#O Alexandrie
tintin-se-souvient · 2 years
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Alix. O Alexandrie. by Jacques Martin
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vampirephlebotomy · 1 month
For every !! I receive, I'll introduce you to one OC
I think it would be criminal if I didn't first talk about my girl. My darling. My sweetheart baby girl Amurre Coulei. he/she pronouns. As a human, her name is Alexandrie!
Amurre is one of my only trolls (out of 326) who is actually for a fake/fan SGRUB session. He's the dancestor out of the three Coulei's, having played in the Alpha Session of their game. He's a Bard of Life, and due to an already close connection to the Horrorterrors, he went Grimdark FAR too early in the session and ended up being the cause of everything falling apart.
He's the Cat in a group of Chinese Zodiac themed trolls, and so is his descendant Nefeli Coulei and then NEFELI'S descendant, Javann Coulei. Their names are all based on different kinds of leopards. Because of their role as the Cat, the Coulei's are Mutantbloods, and Amurre is highly antagonistic. He's vain, mean, manipulative, and self centered, and he killed, lied and slept his way to the top of the Purpleblood church he was a part of when he was alive. Despite all this, he's found himself in the middle of a gigantic polycule (14 people, which is including him) where he's the center of it all and the only common partner ALL of them share. The polycule is the other 12 of the Zodiac, along with a fuchsiablood based on the Jade Emperor. He adores his partners all to bits, and he's the only one keeping this group even vaguely together: a lot of them hate each other.
Amurre is an artist, with a primary focus on clay sculpting, although he does occasionally like to use oil pastels to create landscape pieces. He's a polyglot who speaks 7 languages in at least some form of decent fluency. As a human, he's (Sichuan) Chinese and was born and raised in France until he was 18, and moved him and his brother to the states. He's anywhere between 36-48 depending on where in the "present" timeline I talk about him.
I'll stick her profile under the cut! She also has a playlist here on spotify if you'd like to listen to it or just look :o)
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NAME: Amurre Coulei
PRONOUNS: he/she
BLOODCASTE: mutant§spooky [#7B00FF]
TROLL TAG: suspiciousSerenity
SIGN: Capriza [Derse + Life]
OCCUPATION: Formerly was the head of a church, and was an escort for highbloods, but now just spends time with his group in the bubbles since he's dead.
HIVE: Has a nice, cozy hive in the dreambubbles, complete with enough space to be with all of his group if he needs it.
LUSUS: Matagot
Flush Decatriad
Flush with Yujann Tritan
INTERESTS: poetry and writing, music, sculptures and carving, collecting perfumes
QUIRK: <3 starts off w1th a h33art and 33nds w1th on33 too! no caps but luvs punctuat1on. "e" g33ts turn33d 1nto "33" and "i" g33ts turn33d 1nto "1". s1mpl33 and sw3333t! <3
CLASSPECT: Bard of Life
KERNELSPRITE: Malacesprite
PLANET: Land of Jade and Lakes [LOJAL]
CONSORTS: Yellow Water Snakes
Probably got away with more than he should've
The one thing his friends can agree on
Never dream of Horrorterrors
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mercuriicultores · 2 months
Plutarchus – Vitae prallelae, «Vita Alexandri», I, 2-3
Οὔτε γὰρ ἱστορίας γράφομεν, ἀλλὰ βίους, οὔτε ταῖς ἐπιφανεστάταις πράξεσι πάντως ἔνεστι δήλωσις ἀρετῆς ἢ κακίας, ἀλλὰ πρᾶγμα βραχὺ πολλάκις
καὶ ῥῆμα καὶ παιδιά τις ἔμφασιν ἤθους ἐποίησε μᾶλλον ἢ μάχαι μυριόνεκροι καὶ παρατάξεις αἱ μέγισται καὶ πολιορκίαι πόλεων. Ὥσπερ οὖν οἱ ζῳγράφοι τὰς ὁμοιότητας ἀπὸ τοῦ προσώπου καὶ τῶν περὶ τὴν ὄψιν εἰδῶν οἷς ἐμφαίνεται τὸ ἦθος ἀναλαμβάνουσιν, ἐλάχιστα τῶν λοιπῶν μερῶν φροντίζοντες, οὕτως ἡμῖν δοτέον εἰς τὰ τῆς ψυχῆς σημεῖα μᾶλλον ἐνδύεσθαι, καὶ διὰ τούτων εἰδοποιεῖν τὸν ��κάστου βίον, ἐάσαντας ἑτέροις τὰ μεγέθη καὶ τοὺς ἀγῶνας.
[LAT] Non enim historias, sed vitas scribimus; neque semper clarissimis factis virtutis aut vitii insunt indicia, quia immo saepe exigua quaedam res dictumve aut iocus plus de ingenio alicuius documenti praebet, quam immensa hostium strages edita, maximae pugnae, urbiumve oppugnationes. Itaque sicuti pictores vultu et habitu externo faciei ex quibus potissimum natura hominis apparet similitudines exprimunt, minima reliquarum partium habita ratione; ita nobis quoque concedendum est, ut signa animi colligentes, iis vitam uniuscuiusque depingamus, aliis magnitudinem factorum et certamina relinquentes.
[HIS] No escribimos historias, sino vidas; no es en las acciones más ruidosas donde se manifiestan la virtud o el vicio, sino que muchas veces una situación pasajera, un dicho o una niñería sirven más para declarar un carácter que batallas en que mueren millares de hombres, numerosos ejércitos y sitios de ciudades. Por tanto, de la manera como los pintores toman para retratar las semejanzas del rostro y aquella expresión de ojos en que más se manifiestan la índole y el carácter cuidándose poco de todo lo demás, así debe a nosotros concedérsenos que atendamos más a los indicios del ánimo y que por ello dibujemos la vida de cada uno dejando a otros los hechos de gran apariencia y los combates.
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sandrinaramona · 7 months
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Dimineața îmi înghite ultima firimitură din tristețea ultimelor zile, iar eu îmi trag sufletul - o haină pe care cineva mi-a ridicat-o de pe umeri. O piatră grea de moară, ca o povară. Gândurile îmi zboară printre frunzele copacilor și se așează lângă vrăbiuțele care orice ar trăi, ele doar ciripesc. Sunete vesele precum niște fluturi timpurii cu aripi nevăzute care se ridică și dansează peste strada calmă ca un psalm al îngerilor locului. Și iar mi-e dor. Un dor care mă întinde peste tot, mă duce departe, mă trântește de pereți, de cer, de pământ, de tot deșertul nostru. Apoi, tace. Tace și mă înghite flămând. E atâta liniște, iubirea mea. Atâta liniște încât simt că îmi urlă între tâmplele inimii. Degeaba. Se scrie din nou o zi neagră și o noapte albă. Aș vrea să pot și eu ciripi. Și zbura. Aș vrea să pot să îmi scutur umerii zgribulită și să nu mai simt nimic. Pașii se aud pe asfalt tot mai grei. Ecoul unui alt drum. Un drum pe care nu îl voi cunoaște niciodată. Pot însă să îți spun despre acesta. Este într-o Alexandrie frumoasă de care m-am îndrăgostit aproape cum m-am îndrăgostit de tine. O descopăr cu pașii inimii și o ascult cu sufletul. E atât de frumoasă! Albă ca un porțelan fin de dincolo de timpuri. Când dă sunetele orașului și al vieții mai tare, aud ca și cum mai multe cristale s-ar sparge de azurul cel mai frumos al cerului. Câteodată, când Dumnezeu coboară în biserici și moschee, se aud îngerii. Îngerii tăi. Îmi coboară pe umeri și mă liniștesc șoptindu-mi în limba ta că toate trebuiesc trecute și înțelese în viață și că oamenii nu sunt singuri când îl au pe Dumnezeu alături. Încerc să te cred din mijlocul singurătății mele, doar că uneori nu e ușor deloc. Te văd, dar mi-s cuvintele legate. Ale tale la fel. Vorbesc doar privirile și inimile ni se întâlnesc uneori între două lumi, ca mai apoi, preț de câteva clipe să le transforme în una. A noastră. Tăcută. În ea, ciripesc doar vrăbiuțele și uneori, când e liniște se aude vântul și Dumnezeu! - Sub zodia iubirii, Ramona-Sandrina Ilie
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merit-maher · 1 year
 O Egipto declara a renovação de um dos seus belos artefactos: O Museu Greco-Romano
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gunmetalgrey · 1 year
H E A D C A N O N | given name
Alex was born Petya Alexandrie Kaitya Moran.
She hated her name from when she was small. No one could get it right at school, and it always singled her out as other. At the age of six, no matter the verse, Alex just stopped answering to that name completely. This usually coincides with her going mute and the difficulties at school starting to grow. Without a word, she starts writing the name Alex on her school books and using it as her own. She decided that’s that how she feels comfortable.
She likes that it doesn’t give away her gender immediately and it’s a lot easier for everyone else. She doesn’t stand out anymore. As she grows into her preteen years, her fighting with her mother gets worse and her name is a large point of contention between them as Kaitya refuses to use her chosen one. It grates on her constantly, and Alex goes as far as to change the paperwork at her second school so that Petya is left off completely. By 13, no one except family would know that it’s her legal given name unless they have seen her passport/driver license/Army ID tags.
Using Petya to refer to her is a way to instantly get her to see red. It’s a name that is only connected to pain and the person who was controlled, invisible, bullied and put down upon. It’s not something to be used lightly. When Alex is in the army, she starts the paperwork to get it removed but never really finishes it. Everyone in the army is more than happy to refer to her as either a stupid nickname or Moran/Alex depending on if she’s serving with her brothers. Her name isn’t some dirty secret, just a piece of her past she really wants to forget. Having a gender neutral name in the army is another added bonus of not standing out on the grounds of her gender.
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davidsoto666 · 2 years
Imposición del catolicismo en Europa: El Holocausto Odinista de Verden
Este día recordamos el Holocausto Pagano de Europa en el que se impuso el cristianismo a sangre y fuego contra los fieles a sus tradiciones y su fe ancestral.
El 4 de octubre del 782, el cristianísimo emperador Carlomagno ordenó la decapitación de 4.500 paganos sajones que habían sido descubiertos y capturados practicando sus ritos ancestrales paganos nativos, después de haber sido convertidos al cristianismo. Este hecho es conocido como la Masacre de Verden.
Esta historia empieza con la derrota de los sajones en la Batalla de Paderborn en el año 773 de nuestra era, obligando a los habitantes de Angria a cortar y entregar el Irminsul (representación germana del Yggdrasil), en ese momento la jihad de Carlomagno había marcado su intención – cristianizar, desaparecer las creencias y tradiciones paganas de los sajones.
Un Irminsul o Yggdrasil (antiguo «gran pilar» sajón) era un objeto sagrado parecido a un pilar que, según se afirma, desempeñaba un papel importante en el paganismo germáncio de los sajones. Fuentes medievales describen cómo un Irminsul fue destruido por Carlomagno durante las Guerras Sajonas. Los árboles sagrados y arboledas sagradas fueron ampliamente venerados por los pueblos germánicos (incluido el roble de Donar), y la crónica más antigua que describe un Irminsul se refiere a él como un tronco de árbol erigido al aire libre.
El monje benidictino Rodolfo de Fulda (865 d. C.) proporciona una descripción de un Irminsul en el capítulo 3 de su obra latina De miraculis sancti Alexandri . La descripción de Rudolf afirma que el Irminsul era un gran pilar de madera erigido y adorado bajo el cielo abierto y que su nombre, Irminsul, significa pilar universal que lo sustenta todo.
Los vencidos eran convertidos al cristianismo, inmediatamente bajo amenazas, chantaje, torturas, destierro, etc. Ante la negativa de varios pobladores, Carlomagno quien frecuentaba estos bautizos masivos y presenciaba la resistencia de varios, decretó en el año 780 de nuestra era, la pena de muerte para aquellos sajones que no se bautizaran, o no celebrasen las fiestas cristianas e incineraran a sus muertos en vez de enterrarlos.
Para el 782, se estableció un código de leyes conocido como -Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae- que eliminaba toda práctica de religiones paganas, lo que produjo nuevamente el levantamiento de resistencia pagana.
Ante el masivo rechazo de los fieles ante una nueva religión y ajena a su tradición y cosmovisión del mundo. Carlomagno ordenó el 4 de octubre del 782 en Verden, Baja Sajonia, la decapitación y ahorcamiento de 4500 sajones que habían sido descubiertos y capturados practicando sus ritos paganos nativos, después de haber sido convertidos al cristianismo. Asimismo, en los Annales qui dicuntur Einhardi, los Annales Laubacenses, los Annales sancti Amandi y los Annales Sangalienses Baluzii, confirman el hecho. A este evento se le conoció como «La Masacre de Verden». "la inspiración más probable para la ejecución masiva de Verden fue la Biblia", Carlomagno deseando "actuar como un verdadero Rey de Israel", citando el relato bíblico del exterminio total de los amalecitas y la conquista de los moabitas por David. Barbero señala además que unos años más tarde, un cronista real, al comentar sobre el trato de Carlomagno a los sajones, registra que "o fueron derrotados o sometidos a la religión cristiana o completamente barridos". Barbero (2004), págs. 46–47.
Queremos y es necesario honrar a aquellos que perecieron por defender su fe, su práctica y a sus dioses. Realizar una celebración que tenga un trasfondo real sobre la intolerancia religiosa y lo pernicioso que puede ser la religión monoteísta. Una fecha que tenga un contexto histórico palpable y valorable por cualquier practicante de una fe pagana.
En 1935, Wilhelm Hübotter, un destacado arquitecto paisajista realizó la construcción de Sachsenhain, un monumento formando por 4.500 grandes piedras en Verden en conmemoración de la Masacre. Cada piedra procedía de una de las 4.500 poblaciones de Baja Sajonia, y es hoy en día es unos pocos monumentos levantados en Europa contra el genocidio Odinista llevado a cabo por la religión cristiana contra el pueblo germánico.
Reivindicamos la gloria y honor para estas víctimas y exigimos la disculpa de los causantes de este Holocausto contra nuestra fe, que pese a su represión tras siglos ha logrado pervivir y hoy avanza con fuerza.
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asmosmainhoe · 4 years
Obey Me 1🌹
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Updated: 05/01/2021
Main masterlist
Obey Me 2
Izumi Tachibana
Kairos Alexandris
Fuck my diet
Keeping up with the Morningstars
You're a unicorn?
All of the brothers
The brothers from most jealous to least jealous 
The brothers being jealous 
The brothers with a s/o who likes to cook 
The brothers with a naive s/o 
The brothers with a singer s/o 
The brothers with a very beautiful s/o 
The brothers with a sociopath s/o 
The brothers with a s/o who becomes a demon 
The brothers with an asexual s/o 
The brothers with a s/o who's self conscious about their voice 
The brothers with a s/o who doesn't like it when someone acts alpha-male like 
The brothers with a s/o who can bend 
The brothers with an oblivious s/o 
The brothers with a s/o who snorts 
The brothers hitting their small toe 
The brothers with a small, but srong s/o 
The brothers with a youthful looking s/o 
The brothers as tea
The brothers with a MC who lost their eye
The brothers with a flirty s/o
MC brings home an animal
The brothers opening the door while MC stands behind it
The brothers with a s/o with sweaty palms
The brothers on a pirate ship
MC as the mom friend
The Brothers finding out they’re gonna be a father
MC being scared of snails/spiders
MC behaving like the brothers’ sins
MC dies permanently
The brothers with a s/o who’s a know-it-all
MC with chaotic/dumbass energy
MC accidently says “love you” at the end of a call
The brothers with a tall s/o
The brothers fave dance
MC is a sleep hugger
Kissing headcanons
MC tries to flirt and fails (but not really)
MC dyes their hair to match with the brothers
How the brothers would wrap up presents
All of the undateables
The undateables being jealous 
The undateables with an oblivious s/o 
The undateables with a s/o who snorst 
The undateables hitting their small toe
The brothers with MC’s older sibling who studies demonology
The undateables with a MC who lost their eye
The undateables with a s/o with sweaty palms
MC tries to flirt and fails (but not really)
The undateables finding out they’re gonna be a father
Lucifer with a s/o who has knee problems 
Having a fight with Lucifer 
MC protecting Lucifer
Lucifer with an insecure s/o 
Having a fight with Mammon 
MC protecting Mammon
Mammon Wakes MC up who sleeps in their underwear
Musician Mammon
Mammon with a painter s/o
MC protecting Levi
MC making meme, vine, tiktok references
Levi with a gamer and otaku MC
Hyping up Levi
Satan with a s/o who has knee problems 
Having a fight with Satan
Asmo with a s/o who has knee problems 
Asmo with an insecure s/o 
Asmo with a s/o who passes out during sex 
MC making meme, vine, tiktok references
MC protecting Asmo
Honeymoon with Asmo
I keep on falling
Beel with an insecure s/o 
Beel as your husband
Belphie with a s/o who passes out during sex 
Having a fight with Diavolo 
Diavolo with a gullible s/o 
Diavolo with a sociopath s/o 
Diavolo with MC’s older sibling who studies demonology 
MC making meme, vine, tiktok references
Soft Diavolo x MC headcanons
Having a fight with Barbatos 
Is being gay a sin
MC making meme, vine, tiktok references
Soft Simeon x MC headcanons
MC practically adopts Luke
Having a fight with Solomon 
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theg-unit · 3 years
Langa Head cannons pt.2
thanks to all who jumped on the last one here's some more langa head cannons.
-credit to tiktok user @tashy.a for this head cannon y'all should check out their account she has some great, funny stuff; Langa used his dads last name in Canada and his moms in Japan. so its like a superman situation.
-running off that one, Langa has a middle name unlike most people in Japan. this confuses reki, shadow and Miya like immensely (matcha blossom took some time abroad). like with the last name he switches which one he uses depending on the country. in Japan he's Langa but in Canada its like Alexandrie. Reki shadow and Miya can't pronounce it.
~because there's not enough of snowboarding in this fandom head cannon~
-even though he was decent at getting air in the halfpipe comps, that wasn't his discipline. Langa was a backcountry snowboarder.
-langa was snowboarding since he was two so he was definitely at the top of his game and like travelling all the time for comps like a full time pro. 
-Langa was sponsored by red bull.
-side note to that, langa has most definitely been caught in an avalanche once or twice. as a result he has like three metal plates. Joe has similar and they both use them to tell when the weathers changing, but mostly el dorado bullshit it.
-once in Okinawa (post cannon) Langa finds out from cherry about hill bombing and the downhill skateboarders that go down like mountain roads and immediately decides to try it. like s is downhill but its not that downhill and everyone keeps trying to restrain him from doing it.
-langa speaks French-Canadian but like with Japanese he can't write it properly mainly because he is dyslexic.  
-langa smokes. like regularly. when he can't get weed he’ll settle for plain cigarettes, and no one finds out until he pulls out his pack, lights up, and drags just so he can stub it out on Adam. after they stop laughing cherry and Joe keep trying to make him quit. Reki just finds it a little bit hot.  
-Langa’s mum bought him his own motorbike as a present for Christmas.
-Miya has definitely asked Langa multiple times to pick him up from school on said bike. Langa has never refused. 
-langa has a mild French accent that peaks through when he's tired and his o’s  and his r’s get that guttural sound. 
-Langa is embarrassed about how much he eats, but loves eating at Joes’s restaurant because Joe always serves him a large enough portion first go around, so he never has to ask for seconds.
-Langa is cousins with Kagami Taiga. no argument. 
remember all head cannons are up for adoption as fics because I don't have enough talent to write them. let me know what/who you want next? 
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tilthedayidice · 3 years
Hello, can I please have a character palette for my deep gnome graviturgy wizard, Trip? He’s currently on a ship called the Cornflower learning how to navigate with the stars, and protecting his friends on their way to Stormreach. His specialty is control, making enemies have a Bad Time with spells like Sapping Sting, Grease, and Magnify Gravity.
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Dice Envy Smaug the Impenetrable
Dice Envy Will-O-Wisp
Dice Envy Blekki Stone
Chessex Frosted Clear
Little Dragon Corp Alexandriate Nebula
Wiz Dice Celestial Sea
CozyGamer Shimmering Moss
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lelivreali · 3 years
Fazia alguns dias que não via Alexandris pois como a editora aumentou o preço de seus livros, também veio o pedido para um novo diário. Alison tinha três sem publicar, então um deles estava sendo preparado para que pudesse enviar. Quase não tinha tempo nem para dormir tanto trabalho que se enfiou. De qualquer forma, finalmente viu-se livre e isso merecia uma boa comemoração já que quando soube da notícia não pôde comemorar pois Lexi tinha pedido um tempo; agora era a hora de compensar sua falta de atenção para com o mais novo. Foi assim que acabou ali na porta do outro bruxo, batendo na madeira para anunciar sua presença. Sua roupa consistia em uma calça branca um pouquinho dobrada nas barras, uma camisa azul escura de botões que tinham as mangas levantadas até a altura dos cotovelos. Tinha pego um dos barcos da família para passear durante o dia, de noite poderiam jantar em algum restaurante caro; fazia tempo demais que não se divertia assim com Lexi e precisava resolver isso. "Oi, espero que tenha limpado a agenda do dia." foi como o saudou, o sorriso carinhoso brincando em seus lábios antes de se inclinar para lhe beijar no cantinho da boca, uma provocação silenciosa quando tudo o que desejava era um beijo verdadeiro.
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gunmetalarchived · 3 years
Alex never really thought she’d make to old age. She assumed that her line of work would get to her eventually, it just made sense really. She was ready to die the moment she enlisted, she wasn’t afraid of death at that age. She had nothing to fear from what came after or who was left behind.
Alex has died so many times over. Legally, she died on the 16th Feb 2013. Her body was found in the wreckage of a Vauxhall Corsa off the A4032 on the way to Bristol. Her next of kin was informed, her few possessions kept at the coroners office. She had to be identified by her dental records. If he is alive, it is usually Sebastian ( @epiitaphs​ ) who receives this call. Alex gave no warning she was planning to fake her death, ti had to all be believable. After that day, Petya Alexandrie Kaitya Moran was no more.
Alex started working freelance, sometimes under the name Moran but occasionally under other aliases. She joined A.G.R.A, a group of mercenaries doing off the books work for the British government until she was captured 3rd August 2013. This was the second time she died. Or a piece of her did, in a cell in Tskhinvali. She didn’t talk about what happened to her there, but the version of Alex that returned was terrified, on edge, paranoid. It amplified her most selfish traits, taught her she couldn’t trust anyone or ever switch off.  The only person who was going to watch her back was herself.
The final death of Alex Moran was quiet. More of a disappearance. Ten days before her deal with MI6 was due to expire, Alex slipped off of the face of the earth. The only sign something might be wrong is a missed call from an unknown number on 25th December 2028 to whoever Alex is closest to (usually @diabolicaltendencies Sam). At the planned release of her service on the 4th of January, Alex is nowhere to be seen. There is no body, no official word on what happened. She died alone, and no one even knows how or where.
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dealerdawlish · 4 years
 What the fuck is this? // With Alison
Acordos não eram bem o forte de Alexandris. Tinha o péssimo hábito de em algum momento quebrar combinados, seja por sua inconstância ou por desleixo. Era uma pessoa ligada demais, e isso o fazia quebrar ciclos apenas por ansiedade. Talvez fosse verdade que as perdas haviam mudado todo o curso de sua vida, pois agora tinha dificuldade em confiar nas pessoas e não usá-las ao seu bem prazer. Não era maldade no final das contas, era um muro de defesa construído através dos anos. 
E aquele era mais um dia em que um acordo estava prestes a ser quebrado, não que os termos tivessem sido muito definidos. Tudo começou com uma relação de exploração, precisava de alguém para investir em seu empório e Alison parecia bonito demais e rico demais para não auxiliar nisso. Surgiu então a dominância, que naquele caso era exercida por ambos lados. Dawlish escondia a verdade seduzindo o inocente homem, e Alison se aproveitava dos músculos malhados e da potência de mimar alguém. Aquele era mais um dia que Alexandris deitava e rolava nestes benefícios, de forma literal. 
Estava dormindo entre os lençois sedosos do mais velho, o corpo nú que outrora era masculino agora carregava uma silhueta delicada, graças à metamorfomagia. Lexi não se deu conta que havia se transformado durante o sono e a espera pelo sugardaddy foi maior do que esperava. Deveria ser só mais uma manhã em que tomariam café junto depois de uma noite de sexo, mas o destino decidiu conspirar para que pelo menos uma das verdades surgisse. Um grito! Foi o que despertou a moça, que assustada sentou-se na cama, os mamilos levemente inchados pela fricção do seio ao colchão enquanto dormia. Os cabelos emolduravam o rosto arredondado, e os lábios rosados abriram-se em um “o” esperando uma explicação para tamanho alarde. — O que foi? Tem alguma aranha em mim? — perguntou sem olhar para o próprio corpo, as iris fixas no historiador. — Era uma vez o café... — exclamou enquanto olhava o líquido derramado no chão. Pegou a varinha limpando a bagunça, mas notou que tinha algo seriamente errado. Ergueu-se andando até o mais alto, ele estava realmente bem mais alto do que se recordava. Franziu o cenho com tal constatação, e levou a mão até o rosto dele. — Não gostou da... AAAAAAH! — e mais um grito! Suas mãos estavam diminutas, com as unhas longas e vermelhas e... florzinhas? Ele não se lembrava de ter pintado a unha, não se lembrava de ter uma pele levemente morena... Sem mais qualquer palavra saiu correndo rumo ao banheiro, olhando-se no espelho para checar se não havia... havia acontecido! — NÃO! — zangou-se consigo mesmo, não poderia ter se transformado. Não ali, não com ele. 
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haridwood · 4 years
O problema de ter mais dinheiro do que poderia saber como gastar era que Hari acabava perdendo o controle quando se tratava de fazer compras. Poder aparatar qualquer lugar que conhecia e gostava também não ajudava em nada; embora nos últimos anos tivesse evitado usar o dinheiro da família, chegou a recente conclusão de que não fazia sentido não usufruir do que era seu por direito. Melhor do que ver os irmãos gastando com prostituição e coisas afins. Sua mais nova leva de roupas tinha algumas peças que não seriam para si, por isso aparatou com algumas sacolas para a frente do prédio que Alexandris morava, o feitiço que fora lhe ensinado para entrar ali sendo proferido e a passagem liberada. Ao entrar no local e subir as escadas, já começou a anunciar sua presença. — Se a madame ainda não acordou, as coisas vão voltar tudo pra mim." gritou. Não fosse pela voz alta, o barulho dos saltos certamente iriam entregar sua presença. Parando na porta, abriu um sorriso largo. — E se conseguir adivinhar o que eu trouxe, ganha todos.'
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00? . H E A D C A N O N | given name
Alex was born Petya Alexandrie Kaitya Moran.
She hated her name from when she was small. No one could get it right at school, and it always singled her out as other. At the age of six, no matter the verse, Alex just stopped answering to that name completely. This usually coincides with her going mute and the difficulties at school starting to grow. Without a word, she starts writing the name Alex on she school books and using it as her own. She decided that’s that how she feels comfortable.
She likes that it doesn’t give away her gender immediately and it’s a lot easier for everyone else. She doesn’t stand out anymore. As she grows into her preteen years, her fighting with her mother gets worse and her name is a large point of contention between them as Kaitya refuses to use her chosen one. It grates on her constantly, and Alex goes as far as to change the paperwork at her second school so that Petya is left off completely. By 13, no one except family would know that it’s her legal given name.
Using Petya to refer to her is a way to instantly get her to see red. It’s a name that is only connected to pain and the person who was controlled, invisible, bullied and put down upon. It’s not something to be used lightly. When Alex is in the army, she starts the paperwork to get it removed but never really finishes it. Everyone in the army is more than happy to refer to her as either a stupid nickname or Moran/Alex depending on if she’s serving with her brothers. Her name isn't some dirty secret, just a piece of her past she really wants to forget. Having a gender neutral name int he army is another added bonus of not standing out on the grounds of her gender.
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atcostmag · 4 years
Present Future Retroactive: Vol. 3
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The internet is a vast and wonderful place, and sometimes we’ve let freshly-minted singles cool off over time. However, in this economy of speed and scale, it doesn’t make their music any less worthy. In short, a great record is a great record. Besides who doesn’t love to reminiscence of better times? Ah, the nostalgia! Covering the freshly-minted and its relative like, we revisit some of our favorites, and among them you might recognize a few familiar faces.
Caoilfhionn Rose - Being Human
A track from her debut record “Awaken” written with Gondwana Records’ Matthew Halsall, Manchester aritst Caoilfhionn Rose (pronounced in Irish Gaelic as “Keelin Rose”), shares her personal favorite “Being Human”. Written about appreciating the people that make her feel peaceful and happy, Caoilfhionn filmed the video for her track at Fletcher Moss Park nearby where she grew up. Echoing the warm, billowy sentiment of her loving words and reassuring coax, the guitar guitar glide and harp-like flutter of the track is complimented by the visual setting of where she finds inspiration and solace.
Caoilfhionn Rose · Being Human
DYLLAN - Devotion
Dylan Nichols, artistically known as Dyllan, doesn’t need your pity or praise as witnessed through track “Devotion”. A slow and smoky number that kindles to it breathy sultriness in sound, soft, muted tones collide with the cutting words from Nichols’ lips. With the title of her latest EP embedding in the lyrics of “Devotion”, you can check the formative track which underlines her latest record “I’m Not Your Goddess”: 
DYLLAN · devotion
Livia Blanc - Room 405
Recalling the day of France’s yé-yé “genre”, French-born and Tahiti-raised Livia Blanc imports her bilingual pop prose with track “Room 405″. Contrasting the jubilant horns and childlike squee of its twee-pop burst, Livia Blanc wanted to raise a little hell with a murderous rampage in her latest video:
O Future - Telephone
A little bit of mood music from the duo formerly known as OOFJ, O Future describes track  their track as literally about “not having enough friends, hating phone calls and lying down on heavy carpets”. A good and spicy phone call from a new lover, “Telephone” means a slow and sultry jazz that swelters to the heat of its vocalist Katherine Mills’ perspiring breathlessness: 
Pencey Sloe - All OK
Written out of a desire to be somebody else; someone that would only exist in our dreams, Diane Pellotieri of France’s Pencey Sloe writes “All OK”. Shadowing the theme of its dreamy disillusionment, the track interviews the ethereal sustain of its heavenly vocals with the heavy dredge of a shoegazing flourish:
Sara Kays - No Matter the Season
In an age of manufactured realities, it’s refreshing to hear such honest and heartfelt lyricism. Though seemingly inconspicuous at first Sara Kays’ “No Matter the Season” which seemingly centers around wearing baggy sweaters at first evolves into the deeper issue of body image. Visceral lyrics coupled by a raw, organic vocal and a timeless guitar acoustic reinforce her sentiment on her standout single:  
Sara Kays · No Matter the Season
Slow Shudder - Off the Rails
Slow Shudder is the personification of Miami-born but now Seattle-based artist Amanda Mayo who made her debut with EP “Off the Rails”. With its title track as its marquee single, the track combines a glitchy, trip-hop tone with the rosy-twee of its billowy vocal:
Slow Shudder · Off The Rails
Twin Ritual - Norma Jean
Twin Ritual is a San Diego indie-rock quartet fronted by its vocalist/keyboardist Laura Levenhagen and her accommpanying bandmates Anthony Ramirez, Michael Buehl and Antonia Estrada. Sharing “Norma Jean” a follow-up from debut EP “Hand Through the Mist”, Twin Ritual’s track guns with revving riffs and a dreamy new-wave feel. With its dark, mysterious vocals speaking a sultry tone to the red-hot heat of chafing guitars, “Norma Jean” is a retro-futuristic scorcher. 
Twin Ritual · Norma Jean
The Zero Won - Rooftop (feat. Sma Rag Da)
A collaborative first, Greek collective The Zero Won invite Sma Rag Da (Smaragda Alexandri) on track “Rooftop”. Off their single “Changed” their B-side pipes with its quirky synth flex. Working over the gooey tones of its percolating synths to compliment the shimmery vocal gloss of their invitee’s sound, “Rooftop” is an ultra fun, quirky disco track:
The Zero Won · Rooftop
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