#Millions of people performing Ritual Cannibalism on a regular weekly basis
croziers-compass · 4 months
georgey boy eating his cannibalism meal with a fork and knife and then acting like going to mass is the same as eating another person —> delusional survival
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He may not be as delusional as we think. Perhaps. If you'll care to entertain my thoughts on this... Here is where I think George Hodgson and I have a strange and distinct similarity. Ritual Cannibalism is most prominently observed in the dialects of Christian Religion.
Now. One may be a bit more literal (eating Gibson or Dr. Goodsir), yes. But in a Sacrament, the point is that you're recreating the imbibement of the Body of Christ. Taking someone else's body and making it Holy and putting it into your mouth, chewing it, swallowing it, digesting it. Intimately. You can be saved if you eat of the body. I do possess the largest collection of books on Anthropophagy and Theophagy in my area, I think. However, the distance between Symbolic Theophagic Anthropophagy to straight Anthropophagy is as far as you can open your mouth.
How wide can your mouth open? Or will your jaws stay shut?
I suppose it depends on how hungry you are, doesn't it?
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