pianju · 1 year
a lot of people felt this season was too bo-centric (i agree, to an extent) but can we appreciate the progression of her character? she started with absolutely nothing and no one. living on kalevala, wanting to be left alone indefinitely because she couldn’t obtain the darksaber-- then ended up becoming the freaking MAND’ALOR of an entirely new age of mandalorians on THEIR. HOME. PLANET (with NO saber). i mean COME ON.
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awholelottayeehaw · 1 year
Mandalore Reunited? (spoilers)
After marinating in the ending of this season the last three days I think another issue I have is over how people are just... okay with the darksaber being destroyed that easily. I've seen people argue about the symbolism of it no longer being needed to reunite Mandalorians and lead, but I honestly think it'll do the opposite and I'll be surprised if I'm wrong with any upcoming season/show that reflects on the planet's future.
Bo-Katan led to the planet's current state after disagreeing with her pacifist sister on how they should rule the planet. For Satine, it was with peace. For Bo, it was through their warrior heritage. The problem with Bo now being Mand'alore after so long of trying is that... we still haven't seen her character growth. She hasn't atoned for what she's done nor has she been honest and open about her actions with the people who's about to rule. The show could/should have had Bo mention Satine and, in a single sentence, both honor her dead sister's wishes and show her growth by verbally confirming that she was going to lead by combining their ideas of democracy to form a perfect balance of both. Bo-Katan just last season was still racist with terroristic tendencies and that doesn't just... go away. There was a reason why her fleet abandoned her the moment she couldn't get back the darksaber for the Nth time.
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So my problem overall with it is that we don't KNOW if Bo has reunited Mandalore yet. Lighting the forge, Axe battle crying his nationalistic pride, and the Mandalorian version of clapping doesn't equate to peace amongst Mandalorians. If anything, it reminded me of how we all united to help one another during and shortly after the horrors of 9/11. For a moment, we all were just people helping each other. Then came the surge of xenophobia and Islamophobia that presented itself in a way that we hadn't seen before and it only got worse since. Yes we had xenophobia, religious prejudice, and racism before; but everything after 9/11 just felt... different. More intense.
Will that happen with Mandalore? It may not. But I have a hard time believing, after so many years of division and prejudice, that the Mandalorians from Din's covert, Bo's fleet, and the Survivors would magically get along no problem. There's already Mandalorians, like the survivors, who were there before the Purge and their nostalgia may make accepting any different political outcome difficult. You have Bo's fleet who believe you have to be pureblood to rule or be considered a Mandalorian, and then you have Din's covert whose strict ideas of The Way are reminiscent of a spiritual community that anyone can be baptized into and not born into. If that were the case we wouldn't have wars or conflict, or even have future conflicts in Star Wars.
Are Mandos going to be okay with others not wearing their helmets all the time? Are Mandos going to be okay with sharing space with people who never take off their helmets? What is the weight of Ragnor's baptism for those not in the covert? And if there's no darksaber anymore to determine who the ruler is, then what are the plans moving forward for leadership? There's technically never been an established order of leadership, the planet had always been led by Warlords and Satine was (I believe) the first to inherit her father's titles after his death and that was extremely controversial. Paz and Axe couldn't even peacefully argue over a game of SW chess, it's naive to assume a moment of unification to take back a planet will erase that decades long prejudice. Not even Din has been able to get over his droid thing that he's had since he was a kid.
Honestly, putting it to words, I won't be surprised if this caused another civil war. The prior one was fought between the New Mandalorian peace movement and traditional nationalists (Satine vs Bo) and with three very different sects of Mandalorians uniting on the planet for the first time in years, I can't fathom the peace lasting long. I can't imagine people not arguing about what The Way is, or overcoming decades long prejudice and resentment after the purge all because they got a planet back.
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It's sweet and idealistic to imagine this would be the case, Mandalore as a planet deserves it. Future Mandalorians deserve to not live under warlord leadership. But that would require Bo to not only overcome her own prejudices and the lack of patience she has for diplomacy (ex: the robot bar and the Ugnaughts), and it'll take time for us to see if she learned anything from Din and his people during her time with his covert. And although Bo not needing the darksaber to rule or unite the planet and its people is a sweet idea rich in symbolism, it's naive to accept it as a final truth when Mandalore and Bo-Katan's complex histories loom over the future of the planet regardless of turned leaves and open minds.
Again, I might be completely wrong. Maybe they took the easy way out and decided, for once, Star Wars can just leave out the Wars part regarding Mandalore? Maybe Bo did learn her lessons and with The Armorer she's able to find a middle ground for everyone? Maybe everyone is able to put things aside for the planet and won't need Din and Grogu to come and play diplomat between everyone again? I guess we'll see, and despite all of this, I am excited and curious to see the future of Mandalore moving forward in this show and others (and movies!) that take place in the future.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 days
Does mando know that Sabine  once wielded  the dark saber
i think we all know what he says when he finds out
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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yukipri · 4 months
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Jaster Mereel, having just decided that this brave, grubby orphan is going to be his Foundling. His name is Jango Fett.
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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syn0vial · 4 months
boba's friendship with beviin in the expanded universe is so funny. he's like, "yes, this is my best friend beviin. he has colossal dad energy, adopts practically every orphan he comes across, and constantly refers to me with a term of endearment that only my father ever used. he's the platonic ideal of a mandalorian in my eyes and his is the only opinion i care about. his armor's color scheme is literally the inverse of my father's. if you attempt to psychoanalyze me about any of this, i will kill you with explosives"
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Raise your head, Mand'alor.
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thefrogdalorian · 1 month
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Din Djarin + Grogu in 25 Years of LEGO Star Wars
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manofbeskar · 1 year
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He comes home today
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lil-ace-of-spades · 1 year
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ivvmell · 1 month
the star wars fans' urge to make every mandalorian mand'alor while the character has no clue or aspirations to be the one. for what. or giving em the black saber. sexy but nothing else
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beskarfrog · 5 months
Maybe dinluke-it The Kiss, 1859 by Francesco Hayez ?
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big heart eyes for how your brain works @cutoutthepoetrywatson
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stealingpotatoes · 10 days
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there's no way Ahsoka thinks Luke being Obi-Wan's padawan and his choice in partner is a coincidence
(commission info // kofi support!)
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yukipri · 5 months
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Spar, Alpha-Ø2, Mand’alor the Resurrector.
My take on this super fascinating if somewhat obscure character from Legends! A clone with Jango Fett’s memories, who escaped Kamino to become leader of a faction of Mandalorians.
I’ve been exploring him a lot in my fic, the Prime Override, and I wanted to give him a shot visually. His appearance here is specific to my fic, where his story diverges considerably from Legends, so there are a couple of details that don’t match that of any of the three official illustrations that exist of him. But the changes are intentional! I still hope he’s recognizable 😅
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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sapphicsparkles · 6 months
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My Bo-Katan piece for the @forcefatalezine !!! Absolutely loved this project! Everything was beautifully done and the mods were a joy to work with!
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doodle-list · 2 years
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✨ Manifesting for season 3 ✨
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truly-neutral-art · 1 year
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DinLuke week day 1 - Mand'alor & Alo'riduur
Uhhh here we go I guess, my first art post ever on Tumblr and it's DinLuke. I almost never draw fan art but thanks to DinLuke week I've now drawn several pieces for these two. I love them. I couldn't help it even if I wanted to.
On another note, I really liked doing the lighting for this! I also got to draw Luke in Padmé inspired fit which is one of my favorite things. Luke is a fashion icon and he must follow in the footsteps of his amazing mother.
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Slight close up to get those details I worked way too hard on. As a note, the pattern on Luke's outer robe was hand drawn because all the pattern brushes I found didn't look quite right. So yeah.
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