nightlychaos19 · 1 year
・゚✴𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝒾𝓂 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒹✴゚・
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ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜ ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later."
You angrily hung up and dialed his number once, because how dArE he ignore YOUR calls?! Especially when HE had been the one who had asked you to hang out.
"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later." The automated voice said yet again, making you fight the urge to smash your phone.
"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him.." You muttered to yourself, as you sipped on your drink, trying not to focus on the awkward stares the couples around you were giving.
You had been invited out to a pretty fancy and very popular couple-esque restaurant and your date was no where in sight.
Even if he magically popped out of nowhere, you weren't going to forgive him, not after making you wait for him for 45 minutes and for ignoring all your texts and calls. Oh no, you were going to make him suffer and beg for your forgiveness.
Those puppy dogs eyes weren't going to save him, not this time anyways. Especially not in the outfit you were wearing.
You were by far the hottest and best dressed in the whole damn place, and you weren't just tooting your own horn either. Men and women couldn't keep their eyes off of you when they first caught a glimpse. Even the waiters and waitresses couldn't keep away, they kept dropping by, either asking if you needed something or trying small talk.
Some were even salivating in jealousy of your date, well at first they were. Now? Now they were probably just pitying you and gossiping.
It was a shame your date was late too, today you were what you had deemed literal perfection.
Outfit? Irresistible.
Hair? Flawless.
Makeup? So on point.
Lips? Damn, who wouldn't want a kiss?
A soft groan left your lips as you wondered what went wrong. Everything had been going so flawlessly perfect up until the morning, and you had originally figured that he was frantically trying to get his lazy employees not to burn down his shop.
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you recalled the memory of a small fire that happened in the backroom of his shop. He scolded his employees for a solid week.
"May I take your order?" Another waiter asked, eyeing you up and down before winking at you.
A look of disdain graced your features and you shooed him away. Your fingers once more dialed his number frantically, hoping to god he was just running late.
"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later."
Your eye twitched and you pursed your lips.
Oh he's fucked, you thought to yourself and stood up, only to garner everyone's attention. It made you want to melt right there on the spot. You flashed a nearby waiter a forced smile and apologized, even though it wasn't your damn fault.
You marched out of there with your head held, because fuck it, you weren't about to let a boy ruin the rest of your day.
If anything, you were about to ruin his.
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Chifuyu Matsuno sighed, shaking his head at the vending machine. Now four items were stuck, and all he wanted was the stupid candy bar. Was this karma?
Karma for stalking Takemitchy?
A few days prior, he, Baji, and Kazutora saw their crybaby of a friend, Takemitchy out with someone, and that someone not being his lovely girlfriend Hina. So the three of them had decided to scrap their plans and follow Takemitchy to see whether their suspicions were right or not.
"Oh shit.." Chifuyu mumbled, holding down his skirt and long hair as a gust of wind appeared.
Baji had planned for the three of them to ''follow'' Takemitchy, dressed up as women so he ''wouldn't know'' they were following him around.
If anything good came out of it, they looked smoking hot. Emma had dressed them up real good.
"Oi Chifuyu! Hurry up or we're gonna leave your ass behind!" Baji called out and Chifuyu cursed. The machine still refused to give him, his items. Maybe it was karma.
Sure maybe what they were doing wasn't exactly great, and they doubted Takemitchy was even able of cheating on Hina but they just wanted to make sure.
"Just one more time..." Chifuyu murmured to himself against his better judgement and put more money in, just hoping that they'd all fall. He chose a bag of chips, and watched closely. "Yes!" That victory was short lived. "Wha—? OH COME ON!"
The chips had gotten stuck as well.
"What the fuck???" He just couldn't believe his luck, maybe it was karma. He just had to listen to Baji and Kazutora didn't he? Why couldn't his curiosity minded its own business for once!?
Having one last glance, Chifuyu spat at the machine and kicked it as he gave it a couple of choice words before turning to walk away.
Eyes widened at the sound, his feet quickly turned faster than lightning and ran to snatch up his goodies. Like hell was he gonna let anyone else get them. He had spent way too much money for only one item.
A sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips and he left to find the others. While munching on the chips, Chifuyu felt something scratching at the back of his mind, but he just couldn't remember what it was. In all of the hoopla, a couple of things had to be placed aside. Yet there was one thing gnawing at his mind, and he hoped it wasn't anything too important.
Turning the corner, he happily hummed a song and dismissed the thought. He had figured if it were important, it'd probably come crashing back to him too.
Oh and it did.
A very displeased and irritated voice sneered at him from behind. "So this is what you ditched me for!?"
The way Chifuyu snapped his head around when he realized his mistake left an everlasting memory for all those around. A look of horror graced his features as his eyes met yours. Jaw dropping at the sight of you.
You looked absolutely radiating, and fuck you looked super hot in your outfit.
Oh that important event? Oh yeah, his dumbass had asked out and he had been hoping to ask you out and make you two official.
Ok, this definitely was karma for sticking his nose where it didn't belong.
A weak wave was sent your way as well as a nervous smile. His knees buckled at the sight of you, and unfortunately it wasn't in the good way. He had truly messed up big time.
With that angry look, he knew he wasn't going to come out of this unscathed nor was he going to get you to be his, not with the stunt he had pulled today. "H-hey [Y/N]!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms angrily. "Nuh-uh, you are not getting out of this." You gave him a once over, and couldn't help but wonder what the hell he was up to and why it held more importance than you.
Though you had to give him some credit, he did look rather cute dressed up in a skirt and makeup. His mascara and liner were perf. Oh and that wig, looked real as hell.
"Should I even ask?" You say, giving him an annoyed look.
He bit his nail as he stammered, his story all over the place and he knew damn well that you weren't gonna be happy once you pieced it all together.
Once he was finished, you took a few minutes to put everything together, and boy did it sound stupider every second that past. You just stared at him in disbelief as you finally understood. It led you to wonder if your circle of friends were systematically killing off your brain cells, because Takemitchy cheating on Hina was one of the stupidest things you had ever heard.
He was a simp for Hina. Her number one fan. Her ride or die. He could barely function properly without her.
And the three stooges had the audacity to think Takemitchy could cheat on Hina!?
You clapped mockingly at him, as you shook your head disappointment. "I swear the three of you share the same damn braincell. I cannot believe you stood me UP for this shit! I am so mad at you right now."
"I'm sorry!" Chifuyu cried, latching onto your arm, blubbering about god knows what and begging you to reconsider.
Him begging was quite the sight, but you weren't gonna give in so quickly. In fact, you enjoyed him squirming.
"I'll make it up to you! Promise!" Now that did sound promising, but you wanted more. You weren't even being selfish, he had ditched you for one of the dumbest things ever. He deserved to suffer for a while. "I'll even go shopping with you!"
You internally giggled, last time was a lot of fun for you, but Chifuyu looked like he was about to die from carrying all your bags. Instead of giving him the answer he wanted, you rolled your eyes. Shopping wasn't gonna fix the embarrassment he had let you rot in. "Shoo from me."
"But [Y/NNNNNNN]." He whined, giving you his famous puppy dog eyes, but even those wouldn't save him today.
"Oi Chifuyu!" Baji's voice boomed, and the two of you turned to see Baji and Kazutora strolling up your way, and yes, both were also dressed up as women. And yes, both were killing it too.
Your hand palmed your face as another sigh escaped your lips. "So which one of you had this idiotic idea? Bet it was you, wasn't it Kei?"
Baji flared his nostrils at you, boasting about how it was a fantastic idea, not stupid.
You gave him an exaggerated motion of shaking your hands at him, asking how any part of it was fantastic. Especially when the target was the sweet crybaby of the group. Takemitchy couldn't even look at other women without tearing up about how Hina was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
You cried into your hands, wondering how you had ended up as friends with them. Their sheer stupidity was astounding. "By the way, where did you see Takemitchy ''cheating'' anyways?" Like, when was he not with Hina? He was attached to the hip.
Kazutora was the first to answer, saying they had seen him with a strange woman a few days prior, outside the farmer's market.
That ladies and gentleman, almost made your blood vessel pop. A laugh of disbelief escaped your lips. "Takemitchy isn't out here cheating on Hina, you dolts! He was with me the other day! He needed help in getting the ingredients to make a cake for Hina!"
Takemitchy had asked you for the recipe for a cake Hina had liked, and he wanted fresh ingredients and he wanted to surprise her. Did he know what kind of idiot friends he had? Well, maybe he shared the same brain cell as them, hence why they were all friends.
The three stooges stared at you, giving you an 'o' face as the realization set in. You still couldn't believe these people used to be in a powerful gang, they were stupid as hell.
You gave them a nod. "Yeah, bet you feel shitty now, dont'cha? Poor Takemitchy is gonna cry for days, bless that soul of his." The man could cry waterfalls, he really was that sensitive.
Baji rolled his eyes as he stuttered a bit, probably realizing how stupid they had been. "S-stupidmitchy could've a-at least told us s-something.."
You snorted, Takemitchy had purposefully avoided telling the guys. Apparently last time they had eaten up half the things he had bought, and the other half were things he didn't even need! Hell, Mikey had even grabbed four packets of random cookies. The guys had grabbed whatever and shoved it into his bags.
Suffice to say, Takemitchy did not trust any of them not to mess it up for him.
"Let's go home then?" Kazutora proposed, and the other two nodded. You gave Chifuyu the stink eye.
You crossed your arms once more, unimpressed. "You're leaving me again? Especially with me dressed like this?" You made sure to show off a little, in hopes he'd choose you this time.
The first thing you noticed was his cheeks redden as his eyes darted between you and the guys, blubbering nonsense as he did so.
You sighed, clearly he wasn't going to choose you if he was having this hard of time doing so. "It's whatever, I'll just see you whenever." You wave bye and walk off. Sure you were disappointed, but you weren't about to let him know that.
Chifuyu shot his friends an apologetic look and ran after you. "H-hey wait up!" Once he was close enough, he gave you another apology and received another scolding from you, which he happily accepted.
Baji and Kazutora laughed and turned to leave as well. "I guess Chifuyu is just as whipped as Idoitmitchy."
Kazutora nodded.
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Chifuyu shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he felt too many stares on him. He figured they were probably all staring with how he dressed, sure he looked great, but not up to par with you.
You looked like you had stepped right of a fashion magazine. A diamond in a sea of rocks.
He was also sure the waiters and waitresses were judging him, as you had been sitting alone for quite some time alone earlier in the day. He could just hear how they were scrutinizing him for standing you up. To be fair, he did deserve it but it'd be nice if they'd tone it down a bit.
"Is that all?" The waiter asked, ogling you. Chifuyu glared at the man before eyeing you. Seeing your smile melted his anxiety and anger. You truly were so beautiful.
He saw you tilt your head and give him a questioning look. "What's wrong? You look constipated."
His jaw dropped, and immediately shook his head. "I-it's not that! Geez [Y/N]!"
God your giggle gave him so much serotonin. "You squeamish because you don't think you look as good as the other ladies?"
Chifuyu gave you an annoyed look while rolling his eyes. "First off, no."
You dramatically flipped your hair, boasting about how jealous he must've felt in your presence, that you were utterly ravishing and he had to agree with that.
You did look ravishing indeed and he definitely had been a fool to forget your date. The fact that you did so much just for him made his heart swell. He also couldn't keep his eyes off of you, especially your lips.
You were wearing his favorite shade.
And if you wanted him to look better than all the other women, then he definitely had to complete the look.
"Chifuyu?" You called out to him, and he just smirked.
Leaning over, he smashed his lips against yours. Oh and he kissed you hard, leaving you speechless. You couldn't help but notice the softness of his lips and how they tasted a bit salty and by god you didn't want it to end.
Chifuyu pulled away with a mischievous look on his face as he sat down, mimicking your past actions and flipped his hair. His lips adorned with your lipstick, albeit a bit messy but still decent. "I think look better than the other women, don't you agree, [Y/N]?" He winked at you, making your heart do a million summersaults.
Your fingers make their way to your lips as your cheeks reddened. "C-Chifuyu.." A soft smile curling up on your lips as you almost had half a mind to make him do it again. "Again."
And he happily obliged.
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🎉🎉🥳Happy Birthday Chifuyu!! We share the same birthday!!
I hope you guys enjoy!!
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awryen · 9 months
Tiny tiny ficlet after doing something stupid in game and my Tav went down. :V Got ambushed, haha.
Keep in mind, a few smallish hcs that may or may not jive with DnD magic lore. But explains BG3's game mechanics.
Gale, in an uncharacteristic show of annoyance, but very much tinged with fear and worry, strode up to the taller tiefling and half-elf.
"Neither of you can barely stand. We're going back to camp. Now."
Normally, Tavia would agree, but she was feeling mulish and wanted to poke around a few more of the abandoned houses. Sending him an annoyed look of her own, she stalked off, but not before stumbling slightly as she headed up the road further.
Not one to ignore anything once his mind was set, the usually affable wizard hurried after her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to an unsteady stop. Tavia threw him a scowl.
Behind them, she could hear the shuffle of feet as Lae'zel kept a hold of Karlach, who had done the smart thing and thrown an arm about her shoulders, using her to lean against as they followed after their caster friends.
Still unsure as to why she was being so stubborn in this moment, her words halted on her tongue when Gale, his damnable puppy eyes turned on her, lifted a hand to cup her cheek. Her heart beat quickened as her cheeks, which had been slightly pale due to the beating she had taken, flushed.
"Tav...you have nothing to prove here. Some scraps will end with one of us injured...so long as we don't die."
He gives her a meaningful look here. She knew what he was getting at, at least in regards to the dangers surrounding his death...but she also knew...from what he had told her only a few days ago...
Her death would wound him.
"We need to get back. Shadowheart can heal you and whatever is still bleeding can be patched up the usual way. I'll even wear my oldest, rattiest shirt to patch you up."
He gave her a lopsided grin and Tavia couldn't hide the soft laugh in her throat.
"Oh no. We can't have your austere clothing getting bloody, now can we?"
Sighing dramatically, Gale rolled his eyes to the ever dark sky of the cursed lands.
"I can...it's just such a chore to get the stains out."
She snorted.
"You're a wizard. And a very learned one at that. A simple stain would be nothing to you."
He gave her a cheeky smile before he slid an arm about her waist to hold her still as Karlach and Lae'zel fell in beside them. The look they gave one another before the tiefling threw her a cat-like smile she pretended not to notice.
Oh how she wished she could control the outright blush on her cheeks, however.
"True. But I'd rather avoid it all the same. Although..." Gale looked down at her, pressed against him slightly, a flush of his own staining his skin as he grimaced. "Can't say the same for my robe."
"Oh no! Whatever shall you do?" was her own cheeky answer as the four of them teleported away for the night.
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hephaestiions · 1 month
Hello! 18, 24 & 29 :)
thank you for the ask, anon, these were fun!!
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic.
from Every Breath You Take, an earlier cut, when the relationship between harry and draco, in the aftermath of an already failed marriage wasn't total silence, but relentless arguments about nothing. i scrapped it (and then changed the dynamic in general) because the dialogue felt both clunky and chunky, neither of which i try to go for when writing people speak:
“Do you find joy in being this hateful? Did this stupid fucking hold-up— I have a job, Draco, Merlin, what was the goddamn point— at least tell me it made you happy. That all this rotten rubbish I put up with every day is worth something in that twisted little head of yours, that you smile for a second thinking, yeah, I ruined Harry's breakfast, pat on my fucking back." “Fuck you! Happy? Happy, really, Harry? I haven't been happy in years! Not in years! Is that— is that good enough for you? To know I am just as miserable here as you, I get nothing out of any of this—" "Why do it at all, then?" Harry asks, throwing his hands up and spinning on his heel. He goes and rests his head against a pillar in the living room. If he weren't furious, he'd appreciate how ridiculous he looks right now. Muffled into the wall, he says, "If you're so fucking miserable—" "There's one thing," Draco says with a watery laugh that doesn't carry much humour at all. He stalks over to where Harry's standing and tugs on his robes until he's facing Draco and his endless, endless rage, always his rage, never— Jesus. Draco leans in and jabs his pointer finger into Harry's chest. "There's one thing I've been good at all my life, and it's riling you up. You think— what? A marriage fails, and I just— what? Let the opportunity go?"
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
the short, unhelpful answer is i try to go out and live my life. the slightly longer, still probably unhelpful, but wordier answer is: i go out on the lawns and spend the late afternoon fading into dusk reading books on the grass, i go to town with my friends and enjoy how the world looks when we're all giggling and tipsy, i focus on finishing things i've been procrastinating on, i clean my room and my desk and my wardrobe and i throw out half my things to make space for new ideas, i pick up new hobbies and i hyperfixate on some new fascination and find out everything i can about it, i sit in cafes and public transport and art galleries and take little notes on what people are doing and what they're saying and how they're living their lives, i write bad poetry and laugh about it, i sing terrible songs and laugh about it, i start some embroidery wips and look at them with great affection knowing i'll never finish them. and after months, or maybe even years of not sitting at the keyboard or picking up a pen to do more than write two lines of floating ideas, i think to myself— imagine if that thing was to happen. and imagine if that other thing was to happen right after. imagine, imagine, imagine, and suddenly the imagination can't be contained anymore, spilling out all over my hands.
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
quite difficult if i'm trying to find a title from within the fic— i'm awful with wordplay of the smart & referential kind that makes for good titles. but usually, i have some song on repeat while writing a fic or a poem that comes to me in fragments, and i pick a lyric/line from there and it's the easiest part of the process.
send me some more fic writer asks while i procrastinate on my assignments!
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How does/did Draxum feel about the other turtles in this fic? When he was still stalking Donnie, did he ever consider maybe one of his brothers as well? Now that theyre trying to get him back, is Draxum feeling any guilt for what hes putting them through?
Considered taking them? No. They could be useful, but ultimately no more useful than any other mutant. There would be no point in recruiting them forcefully if he could get other mutants to join him willingly. The only time he ever really considered kidnapping another one was towards the end of Table Arc, when he really started forming an attachment to Donnie and was trying to alleviate his guilt and make his whole situation suck a bit less. There, yeah, he considered maybe letting him keep one of his brothers and brainwashing both of them. But Donnie didn't react well to the idea, so he scrapped it.
There's a bit of a snag in talking about what Draxum's plan would have been if Donnie had actually taken him up on his offer to join him. Mostly because I hadn't actually planned on writing a giant fic or publishing it when I wrote that scene and hadn't really thought it out yet. I say Draxum was probably hoping that in time, Donnie could convince his brothers to join them as well, or at the very least leave them alone. But the more I think about it, the more I think that Draxum would have still brainwashed him at least a little bit, or put some sort of control spell on him. The Table was a symbol of the threat that Donnie posed-he was too smart to be given even an inch, and Draxum would have been a moron to simply let him up and give him access to his lab immediately after abducting him. Letting him contact his brothers would have been extremely stupid; they would have figured out a way around Draxum's measures to free Donnie eventually, and they'd have been able to tell if Donnie was altered in any way. We're circling back again to how Draxum really shot himself in the foot when he refused to compromise with Donnie and go "okay, the humans can stay, but Jeff Bezos is going down and we're gonna destroy the fossil fuel industry."
Does he feel guilty now? Dude, Draxum does not want to think about any of that. He does a lot of telling himself that he has no reason to feel guilty. After all, his son's name is Galois. Galois has no brothers. The turtles' brother is Donnie, and Donnie died on his lab table. Yeah, that's awful, but he can't bring Donnie back from the dead now. They can blame their brother for being too headstrong to take Draxum up on his offer. If he had done that, then he'd still be alive.
Long-term, I think Draxum is really counting on the turtles either dying in the war or coming to understand why he did what he did. If they survive and still hate him after everything is said and done-tbh, he's not too fussed about that. As long as his work is done and Galois and Cass are safe, that's what really matters to him.
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📚, (because I'm tired I don't have the energy to pop the questions in 😂😂💕😭), 🗓️ and 🗃️!! :D
(Sorry I took so long to answer. Its been a busy long weekend)
📚 What are some books that have influenced your style?
Well I tend to absorb the cadences of whatever I'm reading/ listening to at the moment. So definitely lots of Austen. I do love Jane Eyre but I oddly don't think brontë sticks in my head. I recently listened to North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell, and that very much did influence me. Especially in how to write characters being very very aware of each other and also physical descriptions. The Bloody Chamber, by Angela Carter is something I go back to continually when I feel that I need to re-center my prose. If I feel off about what I'm writing I go back to The Bloody Chamber (Specifically the eponymous short story). Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens has also made its impact, especially when I'm writing about the goings on in the opera house. (Also feel like Erik appreciates how central stalking is to both of the principal romances in that story).
Any story by HP Lovecraft will get me going on detailed descriptions and florid prose. I've also been listening to The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I can't say that's come through in my writing very much yet. We'll see though...
🗓 How long have you been writing for?
Including my very underdeveloped anime fanfic exploits back in the days of Quizilla? About 12 years, but there's a big gap from about 2013-2021. So only the years I've actively been writing? About 5.
🗃 How many wips/projects are you currently writing?
If we're only counting projects that I've actually written words for? Just two: When the Longing Returns, and the, as yet, still-in-scraps Moonrise, a fic about my Twilight OC, Ada and what she was doing during new moon.
If we're also counting projects I may potentially do at some point in the near(ish) future, then it would be four: the two above, plus two others. One, a poto priest!AU called Walking on Hallowed Ground, and the other a companion piece to What Do You Offer by @sloanedestler about what's happening on Raoul's side of the wall.
I've also been flirting with the idea of an EdBella fic inspired by the song Blue Dress by Depeche Mode, which may or may not involve further use of Bella's scandalous Emmanuel Ungarro prom dress.
So then maybe 5?
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krikeymate · 1 year
Would you still say being obsessed with someone is bad when you have a perfectly normal and functional life? Like having a great job, hobbies, social contacts etc.? Cause I do BUT I totally follow Jenna‘s mom and know more about Jenna than I probably should. And to you, is there a difference between being obsessed with a celebrity and a fiction character? Because, like, aren’t we all obsessed with Tara & Sam here? :P
Obsession by its very definition is having an unhealthy and extreme interest in something. Fans use the term obsession all the time, as do I, but it's supposed to be hyperbole, a way to declare that we really love something. I have a feeling you're just leading a normal life and having a fave celeb.
Here's a scenario for you: several years ago, a fan hunted down and catfished Katie McGrath's brother, in order to try and meet her. People go out of their way to steal from celebrities, or hack their devices, or share their private photos or nudes. They stalk and hound their family and friends. These are extreme examples of Stan/obsessive behaviour.
Following her family members on social media, who are open accounts, and are choosing to share what they do - normal, not weird. Trying to DM them or leaving creepy comments, problem. Deliberatly hunting down information and going out of your way to be at the same place as where they or their family/friends might be, outside of specified events, that's pushing a boundary and I would say that's not ok.
Anon, are you spending hours crawling through every mention of Jenna to absorb every scrap of information about her? If so, you might have a problem. If not, if you're just coming across that information which is freely given, or from others, or because you're following fan accounts, there's nothing wrong with that. How those other people get that information is another matter entirely of course, but we're talking about your relationship with your interest.
There's definitely a different between 'obsessing' over a real person and a fictional character. Real people get hurt, they have boundaries and private lives that need to be respected. Characters are just characters. As you say, we're all obsessing over Sam & Tara here. As with anything however, the moment is starts to seriously impact your mood or begin to affect your life, it becomes a problem.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
He's sitting there being the most annoying prick you can imagine and he's annoying people who go by and they're telling him not to do that and they're going after his money and his people and just sit there staring at her son if they're going to get something and what he's saying is I want people who hate these people to go after their stuff all of it every single scrap of it are people need this they need stuff they need whatever they can get and these fat ass f****** slob w**** bags one offer it up and we should go after it and we're going to go ahead and do that we don't see any reason not to he says their pushovers and you can see him he kneels he bends he breaks almost immediately so we're going to go ahead and do that and start taking all their stuff
Thor Freya I also want them to move him and his idiot father I want them away from him what they're doing is stalking him and it's illegal in the state we can't go around stalking people and I want it done now
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fallin-flcwer · 3 years
Japan Interview // Youi Moon
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what’s your star sign? "I'm a Libra."
what’s your favourite holiday? "Christmas. By a mile."
what colour are your eyes? "Dark brown."
if i went on to your spotify right now, your most played song would be what? "Bicycle by my mother."
do you read much? "It depends! Once I find a good book I can go on reading for ages if it's a series. Other than that, I won't pick up another book unless I've got a lot of free time."
where did you grow up? "I grew up in Seoul, South Korea."
when it comes to siblings; are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child? "I'm the youngest of four."
what were you like in high school? "I spent my first two years of high school in Seoul. Over there I was kind of the HBIC. I was known as an Ulzzang, which is a term for someone that's pretty, popular and has connections in the entertainment industry. Even when last half of high school in Gallagher I was a part of the popular clique. I definitely wasn't talked about as much as I was back in Seoul, but I didn't mind."
if you could be any magical creature, what would you be? "Kitsune."
where is your happy place? "The dance studio."
can you tell us about a hobby you have that has NOTHING to do with your career? "I like spending time with animals. Like visiting animal shelters and going to cat cafes."
which academy do you attend? "I attend Liberty in New York."
do you have a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind for work? "I like to go for a run or to the gym. Shortly after I'll head to the dance studio and work on my own for half an hour and once I'm done the girls are usually there so we can start doing our group work."
can you give us some insight into your next big project? "It's not going to be starting until we get to the Liberty leg of the tour but the girls and I are signing onto a show called Queendom. Pretty much we're going to be 'competing' against other female acts and putting on big performances. We're the youngest act there, so we're a bit nervous, but I'm confident we can put on a show."
if you weren’t at a talent academy, what occupation would you be working towards? "Probably working for my mother doing hotel stuff. I love interior design."
are you a ‘work hard, play hard’ or a ‘work hard, sleep hard’ type? "Work hard, play hard."
what’s your proudest moment in your career so far? "Winning Rookie of the Year multiple times just after we debuted. It really showed us how much we'd made an impact within the time we released LATATA and HANN."
do you remember where you were when you realised you were accepted into your academy? "I was having a spa day with my mother and my sister to celebrate me finishing high school."
did you get rejected from any academies? do you care anymore? "Nope."
what is your DREAM achievement? "To win a Daesang at the Seoul Music Awards. Multiple, even."
finish the sentence: “when it comes to my career, my goal is to make sure that…” "I am as successful as I can be."
are you single or taken? "Single."
what’s your snapchat score? "Somewhere around 100,000. I used it a lot in high school."
read us your last received text… "It's from my sister and it says 'maybe we can just sweet talk his captain to do it for us...'"
would you ever date a fan? "Probably not. Sorry."
how could somebody go about getting your attention? "I like receiving gifts."
have you ever stalked an exes socials? "Yes."
have you ever stalked an exes new partners socials? "Nah."
which song best describes your last crush or relationship? "Fuck you by Lily Allen."
have you ever used tinder? "Nope."
who on tour would you most like to see naked? "Nobody."
who’s the most annoying person on tour? "Ethan and Jay. They're still funny though."
which person on tour would you NOT let your hypothetical son or daughter date? "Nicolai."
what’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done? "I threw up right in front of my bedroom at home. Not my greatest moment."
have you ever peed in the shower? "Nope."
who is one person on tour that you trust more than anything? "Hayi."
what kind of drunk are you? "I'm a very giggly drunk. According to my family I act cute."
if you could spend a day inside one movie, which would it be and why? "Mean Girls. I really have no reason aside from the fact that it's iconic."
if you could have any piece of music play whenever you entered a room, what would it be? "Boss Bitch by Doja Cat."
everybody has ONE word tattooed on their head that most describes who they are, what does yours say? "Youi"
if i came round your house for a dinner date, what would you cook me? "Noodles. Bonus point if you like them spicy."
do you have any guilty pleasures or weaknesses? "I still watch Bratz religiously. Bratz Fashion Pixiez is the superior movie."
say a word that you HATE the sound of… "Bulbous."
what is one country you have no desire to visit that other people do? "Not a country but Bali."
if you could rename yourself, what would your name now be? "Scarlet. When I first got to the UK I claimed that as my English name but people already knew me as Youi anyway so I scrapped it."
if these were your famous last words, what would you say? "If anyone sees San, tell him that I'm literally on my way to being a demon child."
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darkestdesired · 5 years
Deviant Protection Squad
Part 2
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Summary: Connor,Conan,and detective reader investigate a new lead while uncoverring the readers mysterious past.
I yawned as i walked into the observation room,Inside waiting was Connor,Conan,Hank,and Gavin.They all turned to me and took in my appearance,”Damn (Y/n),you look like shit!” The others shot him a glare as i sat next to hank and opened up the file that was on the desk.”Gee thanks Reed,you know just how to make a lady feel good.” I said,sarcasm lacing my words.Hank patted my shoulder,”Ignore him,but have you slept at all in the past week?You have dark eye-bags.” I sighed.”I haven’t,i have a feeling i’m not gonna till we solve this case.” Gavin scoffed.”Why the hell are you taking it so personally,it’s just a fucking android.” I glared at him and quickly stood up,Connor and Conan immediately followed suit,Connor stepped in between us as Conan towered over me and had an expression that dared Gavin to lay a hand on me.”Shut the fuck up Reed,i am taking this personally because it’s my fucking job.I take each and every one of my cases personally because unlike you,i care about my cases.” They watched in shock as i huffed. Connor placed a hand on my chest,”Detective your stress and heart rate are rising,perhaps it would be wise to sit down.” I narrowed my eyes at Gavin before taking a deep breath.”Okay..” I turned and went back to my seat,”Detective Reed,I advise you not to make (Y/n) upset again.” Connor said with a strict and serious tone before walking over to one side of me with his hands behind his back.Conan glared down at Gavin,his LED was red which caused fear to rise in Gavin.Conan said nothing before he went to the other side of me,Hank glanced over and smirked when he saw Gavin's expression of fear. I looked into the Interrogation room and watched as the suspect,martin,tapped on the table,Hank crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.”Do you think he did it?” I thought for a moment.”I..I honestly don’t know,he has a criminal record for violence..so maybe?” I took a deep breath.”I going in.” I stood up with the file and headed for the door,”Detective,allow me to come with you,i don’t trust him alone with you.” Conan walked over to me with a seriousness that said this was not up for discussion.I nodded and we headed into the Interrogation room,Martin grinned at me as i sat across from him and set the file in front of me,Conan stayed behind me with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.”Nice to see you again,(Y/n),You still look as gorgeous as ever.” I ignored the vomit that threatened to rise up my throat.I pulled out the pictures of the body and a video of him going into her room.”Care to explain?” Martin smirked and leaned back in his seat,he shrugged.”What can i say,it was a hot piece of plastic.” I clenched my hands together tightly on the table.”Did you kill her?” He raised a brow."You act like it was a person." Conan shot him a 'Answer the fuucking question' look."Look,i wasn't the one who broke the damn thing,but i do know who did." I narrowed my eyes and leaned forward."Who?"
The drive was quiet for the most part,i could tell Connor had a question from the amount of times he glanced at me from the passenger seat."Con,if you have something to ask me you don't have to be scared.I don't bite." Connor nodded."What did the suspect mean by 'Not your usual type'?" I sighed and stared forward at the road. "I used to date assholes,the abusive,drunk,toxic kind.(P/n) was the last person i dated who was like that,i guess I'm just getting too old to find the good ones." Conan furrowed his eyebrows from the back seat. "Do you have their addresses?" I laughed."Conan I'm not telling you,i don't need cops on my doorstep at 4am because you killed my exes." Conan feigned innocence,"I simply wish to talk with them." Connor and gave each other a knowing look."And these talks are legal?" Conan was quiet causing me to laugh harder.We pulled up to the side of the road,"Well the car described isn't here.." Connor turned to me."Stake out?" I nodded."I haven't been on a stake out in a while,Last time Hank and i stopped and grabbed a few burgers and made a night of it." Connor smiled."Did you find the purp?" I nodded."Yup,Hank chased him down with sauce in his beard,it was hilarious because the guy was a huge germaphobe.Hank still laughs every time we get burgers now." I giggled to myself at the memory.Conan watched me closely,"Do you ever miss being the detectives partner." I shrugged."Yea i miss the stake outs and stuff,but now i have two cute Guys trailin after me every day,like my guardian angel and devil.I wouldn't trade them for the world." Connor and Conan shared a look. "We enjoy working with you as well Detective." I smiled over at Connor."Con,you don't have to keep calling me Detective when it's just us three.I think we're all close enough to go by first names." Connors led flashed yellow before he smiled."Alright,(Y/n)" he said softly sending a light shiver from the tone. (Y/n) your heart rate has risen,are you alright?" Conan put a hand on my shoulder,i coughed into my fist."Oh Y-Yeah.Just Peachy,don't worry about me." My (S/c) face felt like it was boiling."You never tell us much about your past before you became a Detective,do you not trust us?" Connor said causing me to tense."W-Well it's not that i don't trust you guys,I'm just not used to being an open book." They both shared a glance,i took a deep breath."I'll try,okay?" They both smiled and nodded.
After about an hour I noticed a car that matched the description pulled up to the old apartment building.A sketchy looking man climbed out of the car and hurried inside,"He matches the description,can either of you find anything on him?" Connors led flashed a few times,"His name is David Morgan,45,divorced,he has two criminal records for stalking women.He somehow managed to get bailed out each time,He lives alone and is currently unemployed." I took a deep breath."Well let's go pay Mr.Morgan a visit."
I knocked on the door firmly while Connor and Conan stood guard behind me,After a few minutes i heard footsteps."Mr.Morgan,It's(Y/n) (L/n).I'm a friend of Martin Score." The door slowly opened a crack.while the sketchy man peeked out at me."A..friend? I didn't know that bastard had friends.." I fought the laughter that threatened to escape."I'm a detective at DPD,Is it alright if i ask you a few questions,it won't take long i promise." David glanced at the connors behind me."Do they have to come in?" I glanced back at them,conan shook his head no,i knew he didn't like the idea of me being alone with this guy. "They can wait out here." I shot them a reassuring smile before heading inside,David shut the door behind me and motioned for the couch."I'm sorry for the mess..i wasn't expecting visitors." I nodded and glanced at all the boxes of newspapers in the small living room. "It's quite alright,I'll make this quick." I pulled out a picture of the woman before she was murdered."Do you know this woman?" David carefully examined the photo." I'm...I've seen her around a few times." I put the phto away and chose my next words wisely."She was found brutally beaten yesterday,she luckily survived it,the medical team at cyberlife were able to repair her memory and vocal cords enough to explain what happened." David's eyes widened slightly. "Ho- i mean,d-do you think i did it?" I tilted my head slightly at his reaction."We have a few other suspects but we're going based on description.And hers very accurately describes you." Something dark flashed across Davids eyes that i didn't like. "Will you excuse me for a moment." I nodded and he quickly rushed away to another room and took out his phone.I quietly snuck next to the cracked door and listened in,"I don't know how but that scrap of metal survived! I don't know,she was your robot! Look you hired me to ditch the body and i did! Well how was i supposed to know she would make it! That detctive is snoppen around and said the hunk of metal described me!I'll get rid of her!" I recorded the conversation on my phone and quietly went back to the living room just before he entered."Thank you for your time,i should be going." David eyed me warily."Are you sure,i could make you some tea." I smiled and started making my way towards the front door."I'm sure,i don't want to keep my partners waiting." David pulled out a gun and aimed it at me causing me to freeze."You seem like a nice woman,so why don't you sit down and have some tea?" I gulped."S-Sure." I carefully walked over to the couch,never looking away."I just want you to know this isn't easy for me!" He exclaimed.I nodded,"I never wanted to be dragged into all of this!" He waved the gun around like a lunatic causing my heart to drop every 2 seconds."Listen,i can get you out of this mess,you just need to tell me,who hired you?" He started pacing and lowered the gun." I-I can't tell you,he'd kill me!" ,i slowly stood up and started making my way towards him with my hands up.He pointed the gun at me again,"D-Dont move a fucking muscle!!" He yelled causing me to flinch.Next thing i knew Conan had kicked the door down and they both stormed into the apartment.The next few seconds happened in slow motion,David aimed the gun at me and a shot rung through the air.
Conan and Connors leds flashed a violent red as they watched my body drop to the floor,Connor hurried to my side as conan slapped the gun out of Davids hand and slammed him into the wall by the collar.i grunted as Connor pulled me on his lap,"(Y/n) are you alright?!" He started checking my vitals."Y-Yea he got me in the side!" I gritted my teeth as i lifted my hand off the wound,blood already spilly out of a hole in my trench coat."You're going to be alright.I called an ambulance and backup.Help is on the way!" I smiled up at him,already feeling lightheaded."Have i ever told you that you and Conan have the most beautiful eyes?" Connors eyes widened in fear."(Y/n) stay with me,stay awake!" Conan threw David onto the ground unconscious and hurried to my side."Your vitals are dropping!" Hank bursted through the door armed with a gun,I got your message (Y-" he froze when he saw the state i was in."Glad to see your...phone still works Hank..." I coughed out a bit of blood. Hank quickly rushed over,"I'll watch this piece of shit,you two take her out to the ambulance!" They both nodded and Conan carefully picked me up,i flinched and gritted my teeth. They hurried outside,hank looked down at David and winced when he saw the bruises and blood over his face."God,Remind me never to get on his bad side.."
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The Journey
                  -Steve's P.O.V-
Is was the night before Bucky has to leave for war. We were out on the town, and buck comes back up to me with two young dames on his arms.
"Ladies this is my best friend Steve Rogers. Mandy why don't you dance with him? He is a perfect gent."  Bucky smirked.
"Hello ma'am." I held out my hand for her to shake.
She giggled. And sauntered over to my side. I felt very uncomfortable. I saw the recruitment tent. I snuck a look at it, and Bucky noticed.
"I'll be just a minute girls." He said to the girls before turning to me. "You're really gonna do this now?"
"It's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck." I said shrugging.
"As who? 'Steve from Ohio?' They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you!" Bucky scolded.
I smile sadly at Bucky. He just doesn't get it.
"You don't think I can do it." I shook my head disappointedly.
"This isn't some back alley, Steve. It's a war. Why are you so keen to fight There're lots of other important jobs... jobs where you won't get kil-" Bucky started.
"Where I collect scrap metal in some little red wagon? While men are laying down their lives? I got no right to do anything less! That what you don't understand by buck. It's not about me!"
"Right cuz you've got nothing to prove."
Bucky jabbed. One of the girls called out to him.
Bucky looked at the girl then back at me and said, "Promise me you won't do anything too stupid before I get back."
I smirk, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."
"You're a punk" Bucky smiles.
"And you're a jerk." I waved him off.
              -Darcy's POV-
"So where are we going today?" I asked.
"To the future!"
"Sure... no seriously where are we going?"
"I AM being serious."
"Why did we have to come to New York?" I whined
"The stark expo of course! It's fun to see how the humans try to evolve." Nathaniel laughed.
"You know the pack is in New York right?"
"I'm fully aware." he said his face turning grim.
"Are you trying to get me killed?" I asked.
"Nope!" He said with a grin. We walked a few more minutes. "And Tada! We're here. Welcome to the future Darcy!"
I gasped in awe. My hands firmly covered my mouth as tears came upon my eyes. I had never seen so many lights and colors in one place.
"This... this is beautiful! Amazing! Incredible! Forget every bad thing I've ever said about you! You are the BEST!" I jumped up and down barely containing my excitement. I hugged him bear tight.
"Okay, Okay I get it. Jeez Darcy your gonna break my spine if you don't let go soon!" He wheezed.
I let go of him and stood back grinning from ear to ear. That's when a gust of wind blew and my senses spiked. I caught HIS scent.
He's here. At the expo. With... I sniffed the air once more.
The boy. Steve.
I transformed into my wolf form and ran. With Nathaniel hot on my trail, wondering what the hell could have made me stop talking so suddenly.
I could smell him. I was getting closer. When I found him, I stood far enough away from him to keep my presence unknown. I saw he had two girls on his arms. I growled. And before I know what came over me, I was running to his side snarling. I stood directly in front of him and the girls. And growled as I stalked my way toward them. The girls squealed and held on for dear life. Which only made me angrier.
My brother soon followed in his human form and said, "Sorry ladies, my dog isn't usually like this! Winter! Heel!"
I snapped my head up at him, my growl deepening. I was beyond outraged. HE HAD THE GUTS TO CALL ME A DOG?!!! A MOTHER-FUCKING DOG?!!! Oh hell no!
I ran right to him a nipped at his legs making him dance. The I turned around to find the girls gone but the man, Bucky, was still there. Bucky turned towards my brother.
"Your dog huh? The last time I checked a Wolf was not a dog and second this dog's owner isn't you. A family had came to get this wolf a couple days ago. This is not your wolf sir. But she does seem to know you, I'll give you that." Bucky sighed in resignation.
I think.
"Hey Bucky I-" Steve said coming up to us. "Oh hey Darcy what are you doing here? This place is too public. C'mon let's get you somewhere cozier. Yeah?"
My demeanor completely changed. I went from a fangs bared, growling wolf to a bright eyes, tail wagging wolf immediately as he said this. I followed him. Constantly walking by his side.
My brother was in awe. I tipped at him telling him to hurry up. I could hear Bucky chuckle as I did so.
Next thing I know we arrive to a pale creamy yellow house. Small and cozy. Steve opened the door and allowed me in first. And I'm ashamed to say it but I pranced right on in as if I were some little pet, and I belonged there.
Steve sat down on the sofa as did Bucky. Steve gestured for Nathan to sit down, and my brother obliged.
"So your dog you say?" Bucky asked suspiciously.
"Uh yeah my dog. A family gave her to me not too long ago saying they couldn't keep up with her anymore and that she ran away too often." Nate said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Well-" Steve began but my brother interrupted.
"Welp thanks for the uh company and uh hospitality but we've really got to go." Nate motioned me to follow and I did reluctantly.
"Your not going anywhere bud" Bucky said
"Like hell i'm not! Get out of the way!" Nathan yelled.
"Bucky let em go." Steve said and shook his head at Bucky.
Bucky moves out of our way and we leave not looking back. We were a couple blocks away when I transformed back into my human body.
My brother hissed at me, "What the HELL was that?!"
"He's the shadow. The one I cast a shadow on. The scrawny kid. But the bigger one, Bucky, my senses spike when he is around and it's like I can't control my impulses." I said.
He grinned from ear to ear like he knew something I didn't.
"What's that look for Nate?" I questioned.
"Oh nothing, you'll find out soon enough. Trust me." He said walking by me and continued to do so, making me follow him.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" I yelled after him. He just shook his head and kept on walking.
"Meet me at the 401 plain trail. You know which one!" He said waving me off.
Ugh I hate it when he does that! Always leaving me off to figure out his crap. I decide to go back to Steve's place. And I knock. Steve answers the door.
"Oh uh... H-hello." He stutters at the sight of me.
"Hi I'm Dar- Darla. Darla Winfrey. I'm looking for my brother and our dog. Have you seen him?" I asked sweetly. Almost revealing my name.
"Oh uh yeah h-he just le-left." He stuttered again.
I hear footsteps coming from behind him and Bucky opens the door wider leaning against it.
"Well hello there. What a pretty gal like you doing in a place like this?" Bucky smiled.
I looked into his eyes and I could feel the ice melting my heart. He really was a charmer. No wonder he had girls at his beck and call. My face soured as I remembered the girls from before. But I quickly schooled my expression as to not give anything away.
"I'm looking for my brother, have you seen him?" I asked sweetly.
Ugh sickening. Too sweet. I feel like I'm going to throw up if I get any sweeter.
"Oh he just left. My why don't you come on in doll? Make yourself comfortable." He said with a coy smile.
"Oh I couldn't possibly. After all you don't even know my name, Bucky." I chuckled.
His jaw almost hit the floor. Ah shit. My eyes widened as I realized I just said his name when he hadn't even "properly" introduced himself to me.
"Well I best be off. Good night boys!" I said quickly running away. I had lost all my confidence. It was in that moment I knew I could never allow them to see my human form again.
I changed back into my wolf form and went back to Steve's house for the final time. Knowing I couldn't knock, I just laid there. I got comfortable on his 'Welcome' mat, and fell asleep.
What a long journey it's been today...
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