kupwaratimes-fan · 2 years
NC to go solo in J&K polls? Party’s provincial committee resolves to contest all 90 seats; Denounces "unfair treatment" to party by PAGD constituents 
NC to go solo in J&K polls? Party’s provincial committee resolves to contest all 90 seats; Denounces “unfair treatment” to party by PAGD constituents 
NC to go solo in J&K polls? Party’s provincial committee resolves to contest all 90 seats; Denounces “unfair treatment” to party by PAGD constituents  Srinagar, Aug 24: In a clear indication that National Conference wouldn’t have enter into an alliance with any constituent of the Peoples Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD), the party on Tuesday said that its provincial committee members…
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pesterloglog · 3 months
Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Jade Harley
Page 565-572
ROSE: Kanaya,
ROSE: It looked for a moment back there as if you were going to actually go through with our "Mutilate The Hostage Beyond Recognition" ruse.
ROSE: With Yiffy rescued and the other children absent, might now be an appropriate time to... hash it all out?
KANAYA: And What Do You Feel Needs to be Hashed Exactly
JADE: ugh... well
JADE: kanaya i know you havent been very happy and youre probably super frustrated
JADE: but first off i want to say thank you soooo much for putting everything aside to help us
JADE: youre the reason i have my girl back!
JADE: and with minimal bullet holes too! haha
JADE: ... also... you have every right to be angry!!
JADE: this isnt a little white lie, its a whole bed of secrets which then became an entire child
JADE: but whatever it takes to earn back your trust ill do it!
JADE: ever since we first met ive respected you, felt cared for by you
JADE: i hate how i returned that kindness...
ROSE: Jade.
JADE: and of course you arent obligated to ever forgive me but... i dont want to lose you too!
JADE: i love you kanaya
JADE: youre my family
KANAYA: You Fucked My Wife
ROSE: Exhales.
KANAYA: My Apologies Jade
KANAYA: That Was Very Brave And Of Course Extremely Forthcoming Of You
KANAYA: A Refreshing Change Of Pace From The Ongoing Process Of Haggling The Truth Out Of The Two Of You Detail By Sordid Detail Following The "Yiffy Reveal"
ROSE: Implying we are leaving out information that could remedy this situation.
KANAYA: Implying
ROSE: Sorry.
KANAYA: I Didnt Want You To Remedy The Situation
KANAYA: I Wanted You To Own It
KANAYA: Instead You Let John Lead The Conversation With His Stupid Questions
KANAYA: And Sprinkled Out A Gauche Attempt At A Tear
JADE: but-
ROSE: A bit shameless perhaps.
KANAYA: It Was Theatrical
KANAYA: Well Unlike John I Am Not A Stranger To Your Lives
KANAYA: When You Feed Me Some Half Baked Lie About Karkat And Dave Wanting To Adopt I Know Better
KANAYA: And Though That Travesty Of A Name Is Undoubtedly An Incomprehensibly Offensive Piece Of This Particular Puzzle
KANAYA: What I See Is Not An Explanation
KANAYA: But A Glossing Over Of The Worst Detail
ROSE: Jane.
KANAYA: Rose That Woman Is Going To Ruin The Future For Our Daughter
KANAYA: And You Snuggled Into A Secrets Bed With Her
KANAYA: For So Long I Couldnt Convince You To Share A Cup Of Tea With Jade
KANAYA: Then Years Later You Happen To Grow A Sympathy Gland And Decide To Jump Right To Sharing Offspring
JADE: its my fault kanaya! she was the only option i had left...
KANAYA: Sure Let Us Go With That Considering Your Stated Distaste For Ectobiology
KANAYA: Thats Only Suitable For Trolls Correct?
JADE: no!
JADE: everyone deserves a choice
JADE: but...
JADE: i already have an entire kingdom of ecto-children
JADE: this had to be different
ROSE: No one wants to contribute to the off brand doppelgangers strolling the streets.
ROSE: Easily the worst aspect of this place.
KANAYA: Is That Why You Acquiesced
KANAYA: Because I Am Stumped On That Part As Well
KANAYA: If Memories Serves When We Were Adopting Vriska
KANAYA: I Mentioned The Precarious Possibility Of A Jadedavekat Brood
KANAYA: What Is It That You Said Again
KANAYA: I Believe Your Approximate Verbiage Was That "Their Dysfunctional Human Centipede Of A Relationship Is Soaking With Lighter Fluid And Begging To Burn" And That You Would Feel Sorry For The Grub
KANAYA: Jades Qualities Rang Too Familiar Right
KANAYA: Evasive
KANAYA: Lacking In Proper Coping Mechanisms
KANAYA: Carrying An Air Of Unspeakable Sadness
KANAYA: The Poor Kid
ROSE: Congratulations.
ROSE: You've managed to exhume the solemn cadaver of my mother's memory and make her the star of another argument.
KANAYA: As If You Ever Bothered To Bury Her
ROSE: What does this have to do with anything!?
KANAYA: What I Am Doing Is Demonstrating That I Have No Intention To Mediate This Situation
KANAYA: Or Pacify It
KANAYA: Or Even Be A Little Bit Nice Right Now
KANAYA: So Perhaps Youll Actually Take Me Seriously For Once
KANAYA: Instead Of Assuming You Can Pull The Baabeast Keratin Over My Eyes And Distract Me From The Awful Reality
KANAYA: That You Trusted A Monster Over Me
KANAYA: And Cant Even Tell Me Why!
ROSE: And if you don’t like the answers?
KANAYA: That Is Future Roses Problem
ROSE: I see...
JADE: (ok...?)
ROSE: I want it on the record, involving Jane was not my decision.
ROSE: But it was a pre-established requisite that I did not fight against.
ROSE: It is Jade’s child after all.
ROSE: And you’re not completely wrong, either.
ROSE: I may have felt some... pang of responsibility. For a litany of psychologically revealing reasons.
ROSE: But more than anything else, I took her up on it because it felt oddly
ROSE: inevitable.
ROSE: Anyways,
ROSE: Deep down, I knew it didn’t matter.
ROSE: However we handled it.
ROSE: Whatever hurt we caused.
ROSE: It was never that serious.
ROSE: I knew you would forgive me.
KANAYA: When Did You Stop Trying
JADE: yeah rose!!!!!
JADE: what the fuck!!!!
JADE: this is not what we discussed...
JADE: you're devaluing kanaya's feelings, minimizing our impact on her!
JADE: woah, im defending you!!!
JADE: b-but i just dont want things to get even worse!!!!!!
KANAYA: Then Stop Pretending That My Feelings Are Top Priority
KANAYA: Excuse Me?
JADE: you heard me!
JADE: you were wronged kanaya!
JADE: the truth cant change that
JADE: saying it just fucking hurts more
JADE: what does that accomplish?
JADE: its so embarrassing, would you even get it if i had?
JADE: you havent been alone since we were thirteen
JADE: and the first chance you got you packed up your cosmic purpose and hid away in the brooding caverns
JADE: you have no idea what its like out there
JADE: how traumatizing dating regular citizens was
JADE: imagine trying to love someone who already knows every available detail about you
JADE: who has *opinions* on what happened to you as a child
JADE: who assumes youre indestructible
JADE: newsflash it fucking sucks!!!!!!! because no matter how nice they were
JADE: they didnt want to know me
JADE: they wanted to date the god of space
JADE: and i felt SORRY
JADE: for disappointing *THEM*!!!!!
ROSE: I had my suspicions but I had no idea it’d been that bad.
ROSE: You didn’t even hint at it.
JADE: why would i?????
JADE: so everyone could lecture me again on how "bad" my "boundaries" are?
ROSE: (I did that one time.)
JADE: you want bad boundaries
JADE: do you know how many people would be waiting outside public bathrooms to talk to me about their problems?
JADE: this one guy randomly started apologizing because they cooked their hamster in the microwave!
JADE: and they looked so sad... i had to hug them and say it was ok
JADE: but it was not ok!
JADE: they murdered their hamster!
Rose: Ugh...
JADE: and their other hamster killed itself
JADE: out of loneliness!!!!!
KANAYA: !!!!!!!!
JADE: millions of people told me they loved me
JADE: but i was never a real person to them
JADE: i couldn't let that happen to yiffy too
JADE: i had to save her kanaya!
JADE: give her the chance to grow up as a normal kid with a normal life
JADE: not one where people would befriend her to get close to me
JADE: or fucking bark at her while walking down the street!!!!!!!
JADE: and jane had the resources to provide that
JADE: every scare weve had she was able to cover up
JADE: she literally controls the media for christs sake
KANAYA: We Could Have Figured It Out
KANAYA: Indebting Yourselves To The Second Coming Of The Condescension Was Hardly The Only Answer
KANAYA: I Was Right Here
JADE: thats true but
JADE: you could have said no
JADE: or worse
JADE: i can live with rose doing this because she wanted to see what would happen
JADE: but i couldnt stand the idea of owing my kid to the fact you felt sorry for me!
JADE: especially after the dave and karkat... situation...
JADE: i couldnt do that again
KANAYA: We Could Have Helped You If You Let Us
JADE: i needed a fresh start, not to sit around taking care of grubs and watching shitty romcoms forever and wasting away in an empty house!
JADE: i wanted to live!
JADE: and living here is already so hard
JADE: and not only because of the war or what happened to dirk or whatever the hell is wrong with john
JADE: the world is fucked!!!
JADE: and yet, despite all that, yiffy turned out to be so good
JADE: and she's mine.
JADE: yiffy exists because i needed her to.
JADE: ... shes the only future i have left
KANAYA: Jade I Recognize You Have Had To Sacrifice Principles To Survive
KANAYA: And That Is Hard To Live With
KANAYA: Even Now I Can Sympathize
KANAYA: But 15 Years
KANAYA: Even If I Didnt Want Her
KANAYA: She Was Already Here
KANAYA: So Why Make It Worse
KANAYA: Why Perpetuate The Lie
JADE: i...
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space-spoon · 7 months
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I was just adding random magazine clippings hoping it looks good in the end, it was really fun and I'm happy about how it turned out!!!
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slushiebonez · 1 year
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kalgalen · 2 years
I would post my naga john art on main but it's quite literally 75% dick(s) and i know tumblr would snipe me :(
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bunnyai · 27 days
do you have any favorite horror movies? in general i mean
i'm. picky about horror i watch. quite possibly a bunch of it is cult classics, indie films, or just really obscure things i don't really think people have seen
for example, outside of like. the child's play movies and the latest scream movies, i don't particularly care for any horror mainstays like jason, freddy, leatherface, ect ect. they're just not interesting to me
i have Varrying different favorites depending on catagory because i am a freak
favorite anthology;
trick r treat. this has been MY MOVIE since i saw it back when i was a kid. sam is my son boy allowed and i am one sidedly fighting his va for who has the most sam merch (don't ask me about the supposed sequel that's been announced for over a decade i hate the director)
runners up;
the v/h/s series and the abcs of death movies. v/h/s is fun and i LOVE the later instalments (especially 98 and 99) but the first 3 were kinda weak?? and god i hated the first ones wrap around story arc. abcs of death are honestly just really fun!! love seeing all the different ways people can interpret their word they got and can get silly with it (SHOUT OUT TO W FROM THE FIRST ONE AND P FROM THE SECOND I LOVE THE SILLY SHORTS SM)
favorite found footage:
paranaormal activity. i'm normal about it (is not) pa1 changed my brain chemistry idk what else you want me to tell u kjnKJD. i however am very insistant on watching it IN THE CORRECT ORDER, which means i more often then not have to watch it alone. don't ask me about "next of kin" i hate it it's bad it's worst then ghost dimension. pagd actually stayed on story and gave us closure and a finale!! nok just feels. like they said "oh pa is just about recording a demon obsessed with a woman" NO IT'S NOT YOU BOZOS I'M HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE TO WATCH THE MOVIES AGAIN
runners up;
quarentine. let it be known i AM AWARE this is a remake of rec, i just ended up seeing quarentine first and havent had the time to see the rec movies. i definately want to though, quarentine was a fun zombie movie
favorite mockumentary:
ABSOLUTE TIE BETWEEN SAVAGELAND AND THE RISE OF LESLIE VARNOM. savageland is just Really solid and i love the inclusion of the photos and the 3d map and everything OOOOO I LOVE IT!! behind the mask is a favorite for another reason and that is leslie varnom my little freak. i know he's a serial killer but he's so SILLY! i'm putting him in a bug cage to study him as we speak thank you. a bit upset they took away the found footage bit near the end but that ending has me holding out my wallet ready to fund a sequel movie <3
runner up;
the tunnel! it's only a runner up cause i just recently watched it, i know in my HEART if i had watched it longer ago it would've been a top favorite
favorite foreign horror:
i'm grabbing gonjiam haunted asylum LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY. it's basically a korean grave encounters but the difference here is that it's good /lh
runner up:
ONE MISSED CALL. i originally watched the eng remake with my dad but gave the original japanese version a go after finding out it exists and OOHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH!!!!!! /pos literally the only reason it's not my favorite is because my father (derogatory) set the ringtone from the movie as HIS ringtone. any time his phone went off he would look at us all worried like "that's not my ringtone..." my dad's a jackass
and because i'm on a roll legally i can say anything by eli roth fucking SUCKS. granted this man is a zionist so he fucking sucks in the moral department, not to mention his movie "green inferno" is his adaption of "cannibal halocaust" but like. his movies are just. so Mean, and for no good reason either. i dunno man i watched hostel too young so anything with his name attached gives me bad vibes
anyways i'm sorry for rambling you unleashed the autism curse urself good luck
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sivavakkiyar · 3 months
The disempowerment of Kashmiri political parties finds its roots in August 2019. A day after a meeting between Omar Abdullah and Farooq Abdullah of the Jammu Kashmir National Conference and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 4, 2019, a cloud of uncertainty enveloped the region. The speculation led to citizens flocking to oil and ration stations, anticipating an imminent change. National Conference leaders dispelled these rumors, only to witness a swift crackdown thereafter. On August 5, 2019, Article 370 was abrogated.
The subsequent imposition of a prolonged lockdown and communication blackout, along with the detention of three former chief ministers under the Public Safety Act, marked a seismic shift in the region’s political landscape. The dissolution of the BJP-People’s Democratic Party coalition in June 2018 preceded these events.
After the abrogation of Article 370, the BJP promptly initiated delimitation and announced that elections would be postponed until its completion. As politicians were gradually released from detention, speculation arose regarding their conditions of release. Initially, rumors suggested that politicians had agreed not to oppose the abrogation. However, leaders like Farooq Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti, and Omar Abdullah swiftly refuted these claims, declaring the abrogation “unconstitutional” and vowing to reverse the decision of August 5, 2019.
While the Supreme Court of India has wrapped up the chapter on Article 370, at least for the time being, the political parties of Kashmir, once united under the banner of People’s Alliance for Gupak Declaration (PAGD), are now engaged in a skirmish of their own. They seem determined to topple each other from a chair that doesn’t even exist anymore.
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swamyworld · 13 days
'Why didn't you campaign against BJP?': Omar questions India Bloc ally PDP's Prez Mehbooba Mufti | India News
SRINAGAR: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti has questioned why Jammu and Kashmir National Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah never campaigned against BJP and only targeted NC, questioning its ties with India Bloc. Omar said, “The People’s Democratic Party’s decision to distance itself from PAGD was motivated by self-interest rather than any ideological issue. They followed a method.” “PAGD is…
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dumpling0530 · 28 days
Linti na pang gago mo sakon ttob ba HAHAHAHHAHAHAA dipota gn bigaan moko gn uyab dayun gn gago. Ano gd gn himo ko smo haw kada patawaron taka daw may goal ka sa kabuhi nga gubon ko kag sakiton ya dayun solusyonan mo lang na malagyo ka sakon? Indi. Nd ka malagyo sakon kay kng nd mo ma buyan si cherrica nd moko buyan kay pota kada kita mo sakon mnsaron mo nga ako ang gn gago mo na wala nang hilabot smo ever. Pota mnsara bala kng gago ka na uyab mas gago ka na ex wala mo mn lng gn pa 3 months antis mo balikan liwat and you keep rubbing it in my face dayun ano hmblon moko sakon ka naluyag? Ano mn ano ko d haw. Kada gdja nd ko akig kada inchndi ko smo may bago kanmn ya na himuon na ma guba pagd ko ya. Diba gusto moko mangakig? Atubanga ko kay mangakig nako 🙂 la taka gn hilabtan yush. Daw wala ka labot sa gna batyag ko lawas mo lng napmnsar mo kag si cherrica wala ka labot nga ga gago nako d dayun pota la nako gani ga chat da smo wrongsendan moko na? Linti ma abot ang tyiempo wala nako anything na luyag na gustohon smo kabay pa batyagon mo sa bilog mo na kabuhi. Respeto lng napangayo ko pro wala mo gaka hatag. Ang kinalain nmon n cherrica siya naluyag smo kay gn kinanlan yaka buyan para mabtyagan ya na gusto yaka. Ako naluyag kay gn butang moko sa sitwasyon na maluyag dayun gn bilin sa ere. Poga tann na pag inchndi tann na considerar ara na smo dayun gamay lng na respeto nd mo mahatag wala mo na gani gna dumdum nabtyagan ko kada giyu mo da. Poga nga sakit di hamak. Gusto mo toxic? Payr ah ma gagohay ta tatlo
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newsmix443 · 2 months
National Conference Takes Aim at Mehbooba Mufti's Home Turf with LS Candidate Pick
The National Conference (NC) has thrown down the gauntlet by selecting Mian Altaf Ahmed Lahrvi, a seasoned MLA and Gujjar religious leader, as its candidate for the Anantnag-Rajouri parliamentary seat – the very constituency belonging to NC's alliance partner, Mehbooba Mufti of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Lahrvi's nomination signals NC's intent to contest all three Lok Sabha seats in the Kashmir Valley, putting a spotlight on the future of the Peoples Alliance for the Gupkar Declaration (PAGD).
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With a political landscape reshaped by recent delimitation exercises, the Anantnag-Rajouri seat now spans across diverse demographics, encompassing Kashmiri Muslims as well as the Gujjar and Pahari communities. By fielding Lahrvi, the NC hopes to appeal to the Gujjar community while potentially challenging the traditional stronghold of Valley-based parties in the region.
This move sets the stage for a riveting electoral showdown, especially considering the BJP's aspirations to expand its footprint in Kashmir. With intricate constituency dynamics and the evolving political narrative, the battle for Anantnag-Rajouri promises to be one to watch.
As the PDP mulls its electoral strategy amidst shifting alliances and dynamics, the stage is set for a compelling electoral saga in one of Jammu and Kashmir's most consequential constituencies.
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popocryskringle · 3 months
Tigil-tigilan mo pagde-delulu mo JA punyeta ka sarap mo sapakin
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kupwaratimes-fan · 2 years
Stop dreaming about return of Article 370: BJP’s Sunil Sharma to NC, PDP 
‘Assembly elections likely to be held in March, April: BJP won’t require support of any party to form government in J&K’ Srinagar Aug 19: Accusing regional parties of Kashmir for being responsible for bloodshed in Kashmir, BJP’s General Secretary Sunil Sharma said leaders of National Conference and PDP should “stop dreaming” about return of Article 370. “There were some politicians who showed…
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mnaasilveira · 4 months
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shoodleynoodle · 6 months
tw: mention of sh
Effective talaga sakin ang paggupit ng buhok, pagde-dress-up saka pag-a-eyeliner kapag gusto kong magself-harm. Siguro kase nakakaboost ng self-esteem kapag nag-a-eyeliner ako tas maayos pagkakalagay ko?? Tsaka pag naggugupit ako ng buhok or ng bangs parang nafefeel ko na may sense of control parin ako despite the mishaps and uncertainties of life. Atleast may kaya akong baguhin at kontrolin sa buhay ko at yun ay ang itsura ko. Ahahaha. Wala naman, naisip ko lang siya kase puro ganon yung nakikita ko sa fb reels. Dapat talaga gawan ng research yan eh. Emz½.
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m--a-r-i--a · 6 months
Pinilit kong tanggapin na wala nang tayo.
-Sa kada mulat ko ng aking mata sa umaga, wala akong ibang hinihiling kundi magising nang ikaw pa rin ang kasintahan ko hanggang ngayon. Masisisi ko ba ang sarili ko? Minahal kita nang sobra pa sa inaakala ko. Akala ko madali lang tanggapin at makausad upang makalimutan ka, kaso mali ako ng akala.
Ang masaya nating relasyon
-Totoo pala talaga ang mga kasabihan.. lahat ng matatamis na pagsasama sa isang relasyon sa umpisa, ay magwawakas na mapait. Aakalain ko bang ang mga matatamis na halik, mahihigpit na yakap, paghahawak natin sa kamay ng isa't isa, paghahatid at sundo sa akin, paghahawak mo sa aking baywang, paglalagay mo sa akin sa gilid ng kalsada, pagtutulong sa akin sa mga bitbit kong mabibigat, paghaharana gamit ang iyong gitara na may kasamang pag-aawit nating dalawa, pagtatawag, pagbibigay ng bulaklak, pagde-date, at iba pa, ay tuluyang mawawala na at hinding-hindi ko na mararanasan pa? Masakit isiping hindi ko na mararanasan iyan kundi ang susunod na mamahalin mo ang makararanas ng mga iyan.
Bakit nagbago ka?
-Sa panahong tumatagal kapag tayo ay nagde-date, ikinakahiya mong hawakan ang aking kamay habang naglalakad. Kahit simpleng akbay ay hindi mo na ginagawa habang naglalakad tayo. Bakit ganoon? Hindi ka naman ganiyan noong naging tayo, pero bakit noong nagtagal ay nagbago ka na at tila bang ang dati kong kasintahan na nakilala ay unti-unting naglalaho.
Ang pagsimula ng mga problema
-Hindi mo ako kinakausap, pinapansin. Kahit simpleng chat, update, wala akong natanggap. Higit sa lahat, nagbago ka na, hindi ka na tumatawag, tila bang nawala na ang sabik at pangungulila mo para lang makita ako pagkauwi ng ating tahanan galing sa paaralan. Subalit, bumalik ka sa hindi ko inaasahan, at humingi ka ng pangalawang pagkakataon.
-Matapos ang pangalawang pagkakataong ibinigay ko'y sinayang mong muli. Iniwan mo akong naghihintay ng isang buwan para lang makausap kitang muli, ngunit sa ganoong katagal akong naghintay, ang mensaheng matatanggap ko sa iyo ay nais mo nang makipaghiwalay. Ang saad mo'y hindi mo ako kayang isabay sa pag-aaral mo kaya't hindi mo ako kinakausap.
Hindi ko maintindihan
-Naiintindihan kong abala ka sa pag-aaral, ngunit abala rin naman ako mag-aral pero kaya ko pa ring magbigay ng oras para sa iyo habang isinasabay sa pag-aaral ko. Ganoon naman tayo noong nagsimula ang relasyon natin, tatawag ka para lang sabay tayong mag-aral. Bakit hindi mo na iyon ginagawa?
Sabi mo wala kang iba
-Bakit gano'n? Nararamdaman kong may iba nang nagmamay-ari sa iyong puso at hindi na ako iyon. Ikinalulungkot kong kahit kailan hindi na magiging ako iyon. Ang mga mensaheng ipinapasa ko sa iyo, ay sinasagot mo ng isa hanggang dalawang linggo ang lumipas at ang iyong rason ay abala ka sa pag-aaral. Ngunit bakit sa ibang babae ang bilis mong sagutin ang mga mensahe nila? Alam mo ring may kasintahan ka, at ako iyon, ngunti bakit hindi ka naglalagay ng distansya pagdating sa mga babaeng kaibigan mo, at sa babaeng maharot pagdating sa iyo?
-Ngayong wala nang tayo, hindi ko mapigilan, nagseselos pa rin ako. Ang mga babaeng pinagseselosan ko, sobra ang lapit sa iyo. Naninibugho akong nakikita kitang masaya at hindi na sa piling ko.
Naitatanong ko tuloy sa aking sarili
-Anong halaga ko bilang isang tao kung ganito ang pagtrato niya sa akin? Hindi ba ako sapat? Saan ako nagkulang? Bakit ganito ang ginawa niya? Siguro kung maganda't seksi lang ako, baka hindi niya ako itrinato na parang wala na lang at iniwan.
-Sa kabila ng mga nangyari sa ating dalawa, salamat at marami akong aral na natutuhan. Pinagsisisihan ko mang nakilala ka't naging tayo, gayonpaman, hindi na iyon maibabalik ng panahon. Salamat sa mga alaalang nalikha natin at naipinta sa kalangitan na ngayo'y kailangan ko nang kalimutan. Ang mga plano natin sa hinaharap na tutuparin sana nating magkasama, ay mananatili na lamang na drowing dahil malabong makulayan pa. Mahal na mahal kita kahit na ginawa mo akong tanga, uto-uto, at mangmang. Siguro ganoon talaga, binubulag tayo ng pagmamahal.
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blogynews · 8 months
"Explosive Unveilings: Tensions Surge as Gupkar Alliance Sees Rifts Emerge during INDIA Meeting"
Tensions are escalating between the National Conference (NC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the key constituents of the Peoples Alliance for the Gupkar Declaration (PAGD), as the NC proposes to contest all three parliamentary seats in Kashmir in the upcoming 2024 general election. Both parties are members of the Opposition’s Indian National Developmental, Inclusive Alliance (INDIA). The…
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