#Nostalgic Manatee
nostalgic-manatee · 10 months
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nostalgicfun · 4 years
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Manny the Manatee ♡
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duckulamoved · 4 years
Like. Overall I feel most Disney sequels get hate for no reason. You’ve got your Tarzan 2′s and your Hunchback 2′s which are horrible in many ways (I’d put Atlantis under the bracket but I give it a pass because while it’s not great they were initially episodes for a planned series and with that context in mind they’re fine). 
But I mean? Some of them it’s clear weren’t overall half assed. The animation isnt bad and the stories are well written and characters charming enough. I’d assume at first its a time frame thing but Hunchback 2 came out right in between 101 2 and LatT 2 so? I don’t know.  Are they all good? No. Do any of them have the same charm as their predecessors? Not really (I stand by Return to Neverland being an exception to the rule, that movie is an improvement). But I mean? 
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katieskarlette · 3 years
I know I haven’t been active on Tumblr in quite awhile but I still check in from time to time.  I hope all you lovely folks are doing well and enjoying whatever sparks joy for you these days.  I’m still on hiatus from WoW but think about it pretty often.  Like, I’ll just be going about my day and then randomly I’ll think of a questline or a particular area in game and feel nostalgic. But I still don’t feel like actually playing.  Weird.
Anyway, the main reason I’m here to ramble is that in 14 hours I’ll be boarding a plane and starting the vacation I’ve been dreaming of for literally two decades:  a solo trip to Key West.  Sunken treasure, pirates, palm trees, fish, manatees, museums, literature, hurricane history, warm beaches, tropical gardens, and more of my favorite things lie in store.  I can’t believe this is finally happening! 
Wish me a safe journey (and no sunburn, since the sun eats my pasty white self alive if I don’t slather every inch of my exposed skin in SPF eleventy zillion.)  So far the forecast looks pretty decent, low 80s with a chance of thundershowers later in the week.  I’ve got an N95 mask to wear on the plane and in the airport, and I’ve had my vaccine booster, so I feel pretty safe on that front.  I’m all packed except a few things I’ll need in the morning.  
Now I just need to get to sleep, which may be easier said than done.  I don’t have to get up ridiculously early, but it’s still a few hours earlier than I’m used to, and if last night is anything to go by I’ll be too excited to rest well.  Oh well, I’ll be so hyped I don’t think a little sleep deprivation will matter much.
I’ll post some photos eventually, but probably not until next week.
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adambuffett · 2 years
i got a sample of replica beach walk from sephora recently and it smells So nostalgic it’s like they bottled a florida childhood,,,, like it smells like my dad watching me build a manatee out of sand at the beach and then sneaking into a rly nice hotel pool
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lilypadd23 · 4 years
Thank you for the tag @strawberrypaul <3
Name: You can call me Lily
Nickname: LP
Zodiac: Aries 
Height: 5′6″
Languages: English is my mother tongue and the only language in which I’m fluent, but I have functional Italian and beginning Arabic. 
Nationality: American, but currently T4 in the UK. 
Favorite seasons: Autumn and Spring.  It also kind of depends on where I am, because back home, Spring is very pollen-y and gets really hot.  So I prefer Fall.  But here, Spring is perfect and Fall is rainy and cold.  So I prefer Spring.  So I guess my favorite seasons are a NC Autumns and NI Springs.
Favorite animal: Dolphins.  But I also love dogs, birds, pigs, pandas, cows, sheep, raccoons, cheetahs, elephants, donkeys, koala bears, manatees, hedgehogs.... anyway I just really love animals like......
Favorite fictional character: Idgie Threadgoode 
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate, tea, coffee in that order.
Hours of sleep: Typically 6 or 7, but during quarantine, my sleep cycle has been wonky, and I’ve still been getting 6 or 7, but it’s happening within a series of naps, rather than sleeping through the night.
Dog or cat person: Dogs or cats that behave like dogs.
How many blankets: Ideally 3 or 4.
Dream trip: Anywhere I haven’t been before. 
Blog established: This one?  Last year, but it’s basically exactly the same as my old one which I started when I was like thirteen and then abandoned when I had to hop off Tumblr due to having a stalker
Number of followers: Not exactly sure? Not many.  Don’t really mind.  It’s more for me having a place to dump things I like. 
Random fact: I know all the words to We Didn’t Start the Fire
Introvert or extrovert: Extraverted introvert. 
Places to relax: My room. Outside.  At my parents’ house.
Favorite snack: Strawbs. 
Recent show: Great Pottery Throwdown 
Favorite video game: Not much of a video game person, but I love playing Mario with my brother.
Tagging @kreekey, @nostalgic-golden-slumbers, @lovely-rita-meter-maidd @comeasyouarealways @hide-your-bugs-away
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fontasticcrablettes · 5 years
... top five aquatic animals
1. MANATEES.  My squishy giant friends.  I love their big dumb faces.  They’re so gentle and chill.
2. Hagfish.  They’re so weird! Their slime is so crazy!  
3. Sea turtles.  They’re was a huge sea turtle in the Monterey Bay Aquarium when I was a kid.  Every time I went there I just wanted to stand at the giant glass wall and stare at turtle friend.
4. Giant squids are super cool. They’re like, the ultimate mystery of the deep.  Love those deep dwelling tentacle weirdos.  
5. Sea lions are annoying as fuck but they always make me nostalgic for all the times we visited Monterey or San Francisco as a kid.  When I was 4 and we were moving to California everyone asked what I was excited about and I just said “Seals. I want to see seals.”  So a week after we moved in, we took a trip to Monterey to see the seals.  That year, there was a huge influx of them and they took over beaches and covered the decks of boats in the harbour.  Sea lions everywhere! You could hear their honking wherever you want! 4 year old me was in love and I’ve always been fond of them.  
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nostalgic-manatee · 10 months
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I'd like to formally apologize to Larry the Cucumber for calling him a pickle that one time. I was making a Josh and the Big Wall reference, but I realize he probably has to deal with this a lot.
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abstract-moth · 2 years
I was tagged by @simuran to post 10 songs I’ve been obsessed with lately. In no particular order. Thank you for tagging me this! It was really fun 😊
1) “The Best is Yet To Come” by Sheppard
This has been my theme song for the past year. It’s been really rough since I finished high school (and even rougher before that). However, this song is so calm and soothing that it gives me hope that I can get through it all. “'Cause all this emptiness has left me feeling numb but it's darkest right before the sun“
2) “Liar” by The Arcadian Wind
This song about a compulsive liar who refuses to reform their ways. In addition to melancholic and nostalgic lyrics, the melody is very calm and soothing. I really just love the harmony of this song.
3) “Ship In A Bottle” by fin
This song is about a ship weathering a storm. The harmony is tragic and energetic, but also hopeful??? “I feel scared and I'm starting to sink and I only sink deeper the deeper I think oh, captain, make up your mind before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time 'cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain and you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane”
4) “Learn to Lose” by Bakermat and Alex Clare
I’ve been dealing with exams for the past month and this has been my motivation. “'Cause I've seen giants fall to their knees and I've seen losers rise to their feet well who cares if it all goes wrong? 'Cause when I die at least I'll smile to say I tried”
5) “Dust Bowl Dance” by Mumford & Sons
This song is about the destitution and hopelessness during The Great Depression. However to me, this brings images of of revenge and rising above all ruination.
6) “Archers” by The Ballroom Thieves
This song is about a guy singing to his lover. Something about it just so raw, desperate, and genuine. “But I know you'd break your neck just to see the stars.” “And if we don't dare to hold it then this reckless, wandering love was never ours.
7) “Moi c'est” by Camélia Jordana
J'aime la mélodie. Elle est très agréable et apaisant. La version ralentie est très bonne pour écrire.
8) “The Wolves” by JJ and The Pillars
This song is encapsulates the high energy angry music that I am very fond of.
9) “This Is Love” by The Hunts
I really like the melody of this song. The lyrics do a good job of capturing the complicated nature of love.
10) “Milan” by The Manatees
This song has both travelers energy and bittersweet nostalgia. What’s not to love.
I am tagging @hikarry @vik-roll @catsarecutebutaliens and @mangoofthesea absolutely no pressure though
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kilvaz · 6 years
get to know me tag!
tagged by @drinkingsasuke !! ty i havent done one of these in so long c:
rules: tag 15 people you want to get to know better
tagging: im lay-z so if u see this and wanna do it i tagged ya
relationship status: @heterowiki is my boy ;p
favourite colours: yellow, orange, green, and neutral browns!
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick back in the day but chapstick these dayz..
3 Favourite foods:
- mango
- tofu
- ttttaco bell
song stuck in my head: th song from mario kart i was playin it like 3 mins ago
last song I listened to: i rly don't know probs viddy game osts
last movie I watched: the spongebob movie it was on tv
top 3 TV shows:
- unnn yugioh (feel good and nostalgic) 
- hxh (just all over good)
- kirby right back at ya (need i say more)
books I’m currently reading:
- i don't read as much as id like ;/ but im currently reading some book i found in the condo were staying in on vacation and its not very good 
last thing I googled: manatee behavior
time: 8:53 pm
how many blankets do you sleep in: 1-2
dream trip: ANY ISLAND where the water is clear blue 
anything you really want: a massage :c or out of character i want snuggles
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nostalgicfun · 6 years
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Miniature Marine Life!
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Uhh for the crayola thing!! Inchworm, manatee, and cornflower???
Inchworm: First album you bought?
The first album I “bought” was Hello My Name Is… by Bridgit Mendler. It’s still one of my faves tbh and it’s so nostalgic for me.
Manatee: Summer or winter?
Shiiiit dude idk… summer I guess. But winters lit too.
Cornflower: What always makes you happy?
Oh shit, you already know that my answer is fully august, my best friend. follow him @spacebxtz
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stalkhome-sindrone · 6 years
All the asks!!
Bubble Gum: Gender? Male
Almond: Hair color? Very very very dark brown
Aquamarine: Eye color? Very very very dark brown
Asparagus: Birthday? April 26th
Cerise: First name? Matthew
Dandelion: Middle name? Samuel
Leather Jacket: Long or short hair? Always been envious of long hair (among other thing s) but mine’s growing
Pink Sherbert: Short or tall? Tall
Lavender: Braces? Not yet
Manatee: Smoker or non smoker? Non
Mountain Meadow: Drank or still drink alcohol? Nope
Wisteria: Ever done drugs? Edged straight
Emerald: Favorite thing about yourself? Anything pertaining to music
Black Shadows: Something you’re allergic to? Dust probably
Denim: Any diseases? Not really
Raw Umber: Sexual orientation? Edgy straight
Misty Moss: Kissed anyone other than family? Yes
Outer Space: Had sex? I’m not that exciting xD
Shadow: Name of crush? Danielle
Smashed Pumpkin: Why you like the person you do? Because I woke up one day and decided “making her happy on a permanent basis wouldn’t be so bad”
Magic Mint: Number of people you dated? 0 if I’m being honest
Steel Teal: Longest time you’ve dated someone? N/A
Thistle: Number of best friends? Here? Maybe 14. Outside? 3
Eggplant: Number of siblings? 3
Fuchsia: Number of pets? 0 yet
Plum: Still live with parent(s)? Yep
Razzmic Berry: Name of your mother? Felicia
Sonic Silver: Name of your father? Charles
Sea Serpent: Both parents still alive? Yep
Eucalyptus: Country you live in? Canada
Salmon: Place you wish to live or visit? Edmonton probably
Winter Sky: Number of days missed from school this year? 0 yet actually
Mystic Maroon: Met anyone famous? Nope but Jim Root of Slipknot commented on a meaningless photo of mine during what I assume were the Gray Chapter sessions so there’s that
Dark Venetian Red: Dream job? Songwriter/composer
Radical Red: Aesthetic? The fuck does this honestly mean? But seriously, silhouettes and shadows, just stuff that does not directly involve being seen
Malachite: Something you love? Making music
Moonstone: Something you love the smell of? Banana bread
Bittersweet: Favorite music artist? Currently Enter Shikari
Lemon Glacier: Favorite album? Currently A Flash Flood of Colour (All time: Subliminal Verses by Slipknot)
Inchworm: Favorite song? Currently Quelle Surprise by Enter Shikari
Scarlet: Favorite book? Don’t have a real answer for this…actually I read a nice book with Radiohead song meanings
Unmellow Yellow: Favorite TV show? Currently Mr. Robot
Wild Blue Yonder: Favorite movie? Recently I saw Oldboy
Blue Bell: Favorite restaurant? Haven’t been to enough to choose a real favourite or standout
Medium Orange: Favorite fruit? Avocados
Mulberry: Favorite vegetable? Maybe Tomatoes
Canary: Favorite class in school? Maybe creative writing cause of the people
Periwinkle: Favorite website? This dumb piece of shit
Black: Favorite season? Spring
Ruby: Favorite holiday? New Year’s xD
Midnight: Favorite day of the week? Saturday
Maximum Purple: Favorite time of day? Maybe around 11:30pm when I’m nice and nostalgic and melancholic
Permanent Geranium Lake: Favorite flower? Magnolia
Sea Green: Favorite animals? TURTLES
Timberwolf: Movie theater or Netflix? Movie theater
Blizzard Blue: Buying music or downloading from YouTube? Both! But also I torrent my music XDTHANKS ANGELICA
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heroesarelife · 7 years
Manatee, Mountain Meadow, Wisteria, Raw Umber, Misty Moss, Outer Space, Dark Venetian Red and Sea Green!
Manatee: Smoker or non smoker?
I don’t like smoking as an act generally. Tobacco makes me cough and I quite dislike it, never been into it. So no, never smoked. I don’t like the smell, but I don’t mind people smoking around me either, as long as the smoke is not right on my face. All is good.
I have lovely and nostalgic memories associated with tobacco smell, oddly enough. Something like endless nights, the faint tobacco smell surrounding me gently, tasting of laughs and malt.
Mountain Meadow: Drank or still drink alcohol?
I used to get drunk a lot when I was a bit younger. However I don’t enjoy the hangovers, so I don’t do that anymore, much. I have quite a taste for alcohol though, which I enjoy very sparingly. I have a lowkey passion for whiskey, specially single malt. Red wine too. I can enjoy beer sometimes too, but I tend to lean towards spirits. I enjoy the taste so I don’t mix them with anything, I take them straight.
That also means I am quite strong for alcohol, it’s hard to make me drunk.
I have some nice drunken stories but instead I will tell you all that two months ago back in my home country i was visiting my great uncle and he has a house bar filled with whiskey. Between all the blended shit (johnny walker) there was some gold I unraveled. Lagavulin 16 years. YES THAT’S RIGHT. I was shook, I could barely breath, and HE LET ME OPEN IT AND DRINK IT. I’m pretty sure that’s what heavenly gold tastes like, because I went to paradise as I sipped that marvelous beauty. I almost wept with happiness. So yeah, Lagavulin is a good whiskey worth every penny if you happen to be wondering what next whiskey to buy and all that.
Wisteria: Ever done drugs?
Aye, I smoke blunts (not joints, ugh) sometimes. With my family (mainly my mother). I do prefer to do it with an e-cigarette as it feels less harsh to the throat, but only one of my friends have those. I do it only on occasion though. Mostly because I live alone now so my mother isn’t around to share it with me. So mostly with my friends now and then.
I do not do any other drugs and never did.
Have I ever told you all the story how my nerdy ass accidentally taught my then underage cousin to make pot brownies? Because that happened. I got excited talking about neurotransmitters and was explaining how THC acted and…
Raw Umber: Sexual orientation?
I am pan. I love people despite gender
My family thinks I’m straight somehow tho. Poor things.
Misty Moss: Kissed anyone other than family?
Yes, plenty of someones. I’m a kisser. Just ask and I will kiss you and give love around.
Outer Space: Had sex?
You mean on the last month or
Yes I had plenty of sex. Sex is great. You can talk to me about sex very freely, I don’t mind (like in the asks or whatnot). Sex conversations should be a lot more open than they are right now.
Dark Venetian Red: Dream job?
Writer. Or a researcher. Or a teacher. Or a professional multiple languages speaker (i know it doesn’t exists but let me dream).
Sea Green: Favorite animal?
I love cats and dolphins and totoros. OMG I LOVE GIANT SLOTHS TOO WHY ARE THEY EXTINCT. WHY.
True story: I collect “natural history museums” that happen to have giant sloths skeletons. I just. I just love so much. Think about it, it’s like a bear, BUT VEGAN. He doesn’t eat you and you can hug it and pet it. I want a giant sloth. (I have gone to 3 natural history museums as of this date that have giant sloths skeletons, let me know if you ken any others that are not the london one)
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heavensong · 7 years
Dear Florida
I've heard ppl say they hate living here my entire life. All 26 years of it. While it gets old, I understand! There's a lot of bad stuff here, like SO much, but I was born here and I have so many memories here, I can't imagine hating it with my entire being. I grew up near the gulf in the suburbs and then moved to orlando so I know my experiences may not be universal but whatever :). Here's some Florida positivity and feelings: - I know it doesn't appeal to everybody, but perfect beach weather! I grew up near pine island and I swear my family had every birthday there. Eating burgers and hot dogs at the picnic tables so close to the water, the gulf breeze ruffling sundresses and cheap plastic table cloths. - where I lived there was a large wooden tower you could climb up and watch the sunset/rise from. Years of teenaged graffiti had been carved into it's beams and made you nostalgic for the days of hanging out with friends during the summer and not worrying about having to pay your bills or go to work. -swimming at the spring, crystal clear cold water with the warm sun at your back, your nerves awake and tingling. - ice cream sandwiches and freezepops while you walked down the cracked pavement, prickly grass poking through. - nature always shines through the urbanization, Florida can't stop being Florida. - gaggles of kids during the summer, running up to any house where there was evidence of another child and ringing the doorbell, asking if there were any other kids there to come out and play. - the cities are ugly and regular draughts dry up the grass and ponds, but there's something weirdly nostalgic and unique about those stretches of road, lined with failed businesses and strip clubs and used car lots. As a kid I always imagined those empty parking lots as the perfect place for a fight between superpowered folks or werewolves lol idk - waking up early to see the sun rise from the overpass and waving to the cars below as ppl commuted to work. ALMOST as beautiful as the sunsets. - imagine if you got to see the most gorgeous explosion of color in the sky every single night. So much so that you almost get used to it and then, one night, you stop to really looked at the gradient of pinks and purples and oranges and realize all over again how breathtaking it all is. - the stars at night over the beach and the smell of fried food from a seafood shack close to shore. - cicadas screaming while you try to get a dragonfly to land on your kayak or catching lizards and grasshoppers in the grassy lot near the woods. - little crabs scurrying in the sand and finding a seagull feather to put in your headband. Sandhill crane couples making their way across the street and making you late to class (but they're so pretty!) And the sounds of wild peacocks while you swim in your friends pool before dark. Signs of animals everywhere you go. - publixes in Orlando with the best guava pastries and even better croquettes. The subs! The fried chicken!! The sweet tea!!! - tiny ice cream shops like papa Clyde's thatve been around for 30+ years and have the best handspun shakes you'll ever taste. - the mermaid shows and tubing down a lazyriver and manatees that are too chill. Getting lucky enough for a baby manatee to fearlessly brush against your leg. -a warm breeze rustling through the palms at night. Bonfires during the short winters while the dogs dig in the dirt for a nice cool place to sleep. - theme parks just an hour away. Knowing every loop of the coasters by heart and leading your out of state friends on a tour of a place you know like the back of your hand. - hurricane parties and waving to your neighbors as you wade across the cul-de-sac, water up to your knees. You haven't spoken to them in a while but you catch up under an umbrella and ask if they need any batteries or toilet paper. - fresh oranges and feeding baby Gators and the scent of sunblock and a hot water bottle rolling around the floor of your car. Feel free to add any good/nostalgic Florida memories!
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zfwoosh · 5 years
links, lately
"Chairs touch the most of you. In beds, you often replace the mattress, but chairs wrap around you, and if my theory — which I stand by — that inanimate objects absorb energy is right, the chair is the most likely piece to do so." Introspective Magazine's mesmerizingly delightful journey into actor Jeremy Irons' 15th-century Irish castle and interior design habit.
Manatees (and their chunky, cylindrical babies) lumbering around in real time
Questions like "How Much of the Internet is Fake?" make me nostalgic for muuuuuch simpler times
"I painted the guy that painted the other guy's mom"—this one is a bit heartwarming and comes with a nifty tree tracking the whole dang thing
Freelancers no longer carry lances, cameras were rooms, cliché was once onomatopoeic : a good did-you-know on the ghosts of technology in today's English
"Don’t write what you know; write what you don’t know about what you know."
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