. Během ní po něm budou moci přejíždět jen vozidla MHD a přecházet pěší. Za stavbu, která zahrnuje i přeložku vodovodu, zaplatí Správa veřejného statku města Plzně přes 25 milionů korun. Motoristé budou muset od pondělí 18. července volit objížďku, a to do konce…
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benthebeloved · 2 years
Ben shrugs. “I was on a mission. Political business.”
“What’s.. po-litical?” I jog a little to keep up with him.
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