#Matt has a better social game but Jag has a better strategic game.
made--bye--a--woman · 7 months
Matt and Jag r really running the game at this point. It’s really their game to lose.
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i swear if we lose cirie because matt idek his real last name wants to cut her now because “he carried HER” i will never let the producers of this show rest. giving him a letter from a cast member he’s obsessed with when he’s based his whole game on what reilly would want and getting revenge for her is such interference it’s laughable. oooh im so mad i dont even care if saved by a twist if cirie goes i hope he wins he at least truly played his heart out even if he sucked at times
sorry that was so ranty at you for no reason but i thought you would be furious about this too!! especially after he promised her she was safe last night
also thoughts on 1989tv now that you’ve listened to all of it!!!!
I have already accepted the inevitable just to save myself to disappointment (lowkey still hoping for a miracle tho) 😂 and you never have to be sorry about ranting at me 💗
In fact, let me start ranting myself lol
I am so sick of hearing about Reilly. Why is a week 2 boot having such a significance at final five? The chokehold this woman has on these people it’s just plain weird and it’s very clear that Matt doesn’t get out much 😬 and I hate that he told Cirie he would never nominate her and then nominated her today but mostly I’m upset that Matt is just playing Jag’s game atp. How do these nominations help Matt when BB? They don’t. And Jag’s going to get Matt before Matt can get Jag and Matt is going to look like the fool that he is.
It’s pretty clear that we’re going to have either a terrible (Jag) or sup-par (Matt) winner.
Jag’s gameplay is just so awful. Last week was riddled with so many mistakes both socially and strategically literally all he has going for him is comp wins, and I hate that a Jag win will send a message that comp wins are the most important part of this game and that’s not how it should be. Also, how are you good at this game if you were voted out 10-0 unanimously during the pre-jury portion of the season 😭 If your game is dependent on twists and comp wins, you are not playing a good game. I also hate that a Jag win would give production proof that their twists don’t suck (they do) Okay, rant over 😂
And I LOVE 1989 (Taylor’s Version) 😍 1989 is a top 3 TS album for me so my expectations were high and she delivered on every front. With each re-recording I am always so shocked by how much better her vocals sound. She has obviously put in so much effort into improving her vocals, and her hard work has clearly paid off. I love all the vault tracks but I have to listen to them a few more times before I can solidify my favorite. Say Don’t Go is an early contender though and Slut! is nothing like I thought it would be but I love it 😂
How do you like the album?
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