#Oof Size Large !
nachosncheezies · 5 months
Reading fic and realizing we're quickly careening towards a world in which "snowed in" as a trope becomes historical or science fiction
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autoneurotic · 1 year
the ocean breathes salty, won’t you carry it in, in your head in your mouth in your soul? the more we move ahead the more we’re stuck in rewind, well i don’t mind i don’t mind, how the hell could i mind?
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problemeule · 6 months
grammatical errors (multiple) in the abstract of a published paper. oof
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freebirdyance · 2 years
⚠️ are you worried about the secrets Mark may be keeping from you?
"He ain't keepin' secrets from me." The toothpick in Yancy's mouth is nearly spent with how hard he's chewed on it. You've offended him with the implication.
"We're workin' things out. He's told me part of it and he's already said he'll tell the rest. As for yer question...I know it's bad, whatever it is. Really bad. I got a peek at what he's capable of on a couple occasions now. Youse don't have command over such things without possibly hurtin' people."
He takes a moment to compose his thoughts further. "But I've seen him now. He's tryin' ta be a betta person, and as I've said before, I'd be a fuckin' hypocrite if I didn't believe in second chances. So, no, I'm not worried 'bout what I don't know. I'm worried he'll use it to push me away."
It's a seven, due to the insult and admittance of difficult feelings.
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mixed-up-metaphors · 10 months
Mistakes Were Made
me: "oh look at this cool thing i just found! i will enjoy it in Small Portions so i can spread out my Enjoyment over time!" me, two hours later: "i have read 95% of what is available of this comic" "what do you mean this is the game's final boss" "oh no this is chapter 27 and there are 29 chapters in this book"
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goofygooberton · 11 months
Hi. I have a confession to make.
For the longest time even though I knew gnc had something to do with queerness my only guess as to what it could possibly stand for was “gnomecore”.
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stuff-kids-say · 1 year
Student: Miss A, why is there a lock on the playground gate?
Me: Oh, they use it when the close up for the night.
Student: Ah, I see. So the school shooters don't get in at night!
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somanyants · 4 months
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Hey, man…
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C’mon, stop…
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You don’t have to do this.
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me whenever Ganondorf is in a cutscene:
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metaphorthejesterdraws · 10 months
(undertale spoilers but mostly just headcanons and stuff) I'm Not Quite Sure How This Got So Out Of Control???
(perhaps surprisingly, this one DOES actually have a very small amount of blood (as well as an off-screen death), so I'm slapping a warning here and in the tags. just in case. no massive violence, though.)
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i set out to practice with word bubbles because i intend to make a full-length fancomic series one of these days, and i needed to figure out the word bubble tool.
i figured i'd just use this offhand idea i had about the King Papyrus neutral route and call it a day. well i'm not quite sure what happened but somewhere it went from "simple comic" to "5 pages of what the heck is this". somehow veered into angst again. welp.
(if you feel like reading my logic behind this whole thing here's the initial idea i wrote up like 2 weeks ago lol)
i was thinking about neutral routes (...again...) and i wondered, would the monsters eventually reach a boiling point? like, would they get so fed up with what they perceive to be papyrus' inability to run a kingdom/actually pursue getting a human SOUL that they turn on him?
sans of course would intervene, constantly reassuring everyone that papyrus was doing all he could (which would be the truth!), and even getting just a lil bit ominous and scary if he needed to.
...which got me to thinking something else. if they tried to overthrow him, what steps would they take? where would they stop? monsters' SOULs are made of love after all (and monsters rarely, if ever, show desire to harm another monster at ALL), but would they take a life if it meant freedom...?
which led me to:
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whirling-fangs · 2 months
"i don't think i can walk anymore." - [ Heian Verse ]
The boy's silhouette turned around in an odd undulation, his head snapping first, soon followed by the rest of his body. the gleeful spark that danced in his eyes had flickered away, replaced by a deep concern that had already seeped deep into his soul.
"It's fine! We can take a break!" He did a poor job at hiding the devouring concern from his voice. "Just sit down, okay! Yeah, let's sit down for a bit!"
As his hand wrapped around the young man's shoulder, Inosuke felt like he was holding him up more than he was helping him down.
"Let's call it a day, alright? We can sit here for a bit, and I'll carry you down the mountain."
It was no suggestion. As he let his gaze fall on Muzan's pale visage, Inosuke felt a dagger plunge deep into his chest. The blood had been drained from the man's face, leaving behind a mere specter, with skin so pale that the thinnest ray of sunlight might just burn a hole through it.
The boy's lips quivered. He had been selfish again, hadn't he? Urging the curly-haired man to clamber all the way up the mountain with him, when he had found Muzan in a state worse than ever. Perhaps it was that suffocating air in the room that had urged Inosuke to open the wooden doors, and drag the poor man out of his bed, under the doctor's reproachful eyes.
Inosuke reached down for the little pouch he kept tied to his belt, an addition he had made to his attire after a few outings with Muzan. It contained fresh water from the stream, that he had made sure to collect before he paid Muzan a visit.
"Here. Drink up. All of it."
He finally sat down beside his companion, trying to chase the restlessness that kept growing inside his chest. The sun was still high above the trees. Higher than it usually was when Muzan showed signs of fatigue.
Inosuke hands dug into the fur that encased his thighs. He bit into his lip, shoulders hunched, allowing wild strands of hair fall by each side of his face. An attempt at concealing his expression.
His illness isn't healing... It just keeps getting worse!
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lcpmon · 5 months
head in my hands realising how wide this is gonna be
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elektroyu · 1 year
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First batches of kitty sticker printables are now online!
Visit my Etsy shop for more info!
(there will be physical versions for everyone who can't make stickers themselves, but those will take some more time to do)
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problemeule · 1 year
When Will My Professors Leanr Not To Say The Opposite Of What They Mean
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mixed-up-metaphors · 10 months
some outdated thoughts i had on the sans fight from like 3 months ago.
hold on. hold on. let me get this straight. maybe im hilariously wrong and i'll shake my head at this later, but screw it. im pretty sure that in the sans boss fight in a no mercy run, he just yeets the player's SOUL around the screen amiright? it does damage. up to a point.
eventually, it stops dealing damage.
but he keeps doing it.
for no reason??? until he quite literally tires out to the point he can't move you anymore, only holding you, the player, still?
it's anger. it's freaking anger. he just wants to throw you around. to freaking annoy you, the player. not just to make you bored, but because he's freaking mad. because he hates the player so much for their actions.
that's his grief talking.
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fourthclone · 16 days
Reaches out to hold his hand. "Are you alright, darling? You've gone terribly pale..."
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and the SOLDIER's hand relaxes upon his chest as it releases it ⸻ lowers it . the pain in his body . . . it's really not getting any better . . . but he doesn't want anyone to see him as he is . he'd rather linger on the moments with vaux ⸻ not burden him with anything else on his plate ; he has enough to deal with . which is why he is all too ready with a wide grin .
❝ no no , i'm quite alright , ❞ he says with a shake of the head , trying to not pull his hand away when vaux's reaches for it . it does him no good to sever his ties nor shy away from them ⸻ they are what he lives for . ❝ just uh . . . haven't been sleeping very well at night , i'm afraid . ❞
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