#Onsen trip
motto-refresh · 5 months
さて今回ご紹介するのは新潟県阿賀町にあります『麒麟山温泉 雪つばきの宿古澤屋』さんです。
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「ほっ」と一息つきながら窓の外を見ると目の前に阿賀野川の絶景。流れの強弱に目をひかれながら野鳥を観察ができます。タイミングが良いと阿賀野川対岸にSLが通るようです。観てみたかった😢 川岸から少し離れてポツンと島が、印象的です。 個人的には中が岩なのか土なのか気になりました。 夜にはライトアップもされるようでした。綺麗です。
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高低差がある立地故なのか階段が少し多めです。年配の方や車椅子、松葉杖の方は事前に連絡するなどの注意が必要かもしれません。 しかし客室が12部屋ほどのようでしたので館内はゆったりとした時間の流れです。 私も小さな子連れでしたが周りの目を気にする事なく過ごせました。 また、露天風呂つきのお部屋もあるようですし、プランによれば夕食・朝食がお部屋で頂けそうです。 移動量減らし気兼ねなくすごせそうです。重ねて事前連絡による確認が必要そうです。
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先ずは大浴場、入って直ぐに気づきました。「匂いがしない。」 あれ?! 100%天然温泉のはず♨️ 半信半疑で温泉に浸かってみると「ピリッ」とした感じで温泉だと分かります。そして若干の塩味がありました。(⚠️飲泉はできません。) 温度はややぬるめですが効能を堪能するにはもってこいな感じ!
露天風呂も温泉が澄んでいて綺麗! そして、阿賀野川の眺望を堪能できます。 こちらの露天風呂は珍しく、下から温泉が湧き出てくる仕様です。 川の音、風や虫の鳴き声、野鳥のさえずりを景色の一端として楽しむという、古澤屋さんの想いあるコンセプト。心身共に癒されリフレッシュできますね。私は宿泊中に5回も入浴しました!  阿賀野川を目の前に四季折々の風情を楽しめる数少ないお宿です。何度でも来たい!その様に思いました。
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city-cost · 3 months
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Winter is absolutely the best time to enjoy Japan's onsen. One of our favorites, Shibu Onsen in Nagano Prefecture.
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westonsims00 · 8 days
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺
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apparently-artless · 6 months
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Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen E05 Preview Images
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missmungoe · 6 months
Hi! Hope you're enjoying your time in Japan (welcome! sorry it's so warm) so please don't feel obliged to answer this.
I read Heed the Siren's Call on ff.net many many years ago and it 1) was my comfort fic, and 2) introduced me to OP (yes, I read the fic before reading the manga cause I loved your writing and I'd finished all the FT/HTTYD fics). I only just discovered the whole Sea Shanties series on AO3 so I've been devouring it with great delight (and many tears - so many tears).
I just wanted to thank you for your fics, for introducing me to my one of my favourite mangas, for showing a lonely teenager a heartrending picture of love and family and that a gentle heart can be as strong as any pistol punch. And because OP was a big part of my partner and I becoming friends - helping me find my own Shanks, of sorts.
Ngl, I debated sending this for a long time cause it feels pretty self-indulgent. But I'm getting married in 6 months so I'm in an oddly sentimental mood. Anyway I hope it is some encouragement to hear of the impact your stories have had on people! ❤️
I got this a few days ago and have been thinking about it ever since. I don't even know which part hit me the hardest, although "showing a lonely teenager a heartrending picture of love and family and that a gentle heart can be as strong as any pistol punch" is one hell of a contender. And ahhh congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! I love hearing about people finding each other, and hearing that I had even a tiny part in you finding your partner makes me unreasonably happy :')
I'm so glad you decided to send me this, because getting it meant everything<3
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vishapsking · 11 months
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here's some pics from my trip as my munday post~
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ddddoooxooobbbb · 2 years
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instagram:hhhinagggiqqqu flickr:Kana Sasamoto
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smallflowersj · 8 months
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mebaru00ll · 9 months
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drawwboii · 9 months
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onsen in japan was the best, it was pretty hard getting to it but it was worth
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smallflowersblog · 9 months
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After parking my car in the parking lot and walking down a pitch-black road for a while, a small "town" suddenly appears, enveloped in dazzling lights. Inns, cafes or bars line both banks of the narrow river, with orange lights flooding in from the many windows. The buildings are old and western-style, but the place is filled with a nostalgic and modern atmosphere.
The two banks are connected by a few small bridges, allowing visitors to come and go as they please. In contrast to the light flooding in through the windows, the paths on the bridges and in front of the buildings are a bit dim, dotted with gas lamps and small lights that illuminate your feet, which is also very nice. As you walk down this path, you can see inside through the windows and hear the sounds of the clinking of dishes at mealtime, happy laughter, and even jazz music coming from the bar, along with the sound of a stream flowing through the river.
If you come in the daytime, the atmosphere is sure to be different. However, I would recommend nighttime. Especially at night in winter. The town, warmly illuminated in the cold, is an unreal space where you can be satisfied even if you do not stay at an inn but just stroll around.
Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata, JAPAN)
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discoveronsen · 1 year
Seiryu-no-Yu at Shima Onsen
Nestled at the start of Shima Onsen, deep in the mountains of Gunma, is one of the few public day-onsens that has an outdoor bath (rotenburo) named Seiryu-no-Yu. We also like to call these places “jumping onsen”.. as in jump in and jump out 😊. For this one the cost is 500 yen for 2 hours and can even rent a towel set for 250 yen. The water and views are great and they even have drinking onsen water in the hallway to enjoy.. so good! But one of the best parts is that they also sell cold coffee milk as seen in the video, an absolute must after a hearty onsen dip 😌
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rnaeborowski · 1 year
maybe i'll go to bed at 9pm today :) maybe this will be me
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adventure-alex · 1 year
Part 2 of our Wakayama trip is out!
This time we went to the Biggest tori gate in the world the Kumano Hongū Taisha a complex of more then 12 shrines with more than 800 years of history and the only onsen in the world, that is considered a world heritage site!
Don't forget to like and comment! As a little support to motivate me to make more Videos!
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kn96artworks · 2 years
anyone would like to write jin/ryu smut for me (random)
i can provide you uhh visuals i guess
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sayonaramidnight · 2 years
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she’s melancholic, because she’s getting older tomorrow
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