#Okuyasu who pulls his hair but also pulls his eyebrows a lot when he’s thinking or frustrated
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
Haha what if I start headcanoning characters with bfrbs…. Kakyoin with dermatillomania, who felt alone and different growing up not only because no one understood about his stand, but because he was shamed and picked on for compulsive skin picking/pulling. Okuyasu with trichotillomania who knows what he’s doing and hates it, but pulls his hair more when he’s anxious. Keicho would snap at him sometimes about it, but the Duwang gang are far more understanding.
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spidersfanfics · 3 years
First Date
Josuke x Okuyasu | Self-indulgent fluff | Not a lot of plot
Okuyasu is a huge dork and Josuke humors him as best as he can. Neither of them really know how high school romance is supposed to go. Technically a sequel to this post but you don’t need the context.
"Oi, Josuke," said Okuyasu, his eyes never leaving the tv screen as his fingers flew over the video game controller he held.
The two were lounging in their typical, after-school position. With Josuke lying on his couch, reading a magazine. And Okuyasu sitting on the floor next to him, breezing through some video game or another. Their homework for the day lay forgotten on the dining table while Okuyasu marveled as he always did at how incredible it was that Josuke could play video games whenever he wanted. Josuke meanwhile, simply enjoyed the presence of his boyfriend.
"What is it?" Josuke asked distractedly. Boyfriend, what a wonderful thing to be able to call him, he thought.
Okuyasu cheered softly to himself as he beat another level and tilted his head back for Josuke to tussle his hair affectionately. "Well, I've been thinking," he said as he started up another level.
Josuke hummed to show that he was listening and Okuyasu continued. "You asked me out like two weeks ago and we still haven't had our first date yet."
"Okay first of all, I'd hardly call that me asking you out," Josuke laughed, putting down his magazine. "That was more like me being an oblivious idiot for ten minutes straight and then you kissed me," he blushed slightly, thinking about their awkward, but ultimately rewarding confession. What a night that had been. "And besides, what are you even talking about?" he said, forcing himself back to the present, "We hang out basically every day."
"Bro, you know that's not what I mean," Okuyasu pouted, pausing his game and throwing down his controller to properly look at Josuke. "I'm talking an actual, proper date. You know, where we plan it out and go somewhere together."
Josuke raised an eyebrow as he propped himself up on his elbows. "Oku, if you wanted me to ask you out properly, you should have just said something."
"Well it's not that serious," Okuyasu said, sheepishly looking away. "I was just pointing it out."
Josuke laughed at his boyfriends embarrassment. Truth be told, it was kind of adorable. "Well, how about it then?" he asked, "Okuyasu, will you go on a date with me?"
Okuyasu joined in with his laughter and rolled up onto his knees so he could lean over to give his boyfriend a kiss. "I thought you'd never ask."
* * *
Josuke walked up to the door of the broken-down house where Okuyasu still lived with his father, and fixed his hair nervously for the millionth time. He felt ridiculous and nervous, and ridiculous about being nervous. "Pull yourself together man," Josuke mumbled to himself, "It's just Okuyasu, there's nothing to be anxious about." They'd been best friends for over a year now and boyfriends for just over half a month. What was there to worry about?
In an effort to distract himself, Josuke fixed his outfit yet again. Procrastinating that inevitable moment where he'd have to knock on the door. He'd tried his best to clean up a bit, his hair somehow even neater than usual. He'd also forgone the school uniform he typically wore in favor of a tidy button-up and a pair of slacks.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
Okuyasu answered almost immediately, pulling open the door as if he'd been waiting just inside. "You're here!" He beamed at Josuke, who felt the breath get punched out of him as he took in his boyfriend's appearance.
"I tried to dress nicely," Okuyasu said, seemingly oblivious to Josuke's starstruck expression. "But it turns out we don't have much around the house, not much of a shock there to be honest," he continued. He tugged somewhat bashfully at the leather jacket he wore over a tight fitting t-shirt that immediately drew all of Josuke's attention to his boyfriend's muscular physique. "Luckily, I found some of Big Bro's old stuff..." Okuyasu trailed off a little sadly. "I never got around to sorting through it all after. You know."
Josuke took in a sharp breath. "I'm sure Keicho would have been happy to see where you are now," he said softly as he reached forward to intertwine his fingers with Okuyasu's. "You made the right choice that day." He gave Okuyasu a comforting smile as his thumb traced circles over the back of Okuyasu's hand. "Not to mention you look really hot in that, seriously."
Okuyasu threw his head back and laughed, the tension instantly broken. "Thanks bro, you look really good too. And your hair is in better shape than ever, which I seriously didn't think was possible."
"Thanks," Josuke said and took Okuyasu's other hand as well before pulling him in for a kiss.
When they broke apart, Josuke sighed in contentment and glanced past Okuyasu at the house behind him. "Say, this is where we first met, wasn't it?"
"Yup," Okuyasu agreed, "It all started right here. Seems so long ago now, doesn't it?"
"That's crazy," Josuke mused, shaking his head. "It feels, I dunno. Significant somehow, that we're starting our first date here too."
Okuyasu scoffed, "Alright now you're getting too poetic for me. And speaking of that date, are we gonna get going or what?"
Josuke chuckled slightly and turned back to the road, keeping a firm grip on one of Okuyasu's hands. "You're right. Come on, let's go. Lunch awaits."
* * *
Okuyasu grinned at Josuke over a bite of noodles. "You know nothing beats Tonio's," he said, "But man if this doesn't come close. And it's nice to try new things now and then, right?"
"Good food is good food," Josuke agreed, as he absentmindedly prodded at his food with his chopsticks.
"Everything alright bro?" Okuyasu asked, furrowing his brow. "You seem a little spaced out."
Josuke blinked, a little startled, "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck a little awkwardly, "I just keep getting distracted by you. And thinking about how well everything worked out."
Okuyasu responded with a dopey, lovesick grin. "You're one to talk, while here I am on an actual date with the coolest guy I've ever met."
"Is it everything you hoped it would be?" Josuke asked, propping his chin up on his hand with an elbow on the table.
A look of rare seriousness covered Okuyasu's face. "All that and more," he said earnestly. "I really mean that. Thanks for indulging me dude. I love you."
Josuke sighed contentedly, adoration blatant in his expression. "I love you too," he said, before flashing a mischievous grin. "Although you know what would make this date even better? If after lunch we went back to my place and-"
"Alright alright, one thing at a time," Okuyasu interrupted with a laugh. "Now hurry up and eat."
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a matchup?? I'm 5'4, INFP-T, and I'm a chubby girl with brown skin and glasses with thick lens! I'm a perfectionist that often gets stressed out easily and think critical of myself when I fail, sometimes to the point I might harm myself. I'm trying to better myself though.
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TW // self-harm is mentioned
Thank you for your request! You sound like an interesting and friendly person, and I'm sure your art is amazing ^_^ enjoy your matchup~
Diamond Is Unbreakable and Vento Aureo Matchup
My first matchup choice for you is...
Higashikata Josuke!
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Josuke loves your height. As he's really tall, he enjoys resting his head on yours, hugging you from behind.
The Higashikata boy is a sucker for your physical appearance, he feels so lucky you chose him over all the guys in Morioh Cho. He loves hugging you when you aren't expecting it.
He says glasses make you look the cutest thing ever. If you feel uncomfortable with your glasses, he won't bring the topic up. Just know he finds you perfect anyway.
He's the kind of dumb fuck who steals your glasses.
You're a perfectionist? Maybe it's a side of Josuke you don't really see much, since he's pretty clumsy. But he is, too. Above all on his physical appearance. Above all on his pompadour. Above all on his eyebrows.
Also, Crazy Diamond is a licensed perfectionist, though. Since its ability is bringing stuff at its original form, he pays attention to every detail, and won't let Josuke move away until it hasn't fixed things how it wants.
If you happen to see a lock of his hair out of place, knowing you're careful abour details and perfection, Josuke will let you fix his pompadour. But only because it's you.
Josuke is used to comforting you in moments when you think critical of yourself, when you happen to fail. He has a certain best friend that does the same.
If he happens to find out you've been self harming, he'll sit next to you. And will lovingly and respectfully talk to you, without pushing you, if you don't feel comfortable.
He'll take you hands in his, and caress your wrists. You'll notice Josuke has healed you. He will kiss you, where your wounds were, and if his love can heal other wounds, he won't ever abandon you.
Tomoko loves you like a daughter, she knows her son is safe and happy with you.
When you met, you had an intimidating aura, all around you, and Josuke was able to see through it. Koichi told him to pay attention, but the tall boy never gave up on you.
Now, the whole Duwang Gang absolutely loves you. You stood with them against Kira, you went through heaven and hell with them, and you happened to hang out with them even when Josuke couldn't. You boyfriend brought you in such a good atmosphere.
You know there's someone who's got your back any moment. Also, there's plenty of reasons to laugh with them. With your boyfriend and Okuyasu around you, you're not the only giggly loud mess.
"Babe..." Josuke whined, tackling you on the couch, squeezing you with his weight. "Do you really have to attend that Writing Class... wouldn't it be better to stay here and cuddle with your amazing boyfriend that happens to be me?"
He understood you don't really enjoy those lessons and that you get stressed over them. So he tries to keep you home from those with every type of excuse. He once pretended to be sick to keep you by his side.
Josuke would be more than happy to be your armchair, while you draw. Just because he enjoys keeping you close while you do something you like. It makes him happy.
He's amazed by your drawing skills, and he usually showers you with compliments. Josuke tried to draw something for you. It was a horrible drawing, but you never told him. What you cared about was the fact that it was Josuke's one.
He sees you pout because you'd like something you can't afford? Josuke's romantic ass will buy it for you in a heartbeat.
If you enjoy daydreaming while listening to music, Josuke will make your dreams come true. He'll let you close your eyes, in his room, music all around you, while he holds you and kisses you.
My second matchup choice for you is...
Bruno Bucciarati!
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You're his right hand. You have your desk right in Bruno's office.
Bucciarati likes art. And you're like art for him, your beautiful skin is, your whole body is. He likes caressing you and kissing you.
As a responsible capo, he made sure everyone in his gang respected you the way you deserve, but they're fine, so you are too.
Bruno tries to keep it professional in front of the gang, but when you two are alone in his office, he's the one who approaches your desk, looking for attention.
Your glasses have a special meaning. You now use the ones he gifted you. Their frame has the same pattern as Bruno's signature suit.
He cares about that gift, too, that's why when he cuddles with you or he smothers you in kisses, he usually takes off your glasses from your nose.
It's a good thing you're a perfectionist. Bruno cares about precision in work too, and having someone so precise by his side guarantees a high quality work to be done.
Bruno's desk is messy please put his pens and tools in order he's baby.
When you happen to fail in a mission or get something wrong while you work with him, Bucciarati knows you're gonna underestimate yourself. That's why he always pulls you in a tight embrace and reminds you he's deeply proud of you and thar you've done great.
Bruno banned every type of sharp thing from the base. You happened to harm yourself several times, but he won't allow this anymore.
He can't see you suffer, and if you want to express your worries, he'll be there for you. He'll spend extra time with you, if necessary, but won't leave your side until he knows you're fine enough.
When you met, your intimidating aura didn't stop him from treating you a nice dish of spaghetti at Libeccio's and politely asking you to join Passione. Bucciarati is an amazing man.
If he happens to see you giggling and having fun with the gang, especially Mista and Narancia, will sincerely thank them afterwards for making you laugh and smile.
Passione takes your time away, you honestly have no time to think about the Writing Class, and you're quite thankful for this.
"If that Writing Class stresses you so much... just don't go anymore." you can't believe it's a smart man like Bruno, cuddling with you while telling you this. "Passione already gives you lots of work... you don't need more pressure, tesoro..."
You'd rather spend more time drawing, and remember to show Bruno and the gang your drawings! They'll genuinely and positively react to your art. Bucciarati pushed Abbacchio to react a little more to your enthusiasm, but knowing him, after seeing Leone smile you know he appreciated your drawing.
You afterwards thank Bruno for being so caring towards you and worrying about the gang's reactions to your drawing.
Bucciarati spoils you. But only if you're a good girl. "What about we finish signing this last stack of papers and then your loving boyfriend gets you a special gift?" and he buys you the art supplies you were pouting at last time you two went on a date.
If he finds you listening to music, probably daydreaming about him, he'll join you, catching your attention singing a couple lines of the song.
Bruno's suave and soothing voice is perfect. As soon as you hear him, you stop your music, without opening your eyes, and listen to him humming a couple more lines of the song, before the feeling of his loving lips meeting yours.
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 1
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After his Father "generously gave" the teenager a whopping amount of money Josuke finds himself vacationing in beautiful southern Italy.
However, being the trouble magnet he is, he ends up getting caught in Famiglia affairs.
Being so far from his home and his friends, Josuke needs to make some powerful allies to help him out of this mess...
(Chapter 1: Culture shock)
"--and remember to-"
"Yes Mom. I know." Josuke sighed into the phone, rolling his eyes. "I've got everything on me. You know I can protect myself."
They'd had this exact same phone conversation at every other airport he had called from so far. By now the teenager had memorized it all and knew exactly what his Mother was going to say.
Standing in the airport of Naples Italy wouldn't make a difference.
"Ok. But just be careful Josuke. Italy is so far from here." She said over the background clatter. "And you don't even know any Italian."
There was a crackle over the phone as she sighed, he could hear the sounds of dishes clinking in the background followed by running water.
He almost had to plug his other ear to drown out the loud voice on the intercom so he could hear her talking.
"...I know Tonio."
"That joke was horrible, Josuke."
If there wasn't the sound of dishes still being done, he would've been sure his Mother had hung up on him.
There were no words exchanged for at least a full 10 seconds and with each passing second the teenager tried harder and harder to contain every giggle that tried to escape his lips, waiting with baited breath on her reaction.
The teenager couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, wheezing a little as he leaned on the glass wall of the phonebooth.
"I know." He cackled. "But it's kinda true. Tonio told me so much about Italy! It can't be that bad here..."
A change of scenery would do him good. Especially after all he had been through in the past little while with all that serial killer mess.
He had been daydreaming about this trip, this place, but most importantly; the cuisine, for almost a month now.
After his Father so generously "gave" him his wallet upon departure of Morioh, Josuke Higashikata decided it was time for him to see some of the world.
It was definitely time for a vacation and what better place to visit than the country with food that made Okuyasu and him squabble over every single morsel cooked and served to them by Tonio.
He earned a punch to the shoulder however from Okuyasu after telling him the news. His friend wasn't spiteful however and laughed, telling him that he could finally have Tonio and his fine chef skills all to himself while he was away.
Neither of them had really looked at "normal" food that same way after tasting fine Italian food so he couldn't think of a better place to go for some rest and relaxation.
He had also heard that Italy held some beautiful sights.
Josuke promised to bring him home a shitload of souvenirs anyways. He was also considering getting something for Koichi and his Mom back home.
There was another crackle over the phone along with the running water in the background suddenly being turned off, making it a little easier to hear the woman as she spoke.
"If you say so..."
It also made it easier to hear the undeniable concern lacing her tone however.
"Say, what time is it over there anyways Mom?" He questioned, mostly out of curiosity, but also for the sake of taking his Mothers mind off of any worries she held for him.
"Just after 5." She answered with a hum, the sound of a plug being pulled and a draining sink accompanying it.
"Oh wow!" He blinked, peering out off the glass booth to squint at the overly large clock of the airport terminal. "It's only 10AM over here."
"If you're going to call home, please do it around this time Josuke." She told him, a laugh lacing her voice as she spoke. "I wouldn't appreciate being woken up by the phone at 3AM."
The Highschooler laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He should probably write that down just in case he forgot, the last thing he wanted was to be screamed at by his Mother over the phone for waking her up in the middle of the night.
"Right..." he murmured. "Anyways. I should probably go now Mom. I'll call you from a Hotel or something tomorrow."
"Ok Josuke."
He could hear her hesitation to let him go in her voice alone.
"I'll be fine. I love you Mom. Talk soon!"
"I love you too."
He hung up the phone at last, a small smile gracing his lips.
Gripping the handle of his luggage tightly, he stepped out of the booth with his head held high.
He was worried about his Mother too of course. She was going through a lot too, especially when she was still grieving for his Grandfather.
However, once he was in possession of his newly aquired money (not stolen! Where would you get that idea?) He had given her a good portion of it and told her to spend the time he was away getting her nails done or treating herself in anyway she saw fit. She needed this little break as much as he did.
"Time to find a cab."
Easier said than done.
Here he was on a sidewalk, finally into the City after nearly 2 hours of waiting for an open taxi to take him from the airport to the city, his pompador all in a stressful ruffle over the whole ordeal.
His eyes darted back and forth between the outstretched hand of the driver and the meter on the dashboard.
"120 000 Lira?!" He squawked at the cab driver, his aquamarine eyes going wide in their sockets as the man held out his hand before him.
Josuke wasn't exactly a mathematician, but he knew enough to know that amount was absurd! "Th-there's gotta be some mistake, sir! You only drove me to the edge of the city."
This was highway robbery (no pun intended), there was no way it could've been that much!
The taxi driver had rolled his eyes at him and told him otherwise, demanding he pay up or he'd drag him straight to the Police Officers who were standing idle near the Cab on the streetcorner.
Josuke peered into his wallet with a sigh from where he sat on the curb. Damnit. He'd have to think twice about taking another cab. He only had so much money to blow, necessary expenses like food and hotelrooms were his main priority, and he still needed a ticket home to Japan when all of this was over.
He'd just have to settle for walking the entire time he was here.
He tucked his wallet away safely, flicking out a comb and began to straighten out the poof of hair he so adored. He'd have to put some more hairspray in it later if things kept going like this, good thing he packed 8 whole cans.
His Lunchhour.
He stood up, grabbing his suitcase once more and keeping it close to his side.
"Well... I guess it's time to find a hotel." He mused. His thoughts were interrupted however by a punctuating growl of his stomach. He hadn't eaten much on the plane at all and from the position of the overhead sun, he could tell it was noontime.
"Ooh." He breathed, a hand moving to his stomach in surprise. "I'm running on empty..."
However, maybe it was better to ask for directions.
He supposed a Hotel would have to wait. What he really needed right now was a restaurant.
From all the stories Tonio told him about Italian cuisine and the entire culture behind it, he was sure it wouldn't be too hard to find one of those around here.
"Um- excuse me--" he tried to grab the attention of a passing man. The guy kept on walking without even giving him a side glance.
Another man approached him from behind and Josuke turned, stepping in front of him somewhat to gain his attention.
"Er... oh! Sir! A moment please, I'm--"
There went another one, very much like the first.
"Excuse me sir, could you tell me--" he started again. The man stopped in his tracks, nearly bumping right into Josuke.
"Ey! What gives?!"
"Outta my way, bastardo!"
The Highschool student barely had a chance to blink before the guy was right in his face, a fierce scowl pulling on his face.
If looks could kill, Josuke would be getting murdered in that moment.
The man grunted and shoved him further out of his way, balling his fists and grumbling to himself, too low for Josuke to hear, but the teen knew it was all in fluent Italian.
He held up his free hand in surrender, backing up and out of the way of the angry stranger.
"S-Sorry sir!" He practically squeaked. "I... I didn't mean to bother you!"
He rubbed his arm, a frown found its way to his face as he watched the furious mans back.
Sheesh. And here he thought he had been in a rough town back in Japan.
Maybe he should just start walking...
He was starting to wish he took some language courses with Koichi in this years last term.
Or maybe he could've learned some basic words and stuff from Tonio, the man always seemed eager to share in the wonders of his culture after all.
Or maybe he could've not been an absolute dumbass and bought an Italian to English dictionary to use.
Or worse.
Josuke had been walking up and down the streets for nearly an hour, passing by buildings and signs galore, none of which he could read.
He was tempted to stop another stranger to ask what any of them meant, or even just plain ask where the nearest restaurant was, but he didn't want to get screamed at again.
Staring at the signs like a toddler who didn't know how to read but was trying made it all the worse.
"This is hopeless..." he grumbled, kicking at the sidewalk, sending a small stone bouncing down the white concrete.
He was actually contemplating calling his Mother again to ask her what he should do.
Maybe he could even call Tonio. Or Koichi. Or Okuyasu. Or his Nephew. Or fuck, ANYONE at this point.
Maybe he shouldn't have traveled alone and brought one of them along...
He had a feeling this was going to be a long day and he dug in his coat, whipping out his comb again. His pompadour was getting all ruffled again.
"Ei, tu."
He paused. Did someone... speak to him?
"Um... Hello?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you say something?"
Frowning, he turned to locate the voice, finding himself facing an alleyway that lead off the street.
A figure stood there, leaned against the brick wall of a building, their eyes gleaming at him. There were others too, just two others, all of them looking at him.
The one closest to the alley entrance, a tall thinner male, looked him up and down, "Sei il ragazzo?" A question of some sort.
The one who spoke sported disheveled brown hair and clothes that were even more so, with strange sunken in eyes that seemed to hold a never ending stare. His two friends were not much different, they all had that same stare and it was locked firmly onto him.
Josuke frowned a little deeper, he didn't really understand what the man wad saying. Did he want something? Or maybe... was he trying to help him?
The Highschool student looked around before stepping into the alley, closing the distance between him and the group.
"Um... I'm sorry I don't understand." He flashed an awkward smile, looking between the three men hoping that someone could understand him or at least translate. "Can any of you help...?"
It sort of reminded Josuke of when he ate his Lunch at the neighborhood park back in Morioh.
The dogs that hung out around there would all approach him, then sit and watch, with their ears up and their backs straight, unblinking and expecting him to give them a piece of his sandwich.
He always thought it was a little creepy, but it was even creepier somehow to see it in a person.
The brown haired one pointed to the suitcase he held, "É questo?" That sounded like another question to him.
This was getting nowhere. He heaved out a sigh, throwing his hands up as he began to back away. "Sorry. I have no idea what you're saying... I-I really got to go."
The more he backed up, the more the blankness of stares seemed to disolve into... anger?
Yeah, suddenly these guys were looking pissed. All three of them were staring even more intensely into him, most especially the brown haired one.
"Prendetelo!" One of the others barked.
"Dacci le maledette droghe, cazzone!" The brunet man screeched and Josuke realized there was a fist coming for him. He stepped back quickly, the closed hand swooping loudly through the air, barely gracing his chest.
What was happening? Why were these men suddenly after him? Josuke barely had the time to consider the options of running away or trying to talk his way out of all of this mess before he was suddenly on the ground.
"Darlo a noi!"
They tried to pull the leather bag from his grasp and he pulled back harder, now full on clutching it to his chest as the fists now rained down on him.
Josuke couldn't even cry out. Everything was happening all at once. His thoughts were loud and his heartbeat was louder. The noise around him had gone to nothing but whitenoise. His only thought was to not let them take his suitcase.
And then... it all stopped. Just as quickly as it happened.
The teenager opened his eyes to find that all the kicking and punching had ceased on him. One of the men was on the ground and there was another person standing over them, yelling into his face.
But here he was. Defending a fucking stranger from a group of junkies.
Leone Abbacchio hated getting involved with common street fights. He hated it especially more when he was supposed to NOT be fighting someone today.
It was his day off after all. Bucciarati told him he could spend his time how he wanted it and he wanted some alone time.
All the Mafioso wanted to do was listen to his damn music and get some lunch when he noticed this damn idiot (obviously a tourist) trying to converse with the men.
'Just keep walking.' He tried to tell himself over and over, trying to pacify the unease building in him.
It wasn't his affair.
This was their problem.
He was a bystander.
He wasn't even in the alley.
He was on his way somewhere.
He shouldn't even give it a passing glance....
And then he watched the punk get knocked to the ground.
Now here he was, kicking the shit out of a damn dirty junkie.
Josuke winced at he the sound of a fist hitting hard against a nose, the crackle of bone filling his ears.
One of the men who had been attacking him came up behind the silver haired figure and threw his arms around him in an attempt to pull him down.
Abbacchio didn't even flinch and hauled the man forward, bending so he came right over his head and smacked into the brunet who was holding the nose that was gushing with red blood.
He definitely owned up to his name then and there because to Josuke his gruff and booming voice was like the roar of a powerful Lion.
That was all it took. All three of them were clamoring to their feet and booking it down towards the other end of the alley.
It sort of reminded Josuke of that time he broke that seniors nose.
Thank God his hair was still ok though, after checking quickly he sighed in pure relief. That was truly what mattered to him, along with his luggage.
His eyes turned to his savior and he slowly got up from the hard ground, wincing as he did.
He was definitely going to hurt in the morning. He could already feel a bruise spotting on the center of his back.
"Th... Thank you." He spoke at last watching as the new stranger turned to face him at last. "I just wanted to ask for directions but I didn't know what they wanted..."
The duel coloured eyes of the man burned into him as he looked over him, making the high schooler start to sweat under the penetrating gaze.
"You... seem familiar." Abbacchio said at length. He had seen someone before with the same kinda face, he was sure of it. He squinted at the Highschool student as he wracked his brain for answers.
The teenager was sure of that. He was sure he would've remembered this man purely by the way he looked, let alone the strong and intimidating presence that radiated off him, if he had even glanced in his direction before.
Josuke blinked, his expression not unlike a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car.
"Um... we've never met before."
Abbacchio rolled his eyes. "Tch. No shit." He spat. "I've never seen you before either stronzo. You just seem kinda familiar."
Josuke winced slightly, averting his eyes to the ground lamely.
He really hoped this guy could take a joke. He just got off the ground and didn't want to be thrown back down onto it.
He really was. For what exactly, he wasn't sure, but apologies always spilled from your lips in these kind of situations, regardless of whether you did something or not.
He broke off into an awkward laugh, shrugging as he struggled to meet the mans gaze. "I'm the only one I know who has such stylish hair like this so I don't know what would seem familiar to you."
"Whatever." The Goth finally said, shaking his head. "Judging by what just happened I can tell you're not from around here. You a tourist or something kid?"
Abbacchio folded his arms, looking him up and down again, making him painfully aware of more sweat beading on his neck.
This man was so hard to read to Josuke, kind of like his nephew in that way, he had no idea what the hell he was thinking.
"Oh sure am!" Josuke smiled brightly, a little more at ease. This guy was making some small talk with him, which was usually a step in a good direction.
A direction where he hoped he wouldn't get beat up and almost mugged again...
"I'm kinda on a vacation. I got some money and decided I wanted to see the world..." He rocked on his heels a little, studying the man before him just as much as he was him. "You live around here?"
"You could say that..." Abbacchio hummed, glancing back towards the street. "I don't exactly have a home but I live here."
"Oh!" Josuke had to refrain himself from covering his mouth after letting out that noise in surprise. He averted his gaze, absentmindedly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh." He said, much softer this time, feeling very awkward. If only he had the ability to make the ground swallow him up. "I'm sorry...."
Leone offered no response.
"Do you like... have a place to sleep at least? Like at nights?"
"Yeah. I tend to move around a lot though." He answered vaguely. Best to keep all that extra information to himself. This brat didn't need to know the ins and outs of his life.
He nodded this time, because he did. He mostly slept at Bucciarati's house, whether upstairs in one of the guestrooms or on the mans couch downstairs.
Sometimes when out on missions, whether alone or with the others, he checked into a hotel (sometimes a Motel) and stayed there.
Other times he slept in the back of a van while on the road to or from said missions.
At least he wasn't drinking himself to death somewhere in the gutter anymore...
He turned his gaze back to Josuke who seemed a little more at ease hearing his words. He narrowed his eyes, "You're not.... in the Famiglia? Are you?"
Josuke blinked a few times. The.... what?
That alone answered his question.
Who the hell other than a Mafioso sported a fucking pompadour?!
Raising one pointed eyebrow, he looked the kid over again. He never would've guessed he wasn't associated because he certainly dressed like a Mafioso.
What with that black coat adorned with those shiny golden hearts, not to mention the peace sign and the anchor as well, and that hair...
This twerp apparently...
Abbacchio huffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Nevermind. Just... watch yourself Kid. More importantly, watch your wallet."
Oh Christ! His wallet! He might've dropped it in that scuffle! Those bastards might've took it!
Josuke panicked, hands instinctively slapping his pockets in a frantic search. Ah! It was there! As soon as his hand found the bulge in his pocket, he let out a breath as relief washed over him like a warm tidalwave on the beach.
"Oh- yeah, yeah... of course." He breathed. "Th-Thanks for reminding me-" here he paused, his pale blue eyes blinking. "I never... got your name."
To his own surprise, Abbacchio complied.
"Abbacchio." He said. "Leone Abbacchio."
"Abbacchio..." Josuke tested the name out, bobbing his head as he idly scratched his chin. "Ha! Cool name. I'm Josuke Higashikata, I actually come from Japan."
The dawny eyed mans frown deepened as he contemplated telling him that his last name literally just meant "lambchop", a far cry from "cool" if you asked him, but he thought better of it.
Yeah. There was no way in Hell Abbacchio was going to try and take a crack at repeating that last name. He'd be there all day.
Just "Josuke" would have to do.
"Japan, huh?" He said aloud, more to himself than Josuke, stroking his chin in thought. "I hear the streets are much nicer there..."
The events of the past couple of months suddenly came flooding back all at once to Josuke. How he and his friends had been attacked left and right, going against all odds, all on a search to hunt down their towns serial killer.
The blaring siren of that Ambulance still haunted him in his sleep and he woke up in a cold sweat each time there came the sound of a head being popped each time it replayed in his head.
He laughed a little, forcing a smile on his face as a hand swept through his hair. "Yeah... you could say that."
Now desperate to change the subject, he decided to steer the conversation to something much lighter. Something that didn't make him remember a massacre.
Or a hand-fetishing serial killer getting his head squashed like a grape.
"You've... got quite the fashion sense." He commented, pointing to the mans open coat lined with laces and purple lipstick maybe a little rudely. "I like your eyeliner."
Leone hardly batted an eye (a well lined eye at that) at his words. If anything, he was surprised the kid didn't outright say anything like "ARE YOU A GOTH?!"
He was quite used to that one, even if the answer was yes it was still irritating.
Besides... that one little girl on the bus that time told him he looked pretty. And that was enough for him.
Or there was always the "Why are you wearing makeup? You're a MAN!"
Now that one always made him fucking furious. Just because he was "a man" didn't make any damn difference. Makeup was to make you look good so it was for everyone.
"Thanks." He huffed. Though his voice hadn't lost any of that gruffness, he truly was thankful for a genuine compliment. "I like your coat."
He wasn't quite like Koichi however. The silver haired teenager thst only came up to his hip wore his heart on his sleeve everywhere he went.
Josuke, very unlike Abbacchio who seemed indifferent to it all, blushed at the praise. His friends always told him he was very expressive and that was true.
When he was happy he walked with bounce in his step, when he was sad it all came out in tears and when he was angry... oh... he was told the sight wasn't very pretty.
"Ah, thanks. It's my school uniform, I really like it."
Here Abbacchios eyebrows shot right up, a frown twinging at the corners of his mouth. A school uniform? This kid must have been living some kind of high life, or maybe at least went to a pretty decent school, if this was just a plain old uniform.
He pursed his lips, the punk kind of reminded him of a stand-user. He had a hunch.
"I see..." he hummed, folding his arms across his chest. "You really are still just a kid then."
Bucciarati often said that stand-users (natural or otherwise) tended to gravitate towards one another. Like "strings of fate" or some cliché sounding shit.
But maybe it was possible. This kid wasn't a Mafioso... but he could very well have powers.
Like lightning striking, Josukes expression changed again. His eyebrows went together and his lips into a sort of a pout.
"I'm 16." He told the man, trying to sound as rough and tough at least as half as this stranger was (Abbacchio quirked an eyebrow, looking completely unfazed at his attempt however, probably because he just watched him get beat up). "Besides. I think I'm pretty mature..."
"I won't call you a kid if you don't call me an old man. Deal?"
This kid was starting to kinda sound like Mista. However if the punk started spewing shit about how the number 4 was unlucky, he would get as far away as possible.
He half chuckled (it was more of an exhale), coloured lips quirking somewhat into a smirk.
Josuke shrugged, uncrossing his arms as his lips pulled into a smirk of their own, cocking an eyebrow at the other.
"Hmm, depends. How old are you?" He questioned, almost playfully. The man must have been at least approaching his 30's but he wasn't sure.
"Well into my 20's." Abbacchio grunted, keeping his exact age number vague to the young teen. "But I've seen more shit than other people do in a lifetime."
For all he know he really could be an old man. He had white hair after all and certainly had the gruffness of an older man.
Maybe he was hiding some wrinkles under that makeup or something?
Only in his 20's? Jeeze... he believed that last part. Most especially when the dawny eyes suddenly locked onto his, staring at him with all seriousness.
"Listen to me, I don't really care what the Hell you do, but when you get out of school... stay away from the bad stuff. You hear me?"
Josuke swallowed, his mouth now felt way too dry, and he nodded to the man almost knowingly. He had been through some bads too... however, he couldn't help but wonder how much similarities there were between him and Abbacchio.
Leone huffed quietly, giving the kid one more solemn nod, before turning on his heel and quietly going on his way down the alley, out towards the street.
The teenager watched him go, feeling painfully out of place all of a sudden, like a puzzle piece that had been jammed into the wrong spot.
"Uh- hey!"
He didn't even realize that he had called out until Abbacchio halted in his tracks, turning to look at him with a deep frown.
Josuke fidgeted on the spot, stuffing his hands in his pockets to avoid fumbling with them out in the open and look somewhat composed under the older mans stare.
Once again, Leone Abbacchio found himself feeling surprised.
"Uhh..." he cleared his throat, trying to focus his thoughts clear enough to speak without stuttering.
"This might sound kinda weird but -uh... you wanna... like grab a coffee or something?" He smiled sheepishly at the man whose expression didn't change. "I mean, you just kinda saved my skin back there and you seem pretty cool. I don't have anybody traveling with me and... we could like... talk more? Ah- only if you don't mind!"
Ah, fuck it. He had already gone out of his way.
Normally when he was out and about and people were forced to interact with him in any way, shape or form, they tended to want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible.
Hell, he had people practically jump out of his way sometimes when he was just walking down the street.
Plus, he was getting hungry.
He nodded to Josuke.
Josuke was now jogging up to him, the man swore he saw stars in the teens eyes to match his bright smile.
Tonio definitely didn't tell him that part about Italy...
He wasn't even sure if he had even been that long here in Italy.
Josuke did his best to keep up, Abbacchios steps were long and deliberate making him quite fast for a man who was just taking a stroll, keeping just a little behind him to avoid bumping shoulders with the people on the streets.
Abbacchio started down the alley again, waving him to follow.
"Comrades, huh?" He laughed a little. "What? You in a gang or something?"
It was meant to be a joke. Something to get his newest companion to roll his eyes and give a half-hearted chuckle. Josuke felt his stomach become as heavy as a brick when Abbacchio swiveled his head to look at him, his white hair flinging slightly over his shoulder as he stared him in the face.
The teen wondered briefly if his new ally would suddenly beat him up like those dealers tried to do and he gulped, preparing to turn tail and run as fast as he could down the street.
The former policeman frowned deeply. Did this stronzo know nothing about the mean Italian streets? The Mafia? Of fucking course he was in a Gang, did he think he was just a streetwalking freak that kicked the shit out of druggies and junkies alike for fun?
Abbacchio leaned closer, his expression radiating all seriousness.
"S-Sorry..." he muttered somewhat lamely, his voice so quiet Abbacchio probably wouldn't have heard him if he weren't so close.
Any idiot would know the true meaning to that answer and Josuke didn't consider himself an idiot.
The man grunted in response and simply kept walking, no more was said as Josuke continued to followed him down the street to this supposed spot.
On the bright side of things... he now reminded him even more of his nephew Jotaro.
Even if it wasn't in a good way...
More importantly, he was finally going to get something to eat.
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ylla · 7 years
Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 3
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu, koichi/yukako (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: au where theyre famous, modern au, pining, recreational drug use (smoking that wacky tabaccy), some angst in this one lads Rating: M (eventually there will be sex, so that rating will keep climbing)
AO3 link
i have never not been ready to be murdered by my own two hands.
“Oh fuck,” Josuke moaned, white knuckling his kitchen counter as he was thrust into over and over again. Rough hands were gripping his hips hard enough to leave bruises, and by God, Josuke hoped they did. He had always been way too loud during anything remotely sexual, and right now was no exception. The right spot was hit, Josuke felt like electricity was passing through his body, “God, right there, I’m close—“
One of the hands on his hip reached up for his hair, pulling up him with a gentle, yet firm grip, causing him to arch his back against the person behind him.
A mouth pressed against his ear, breath hot and voice harsh, “Beg me.”
“Please, please, please let me cum, please—“
Josuke’s earlobe got caught between teeth, while the hand tugging on his hair moved to his dick, roughly jerking him off. He was seeing stars, his voice going up a few octaves as he neared the edge, “Fuckfuckfuckfuck.” Josuke’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, inhaling sharply as he started to orgasm, “Oh fuck, Oku—“
Josuke woke up to a sudden, crushing elbow to his gut, shrieking in a totally manly way. It was completely dark in his room, but he could make out the black outline of a hulking man rolling around on his bed, snorting like the piggy bitch he was. “Man, I wish I would have turned on the light so I could have seen your face,” the big asshole wheezed, his laugh almost coming out in a stereotypical French ‘honhonhon’.
“JEAN PIERRE POLNAREFF, I’M GONNA LITERALLY MURDER YOU,” Josuke roared, struggling to sit up to push Polnareff’s muscly ass off of him.
Polnareff cackled like a witch, jumping up before Josuke could start punching him, “Up and at them, Josuke. It’s time for our run. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”
After Polnareff retreated, Josuke flopped back down, heart still racing. Waiting for his heart rate to return to normal, he grabbed his phone to check the time. It was 6 o’clock in the godforsaken morning. He regretted many things. He regretted giving Polnareff a key to his house. He especially regretted the dream he woke up from and the puddle of cum that had pooled in his underwear.
He put his pillow over his face and screamed. What a fuckin’ mess.
Three hours later, at a much more acceptable time to be awake, Josuke found himself sleepily watching Pol sashay around his kitchen while making omelets. Polnareff was a nutritionist, gym owner, fitness model, and Josuke’s personal trainer. He’d met Polnareff when he was introduced to his father’s side of the family so many years ago; he had been Jotaro’s roommate in college, and Holly, Josuke’s sister, basically considered Pol to be a second son (much to Jotaro’s chagrin and Polnareff’s delight). So not only did Polnareff wake him up at an ungodly hour twice a week, he got to nag and annoy Josuke at all other times as well.
“I have to say, I’m surprised that I didn’t see your friend in there with you this morning. You two are together a lot.”
Polnareff was keeping his tone casual, but Josuke knew exactly where this was headed, “Me and Oku don’t hang out all the time—“
“Josuke, this is the first morning in almost three months that I have walked into your room to wake you up and didn’t see him,” Polnareff pointed a spatula at him, “Can’t argue with the facts.”
He couldn’t, and Josuke despised it.
Ever since the first night he came over, Okuyasu had kept his word about making sure Josuke wasn’t lonely. Between Arrowhead slowing down their activities between their last tour and recording their next album, and Josuke taking a yearlong vacation, they both found themselves with a lot of free time. So, Okuyasu was stayed the night at least three or four times a week. They got high, played videogames, watched stupid movies, took late night drives together, ate food that was terrible for them. Slept in the same bed, and basically cuddled every night they watched a movie together. You know, normal friend stuff.
People like Okuyasu were so rare in Josuke’s life. He never put him on a pedestal like Josuke was some untouchable god or free ticket to fame. He was so grateful to have a friend that saw past all of his fame and fortune, and saw him as he was: just Josuke. It was wonderful and so refreshing.
However, there was one caveat.
Josuke had found himself head over heels in love with Okuyasu, and had to physically restrain himself from making any moves onto his friend. The better he got to know him, the worse it became. He had a sharp ache in his chest whenever he thought about his feelings, and his brain shrieked KISS HIM KISS HIM KISS HIM anytime Oku’s face got remotely near his, or whenever Oku would look at him with a shy smile, or even when Okuyasu cried over something like shelter animals or sad movies. It was all so endearing and Josuke couldn’t get enough of him. For all his flirtations, and for all of the content in his songs that implied that Josuke was some kind of suave, smooth talker, he couldn’t bring himself to risk the first real friendship he’d had in years.
“So what? We hang out a lot, it’s not a big deal,” Josuke forced his voice to remain neutral, “Didn’t you use to bitch and moan at me about never hanging out with anyone besides you assholes, Jolyne, and Koichi?”
“Ignoring your hurtful words, yes I did complain,” Polnareff flipped both omelets onto separate plates; he placed on in front of Josuke and then sat across in the table from him, resting his chin on the top of his water bottle, “But that’s not my point.”
“Then what is?” Josuke arched an eyebrow at him, daring Polnareff to say what he was thinking.
Polnareff was quiet for a few moments before answering, “You should tell him that you’re in love with him.”
Of course Polnareff knew how Josuke felt. He had been the one who had barged in on Josuke lovingly pushing stray hairs out of Okuyasu’s face while he slept one morning. Josuke blurted out everything in a panic while they went for their run, begging him to not speak of it to anyone, especially Okuyasu.
“Absolutely not,” Josuke said flatly.
“You are fucking up, my friend, but it’s your decision,” Polnareff sat up straight and pointed at the omelet in front of him, “Eat that before it gets cold.”
The rest of the conversation was Polnareff talking about some kind of nonsense, Josuke was only paying half-attention because he was still really tired, hungry, and slightly irritated at the earlier conversation. Yeah, like it was so easy to tell your best friend that he was hot and you wanted to kiss him all over, and you were in love with him, haha, full homo bro—
Josuke was pulled out his thoughts to the sound of his text notification going off. His heart did some weird somersault when he saw that Okuyasu had texted him (Josuke finally got his number when Oku put it in his phone for him):
Oku: mornin dude :D
Oku: u doin anythin tonight?
Josuke: nah I aint got anything going on, why?
Oku: were playin a secret show at echoes bar tonight. u wanna come?
He wants me to come see him play, Josuke wheezed inwardly. He responded immediately:
Oku: :D hell yeah dude
Oku: i think yukako is gonna invite koichi too, so ill let hazamada kno that yall are gonna be there. he’ll have ur backstages passes ready.
Oku: also word to the wise, wear shorts and a tanktop. the bar gets super hot during shows. ull die in anything else
The rest of their texts were directions, Josuke saying he was excited, and an abundance of smiley face emotes from Okuyasu.
“Oi! Josuke! Stop ignoring me!”
“Oh shit, sorry dude,” Josuke had completely forgotten Polnareff was there, “Did you ask me something?”
Polnareff pouted, “You are so rude to me. I was asking you if you wanted to get dinner with me, Noriaki, and Jolyne tonight. Jotaro is still out in the field and Mo is doing some college thing, so it’ll just be the four of us.”
 Josuke couldn’t stop himself from breaking out into a huge grin, “Sorry, I got plans tonight.”
The upside to having a signature look was that if Josuke had his hair down or in a ponytail, no one recognized him. So when he stood in the very back of Echoes with Koichi, trying to not get trampled by the massive crowd, no one bothered him.
Not that they would’ve anyways. What was happening on stage was infinitely more interesting.
The music was so loud, Josuke could feel it vibrate into his chest. His ears were starting to ring a little, but he didn’t care. Oku’s voice was amazing when he recorded in a studio, but listening to him live was almost like an out of body experience. His voice just crashed over him like the tide, and Josuke wanted it to sweep him out to sea.
Oku hadn’t been lying when he said the club got too hot; all four members of Arrowhead were various states of undress. Josuke could only see half of Yuuya, but he looked like he was naked behind his drum kit. Yukako had her hair up in a high ponytail, wearing ass eating shorts and a cutoff tank top. Keicho was shirtless and in shorts, hair down out of his normal…whatever he had going on there. Oku was dressed more or less the same, but the difference was Okuyasu was infinitely more attractive. Josuke could see the band of his boxer briefs peak up over the waist of his shorts, and licked his lips unconsciously.
Okuyasu was sweaty, loose hairs from his ponytail were falling his face, and looked like he was having a blast, giving all he had and then some. Josuke didn’t think it could’ve been possible, but he fell more in love with him as he watched. All he wanted was to find out what skin that stretched over his hip bones tasted like.
“Koichi, I’m gay.” Josuke moaned.
“What did you say? I can’t hear you,” Koichi called back.
“I said I’m gay!”
Koichi just gave him a very confused look, clearly not understanding what he was saying.
“I’M GAY!” Josuke hollered, grabbing Koichi by the shoulders and shaking him for emphasis.
“Agh! I get it, I get it! Stop!!!”
Yukako noticed them first. After they finished a song, and was in the process of swapping guitars out, Yukako grabbed Okuyasu by the bicep and whispered in his ear. He looked over to the corner Josuke and Koichi were in, and his face lit like the sun. He waved excitedly, which Josuke couldn’t help but wave back, matching his enthusiasm and smile. Okuyasu walked over to a short, sallow looking dude and pointed over towards them. A few minutes later, the roadie appeared beside them, “Here’s your passes, follow me.”
The backstage was kind of cramped, filled with at least a dozen good looking women. Josuke tried to stand away from them, half afraid of being recognized and half wanting to avoid hearing about which band members they wanted to fuck.
When the show ended, the groupies rushed at the bandmembers as they filed off stage. Yukako lips curled into a snarl and elbowed her way over to Koichi; when in front of him, the ice melted and she gave him a sweet smile before planting a kiss on his lips. Koichi froze momentarily before returning the smooch. Josuke had asked Koichi a few weeks ago what was up with him and Yukako. All he got in response was a shrug and a “We’re dating??”
Keicho and Yuuya were wrapped up in all the attention from the groupies, who were fawning over all over them (Yuuya wasn’t naked, and Josuke thanked his lucky stars he didn’t have to see Yuuya’s penis). Girls were too busy playing with Keicho’s hair and rubbing on Yuuya to notice that Okuyasu had quietly slipped in behind them. Good, Josuke sighed with relief, He’ll keep it lowkey.
Which he immediately ruined by shouting, “JOSUKE!” and pounding over to him, nearly knocking Josuke off of his feet with a hug, “YOU CAME!”
Okuyasu was too warm and sweaty, and if there was a god, he would prevent Okuyasu from feeling how hard Josuke was getting from feeling his bare chest press against him. Josuke returned the hug with ferocity, “Of course I did, I said I would.” He pulled back to look Okuyasu in the face, and also prevent his errant boner from rubbing up against him. “It were fantastic, I’m so blown away! You’re amazing, Okuyasu.” Josuke beamed at him, and the tears that filled Okuyasu’s eyes made his stomach flutter.
“You mean that?” he croaked.
“Pinky promise?”
Josuke hooked his pinky with Okuyasu’s, “Pinky promise.”
Okuyasu gave him a watery smile before hugging him again, “Thanks. That means a lot, coming from you,” Oku whispered against his shoulder.
If there wasn’t a million pairs of eyes on him, Josuke would have said ‘fuck it’ and kissed Okuyasu right then and there, but he was too chicken. “You’re welcome, Oku,” Josuke pulled away again, “Go shower and then we’ll get out of here.”
“Oh shit,” Okuyasu rubbed the back his neck, looking sheepish, “Sorry, I got like super sweaty and gross.”
Josuke gave him a friendly punch in the arm, “S’fine dude, I don’t care. I’m gonna go smoke, so just come outside when you’re done.” Okuyasu made an assenting noise before jogging off to go shower. Pointedly ignoring Yuuya’s waggling eyebrows and some indecipherable look from Keicho, Josuke swiveled on his heels and left.
It was late summer, but the air felt a 1000x times cooler than it did inside. Josuke had been enjoying his few minutes of peace and quiet while he sat the backdoor’s staircase when he heard someone walk out behind him. He almost greeted Okuyasu, but an unfamiliar voice spoke.
“Why are you here?”
That was not Okuyasu.
Josuke turned to find a still shirtless Keicho peering down at him, hair hanging in his face, unlit cigarette in his hand. “Oku invited me,” Josuke replied, not liking the look on Keicho’s face.
What fuckin’ kind of question is that?? “Because we’re friends? And I told him I wanted to see you guys perform sometime?”
Keicho lit his cigarette and took a drag, his eyes never leaving Josuke’s, “Why?”
Josuke was about .3 seconds away from losing his temper, “Why what?? What the fuck are you asking me, dude??”
“Why are you friends with him?”
It was a huge effort to not start shrieking into the night, “Because he’s a cool guy? And funny? And I enjoy his company? What fucking kind of question is that?” Josuke snubbed out his cigarette, drawing himself up to full height, “What exactly are you trying to say here?”
“Okuyasu doesn’t have friends, and I don’t trust you,” Keicho responded coldly, “I wanna know what you’re after.”
“I’m just after his friendship, you clown!” Josuke exclaimed, rapidly losing his patience, “Is that so fuckin’ hard to believe??”
Before Keicho could retort, the door banged open. “Keicho, you got girls here who wanna inflict terrible things upon your penis, you better get in here and give ‘em what they want,” Yuuya grinned, leaning against the door frame. Purple bruises marred his neck and Josuke could hear whining from behind him.
Without another word to Josuke, Keicho dropped his cigarette, ground it out with his heel, and shouldered past Yuuya. The door swung closed, and Josuke exploded, “What the fuck is his deal??”
Yuuya shrugged, “That’s just Keicho.”
Josuke pointed at Yuuya, “No, that’s just being a cock goblin. I’ve never done anything to that guy, why’s he being such a dickhead??”
“I’ve known Keicho and Okuyasu since I was about 12,” Yuuya started, “There’s a lot of reasons why they’re both the way they are. Good or bad, right or wrong.” He kicked an empty cigarette pack off of the stairs, “Keicho’s got this thing about controlling things and people,” Yuuya took a seat on the top step, “Oku being with you all the time prevents Keicho from having his brother under his thumb.”
“With the way Oku talks about him, it sounds like Keicho fuckin’ hates him.”
Yuuya shrugged again, “Keicho makes it a point to be an absolute bastard to Oku most of the time. Though, he did take a knife to the gut when Akira tried to stab Okuyasu, so that’s something.”
Josuke was thoroughly confused, “Why?”
“Obligation to their mom, I imagine. Keicho got really drunk once and told me that before she died, she made him promise that he would always look out for Okuyasu. So he does, in some way or another.” Yuuya sprung up to his feet, “I will say this, Josuke…it’s nice that Okuyasu’s got a friend not linked to his brother in one way or another. Good for him, ya? But,” He stared Josuke down, all friendliness gone, “I’m pretty perceptive on how you feel, so no need to try and deny it to me. It’s obvious to everyone save for Okuyasu himself and probably Keicho. So, this is a warning: Don’t hurt Oku, or I will find you and whoop your ass. We clear?”
I rather die than hurt him. “Crystal.”
Before either of them could say anything else, Okuyasu walked out of the backdoor with a bruised right cheek, bloody knuckles, and a nose dripping red, “Ready to bounce?”
“Dude, super fuck your brother.”
Okuyasu sat in Josuke’s kitchen while Josuke did his best to doctor him up. He waved a hand, “S’fine, we do this sometimes. He gets too mouthy and I gotta stand my ground,” Okuyasu hissed when Josuke sprayed antiseptic on his oozing knuckles.
“You still haven’t told me what he said.”
As he rarely did, Okuyasu evaded the question, “S’not important. What matters is that I shut ‘em up and he won’t be running that big, stupid mouth of his for a while.”
According to Oku, Keicho walked away from that scuffle with a split lip, black eyes, and probably bruises all over his chest. Not that would’ve deterred the groupies from trying to touch his dick anyways, Okuyasu had theorized on the way to Josuke’s house (Josuke had insisted on driving and went extra slow in fear that he would fuck up Oku’s baby), so Keicho couldn’t be too sore at him for long.
Instead of pushing the matter any further, Josuke took to wrapping Oku’s knuckles, “Tell me if I’m not doing this right.”
“Wrap it a little tighter, and you’ll be aces.”
After he finished, Josuke got up and took an ice gel pack out of his fridge. Thank God Polnareff had insisted he buy one a few months ago, “I’ve been in a fair amount of fights, but that’s the first time I’ve ever had to bandage someone else’s hands.”
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” Okuyasu flexed his fingers, pleased with how the bandages felt, “You did good kid, I used to wrap ‘em up like this when I did bare knuckle boxing matches.”
Josuke walked back over to him, cold compress wrapped in a dishtowel, “You used to box?”
Okuyasu winced as Josuke pressed it to his right cheek, “Yeah, I did underground fights for money. Helped rent out the studio when we recorded our first demo.”
“That’s unsurprising,” Josuke sat on the edge of his table so he could hold the pack to Oku’s face without getting too tired, “You still box?”
“Nah, not really. When I hit the gym, I just beat on the punching bag instead. Keicho’s good practice too,” he snorted. Josuke rolled his eyes; Okuyasu yawned and then gave him a lazy smile, “Josuke, why am I so sleepy right now?”
Josuke peered down at him, eyebrows raised, “Oh, I don’t know. Could it have been the fact that you just played a show in a cramped, hot bar, and then got into a fist fight with your older brother?”
“You may be onto something, boss.” Okuyasu exhaled, closing his eyes and pressing his face slightly into the cold pack. After a few minutes of quiet, he spoke softly, “I know I said this earlier, but m’really glad you came tonight…meant a lot to me…I ain’t never had a friend who actually cared enough to come to a show jus’ for me.” Okuyasu raised his bandaged right hand and placed it over the hand that held the compress to his face, rubbing circles into the skin, “Thanks.”
Josuke does the stupidest thing he has ever done in his entire 24 years of living: he leans over and kisses Okuyasu right on the mouth.
It feels like time stopped before Josuke pulls away. Okuyasu’s eyes are wide open, face glowing red like he has a sunburn. He stands up, startled, “I—I gotta go, I-“ he’s tripping over himself, the chair, and hightails it out of the front door.
Josuke’s brain takes a minute to grind back into motion, and he runs after Oku, “Wait! Dude I’m—“
By the time he gets outside, he can make out Oku’s taillights buzzing down the road.
He stands on his front porch for a long time, staring out into the street, hoping, begging to see Oku’s car return. For him to jump out of his car and holler, “IT’S JUST A PRANK, BRO” before bounding up the steps to return Josuke’s kiss with gusto.
Rain starts falling, and Josuke remains rooted the spot. Dimly, he registers that he is now soaked to the bone, and Okuyasu was not coming back. He did it. He ruined his friendship, because he couldn’t fucking help himself. He couldn’t just be satisfied with how things were.
In a numb haze, Josuke walks back inside, closing the door and locking it behind him with a soft click. He turns the shower on the hottest setting he could stand, sits in the floor as hot water pours all over him, and just trembles.
When the water runs cold, he finally steps out. Mechanically, Josuke pulled on some old sweats and his favorite t-shirt. He can’t bear to look at his bed, let alone sleep in it, knowing that it was bound to smell like Okuyasu, and that was something he couldn’t even begin to handle.
The couch it was. Josuke checked his phone, hoping to have missed a call or text from Oku, but nothing greeted him; he turned it off and threw it across the room. Curled up under a blanket, he listened to the rain pelt the windows, and finally allowed himself to cry.
Something was banging against the front door.
Josuke jerked awake, feeling awful. It took a few seconds for his brain to process where he was, and when he remembered, he had to quickly wipe his tears. He had to keep it together.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Josuke mumbled to no one, cocooning himself in his blanket. The banging was incessant; Josuke figured it was a drunk Tamami who had forgotten his key to Josuke’s front door back at his apartment. It was something that occurred more regularly than it should. As he passed the entrance to the kitchen, the oven’s clock blared the time: 3:24 am. He was going to murder whoever it was.
He unlocked the front door and jerked it open, ready to snarl something at whomever made the mistake of waking him up, when he came face to face with Okuyasu.
Oku looked fucking awful. Soaked to the bone with chattering teeth, red-rimmed puffy eyes; it made Josuke die a little on the inside to see him in such a sorry state, “Jesus Christ Oku, how long have you been out here??” Josuke reached to pull him inside, but Okuyasu smacked his hand away. Tears threatened, and anger rose up inside him like bile, “Why did you come back?” he asked, placing his head into his hands so Okuyasu couldn’t see his face. After what feels like an eternity stretches on, Josuke half-contemplates just slamming the door closed, so Okuyasu would be spared the trouble of having to devastate Josuke anymore.
“Kiss me again.”
Slowly, Josuke lowered his hands to look Oku in the face. He could see that Okuyasu was crying, tears running hot down his scared face. “I’m sorry for leavin’, I’m sorry for runnin’. I’m a fuckin’ idiot fool,” the words burst out of Okuyasu like a dam had broken, “You’re the most perfect thing on this stupid planet, I’ve been crazy over you ever since we first met. I didn’t know if you were makin’ fun of me or somethin’ when you kissed me, so I got scared and ran, but I just ended up making you upset, which is—“ His breath started hitching and he was crying even harder, “The last thing— I ever w-wanna do is hurt y-y-you. Y-you m-mean everyth-thing to me.”
Josuke also had tears running down his face; he pulled Oku into a tight hug and ran his fingers through his hair, shushing him softly, “It’s okay, don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry,” he wailed, face buried into Josuke’s neck, “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“I forgive you, it’s okay. You came back.”
“It’s not okay,” Okuyasu pulled himself away to look Josuke in the eyes, “I hurt you.” Hesitantly, he wiped the tears off of Josuke’s face. Josuke couldn’t stop himself anymore; he pressed his lips against Okuyasu’s. This time, his kiss was returned enthusiastically, and it made Josuke’s very soul sing. Taking great care to not trip over something, Josuke lead Okuyasu into the house without breaking their kiss, closing the door behind him. Josuke couldn’t get enough of how Okuyasu tasted; the kisses were sweet, chaste, and everything Josuke imagined it would be like.
“Do you wanna stay the night?” Josuke murmured against Oku’s lips.
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you.”
Josuke pulled away and kissed the tip of Okuyasu’s nose, took his hand, and led him upstairs.
After Okuyasu’s quick shower, they found themselves tangled up in each other’s limbs, kissing just as slow and gently as before. “Hey Josuke,” Okuyasu’s whispered, voice raspy.
“M’really tired and stuff,” Oku stifled a yawn, “so I dunno if we should talk about this now or—“
Josuke brushed a thumb across Oku’s cheek, “I think we should wait until tomorrow morning, after we get some sleep. Okay?” He pressed a kiss onto Okuyasu’s forehead, which turns warm underneath his lips.
“’Kay,” he mumbled, pressing his hot face into Josuke’s neck, “Uhm, I do got one question though, and I don’t wanna wait to ask.”
Josuke pulled back to look him in the face, “Yeah, what’s up?”
Okuyasu was blood red, looking rather meek. “Are we boyfriends now?” he asked softly, as if he scared to hear a rejection.
Butterflies had taken up permanent residence in Josuke’s stomach, and it was taking everything in him to not start wiggling around like an excited puppy, “Do you want us to be boyfriends?”
He got an enthusiastic nod in reply; Oku was too shy to say it out loud, but he did grab one of Josuke’s hands so he could kiss his knuckles.
A grin spread across Josuke’s face, “I guess that makes us boyfriends then.”
The smile that lit up Okuyasu’s face would be one that Josuke wanted tattooed to the inside of his mind, so he could remember it forever.
The slow, lazy kisses they traded relaxed him enough that sleep was moments away. Faintly, before succumbing, Josuke was certain he heard “I love you” whispered into his ear.
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