#Minecraft berry bush
mangostar · 1 year
i am actually so obsessed with the grass cave things... theyre so cool
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klavery · 1 year
ever since 1.18 bedrocks biome blending... leaves much to be desired. these flat areas are supposed to be ocean, and theyre littered across my world. so i decided to give em some touch ups because i think theyre ugly
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my current mc world!! i haven’t even got all of the screenshots :> I went one direction (10k blocks) and went back to this beaut of a place!
The next screenshots will be of my pathetic not-even-a-base base, the caves around it and the other screenies I took of the surrounding landscapes!
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spiribia · 5 months
Part of the charm for Minecraft animals for me, especially some of the later beasts with more unique behaviors, is honestly just that, that for things like bees and foxes they’re not employed by you and they have their particular desires, and if you’re crafty you can find ways to benefit from their behaviors, but otherwise they are just a moving part of the world. A bee will leave the hive to find flowers and then return home, shedding pollen that accelerates the growth rate of the plants it lands on. It does this because it’s a bee, and that’s what a bee wants to do. You can build your wheat field around a bee hive and then border the field with flowers so that bees will inevitably get pollen on your wheat any which way they go home. Or take a fox, it eats berries from bushes. During day it will seek out a dark enough spot to curl up and sleep, but if there are other mobs like your dogs nearby, it won’t sleep until it establishes enough distance. What does this do for you, really? I’m sure you could have some application for fox’s nocturnality, ex. you could probably make just one spot of your fox enclosure dark enough for it to seek out and sleep in during the daytime and put a redstone sensor in that spot like a pressure plate it sleeps on to day / night automate something, maybe lamps. A fox will pick up and carry items in its mouth, and eventually eat them if they’re food. It can jump fences to eat chickens. Are you listening to me.
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imtrashraccoon · 4 months
It's here!
The long awaited chapter 2 of The Nightmare of Apathy is here!
While actually it's on my AO3 because it's way, way too long to put here...at 5,439 words. Chapter 1 was only 4,712 words and I thought that was a long one. Sheesh.
Anyways, I drew some art for some of the flora I ended up creating for it. Maybe go read the chapter first to avoid potential spoilers? I can't stop you though lol.
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Star Fruit:
- This is the fruit of the wild growing Star tree. It's on the smaller side as far as trees are concerned and it's fruit emits a soft glow. The fruit has many facets and is shaped like a tubular star. It's peel is orange and almost waxy in texture while it's flesh is yellow and tart. It's leaves are dark blue and it has coiled vines on its stems. It is commonly baked into desserts or made into jams.
- Technically, I took inspiration from lantern fruits from Subnautica and the real life starfruits.
Glow Berries:
- The fruit of common wild bushes of the same name. These bushes have lots of small thorns on the stems making gathering the berries slightly difficult. The berries are purple and are most known for the bright glow they emit. The flesh is bright pink and it tastes slightly sour as well as acidic. They have dark blue leaves and grow the berries in small bunches at the ends of its branches. They are commonly baked into desserts like pies and other things, as well as eaten on their own.
- The name and idea was inspired by the berries of the same name from Minecraft. Otherwise, they are shaped like cherries but without the pit.
Moon Pears:
- Named for when the tree grows it's fruit, Moon Pears are a carefully cultivated fruit tree. While the tree itself can grow rather large, it is generally kept in arboretums and is trimmed to remain at a manageable size. The leaves are pale and go from gray to pure white as they mature. They are very rare and only a select few people keep them. As a result, they are very expensive and not many get the chance to try them.
- The fruit only grows when the moon is out and best when it is a full moon, meaning it takes a while to be fully mature. It is white and is sweet and juicy. They are basically like real life pears just attuned to the cycles of the moon.
I have like ten more plants and herbs I have made, four of which were featured in the chapter itself. If I end up drawing them, I'll definitely be posting them in the future. Would you guys like more lore? Cause I have lots more...it took me several days to write lol.
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demonstars · 2 months
godd 'little star prince of nothing' is such a good description i love it i love u cnunkitoooo 😭🫶 DO U HAVE A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENS IN THEIR FIRST CANON DEATH?? also do u have a tag for himmm??? i wanna CONSUME it and Chew it And
BRO the best tag i have is #dsmpsona and u can look up cnunki to find some more I'M SO BAD AT TAGGING SORRY. ok so to set the mood we have this this and this+tags MY STUPID BOY.
anyway so the premise is genuinely me being bad at minecraft so... it's like still the first week's since cnunki has fallen down the sky he doesn't know SHIT and his two closests* friends** are memers for nature so it's kind of hard for them to tell what's genuine advice and what's them joking about/at them. also, they're not sure what everything IS. so there's the canon beach episode tm where they're trying to introduce cnunki to different parts of the server and they happen to approach what (is? will become?) tommy's exile . so. that's fun! Good vibes!
they both enter the water and tell cnunki that its safe and that it won't do anything to them. cnunki hesitates because they've said this about berry bushes & sand & gunpowder so he's Not Quite sure... but clulu insists so much and ckissu isnt laughing too meanly so surely it'll go right... and st first it is! the water is Too Cold but he's trying to accept new sensations without freaking out. Hes feeling drowsy, thought. Too tired all fo the sudden. It's too cold. Before they realize it's too late and theyre so deep into the water and too far away from ckisslux to even scream. He's a prince and he doesn't scream and he doesn't cry, but nobody said he couldn't be scared.
(yknow how little flames will take a bit to disappear, as if fighting for their own right to exist? Being bright is what justifies it being alive. They still disappear.)
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timmy-bee · 2 years
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a gender related to minecraft Berry bushes and foxes! ⋆ 🍓🦊 
< this gender was requested by someone on discord but can be used by anyone! >
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annotated-catastrophe · 4 months
whats your favourite flower in minecraft and real life? for me its the white tulip and the orange dahlia (if you dont play minecraft you can tell me something else if youd like) <3
I love the orchid! I don't think glow berries count but it's so cool to make a house with dark oak, orchids on the ground around it, sweet berry bushes along the sides, and glow berries hanging from the rafters. I put lamps inside. And I don't often put carpet but when I do, it's dark brown.
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clovercrafted · 2 years
Since everyone seems to like my idea of unique flowers for biomes and more life in Minecraft let me share some ideas
Blooming grass- would come in a couple varieties like daisies and buttercups. It’d spawn in patches kinda like how podzol does except in flower forests where all the grass would be the blooming varieties
More biome specific flowers- jungles get hibiscus, deserts get cactus flowers, mangroves get lotus, stuff like that!
Lush forest biome- just lush caves on the surface, would have a hilly variation that’s have weird terrain how the shattered savanna did where glow berries spawn
More hanging vines in general, and mushrooms! More bushes
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spectator-ion · 8 months
Ion, I’m not caught up on my Minecraft content what is decked out?
Decked out was a mini game designed in S7 by tangotek to resounding success. Since then he's been developing it to the point of decked out season two.
Calling it a mini game is an understatement. It's a feat of Redstone engineering contained in four levels of game (the fourth of which is yet to be shown).
The aim of the game is to collect an artifact from the dungeon and escape. On level one and two there are ravagers around corners to chase the players. On level three (which has three floors of it's own) there are wardens.
Over the course of the game two things called hazard and clank increase. This is where my knowledge gets more muddled but as far as I'm aware clank is the heartbeat which increases when a shrieker is tripped by the player. At max clank, vexes are released into the dungeon.
Hazard activates the traps of the dungeons. Escape routes get blocked, parkour gets harder and at max hazard, water streams slow down the player.
Treasure will also drop over the course of the game. Keys are necessary to get down to deeper levels of the dungeon. Coins can be collated into crowns, which can be spent outside the game. Embers are the currency in the shop at the end of the game (if the player survives).
If a player escapes with their artifact, they throw it into a pit and the dungeon returns the number of embers it was worth. Along with embers gained during the run, these can be spent in the shop on victory tomes or cards.
Victory tomes are how a hermit can win decked out. Each phase (usually a week) hermits submit the number of tomes they acquired that week, and gain points on their standings with other hermits.
Cards, however, are how a hermit can survive longer in decked out. They provide clank block, hazard block, more treasure drop, speed boost, jump boost and probably other things I've forgotten. The first three are obvious hopefully and then speed boost can help players dodge mobs and jump boost allows them to access extra parts of the dungeon.
Before entering the dungeon, players will submit their cards and select a difficulty. The difficulty chooses which level, or how far in the level three artifact will be. When they enter, they are given a compass and a map. The compass points to the artifact and the map presents their stats (eg. Hazard block, clank block and treasure loot) and how many cards are left in their deck. Over the course of the game, cards will be deployed in a random order.
Currently most hermits are obsessed with decked out (rightfully so) and I think are in phase four (scar won week one, bdubs won week two, etho won week three). The fourth level is locked until hermits can track down all the hermit eggs (quite literally egg models with hermit skins) hidden throughout the dungeon.
There are also berry bushes around the dungeon to give players a chance to regain some health.
Aaand that's everything I can think of. This was way longer than I thought it would be :)
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faerynova · 1 year
apparently my sneezes sound like taking damage from a berry bush in minecraft
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demonangelgirl134 · 8 months
Pixels and Black Hat's minecraft adventures
Part 2
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They managed to find enough iron for armor, but only two pairs of boots, two pairs of leggings, a helmet, and a chest plate. But the helmet broke. Pixels was nice enough to give black hat the chest plate, though, so he has more protection
They cut down loads of trees and got enough wood and stone to make axes, swords, shovels, and pickaxes, and they found enough coal to make 3 stacks of torches.
They killed enough animals to keep them fed for about a few days, found a bunch of sweet berries, and they required enough wool for four beds
They had a lot of wood planks left, just enough to build a shack for the meantime until they could build an actual house. Since Black Hat is new to video games, he doesn't know the basics of minecraft, and Pixels basically did most of the work while he died five times. One to a skeleton, two to creepers, one to berry bushes, and one to fall damage
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jellyfishfemme · 3 months
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this is my interests & art sideblog ; I follow and interact from @stardropfemme !!
ʚ🪼ɞ hi, I'm berry!! ❀  20  ✰  adhd  ✰  they/them  ✰  femme lesbian  ‎❀  just a little creature trying their best ✨️  ❀ sometimes I post art :3 ❀ some (but not all) of the things you'll see here! :
🌱 minecraft, stardew valley, animal crossing, pokemon, dredge; ghibli films, the last unicorn, over the garden wall, the little prince, moomin valley, labyrinth; fairies, unicorns, vampires, mushrooms, plants, bugs, space, the ocean; kd lang, tracy chapman, florence and the machine, mother mother, paramore, kate bush; collectibles, makeup, nails, fashion
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ʚ🪼ɞ asks and dms ! ; mutuals are free to message me and ask for my discord! don't be a creep or you'll be blocked!
DNI: terfs/swerfs/radfems/gender critical, lgbtphobes of any kind, racists, ableists, anti-semites, bigots, or bootlickers.
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scrimblescromble · 9 months
In my quest to figure out the closest match to sweet berries (minecraft), here's what I have come up with:
Miracle fruit - also called sweet berries, causes sour food to taste sweet
Rosehips - red berries that grow on wild roses. They're not really that good to eat, since the seeds cause irritation when swallowed and it's better in something.
Haws - red berries that grow on hawthorn, which can either be a bush or a tree. Can be used in food and herbal remedies
Raspberries - maybe too easy, but they're sweet, red, and grow on a spiky bush
Wild strawberries - smaller than ones you'd buy in a shop, and sweeter. Also quite an easy option
Soapberries - again, small, red, grow on a spiky bush. They have a tart taste
Nanking cherries - taller shrubs, and are sweeter the longer you leave to eat them
Of course, none of these are perfect, but they're a starting point for reference if you wanted to ground sweet berries in something!
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girldraki · 9 months
since we were young it has always been our greatest dream to die badly to a berry bush in minecraft, possibly repeatedly
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ghasted-alien · 7 months
i miss the TIES dynamic so much. here you have three guys that are all mega competent and very skilled in the technical aspects of minecraft, all working for the whims of a guy that didnt know how to collect berries from berry bushes
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