#Multitask Unified Model MUM
GoogleMUM #algorithm #search #seo #update #seoai
https://www.seolady.co.uk/google-mum-update-ai-ranking-seo-nlp-multitask-unified-model/ What is Google MUM and when was it updated in 2023?
content #naturallanguageprocessing #AI #Ranking
Multitask Unified Model MUM: Google developed its Natural Language Processing NLP - Does This Mean A New Way for SEO?
★ Originally dubbed "BackRub", the baby Google was the result of a research project that started back in 1996. Which means in 2026, technically, Google will be 30 years old. Do you remember Ask Jeeves, Netscape and Yahoo chat rooms? MSN chat and My Space with Tom?
In 2023, MUM uses natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques to interpret complex questions and return highly relevant results. Google has famously been tight lipped with most new releases, from their blog the first announcement was in 2021.
★ It was created to address the growing need for more advanced search capabilities and to provide better experiences for users seeking information. ChatGPT AI was generally released in November 2022, and the SEO circles around the world are keeping MUM at the forefront of their curiosity in 2023.
★ https://www.seolady.co.uk/seo-keyword-research-chatgpt-search-phrases-long-tail-synonyms/
The MUM update is Google’s new AI language model that uses natural language processing to improve search results. This model allows Google to understand more complex queries, and it can help provide more accurate and relevant search results. MUM can also understand and translate between multiple languages, making it a powerful tool for international search.
★ According to Google, the MUM update is 1000 times more powerful than its previous BERT update, which was already a significant improvement in natural language processing. With MUM, Google can understand longer and more complex queries, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. This update also brings new features like a new search experience with dynamic layouts and visual search, so users can find the information they need faster and more efficiently.
website #multitaskunifiedmodel #bert #nlp #searchqueries #machinelearning
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farhadmalegam · 21 days
How Does Google’s New Algorithm Update “MUM” Affect Your SEO?
Explore the latest Google algorithm update, MUM (Multitask Unified Model), poised to revolutionize SEO. Understand its impact on search results and learn strategies to optimize your website for this advanced algorithm. Discover how rich content formats and multilingual support can enhance user experience and boost organic traffic.
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speed-seo · 2 months
The Unanswered Mysteries of Google Search: 12 Questions SEO Experts Ponder
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Before we do questions... Google's algorithm is updated thousands of times a year, making search results a constantly shifting landscape for website owners and SEO professionals. With over 3.5 billion searches conducted daily, Google holds immense power over what web users discover (Search Insights 2024). Yet, some elements of how it decides rankings remain a mystery. Think you know how Google crawls the web? You might be surprised by the secret rules its bots follow, impacting what pages make it to the top search results. However, some aspects of how Google determines search rankings remain shrouded in secrecy. The search giant plays its cards close to the chest, leaving SEO experts to wonder about the inner workings powering the world's most popular search engine. In this article, we'll explore 10 of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries perplexing SEO professionals today. While definitive answers may not yet exist, pondering these uncertainties offers valuable perspective into the ever-evolving art and science of SEO. The Core Algorithm Question 1: What is the precise weighting and hierarchy of Google's hundreds of ranking factors? Google is known to utilize over 200 ranking signals, but the individual weight and priority order assigned to each remains unclear. Does content relevance still reign supreme? What about authority, user experience, and trust factors? SEO experts can only speculate on the behind-the-scenes calculations. Question 2: How does the algorithm interpret the nuances of natural language and subtle quality signals within content? Google's algorithms have advanced to grasp semantics, distinguish voice and tone, and identify expertise on niche topics. But the extent of its comprehension abilities - and how these interpret delicate context-based signals - is debatable. Question 3: How extensively does semantic search and knowledge graphs impact rankings? Google's increasing use of semantic search and knowledge graphs has opened new possibilities in how search results are generated and ranked. Rather than relying solely on keywords and page content, Google can now analyze the underlying meaning and relationships between concepts. However, the extent to which semantic capabilities directly influence rankings is still uncertain. There are a few key factors to consider: - For many informational queries, Google displays a knowledge graph panel summarizing key entities related to the search. Ranking well for entities increases the chances of appearing in these panels. - Semantic search allows Google to better match pages to search intent, even when different terminology is used. But keywords still carry weight, especially for commercial intent queries. - Pages optimized for semantic search can rank well even without exact keyword matches. But content, authority, links and other traditional factors still contribute significantly to rankings. Penalties, Filters, and the Sandbox Question 4: Can SEOs reliably detect the application of manual penalties or algorithmic filters in real-time? When Google applies a manual spam action or algorithmic filter to a site, detection is often delayed. SEOs typically notice ranking volatility weeks later, unable to pinpoint causes. Improved methods for identifying penalties are needed. Question 5: Does the Google "Sandbox" exist, and if so, what are its precise mechanics and triggers? Many believe Google quarantines new sites, cautiously evaluating them before granting full indexation and rankings access. Circumventing this "Sandbox" effect could accelerate new site climbs, if true dynamics were known. The Influence of User Data & AI Question 6: How will MUM reshape search results and reliance on keywords? MUM (Multitask Unified Model) is Google's most advanced AI system to date for natural language processing. With MUM, Google can better interpret search intent and make connections between concepts even when terminology differs between the query and content. Specifically, MUM could impact search results and keywords in these ways: - For conversational queries, MUM will become better at inferring the underlying informational need and returning relevant results. Keyword matching may become less important. - MUM's cross-lingual abilities allow understanding across languages. Search results could become less reliant on exact keywords and more on meaning. - MUM's breadth of knowledge may allow Google to return high-quality results even for obscure long-tail queries where keyword targeting is typically needed. However, MUM is unlikely to make keywords obsolete. Keywords still indicate relevance, and targeting topics people search remains crucial. But MUM reduces the need for exact keyword matches. Overall search is likely to shift toward semantic intent matching rather than just keywords. Question 7: To what granular level does Google personalize search results, factoring in past user behavior? Google tailors some results to individual users, but the particular customization logic applied remains ambiguous. SEOs wonder: How unique are the SERPs each searcher sees? Question 8: How will the evolution of AI models like LaMDA reshape how Google delivers search results in the coming years? Google's AI initiatives like LaMDA point to a shift from keywords to semantic search. But the extent of AI's impact on rankings remains speculative. SEOs are eager to see what emerges. Human Feedback & Local Search Mysteries Question 9: How heavily do Search Quality Raters' evaluations influence the core algorithm, and what specific criteria do they use? Google employs human raters, but their exact role in shaping rankings is uncertain. Increased transparency into their rating guidelines would offer useful insights for SEOs. Question 10: What is the ideal, elusive blend of factors that propel a business to the top of local search results? Myriad signals influence local rankings, from reviews to proximity to prominence. But determining the perfect recipe to outrank competitors in the Local Pack eludes most local SEOs. Defense and Competitive Dynamics Question 11: Does Google possess systems to proactively detect and nullify attempts at negative SEO? Some speculate Google has technologies to identify and neutralize negative SEO attacks before they take effect. This capability, if confirmed, would ease common black hat fears. Question 12: When two very similar pages have vastly different rankings, what are the minute differentiating factors Google has likely detected? SEOs often find pages with nearly identical attributes, but hugely disparate rankings. Reverse engineering the granular reasons for this presents a perpetual riddle. Conclusion While Google keeps its cards close regarding the inner workings of its algorithms, the quest to better understand ranking factors and dynamics continues. As search engine technology progresses, new mysteries will surely emerge. But for SEOs, that's part of the fun - and the challenge. The obscurities surrounding Google Search engine only underscore the need for comprehensive, ever-adapting SEO strategies. Despite the unknowns, SEO practitioners must continue leveraging research and critical thinking to make smart decisions, benefiting websites and users alike. The answers to today's uncertainties may reveal themselves in due time. Until then, pondering the possibilities is part of the ongoing journey. Read the full article
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ewokesoftkochi · 1 year
Google's MUM: Search Updates and SEO Implications
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We know a single Google update has the power to change the entire picture of search results. Keeping up with Google’s updates and ranking criteria will help you not only have an efficient SEO strategy, but also provide visitors who interact with your website and content with better results for their search queries.
Google introduced a new technology in 2021 called MUM (Multitask Unified Model). The multimodal algorithm’s goal is to improve search results and overcome linguistic constraints. This algorithm can take complicated questions and give a concrete response without conducting numerous searches. By gaining access to information in various languages, images, videos, and audio, it does this.
The question of whether or when MUM would be a ranking element has received a lot of attention since the announcement.
The MUM Update’s advantages
> To compare and learn more about the searched topic, MUM will eliminate the need to conduct numerous searches. Instead of having to conduct repeated searches, users will benefit from deeper understanding using MUM.
> MUM eliminates linguistic barriers. It offers a more thorough search experience and can comprehend 75 different languages. It will leverage a user’s inquiries and compare its linguistic expertise to deliver more accurate information.
> One straightforward result can be obtained if a user wants to compare something. Thus, there is no need to conduct numerous searches. Users will have access to a plethora of knowledge across many different topics as a result of being able to quickly respond to comparison inquiries.
> Complex material becomes useful because to MUM’s usage of AI technology to improve machine learning; this should help those who prioritize user intent behind searches.
Getting Ready for MUM
SEO specialists and experts in digital marketing must keep their websites optimized for Google in order to be ready for MUM. Now is the moment to incorporate multi-language SEO into your plan, if you haven’t already. Given that you will now be competing against contributions from all around the world, having relevant, user-friendly material is more important than ever.
Creating things entails more than just using keywords. It involves a combination of creating links (not simply backlinks), employing the appropriate markup, and using the right keywords (in moderation).
Creative content that focuses on search intent rather than keyword matching will be required. Instead of focusing on a single word or phrase, think of your content to catch a variety of closely connected questions and help users to find the solution.
The rising significance of podcasts, photos, audio, and video information is one modification that might be required. You retain your relevance in accordance with the MUM algorithm when you interact with your audience through text, photos, and other forms of media.
We can assist, as the leading Digital Marketing Company in Kochi, Kerala, India, if you are concerned that your website and social media platforms are not current with the most recent Google update. We remain current with the most recent Google upgrades. For more information on how we may help you improve your search engine rankings, get in touch with us.
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piyusha30 · 1 year
Google I/O 2023: The Future of Search is Here with MUM | AI | GoogleIO | SearchRevolution | GoogleSearch | TechNews | SearchEngine | ArtificialIntelligence | GoogleUpdates | GoogleIO2023 | MUM | TechInnovation | TechUpdates |
Google just announced a significant update to its search capabilities at the annual Google I/O developer conference. The tech giant is adding generative artificial intelligence (AI) to its search engine, a move that promises to revolutionize the way we search for information. The new feature, called “Multitask Unified Model” (MUM), will allow users to ask more complex and nuanced questions, and…
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informationalblogs · 1 year
Google’s MUM: Search Updates and SEO Implications
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We know a single Google update has the power to change the entire picture of search results. Keeping up with Google’s updates and ranking criteria will help you not only have an efficient SEO strategy, but also provide visitors who interact with your website and content with better results for their search queries.
Google introduced a new technology in 2021 called MUM (Multitask Unified Model). The multimodal algorithm’s goal is to improve search results and overcome linguistic constraints. This algorithm can take complicated questions and give a concrete response without conducting numerous searches. By gaining access to information in various languages, images, videos, and audio, it does this.
The question of whether or when MUM would be a ranking element has received a lot of attention since the announcement.
The MUM Update’s advantages
> To compare and learn more about the searched topic, MUM will eliminate the need to conduct numerous searches. Instead of having to conduct repeated searches, users will benefit from deeper understanding using MUM.
> MUM eliminates linguistic barriers. It offers a more thorough search experience and can comprehend 75 different languages. It will leverage a user’s inquiries and compare its linguistic expertise to deliver more accurate information.
> One straightforward result can be obtained if a user wants to compare something. Thus, there is no need to conduct numerous searches. Users will have access to a plethora of knowledge across many different topics as a result of being able to quickly respond to comparison inquiries.
> Complex material becomes useful because to MUM’s usage of AI technology to improve machine learning; this should help those who prioritize user intent behind searches.
Getting Ready for MUM
SEO specialists and experts in digital marketing must keep their websites optimized for Google in order to be ready for MUM. Now is the moment to incorporate multi-language SEO into your plan, if you haven’t already. Given that you will now be competing against contributions from all around the world, having relevant, user-friendly material is more important than ever.
Creating things entails more than just using keywords. It involves a combination of creating links (not simply backlinks), employing the appropriate markup, and using the right keywords (in moderation).
Creative content that focuses on search intent rather than keyword matching will be required. Instead of focusing on a single word or phrase, think of your content to catch a variety of closely connected questions and help users to find the solution.
The rising significance of podcasts, photos, audio, and video information is one modification that might be required. You retain your relevance in accordance with the MUM algorithm when you interact with your audience through text, photos, and other forms of media.
We can assist, as the leading Digital Marketing Company in Kochi, Kerala, India, if you are concerned that your website and social media platforms are not current with the most recent Google update. We remain current with the most recent Google upgrades. For more information on how we may help you improve your search engine rankings, get in touch with us.
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funnelsblogtb · 2 years
At Google I/O 2021, Google announced a new technology called MUM (Multitask Unified Model) that it will use internally to help its ranking systems better understand language. Since the announcement, there has been much discussion about if or when MUM would become a ranking factor. What Is MUM? Dubbed “a new AI milestone for understanding information,” MUM is designed to make it easier for Google to answer complex needs in search. Google promises MUM will be 1,000 times more powerful than its NLP transfer learning predecessor, BERT. MUM uses a model called T5, the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer, to reframe NLP tasks into a unified text-to-text format and develop a more comprehensive understanding of knowledge and information. According to Google, they could apply MUM to document summarization, question answering, and classification tasks such as sentiment analysis. MUM is a significant priority inside the Googleplex, so it should be on your radar. The Claim: MUM As A Ranking Factor When Google first revealed the news about MUM, many who read it naturally wondered how it might impact search rankings (especially their own). Google makes thousands of updates to its ranking algorithms each year, and while the vast majority go unnoticed, some are impactful. BERT is one such example. It was rolled out worldwide in 2019 and hailed the most significant update in five years by Google itself. And sure enough, BERT impacted about 10% of search queries. RankBrain, which rolled out in the spring of 2015, is another example of an algorithmic update that substantially impacted the SERPs. Now that Google is talking about MUM, it’s clear that SEO professionals and the clients they serve should take note. Roger Montti recently wrote about a patent he believes could provide more insight into MUM’s inner workings. That makes for an interesting read if you want to peek at what may be under the hood. For now, let’s consider whether MUM is a ranking factor. [Recommended Read:] The Complete Guide To Google Ranking Factors The Evidence Against MUM As A Ranking Factor In his May 2021 introduction to MUM, Pandu Nayak, Google fellow and vice president of Search, made it clear that MUM technology isn’t yet in play: “Today’s search engines aren’t quite sophisticated enough to answer the way an expert would. But with a new technology called Multitask Unified Model, or MUM, we’re getting closer to helping you with these types of complex needs. So in the future, you’ll need fewer searches to get things done.” Then, the timeline provided for when MUM-powered features and updates would go live became “in the coming months and years.” When asked whether the industry would get a heads up when MUM goes live in search, Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan said yes. Screenshot from Twitter, June 2022 The Evidence For MUM As A Ranking Factor When RankBrain rolled out, it wasn’t announced until six months afterward. And most updates aren’t announced or confirmed at all. However, Google has become better at sharing impactful updates before they happen. For example, BERT was first announced in November 2018, rolled out for English-language queries in October 2019, and rolled out worldwide later that year in December. We had even more time to prepare for the Page Experience signal and Core Web Vitals. Google announced them over a year before the eventual rollout in June 2021. Google has already said MUM is coming and will be a big deal. But could MUM be responsible for a rankings drop of many sites experienced in the spring and summer of 2021? [Discover:] More Google Ranking Factor Insights Implementing MUM To Improve Search Results As promised, Google announced new and potential MUM applications publicly. In June 2021, Google described the first application of MUM and how it improved search results for vaccine information. “With MUM, we were able to identify over 800 variations of vaccine names in more than 50 languages in a matter of seconds. After validating MUM’s findings, we applied them to Google Search so that people could find timely, high-quality information about COVID-19 vaccines worldwide.” In September 2021, Google shared ways that it might use MUM in the future, including new ways to search with visuals and text – as well as a redesigned search page to make it more natural and intuitive. In February 2022, Google offered insight into how RankBrain, neural matching, BERT, and MUM lead to information understanding. In this post, the following was noted: “While we’re still in the early days of tapping into MUM’s potential, we’ve already used it to improve searches for COVID-19 vaccine information, and we’ll offer more intuitive ways to search using a combination of both text and images in Google Lens in the coming months. These are very specialized applications — so MUM is not currently used to help rank and improve the quality of search results like RankBrain, neural matching and BERT systems do.” In March 2022, Google posted an update about how MUM applied to searches related to a personal crisis. “Now, using our latest AI model, MUM, we can automatically and more accurately detect a wider range of personal crisis searches. MUM can better understand the intent behind people’s questions to detect when a person is in need, which helps us more reliably show trustworthy and actionable information at the right time. We’ll start using MUM to make these improvements in the coming weeks.” Later in the post, Google continued describing how MUM could improve search results. “MUM can transfer knowledge across the 75 languages it’s trained on, which can help us scale safety protections worldwide much more efficiently. When we train one MUM model to perform a task — like classifying the nature of a query — it learns to do it in all the languages it knows. For example, we use AI to reduce unhelpful and sometimes dangerous spam pages in your search results. In the coming months, we’ll use MUM to improve the quality of our spam protections and expand to languages where we have very little training data. We’ll also be able to better detect personal crisis queries all over the world, working with trusted local partners to show actionable information in several more countries.” Our Verdict: MUM Could Be A Ranking Factor While Google doesn’t use MUM as a search ranking signal yet, it most likely could in the future. In multiple posts about MUM on The Keyword blog, Nayak promises MUM will undergo the same rigorous testing processes as BERT before Google implements it into search. Featured Image: Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal window.addEventListener( 'load', function() setTimeout(function() striggerEvent( 'load2' ); , 2000); ); window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( sopp != 'yes' && addtl_consent != '1~' && !ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof sopp !== "undefined" && sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); else fbq('dataProcessingOptions', []); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'google-mum', content_category: 'seo' ); );
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admppp · 2 years
Google's New Multisearch Feature and How It Affects SEO (Infographic)
The Multisearch feature by Google was introduced last April 2022 and is taking internet users to a new level of making queries. There’s no more wishing about using photos to search for something because this new beta feature provides precisely that. A real game-changer for people who have trouble finding the precise keywords to type in the search bar. 
Although still under development, it is reliable enough to be used worldwide. With employed AI or artificial intelligence, the beta feature is also under consideration with being integrated to MUM or multitask unified model algorithm. 
How Google Multisearch Works
With both the use of images and text, the search becomes focused. Using the Google Lens app on iOS or Android phones, search results by the multisearch feature are nothing but on-point. Users can also search for local results by adding the phrase “near me” on the add search bar. On the other hand, brands with websites that have undergone WordPress page speed optimization have a bigger chance of landing in the search results.
Previously, Google's crawlers relied on data from image tags and descriptions to determine what a picture was about. But with this update, object recognition technology was enhanced to the point where it can now understand the substance of an image without the need for excessive data.
How Google Multisearch Affects SEO
Whether Multisearch will affect SEO or not is still an ongoing discussion. But as for other experts, the involvement of keyword and images use is still considered by many digital marketers for strategy improvement. Aside from websites that underwent WordPress speed optimization services, some companies are still looking for favorable applications that will help them appear in the search are essential. The introduction of multisearch suggests that it may be beneficial to consider integrating photos on your web pages (if they haven't been done so successfully already), in addition to adopting the different best practices for images, such as the image tips for Google Uncover and structured data.
Check out this infographic by Digital Marketing Philippines and learn more about the new Multisearch feature by Google.
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ewoke · 2 years
SEO trends you cant ignore in 2022
Since search engine optimization is one of the greatest and most successful ways to attract new customers to your website, it’s vital to keep up with current SEO trends to ensure that your content techniques are effective and generate the intended results.
Some marketers worry about whether SEO is still effective.
It is undeniably significant, and marketing practices will become increasingly important.
Many marketing firms and businesses imply that SEO is more critical right now than anything else because the number of people utilizing the internet has risen in recent months. A company must digitalize its operations and go online if it wants to survive a pandemic like COVID-19.
Despite this, marketing teams have consistently selected SEM as their approach, spending the majority of their advertising and marketing budgets on sponsored ad campaigns. However, current trends indicate that SEO provides a far higher return on investment than PPC.
As the trends are changing frequently, it’s critical to consult the best SEO Company in Kochi, Kerala to keep your business strategies up to date and fine-tuned.
We have a team of experts at eWoke who can help you optimize your website to improve its search engine ranking as well as reduce the chances of getting penalized by Google.
Here, we are explaining the most recent SEO trends for 2022, which will help you stay competitive.Multitask United Model (MUM)
Google has launched a Multitask Unified Model (MUM), which means users won’t have to do as many searches until they find the right keyword that returns the desired result. MUM can learn from sources in languages other than the one used in the query, allowing it to transmit knowledge between languages. In the user’s selected language, it can then provide helpful insights and the most relevant results.
What we need to do is generate content that maintains a high level of quality and focus, while also allowing for the opportunities that indirect linking might offer to compare and related topics. You can boost your ranking by using structured data in your online content and prioritizing original and long-form material that addresses the audience’s pain points.
Mobile Friendliness
Since the number of users browsing from smartphones is swiftly expanding and likely to keep on growing, Google is still looking for websites with better optimized and responsive mobile versions. While it is vital to make your site mobile-friendly in order to improve your search rankings, the quality of your site should not be overlooked. Simply ensure that the UX is consistent with the rest of your site and that the page loading performance of your website continues to improve.
Use Long Content
Google prefers sites with a lot more content.
Long form content offers a higher chance of obtaining high-quality backlinks, which help boost search ranks substantially, and it generates three times more traffic than short content. So it’s important that businesses need to provide more shareable information to their targeted customers. You can showcase your expertise while also enhancing your search engine rating by using basic and readable blog content.
Voice Search
Due to recent technological advancements, voice search has become more popular. According to Google, 27% of online users worldwide use voice search on mobile, and half of all smartphone users use voice search technology on a daily basis. 71 % prefer to ask questions via voice rather than typing.
You can start by integrating crucial keywords into your existing content where you can provide concise and relevant answers to difficulties that potential readers may have. This will help you improve your rankings and show off your material in Google Snippets.
Make Use of Video Contents
The importance of video marketing trends in the entire marketing strategy is escalating. According to some estimates, video content will account for 82% of all online traffic by 2022.
Engage your audience with relevant video content offered through multiple social media platforms and use the right keywords to draw people in.
Utilize these elements as a quick reference for boosting the ranking of your website. Also, avoid the outdated SEO trends in 2021 that might harm your business and severely reduce traffic to your website.
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iengageonline · 2 years
Google is our go-to source for all kinds of information. We use Google search to discover how to create a paper boat, climb a mountain, or learn about crypto currency. With voice search, you can even sing a song to obtain the lyrics, and with Google Lens, you can scan a picture to receive comparable results.
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dailyupdate-24 · 2 years
Is Google’s MUM A Search Ranking Factor?
Is Google’s MUM A Search Ranking Factor?
At Google I/O 2021, Google announced a new technology called MUM (Multitask Unified Model) that it will use internally to help its ranking systems better understand language. Since the announcement, there has been much discussion about if or when MUM would become a ranking factor. What Is MUM? Dubbed “a new AI milestone for understanding information,” MUM is designed to make it easier for Google…
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pccconsulting · 2 years
Cos'è Google MUM?
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  MUM è l'acronimo di Multitask Unified Model, una tecnologia basata sull'intelligenza artificiale creata da Google. È stato annunciato per la prima volta nel maggio 2021 da Pandu Nayak.   Nel settembre 2021, Google ha affermato che avrebbe integrato MUM nella Ricerca Google nei mesi successivi.  Ma cos'è esattamente MUM e cosa implica per il futuro della Ricerca Google e per la SEO? Diamo un'occhiata alla storia di Google con tecnologie avanzate e vediamo come questo ci ha portato all'era di MUM.
L'evoluzione di Google
All'inizio, Google era un motore di ricerca relativamente rudimentale che restituiva le pagine web basandosi esclusivamente su quante parole nella pagina corrispondevano alle parole contenute nella query di ricerca. Poiché non c'era modo di confrontare la qualità delle diverse pagine in corrispondenza con le query, questo primo modello è stato rapidamente abusato dai proprietari di siti Web, producendo una sfilza di risultati di puro spam tanto quanto irrilevanti per i ricercatori. L'impatto di questo difetto originale è stato progressivamente ridotto da Google nel corso degli anni, quando il loro algoritmo si è conformato alla rapida espansione di Internet ed è stato sviluppato un processo molto più sofisticato per l'analisi e il posizionamento delle pagine. Il successivo, e ben più ampio, obiettivo di Google per migliorare i risultati di ricerca è stato quello di far comprendere all'algoritmo la sintassi e la semantica in modo che potesse perfezionare i risultati di ricerca così che corrispondessero o quantomeno si avvicinassero alle intenzioni di chi operava una ricerca.
La storia di Google con la tecnologia AI
Nel 2010, il blog ufficiale di Google ha pubblicato un post su come aiutare i computer a capire il linguaggio. Il paragrafo di apertura recita: "Possiamo scrivere un programma per computer in grado di battere i migliori giocatori di scacchi, ma non possiamo sviluppare un programma per identificare oggetti in una foto o capire il senso di una frase nemmeno al livello di comprensione di un bambino". Questo è un estratto affascinante di poco più di un decennio fa e MUM rappresenta il più grande passo avanti in questo tipo di comprensione. Diamo un'occhiata a come Google si è evoluto da qui ad oggi. 2015: RankBrain Google ha continuato a perfezionare le proprie capacità di apprendimento automatico negli anni successivi e nel 2015 ha annunciato ufficialmente RankBrain, il suo primo tentativo di utilizzare l'IA nella Ricerca Google. RankBrain ha cambiato il processo di Google nel perfezionare i risultati di ricerca. Ha fatto avanzare Google dall'analisi di stringhe letterali di caratteri e parole all'analisi dell'argomento generale o dell'intento che sta dietro le query di ricerca. Parole o frasi irriconoscibili incontrate da RankBrain lo hanno aiutato a determinare il significato in base alle informazioni contestuali circostanti e ad un linguaggio simile. Per saperne di più, si legga questo articolo di Moz su RankBrain . 2018: corrispondenza neurale Nel 2018, Google ha iniziato a utilizzare la corrispondenza neurale nel 30% dei termini. Questo metodo è stato successivamente implementato come parte del processo per generare risultati di ricerca locali nel 2019. La corrispondenza neurale ha aiutato Google a collegare meglio le parole utilizzate nelle query a concetti più ampi. Danny Sullivan, alias Search Liaison di Google, ha descritto la corrispondenza neurale come un sistema di "super sinonimi": “Ad esempio, la corrispondenza neurale ci aiuta a capire che la ricerca di 'perché la mia TV sembra strana' è correlata al concetto di 'effetto soap opera'. Possiamo quindi restituire pagine sull'effetto soap opera, anche se non vengono utilizzate le parole esatte…” 2019: BERT BERT è una tecnica di apprendimento automatico basata su un trasformatore per la pre-formazione sull'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale. Ciò ha permesso a Google di rafforzare la comprensione del linguaggio naturale utilizzato dai ricercatori da parte del proprio algoritmo. Le macchine di Google hanno appreso che preposizioni - come "per" - non sono sempre termini secondari usa e getta, perché ci sono alcuni casi in cui il significato della query così allargata dipende da esse. Ha quindi utilizzato questo framework per apprendere il contesto e quindi il significato tracciando le relazioni nei dati sequenziali. Ad esempio, se si cerca " puoi prendere i biglietti per qualcuno al botteghino ", BERT capisce che si sta cercando di capire se sia possibile ritirare i biglietti per qualcun altro. Prima di BERT, la preposizione breve era data per scontata e per lo più emergevano risultati su come ottenere i biglietti al botteghino per se stessi. BERT è stato anche in grado di imparare dai miglioramenti linguistici in lingua inglese ed applicarli ad altri modelli linguistici. Questa espansione alle altre lingue ha aiutato Google a migliorare l'identificazione delle entità e le relazioni tra le entità, con una precisione mai vista prima, aprendo la strada a MUM. 2021: MUM MUM utilizza il framework T5 text-to-text ed è 1.000 volte più potente di BERT.  
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  T5 utilizza un'architettura basata su trasformatori, proprio come BERT, ma utilizza più precisamente un approccio da testo a testo. Ciò significa che con T5, l'input (query) e l'output (risultato) sono sempre stringhe, a differenza dei modelli in stile BERT che possono generare solo un'etichetta o l'intervallo dell'input in un formato di domanda e risposta. Questo comporta che l'output con BERT, sebbene innegabilmente impressionante, fosse ancora piuttosto astratto rispetto a MUM. Il processo di conversione da testo a testo di T5 include traduzioni automatiche più approfondite, sintesi di documenti, risposta alle domande e attività di classificazione (ad es. analisi del sentiment).
In che modo MUM influisce sulla ricerca di Google?
MUM mira a eliminare la necessità di cercare più volte lo stesso argomento in modi differenti per raccogliere le informazioni di cui si ha bisogno fornendo risultati incentrati sulla risposta completa già la prima volta. A questo punto, il modo in cui abbiamo imparato a interagire con un motore di ricerca potrebbe evolversi e diventare ancora più avanzato, per assomigliare sempre più al modo in cui interagiamo con un altro essere umano. MUM capisce il linguaggio Una delle caratteristiche più innovative di MUM è il superamento delle barriere linguistiche, la comprensione e persino la generazione di contenuti in 75 lingue diverse. Ciò significa che MUM può imparare da fonti scritte in un'altra lingua e aiutarci fornendo tali informazioni da risultati pertinenti, scritte nella nostra lingua. MUM è multimodale MUM mira ad applicare la sua tecnologia su più tipi di media tra cui immagini, video e audio. Ciò significa che se si ha una domanda specifica e la risposta migliore è un risultato video o audio, può far emergere la parte pertinente di quel media per noi nei risultati di ricerca. MUM funziona con la ricerca visiva MUM è particolarmente potente quando si tratta di ricerche visive. Con Multisearch, una funzione di Google Lens, è possibile (ad esempio) effettuare la ricerca visiva di una T-shirt e perfezionarla con un testo aggiuntivo, ponendo domande a riguardo, come la sua disponibilità in un altro colore o se il modello possa essere associato ad altri capi di abbigliamento. Google restituirà quindi risultati che rispondono a queste domande. Potrebbe trattarsi di un'esperienza di acquisto, più immagini o semplicemente più informazioni per aiutarci durante un viaggio. In questo articolo di Google viene spiegato come sia persino possibile scattare una foto dei propri scarponi da trekking e porre domande molto specifiche, chiedendo per esempio come "posso usarli per fare un'escursione sul Monte Fuji?". MUM capirebbe l'immagine e la collegherebbe alla domanda per far sapere che quegli stivali potrebbero funzionare bene per lo scopo. Potrebbe quindi indirizzarci a un blog con un ulteriore elenco di attrezzature consigliate. È anche possibile scattare fotografie e chiedere semplicemente a Google "che cos'è questo?" o "come posso risolvere questo problema?". MUM decifra l'immagine e restituisce i risultati più adatti. Cose da sapere Con MUM arriva anche l'introduzione di nuove funzionalità nella SERP. Attraverso l'indice "Cose da sapere", se si cerca un determinato argomento, Google elaborerà il modo in cui le persone in genere navigano quel tale argomento e mostrerà gli aspetti che probabilmente interessa guardare per primi.
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Ampliare e perfezionare la ricerca Le funzioni "Amplia" e "Perfeziona" offrono all'utente la possibilità di ingrandire e rimpicciolire un determinato argomento. Per esempio, all'utente vengono presentate le opzioni per restringere l'argomento della pittura acrilica con idee, tecniche e corsi online, o ampliare il regno degli stili di pittura e dei pittori famosi. Aggiornamento dell'ispirazione visiva Un'altra caratteristica è progettata per soddisfare i ricercatori in cerca di ispirazione visiva. Query di ricerca come "Idee per la decorazione di Halloween" o "Idee per giardini verticali interni" genereranno una pagina visivamente ricca di idee con articoli, immagini, video e altro ancora. Argomenti correlati per il video Sulla base della sua comprensione avanzata delle informazioni, MUM può mostrare argomenti correlati per i video, anche quando l'argomento non è menzionato esplicitamente in un video. Una maggiore esperienza di ricerca È chiaro che Google ha superato il modello di input/output di base, ricevendo query di ricerca e restituendo documenti Web che sembrano corrispondere pienamente al modello di ricerca, diventando così un ricco strumento di scoperta e apprendimento. Anche se questo è un ottimo risultato per gli utenti finali - e soprattutto ottimo per Google (dal momento che aiuta a mantenere gli utenti all'interno delle mura del loro ecosistema) -, probabilmente va però a scapito di marketer e brand che creano/propongono i contenuti curati da Google. Per alcuni proprietari di siti Web questi miglioramenti sono un punto dolente – rubano il clic, per così dire – quindi MUM potrebbe peggiorare il loro marketing. Diamo allora un'occhiata a come ciò potrebbe influire in modo specifico sul commercio online. Il 'Messy Middle' Il "messy middle" è definito come lo spazio tra la consapevolezza e l'acquisto, in cui gli acquirenti si muovono in modo fluido tra due modalità mentali - esplorazione e valutazione - mentre elaborano le loro opzioni. Il grafico sottostante è una rappresentazione visiva del modello Messy Middle .
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Come si può vedere, la fase di esplorazione e valutazione è rappresentativa di un ciclo ricorrente in cui si trova l'utente mentre effettua ricerche prima di effettuare un acquisto. Si può argomentare che Google è responsabile di mantenere gli utenti all'interno del ciclo di esplorazione e valutazione presentando i contenuti dei siti Web nella SERP tramite diverse modalità. Sono disponibili più varianti per filtrare e perfezionare il processo di ricerca al di là anche di ciò che l'utente inizialmente potrebbe aver inteso trovare. Google non sembra dar segni di rallentamento con il miglioramento dell'esperienza di ricerca sulla propria piattaforma; dobbiamo quindi prepararci per quella che probabilmente diventerà una SERP sempre più trafficata e complessa, che potrebbe costringerci tutti a passare più tempo nel messy middle - il mezzo disordinato - per più e più tipi di query.
Cosa significa MUM per la SEO?
Fondamentalmente, MUM riguarda la costruzione di connessioni più profonde tra i concetti e l'apprendimento di come le persone cercano informazioni all'interno degli argomenti. Ma l'obiettivo dell'ottimizzazione dei motori di ricerca rimane lo stesso: guadagnare il clic sul nostro sito web. Con MUM, i risultati della ricerca saranno più diversificati e competitivi nonché carichi di più funzionalità per mantenere gli utenti intrappolati nel messy middle. Se la nostra strategia per i contenuti non sarà orientata a questa nuova realtà, la ricerca potrebbe comportare un minor numero di visitatori organici nel tempo. Quindi ecco la domanda da un milione di dollari è: come è possibile continuare a guadagnare quei clic in un mondo post-MUM? Come è possibile far funzionare MUM per il nostro sito Web invece che contro di esso? Creare contenuti su molti media Vanno sfruttati sicuramente gli aspetti multimodali che il MUM intende mettere in evidenza. Occorre mirare a comprendere le connessioni tra le entità di un determinato argomento e incorporare questi risultati in una strategia di contenuto completa, che abbracci diversi media. Creare video. Quando su scrive un articolo, vanno inclusi o creati video di YouTube per integrarlo. Un video non deve essere una produzione importante. Può essere una semplice lettura 'dal vivo' dell'articolo che si è appena scritto. Ciò consente di creare capitoli chiari che Google può visualizzare nei risultati video oltre all'articolo. Ci sono molti tutorial che spiegano come realizzare un video di YouTube. Usare le proprie immagini. Mentre la fotografia stock può essere una scorciatoia veloce per completare il proprio articolo, una fotografia o uno screenshot originale e autentico è probabilmente molto più utile per accompagnare il testo in questione. Vanno seguite le migliori pratiche SEO per questi media. Per le immagini, scelte fotografie di alta qualità che contengano testo alternativo conciso, insieme a titoli descrittivi, didascalie e nomi di file. Inoltre, ci si deve assicurare che i file di immagine che si utilizzano siano reattivi e di dimensioni adeguate. Per i video, andranno aggiunti i titoli e i sottotitoli facendo attenzione attenzione a osservare - anche qui - le migliori pratiche tecniche per i video. Sfruttare la ricerca per parole chiave a coda lunga La ricerca per parole chiave rimane importante. Tuttavia, dovremmo mirare a guardare oltre l'ottimizzazione di una pagina per una sola parola chiave per comprendere invece il quadro più ampio in cui rientrano le nostre parole chiave target ideali.
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MUM renderà possibile la ricerca conversazionale. Le conversazioni si evolvono ed elaborano naturalmente, quindi dovremmo tenerne conto quando creiamo contenuti per proseguire se vogliamo che i nostri contenuti rimangano competitivi. Comprendere le parole chiave a "coda lunga" attualmente utilizzate per gli argomenti aiuterà a guidare questa iniziativa. - Pensa allo scopo più grande che il tuo utente sta cercando di soddisfare con le sue ricerche - Chiediti come è possibile anticipare i prossimi passi che farà Con l'obiettivo di MUM di fornire la risposta più completa all'utente, potremmo vedere una maggiore presenza di forum come Reddit, FAQ e post di blog con commenti, e risposte a domande approfondite . Tutte queste aree sono luoghi ideali per ricercare e comprendere le domande che le persone pongono sugli argomenti del tuo settore. Sfrutta queste conversazioni e crea contenuti completi intorno ad esse. Creare un'esperienza sul sito web Con MUM che rende il "messy middle" ancora più disordinato e amplia la finestra dei risultati per una maggiore concorrenza, si pone maggiore enfasi sul rendere il proprio sito il più “stiky" possibile. Va evitato di rendere i contenuti solo una parte del l'esperienza di fruizione e va fatto il possibile per trattenere i visitatori, aiutandoli a uscire dal ciclo di "esplorazione e valutazione". Si deve cercare di dare ai visitatori un motivo per rimanere sul sito. Vanno mantenuti coinvolti con contenuti pertinenti o con elementi interattivi come video, forum e strumenti. RevZilla può essere un perfetto esempio di sito Web con un fantastico ecosistema di contenuti, prodotti e conversazioni in materia di sport motoristici. RevZilla utilizza immagini, video e articoli per coinvolgere l'utente. Inoltre viene fatto un ottimo lavoro nel fondere i contenuti educativi con il marketing dei loro prodotti. Prendi un articolo come ' Qual è la migliore moto per principianti? ' per esempio. L'argomento stesso è pronto per una conversazione aperta al di là delle opinioni dell'autore, in particolare su un sito Web creato per gli appassionati di motociclette. Fortunatamente RevZilla lo ha riconosciuto e ha continuato la conversazione nei commenti dell'articolo. Questo è il tipo di contenuto e l'interazione dell'utente che aiuterà un articolo come questo a emergere per quei termini di ricerca a coda lunga.   Read the full article
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kunstplaza · 2 years
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pilmmalawmarketing · 2 years
Introducing the world’s best MUM
Wait, what? We’re referring to Google’s multitask unified model, MUM. It’s one of Google’s latest search engine updates, launched in June 2021. Its purpose? Improve online search by being able to provide answers to complex queries.
SEO and keywords have been critical to match the user’s search intent with the search results, pretty much since the dawn of the internet. However, today users want to find what they’re looking for in a matter of seconds. They want the search intent to match what they really mean to search.
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Informational: The searcher is looking for information. Keywords might include: who and what.
Navigational: The searcher is looking for a specific website, e.g., Facebook.
Transactional: The searcher wants to purchase, e.g., buy a laptop.
Commercial: The searcher wants to purchase a specific product/service, e.g., the best estate planning firms in Charlestown, Boston.
MUM is tied to the search intent because it comes in and tries to identify the natural context of the user’s language. For example, someone searching for family law, specifically guardianship services, might have different search intentions. Here are two different scenarios:
Scenario 1: The user who has previously searched for “guardianship” and “adoption rights” might need more information about the types of services, guardianships, specific laws, and how to get started.
Scenario 2: The user that has previously searched for “how a guardian can set up visitation rules/hours through a family attorney in Charleston” is likely on the lookout for specific services in a particular area.
Both search intents are different, and MUM seeks to contextualize the user’s previous searches to match their query with their current needs. Now that we’ve provided some background information let’s look at what MUM is, what makes it different, why it matters, and more.
What is MUM and why does it matter?
MUM is Google’s latest big search engine update. It uses AI-powered algorithms to improve search results. Its primary goal is to provide more of what we want and make the search process more inclusive. This is what we mean:
Increasingly, we as consumers want more right away. But when looking for the answers we need online, we often end up conducting several searches before finding answers we seek. According to Google, people make eight queries on average to find answers for complex inquiries. There are a number of reasons why this happens. Some of them include:
Geographical barriers.
Language barriers.
The search engine’s lack of contextual understanding.
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tophostvps · 2 years
What is Google MUM?
What is Google MUM?
Google Multitask Unified Model (MUM) is a new technology for answering complex questions that don’t have direct answers.  Google has published research papers that may offer clues of what the MUM AI is and how it works. MUM is likely comprised of multiple innovations. For example, the Google research paper, HyperGrid Transformers: Towards A Single Model for Multiple Tasks describes a new state of…
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Google integra MUM – Multitask Unified Model
Google integra MUM – Multitask Unified Model
Google integra MUM – Multitask Unified Model. MUM es una nueva tecnología desarrollada por Google para responder consultas de búsqueda complejas. Actualmente identifica nombres de vacunas frente COVID-19. MUM identifica mas de 800 variaciones precisas respecto a nomenclaturas de nombres sobre las vacunas logrando informar de manera puntual sobre sus novedades. Esta es una gran herramienta para…
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