spoonyliger · 3 months
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Panpour OC PMD PFP Ko-fi requested by Kiwiko.
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calyx-arts · 8 months
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PFP for NasLeaf
PMD-style pfp for NasLeaf on Twitter!
Posted using PostyBirb
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rising-in-the-ash · 5 months
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May your letters to Snorlax Claus be delivered safely!
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torchickentacos · 3 months
idk what it's bulbapedia - government issue name is, but Solidad x Harley
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH INTERESTING!!! So, 98 percent sure it's kantocontestshipping??? Which. Sure, though I think Harley's from Slateport in Hoenn but whatever. Thoughts under cut! (Also, LMAO @ bulbapedia government issued ship names skdjskdjsk stealing that term)
I usually 'ship' them in the way of, like, a queerplatonic (maybe even beard?) relationship, or 'we made a marriage pact when we were eight and I guess we're following through with that now', or for tax benefits, or in an 'overly affectionate best friends who just kinda say 'fuck it' and call it dating' kinda way! A more platonic soulmates thing, but in no way am I opposed to it being a regular ship, though I gravitate towards it being less romantic. So I guess I'm answering the 'ship it' questions, though I usually ship it in more of a queerplatonic way? Which, STILL A VALID RELATIONSHIP BY THE WAY!! we stan! we support! we love! I think my answers can be interpreted/read for any context, though.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I think they'd have a dynamic based off of full transparency, which for both of them is a change of pace. Harley, used to pretense and playing games to get what he wants instead of being whoever Harley truly IS. Solidad, more used to having others confide in her instead of the other way around, and I can see her being someone who bottles stuff up to be strong for others. It's really nice to think they can be each other's comfort and confidante in ways they can't trust anyone else to be. I truly think they'd be RIDE OR DIE, bail each other outta jail, jump off a bridge if your friend jumps kinda people for each other. Whatever kind of love people headcanon it as, I think that love is definitely there in some form.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
That trust as aforementioned, definitely. I also just like that it includes Solidad lol. She's my underappreciated girlie from only three episodes who had a legacy far outlasting her actual in-show appearance. The concept of Drew, Harley, and Brock all having a friend in common makes for a very interesting character. I like that it gives her a bit of space to shine.
I also like that it shows Harley as someone capable of caring and loving and supporting someone. We only really get to see Harley as an antagonistic figure, and I love exploring the side of him that isn't like that- not all the way, anyways. And it's really sweet to think Solidad is one of very few people who can drag that good side out of him.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Genuinely I don't know enough about people's thoughts on these two to have a grasp on what a popular/unpopular opinion would even be! I guess I'll say that maybe it's an unpopular opinion to think that Drew would probably not come around to it. He'd tolerate Harley for making Sol happy but I can't see him ever funny being particularly enthused about it. But I think May would come around pretty quickly, honestly. She's shown forgiveness to be a strong suit.
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nebulaeyedfish · 2 years
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Matching pfps for you & your invaluable partner
(Please credit if used!)
See pinned for commissions :)
Tag list: @swanofstorie @flyingfish1234
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fae-iii · 6 months
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New pfp!
Part of my Halloween art I'm gonna post tomorrow.
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echolepzy · 2 years
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Lil’ Explorers of Sky-style edited avatar icon of Nyx hehe
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lifewingsart · 11 months
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This was supposed to posted like idk, 2 weeks ago?????
But I can't really complain, and for those who don't know, I decided that "Hey, my birthday is around the corner, why don't I do like some sort of birthday pfp change yknow? New year, new me!".
Well I finished the art you see now after a week-ish later so cool I guess
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kitsus-daily-life · 1 year
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aesthetically pleasing headshots of my fic’s team, the Moguls
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limoki · 1 year
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Right so, get ready for an art dump! This is one of multiple ;w; I PROMISE this time I will use Tumblr more
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fauxfigmentfox · 1 month
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I'm actually kinda proud of this one. Made a Vaporeon OC, tried new ways to shade. I think It looks decent. I'm starting to fully understand Aseprite and if all goes well I can stop drawing with a mouse and get a pen this weekend. Thanks for the love guys.
Heads up this stupid dork will most likely take you out for drinks and leave you with the bill. At least they're cute. (this is one of my ocs in the PMD universe) I'm pretty beat after work so I thought about ways to improve something I liked and now I have a new animated pfp for Discord.
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spoonyliger · 19 days
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Buizel PMD PFP and shiny version.
Free to use or reupload for non-AI and non-profit reasons with artist credit.
These are also available on my Ko-fi Shop as high-resolution PNG files: https://ko-fi.com/spoonyliger/shop
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calyx-arts · 8 months
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PFP for Arukona
Drew a PMD style pfp for Arukona96 on Twitter!
Posted using PostyBirb
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kararii · 9 months
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PMD Mocha because I actually remembered about Mystery Dungeon day this time.
I don't know why I did it as a full body considering that I'm gonna use it as a pfp on the day
(also I'm just now noticing its a bit wonky. Most of my art is honestly, but this isn't the best. This is why you should mirror your canvas throughout the process ;;)
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jax-and-winstrate · 2 months
alright, it's been about one year since I joined Rotumblr, time for a new pinned post.
hello everyone, I am Jax, a student at the Blueberry Academy, the current champion of the Trading Card Game Islands and a Mew hybrid. also a Meloetta chosen I guess. I used to be an aqua grunt and the leader of Operation: Clean Seas, but some things happened and I'm no longer an aqua grunt (I wasn't fired, I quit for safety reasons) and Operation: Clean Seas failed.
Hey, I'm Tommy! I'm a Rotom, and I occasionally post on this blog!
Berry growing guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/198X-ZPGrf6LsArPp0vBrciI_yzlBMMDB_uiWFQ66Ywc/edit?usp=drivesdk
List of all of my Pokémon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3KtAMCryYxhtbj9cUFUgTXHzdOesPy0Ujy0eYIjp78/edit?usp=drivesdk
I have a lot of cool siblings and a bunch of Phantump children that I adopted! my current siblings are Julie (@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi), Felix, Nowaki, and Tsumi (@fabas-failed-science-projects, you can also find me and one of my very cool friends on this blog)! my mom also has a blog (@vivian-winstrate)! also one of my Pokémon has a blog (@miss-cool-hat it used to be Coffee's but Hattie took over)
My current stats: level 10�, Psychic/Normal, known moves are Psychic, Drain Punch, Relic Song, and Explosion.
also all mail stuff and anon stuff are allowed. just don't mail me a billion eggs
here's my trainer card
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//ooc stuff below
hello everyone, it's me, @half-or-nothing! I decided to rewrite the pinned post for this blog since it's been on here for one whole year, and a lot of things have changed!
first let's start with the rules
1. No NSFW! this character is a minor and this is run by a minor!
2. Don't send ooc hate to me or anyone I interact with! the people running the other blogs are really nice and cool!
3. be respectful! no homophobia or transphobia or any of that shit here! none of it!
second, this blog is not a sideblog, so it can like and follow blogs. however, I do have sideblogs for this blog. those blogs are:
@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi (Prisma Ranger and Jax's sister)
@miss-cool-hat (Jax's Hatterene, Hattie. used to be Coffee's blog)
@chef-yujin (Jax and Julie's uncle-in-law, he's a chef and is friends with a Raikou)
@winstrate-family (the actual Winstrate family from RSE and ORAS, also Vito isn't on here)
@wyatt-and-elliott (a gym leader and gym trainer/evil team grunt from the Salen region)
@james-and-skitty (Jax's boyfriend! he was also kinda a PMD oc at first)
@fabas-failed-science-projects (a blog that's managed by me and @cooperblr ! Jax is on here, along with the four other hybrids that Faba created)
@bird-of-all-trades (another Prisma Ranger!)
@tcg-league-and-sanctuary (another blog for a group of canon characters! this time it's the league for the tcg islands)
@vivian-winstrate (Jax and Julie's biological mother! she's cool :3)
third, a description of the blog. this blog is pretty high-stakes at times, and there will be a lot of wacky shit. y'know, for funsies. Jax is a Mew hybrid (specifically melanistic) and has Nihilego poison in him, so he can do some weird stuff like learn every tm and use poison fang. he is also missing his left leg and left eye. he's also a criminal probably, so you can do some fun stuff with that if you want. also Winstrate is a Porygon 2 now thanks to Jax's coding abilities
here's the link to where Jax's pfp is from!
also, I made a discord server for promoting pkmn irl discord servers, like chat servers and event servers. join if you want
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sugarmasonmearii · 8 months
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MtLu Pastel Headshot: Louise
While Mountain Luxio is on break, I thought we post something different for the series, granted that there hadn't been that much going on in the comic, aside from the pages and the very slow Light Novel release.
Just the week ago, I have set up an Art Raffle, which is still ongoing by the way, do check my DA and X. The prizes are pfp icons in this art style I call as Pastel style. It uses crayon or oil pastel style brushes.
I drew the first four main cast of MtLu, starting with yours truly, the Climbing Luxio, Louise.
"Adamant, somewhat vain, and the main protagonist of Mountain Luxio, Louise embarks on the fabled mountain range of Exfloria, Skyward Crown, to conquer its summit for the first time. Though things had started to not go the way she presumed. What lie beyond the mountain trail, in wait for the Climbing Luxio?"
You can follow MtLu at @pmdaumountainluxio, or in my DeviantArt, Ko-fi, Patreon and [Comicfury].
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too!
Louise is my OC and is the main protagonist of my PMD AU: Mountain Luxio.
Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. Art done by me.
Do not repost, copy or use!
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