#Niner's fear of thunderstorms
milk-carton-whump · 3 years
It's short but it's important to Niner's character. :D enjoy!
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @cowboy-anon
CW: Niner's fear of thunderstorms, sensory overload, dehumanization, pet whump, conditioning, cruel whumper, broken whumpee, implied kidnapping, captivity, sleep deprivation, crying, begging
Thunder Training
Finally, sleep had taken over. He'd had a very long day sitting, staying, being a good dog. It was exhausting trying to keep up the charade, that he was an obedient little pet. He hoped that if he kept it up, he would be out soon and able to escape to try and find his sister again. Their dad had to be worried and if he was honest, he worried he'd never see either again. 
A sudden loud crack of thunder filled his small barren room, it seemed impossible considering the rooms were mostly soundproof. His head smacked against the wall as he nearly jumped out of his skin in fear. It was a sound he hadn't heard in months and the fact it was deafeningly loud put him on edge. 
The thunder rumbled again, it felt like the room shook, like it was going to collapse around him. He scrambled toward the door, pounding his fists on the metal. 
After an hour, the sound had stopped, he could swear his ears were ringing, still able to hear the rumbling of thunder. He was just glad it had stopped, hopefully able to get a chance to sleep now. He curled up against the door, hugging his arms around his chest. 
His eyes fluttered closed, head leaned against the door, finally dozing back off to sleep. Just as his body relaxed, slumping against the door another crack of thunder disrupted his sleep. He shot awake, a weak whine escaping his lips. He rubbed his face, the sound felt like it would never stop. 
Days passed, no interruptions other than the loud roll of thunder that prevented his sleep. He had resorted to curling up in the corner, tearless sobs shook his body. He screamed and cried, begging for the sound to stop, to just let him sleep. Hands tug into his hair, a last ditch attempt to try and distract his weakening mind from the constant unsettling sound. 
Dr. Birch and her assistant took a quick glance at the placard, a simple laminated piece of paper with a mixture of printed black text and blue pen. K-9-MUT281. The door unlocked and was pushed open, revealing the trembling occupant in the corner. 
She entered, assistant in tow, approaching the pet she could see he didn't immediately turn and growl or try to fight her like he normally did. Her hand stroked through his tangled brown hair, trailing down his face to turn it up towards her. 
His eyes appeared lifeless and distant, the defiance had been worn out of him and left a broken shell of who he had been. Dried tearstains cut down his grime covered face,, the result of days of crying. Russell was gone, barely remembered as a forgotten memory. Now only K-9-MUT281 was left, ready to molded into the perfect dog.
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
A lil something I wrote while watching movies, but low-key this is based off my friend and I going to watch fireworks last night. Enjoy! Happy fourth, have a safer one than Niner!
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @cowboy-anon
CW: Niner's fear of thunder, fireworks, firecrackers, pet whump, dehumanization, conditioning, muzzle, collar, fear, manhandling
Fourth of July
Every year was the same and he dreaded nightfall. This year was only proving to be worse than all the years before. People, strangers, entered his home. Hayes chatted with them, welcoming them in and ensuring they had been given the option for a drink. 
The only light side he'd seen was that not only had Billie arrived to enjoy the party but Tracy had returned with her young daughter Lillian. 
Niner peeked out from under the table with excitement as he saw the child, a harsh glare from the girl's mother however kept him firmly in his place. It wasn't like he'd ever think of biting any of them, the muzzle that had been tightly buckled on made certain of that. 
The group of people made their way outside where Niner could smell food, his stomach rumbled at the idea. He sat by the screen door, hoping to have a scrap thrown his way. The group laughed, paying little attention to him, they ate without sparing him a sympathetic glance. Finally the door opened again and the familiar face of his kind and loving master, Hayes looked down at him, a disgusted look on his face. Idle chatter and laughter surrounded him as his master dragged him by his collar through the backyard. He coughed and choked as tension was kept on his throat, finally his chain was clipped on and he was left alone to sit in the grass. 
Niner whined, he wanted to go back inside. Inside was safe from the terribly loud thunder that would scream and pop all through the neighborhood. Inside was where Dandy Elephant and Blue Blanket were, they provided him the comfort he would so desperately need tonight. Yet, here he was, outside. The absolute last place he wanted to be. 
The sun began to set, making him more nervous by the minute. He whined again, getting more and more uncomfortable with the impending danger. 
Niner's heart nearly stopped as the sound reached his ears. 
Small explosive flashes surrounded him along with the loud popping of firecrackers. His heart dropped and he tried to bolt back inside, his body stopping abruptly as the chain stopped him short. His body thudded to the ground, in a panic he backed up, fighting to pull his collar off over his head. 
More loud explosions surrounded him, his heart beat in his throat no matter what he tried he couldn't get away. His body trembled as he fought the chain, he could hear laughter and casual conversations continue as fear filled every vein in his body. 
He pressed himself flat against the grass, trying to hide from the small thunder. Niner's hands covered his head in a last ditch attempt to hide from the terrifying firecrackers that continued to pop all around him. Loud sobs escaped his throat as he hid in the short grass. 
He hated this day the most as the sky filled with bright flashes and explosions, colorful thunder that always threatened him. He cried even after the guests had left, still chained out under the terrifying sky. 
"Happy fourth of July, mutt." Hayes called as he threw another string of lit firecrackers into the yard.
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
Happy April Fool's day! From Hayes and Niner!
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: dehumanization, conditioning, pet whump, Niner's fear of Thunderstorms, fear of loud noises, knocking self out, panic, disoriented whumpee, breathing difficulties, April Fools prank, rude awakening
April Fools
Hayes crept slowly, almost silently into the dining room where Niner usually slept. As expected Niner was fast asleep in his usual sunny patch, it was absolutely perfect. The boy looked so peaceful. 
*P O P*
The sound of a handheld confetti canon going off made the pet's entire body jerk as it startled him awake. 
Niner's heart was racing as the loud explosion of sound threw him from happy dreams to being yanked into the waking world. He scrambled to get up as colorful confetti fell around him immediately disorienting him. 
He turned, confused and scared, the hard wall catching him as he ran face first into it. He only saw a rainbow of color as his body felt weightless, falling to the floor. His back hitting the ground first knocking the air from his lungs, he took a weak gasp of air as his head smacked against the hardwood floor. The color gone, replaced by darkness. 
The feeling of air rushing back into his lungs, filling once empty desperate space with warm air. He felt his body convulse and sputter as he struggled to get his breathing back to normal. 
As he regained his senses and his vision cleared he saw Master Hayes come into view. The man was smiling as he leaned over the pet. 
"April Fools! Enjoy your surprise, K-9? Well after your little nap at least?" Hayes asked the pet. 
Niner's heart still felt like it was beating out of his chest, he glanced up at his owner. He hesitated but nodded, fearful panic still very apparent in his eyes. He hated that, it had been loud like thunder and everything had been a blur. He took a shaky breath and whined softly as he crawled under the dining room table to hide. 
Hayes only looked pleased with himself, as he stood up and walked away he pulled a small confetti popper from his jacket pocket. 
*p o p* 
He enjoyed the sound of Niner smacking his already hurt head against the dining room table as he reacted to the popper was priceless. He had dozens more and planned on popping them throughout the day. 
"April Fools!" 
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: dehumaniziation, conditioning, pet whump, Niner's fear of thunderstorms, purposefully inducing fear, trauma, crying, cruel whumper, begging, car wash, gaslighting
The Car Wash
Niner had to be practically carried out to the car, he hated car rides with every fiber of his body because they usually never led to something good. Hayes was already tired of the mutt's pathetic whining but he had a trip planned that was sure to freak Niner out. 
Hayes finally managed to get the pet into the front seat, where he sat awkwardly and desperate to get out. Master climbed into the driver's seat and started the car, the car ride was a short one but it would be one that the pet would absolutely hate. 
Niner watched out the window as they approached a car wash, his body was already trembling just from the fact that he had to be in the small enclosed car. The car entered the automatic wash and the sound of the door locks engaging made Niner flinch. A loud whine escaped the pet's throat, the sound of water pelting the car windows and body started. 
Niner's whole body started to shake, his eyes wide with fear and tears beginning to form. His head whipped around as the large spinning brushes made the inside of the car rumble. He quickly moved himself from the seat of the car down to the floor and whimpered as tears rolled down his face. Hayes couldn't help but grin, he thought it was funny how upset the pet became over a simple car wash. 
The worst part began as the long fabric pieces, that resembled terrifying sea monster tentacles, shrouded the car into darkness. Niner's whimpering quickly broke out into choked sobs, the boy's face was buried into his hands to try and hide from the scary car wash. The loud rumbling of the spinning brushes started up again, beating the car and making Niner think that the vehicle would be torn apart.
"Pl-plea-please! Plea-pl-please!!! Mas-master! Stop! Stop! Stop!! Please!!" Niner managed to yell in terror, his voice cracked and broke as he begged. 
The boy's hands were tangled in his hair, trying to keep himself safe. He had curled up on the floor trying to make himself as small as possible. His face itched from the tears that stained his cheeks. He wanted to go home, it was safe at home. 
The sound of water hitting the car started up again only to fade away as sunlight hit the passenger seat that Niner had been in earlier. Hayes put the car back into drive and pulled out of the car wash. 
"I don't know what you got all worked up about K-9, it was only a car wash." Hayes said with a laugh, he knew that the trip would send the pet over the edge. 
The nice thing is that after this, Hayes wouldn't see the pet for the rest of the day. It would be nice and quiet and he wouldn't have to worry about tripping over the boy at all. He glanced down and saw Niner was still shaking horribly on the floor, tears still rolling down his face and incoherently mumbling to himself. 
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
I have an idea!!! Okay so what if there’s a big storm, and Niner is petrified, as usual. But he also hears strange footsteps in the house; there’s a robber. Which of his instincts take over? Protect the house or hide from the storm?
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @twistedcaretaker @alliecat5594 @getyourwhumphere @heathenville @cupcakes-and-pain @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: threat of serious harm, conditioning, dehumaniziation, pet whump, Niner's fear of storms, biting, aggressive whumpee, crying, home invasion
Taken by Storm
The rumbling storm sounded overhead, Niner bit down on Dandy's soft plush ear. He hated storms so much but Dandy made it a little easier to tolerate.
Just as a loud clap of thunder cracked through the sky, the sound of the front door opening made Niner lift his head in confusion. He was hiding under Billie's bed and they were fast asleep above him, the front door opening made no sense.
He crept out quietly, he gently laid his blue blanket over Billie's sleeping form so they would be safe while he was gone. Niner held his plush tightly as he crept down the stairs, his whole body was trembling as another rumble of thunder rolled through the night sky.
He took a deep breath and let out a low growl, he watched as the sound made the thief freeze in their tracks. Niner gently set Dandy the elephant aside as he confronted the thief.
Billie had been sleeping soundly until the sound of someone yelling for help woke them with a start. Billie threw off their blankets and rushed downstairs to see what all the noise was about, they were worried that Niner was hurt.
Instead some stranger's arm was trapped in Niner's mouth, the thief was begging for help.
"PLEASE CALL OFF YOUR MUTT!" The thief pleaded desperately.
"Niner! Let him go." They stated firmly. "Dont come back or I'll let Niner rip you limb from limb."
The thief scrambled to his feet and ran from the house and into the rainy night. Billie rushed over to Niner, cupping his face and checking him for any injuries.
"Good boy, you did so well." They said and pulled him into a tight hug. Just relieved he was okay.
Niner hugged back, his body finally giving into his fear of the still ongoing storm. Niner broke down into tears, burying his face into the crook of Billie's neck. His whole body shuddered as he took in a shaky breath.
Billie combed their fingers through Niner's hair gently, they murmured reassuringly praise into his ear. Making sure he knew he had done well.
"Lets get back to bed, bud. You can sleep on the bed tonight." Billie mentioned softly.
Niner whimpered and looked up at the redhead through his tears.
"C-c-can Da-Dandy join?" He asked nervous of Billie's answer.
"Of course Dandy can join, Dandy and your blanket can sleep on the bed tonight."
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
So I actually wrote most of this days ago when I was still trying to figure out info on Billie. So this is probably set a month into acquiring Niner (which will be a story on its own later).
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @cupcakes-and-pain @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: reluctant caretaker, dehumaniziation, conditioning, pet whump, collar, fear of thunderstorms, hiding, comfort, cuddles, begging, past trauma, reluctant whumpee, beating mention
Weathering the Storm
The weather app said it was going to be a brief storm but it was still going to be a thunderstorm, they enjoyed thunderstorms, usually loud and powerful. The distant rumbling of thunder caught their attention, summer storms were the best because the storms were so sudden and cooled things off. 
They headed back into the house, maybe Niner would want to watch the storm with them, it was worth a shot. They expected him to be curled up on the couch or on the rug in the kitchen but were puzzled when the boy wasn't anywhere to be seen. 
"Niner? Where ya at buddy?" They called out into the house. 
The pet was nowhere to be seen, which was unusual because they knew he liked to be ready to protect. The rumbling of thunder grew closer and louder. They were about to give up on trying to find Niner until they heard quiet whimpers, almost inaudible, coming from under the bed. 
They got down on their hands and knees and peeked into the darkness under the bed. Niner looked back with wide terrified eyes and let out a very soft whimper. Billie had never seen him act like this, it was concerning to say the least. The boy under the bed was mumbling something which made Billie strain to hear it.
"P-pl'ese.. go-good. I'll be good. Good." Niner mumbled incoherently to himself. He only now just realized that Billie had found him under the bed. He scrambled to hide further under the bed but it didn't work. 
"Niner.. what's wrong buddy? Can you come out and tell me?" They asked in a firm yet gentle tone. 
Niner shook his head and made another pitiful whimper. Billie sighed and reached under the bed to grab his collar. They knew he wouldn't dare bite them because he knew better. Their fingers wrapped around the rough leather and pulled a very reluctant Niner out from under the bed. 
They pulled his trembling form into their arms, Niner desperately just wanted to go back under the bed where he was safe. He was holding on tight to his well worn out blanket while also wrapping his arms around Billie's shoulders. They stroked his hair comfortingly, he tried to whimper but it came out as pitiful choked sounds. 
"Can you tell me what's got you all riled up?" They asked in a hushed voice. 
He shook his head and buried his face into their shoulder as another closer rumble of thunder disrupted the dark sky. Niner's body shuddered as he began to quietly weep. Even though he was in obvious distress over what they only assumed was the storm rolling in, he was eerily quiet about just how upset he was. 
"Hey, I can't help you if you can't tell me why you're upset." They stated more firmly. It wasn't a request, it was more of an order. 
"Master beat… master beat me for being scared of storms. T-too loud, got-gotta be quiet" he managed in a shaky almost whisper. 
He buried his face into Billie's shoulder, his whole body shuddered as another low rumble slowly as the sound of heavy rain began to hit the roof. Billie sighed and hesitantly patted his back causing him to flinch. They quickly pulled their hand away feeling a little bad for the boy. 
"Hey, how about we go downstairs and cuddle, hmm? I won't let the thunder hurt you." They said trying to keep their voice reassuring. 
Niner's hands were closed in tight fists that held onto Billie's flannel. He hadn't noticed he was gripping their shirt until the low sound of thunder faded. He hesitated and nodded softly, it was just enough for Billie to take it as a yes. 
They helped him up and made sure his blanket was wrapped around his shoulder before taking him downstairs. The storm would continue for hours into the night but Billie made sure to let Niner climb into their lap for safety. He was a bit heavy for their lap but they knew the cuddle was well appreciated. 
His head rested on their shoulder and his arms were loosely wrapped around their shoulders. He had managed to tire himself out to the point of falling asleep. He mumbled quietly in his sleep, letting his tense body relax. Billie rubbed his back gently as he slept, they would have to work on this but eventually he might be able to tolerate storms. 
The drone of the rain on the windows and the feeling of Niner's chest rising and falling was enough to make them sleepy. Their head lolled until sleep took over, they held Niner in a protective embrace to keep him safe from the storm.
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
An idea/request for niner, if you want to write it: Tying him outside and leaving him there during a storm (like how people tie a dogs leash to a post or something). Maybe he was running inside and he broke something so he was punished by having to be put outside.
Niner and thunderstorms makes for some sweet whump. Hayes is just a cruel man who enjoys seeing Niner in distress.
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @tears-and-lilies @unicornscotty @cupcakes-and-pain @getyourwhumphere @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade
CW: dehumaniziation, conditioning, pet whump, cruel whumper, reluctant caretaker, Niner's intense fear of thunderstorms, muzzle, wrist whump, crying, begging, punishment
Stormy Weather
Master knew he hated storms, Master was cruel but he wasn't that cruel, right? Master had to come get him before the not so distant thunderstorm arrived. Hopeful thoughts crossed his mind as he pulled desperately at the stake that held his tied wrists to the ground. The rumbling storm overhead had the boy in a panic, he wanted nothing more than to be in his cage with his blanket. It was safe and cozy there.
A loud clap of thunder, strong enough to shake the earth below him, cut through the sticky summer air. It made tears form and fall from Niner's eyes. He knew he was being punished for breaking an expensive computer part, but this seemed like Hayes just wanted to see him suffer. Master Hayes always had a reason for the punishments he gave.
He could've probably chewed through the ropes around his wrists had Hayes not also buckled a wire muzzle on him. It didn't prevent him form making sond but it ensured he couldnt bite at anything, no matter how hard he tried. The first few raindrops hit his skin and he flinched hard, knowing it was only going to get worse from here. 
The next clap of thunder was preceded by a bright flash of lightning, it made Niner's heart jump and had anyone been looking close enough, would've illuminated the fear that filled his eyes. He tried again to desperately pull the rope free, rubbing his wrists raw and red to the point they began to bleed. 
As the heavy rain began to fall, pelting his still sore back, he forced himself to yell. His voice cracked anytime it went above a hushed tone, this was no exception but he sounded pitiful as he wailed and begged for Hayes to retrieve him. 
Inside the warm, dry house Hayes watched the boy in his backyard sob for somebody, anybody to come get him. Hayes took a sip of his tea and glanced at Billie who stood beside him. They had conflicted emotions running across their face, unsure of how to react to the punishment. 
There was a small part of them telling them to ask their uncle to stop, it was a cruel thing to traumatize his pet like this. But on the other hand Niner wasn't their pet, and Hayes was within his right to punish the boy. They turned their attention back to the now hunched over mess of a pet, his body wracked with sobs. 
"Uncle Hayes? Do you think K-9 has learned his lesson?" Billie asked carefully, not wanting to tell him how to care for the boy. 
Hayes grunted softly as another rumble of thunder disrupted the calm sound of rain hitting the window. 
"He's an animal Billie, he hasn't learned shit yet...I'll probably go get him in an hour or so." He said in-between a sip of tea. "Make sure he doesn't break loose." 
Hayes turned and walked off to the living room to relax on the couch and enjoy the thunderstorm. Billie sighed and looked back out the window at the completely drenched pet. 
Niner shivered violently as the rain soaked his body, he was beyond miserable. The thunder overhead made him flinch and whimper more. He couldn't tell if he was still crying or if the water running down his face was rain. He pulled uselessly at the rope around his wrists, making the already raw skin there even more irritated. 
He missed his blanket and his cage, he was mad at himself for making such a stupid mistake, thats what had gotten here. A stupid mistake made by a stupid, awful mutt.
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