#October7 Massacre
girlactionfigure · 3 months
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This is what we call "Pallywood."
The Palestinians routinely stage scenes to accuse Israel of crimes and atrocities.
Sadly, many people in the world fall for it. Not because it's true, but because they want to blame Israel.
This is evidenced by the fact that these scenes aren't even very convincing.
Just look at this one. 
Supposedly, Israel bombed a humanitarian aid truck, You are supposed to conclude that due to the presence of aid worker vests and aid agency signs in the truck. 
But if the truck was bombed and burned beyond recognition, how did the vests and signs survive? 🤔
It just requires a little thinking. But, when it comes to blaming Israel, most people don't want to think. And the Palestinians know this.
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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This is the most damming case against the United Nations agency all of its employees in the region who are all complicit in collaborating with a designated terrorist organization.
The United Nations agency cannot be trusted and all information coming from the region must be seen as part of Hamas’ propaganda.
This must be exposed everywhere and the United Nations must be held accountable.
You cannot call yourself a humanitarian organization and be involved in active massacre, r*pe and human rights violations.
There’s nothing humanitarian about killing Jews.
Source: Israeli Kan 11
Hen Mazzig
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proudzionist · 12 days
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Please pray for these hostages and their families 🙏
Please wake the hell up to the atrocities Hamas has committed to both sides !
Hamas is responsible for all of it .
They could surrender now and would all be over !
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fromourperspective · 3 months
The truth is that…
Hamas burned babies alive, cut off heads and limbs, raped women, murdered children and kidnapped more than 250 people, women and children. Among them are also babies. In one day. On our holiday. We will not forget And not forgive.
But most of the world doesn't believe that what happened on October 7th even happened.
Do you live in Israel? Do you know what we experience every day? we recommend that you come to Israel one day and see our routine in the shadow of terrorism. Then tell me if it's a lie.
If such a scenario happened in your country, with your neighbors, or with your loved ones, would you let the world be silent about it?
I have some proof you want. If you are really interested in knowing, you are welcome to take a look at my blog.
🇮🇱 ISRAEL LIVES. 🇮🇱 Am Israel Chai.
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Image sorce: HERE.
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snarkleharkle · 6 months
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dustbunsbog · 3 months
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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May his memory be a blessing.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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Vid Link
H/T: @scartale-an-undertale-au
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
"The King's New Clothes" the Gaza version - one for the Pantheon
Once again, Al Jazeera's live broadcast allows moments of glimpse into the truth, which somewhat conflicts, how to say, with the network's and the Palestinians' narrative.
The Al Jazeera reporter in the attached video from yesterday tells how much the suffering of the residents of the Gaza Strip has increased in the month of Ramadan when they have difficulty obtaining food for the feast of breaking the fast.
The reporter abounds in descriptions, as an introduction to the article he is about to broadcast about such a poor family he stayed with.
And now for the fun part:
During the broadcast, on the right side you can see a young Gazan who is listening to what the reporter is saying. He goes back and forth and towards the end of the recording he shouts:
Everyone is a liar!!
Smiles and walks away.
I also ventured that the one sitting on the left has a hard time hiding his smiles in the face of the Al Jazeera reporter's descriptions.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
🔻ROCKET BARRAGE from GAZA… Tel Aviv, central Israel and surrounds.  One missed and hit the sea.  So far no reports of injuries.
🔻SUICIDE DRONE from Lebanon… Mishmar HaYarden, Sdeh Eliezer, Gadot, Hulata, Amuka and surrounds.
(( In a related point, the IDF announced they are sometimes giving a rocket warning related to a drone attack because the interceptor missile will throw shrapnel as it takes down the drone - therefore people should shelter! ))
▪️LEBANON… anti-tank missile at Metulla.  IDF artillery response.   
▪️GAZA… major airstrikes overnight in Al Buraig camp, Noseirat camp, Jabaliya and Rafah.  Ground battles in Khan Yunis and tunnels in Gaza City.  Navy bombardment of near-coast buildings with terrorists.  Hussar towers in Gaza City destroyed.  Major Hamas terrorist financier killed in targeted airstrike.
▪️JUDEA… security force activity in Kfar Yatta, south of Hebron. 
▪️MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATE FIGHT… Smotrich, Ben Gvir and Shas’s Deri together with the United Torah Judaism party - support the postponement of the elections. At the same time, incumbent mayors are pressuring the Likud to oppose another postponement. Currently, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel is not changing his position - and the elections are expected to take place on January 30.  (( The concern, many prospective council members and replacement mayors are doing army duty - so are unable to campaign. ))
▪️MORE EXPLOSIVE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT… in a medical clinic in Sajaiya, IDF discovers weapons, vests, ammunition, and a door bomb trap.
▪️HOSTAGE DEAL, EGYPT SAYS… A report in the pro-Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadid newspaper: Senior officials in Cairo, in coordination with Qatar, informed officials in the American administration of the difficulty in reaching an agreement to release hostages between Israel and Hamas similar to the previous agreement. The reason - Hamas adheres to the condition of an immediate ceasefire and non-participation in negotiations as long as the IDF attacks continue.  Despite this, the source noted that "the American administration still believes that a new agreement similar to the previous agreement can be reached - if Egypt and Qatar put more pressure on Hamas."
▪️ISRAELI GI BILL… The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee approved the bill "Dimensions for Studies" which stipulates full funding of a degree for released fighters - and it will be put to a final vote tomorrow. Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz: "This is such an important and just bill, they deserve it by right and not by grace. They give 100% and they deserve 100%”.
▪️WHO’S STILL SHIPPING… through the Red Sea?  Qatar - which ships liquified natural gas to Europe.
▪️ANOTHER SHIP ATTACKED… the container ship Clara detected an explosion near it in the water. 
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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The USA welcomes yesterday's appointment of Muhammad Mustafa to the position of Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority.
This is part of the rebranding that the US is trying to create for the Palestinian Authority after the events of 10/7 with the aim of turning it into a "palatable" version that with the intention of establishing a real "partner" for negotiations with Israel as part of the Democratic Party's grand plan for the Palestinian Authority.
I will remind the Democratic Party that the last parliamentary elections in the Palestinian Authority were about 20 years ago.
Governments in the Palestinian Authority are appointed like this again and again without elections.
The beacon of democracy in the world welcomes a clearly anti-democratic action.
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