#Piper Copperchild
uhohitsdorian · 1 year
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Assembled cast line-up version 3! I didn’t anticipate this becoming a (near-) complete redraw that took me nearly a year to the day, but I think it looks so much better for it. The page about them over on @magic-mitchell has been updated with the new faces and recent info too!
Image description under the cut, since it’s a very long one!
[Image: a digital drawing of the artist’s main D&D characters, both PCs and NPCs, in a simplified style, in front of a striped background with character-corresponding colours. From left to right: Anser, a drow rogue, holds her mask in one hand and glances over her shoulder toward the others, her body turned away. She is very short and lean, with a few sparse, white freckles, and wears a black assassin’s uniform. Heaven, a tiefling-vampire sorcerer, looks haughtily and playfully down at the viewer, wielding her glass stave. She is tall, with ice-blue skin, long, dark hair adorned in an elaborate headdress, and wears a long, pristinely white gown. Crocus, a drow-tiefling blood hunter, kneels in front of Heaven, on guard, weapons drawn to defend her. Her face is nigh-on shredded with scars, and she has one prosthetic, brass-coloured eye. She wears a uniform highly reminiscient of Anser’s, though more brightly coloured, with wine-red leather plates and gold accents to match the crocus flowers in her hair. Opportunity, a wood elf rogue (both dubious descriptors), stands in profile, caught mid-purposeful stride, examining a revolver in his hands from under his signature magpie-skull mask. He has a waifish figure, with long hair drawn back in a high ponytail that appears to have faint stars visible in its sheer darkness, and wears a rich, pine-green tailcoat. Providence, an orc-scourge aasimar barbarian, stands back to back with him, gazing upwards at a small moon that floats in her hands. She is tall, fat and strong, with dark blue skin covered in delicate markings and hair made of swirling storm clouds, and wears a short, mint-green dress covered in flowers. Solace, a drow bard, looks upward with anticipation, a spell swirling at his fingertips, and a troubled expression on his few unobscured features. He is tiny, covered in white freckles, with lowered ears and a mop of choppy hair that hides most of his face. He wears a navy-blue cape coat and a matching peaked cap, supporting his gaunt frame on a gnarled wooden cane in one hand, with his familiar, a copperhead snake, draped over his shoulders. Mitchell, a drow wizard, stands front and centre, holding a spyglass in one hand and his wand in the other. He is also tiny and covered in white freckles, with hair tied into a braid over one shoulder, and wears a robe that fades from teal to dark blue, over a maroon shirt. His familiar, a pipistrelle bat, hovers above him, and he looks upward with an expression of anxious, hesitant hope. Cato, a drow warlock, folds his arms and looks down toward where his sister is petting his familiar: a fluffy, blue-pointed cat. He has very curly white hair shaved short on one side and huge hoop earrings, and wears a dark, intricately-patterned ensemble that complements his chubby figure. Malcice, a drow rogue, is knelt down to pet her brother’s cat (who very much seems to be enjoying the attention) with a wide smile. She wears leather armour and small, round pince-nez glasses, and her impressively long white hair is box-braided and pulled into a loose ponytail behind her. Maxim, a “human” paladin (deeply unconvincing), stands with his longsword in one hand and whip in the other. He is very tall, and wears a heavy black hood, through the slits in which emerge an impressive pair of curling horns, with heavy gloves, a chainmaille shirt, and assorted pieces of metal plate. His face is covered by a very ornate helmet, which is ivory-coloured and painted in blue with delicate plantlife and birds. His legs have short auburn fur and cloven hooves, and a matching, tufted tail swings behind him. Ferrindale, a half-elf/half-gnome bard, is posed grinning, apparently shredding on a small, stringed instrument. They are very, very small, and have bleach-blond hair with brown roots and streaks, chunky earrings, and very brightly coloured clothes. Piper, a scourge aasimar sorcerer/warlock, is ducked and ready with their meteor hammer, looking upwards as if towards some unseen opponent. Their hair is made of strands of coiled, shiny copper, styled in an undercut with a rattail, and they wear a teal vest over a dark blue jacket, with loose, patterned green trousers. Effie, a changeling fighter in guise as a tiefling, has anxiously drawn their rapier and buckler. Their body is broad and brawny, with delicate unguligrade legs and cloven hooves, and a short, tufted tail. While their clothes and armour are dyed in muted colours, their features are, from head to toe, alabaster-white, with blank eyes, a neatly curled moustache, a thick, wavy ponytail, and a single, centred spiral horn. San, a human child, stands faced away from the viewer, entirely indistinct. They wear a hooded blue cloak and carry a wooden stave with one spiral end, onto which is hooked a metal lantern that glows with a gentle, blue flame. End ID.]
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magic-mitchell · 4 years
Hey Piper, any recommendations for frog catching?
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“I currently have five hundred magical tadpoles in a Decanter of Endless Water, so I can recommend that too!”
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“Nope! Never been! But I love learning new things, the world is really cool!”
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uhohitsdorian · 2 years
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New Piper design!!! They’re in a Treasure Planet-inspired setting and in a whole new class configuration! This should be interesting!
Had to give them the Jim Hawkins haircut… mostly because I also have it, but what better place to pay such stylish tribute? I’ve wanted to be Jim since 2002, the amount of gender euphoria streaming off that boy has never wavered.
And, I ended up taking up a new hobby from them! I spin oxbow meteor now!
[Image: a digital drawing of my sorcerer/warlock, Piper. They are a young teen with very shiny copper hair that is fluffy on top and pulled into a tiny braid at the nape, ambiguously human save for the slight downward point of their ears. They have light golden skin covered in freckles of various sizes and a mischievous smile, and they stand confidently brandishing a double-ended rope dart (a weapon comprised of a long, red rope with a shiny copper weight at either end). They are wearing loose, green trousers cuffed at the ankle and tied with a twisted red belt, a nondescript black undershirt (hezi), a dark teal jacket with wide, loose sleeves (banbi), a lighter teal sleeveless jacket with an orange parallel collar (bijia), and no shoes. All the teal and green fabrics have faint patterns, floral or geometric. They have a mischievous expression with a closed, cat-like smile. To the side there is this text, bullet-pointed with tiny gears: “Piper Copperchild • 8 14 14 12 10 17 • Clockwork Soul • Hexblade • Beloved by the Patina • Fourteen years old • Sorcerer who hits things, for some reason”. The word “Patina” is fainter and glitching slightly. Beneath that is a headshot of them in profile with a demure expression, in a slightly less simplified style, where the undercut of their hair becomes visible, darker where it’s shaved short, and matching their eyebrows. They have rounded features and dark, soulful eyes. The background is of the whole image is teal with rusty brown splotches and a faint grid, with their head framed stylistically by a fourteen-petaled-and-houred clock. End ID.]
(Also… backstory design and some notes under the cut…)
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I wanted their current design to look like it could have been salvaged from the remains of its predecessor (though I don’t really know how their clothes could have survived what they would have been through… shhh, magic)! They’ve cut themself a new name in a similar fashion, just by hacking off the damaged (and damaging) and constricting pieces of it that never suited them. Their new outfit is far more practical for their activities and their personality, as out of the enclave of the cult they don’t have to conform their behaviour, but they are still in all the same colours, as they still carry with them its beliefs. As they grow and learn and eventually embrace becoming who they want to be rather than the person everyone else has always wanted them to be, they will begin to wear their own colours (which I already have a palette for that I love. Piper belongs in sunny oranges and yellows).
[Image: the same as above, but with a few changes, chiefly to Piper’s appearance: their hair is longer and pulled into a topknot with a golden ornament (xiaoguan), with a long, irregularly curly strand left loose on either side of their face. Their outfit is comprised of most of the same fabrics: a pleated, light teal, ankle-length skirt, with a yellow waistband over the chest that’s belted with a long, red ribbon (qixiong ruqun), over an orange sleeveless jacket with a familiar collar (bijia), which itself is over a dark teal robe with long, wide sleeves (daxiushan), and a nondescript brown robe beneath. Their name over in the text on the side is “Piety in Perseverance”. The background is devoid of the rust splotches. End ID.]
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uhohitsdorian · 1 year
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Doodle dump time!
[Image: a collection of greyscale doodles, as follows:
1) A portrait of the artist, lying on the floor with an existential expression as their face and hands begin to melt into a puddle. On the wall above them is a simple calendar with two shaded days marked, two weeks apart from each other. I was trying to capture the feeling of realising your D&D is not today but in a week from now, or alternatively missing a game that’s long finished/been on hiatus.
2) Cato, a chubby drow with an irritated expression on his face, having been woken from rest on a false alarm. His narrow eyes are narrowed yet further than usual, and his arms are folded over his chest. His hair is full of curl rollers and he’s wearing a sheer robe with a fluffy, feathery trim, the very picture of sophisticated decadence interrupted.
3) A work-in-progress from a larger piece, depicting Solace, a very short, gaunt drow, with downward-pointing ears, leant on his gnarled walking cane and staring ahead with a look of resolute nihilism from beneath his choppy hair. His foot on the side away from the cane is turned far outwards from its knee, in a way that it looks like it ought not to be able or comfortable to. He wears a peaked cap and a sharp cape coat with brocade fastenings, and warily clutches a battered journal in his free hand.
4) A very simple little cartoon of the artist knelt down with a ring box, on the verge of tears, proposing to mononykus: a small, feathery dinosaur that looks somewhat like an owl crossed with an anteater (modelled after its appearance in Prehistoric Planet, in which I fell in love with it). Beneath it is small text in brackets that reads “I am going to put it on her one big claw”, referring to the ring. Mononykus, with long, narrow tongue extended, looks indifferent to the whole affair. (Disclaimer: this is a joke about how quickly I was taken with and utterly delighted by this animal upon learning of its existence. I am not attracted romantically to dinosaurs.)
5) A headshot of the artist, with a small moustache drawn on and lines down from either side of the mouth like a nutcracker’s hinged jaw, in a peaked cap with an anchor emblem. (I was going for sort of a Toy Soldier-type sona, and I know mine looks very similar to its inspiration, but I can’t help that I look like that and these kinds of service uniforms have a lot of common design elements. This character would be maybe a clockwork lightkeeper.)
6) A drawing of my grandparents: a bent-over, ancient, serene-looking man with two watches on each wrist, and an elderly woman with curly hair and beady eyes, wearing a large chunky necklace and waving.
7) A very simplified drawing of my sorclock, Piper, wielding their meteor hammer. They are drawn as little more than a triangle and a quadrilateral with arms and dotted eyes, and a few lines for their characteristic hair, with two ellipses for the ends of the hammer, rotating too fast to be seen.
8) Solace, in his peaked cap and coat, laying face-down in the snow, given up. All that can be seen from under his hat are his pointed ears, and tufts of hair in every direction. Behind him are a few telltale footprints, marking his path, and fat, blurred snowflakes fall across the whole of the image.
End ID.]
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uhohitsdorian · 2 years
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Redesign for Piper!!! I’m gonna play them again!!! In space, Treasure Planet style!!!!! In a wild turn of events they’re also a sorclock now, which is not something I ever expected but definitely something I’m excited to taste.
As fun as it was portraying them as a chipper, goofy little kid, I didn’t feel like it left much room for conflict or development, which are really my favorite things to explore in D&D. So here they are, a little more mature and a lot more scarred, but I think their arc now is going to be learning how to reclaim a childhood they never got, and how to keep their sense of wonder in the face of a world that wants them to grow up too fast. I’m looking forward to it. We’re two sessions in and someone’s already shared a session note with me that just says “wtf is Piper???” so evidently I’m doing something correctly.
They’ve got a lot of my heart on their sleeve now, and I thought maybe it was about time I made a character who looks somewhat like me. So I referenced my own face quite closely for this, and suffice it to say I’m quite pleased with the likeness (and they also had to have the obligatory eighteenth-century-troubled-teen-in-space haircut, which I also have, because I am also an eighteenth-century-troubled-(just-past)-teen-in-space, and it makes me feel so cool). I don’t have so many freckles and my hair isn’t made of pure copper, but I was more going for a feeling.
[Image: a digital drawing of Piper, an aasimar sorcerer/warlock, viewed from the neck up, in profile. They have olive-toned skin with a lot of dark, prominent freckles, ears that are ever so slightly pointed downwards, and dark brown eyes. Their hair is made of copper, pinkish-orange and fluffy on top, falling just over their eyes, and ‘undercut’ where it’s burnt and oxidised and much darker beneath, save for a tiny braid at the nape with an orange puffy end. They are looking subtly toward the camera with a reserved smile. End ID.]
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uhohitsdorian · 5 years
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I like to imagine Piper’s radiant consumption takes a moment to get hot enough to emit blinding light, so it begins by just spilling out of their eyes like a liquid that singes and hisses on everything it touches... and then when it reaches optimal temperature it all just evaporates.
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magic-mitchell · 4 years
Hey piper, do you have powers?
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They’re saying they’re an aasimar monk
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magic-mitchell · 4 years
Piper, what are your favorite foods? :'D
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magic-mitchell · 4 years
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uhohitsdorian · 5 years
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Hello little wanderer! Hello sunshine!
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uhohitsdorian · 5 years
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It’s Piper!!! (Speedpaint!) (Redbubble!)
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