#Pinoy tv
pinoytvx · 5 months
Exploring the Phenomenon of Pinoy TV: A Cultural Tapestry in the Digital Age
In the vast landscape of global television, one cannot overlook the significant influence of Pinoy TV, a term that resonates with the Filipino diaspora and enthusiasts of Philippine entertainment around the world. Pinoy TV refers to Filipino television programs and series that have gained popularity not only in the Philippines but also among international audiences. This cultural phenomenon has evolved over the years, adapting to the changing dynamics of the digital age and connecting Filipinos across borders. In this article, we will delve into the roots of Pinoy TV, its evolution, and its impact on the cultural tapestry of the Philippines.
The Roots of Pinoy TV
Pinoy TV has its roots deeply embedded in the rich history and cultural heritage of the Philippines. Television in the country traces back to the early 1950s, with the establishment of the first TV station, Alto Broadcasting System (ABS), in 1953. Over the years, television became a powerful medium for storytelling, reflecting the diverse narratives of Filipino life, traditions, and values.
The Emergence of Pinoy TV Abroad
As Filipinos began to migrate and establish communities around the globe, there arose a need to stay connected with their cultural roots. Pinoy TV emerged as a bridge, allowing Filipinos abroad to experience the sights and sounds of home. This desire for a slice of the homeland fueled the creation of Filipino channels and streaming services that catered to the diaspora's taste for authentic Philippine content.
The Evolution in the Digital Age
The digital age has brought about a seismic shift in the way content is consumed, and Pinoy TV has adeptly navigated this transformation. Gone are the days when viewers were tethered to the TV schedule; now, Pinoy TV is accessible anytime, anywhere through online streaming platforms. This evolution has not only made it convenient for the global audience but has also opened up new avenues for Filipino content creators.
The Diversity of Pinoy TV Content
Pinoy Tambayan offers a diverse array of content, ranging from traditional soap operas (teleseryes) and variety shows to game shows and reality programs. Teleseryes, in particular, have captured the hearts of viewers with their compelling storylines, well-developed characters, and emotional depth. These dramas often explore themes such as love, family, and societal issues, resonating not only with Filipinos but also with a broader international audience.
The Global Impact
Pinoy TV has transcended geographical boundaries, earning a dedicated fan base across Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Europe. The stories told on Pinoy TV are not just tales of fictional characters; they are windows into the Filipino way of life, traditions, and cultural nuances. This global impact has created a sense of unity among Filipinos worldwide, fostering a shared cultural experience that transcends borders.
Cultural Representation and Identity
In the era of globalization, maintaining cultural identity becomes crucial, and Pinoy TV serves as a powerful tool for cultural representation. The stories, language, and traditions depicted in Pinoy TV programs contribute to preserving and promoting Filipino culture, especially among the younger generations growing up in diaspora communities.
Challenges and Opportunities
While Pinoy TV has undoubtedly made significant strides, it is not without its challenges. Issues such as piracy, content distribution, and competition from international platforms pose hurdles for the industry. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration within the Philippine entertainment industry to ensure the continued growth and global relevance of Pinoy TV.
Pinoy TV stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Filipino culture in the face of a rapidly changing media landscape. From its humble beginnings in the local television scene to its global impact in the digital age, Pinoy TV has become a cultural ambassador, weaving the diverse stories of the Philippines into the fabric of the global entertainment landscape. As it continues to evolve, Pinoy Teleserye remains a vibrant and integral part of the Filipino identity, connecting hearts and homes across the world.
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pinoylambingan13545 · 5 months
Pinoy Lambingan | Pinoy Tambayan | Pinoy Teleserye | Pinoy TV
Pinoy Lambingan
Pinoy Lambingan is a term that resonates deeply within the hearts of Filipino audiences worldwide. Rooted in the Philippines' vibrant entertainment industry, it represents a unique facet of Filipino culture—a source of joy, connection, and storytelling.
At its core, Pinoy Lambingan embodies the Filipino spirit of warmth and affection. Translated roughly as "Filipino affection," it encapsulates the essence of endearment, empathy, and closeness that pervades the narratives showcased in Filipino television programs and dramas. It's a cultural phenomenon that extends beyond borders, bringing together Filipinos across the globe through the shared experience of watching their favorite shows and series.
This digital platform has become a virtual home for many overseas Filipinos, offering a haven where they can reconnect with their roots and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Filipino storytelling. With an extensive array of dramas, series, news, and entertainment programs, Pinoy Lambingan caters to diverse tastes, ensuring there's something for everyone in its repertoire.
The popularity of Pinoy Lambingan isn't merely about entertainment; it's about preserving a sense of identity and belonging. For many Filipinos living abroad, these shows serve as a nostalgic link to their homeland, providing a comforting reminder of the values, traditions, and language they hold dear.
Moreover, Pinoy Lambingan isn't confined to a single genre—it encompasses romance, drama, comedy, and even social commentary, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Filipino storytelling. Its characters are not just fictional figures but relatable personas that mirror the aspirations, struggles, and triumphs of everyday life.
In a rapidly changing world, Pinoy Channel remains a constant source of familiarity and comfort. Its impact transcends entertainment, fostering a sense of community among Filipinos globally, fostering discussions, and sparking connections over shared plotlines and characters.
Ultimately, Pinoy Lambingan isn't just a platform for entertainment; it's a cultural touchstone—a testament to the enduring bond between Filipinos and their stories, keeping the flame of tradition alive in the hearts of its audience, no matter where they are in the world.
Pinoy Tambayan
Pinoy Tambayan, much like Pinoy Lambingan, holds a special place in the hearts of Filipinos everywhere. This term refers to an online platform that aggregates a wide array of Filipino TV shows, dramas, news, and entertainment content. It's a go-to destination for many Filipinos, especially those living abroad, who seek to stay connected to their homeland's culture and entertainment scene.
The term "tambayan" in Filipino culture signifies a gathering place or a spot where people hang out and bond. Pinoy Tambayan, in this context, serves as a virtual gathering place where Filipinos can converge to watch their favorite programs, catch up on missed episodes, and engage with content that resonates with their cultural sensibilities.
This platform has become an essential bridge for the Filipino diaspora, offering them a window to the latest happenings in Philippine television and allowing them to experience the same shows and narratives that their friends and family back home enjoy. From teleseryes (TV dramas) to talk shows, game shows, and news programs, Pinoy Tambayan caters to diverse tastes and preferences.
The convenience of accessing Pinoy Tambayan online has made it a cornerstone of entertainment for Filipinos globally. It enables them to maintain a sense of connection to their roots, language, and values, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences among Filipinos scattered across different countries and continents.
Moreover, Pinoy Tambayan serves as a repository of not just entertainment but also a reflection of Filipino society, portraying its traditions, values, and societal issues. It's a platform where viewers can engage with compelling narratives that often resonate deeply due to their relevance to everyday Filipino life.
In essence, Pinoy Tambayan is more than just an online streaming site—it's a cultural lifeline for Filipinos abroad, a place where they can immerse themselves in the familiar stories, language, and emotions that remind them of home. It stands as a testament to the enduring connection between Filipinos and their shared cultural heritage, transcending geographical boundaries to bring the essence of Filipino entertainment to screens worldwide.
Pinoy Teleserye
"Pinoy Teleserye" refers to Filipino television series or dramas that have gained immense popularity not only in the Philippines but also among Filipinos around the world. These teleseryes are a significant part of Philippine television culture, often characterized by their engaging storylines, dramatic plot twists, and relatable characters.
The term "teleserye" itself is a blend of "tele" (from television) and "serye" (from series), reflecting the serialized nature of these dramas that unfold over multiple episodes or seasons. They cover a wide range of genres, including romance, family drama, action, fantasy, and social issues, catering to diverse audience preferences.
What sets Pinoy Teleseryes apart is their ability to resonate deeply with viewers due to their portrayal of themes that reflect Filipino values, traditions, and societal realities. They often tackle family relationships, love, resilience in the face of adversity, and the triumph of the human spirit, striking a chord with audiences across different age groups.
Furthermore, Pinoy Teleseryes boast compelling narratives that captivate viewers, keeping them emotionally invested in the lives of the characters. The intricate storytelling, combined with talented actors and actresses, creates an immersive experience that viewers eagerly anticipate.
These dramas aren't just a form of entertainment; they also serve as a mirror reflecting the socio-cultural landscape of the Philippines. They shed light on various social issues, bringing awareness to matters such as poverty, corruption, inequality, and more, fostering discussions and sometimes advocating for change.
For many Filipinos living abroad, Pinoy Flix serve as a connection to their roots, offering a glimpse into Filipino culture, language, and societal norms. These shows become a way to preserve and celebrate their heritage, fostering a sense of nostalgia and belonging even when they're far from home.
In essence, Pinoy Teleseryes have become an integral part of Filipino identity, providing not just entertainment but also a platform for cultural expression, reflection, and a sense of community among Filipinos worldwide.
Pinoy TV
"Pinoy TV" refers to television programming specifically created and produced in the Philippines for Filipino audiences. It encompasses a broad spectrum of content, including dramas, variety shows, news programs, sitcoms, game shows, talk shows, and more. These TV programs cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of the Filipino audience both locally and internationally.
For many Filipinos, watching Pinoy TV is not just a form of entertainment but also a way to stay connected to their culture, language, and current events back home. It serves as a window to the happenings in the Philippines, allowing viewers to stay updated on news, trends, and popular culture.
Pinoy TV programs often reflect the values, traditions, and societal issues prevalent in Filipino society. They cover a wide range of genres and themes, incorporating elements that resonate deeply with the audience. Family-oriented dramas, romantic series, comedy shows, and reality programs are among the popular genres featured on Pinoy TV.
Moreover, Pinoy TV plays a significant role in showcasing the talents of Filipino actors, actresses, hosts, and production teams. The industry's creativity and storytelling prowess have garnered attention not only within the Philippines but also among the global Filipino diaspora.
For Filipinos living abroad, Pinoy TV Shows serves as a nostalgic link to their homeland, offering a sense of familiarity and connection to the culture they grew up with. With the advent of online streaming and digital platforms, accessing Pinoy TV content has become more convenient, allowing viewers worldwide to enjoy their favorite shows at their convenience.
In essence, Pinoy TV is not just a medium for entertainment; it's a cultural bridge that unites Filipinos across different parts of the world, providing a sense of belonging and keeping them connected to their roots. It stands as a testament to the rich and vibrant tapestry of Filipino television and its enduring impact on the global Filipino community.
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pinoylambingan13 · 5 months
Pinoy Tambayan Pinoy Lambingan Pinoy TV Pinoy Teleserye
Pinoy Tambayan
"Pinoy Tambayan" refers to an online platform or website that serves as a hub for Filipinos to access a wide array of Filipino entertainment content, including TV shows, series, movies, news, and more. The term "tambayan" in Filipino culture loosely translates to a place of gathering or hangout, emphasizing the communal aspect of the platform where individuals converge to enjoy and engage with Filipino media.
These online portals aggregate content from various sources, allowing users to watch their favorite Pinoy teleseryes, dramas, variety shows, news programs, and other forms of entertainment conveniently. Pinoy Tambayan websites often offer on-demand access to episodes or shows, enabling users to catch up on missed episodes or binge-watch their preferred programs at their leisure.
For many Filipinos living abroad or those seeking accessibility to Filipino media, Pinoy Tambayan platforms serve as a digital bridge connecting them to their cultural roots. These platforms help in preserving and promoting Filipino entertainment, language, and storytelling, fostering a sense of community among Filipinos worldwide.
However, it's important to note that while Pinoy Tambayan sites provide convenient access to content, the legitimacy and copyright compliance of the content available on these platforms can vary. Users should exercise caution and use legal and authorized means to access content to support the creators and industry.
Pinoy Lambingan
Pinoy Lambingan, a term derived from Filipino language, refers to a popular platform that caters to the entertainment cravings of Filipinos worldwide. It's a digital haven where individuals immerse themselves in the vibrant world of Filipino television shows, series, movies, and entertainment content.
Rooted in the Filipino culture of warmth and affection, "lambingan" translates to the act of showing endearment, care, and tenderness. Pinoy Lambingan, therefore, encapsulates more than just a streaming service; it symbolizes a cultural connection, a communal space where people find solace, joy, and a sense of belonging through shared narratives and experiences.
This digital hub serves as a bridge for Filipinos across the globe, enabling them to access a treasure trove of their favorite TV programs, dramas, news, and more, regardless of geographical boundaries. With its diverse array of content, Pinoy Lambingan caters to various tastes and preferences, offering a rich tapestry of genres, from heartwarming family dramas to gripping romances and thrilling action series.
The platform's allure lies not only in its entertainment offerings but also in its ability to evoke nostalgia, triggering memories of home and fostering a strong sense of community among its users. It serves as a cultural lifeline, preserving and promoting the essence of Filipino entertainment and storytelling.
Pinoy Lambingan isn't just a source of entertainment; it's a digital companion that brings Filipinos together, fostering connections and shared emotions despite distances. It embodies the Filipino spirit, resilience, and love for storytelling, making it an integral part of the lives of many Filipinos, wherever they may be in the world.
Pinoy Teleserye
"Pinoy Teleserye" refers to serialized television dramas or series that often explore various themes such as romance, family dynamics, social issues, and personal struggles. These dramas are characterized by their engaging storylines, compelling characters, and emotional depth, making them immensely popular among viewers. They often run for several months, captivating audiences with their twists, turns, and dramatic arcs.
On the other hand, "Pinoy TV" encompasses a broader spectrum of television content, including news, talk shows, variety programs, game shows, and more. It's a platform that caters to a wide range of interests, offering a diverse array of programming designed to entertain, inform, and engage viewers.
Both "Pinoy Teleserye" and "Pinoy TV" play significant roles in the lives of Filipinos, serving as sources of entertainment, information, and cultural connection. For many, these programs are more than just a form of leisure; they serve as a reflection of Filipino culture, values, and societal norms.
Whether it's the emotional rollercoaster of a teleserye's storyline or the informative and entertaining programs on Pinoy TV, these forms of media hold a special place in the hearts of Filipinos, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences among viewers, both locally and globally.
Pinoy Channel
"Pinoy Channel" is a term that refers to an online platform or streaming service that provides access to a wide array of Filipino television shows, series, news, and other entertainment content. It's a digital hub that caters to the entertainment needs of Filipinos both within the Philippines and around the world.
This platform typically offers a diverse range of programs, including Pinoy teleseryes (dramas), news broadcasts, talk shows, variety programs, game shows, and more. The term "Pinoy Channel" has become synonymous with a digital space that allows viewers to access their favorite Filipino content conveniently, regardless of geographical location or time zone.
For many Filipinos living abroad or those with limited access to traditional television channels, Pinoy Channels serve as a lifeline to stay connected with their cultural roots, language, and entertainment preferences. These platforms often provide on-demand access, allowing users to watch their favorite shows at their convenience, contributing to a sense of nostalgia and community among viewers spread across the globe.
The Pinoy Channel has evolved as a vital medium for preserving and promoting Filipino entertainment, culture, and language, transcending borders and bringing together Filipinos from diverse backgrounds. It continues to be a significant source of entertainment and a cultural touchstone for the Filipino diaspora, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences within the global Filipino community.
Pinoy TV Shows
These serialized dramas are the heart of Pinoy TV, captivating audiences with their engaging storylines, emotional depth, and relatable characters. They often explore themes like romance, family dynamics, social issues, and personal struggles. Teleseryes usually air on a daily basis, keeping viewers hooked with their continuous plots.
Variety Shows
Pinoy TV offers a plethora of variety shows that include musical performances, comedy sketches, interviews, games, and other entertaining segments. These programs feature a mix of celebrity guests, live performances, and interactive elements, providing lighthearted entertainment for audiences.
Game Shows
Game shows are immensely popular in Pinoy TV Show, offering opportunities for contestants to win prizes through quizzes, challenges, and competitions. These shows often engage viewers with interactive formats, encouraging audience participation.
Talk Shows
Pinoy TV talk shows cover a wide range of topics, including current events, lifestyle, entertainment, and human interest stories. Hosted by well-known personalities, these shows feature interviews with celebrities, experts, and individuals sharing their experiences and insights.
News Programs
Just like in any other country, news programs are an integral part of Pinoy TV. These shows provide viewers with updates on local and international news, current affairs, and investigative reports, keeping the audience informed about important events and developments.
Sitcoms/Comedy Shows
Sitcoms and comedy shows offer humor and entertainment through scripted comedic situations, sketches, and witty dialogue. They often focus on everyday life scenarios, aiming to bring laughter to the audience.
Reality Shows
Reality shows in Pinoy TV explore various formats such as talent competitions, reality competitions, and lifestyle programs. These shows showcase real people in unscripted situations, competing or navigating challenges for prizes or personal development.
Educational and Informative Programs
Some Pinoy TV channels air educational and informative programs that cover topics like science, history, technology, health, and more. These programs aim to educate and inform the audience on diverse subjects.
Specials and Events
Pinoy TV also broadcasts special events, award shows, holiday specials, and other one-time programs that celebrate culture, achievements, and significant occasions.
Pinoy TV shows cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of audiences, offering a rich tapestry of entertainment that reflects Filipino culture, values, and societal dynamics. They play a vital role in shaping the television landscape and entertaining viewers both within the Philippines and around the world.
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pinoychannelhd-blog · 6 months
Pinoy Flix Teleserye
I'm sorry for any confusion, but as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there isn't a specific Wikipedia page dedicated to "Pinoy Flix Teleserye." However, I can provide you with a sample introduction and structure for such a Wikipedia page. Please note that this is a fictional page, and you may need to verify and adapt the information based on any developments or real entities that may have occurred after my last update.
Pinoy Flix Teleserye
Pinoy Flix Teleserye is a popular genre of television drama series in the Philippines, known for its compelling storytelling, emotional narratives, and culturally resonant themes. These teleseryes are a significant part of Filipino entertainment and have gained a substantial following both domestically and among the global Filipino diaspora.
Pinoy Flix Teleserye refers to a specific genre of television series produced in the Philippines. These dramas are characterized by their serialized storytelling, often featuring complex plotlines, intense family dramas, and romantic elements. The term "Pinoy Flix" is derived from the colloquial term "Pinoy," referring to Filipino, and "Flix," a common abbreviation for "flicks" or films.
Pinoy Flix Teleseryes typically share several common characteristics:
Family-Centric Themes: Many teleseryes revolve around the dynamics of Filipino families, exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and resilience.
Romance and Love Triangles: Romantic storylines are a staple of Pinoy Flix Teleseryes, often featuring love triangles and dramatic relationships.
Social Issues: Teleseryes frequently address social issues such as poverty, corruption, and societal inequalities, providing a platform for discussions on relevant topics.
Cultural Context: These dramas often showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines, incorporating traditional practices, festivals, and values into their narratives.
Notable Pinoy Flix Teleseryes
"Pangako Sa 'Yo" (The Promise): A classic teleserye that gained immense popularity for its love story and compelling characters.
"Ang Probinsyano" (The Provincial Man): A long-running action-drama series known for its intense plot and social commentary.
"Forevermore": A romantic drama set in a rural setting, capturing the essence of small-town life.
Global Impact
Pinoy Flix Teleseryes have achieved international recognition, particularly among the Filipino diaspora. Online platforms and streaming services have contributed to the global dissemination of these dramas, allowing a wider audience to access and enjoy Filipino storytelling.
[Add relevant sources and citations]
Remember to verify and update the information with accurate details, and include appropriate references when creating a real Wikipedia page.
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Hearts on Ice
As a person, born and raised in a tropical country, who enjoys watching Figure Ice Skating competitions, GMA7's new drama made me feel all giddy inside. Eversince I watched Yuri On Ice, I thought "what if the producers in the Philippines do the same? An anime or a drama about the figure ice skating." Now its here! And they casted Ashley Ortega who has a background and have actually competed in Figure Ice Skating competitions! I can't wait to watch this!!!
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kala-ya-aan · 2 years
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I should beat up the writers and directors of this telesyres for making my ma cry 😭🎬 💔
*sings AKIN KA NA LANG* 😂
#AFamilyAffair #CurrentlyNETFLIX
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transannabeth · 13 days
this is a long shot but i thought i'd put it out there. anyone know where i can get a copy of philippine folk literature: an anthology by damiana l. eugenio (philippine folk literure series 1)? i live in the usa and it's a little hard to get some filipino books here, and the preorder i was waiting on i missed out on because...i forgot alsdkfj
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senkiworks · 2 years
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‘pag naaalala mo ang babaeng ahas... just look into my eyes.
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x5red · 5 months
More Super Klenk details come to light
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Does Super Klenk still exist? Did Super Klenk ever exist? The tv show is so famously obscure that one could be forgiven for believing it was just a hoax. Running for 13 episodes at the turn of the millenium, Super Klenk followed the antics of a school teacher who has a secret life as a superhero. Broadcast on primetime Sunday evenings on GMA-7, each episode lasted 90 minutes, blending action, romance, and comedy. For a primetime show running on a major network there's precious little evidence online of it ever having existed. Only one very brief video clip is available, taken from a station promo, plus a tiny number of low resolution promotional photos.
It is, very likely, one of the most obscure and undocumented superhero tv shows ever. The series appeared to have not been reshown since its original broadcast, and for all anyone knows the master tapes may have been junked. But that doesn't mean that with a bit of digital sleuthing we cannot unearth some interesting details about the series. For example, a while back a study of television listings in newspapers revealed the original broadcast details, and the tantalising possibility that there may have been far more than just 13 episodes.
In this post we outline further sources of contemporaneous information.
The Manila Bulletin
We start with a low resolution scan of an article from the Manila Bulletin (see above.) The article is conveniently written in English, yet parts of the text are hard to decipher given the low quality of the image. The following is a transcript as best can be made out. Note: passages marked in colour denote text that is unclear or missing from the image.
Tired of your usual Sunday night viewing habits? Then look up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Super Klenk to the rescue!
Although you won't really see Super Klenk in the sky once you channel surf to GMA-7 tonight at 8 p.m., their newest situational comedy entitled "Super Klenk" premieres.
Produced by Philippine-broadcasting leader GMA Network Inc., the comical super series "Super Klenk" stars sexy Ara Mina, who plays a dual role. As a normal human being she is a grade school teacher and volunteer rescuer Charito for Rescue 711, while she turns into the high flying but still fumbling heroine whenever she's needed to save people in distress.
In her new role as a super heroine, silver screen goddess Ara Mina defies the stigma of a "TF" [titillating films] actress. According to her, she doesn't care if people including the press would criticize her the way they did when she took on a singing career. What is important to her is that she remains focused on entertaining the children who will watch her show. She also emphasized that her decision to do children's show is not an indication that she will veer away from doing sexy roles. Her latest film that is slated for a January, 2000 release entitled "Laro sa Baga" will still feature her in some steamy love scenes.
According to its director Mac Alejandre, the unusual title of the sit-com was spawned after its head writer Isko Salvador, aka Brod Pete, who also plays Doctor Cortal in the TV series, took a break from their brainstorming. The creative team formed solely for this show were thinking of the show's title at Amigos Restaraunt when Isko came back with the "Super Klenk" apparently is also the middle name of Ara Mina (it is pronounced in Germany the same way as the word clench is pronounced.)
"Super Klenk" is also unusual in its length. It is a one and a half-hour sit-com, which is not the norm for television. Director Mac has no reason for this except that it was the time given them by GMA 7's programming department. He find this challenging since he knows that he has to jeep this one and a half-hour show interesting all the way.
"It is really hard to do a sit-com that's one and a half hour that's why we have to make this as interesting as possible visually, acting wise and gag wise. The truth is the pilot episode was done in more than two days because we have a big cast and it was really hard doing the special effect," Explains Director Mac.
Insiders from the show said that the "Super Klenk's" special effects budget was really financially stressful but GMA-7 shelled out just the project's success. The special effects have also been at the helm of two creative [unreadable] behind "Super Klenk" five days to decide on which special effects to develop and utilize.
"Super Klenk" was developed with children's Sunday night viewing bits in mind according to GMA's VP for Programming Wilma Galvante. [Unreadable] is a wholesome entertainment but with Ara Mina as the star. "The show [unreadable] promises young televiewers bit only fantastic special effects but also moral lessons that are interjected in every episode.
The launching of "Super Klenk" is in line with the new shows GMA 7 has [unreadable] for its viewing public for the year 2000. The culmination of all their [unreadable] released and offered this year is "Millenium Broadcast."
So how does Ara Mina become Super Klenk?
The unassuming Charito lives an ordinary life as a teacher who has to contend with mischievous students like copycat Xerox and the narcoleptic [unreadable]. As a rescue volunteer, she works with an obnoxious publicity hungry [unreadable: police?] chief, Hope Pimentel.
Her daily routine suddenly shifts to a new gear one day in some dark [unreadable: alley?] when she sees an old lady whom she thought was waylaid by street thugs. Charito tries to revive the seemingly old ago-go dancer, Tondang Xorax (Flora Gasser), who [unreadable] against the wall during a chase with her archenemy Oblada (Sandra Gomez.) Charito's attempt to breathe life back into [unreadable] Xorax proves futile but he superpowers of the aging heroine is accidentally transferred to the young volunteer rescuer. Tondang Xorax [unreadable: magically?] fades into a celestial star right before the unbelieving eyes of the [unreadable: unsuspecting?] Charito. Soon Tondang Xorax visits Charito to inform her the [unreadable: henceforth?], she will be known as Super Klenk.
Also starring Pilita Corrales, Isko Salvador, Paolo Fabregas and James Fabregas.
Philippine Headline News Online
This next piece was posted to the Philippine Headline News Online mailing list on 11th December 1999, and seems to be a standard press release announcing the upcoming show. Translations of the non-English parts, courtesy of Google, are presented in colour.
Quezon City, Dec.11, 1999 - GMA-7 is changing the image of bold star Ara Mina via a wholesome role in the network’s newest fantasy-action comedy series entitled Super Klenk!
“Tamang-tama nga dahil ngayong naghihigpit sa bold, heto’t nabigyan naman ako ng chance to do this kind of wholesome show na puwede sa bata and for the whole family,” Ara says. ["It's right because now that the bold is being restricted, I was given the chance to do this kind of wholesome show that can be done by children and for the whole family."]
Ara plays Charito, a dedicated grade school teacher and rescue worker. One night, she witnesses the original Super Klenk meet an serious accident. While trying to give the accident victim some mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, Ara received the special powers of Super Klenk, played by Flora Gasser.
“I become the new Super Klenk, a crimebuster who is the mortal enemy of the main villain in the show, si Oblada, played by Sandra Gomez,” Ara adds. “I enjoy doing this show because para akong si Wonder Woman and I get to do a lot of action scenes while fighting criminals. Nakakalipad din ako rito at ginastusan nila ang special effects sa flying scenes to make it look really convincing on screen.” [I enjoy doing this show because I'm like Wonder Woman and I get to do a lot of action scenes while fighting criminals. I was also able to fly here and they paid for the special effects in the flying scenes to make it look really convincing on screen.]
Playing the love interests of Ara in the show are newcomer Paolo Fabregas (son of actor-musical director Jaime Fabregas) and Isko Salvador (more popularly known as Brod Pete of Ang Dating Doon.)
This does not mean, though, that Ara is turning her back on sexy movies. As a matter of fact, she has just finished Laro sa Baga.
Philstar Global
The third piece was published on 18th March 2000 on Philstar Global, marking the premature cancellation of the show. Again, translations in colour.
Ara: Win Some, Lose Some
The sad news is true, after all. Yes, Ara Mina's Super Klenk will have its final telecast (GMA 7) this Sunday. After that, her flying character will be grounded (never to fly again?).
But the good news is that Ara will topbill a new GMA sitcom, untitled just yet, which starts telecast very soon.
"Super Klenk was very hard to shoot because palagi kaming outdoors," [Super Klenk was very hard to shoot because we were always outdoors] said Ara when Funfare talked to her on the set of FPJ Productions' Ayos Na Ang Kasunod (to be released by Millennium Cinema), her first team-up with FPJ. "Our minimum shooting time was two days. I wore a tight costume which could sometimes be very uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to doing the new sitcom which is light and easier to do. Like Super Klenk, pambata din 'yung bago kong sitcom." [Like Super Klenk, my new sitcom is also for children.]
Ara is leaving for Las Vegas third week of April to perform in a concert with Martin and Bert Nievera.
Cast and crew
Finally, through various sources (the IMDB, actor's profiles, etc.) we are able to pull together a list of the main actors and their characters, as well as some of the key production crew.
Ara Mina as Charito and her alter ego Super Klenk.
Isko Salvador (aka Brod Pete) as Doctor Cortal, the love interest, and also one of the show's writers.
Paolo Fabregas as another doctor and possible love interest.
Flora Gasser as Tondang Xorax, the superhero whose powers are accidentally transferred to the Charito.
Sandra Gomez as Oblada, the show's main villain.
Pilita Corrales as Aunt Baby, the relative Charito lives with.
James (Jaime) Fabregas as Hepe Pimente, the police commissioner and Charito's boss at the rescue team (also the real life father of actor Paolo Fabregas.)
Dingdong Dantes, possible guest actor.
Mark Anthony Fernandez, possible guest actor.
Elizabeth Ramsey as Tiya Kirara, guest actor.
Roxanne Barcelo, possible guest actor.
Yoyong Martirez, possible guest actor.
Mac Alejandre, the showrunner and director.
Wilma Valle Galvante, GMA's VP for Programming.
Over the last couple of years a lot of classic pinoy television has been uploaded, legitimately, to YouTube. The good news is therefore that it is possible that one day Super Klenk may be available for the public to watch once again. The bad news is that, given the obscurity of the show, it could be a very very long wait. Worse still, assuming the episodes do still exist in an archive somewhere, the chances are any uploads will be chopped up into small YouTube friendly chunks, rather than presented in their original 90 minute format. There's always the possibility that the show in its original form may be included on a streaming platform, or re-screened on a golden hits style cable channel, but so far neither of these things have happened.
And so, in the absence of any episodes to watch, the details above are currently all we know about what is possibly tv's most obscure superheroine show (unless you know more?!?) Maybe that will change in future -- here's hoping.
(A quick thank you to DrMuttonChops for tracking down a scan of the Manila Bulletin article, posted years ago on Ara Mina's social media.)
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etseance · 5 months
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s5 percabeth when i met you edit 😁
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onenettvchannel · 5 months
FLASH REPORT TONIGHT: PIE Channel bids farewell to Cable TV, embraces digital era in major shift for Philippine Entertainment and Game Show Programmes
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QUEZON, MANILA -- A saddened momentous terrestrial developments signaling a major shift in the landscape of Philippine entertainment, Pinoy Interactive Entertainment (PIE) Channel is officially set to air a final broadcast on Sunday night (December 31st, 2023 at 11pm -- Manila local time) as DWKC-TV 31 in Metro Manila and here in Central Visayas as DYCT-TV 31 in Cebu and Dumaguete. The culmination of this long-standing collaboration of 917Ventures (who is subsidairy of Globe Telecom), KROMA Entertainment and ABS-CBN Corporation, comes as a response to changing viewer habits and the channel's decision to fully embrace the digital era.
The decision to bid adieu to 917Ventures, under subsidiary of Globe Telecom and two other entertainment entities stems from the evolving dynamics of the entertainment industry, with lower viewership on Philippine Cable TV (with the examples of SkyCable and Cignal) prompting a strategic pivot towards online platforms. The move is aligned with PIE Channel's vision to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving media landscape.
A YouTube aircheck archivist with the moniker "YEOW" obtained a Cable TV recordings overnight on Sunday, an hour before Midnight on New Year's Day by the first week of January 2024, the last programme airing on PIE Channel concludes with the last 30 minutes dedicated to the 'PIE Playlist', offering a nostalgic trip down memory lane for viewers who have been part of the channel's journey since late-May 2022. The emotional farewell will mark the end of an era for traditional television broadcasting in the Philippines, as PIE Channel bids adieu to Cable TV and transitions to a fully digital platform in 2024.
One of the biggest memorable PIE Channel shows with several likes of PIE Silog, Brgy. PIE, PIE-galingan, PIEnalo and PIE Night Long. Even the 2-time individual virtual winner of Tambahayan and PoB: Sana All! named Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong, whose before promoting his own role of Freelanced News Reporter & Presenter of OneNETnews in late-June 2022 and again in October 2022. Many months later, OneNETtv Channel (DYDZ-DTV Ch. 8 / Cable: Ch. 20) in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental officially produce the first and only local and regional weekend newscast bulletin in Central Visayas as 'PIEnalo Balita' @ 6pm, 7pm and 8pm.
PIE Channel releases the first of its own Christmas Station ID in mid-November 2022. And the rest is history ends with these current shows of PIE Shorts, Kung Saka-Sakali, Watchawin, Mukhang Perya, Sinong Manok Mo?, Tamang Himala and Ur Da Boss.
In an official statement released by KROMA Entertainment on late-November 2023, the entertainment powerhouse expressed excitement about embracing the new digital era through PIE Channel. The move aligns with the company's commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation and meeting the evolving preferences of Filipino audiences, to catering televised players to participate every single game shows.
This ongoing shift into an online platform isn't just a strategic decision for PIE Channel, but also a reaction to the evolving dynamics of viewer behaviors. With an increasing number of audiences turning to digital platforms for their entertainment needs, PIE Channel aims to meet them where they are – on the web. As part of this shift, PIE Channel will be hosting its content on the PIE Channel website in a coming days or weeks, accessible via the PIE website from 2024 onwards. This move towards digitalization is expected to open up new possibilities for audience engagement, allowing PIE Channel to connect with its viewers on a more interactive and dynamic level.
Fans and followers expressed their sentiments on social media platforms, with many acknowledging the channel's contributions to Philippine entertainment throughout the years.
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Subsequent to the final sign-off broadcast on the PIE Channel, a momentous notable transition occurred nationwide. The color bars of the BEAM-TV test card made their debut, supplanting the well-known animated test card synonymous with PIE Channel. The visual change represents the end of an era for PIE Channel's traditional television and the start of a new chapter in the digital realm.
As the curtains draw on the PIE Channel's television broadcast, the move towards a digital future promises exciting opportunities for both the channel and its loyal Filipino and global audience. Embracing change and innovation, PIE Channel sets a precedent for others in the industry, signaling a transformative era for Philippine entertainment.
SOURCE: *https://www.kroma.ph/post/kroma-entertainment-embraces-a-new-digital-era-with-pinoy-interactive-entertainment-pie [Referenced PR News Article via KROMA Entertainment News Bureau] *https://www.rappler.com/business/pinoy-interactive-entertainment-channel-drops-television-goes-fully-digital-2024/ [Referenced News Article via Rappler] *https://www.facebook.com/100079152185088/posts/360627646585639 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO #1 via IAmPieOfficial] *https://www.facebook.com/100079152185088/posts/360987219883015 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO #2f via IAmPieOfficial] *https://bilyonaryo.com/2023/12/11/bye-bye-beam-tv-pie-globe-abs-cbn-tv-collab-discontinued-after-piling-up-p180-million-losses-in-18-months/business/ [Referenced News Article via Bilyonaryo News Bureau] and *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W35aiweDD_M [Referenced YT Aircheck VIDEO via YEOW]
-- OneNETnews Team
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thrashntreasure · 6 months
Ep109 Thrashin' Ferals w/ MiG Ayesa! (SongDivision!)
How do you measure... measure a guest? In AWESOMENESS, that's how! Because this week we're joined by a literal Thrashin' Treasure, the iconic MiG Ayesa! (Say what?! *Faints!*) In this episode, this rock star in excess of any who've joined us before chats with Mr J Wags and AW about Def Leppard's Pyromania, before jumping on a taxi and heading to the 'FAME' schoolsical with the original London cast. Plus, we chat The Ferals, RENT's fandom and social impact, the Original Aussie cast of RENT, Rock Star: INXS, vocal care, and SOOO much more in this hilariously fun episode!
--SOCIALS-- MiG: Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiGAyesa -- Instagram: https://instagram.com/MiGAyesa
Mr J Wags: Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrJWags -- Instagram: https://instagram.com/MrJWags
Around the World in 80 Plays: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/around-the-world-in-80-plays/id1709294420 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6M8Yff4VPblqINhu2SSrrg
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phil-tastic · 1 year
Trese (2005 , 2021) - Comics at Animated series nagpapakita ng mitolohiya ng Pilipinas
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Comics ay isinulat ni Budjette Tan at iginuhit ni Kajo Baldismo. Ang TV series ay pinagbidahan ni Liza Soberano bilang si Trese
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Noong pinalabas sa Netflix ang tv series na Trese, marami ang naging tagahanga dahil sa maraming aspecto ng cultura at values na makikita sa plot ng serye. Ang comics ng Trese ay kilala rin sa America na naging paraan ng mga Fil-Am sa bansa na silipin ang kultura at mitolohiya ng kanilang inang bayan
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pinoychannelhd-blog · 6 months
Watch Pinoy Drama Senior High
Title: "Senior High Chronicles: Trials and Transitions"
The episode begins with a group of senior high school students, each dealing with the pressures and uncertainties of their final academic year. The atmosphere is filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
Scene 1: Academic Stress
Sophia, a diligent student aiming for top honors, is seen buried in her books. Her classmates are discussing the upcoming college entrance exams.
SOPHIA (sighs) These exams are stressing me out Pinoy TV. I need to get into that university.
Her best friend, Diego, offers support.
DIEGO (smiling) You got this, Sophia! We've been preparing for this since junior high.
Scene 2: Friendship Dynamics
At the school courtyard, a group of friends, including Gab, Mika, and Carlo, is sitting on a bench, engrossed in conversation.
MIKA (excited) Can you believe we're almost done with high school? I'm going to miss you guys so much.
CARLO (teasing) Who's going to keep us entertained with your crazy stories?
GAB (nostalgic) Let's make the most of our last year together.
Scene 3: Extracurricular Challenges
In the music room, James, a talented guitarist, is practicing for the upcoming Battle of the Bands. His bandmates, Alex and Kayla, are trying to perfect their performance.
KAYLA (looking at sheet music) We need to nail this. The competition is fierce this year.
ALEX (confident) We got this, James. Our sound is unique.
Scene 4: Love Interests
Amidst the chaos, there's a hint of romance. Emma and Marco, who have been secretly crushing on each other, find themselves partnered for a group project.
EMMA (nervously) This project is a big deal, Marco. Let's ace it together.
MARCO (smiling) We make a great team, Emma.
Scene 5: Guidance Counselor's Office
The students visit the school's guidance counselor, Ms. Reyes, for advice on their future paths.
MS. REYES (encouraging) Senior year is a rollercoaster, but remember, it's just the beginning. Embrace the challenges and cherish the memories.
The episode concludes with the students facing various trials and navigating the ups and downs of senior high, knowing that the journey ahead will shape their futures.
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ofwteleseryes · 1 year
Pinoy Teleserye | Pinoy Tambayan | Pinoy TV Shows | Pinoy Lambingan
Welcome to Pinoy Teleserye Watch your favorite Teleserye, Pinoy TV Shows, Pinoy Tambayan, Pinoy Lambingan, Pinoy TV, Pinoy Channel Online.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 10 months
Hello.....How are you? Thanks so much for sharing your analysis in your blog. I'm new to BL. I felt really helped in finding your blog. I lived in a country where LGBTQ+ is considered taboo and my own family saw it as something sinful. Until I found mlm fanfics (I know it's a ridicilous reason for why now I'm interested in BL & GL media).
Can I ask, what are your top 7 (or top 5) favorite BL media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series) ? Why do you love them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite GL media? Sorry for asking similar question like from someone before (hope you don't mind).
Thanks again, @wen-kexing-apologist 💐🌻🌷
Hello! So sorry this took so long to respond to, I have been really busy and this write up took me a bit of time to get together. 
Thanks for reaching out, I’m sorry that your family sees queerness as sinful. I’m sure we come from different countries, and different cultures, but I hope I can give you some comfort by saying I am proud of who I am and I love being queer. I love my queer friends, they are without a doubt the kindest and most caring people I have ever met. And you do not need to apologize at all for asking a similar question to a previous ask. I also hope you know that it is not ridiculous at all to have your eyes opened by mlm fanfiction, I promise. 
So my list of (some) of my favorite BLs are:
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us 
Moonlight Chicken
The Eclipse 
Our Dining Table
La Pluie
He’s Coming to Me 
What Did You Eat Yesterday? (adding this as a special #8 because it is one of my favorites but may be hard to find)
You’re My Sky
Because this is a similar ask to one I recently got I am going to direct you to that for my explanations on 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us (available on Gagaoolala), I Told Sunset About You and I Promise You The Moon (available on Viki), and Moonlight Chicken (available on YouTube) and add three other shows: What Did You Eat Yesterday?, You’re My Sky, and Gameboys.
If you stick around in this fandom long enough you will start to see that Bad Buddy (available on YouTube) is one of most beloved shows on tumblr. I love love love that show, but it is not in my favorites the way these other shows are. However, I would HIGHLY recommend you watch it if you haven’t already. It is incredible, and a very important piece of BL history both for the level of popularity it gained and the way it subverted BL as a genre. 
That said, let’s get in to my favorite BLs and why I love them, again in alphabetical order: 
(Pinoy BL- Season 1: Available on YouTube or Netflix, Season 2: Available on Gagaoolala in Asia or with a VPN that can make it seem like you are in Asia)
Contains Themes of: Quarantine, COVID, death, queer character being outed against their will
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I literally just finished the first season of this show today, but have to thank @bengiyo for telling me this is what I should watch next because I absolutely loved it. It is the story of two boys, stuck in quarantine in the Phillipines during the COVID pandemic that meet over an online game and fall in love. I agree with Ben that this is an incredibly well handled pandemic story, the actors are fantastic, their chemistry is believable and natural, and I appreciate that they let these boys be horny for each other. I loved watching the highs and lows of their blossoming relationship and I am so looking forward to watching Season 2 when they are together in person and seeing if and how that changes their dynamic. 
He’s Coming to Me
(Thai BL- Available on YouTube) 
Contains Themes of: death of a teenager (related to heart problems), murder
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I talked about this show in one of my tag games as my pick for most underrated series in Thai QL. Which I stand by because this show did not have the distribution it should have due to fan interference because they were upset about Singto being moved from a match up with Krist to instead star opposite Ohm. 
This is a show that I have labeled as By, For, and About Queer people. This is an Aof Noppharnach piece that is just absolutely beautiful in the way it explores the growing realization about your own queerness as Ohm’s character (Thun) starts to develop feelings for Singto’s character (Med). I love the additional layer to this show that comes with Med being a ghost who can only be seen by Thun, and how we don’t just get an explicitly queer character in an explicitly queer relationship, but that we also get a metaphor for queerness in the fact that Thun has to keep himself and his abilities private. When he hangs out with Med in public, no one can see him, and Thun often ends up talking to air, which results in people constantly staring at him in confusion, concern, or disgust. This show will remind you that Ohm has always been The Actor of All Time, the way his voice creaks in this show still haunts me to this day. I liked the mystery element in this show, I loved the rooftop confessions and the coming out scene. I loved all the ways this show was just so so so queer. Now that it has been released to the general public, I think every person who watches Thai BL should watch this show. 
La Pluie 
(Thai BL- Available on IQIYI) 
Contains Themes of: lying to a romantic partner
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God this show is an incredible, brilliant, perfectly executed subversion of the soulmates trope. A theme I am generally sensing in the content I am sharing is that queer characters are allowed to be flawed human beings. Tai needs to learn how to use his words, Patts is perfect but does have a temper that he is managing extremely well, Tien is perfect but does constantly undermine and underplay his own emotions to support the other people in his life, Lomfon is rude. This show has a lot of very smart things to say, and allows its characters to both experience desire, and sexual frustration, it uses giving sexual pleasure as a way for a character to maintain control over new forms of intimacy. Myself and my fellow clowns on this website (especially @bengiyo and @lurkingshan) have fought for this show tooth and nail for weeks upon weeks to make sure that as many people as possible were watching this absolutely beautiful show. 
Our Dining Table
(Japanese BL- Available on Gagaoolala)
Contains Themes of: death, child neglect, grief
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This is a very short, very sweet, wonderful spot of comfort and warmth. Its main themes are found family and navigating grief. It has the cutest little boy in the world who is just a bouncing ball of sunshine, and he and this show won my entire heart. I love this show for what it says about family, about care and love, sacrifice and healing. Even for the parts of the show that center around pain, this show is just so full of joy. I loved watching Yutaka open up, loved watching Minoru have a chance to relax, I loved Ueda-san getting to watch his son fall in love to become happier by way of existing around his sons’ happiness. I love that Minoru is very much an older brother to Tane, not a parent, despite how much care he gives him, and I love that Yutaka and Tane are genuinely friends. 
The Eclipse
(Thai BL- Available on YouTube)
Contains Themes of: threats against protestors (including cars rolling in to crowds), suicide, grief, internalized homophobia, homophobia, authoritarianism, emotional manipulation, thoughts of suicide, queer character being outed against their will
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This is absolutely one of my favorite BLs, beyond the fact that the acting is incredible, the characters are allowed to be very flawed, very complex, and very morally gray the story itself is incredibly layered and is a huge social commentary on rebelling against authoritarianism, the ways in which identities and oppression are leveraged against marginalized people to get them to commit heinous acts against the people they should be standing with and not against. This show touches on so many different things: justice, hypocrisy, manipulation, love, fear, internalized homophobia, rebellion, activism. This show gave me both my favorite war criminal and his rat bastard boyfriend. It has some of my favorite kisses and favorite crying scenes. And it introduced me to the powerhouse duo of First and Khaotung. 
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
(I am honestly not sure where you can find this easily, outside of @kinounaniresource. there is one season, a special, and a movie. There is a Season 2 on the way, and I am also not sure when it is going to be released or if it is going to be released on any particular platform)
Contains Themes of: internalized homophobia, homophobia, character with history of child abuse
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I am honestly not sure if this technically qualifies as a BL, but it is certainly a show that centers around an already established, older gay couple. This is a story about a couple staying together, and there is an undercurrent of long carried pain that is tucked so neatly between the layers of cooking, and eating, and love for one another. I do not really know how to explain this show beyond it just being one of the best things out there. We are so so lacking in elder queer content, honestly this is the only show I have seen out of 60+ QLs I have watched in the last year that has a main queer couple over the age of probably 25. I love the dynamic between Shiro and Kenji so much because who doesn’t love couples comprised of one puppy dog of a man and one man with the energy of a very annoyed cat? 
You’re My Sky
(Thai BL- available on Viki) 
Contains Themes of: betrayal, cheating, sports related injury
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This show has some of the most beautiful, saturated coloring of any show I have ever seen, the influence of I Told Sunset About You is incredibly clear (which makes sense because a screenwriter and director on You’re My Sky was a Screenwriter on ITSAY/IPYTM). I am not a huge sports person, but I do love a sports drama, and this one does a stellar job with the way it shoots it’s basketball games. It has Suar, who I was first introduced to as Tien in La Pluie as the main character and he is just SO. GOOD. This dude has been in three shows TOTAL and he just absolutely DEMOLISHES this role, and his role in La Pluie. Seriously, even if you could not give two shits about basketball (as a sport I do not, in this show I care very much) you should watch this show just to see Suar run a masterclass in acting. 
Girl Loves 
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of girl love shows that exist, the only one I have even seen coming out of Asia is GAP the series (a handful more exist, but they either seem to not be popular and/or are hard to access). It is an unfortunate reality that we are still fighting for more WLW content, especially GL content where the romance is the main and central plot. So, I don’t have a strong list to give you, because what does exist is limited and often gets canceled, but I will give you what information I do have:
GAP the Series 
(Canada- Available on YouTube)
Contains Themes of: student disappearances, death, undeath 
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This is an 8 year old Western webseries based on the book of the same name. I watched this around the time it came out and loved it a lot. There are a couple seasons and a movie, all of it is really really good, and was some of the earliest queer representation I had, including having the first non-binary character I had ever seen on screen (does not mean there weren’t others, this is just the first one that I found). This is a webseries so it takes place almost exclusively in one room. 
GAP the Series
(Thai GL- Available on YouTube) 
Contains Themes of: severe homophobia, suicide, emotional abuse, death of a sibling
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GAP was fun, it started out really strong, but it did lose me a little bit at the end. But that is mostly because I am not the biggest fan of boss and employee stories where an equal power balance is not established. I think it s a really solid attempt at kickstarting GL into an industry rather than just an occasional one off. This is required viewing in my opinion because of how it was funded, and because it has some of the highest view rates out there for queer Thai shows, and really helped prove that GLs were stories that people really really wanted to see (read: production companies started to realize they could make a lot of money). 
I can offer you a suggestion from other people: 
She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat 
(Japanese GL- I have not seen this yet and I am not sure where you can find this show. But I do know that everyone who has seen it loves it, and I plan to watch it soon. A Season 2 was announced recently but is not out yet)
Non GL shows that either have a lesbian or bisexual character and/or have a GL pairing as a side plot: 
Bad Buddy (the second couple, but still has limited screen time)
Secret Crush on You (very minor couple, but has been in a relationship from the beginning)
La Pluie (A very small part of the story)
Lovely Writer (I have not seen this show, I do not know exactly what the plot is, or what purpose this character serves, but I know there is a bisexual character named Tiffy, who won the BL Bisexual Swag 
The Warp Effect (one of the shows with a pretty strong lesbian couple)
Gameboys and Pearl Next Door
A book I really love with a WLW couple in it and a gay character is The Priory of the Orange Tree
GMMTV has started filming their first GL, which we hope will air late this year (or maybe early next year), it’s called 23.5 Degrees and I am very much looking forward to it!
Queer Shows 
I’ll give you some bonus suggestions that are very queer shows, but aren’t defined as BL or GL
The Warp Effect
Gay OK Bangkok
3 Will Be Free
The Owl House 
Deadend Paranormal Park 
The Warp Effect
(Thai- available on YouTube) 
Contains Themes of: abortion, sexual assault, physical assault, internalized homophobia, transphobia, religious trauma, bodyshaming, slut shaming, kink shaming, workplace sexual harassment, homophobia
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If it is queer and from Thailand and I love it, odds are extremely high that Jojo Tichakorn wrote and directed it. Despite some very heavy themes this was a very very fun watch, it is one of the most kink positive, sex positive, and queer shows that I have seen. I have a friend who is a sex educator and I want them to watch this show for it’s public speech announcements about getting HPV vaccines and how pelvic exams work. This is not a show I can explain super well, but it is one that I highly recommend, and if you are planning on watching Only Friends, then it is something I consider a required viewing. 
Gay OK Bangkok 
(Thai- available on YouTube)
Contains Themes of: cheating, HIV
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This is a very real look at the existence of gay men in Bangkok, I love it so much. This is a pair up between Jojo and Aof, two of my favorite directors. It is not a feel good show, it is an honest one. I think everyone should watch it. 
3 Will Be Free
(Thai- available on YouTube)
Contains Themes of: cheating, manslaughter, murder, murder of a spouse, kidnapping, domestic abuse, sexual assault, strangulation, transphobia, death, gun violence
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Once again, a Jojo show, and once again, despite the list of themes within the show, a very fun watch. This is one of, if not the only GMMTV show with a throuple, and is honestly very hilarious by way of three idiots on the run from the mafia, accidentally through mostly shit dumb luck and the fact that everyone is stupid, taking down a criminal empire. 
The Owl House 
(United States- available on Disney+, season 3 available on YouTube) 
Contains Themes of: white supremacy, child abuse, child neglect, heavy trauma, mind and body control, death, possible world destruction
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This is an animated show that I love dearly and one I find incredibly important for the next generation of queer people to see. The main character is neurodivergent, she is bisexual and gets a girlfriend, there is a non-binary side character, and there is also just a lot of casual queer representation. This show has a lot to say, and says it well, it is adorable and heartbreaking and everything in between and the fact that it got canceled is honestly a tragedy. 
Dead End: Paranormal Park
(United States- available on Netflix) 
Contains Themes of: possession, murder, death, undeath, paranormal activity, religious infighting, amnesia, animal death, kidnapping, child death, implied transphobia
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This is also an animated show that I love dearly and one I find incredibly important for the next generation of queer people to see. The main character is trans, the other main character is neurodivergent and bisexual, there is a lot of casual queer representation. Like The Owl House this show has a lot to say, and says it well, it is adorable and heartbreaking and everything in between and the fact that it got canceled is also a tragedy. 
[I realize for The Owl House and Deadend Paranormal Park that my descriptions are very similar, but I cannot stress enough that these two shows have very different premises and tell very different stories. They are just animated shows that are able to contain a lot more queer representation that the stories that came before them, because of the stories that came before them] 
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