#Online Courses In Nigeria
cielgr · 17 hours
If you want to get ISO 9001:2015 certification in Nigeria, then you are at the right place! We bring the best ISO 9001:2015 certification in Nigeria that is valid across the globe. For more information visit us at
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dewvorce-flowers · 15 days
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saberlightaus · 3 months
Caregiver Course – Give Your Genuine Passion Of Helping Others A Boost
In a world that often rushes by, individuals dedicated to caregiving play a vital role in providing compassion, support, and assistance to those in need. Whether you are considering a career change, seeking personal growth, or have a genuine passion for helping others, enrolling in a caregiver course can be a transformative step.
Understanding these courses
Caregiver courses are designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and empathy to provide quality care to those who require assistance due to illness, aging, or disability. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including medical care basics, communication skills, emotional support, and ethical considerations.
The caregiver course emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in caregiving. Through experiential learning, participants develop a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical needs of those in their care.
Effective communication is at the heart of caregiving. Courses teach participants how to communicate with empathy, listen actively, and navigate challenging conversations. These skills are not only invaluable in a caregiving context but are transferable to various aspects of life.
Caregiver courses often include training on crisis management and problem-solving. This equips individuals with the ability to remain calm under pressure, make quick decisions, and adapt to unexpected situations – skills that extend beyond caregiving roles.
Professional advancement
Completing online class caregiver opens up various career opportunities in healthcare, assisted living facilities, home care agencies, and community organizations. The demand for trained caregivers continues to grow as the aging population increases.
Many caregiver courses offer specialized training in areas such as dementia care, palliative care, and pediatric caregiving. Acquiring these specialized skills enhances your value as a caregiver and can lead to more diverse and fulfilling job opportunities.
Some caregiver courses provide certification upon completion, validating your skills and knowledge. Certification can make you a preferred candidate for caregiving positions and instills confidence in both employers and the individuals you care for.
Enrolling in a caregiver course is a transformative step that goes beyond acquiring technical skills, it's a commitment to personal and professional growth. Whether you are entering the caregiving profession or seeking to enhance your abilities as a family caregiver, these courses provide a foundation for compassionate and effective care. As you embark on this journey, remember that the impact of caregiving extends far beyond the skills learned in the online class caregiver, it's about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Embrace the opportunities for growth and the rewarding experiences that await on the path of caregiving education.
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enforts · 11 months
10 Ways to Make Money Online with ChatGPT
ChatGPT Goldmine: 10 Proven Methods to Make Money Online with ChatGPT Making money online has become an increasingly popular and viable option for many individuals. With the advancement of technology, new opportunities have emerged, allowing people to earn income from the comfort of their homes. One such innovation is ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. In this article, we…
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harmonyd · 2 years
Top Federal Government Vacancies in Nigeria 2023 | How to Apply
Top Federal Government Vacancies in Nigeria 2023 | How to Apply
Top Federal Government Vacancies in Nigeria 2022 | How to Apply: A government is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services. While the responsibilities of all governments are similar, those duties are executed in different ways depending on the form of government. Government jobs offer better opportunities for career…
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siaglobe · 2 years
Amazon KDP For Beginners In Nigeria Earning $1.5k Monthly
Amazon KDP For Beginners In Nigeria Earning $1.5k Monthly
Amazon KDP For Beginners In Nigeria: If you are eager to learn how to get started with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing in Nigeria with any device, then this post is for you. You can make a minimum of $1500 from home with just your smartphone, therefore establishing a stable income. In this article, we will be showing the right steps to begin your Amazon KDP journey. And we are aware that you…
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Apr 29: Happy Anniversary William and Catherine! A fact based post on Megs previous upstaging attempts. What will it be this year? by u/somespeculation
Apr 29: Happy Anniversary, William and Catherine! A fact based post on Meg’s previous upstaging attempts. What will it be this year? Apr.29 is William and Catherine’s Anniversary. Here’s a look back on Meg’s previous upstaging attempts. This year, it’s the faux Royal Nigeria visit. Meg’s previous press attempts on that day (all archived links):2024: Hot off the press! Harry and Meghan announce they will be visiting Nigeria in early May following Harry’s UK Invictus appearance. https://ift.tt/HOlUD7q A Superfecta! Meg’s press release feature and photoshoot for Variety touting that she’s signed with WME. Released the day before their anniversary, UK time. This is the one with her live, love, laughing in a navy gown and rolling around on a parachute. https://ift.tt/r3fsKLY not being seen in four months, Meg makes video appearance to congratulate Misan Harriman with her new Rich Mom Energy look. Others claim it’s AI generated, it’s so heavily filtered. Also, the close bond between Harry and ‘Kate’ and the bridesmaid dress row. Must glom onto all the SEO results for the day! https://ift.tt/soXqDCy then there was this, Vogue online featured the most beautiful bridal veils of all time, with the main pic of Meg, on Catherine’s literal anniversary. Hilariously, comments flood the post with compliments and pics of Catherine on her wedding day. https://ift.tt/FAQhWUL Prince Harry does an interview with Hoda Kotb about how he parents, discussing “important issues” with his kids. Note that Archie is just turning 3, Lili is only 22 months old. https://ift.tt/p7dPzmj Headlines all about how Harry and Meghan ‘privately’ congratulated them. The article does not say how, and even more despicably tries to spin it as Harry ‘reuniting’ with them, despite this happening during Prince Philip’s funeral. Meg remained “heavily pregnant” in LA. Of course they call her Kate. Focus is all about them. https://ift.tt/AwRHFUL Harry and Meghan quietly shop for a mansion in LA. So quietly, in fact, that the New York Post is writing about it. During a pandemic. Lol.https://ift.tt/krisEgp leak to People magazine about an ambulance sighting at Frogmore, causing speculation that Meg had the baby.https://archive.ph/2023.04.28-211124/https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-prince-harry-baby-false-alarm-sophie-wessex-baby-photo/What’s she going to do this year? post link: https://ift.tt/b9xumrN author: somespeculation submitted: April 28, 2024 at 06:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Tuesday, March 5, 2024
A fairly simple study day. There was a lot of reading and several lecture videos and a geometry review from the first quarter. I haven't looked, but I'm guessing tomorrow is probably a second quarter review.
Also, this may sound strange, but I have always known that I have grown up in a fairly wealthy family, but our home, which is worth more than I feel comfortable putting on an online blog, has always just been home to me. I never thought about it too much. Then I had to do this floor plan for Spanish to practice vocabulary words, and I realized that I didn't even know all the Spanish words to use for the different rooms of my home. I also realized that the assignment only asked to name six rooms, and we have more than that on the first floor, not to mention the ground floor and the upstairs. So I only drew the first floor, which is the floor people walk in on. The house was built on a hilltop, so the first floor is a ground floor AND a second level at the same time. Anyway, I felt bad how I had never really thought about my living situation before. Of course I have always been grateful to have a home and to live in the area of the city that we do, but thinking about all the extras my home has that generally most middle and working class homes don't, I felt a lot of shame in it.
My parents always taught me humility and to give back to the world, but it seems terribly extortionate to live by the means I have available to me. Please tell me I am not having some sort of existential crisis triggered by a Spanish assignment. I think I will talk to my parents about this. I need to finish eating so I can be ready for ballet.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Review of first quarter topics
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 20 vocabulary + read chapter 34 of Emma by Jane Austen + submitted poetry notebook project to Mom for grading (100/105 because I could have been more clear on poem interpretations)
Spanish 2 - Drew the first floor floorplan of my house + labeled the rooms in Spanish + wrote sentences about my house in Spanish
Bible I - Read Judges 5
World History - Watched a video on US Marines at Belleau Wood + watched a video about US Army battles in France + read several different WWI topics and documents
Biology with Lab - Read an article about evolution creating a new species in the Galapagos Islands + read more on natural selection + read about genetics and evolution
Foundations - Read the definition of reverence + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read about if propaganda is always negative
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 6: Lesson 2
CLEP - Completed Module 10.2 lecture video
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 185-208 of Nigeria Jones by Ibi Zoboi
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (2 Samuel 22)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful (and blessed) to live in a beautiful home in a gated community where I feel extremely safe.
Quote of the Day:
Being classy is my teenage rebellion.
-Rebecca McKinsey
🎧Waltz in B minor, Op. 18, No. 6, D145 - Franz Schubert
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yeyinde · 1 year
do you have any recs for folklore/mythology books to learn from or docs/videos?
I have tonnes!!! I prefer non-fiction books when it comes to mythology, with the exception of American Gods and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This one is more history focused but it blends the mythology and culture of Nigeria/Igbo folklore. I would recommend it to anyone just looking for a really good book to read about culture, history, the perception of masculinity within that culture, and of course, the negative effects of colonisation, and the history of pre-colonisation in Nigeria. It's one of my favourite history books by a really amazing author and poet! Def recommend.
I tried to focus on mythology that is not as widely popularised as others since they are often harder to find. But here are some of the ones that I enjoyed! Most of them were available at my public library as well so if you can't find them in stores or online, that's always another good place to look for mythology books/refs!
Myths from Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley
Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales by Naguib Mahfouz
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many by Erik Hornung
Indaba, my Children: African Folktales by Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (this is a massive encyclopedia at 700 pages but sooooo worth it!)
Folktales from India by A.K. Ramanujan
Myth = Mithya: Decoding Hindu Mythology by Devdutt Pattanaik (also: The Goddess in India: The 5 faces of Eternal Feminism, 99 thoughts on Ganesha: stories, symbols and Rituals of India's beloved Elephant Headed Deity, and the Pregnant King are really good)
Myth and Reality: Studies in the Formation of Indian Culture by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi
The Ramayana & Mahabharata by Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (these are epics but OH GOD they are fantastic!)
Irish Mythology - this is a massive tumblr reference with books and guides on where to find Irish Folklore
I've really been enjoying the Chronical Books series on mythology - if only for the illustrations. My favourite so far is Tales of East Africa by Jamilla Okubo, Tales of India: Folktales from Bengal, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu by Svabhu Kohli and Viplov Singh. I wouldn't really say these are super important for mythology - the stories are very basic (not in a bad way at all, just less in-depth since I believe the books are geared toward a younger audience) but the art alone makes them worth it!
Mythology by Edith Hamilton is usually a good introduction to Greek, Roman, and Norse myths
The Prose Edda: Tales from Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson
Trese on Netflix - it's about Philippine mythology told in modern times, and just an amazing show on its own!
The Entire Story of Greek Mythology Explained - it's 3.5 hours but WORTH IT!
I don't really watch too many videos on mythology, but I do on history and culture. It's just kinda hard to find mythology/folklore specific videos but since it's often interwoven within the cultures respective history, I watch Smithsonian docs on their history instead.
I really hope this helps!!!
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
Hi ! I'm curious, which languages are on your to learn list if you don't mind me asking ?
Oh, hello!!
So the three that I want to learn are Japanese, Korean, and Igbo.
I actually tried teaching myself ages ago in like 2017 because my first year of uni ended super early in like May and I didn't start the next academic year until October that same year and so I was really bored and just decided to learn Japanese. I'd always been curious about it since I was a big anime fan but that was the year I genuinely tried. I ended up printing off a bunch of worksheets to practice with and I even made flashcards and stuff, but once classes started back up again I got busy and so was unable to to pick it back up. It was a shame because I managed to teach myself the entire Hiragana alphabet, but now I've forgotten some of the characters. I'll try again at a later point.
Then Korean became a point of interest because I'm a big fan of BTS and their lyrics touched me so deeply I wanted to learn even a bit of the language to appreciate BTS's lyrics in their original form without anything getting lost in translation. I taught myself the alphabet for that, too, and to an extent I can read and write in Korean, but I'm nowhere near fluent and would like to fix that as well.
The last is Igbo for the very obvious reason of it being my parents' native language (it's one of the most common languages in Nigeria along with Yoruba and Hausa). It's always been something I've wanted to learn for some time since growing up in the US meant I didn't really pick it up, but the frustrating thing is that there are way fewer resources, so teaching myself can only get me so far. I've been looking up other methods and have found there are online tutors/courses I could take, so I was thinking about pairing that with any self-teaching I do with books and the like. Another roadblock is the fact that learning Igbo from books and courses will only teach you Central Igbo, but my parents speak a specific dialect of Igbo used in their hometown down south, so I'd still have to tweak what I teach myself to match their dialect. It's a work in progress, but I'm hoping to buy some vocab and grammar books soon to get started. One day when I have kids, I'd ideally like to pass on the language to them as well.
Technically, I could say that I want to learn four languages because I learned Spanish from age 4 up until age 15, but I fell out of practice after that and my Spanish is very meh right now. I can still read and write it just fine but I can tell my lexicon has shrunk. I should maybe rebuild it when I have time.
That's the thing with me. So many things I want to do, but never enough time! If you've got any advice for me, I'd love to hear it. 😭
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cielgr · 7 days
Free Project Management Courses – Know All Your Options
In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead in your career means continuously honing your skills and adapting to new trends. Whether you are a seasoned project manager looking to sharpen your expertise or an aspiring business analyst eager to dive into the field, the right education can make all the difference. Luckily, with the proliferation of online resources, there's never been a better time to expand your knowledge without breaking the bank.
Enter free project management courses and classes, the gateway to unlocking your full professional potential. These offerings provide a wealth of invaluable insights and practical know-how, empowering you to navigate complex projects and drive business success with confidence.
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Firstly, let's delve into project management. Whether you are overseeing a small team or orchestrating large-scale initiatives, effective project management is crucial for achieving desired outcomes on time and within budget. Free project management courses offer a comprehensive overview of essential concepts, from project planning and execution to risk management and stakeholder communication. By immersing yourself in these courses, you will gain the foundational knowledge needed to tackle projects of any size with ease.
Moreover, these business analyst classes often leverage real-world case studies and interactive simulations, providing a hands-on learning experience that mirrors the complexities of the modern workplace. Through practical exercises and collaborative assignments, you'll learn to anticipate challenges, mitigate risks, and foster a culture of accountability within your team. Whether you're aiming for professional certification or simply seeking to enhance your project management prowess, these courses offer a flexible and accessible path to success.
But what about business analysis? In an era defined by data-driven decision-making and rapid technological advancements, the role of the business analyst classes has never been more critical. From identifying business needs to designing innovative solutions, business analysts serve as catalysts for organisational growth and transformation. Free business analyst classes equip you with the tools and techniques needed to excel in this dynamic field.
By enrolling in these free project management courses, you will learn to bridge the gap between business objectives and IT solutions, leveraging data analytics and strategic insights to drive informed decision-making. From conducting thorough requirements analysis to facilitating stakeholder workshops, you will master the art of translating complex business requirements into actionable plans. Moreover, many of these classes offer specialised tracks tailored to specific industries or methodologies, allowing you to customise your learning journey based on your interests and career goals.
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boricuacherry-blog · 19 days
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On October 21, 2020 Beyonce's publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure responded to Beyoncé being called out by Tiwa. She wrote that, "Not all activists live on social media. Not all doers look for validation nor your approval. Not all work is for a Photo Op. Make it normal to stop judging people's actions based on posts. Posts don't make you an activist. Actions make you an activist. Whether in the background or out in the streets. We all choose a different path to get it done. Blessed are those who do not see yet they believe. Actions speak louder than posts! Stop Judging. S.T.O.P."
Beyoncé's mom gets into War of Words on Social Media with Tiwa Savage
On the same day, Beyoncé's mother, Tina Knowles also replied in a lengthy Instagram post as she wrote, "Good Morning, I am deeply saddened by the events that happened last night in Lagos! When people lost their lives and were beaten and abused. I understand the injustices that have been going on in Nigeria, it sickens me.
SARS came to my attention last week and immediately I posted about it! I had not heard of it before as I have not been following closely Instagram as much as I usually do due to some serious personal family challenges. As a result I have been mostly posting funny things to try to make people smile.
After researching on line I understood that SARS (a special task force supposedly to stop crime) were abusing their power and harassing young people. Very much like what we have been protesting for, here in America. Everyday we are disproportionately stopped harassed jailed and sometimes killed! These senseless killings of our black men and women! The brutal treatment of our people by law enforcement! No knock warrants, etc. Of course I guess much of the public does not think we have personal problems in our family. We are supposed to be superhuman and not have loss, or health issues or personal problems because our sole purpose is suppose to be of service and humility and take as much abuse from the haters as they choose to put on us. No matter what my daughter does she is scrutinized and torn apart!
She makes a record and uses all African artists, producers, writers. She is criticized because she didn't get artist from every country in Africa there are 52 countries! Then she makes a film that by the way she doesn't profit a penny off of, because she spent every penny in the budget on making something that celebrates our heritage!
What profiting off of you did she do? She made art!! She is an artist! That is what artist do. She is not your political leader and not your whipping board. They saw a 30 second trailer and critics and couch activist attacked!!!!! Yes I said it and I meant it!
They came out and did their usual thing about her being a culture vulture and saying some of the most ugly and vile things about her that were totally not true and insults galore.
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Social media users reacted to Tina's online outburst:
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hello loves, 
Just a quick work thing. 
I’m currently working with a client who is doing a training for admins and moderators on social media to increase their confidence and capacity to foster social cohesion within their online communities. 
This includes admins, group moderators and community stewards of public and private groups on various social media platforms i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Instagram, Twitch, Discord, SNAP, Robloxx, and Clubhouse.
To be eligible, you have to currently run and/or manage private or public community groups on social media platforms. We prefer that the online group has a shared purpose, or focus of some sort, such as a group looking at addressing a social issue, or trying to share information and network amongst particular identity-based groups. This can be anything from groups on youth empowerment, addressing diverse forms of gender-based violence, or discussing socio-cultural and political issues. Groups that are focused only around entertainment, such as fan clubs, are NOT our target for this pilot.
The training is from Mid August to Early September. Part of it is physical (expenses covered) and the rest is virtual. 
We’re inviting community stewards from Iraq, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and the USA. But if anyone is from outside these countries, please feel free to let me know. I’ll see what I can do. 
I’m ONLY posting this on my Tumblr so I can identify queer communities who will benefit from this opportunity. But it doesn’t necessary have to be limited to this of course. 
If anyone is interested, DM me please <3
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harmonyd · 2 years
Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Form
Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Form
Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Form This is to let you know that the Nigerian Army trades and non-tradesmen recruitment form has been released for 2022/2023. You can check now for the Army recruitment portal here http://www.recruitment.army.mil.ng. Application requirements and other vital information concerning these will be made available, Check below. Also, a compulsory…
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saintmeghanmarkle · 22 days
DM - Meghan Markle wore nearly 120000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours in Nigeria by u/Feisty_Energy_107
DM - Meghan Markle wore nearly £120,000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours in Nigeria Meghan Markle wore nearly £120,000 of new clothing and jewellery in 72 hours on her 'quasi-royal tour' of Nigeria with Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online OR the Archived versionDay 1Peach dress at the schoolWhite suitDay 2 The slit and peep hole dressWhite tube dressRed dressShirt and shirtSATURDAY TOTAL: £26,771.23Day 3Yellow dressPatterned dressNow I know some are re-wears such as the yellow dress and some of the jewellery is of course the same pieces she always wears, i.e.. the tank watch. There were a few things I wasn't sure about. For example DM listed a £50,000 pinky ring and the watch but without being saying they were previously worn. They also listed an over £7000 love bangle which I am not sure was new. As they do list a yellow gold bangle also by Cartier as being a re-wear. post link: https://ift.tt/xdPFMrE author: Feisty_Energy_107 submitted: May 13, 2024 at 09:08PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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boltonwesth62 · 1 year
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