#Ophiophagus hannah
snototter · 1 year
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A king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) emerges from the water in Malaysia
by Art
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 months
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King cobra (18.7 feet)
Rearing up to display its flared hood and venomous fangs, the king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) cuts a threatening figure — and not just because its bite is powerful enough to kill an elephant.
(Image credit: Dikky Oeasin/Getty Images)
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monarchbutt · 9 months
daily snake #12
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🤎The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), native to South Asia, is the world's longest venomous snake. It's not actually a true cobra, being the sole member of the genus Ophiophagus, not Naja.
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helluvatimes · 6 months
Face-To-Face With The King
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A King Cobra squinting at the photographer’s camera in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
There was a glass screen between us actually. The camera was pressed against the glass for this shot as the shutter speed was a mere 1/6 second.
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cilginfizikcilervbi · 2 years
En Ölümcül 10 Yılan Türü
En Ölümcül 10 Yılan Türü
En Ölümcül 10 Yılan Türü Bu sürüngenlerden biriyle karşılaşmanız hayatınıza mal olabilir. Tıslıyorlar, sürünüyorlar ve ne yazık ki şüphelenmedikleri avları ve insanları ısırıyorlar. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’ne göre, yılanlar her yıl yaklaşık 5,4 milyon insanı ısırarak 81.000 ila 138.000 arasında ölüme neden oluyor. Zehirli yılanlar, kurbanlarını, dişlerini kullanarak avına enjekte ettiği değiştirilmiş…
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here’s hannah!! hes based off of a king cobra n stuffz
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), female, family Elapidae, India
This species is the largest venomous snake in the world, growing to a length of up to 19 ft!!!
photograph by wildwarrior_pravesh.meet
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what are the main differences between king cobras and actual cobras?
Great question.
True cobras, genus Naja, tend to be medium-sized snakes, about four feet or so long on average. Most of them (with the exception of the Indian and Caspain cobras) can spit their venom from special holes in their fangs, but they vary in how good at that they are. They're highly opportunistic when it comes to food, and are some of the very, very few snakes who will eat carrion.
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King cobras (Ophiophagus hannah, the only snake in their genus) are massive in comparison to true cobras, about 13 feet long on average and cabable of getting nearly 20 feet long. They can't spit venom and are highly specialized eaters who eat other snakes almost exclusively. Their venom composition is also quite different; true cobra venom is very dangerous to humans but king cobra bites are exceptionally lethal to humans. Their venom is actually the quickest-acting on humans, it can become a medical emergency in as little as ten minutes and severe envenomations can become lethal in as little as thirty minutes. Genetically, king cobras are like a middle ground between Naja and Dendroaspis, the mambas.
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
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(Photo by Michael Smith)
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Habitat- Southeast Asia
Size (Weight/Length)- 5.8 kg; 5.4 m
Diet- Snakes; Small mammals; Lizards
Cool Facts- While not technically a true species of cobra, the king cobra is certainly regal. Being the longest venomous snake, the snake’s neurotoxins have a 60% chance of death when untreated after 30 minutes. However, king cobras are relatively shy snakes. Spending the majority of their time sunbathing and sleeping, king cobras’ favorite source of food is other species of snakes. Considered nonaggressive, they usually run when given the option. When cornered king cobras rear up, extend their hood, and hiss very loudly to make their presence known. They only strike as a last resort, making king cobra bites one of the rarest venomous snake bites in the world.
Rating- 12/10 (Please excuse them, they have anxiety.)
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chenanigans-draws · 23 days
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Here's the Flockless as each others respective species! Dungeon Meshi was a huge inspiration for this and just my love for my dnd party!
I'll talk about the designs briefly under the cut!
Cherry (Mechanically an Aasimar)
In every form, Cherry is still an Aasimar.
She almost surged due to the Howler, but instead she got a buff, being able to add her Charisma modifier to her attack cantrips.
Frogfolk - Based on the Cape Rain Frog (Breviceps gibbosus). This isn't new info!
Tiefling - She's still small, brown, and has huge eyes. Cherry would always be black and black-coded like all my characters.
Jackalope - Fluffy lil bunny with lil bud antlers.
Kenku - Based on the Canary (Serinus canaria forma domestica).
Yuan-ti - Based on an albino Ball Python (Python regius).
Shelley (Mechanically a Zariel Tiefling)
Shelley's eyes are red and blue, formerly purple, due to a surge caused by the god, the Howler.
Frogfolk - Based on the Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus resinifictrix).
Tiefling - Formerly a Dhampir, she is now some kinda blessed and kinda cursed Zariel Tiefling.
Jackalope - Kept her elegant look as a Jackalope.
Kenku - Based on the Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius).
Yuan-ti - Based on the King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah).
Luren (Mechanically a Harengon)
Frogfolk - Based on the Cinnamon Frog (Nyctixalus pictus).
Tiefling - I wanted to keep his cheeky nature in this tiefling design.
Jackalope - Same old Jackalope with a lucky white foot.
Kenku - Based on the Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao).
Yuan-ti - Since he also has an association with the god, Jack the Dealer, I wanted him to have more snake-like proportions.
Silence (Mechanically a Kenku)
Silence's skin is blue due to surge caused by the god, the Howler.
Frogfolk - Based on the Diablito Poison Frog (Oophaga sylvatica).
Tiefling - Their horns are black and white due to their patrons.
Jackalope - They're just fluffy with a blue nose!
Kenku - Based on an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). This isn't new info!
Yuan-ti - He's a chubby, blue snake!
Cres (Mechanically a Changeling)
Frogfolk - Based on this frog (Hyloscirtus hillis).
Tiefling - Based on one of their forms aka Elia Crescentmoon.
Jackalope - Also based on Elia Crescentmoon if they were a Jackalope.
Kenku - Based on the Common Ground Dove (Columbina passerina).
Yuan-ti - It's their base form, what else can I say?
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Volume 6: Reptiles. Written by Bernard Grzimek. 1984.
1.) Eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
2.) Egyptian cobra (Naja haje)
3.) King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
4.) Southern coral snake (Micrurus frontalis)
5.) Red-headed krait (Bungarus flaviceps)
6.) Shield-nosed cobra (Aspidelaps scutatus)
7.) Common sea krait (Laticauda laticaudata)
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samlarej · 4 days
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Bali, l'île des dieux, est réputée pour ses plages magnifiques, ses paysages luxuriants et sa culture dynamique. Cependant, sous ses apparences idylliques se cache un lieu qui exige respect et prudence : l'habitat de certains des serpents les plus dangereux au monde. Bien que la majorité de ces serpents soient reclus et n'osent pas entrer en contact avec l'homme, il est essentiel que les résidents et les visiteurs soient conscients des risques potentiels qu'ils encourent.
Le cobra royal (Ophiophagus hannah)
Connu comme le plus long serpent venimeux de la planète, le cobra royal fait peur à beaucoup. Sa longueur impressionnante et son puissant venin neurotoxique en font un prédateur redoutable. Présent dans les forêts et les zones agricoles de Bali, ce serpent préfère éviter la confrontation, mais lorsqu'il est menacé, il soulève son corps du sol et déploie son capuchon emblématique en guise de signal d'avertissement. Les rencontres avec ce serpent sont rares, car il chasse principalement des proies telles que des rongeurs, d'autres serpents et même de petits mammifères.
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Le python réticulé (Python reticulatus)
Le python réticulé, l'une des plus grandes espèces de serpents au monde, attire l'attention. Bien qu'il ne soit pas venimeux, son immense taille et ses capacités de constriction constituent une menace unique. Ces pythons habitent les forêts de Bali, souvent près des sources d'eau, et sont d'habiles nageurs. Ils s'attaquent aux petits mammifères et aux oiseaux, utilisant leurs puissantes spirales pour extraire la vie de leurs victimes. Les pythons réticulés sont généralement craintifs mais peuvent devenir agressifs s'ils sont provoqués.
La vipère de Pit à lèvres blanches (Trimeresurus albolabris)
La vipère de Pit à lèvres blanches est un serpent venimeux que l'on trouve dans les jungles luxuriantes de Bali. Elle est facilement reconnaissable à sa lèvre supérieure blanche et à ses écailles d'un vert éclatant. Bien qu'elle soit généralement recluse, les rencontres avec cette espèce peuvent être dangereuses en raison de la puissance de son venin.
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Krait (genre Bungarus)
Le serpent krait est un reptile très venimeux que l'on trouve dans les forêts de la région. Reconnaissable à ses bandes noires et blanches ou jaunes distinctives, ce prédateur nocturne se nourrit de petits mammifères et d'autres serpents. Bien que les rencontres soient rares, leur venin puissant en fait un sujet de préoccupation important pour les habitants et les visiteurs.
Si la simple évocation de serpents dangereux peut faire frémir, il est important de rappeler que ces serpents jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'écosystème. La biodiversité unique de Bali est un équilibre délicat, et la compréhension et le respect des habitats de ces créatures sont essentiels à leur survie et à la nôtre. Si vous avez la chance de rencontrer un serpent dans la nature, la meilleure chose à faire est de garder une distance de sécurité et de le laisser s'éloigner.
Les serpents de Bali nous rappellent que la nature est diverse et impressionnante, mais qu'elle exige notre respect et notre attention. En étant informés et responsables, nous pouvons profiter de la beauté de Bali tout en coexistant harmonieusement avec ses habitants énigmatiques et sauvages.
N'oubliez pas que la prévention est la meilleure stratégie. Lorsque vous vous trouvez dans des zones exposées aux serpents, portez des chaussures appropriées, évitez de marcher dans les hautes herbes ou les broussailles et soyez prudent lorsque vous pénétrez dans des crevasses ou des endroits cachés. Garder une distance respectueuse avec les serpents et être conscient de son environnement peut réduire considérablement le risque de morsure de serpent.
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dartxo · 5 months
"The King"
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King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
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helluvatimes · 6 months
The King Of Cobras
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A king cobra checking out visitors from within its glass cage in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
This 4.3-metre cobra has a name apparently. It was named Elvis after the King of Rock n Roll when it was caught in a residential estate back in 2010. 
The camera was held low on level with Elvis. But the ISO was pushed up to 6400 by the camera to give a hand-holdable shutter speed and this resulted in a noise level of some 8 odd that had to be fixed in post.
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scmkart · 11 months
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[art of a non-binary person sitting on the bed with a panel on the right describing their tattoos. Inarius "Ari" Lane. They/them. Conium maculatum. AKA "poison hemlock" causes paralysis, loss of speech, inhibited respiratory function, and death. Vespa mandarinia. AKA "Asian Giant Hornet" causes great pain, inflammation, allergic reaction, and sometimes death. Latrodectus hesperus. AKA "western black widow spider" causes muscle rigidity, perspiration, and nausea. Epicauta vittata. AKA "striped blister beetle" causes burns, blisters, renal damage, gastrointestinal damage, urinary tract damage, abdominal pain, and rarely, prolonged erections. Convallaria majalis. AKA "lily of the valley" causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and irregular heartbeats. Ophiophagus hannah. AKA "king cobra" causes severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness, paralysis, and if severe enough, coma, and death.]
Inarius Lane is the main character in my upcoming horror graphic novel! It will be released chapter-by-chapter, so stay tuned!
Please follow SCMK Art so you can be the first to read it!
Close-ups are under the read more!
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herpsandbirds · 4 months
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King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), female, family Elapidae, Yala, southern Thailand
This species is the largest venomous snake in the world, growing to a length of up to 19 ft!!!
photograph by Claes Granfeldt FirstClaes
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