confess-fx · 1 year
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f(x) NU ABO Promo Photos 2010
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
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rezdog96 · 5 months
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 6 months
Nu carnival boys as omegas and how they deal with their heat
Warnings: ABO, suggestive material with Olivine, drug use with Edmond and Rei
He needs a big nest. It's easier to take him back home because he already has an entire room set up for this. His heats are unfortunately long but as long as he has his nest it's okay. You will have to bring him anything he may need when he's in there because no force can get him out. Cuddle with him or not he's okay. He knows you love him because he's surrounded by your scent and those he cares about. He's not clingy or distant, he just wants to get through this without leaving his fluffy little room. He was extremely scared to let you into his nest the first time, but when he did finally let you in you realized that it was already covered with your shirts and jackets. He feels guilty about stealing your scented clothing but he is not giving it back. Not that you mind.
The king has been suppling him with suppressors so he can do his job and not have to deal with his heat. Unfortunately being on suppressors for years is not healthy for someone. He was so scared when his suppressors didn't work because his body built a tolerance and he went through a full heat cycle for the first time. He becomes super sensitive during this time so he doesn't want any physical contact. He gets sensory overload easily but sit near him and he'll use you as a grounding force. Just let him touch you at his own pace so he doesn't get overwhelmed. He gets really timid and skittish during his heat, and he hates how it makes him feel. He appreciates how understanding you are during these times, but was scared at first because he didn't know how you would react.
It's hard to smell when his heat is coming because he's always covered in incense. However when it hits, it hits hard. He doesn't want to worry anyone so he ignores his heat until he's in so much pain he collapses. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who want to take advantage of him so you need to be the first to find him if he does. He wants to bathe in your scent, so give him your shirt to wear and he's happy. He will ask you to help the church since he can't do his duties like this. Help the church to make him stop worrying but spend time with him too. Once he's in his nest he's not leaving until his cycle finishes. He loves your presence and when he's like this you can convince him to do pretty much anything, he kind of stops thinking. That makes it easy for you to just tell him to relax and let you take care of him.
He smells so strong when his heat finally hits, and it smells so good! His scent is very musky and the pine sap undertones is the only hint of sweetness. He smells like an alpha even when he's in heat. His heats are not frequent and they don't last long, only about 2 days every few months. He used to just wander into the woods and come back after a few days preferring to handle it alone, but now that he has you (as the wonderful loving alpha you are) he loves snuggling up with you through his heat. His heat never bothered him much and it was really only his scent that gave him away. He loves having you with him though. He may get a little possessive during this time but he's mostly normal. If he wanted to he could just go about his life as normal, but he'd rather spend the time with you. He doesn't use a nest so you'll just be hanging out in his cabin mostly. He also becomes a little more open to PDA like hand holding.
He is slightly more obnoxious than usual right before it starts, wanting to push you away because he hates not feeling in control. When he finally enters his heat he's a big pile of mush. He's also a lot more honest than he'd like. Gifts and other things make him really happy and he'll tell you just how much he loves you pampering him. Just don't bring it up after his heat is over because he'll deny it to the end. He also has no scent, so besides the personality shift you can't tell when he's in or out of his cycle. Technically he does have a floral scent, but it's so faint that unless you are right on top of him you can't even tell it's there. Sometimes when he's not in his heat he'll be a little mean in hopes that you'll bring him a present.
He recognizes the warning signs really early on and gets actually pretty excited about it. He loves curling up in the nest that you lovingly filled with soft and cute things for him. Somehow he became more cuddly than normal. His heat isn't that bad, it's just uncomfortable for him if you're not around. His scent turns super sweet like candy and is really strong. He doesn't really need the nest because his heat doesn't cause him too much discomfort, but there's no way he's missing out on an opportunity to be surrounded by you and other cute things.
He wants to be on top of you the entire time he's in heat, and I mean the entire time. You aren't allowed to even move without him whimpering like he's in pain. Not that you were going to leave but sometimes you just need to adjust. The easiest way to leave the nest (if you absolutely have to) is to pick him up and carry him with you. He'll have his face buried in your neck or chest the whole time. He isn't actually in any pain physically, but he gets extremely distressed if he can't feel you with him.
Anger. He tries to fight his heat and it just hurts him more. You are going to have to fight to get him into a nest, but once you do he is not leaving and neither are you. He's a strong independent boy that doesn't need an alpha! …But as long as you're here he might as well scent you. He wants to provide for you so if you smell his heat coming early you should encourage him to go hunting that way you won't have to, and he can feel like he is still taking care of you during his heat.
Stubborn idiot pushes through the pain of his heat. He doesn't have a very strong heat scent but that's because he wears a rare incense to mask it. He will go about his day as normal, fighting, training, being a good ruler, but he collapses into his nest the moment the sun sets. He doesn't like a big nest but he does want you by his side. Your scent helps relieve some of the pain that's built up during the day. If you try to pamper him with gifts he will probably get mad. He doesn't like being spoiled when he's in heat, but after he'll be fine with it. He can be nippy during this time but if he gets really aggressive he will apologize afterwards. You need to keep an eye on him during the day when he leaves to do his duties. There is no convincing him to stay inside during this time but you do your best to take care of him without interfering.
Oh he despises his heat. He is almost always sick when his heat hits, and it's entirely his own fault. He hates his heat cycle so much that he makes different drugs or blockers or suppressors to try and stop it. For someone who doesn't show much emotion normally he gets incredibly fired up around his heat. He does not want anybody anywhere near him during this time, despite needing the help. He hates that physical contact makes him feel good and that he finds your scent relaxing. He tries so hard to push you away but sometimes you just need to force him into a blanket so he doesn't make himself sicker. He is also going to be mad at you for a few days because it worked.
It would be so cruel if he never experienced a heat cycle until he came to this world. Unfortunately for him that's what I'm going with. You smelled his heat coming only hours before it hit him. No one realized he was going to be an omega so no one had a nest prepared for him. If he's joined up with the clan members one of them could lend their nest. If not he spends the entire time acting as a weighted blanket, laying directly on top of you to take in your scent and warmth. This is the first time his head has felt fuzzy like this and it does scare him at first, but you're so patient and caring as you help him through his heat. You make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I know it's hard but please keep yourself covered when he's in heat. He gets more cuddly and it's adorable, but he also gets a lot more bitey. The first time you were with him during a heat he almost drank you dry. He thinks your scent is calming and delicious. Give him lots of scented shirts and you'll be okay. He does like cuddling with you but you just have to be mindful of how close you are to his mouth. You have to be careful when you're getting in or out of his nest because all the fabrics that fill it are incredibly expensive, and if you tear a single piece he is going to make you pay.
Honestly he's so clingy and needy in general that it's hard to tell when he's actually in heat, or faking for attention because he knows you'll spoil him. Not that you don't spoil him anyway but he absolutely loves when all of your attention is on him during his heat. He becomes a little more greedy during his heat. His scent doesn't become stronger but it does become thicker. Like his scent lingers more and it feels like it sticks to you. You don't mind wearing his scent, and he loves when you smell like him and when he smells like you.
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kpopmemories · 9 months
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charmwasjess · 1 month
22 for Jin-Lo!!!
and then 3 & 17 for Jocasta :D
22) headcanon for Jin Lo!!
JIN-LO RAYCE MY BELOVED!! So, maybe this is a broader head canon than just Jin Lo, but I picture the Temple as almost a magic entity itself - an absolute maze of secret passages, fake doors, hallways that seem to go nowhere, hidden chambers that are used for something specific and then lost for generations and rediscovered. And the Archives being one of the oldest existing parts of the Temple and such an important place, they're some of the most riddled with secrets.
Jin-Lo spent his Padawan years with Jocasta determined to find as many of its secrets as possible, and every so often, when Jocasta thinks he needs a pick-me-up, she just casually reaches over to scratch the nose of one of the busts and a giant secret door opens in one of the bookcases. Jin-Lo's mouth drops. She just laughs. "Enjoy." She'll probably expect to see him again in another few days.
3) NoTP?
I think you meant generally, but I was already thinking about Jocasta for the second half of this, and got mad. :D
This is a funny answer because obviously I ship Dooku and Jocasta in all kinds of various iterations - as a couple, as a polycule with Sifo-Dyas, as friends with benefits… (hell, I might love writing them best as bitter exes in Thunder Answered Back) but I think I would have really hated whatever they were going to do with the love story between them in AotC. Like ughhh, can you imagine how annoying that plot would be for me personally?? First, the 1.0 reheat of the Romance Leads to the Dark Side plotline (already fraught) and how little that makes sense in Dooku's greater story. Also, what it reduces Jocasta to.
Even now, some within the fandom have pinned the Deserving Fall of the Jedi Order on her for being checks notes ah yes, lightly snarky to Obi-Wan that one time, so I can't imagine the hate she would have got for being a female character who has the audacity to exist onscreen taking up plot while being older who bore some "responsibility" for Dooku's fall. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see expanded screentime in AotC for either of those characters, but I shudder to think of the takes.
17) What's a book, movie, or show you think Jocasta would like?
Actually, like Dooku, I think Jocasta reads EVERYTHING. I think her ability to consume books is legendary and she has an opinion on everything from Space BookTok to Palpatine's ghostwritten and highly fictional memoir Sheev: an Understated Courage to poetry and lit crit. She manages to stay on top of this impressive heap of reading despite her Archive responsibilities because she does not sleep.
And yes, ahem, Bride is on her holds list. She makes direct eye contact with the Archive acolyte who hands her the holobook and thanks them politely. She's going to read it in her office over lunchbreak with her salad. Why not?
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alusina · 1 year
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When will I meet a man who can do this to me
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gayforjuza · 2 months
they always pull quincy events on me when i dont want them, i havent got a single limited ssr since nu world , im poor as fuck , where's blade , fuck this gay earth
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fisheito · 7 months
Assigned eiden at key mafia
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uknow · 2 months
just listened through f(x) discography again and literally can't choose a favorite album
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confess-fx · 2 years
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f(x)  ↠ Sports Seoul photoshoot during NU ABO promotions
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
On the 4th of May, thirteen years ago, f(x) released their first mini album, NU ABO.
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Commercially, the EP peaked at number two on the Gaon Album Chart and sold over 54,000 copies by 2016.
The name is a play on words meaning New Blood Type. A, B and O are blood types, implying that they are the "new blood" of K-pop.
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fx-archive · 9 months
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 6 months
Nu carnival what's their ABO, what ABO they like, and their scent
Alpha. He's an alpha who likes omegas, but he's still a submissive partner. His scent is earthy, like good soil. His scent is also pretty subtle unless his snake power takes over, than it smells strong and as a iron tinge to it.
Omega. He has a ton of really hard to get drugs that mask his omega status so people just think he's a beta. His scent is sweet like icing. I think he spends all his time eating sweets so people think they are smelling his snacks and not him. He wants an alpha but will not actually pursue someone.
Omega. He really wants an alpha partner who can take care of him. He smells like sugar water. It's a subtle scent but when he goes into heat it gets strong like honey.
Alpha. He's an alpha who likes alphas. He likes when his partner can take care of themselves and he dislikes when people are too clingy. So the personality type he winds up going for is usually another alpha. He smells like the woods, like tree bark, pine sap, and musk. It's a strong scent that feels out of place anywhere but his forest.
Omega. He's an omega who loves to taunt his alpha. Most people think he's a Beta because he has no scent, but in reality he has an extremely faint floral scent.
Beta? Beta is his default but he has the ability to change his secondary gender to fit his partner. His scent is like berries and will be sweeter or tarter depending if he changes presentation. He doesn't care what his partners secondary gender is because he can always change his to fit.
Beta. His kindness and sweet scent make people think he's an omega but he's not. He does like alphas though, witch doesn't help peoples confusion.
Omega. He's still mad about being an omega. Thankfully he normally just sleeps through his heats and lets Garu take control. He smells like bone marrow so people think he is an alpha. He will not admit that he also likes alphas.
Alpha. He prefers betas though. I feel like he appreciates alphas and omegas but ultimately wants someone with a level head that isn't controlled by hormones. Though he wouldn't mind being with an alpha or omega if they can control themselves. His scent is like hot fabric and dragons blood. Warm and strong.
Omega and very angry about it. Half of his research is on the gems but the other half of his research is on trying to find a way to change a secondary gender. He doesn't like alphas because it gives him an inferiority complex, he doesn't like omegas because it reminds him of his own ‘weakness’. Betas are probably going to be the only people he can be with comfortably.
Alpha. His presentation is more like an omega but it's very surprising that he's actually an alpha. He doesn't care what somebody's secondary gender is, and if he thinks you're hot he is going to let you know. His scent is almost electric, like the smell of rain before a storm hits. It's clean and powerful but not a strong or overpowering scent.
Beta? Honestly I'm not sure what to do with him. He likes alphas though because both Eiden and the grand sorcerer were alphas. His scent has an iron overtone with sweet undertones.
Omega. The perfect specimen of an omega. He just needs to be taken care of by a good alpha. His scent is tangy, almost like a cologne. His scent is heavy to begin with but becomes thicker when he's in heat.
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bloominskyline · 9 months
💜Save one, drop one - f(x) edition💜
@parklunas tagged me thank you!! <3
Ice Cream vs Love
Dracula vs Dangerous (the bside)
Jet vs Rainbow
Ending Page vs Beautiful Goodbye
Mr. Boogie vs All Night
NU ABO vs Red Light
Signal vs Vacance
Shadow vs Butterfly
Step By Me vs So Into U
Sweet Witches vs Glitter
LaChaTa vs Pinocchio
My Style vs Snapshot
Zig Zag vs Lollipop (ft. Shinee)
Chu~♡ vs All Mine
Airplane vs Paper Heart
Electric Shock vs Hot Summer
Spit It Out vs Toy
Goodbye Summer vs Summer Lover
Rum Pum Pum Pum vs 4 Walls
Rude Love vs When I'm Alone
Deja Vu vs Milk
Pretty Girl vs X
Step vs Diamond
Bonus: Chocolate Love vs Cowboy
I'll tag @vydumaj for whenever you pass by here again, if you want.
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kurapike · 1 year
new kpop fans/ 4th gen fans / youngsters etc just dont get what songs like mirotic or sorry sorry do to us millenials like what it did to our brains at the party in 2009. do u get it w your aespa n nct beyond live kwangya no sorry
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