#Meatbodies Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom
New Video: Meatbodies Share Groovy "Billow"
New Video: Meatbodies Share Groovy "Billow" @meatbodies @another__side__
Over the course of the past decade or so, Los Angeles-born and-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Chad Ubovich has developed a reputation as a highly-sought after collaborator and mainstay of his hometown’s fertile music scene: Ubovich had a lengthy stint playing guitar in Mikal Cronin‘s backing band. He currently plays bass in Fuzz with  Ty Segall and Charlie Moothart. And he’s…
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spilladabalia · 5 months
Meatbodies - Move
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
Meatbodies — Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom (In the Red)
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Chad Ubovich plays bass in Ty Segall’s Fuzz. He is the source of that band’s monumental churn and buzz, the noisy foundation for Segall’s psychedelic flights of fancy. Here in his own project, Meatbodies, he roils up a similar irresistible undertow, a stomach-vibrating low-end that grounds even his most playful tunes in heaviness.
Undertow is, possibly, the right metaphor, because by all reports, Ubovich fought the abyss to make this record—surviving the pandemic, mental instability, substance abuse, homelessness and an accident that left him unable to walk. He released 333 (“You could draw an upward slanting line from the disc’s snarling, disconsolate opening towards the mystic certainty that fills its later tracks, but the whole journey is worth taking,” said I in my 2021 review.) while still wrestling this material away from his demons. It is a sprawling, roaring, wild beast of an album, a double whose songs largely exceed the pop framework, rampaging forward five, six or seven minutes.
Even the disc’s most concise and lighthearted cuts lean into the gnostic. “Silly Cybin,” psychedelic on at least two counts, rides a catchy, boppy little tune about mushrooms into the whirlwind, amid blustery drums and spiraling, caterwauling guitars. “They Came Down” bristles with distortion, its main riff a dog chasing its tail in circles. But its chorus swaggers into stately view from there, not agitated at all but grand, anthemic and ritual. And “Move” judder to life on a dark echoey bass line, channeling the Wipers at their most apocalyptic, the Obits at their blues-torturing best.
It's all pretty intense, but like Segall, Ubovich looses dreamy psych meditations to float over turbulent distortion. Consider a shipwrecked sailor flailing through rough seas but glimpsing a brilliant sunset as he goes down. The struggle is all-consuming, but it opens out into brighter, freer, calmer vistas. In “The Assignment” slow booming bass riffs sound off amid snaggle-toothed guitar riffs and rolling explosions of drums. But the words dance without a care in an upper register untouched by conflict. “Wiggle your hips and sing all his songs,” Ubovich croons, way up high and there’s a party going on up there.
That, of course, sounds like Ty Segall and you can definitely trace the similarities. Still, this is a powerful piece of work, as serious about the trippy silliness as about the pitch and heave of amp overload. Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom, like its title, is several things at once. It rocks like a hurricane, dreams like a lotus eater.
Jennifer Kelly
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myearspleasure · 25 days
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rafocritic · 3 months
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É um álbum bem cansativo pra mim, e acho que isso cai totalmente nas costas da produção. Sou totalmente a favor de músicas extremamente longas desde que faça um sentido para que elas sejam assim. E o que eu sinto no Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom é que muitas músicas são longas apenas porque sim, o que acaba as deixando repetitivas dentro delas próprias.
Tirando isso, o álbum possui músicas boas e que cumprem seu papel dentro do conjunto, além de ser um álbum bem coeso, nada parece muito fora do lugar. Dito isso, além da psicodelia já presente nos trabalhos do grupo, o álbum não traz nada muito novo, mas é bom ver que eles tem aperfeiçoado a forma como eles lidam com o rock psicodélico no qual se propuseram fazer.
★ Silly Cybin
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defrag-mx · 3 months
Música: Revisada • Kacey Musgraves, Young Lean & Bladee, Meatbodies, FLOYA y más.
Nuevo episodio ha sido publicado en https://defrag.mx/musica-revisada-kacey-musgraves-young-lean-bladee-meatbodies-floya
Música: Revisada • Kacey Musgraves, Young Lean & Bladee, Meatbodies, FLOYA y más.
Defrag.mx Podcast Música Revisada ・Kacey Musgraves ・ Maggie Lindemann ・ WENDY ・ FLOYA
Música: Revisada – S01E06: Explorando los Sonidos del Momento
¡Hola Defraggers! Bienvenidos una vez más a “Música: Revisada”, con su anfitrión, el xGeek. Prepárense para sumergirse en un mundo de sonidos frescos y emocionantes mientras exploramos los lanzamientos más recientes en el mundo de la música. Desde el folk psicodélico hasta el house italiano, tenemos un viaje musical emocionante preparado para ustedes en este episodio.
1. Deeper Well – Kacey Musgraves: Un Viaje por los Paisajes del Folk Moderno
El nuevo álbum de Kacey Musgraves, “Deeper Well”, nos lleva en un viaje fascinante a través de la mente y el corazón de la artista. Desde la vibra folk-rock de “Cardinal” hasta la belleza folk-psicodélica de “Deeper Well”, Musgraves nos invita a reflexionar sobre el amor, la vida y la búsqueda de la felicidad. Acompáñanos mientras exploramos este fascinante álbum y descubrimos nuevos sonidos y emociones en cada canción.
2. Psykos – Young Lean & Bladee: Sumérgete en la Estética Enigmática del Rap Sueco
Los enigmáticos héroes del culto cuasi rapero sueco, Young Lean y Bladee, nos sorprenden con su nuevo LP colaborativo “Psykos”. Desde sus suaves incantaciones autotuneadas hasta sus líneas de bajo que evocan a los primeros New Order, “Psykos” es un viaje musical que te transportará a otra dimensión. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este intrigante álbum y descubrimos su impacto en la escena musical actual.
3. HEADSPLIT – Maggie Lindemann: Una Mirada Profunda al Mundo Interior de la Artista
Maggie Lindemann nos invita a un viaje fascinante a través de las profundidades de su ser con su más reciente EP, “HEADSPLIT”. Desde la vulnerabilidad de “rip my heart out” hasta la energía palpable de “taking me over”, Lindemann nos muestra una versatilidad impresionante y un talento emocionante. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este cautivador EP y descubrimos las emociones crudas que capturan la esencia misma de la artista.
4. Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom – Meatbodies: Un Tapiz Sonoro de Rock Psicodélico
Chad Ubovich, el cerebro detrás de la banda Meatbodies, nos sorprende con su nuevo álbum de rock psicodélico, “Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom”. Desde los riffs enredados de fuzz hasta los momentos de pura euforia, este álbum te llevará en un viaje musical que no olvidarás. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este fascinante álbum y descubrimos la profundidad de la psicodelia en cada nota.
5. Wish You Hell – WENDY: Una Exploración de la Transformación Personal a Través del Pop Brillante
WENDY nos ofrece una experiencia pop fresca y brillante con su segundo mini-álbum, “Wish You Hell”. Desde la energía enérgica de la canción principal hasta la narrativa visual intrigante en el video musical, WENDY nos lleva en un viaje emocionante de amor y pérdida. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este cautivador álbum y descubrimos la versatilidad y el talento vocal de la artista.
6. Club Moss – Varios (Starburst – Maya Q): Una Representación Vibrante de la Evolución Musical
El álbum “Club Moss” es una representación brillante y vibrante de la evolución del sello Wisdom Teeth a lo largo de una década de exploración musical. Desde los pasos suaves y delicados de ‘Loon E’ hasta el clímax auditivo de ‘Starburst’, este álbum te llevará en un viaje musical que no olvidarás. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este fascinante álbum y descubrimos los movimientos del bassbin del Reino Unido.
7. Soulfuric Trax – Mickey More & Andy Tee: Un Viaje al Corazón del House Italiano
Mickey More & Andy Tee nos presentan una pieza fresca y original en Soulfuric Trax. Con la participación vocal de Kathy Brown, esta producción nos ofrece una experiencia cautivadora que irradiará calidez y energía en cada nota. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este emocionante lanzamiento y descubrimos la magia del house italiano.
8. eternal sunshine – Ariana Grande: Un Diario Musical de Amor y Esperanza
Ariana Grande regresa con un álbum que te llevará en un viaje emocional intenso. Desde el R&B suave y melódico hasta toques de sintetizadores y cuerdas, “eternal sunshine” te sumergirá en un mar de emociones. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este cautivador álbum y descubrimos la sinceridad cruda de Ariana en cada nota.
9. Yume – FLOYA: Una Fusión de Sonidos Dance y Rock
El álbum “Yume” de FLOYA nos ofrece una experiencia divertida y bien construida. Desde la instrumentación sutil hasta los ganchos irresistibles, este álbum te llevará en un viaje musical que no olvidarás. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos este emocionante álbum y descubrimos la amplitud vocal y el talento de la banda.
Gracias por acompañarnos en esta sesión musical de “Música: Revisada” en Defrag.mx. La música es como una conversación, y nos encanta charlar con todos ustedes a través de estos sonidos. ¡Hasta la próxima semana!
Te recomendamos escuchar los siguientes podcasts del equipo Defrag.mx:
Música: Revisada • Kacey Musgraves, Young Lean & Bladee, Meatbodies, FLOYA y más.
Estar en el Lugar Correcto
Voy Despacio Porque Tengo Prisa
Música: Revisada • MGMT, Erika de Casier, Bombay Bicycle Club, SIAN y más.
ByteTrax 240224 – Walmart • Tinder • Nvidia
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sgcruz21-blog · 3 months
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portinfinite · 6 months
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New Video: Meatbodies Share Menacing Psych Freak Out "Move"
New Video: Meatbodies Share Menacing Psych Freak Out "Move" @meatbodies @another__side__
Over the course of the past decade or so, Los Angeles-born and-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Chad Ubovich developed a reputation as a mainstay of his hometown’s fertile music scene: Ubovich had a lengthy stint playing guitar in Mikal Cronin‘s backing band. He plays bass in Fuzz with  Ty Segall and Charlie Moothart. He’s also the founding member and frontman of the experimental…
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spilladabalia · 4 months
Meatbodies - Billow
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spilladabalia · 6 months
Meatbodies - Hole
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screamingforyears · 4 months
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@jpblues is here w/ “LIFE IS,” the lead single/track from her forthcoming LP titled ‘Here in the Pitch’ (5/3 @mexican_summer) & it finds the LA-based artist, rounded out here by Al Carlson, Matt McDermott, Spencer Zahn, Mauro Refosco, Ryley Walker, Peter Mudge & Alex Goldberg climbing “back on the horse before it gets dark” across 3 mins of retro-dipped, aesthetically apt & bitterly melancholic IndiePop.
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“BEHIND YOUR EAR” is the final single in the run-up to @latebloomernc’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Another One Again’ (3/1 @deadbrokerekerds @selfawarerecords) & it finds the Charlotte-based trio of Josh (bass), Neil (guitar) & Scott (drums) power_popping their way across a compact 2:41 clip of charged up CollegeRawk.
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“BILLOW” is the latest single from @meatbodiesofficialauthentic’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom’ (3/8 @intheredrecords) & it finds the Los Angeles-based quartet stone_rosing their way across 4 ½ mins of shimmy-shaking, righteously riffed & psych-tinged AltRawk.
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@omnideluxe are here w/ “COMPLIMENT,” the final single in the run-up to their forthcoming LP titled ‘Souvenir’ (2/16 @subpop) & it finds the ATL-based trio of guitarist Frankie Broyles, singer/bassist Philip Frobos & drummer Chris Yonker post_punking across a sub-4 min slice of southernly twanged NewWave.
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“THE LIGHT” is the lead single from @parsnip_hq’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Behold’ (4/26 @antifaderecords@upset_the_rhythm) & it finds the Melbourne-based quartet of bassist/vocalist Paris Richens, drummer Carolyn Hawkins, guitarist/saxophonist/vocalist Stella Rennex & keyboardist Rebecca Liston bringing a 1:56 clip of retro-riffing & girl_grouping RetroPop.
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screamingforyears · 5 months
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“EVERYTHING TURNS BLUE” is the latest single from @cchelseawwolfe’s forthcoming LP titled ‘She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She’ (2/9 @lomavistarecordings) & it finds the California-based artist navigating the highs/lows one faces after rediscovering themselves again “after a long era of being part of something toxic” across 4 ½ mins of murmuring GothPop.
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@lostsoulsofsaturn are here w/ “LILAC CHASER,” the latest single from their forthcoming LP titled ‘Reality’ (2/2 on Holoverse Research Labs / @slacker85) & it finds the multidisciplinary live project piloted Seth Troxler & Phil Moffa (@stroxler & @butchasound) linking up w/ @protomartyrbandto bring 7+ mins of atmospheric sound_scaping.
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@meatbodiesofficialauthentic are here w/ “MOVE,” the aptly titled second single from their forthcoming LP titled ‘Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom’ (3/8 @intheredrecords) & it finds the Los Angeles-based quartet sprawling out across 7 ½ mins of moodily motorik-ing, graciously grooved & open-roading PscyhRawk.
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“HAUNTED WORLD” is the second single from @realestateband’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Daniel’ (2/23 @dominorecordco) & it finds the Brooklyn-based quintet of Martin Courtney (vocals/guitar), Alex Bleeker (bass/vox), Matt Kallman (keys), Julian Lynch (guitar) & Sammi Niss (drums) putting us at ease across 3 conformably twanged mins of breezy Indie.
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screamingforyears · 6 months
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@finnoguns_wake are here w/ “LOVERS ALL,” the second single from their forthcoming debut EP titled ‘Stay Young’ (1/26 What’s Your Rupture?) & it finds the Sydney-based duo of Tim “Shogun” Wall & Finn Berzin bringing a blown-out bout of blissfully buzzed & college_rawking FuzzPop.
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“HOLE” is the lead single from @meatbodiesofficialauthentic’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom’ (3/8 @intheredrecords) & it finds the LA-based quartet conveying a feeling across 6+ (full bodied) mins of buzz_binning, pedal_stomping & pumpking_smashing AltRawk.
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“PAPERCUTS” is the second single from @mxlonely’s forthcoming EP titled ‘Spit’ (2/6 @candlepin_records) & it finds the Brooklyn-based quartet of bassist Gabe G, guitarist/vocalist Jake H, vocalist Rae H & drummer Jun Yang paying homage to all the fucked up dreamers across 3 ½ mins of charged up SoftGrunge.
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SPECTRAL VOICE are here w/ “RED FEASTS CONDENSED INTO ONE,” the lead single from their forthcoming album titled ‘Sparagmos’ (2/9 @darkdescentrecords) & it finds the Denver-based quartet of Morris Kolontyrsky (guitar), Paul Riedl (guitar), Jeff Barrett (bass) & Eli Wendler (drums/vox) bringing their brand of Dionysian dripped, spaciously sprawled & shape shiftingly shredded DeathMetal.
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“ROBRASH” (@daisrecords) is a brand new standalone single from TR/ST & it finds @alfons_robert’s Los Angeles-based project bringing the EBM’d goods across damn near 4 mins of sonically blown, post_industrialized & cold_waving ElectroPop.
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“RAINDROPS” is a brand new standalone single from @yeahrs_ & it finds the increasingly prolific Berlin-based quartet continuing their hot streak w/ another dourly doomed bout of schuh_gazed, vaporously textured & Alt_rawking DreamPop.
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