#Mumbai Eye Care
besteyespecialist · 1 year
Treatment for Corneal Dystrophies in Ghatkopar | Cornea Surgery in Mumbai
Cornea Surgery in Mumbai
Corneal Dystrophy
Corneal distrophies are a group of rare and genetic diseases affecting the cornea. It runs in a families and may be present asymptomatic. They affect both the eyes and other parts of the families are not involved. Main cause of corneal dystrophies is foreign material build up in the cornea and that results in clouding of cornea and visual impairment.
The cornea is made up of five distinct layers:
The Epithelium - the outermost, protective layer of the cornea.
The Bowman's membrane - this second layer is extremely tough and difficult to penetrate further protecting the eye
The Stroma - the thickest layer of the cornea, consisting of water, collagen fibers and other connective tissue components that give the cornea its strength, elasticity and clarity.
Descemet's Layer - a thin, strong inner layer that also acts as a protective layer.
The Endothelium - the innermost layer consisting of specialized cells that pump excess water out of the cornea
Types of corneal dystrophies:
There are 20 different types of corneal distrophies but are groped in 3 main categories:
Anterior or superficial corneal dystrophies. These affect the outermost layers of the cornea: the epithelium and Bowman’s membrane.
Stromal corneal dystrophies affect the stroma, which is the middle and thickest layer of the cornea.
Posterior corneal dystrophies affect the innermost parts of the cornea: the endothelium and the Descemet membrane. The most common posterior corneal dystrophy is Fuchs’ dystrophy.
Symptoms of Corneal distrophies:
Symptoms like watery eyes, dry eyes, corneal erosions, Blurry vision, halos around light, light sensitivity and difficulty in seeing at night often overlaps with diseases like glaucoma and cataract. Two differentiating symptoms are pain and a feeling of something in the eye occurs in the corneal distrophies. As the condition worsens vision becomes poor and irregularities in the cornea may lead to fluctuating vision.
Who is at risk for corneal dystropies?
People having family history of the disease are at more risk than others. Corneal dystrophies can appear at any age. Men and women are equally affected by most corneal dystrophies, except for Fuchs’ dystrophy. Fuchs’ affects women more frequently than men.
What are my treatment choices?
Treatment for corneal dystrophies may vary from eye drops to corneal transplant and depends on:
The type of dystrophy
The severity of symptoms
In few cases, people with corneal dystrophy may have repeated corneal erosion. This condition may be treated with antibiotics, lubricating eye drops, ointments, or special soft contact lenses that protect the cornea. If erosion continues, other treatment options may include the use of laser therapy or a technique for scraping the cornea.
In severe cases, a corneal transplant (called keratoplasty) may be necessary. The damaged or unhealthy corneal tissue is removed and clear donor cornea tissue is put in its place. For endothelial dystrophies, such as Fuchs’ dystrophy, a partial cornea transplant (or endothelial keratoplasty) is used.
To schedule an appointment with our experts for Corneal Dystrophy Treatment In Ghatkopar, please call us at +91 8451045935, +91-8451045934 or visit our clinic at Address.
Tag : cornea surgery in ghatkopar, cornea specialist in mumbai, eye clinic in ghatkopar west
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dreyeins · 2 years
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shreyajainblogs · 2 years
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Cataracts form slowly. You may not even realize you have cataracts until they start to block the light or you get blurry or cloudy vision. This could happen mainly after the age of 60. In some cases, you may lose your eyesight as well. Consult to know more about.
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anileyehospital · 1 month
Before and After: A Complete Guide to Laser Eye Surgery
Laser eye treatment is known as refractive surgery and it is the most popular one used for various vision problems including myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. This article will be your essential guide to laser eye surgery, taking you through all you need to know about the process, pre-and-post the procedure.
Before Laser Eye Surgery:
1. Consultation:
The initial treatment step in the laser eye treatment is to have a consultation with an eye care professional to understand if you are a legitimate patient for the procedure. These factors as age, general health of the eye, and the stability of the vision previous to the LASIK will define your candidacy. Always get proper consultation before the surgery so always get in touch with best eye specialist in thane for professional and advanced eye care. 2. Pre-operative Examinations:
After your surgeon has evaluated all of the data above, the first step is going to be another series of exams to measure the shape, thickness and the size of your pupil and refraction as well. 3. Medical History:
You specific medical history will be asked so that the redness rectification can be done effectively and safely and it will also include medications you are taking and any previous eye conditions. 4. Stop Wearing Contact Lenses:
If you are using contact lenses, you should be informed that you have to temporarily stop using them and the surgery which will be done within a period of time before the surgery as they are likely to change the shape of your cornea. 5. Arrange Transportation:
As you are unable to drive on your own right after the surgery, one should consider organizing this undertaking for someone who can accommodate a drive for you home.
During Laser Eye Surgery:
1. Anesthetic Eye Drops:
A few minutes prior to the surgery's commencement, an anesthetic eye drop will be used to take out the unpleasantness and pain by numbing the eyes. 2. Laser Procedure:
In the surgery, the beam from a laser is realized for the purpose of smoothening out the cornea to correct the visual impairment. The procedure is a fast one, takes usually less than 30 minutes per eye. 3. Recovery Room:
Post surgery you will be transferred to an adjoining room where you will be given time to recuperate, before being admitted to the main ward.
After Laser Eye Surgery:
1. Post-operative Care:
During your check-up, you will receive instructions on how to look after your eyes after the operation, e.g. by applying the eye drops the doctor has prescribed to you and not touching your eyeballs. 2. Follow-up Appointments:
You will need to see your eye care practitioner at a regular basis for following visits for the eye specialist doctor in thane to be sure of your eyes recovery.  3. Return to Normal Activities:
Most can go back to doing part of their activities two days after the surgery, although all other strenuous activities are not recommended for the first few weeks. 4. Vision Improvement:
Sometimes, the vision of the patients is stabilized, after they have the surgery of vision correction. In such cases, some people get the improved vision right after the surgery, but it may take a few days or even weeks for vision to stabilize. 5. Possible Side Effects:
The like side effects of the surgery can include dry eyes light sensitivity and glare, light which virtually disappear over time. 6. Long-term Results:
Although LASIK is more frequently a necessary surgery than an exceptional one, some individuals eventually require more than one procedure.
In conclusion, laser eye surgery provides a secure and efficient means of treating vision issues and minimizing the need for contacts or glasses. You can guarantee a good result and take advantage of improved eyesight for many years to come by according to the instructions given by your eye care specialist. Protect your vision with help and proper guidance of best eye hospital in thane.
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health-issues · 2 months
Best Eye Doctor In Thane | Eye Specialist In Navi Mumbai | Dr Rajesh Kapoor
Suruchi Eye Hospital proudly houses the Best eye doctors in Thane, serving as a prominent eye specialist clinic in Navi Mumbai. With a commitment to excellence, our renowned eye specialists utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to deliver exceptional eye care services. As a trusted eye hospital and clinic, we offer comprehensive treatments for various eye conditions, ensuring optimal vision health for our patients. Whether you require routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or surgical interventions, our dedicated team is here to provide personalized care and innovative solutions. Trust Suruchi Eye Hospital for unparalleled expertise and compassionate service in Navi Mumbai and Thane.
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aaraveyecare · 5 months
The Importance of Regular Eye Exams
At Aarav Eye Care, we go beyond being a mere Eye Care Clinic in Mumbai, we are your dedicated partners in the pursuit of optimal eye health and well-being. Since our establishment in 2005, we have stood as a leading destination for comprehensive eye care services, delivering state-of-the-art treatments across convenient locations such as Kemps Corner, Grant Road, Mira Road, Bhiwandi, and Navi Mumbai. Guided by the expertise of Dr. Ashvin Bafna, a trailblazer in the field of ophthalmology, our mission is to ensure that your eyes are not only healthy but also contribute to your overall prosperity and wisdom.
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How To Permanently Remove Dark Circles?
Without a doubt, the majority of us have desperately looked for ways to stop dark circles online, in publications, and from that one Beauty Guru. And we all encounter them in late-night internet browsing and binge-watching. Here, this blog will discuss the various permanent ways to remove dark circles.
Say Goodbye to Your Dark Circles
It's not too difficult to stop the development of dark circles under your eyes. However, only cosmetic procedures can lessen the appearance of dark circles in people genetically predisposed to them. Dark circles can be removed permanently using a few laser procedures, including Q Switch Lasers, C02 Lasers, and RF Patches.
Chemical Peel
The chemical peel exfoliates the top layer of skin by working on that layer. Thus, it accelerates cell turnover to lessen pigmentation and help develop new skin.
Microdermabrasion is frequently referred to as a skin-polishing procedure. A rough-tip probe and a vacuum are used in this treatment option to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin, resulting in a smoother appearance.
The process of electroporation involves delivering a tiny current through the skin to accelerate the penetration of a medicine, serum, or even moisturizer given to the skin.
The Cost Of Treatment For Dark Circles In India
In India, laser treatment for dark circle cost varies from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 5,000 every session, while the price of laser treatment varies from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 7,000 per session. The price range for a session of filler therapy to reduce under-eye hollowness is between Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 60,000.
Final Takeaway,
Consult a professional immediately if your dark circles affect your confidence and aren't going away with home cures. Feel free to contact one of our top dermatologists in Mumbai for treatment of your skin ailment. In addition, you can call us to schedule an appointment at one of our skin clinics nearby.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
Which hospital offers advanced diabetic retinopathy treatment
Sanjeevan Netralaya advanced ayurvedic eye treatment has the most effective treatment for advanced diabetic retinopathy.
Even patients suffering from severe Diabetic Retinopathy and have lost hope with regular medicine have found improvement in their condition without having to go through any pain.
Sanjeevan Netralaya treats patients with unique tailor made treatments after understanding their entire history making sure that every patient gets the most customized and effective treatment for their problems.
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Sanjeevan Netralaya is located in 6 locations across India:
New Delhi
More information on the Sanjeevan Netralaya’s treatments and locations can be found on the website: www.sanjeevannetralaya.com
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besteyespecialist · 1 year
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shreyajainblogs · 11 months
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How to recover fast from cataract surgery
If you have recently undergone cataract surgery in Navi Mumbai, rest assured that your recovery can be swift and comfortable with the help of the dedicated eye hospitals and specialists in the area. After your procedure, it is crucial to follow all post-operative instructions given by your surgeon to ensure a smooth healing process. These instructions may include using prescribed eye drops, wearing protective eyewear during daytime hours or while sleeping, and avoiding any strenuous activities or heavy lifting for a few weeks. The experienced eye specialists in Navi Mumbai will monitor your progress during regular check-ups to ensure proper healing and address any concerns you may have. It is essential to maintain good hygiene by keeping the operated eye clean and protecting it from dust, smoke, or other irritants. While some patients experience mild discomfort or blurred vision immediately after surgery, these symptoms typically resolve quickly as your eyes adjust to their new clarity. By strictly adhering to your doctor's guidance and seeking prompt medical attention if needed, you can expect a speedy recovery from cataract surgery in Navi Mumbai under the care of expert eye professionals at world-class facilities within this bustling city.
Visit us-
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anileyehospital · 3 months
Difference Between Eye Specialists and Retina Specialists
Eye care can be everything to such an extent that you can benefit from understanding the various types of specialists when you are at a stage of need to get the right treatment for your eyes. In terms of eye specialists, the common types are the general ophthalmologists and the retina specialists. Despite the fact that both are focused on eye health, the scope of what they do and the conditions they target largely differ. Each provider has different levels of training and expertise and each play a role in maintaining your eye health. To maintain your eye health always get in touch with Retina Specialist in Thane West and best eye specialist in Thane.
General Ophthalmologists: 
General ophthalmologists are medical doctors (MDs) or doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) who have their education in the field of comprehensive eye care. They are taught how to identify and treat a wide variety of eye diseases and conditions. Often ophthalmologists provide routine eye exams, prescribe glasses or contact lenses, and as general practitioners they manage common eye problems like dry eyes, bacterial conjunctivitis, or myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.
 They are licensed to practice medicine and eye surgery, and are trained in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of eye diseases. Ophthalmologists are often considered to be on the front line of vision health, and perform many services, including:
eye exams
vision evaluations
eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions
eye surgery
vision therapy
Ophthalmologists can complete additional training, called a fellowship, in subspecialty areas such as retina, glaucoma, cornea, pediatrics, neurology, oculo-plastic surgery and others. For good eye health do regular eye check up and always get in touch with best eye specialist in Thane and best eye specialist in dombivli. Besides performing simple eye examinations, they also are experts in doing various eye surgeries such as cataract surgery, corneal transplants, and laser surgeries for vision correction. They are the frontline physicians for those who seek eye care and make referrals, if necessary, to other specialists in ophthalmology.
Retina Specialists:
Retina specialists are ophthalmologists beyond the basic training of the field, who specialize in the diagnosis and management of retinal and vitreous diseases. It is a sheet of thin, light-sensitive tissue covering the inner aspect of the eye that converts light into signals that are sent to the brain, so that we can see. The vitreous is the gelatinous transparent material that fills the space behind the retina and in front of the lens. Retina specialists treat the widest variety of disorders that affect the retina and vitreous such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, as well as macular edema and uveitis. They employ specific diagnostic techniques which include fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and ultrasound, in the assessment of these conditions. Treat your retinal disorder with Best Retina Specialist In Thane West. Along with medical treatment options, retina specialists receive surgical training to perform a variety of surgeries to treat retinal diseases. These may range from retinal laser surgery, vitrectomy (the removal of the vitreous gel), and intraocular injection of treatments such as anti-VEGF drugs for treatment of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Key Differences:
1. Scope of Practice:
General ophthalmologists perform routine general eye care such as screening, glasses prescription, and conditions like conjunctivitis. Ophthalmologists who are retina specialists will focus particularly on diseases of the retina and vitreous, hence, it will enable them to offer focused care for complex retinal conditions.
2. Training and Expertise:
Like any other general ophthalmologist, retina specialists have all ophthalmology training, but in addition pursue fellowship and specialized training in disorders of the retina. These supplemental training after all helps them acquire the competence and ability to handle complicated retinal issues.
3. Patient Referrals:
Retina specialists are usually consulted by general eye doctors for the management patients with retinal diseases. The retinal experts may seek assistance from other specialists including the diabetic specialists that are involved in the delivery of the comprehensive care for the patients with systemic conditions that affect the eyes.
4. Advanced Diagnostic and Surgical Techniques:
Retinal experts use sophisticated diagnostic instruments and surgeries like OCT and vitrectomy for recognition and treatment of retinal diseases. These specific instruments and methods are not usually the domain of the general ophthalmologists in his/her routine practice.
5. Focus on Research and Innovation:
The role of the retina specialists d can't be overlooked as they are usually engaged in research activities for development of new treatments and technologies to control retinal diseases. This is the area they are proficient about and, therefore, they can give patients the latest and newest treatment approved by the health agencies.
In conclusion, while both general ophthalmologists and retina specialists play essential roles in eye care, their areas of expertise and the conditions they treat differ significantly. General ophthalmologists provide comprehensive eye care, while retina specialists specialize in the diagnosis and management of retinal and vitreous diseases. Knowing the difference between these two types of specialists can help patients make informed decisions about their eye care and seek the appropriate treatment when needed. To prevent your eye from diseases, retinal disorder, dryness etc. so get in touch with Eye Care Cornea Centre in Thane.
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wemedicalcare · 1 year
The opacification of the normal transparent lens is called cataract. The Latin word ‘cataracta’ means ‘waterfall’. Imagine trying to peer through a sheet of falling water or through a frosted or fogged-up window. Development of Cataract varies from person to person but as a general rule, most cataracts develop slowly over a period of time. A cataract can take months or even years to reach a point where it adversely affects vision.
TAG- Cataract Surgery in Mumbai, Eye Hospital In Mumbai
For More Information- https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/
About Doctor- https://medicalcaree.blogspot.com/p/eye-specialist.html
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indianhealthguru · 2 years
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India has seen the inflow millions of tourists in past, making it recognized for its eye surgery which attracts sufferers from globally.
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aaraveyecare · 5 months
Common Eye Conditions You Should Know About
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Our eyes are the windows to our world, offering breathtaking vistas and fleeting moments of beauty. Yet, we often take these delicate organs for granted until something goes wrong. While some eye conditions are rare, many are surprisingly common, silently affecting millions of people. We, Aarav Eye Care, the best Multispecialty Eye Clinic in Mumbai, believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your vision. So, let's delve into some of the most prevalent eye conditions you should be aware of:
1. Refractive Errors: Blurry vision? Squinting to read signs? You might be facing a refractive error like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. These occur when the shape of your eye prevents light from focusing properly on the retina. Thankfully, eyeglasses, contact lenses, and even laser surgery can effectively correct these issues, restoring crisp and clear vision.
2. Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens, often likened to looking through a foggy window. Age is the primary risk factor, with most people developing cataracts by their 80s. The good news is that surgery is a safe and highly effective procedure, removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial one, leading to a dramatic improvement in vision.
3. Glaucoma: This silent thief of sight can damage the optic nerve, gradually leading to vision loss. While there's no cure, early detection and treatment can control the condition and preserve vision. Regular eye exams, especially after 40, are crucial for timely diagnosis. Remember, glaucoma often exhibits no early symptoms, making regular checkups even more important.
4. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. As we age, deposits can build up in the macula, blurring central vision and making daily tasks like reading and driving challenging. While there's no cure, treatment options like medications and special aids can help manage the condition and slow its progression.
5. Diabetic Retinopathy: If you have diabetes, you're at increased risk of diabetic retinopathy, a complication that damages the blood vessels in the retina. Early detection and good blood sugar control are key to preventing vision loss. Regular eye exams are crucial for managing the condition and ensuring timely intervention if needed.
Caring for Your Precious Sight:
Beyond these five, other common eye conditions like dry eyes, allergies, and infections can also impact your vision. Remember, regular eye exams are your first line of defense. As the Top Ophthalmology Clinic in Mumbai, we have state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced ophthalmologists who offer comprehensive eye care for all ages.
Taking Charge of Your Eye Health:
Here are some tips for keeping your eyes healthy:
Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Protect your eyes from UV rays with sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays.
Quit smoking, which can increase the risk of certain eye diseases.
Practice good eye hygiene by washing your hands before touching your eyes.
Take breaks from digital screens to reduce eye strain.
Visit The Best Laser Eye Clinic in India!
By staying informed, protecting your eyes, and seeking regular checkups, you can safeguard your precious gift of sight and continue to experience the world in all its vibrant beauty. Remember, at us- the top Eye Care Clinic in India, your vision is our priority. Book your appointment today!
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dentzzdentalreviews · 2 years
The Doctor Eye Institute is one of the best eye hospitals in Mumbai and provides Lasik, Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, and Laser Eye Surgery treatment to remove eye spectacles. Book an appointment for an eye operation in Mumbai at the Doctor Eye Institute in Mumbai.
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