#Omori spoilers?
aubykuro · 10 months
I find it curious how in the hikikomori route, despite Basil being protected in Sunny's perfect world (along with Mari, so they are both on the picnic blanket), Sunny (as Omori now) wants to include Basil in his adventures, but only if he is the one taking care of him, and only if Basil is not in any real danger (like in boss rush). It's worth noting that Basil is SUPER affectionate with Omori, both physically and emotionally. They are always seen holding hands or Basil hugging him and giving him affection. When we remember that all of this is just Sunny's imagination, it seems like Sunny is practically imagining and wishing for the affection that Basil used to give him, dreaming of hugs, comfort, and holding hands. It sounds VERY gay, lol. It's also possible that Sunny wants to take care of Basil as compensation for all the damage he feels he has caused him. In real life, for letting Basil get involved, throwing away his mental health for Sunny, and in headspace, where he saw Omori kill Basil multiple times as a way to prevent him from speaking the truth. That's why when you play the hikikomori route (and even more with the extra content), it feels like Sunny is aware that he has practically abandoned the real Basil, feels guilty, and wants to make it up to the Basil of his imagination by making the moments between them sweeter, overprotecting him, and imagining the mutual affection and comfort he left to die in the real world. Besides, Sunny is truly alone in real life on that route, and that's more noticeable now because even though he is trying to pretend he is Omori and his headspace friends are real, there are hints that he feels really lonely deep down. So he begins to imagine more affection from his group of friends, like the group hug at the end of the hikikomori, and above all, he imagines affection from the one he feels most guilty about leaving behind by accepting headspace as his reality.
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mango-fizz · 10 months
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looking at this makes me nervous
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sprout-moles-are-cool · 9 months
I realized that I’ve only drawn Stranger once or twice, so I decided to draw him today!
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sakura-miku-spotted · 6 months
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I love this (I only love the younger basil shhh
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cherriijade · 2 years
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local college student gets bullied by four 16 year olds a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶g̶f̶
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mechanizedangel · 1 year
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“MARI... She’s...”
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1c3d-choco · 2 years
I want my eyes to shit out tears rn
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ultramori · 2 years
So there's an Afterlife AU for OMORI and I just wanna say that everything would be resolved if spirit Mari met with the spirits of all of her friends who die in the other AUs (Sunny from the OMARI AU, Hero from the Hikiko AU, and so on so forth).
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dailydoseofwildcard · 2 years
I finished Omori after a couple of days. Today is that day.
To begin with, words or images cannot describe how I feel. Not in the the beginning, not in the middle, nor in the end. This game broke me on several occasions. It made me upset, helpless, alone, tear up, and cry. Yet after doing so it put me back together. Making me laugh, smile, by helping others and not giving up in looking for Basil.
Those experiences I had with this game made we see things in a different light. People change, and can drift away, but sometimes deep down, they could be going through their own thing. Having a good support system should always be a guarantee. You shouldn’t feel like you have to bottle up emotions or push people away because you’ll think you’ll hurt them or burden them. Talking about your emotions is an essential part of growing. Not recognizing those feelings won’t allow growth, both with your self and others.
You should check on your relationships (friendships, family, S/O, etc.) once in a while. Not in a paranoid worry kind, but just a simple “Hey, how are you today? Do you want to do something together?”.
Pursue your passions, your dreams. You only have one life, do what you want to do. Don’t let others crush or try to steer your heart in another direction.
Enjoy the time you have with your friends, family, S/O, animals, etc. You don’t know when they might be gone from your life. Enjoy the things around you. We take almost all of the things we have for granted.
Look on the bright side. Being a pessimist isn’t good for anyone, especially yourself.
What I’m trying to say is:
You will be okay. Even if you think you won’t or aren’t right now, you will. It takes time to heal, and talking about things with the people you trust or love the most will help. Follow your dreams, when you get out of that dark spot in your life, doing the thing you love to do will help tremendously. Or doing them right now in this dark spot will boost you to continue to push out of what you’re going through. Most importantly:
It’s okay to take care of your needs before others.
It may sound harsh to you but you may feel like you have to help everyone at once…but you shouldn’t give when you have nothing else to give. Take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. You may be doing good physical, but not mentally or vise vera.
Going full circle back to Omori, this game made me emotional at so many different times, and in the end made me feel fatigued. So, because of this, I might be taking a break for…a week? Just to collect my thoughts and start doing the things I enjoy. Spending time with the people I love. Making myself feel good mentally and physically. This should also apply to you, dear readers. Go take a nap, eat something you enjoy, do something you enjoy, spend time with others, or just take a break.
If you’ve read this far or care about my thoughts on the game…I think it’s a solid 10/10. Even though I didn’t get to complete all the things I wanted to do or really 100% this game, it’s really good. Heed my warning though, if this post says anything, this game is cute yet world shattering only to pick up the pieces and put you back together with the left over pieces. So while I do recommend playing, this game isn’t for the faint or heart or easily disturbed. And while that might apply to some of you reading, I too am not faint of heart or easily disturbed yet again words cannot describe how I feel in the end.
For closing this already long post, I’ll be quoting The Juggernaut on his review from Steam:
“The developers did a fantastic job in leaving an impact on the player. Even if you've never had mental illness or have faced it from a friend or loved one in any shape or form, you feel empathy in trying to comfort these characters. This game, as bittersweet as it was in its message, made me appreciate all the friends and people I've had in my life along the way. I've been fortunate enough to have been loved by my friends and family, and I hope, if anyone is reading this, you'll have that same fortune, and if not now, maybe one day.”
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zipsunz · 5 months
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a comic i made for hero's birthday 🍳 ✨
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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kiisaes · 6 months
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milkie2 · 2 months
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Lyrics from Oleander by Mother Mother ^^^
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sprout-moles-are-cool · 9 months
“do you remember?”
Here’s another Mari doodle! Idk what else to say here, tbh.
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isaacz · 6 months
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kutyanchan · 2 months
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dusty-monkey · 3 months
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the guy from that gorillaz clip
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