cryptic-m0ss · 1 year
My beloveds-
I wanna see them all hang and do cute shit together so BAD BRO-
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Oh yes, The Muppet Show
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
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alright, we’re hunting down Netflix executives
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shutupcrime · 2 years
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The genre is platonic soulmates your honour
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limeelime · 2 years
i did all of this for the joke at the end
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
What do you think the Gang does when they have a crush? How do they react to realizing they're into someone? Thanks!
YYYEEEAAAA <333 This is. so cute mwamwammwamwa I love how fluffy and soft this is
all sfw!! Brief death mention for Myc's
She's... oddly happy?
She expected that when she'd get a crush she'd feel. I dunno, dread? A Horrible Sinking Feeling That Would Crush All Excitement In Her? Pure Misery Of Some Sort? Kinda like how her parents were-
but no she. actually feels kinda. content about it. who would have guessed.
DON'T GET IT WRONG, SHE'S DEFINITELY NERVOUS JUST. not actively Panicking about it. yet. It'll come, don't worry MSMNSD
This hasn't happened in a HOT minute. And even then, most of her crushes growing up were like. Boybands. Carl Sagan. Ada Lovelace.
She isn't USED TO HAVING,, actual IRL crushes. People she can actually talk to, and interact with, and see. daily. constantly.
Yeah it’s the moments where her love for you sneaks up on her that,, really get her palms sweating.
UGH it’s. inconvenient in the best way. she feels silly and childish and also absolutely delighted. Like oh god she’s starting to ask if you want to hang out after work???? Help her with paperwork??? She doesn’t feel like herself, but also she’s finding a newfound love for taking the risk of opening up to someone???
TLDR. Stress. But good stress. Appreciated stress and inconvenience, that she has wrangled into something domesticated.
He falls in head first and never even thinks to dig himself out
It’ll probably be after some Small Special Moment that was probably meaningless to you but everything to him?
Remembering his coffee order. Staying up with him to talk on the phone the day before a Big Presentation, to make sure he’s okay.
IT JUST ALL HITS AT ONCE. Like it’ll start as that and then ever little thing you do becomes so beautiful to him. Rose tinted glasses, sure, but isn’t rose such a pretty color?
AAA <33333 he’s so gooey and sappy and just UGH. Puppy love. He isn’t that close to you yet, but he’s already so attached!!!
He goes out of his way, more than usual, to do stuff for you? Like not in a creepy obsessive way (he worries himself A LOT about being. too much.), but just trying to help out wherever he can!! He wants to express how much he cares about you as often and as thoroughly as he can!!
This also means. you 10000% know he’s crushing on you. like instantly.
She feels like a kid again what is this. what is she doing. how embarrassing. MSNDMSD
LIKE SHE. It's like when someone makes a really, really stupid joke and you're like Goddamn It I Shouldn't Find That Funny But I Do And I Hate Myself For It
She's forgotten how it all feels like tbh? 
it clicks when you two are doing something, and she is laughing her ass off like she hasn't laughed in 10+ years, and the very inconvenient realization hits her that she’s more comfortable with you than anyone else in her life right now. Like she’s back home.
For a second it kills her tbh.
She learned very, very early on that getting too attached to ppl in this line of work is usually just. a very uncomfortable hassle, if not actively agonizing mistake, so she really tries not to.
and yet, she’s can’t stop laughing, and she doesn’t want to try. She’s just so happy.
Oh well. The sun is shining and you are beautiful. There are worse mistakes to make.
For him it feels like. idk. coming up for air when you’re swimming. That cool, fresh feeling all the way down his lungs.
Like sure yeah he flirts with people, he’s flirty, he’s a flirty dude, but. this is so different
every interaction with you feels like there’s static energy building in his chest. Like if he actually touches you, there’ll be this massive explosion of colors and light that’ll make him feel balanced again in a way it hasn’t felt in decades.
It’s chemistry babey!! Pure and simple!! It’s that amazing swirling excitable connected feeling!!
He chases it so much!!!!!! <33333!!!!
He goes out of his way to interact with you, to talk to you, to meet you and walk with you and just. BE with you. He feels so much happier and calmer when you’re around.
he doesn’t know. quite where to go from that. He tries not to think about it too much, because the idea of what he’s feeling Right Now going away, or having to change, is terrifying. 
Live in the moment, right? When has he ever thought ahead! This is good enough. He wouldn’t risk this for the world.
Well. Shit.
He hates it but also. he's been around the block long enough to know there's nothing he can really do when it gets to this point.
You think you're his first crush ever? NAH sdmnsmd he's been around for 4000 years, practically nothings new for him.
It is rare, though. He tries not to make a habit of it, for obvious reasons
He will, probably, try his usual Techniques (tm) to see if he can get the Feeling to fuck off though.
Distancing himself, remembering all your faults + the shit you do that annoys him, all the times you've pissed him off and are going to piss him off. How it's gonna feel when you’re gone.
If none of that works? Welp, not much else to do but hang on and enjoy the ride, however long that goes for.
50/50 on if he'll initiate an actual relationship
Sure, he's accepted his crush on you, that doesn't mean he's gotta go and get himself all attached. That's a whole different ball game.
If he does, you're more important to him than you could possibly imagine. He might not say it, but you are.
He feels guilty??
Like holy fuck you could do so much better than him. Like so much better than him, oh God
This is also why he’s not even gonna think about asking you out. At least not for the first little while (6-10 months). Even if you start showing interest, this man is gonna be way too chickenshit.
He’s also. not subtle in the slightest. We’ve seen how he acts when he’s flustered, he’s an Absolute Bumbling Baboon of a man.
The most awkward attempts at flirting you will ever have to endure MSNDMS
mostly it’s whenever you swing by his office you will get the most Geriatric White Yeehaw Man flirting. he is not good at it and will be banging his head on his desk after you leave.
GOD I can’t decide,,, whether or not he’d ask for advice. Part of me feels like he’d try to keep it Bottled Up Like A Good Soldier but also. I can totally see him caving and spilling the beans to Andre or Gigi at the Slightest Provocation.
WHICH WILL OFC END IN,, at least a little bit of teasing. And some pretty decent advice. So maybe not all too bad of an idea
Overall?? Panic and guilt with a healthy dollop of Yearning, wishing he had the balls to actually approach you about it.
Italicized Oh Moment
It's a surprise, but it isn't jarring? It's just this little Moment (tm). 
Like putting the last puzzle piece into place. He's looking at you as you dance to some old 80s jams he's got playing in his office, half-singing the lyrics, and it just clicks that oh. he loves you. That’s what that horrible, cloying, feeling in his chest his. ah. Alright then.
He feels a little selfish for it, because if he were to ask you, it’d put you in extreme danger. Being close to him vs being officially with him, in that way, are two very different things. 
But of course he does, because it’s you. He couldn’t possibly think of a way he’d let that opportunity pass him by. Maybe he’s selfish for it, but the future is someone else’s problem <3 right now he’s got you dancing in his office, he’s happy with that.
oh fuck oh shit oh nononononono absolutely the fuck not nope nuh-huh try the fuck again nOT ON HIS FUCKING WATCH HE ISN'T-
he buries that shit 100000 meters down and pretends it never happened <3
come onnn this man,, has created his entire personality around being
absolutely perfect. Without needs, without wants, without attachments, The Ultimate Lifeform (tm) etc etc
hating humanity with every fibre of his being
this isn't a cutesy 'ohoho I haaaate it sopooooo much' NO HES FUMING HES SO GENUINELY IRATE.
its so inconvenient. its throwing a wrench in everything it is ANNOYING. You are ANNOYING. You ANNOY him >:(
^^ lies and half truths
He'll catch himself looping your laugh in his head and just. Gives himself a Look (tm) in the reflection of his tube.
He’ll have to actively resist initiating conversations, because he knows it’s gonna make him insanely happy to hear your voice and he’s trying not to get attached.
Is it all gonna come to a head in some Great, Crushing, Overwhelming Realization that his love for you completely outshines his hatred of humanity?
aaaAAA <333 BRRBRBRB THIS WAS. SUPER CUTE. As always, feel free to add your own ideas, and thanks so much for the ask!!!! 
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stinkyeggbow · 1 year
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goofy ahhhh
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reaganforever · 2 years
those guys...
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evich · 5 months
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After I watched inside job, this result was only a matter of time…
Send help
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yokiidokii · 1 year
How would the gang react to a reader who constantly says sorry ? like for every stupid thing at the end of a sentence due to being Bullied majority of their life . So now I their adulthood it’s just kinda automatic “oop I’m sorry” even when it’s not necessary
My smile is immeasurable- I do this so often you have no idea. I have absolutely been worried about not knowing if I was gonna do the request just right. This is not one of those times. I did have a surprising amount of trouble with it though? Despite it being something I myself do constantly lmao, ah well I hope I did it justice!
Also hi! I was in college so this is so very late and I’m so sorry about that <3 My prof mentally threw me around like a rag doll and I came out with my brain fried.
Warnings: I don't think any? Maybe some general allusions to anxiety just because of the prompt itself? Andre mentions weed but uh- nothing else! Relatively safe<3
I feel like she understands, I could see her thinking of it more in a like, a logical sense? Not like she doesn’t understand the more emotional side of it- she’s got her own issues. But in the like “Oh, usually when people do this it means they are scared of what people think and don’t like conflict. I’ll keep that in mind.”
She gets it, and I want to be absolutely clear- I cannot see her being one of those people saying “It’s fine.” Because like, for her it doesn’t feel like it ever really is? But she will be the person to help you feel like, it’s okay that you said it but know that you do not have to. You didn’t do anything wrong.
If you want to tell her the reason why you do this, apologizing and explaining she will feel for you. I mean we’ve seen her school experience, we had one friend and a buncha kids who were way older than you and treated her like shit. Also her father, very much her father.
She won't ever press you or act like you aren't trying harder to get better but she'll make sure in her own way that you know it's all gonna be okay one day.
One day you won't have to think about the past and everything will be okay <3
Andre may or may not have told you about his experiences with his family and how they really affected him.
You have probably also- at least once maybe seen him without drugs and how that can make him.
Long story short he is in no position to judge even if he for some reason wanted to.
Would offer you some weed
He means well and will not pressure you if you say no, though he will totally ask “Are you suuuureee?” because he cannot stress enough the wonders of medical marijuana
Whether or not you take it is up to you, but he will absolutely let you chill either in his office if you're at work or at his house- would come to your house to make sure your comfy if you need it<3
He is a loving man with lots of his own experience in this kind of regard and he will help you no matter what!
He is more than the drug guy though please literally let him be known for more than that he deserves it so any tips he's used to help himself out he will give to you.
A very caring man with his own issues and lots of advice and love to give if you'll have it~
Oh honey, this man? This man understands.
Brett will apologize after you do because both of you think that is is somehow both of your faults.
Though he will undoubtedly let you know in every way he possibly can that it is not your fault in any way and that he loves you.
He would absolutely mention therapy- it helps him! It might help you?
He would absolutely be holding your hand anyway and if you do apologize while it happens, he’ll squeeze it in his own and shoot you a quick “No need to be!” before continuing the conversation. He doesn’t wanna spend the whole time acknowledging it just in case putting too much attention on it in the open would embarrass you or make you feel worse.
But he will be there for you, and he will be listing off things that he’s learned to help him when he can’t stop doing it either.
I can see Myc start by just being a little bit sarcastic. Like he isn’t entirely sure why you do it just yet, but he doesn’t want you to be saying it and thinking that you did something wrong.
He gives those like “Oh yeah? You’re sorry?” and you know that if he had actual eyes, he would be giving you a look of ‘You really wanna do this rn?’.
And he will probably continue to do so even after he knows why.
He isn’t going to treat you differently per se, at least- he acts like he isn’t going to…
But you feel the tentacle that was already wormed around your waist squeeze just a little tighter before you end your sentence to remind you that you didn’t do anything, and you don’t need to apologize. 
I mean he gets it, he got bullied. He ended with a different outcome for himself, but he still understands. It sucks, and even if you don’t want to think about it or you don’t want to constantly feel like life is repeating itself over and over again but sometimes it’s just going to feel that way even if it isn’t.
Though Myc will be there to help you understand and work through all the woes of getting to inside your own head.
She would raise her brow at it at first.
Hit you with that “Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” and make sure you know that it’s all okay.
Is teaching you how she ignores her haters constantly, if you say anything about it not being on the same level and you start apologizing again, she is going to lovingly slap you in the face with her words (She would not lay a hand on you ever-)
Comparing yourself gets a “tsk tsk” from her and a long list of all the parts about you she thinks are beyond stellar.
Gigi would be very honest -like the most honest maybe- about whether or not you actually have anything to be sorry about. 
If you do, she’ll accept your apology but try to figure out a way to do it in a way that won’t encourage you to do it when you don’t actually have to.
And when you don’t, she places a hand on her hip and gives you a look, eyebrow raised just lightly in a ‘really?’ sorry of fashion.
She’s not questioning it; she knows it happened. But she’s asking if you really wanna do it, you know that she will no doubt spend her time talking your ear off about not doing this again.
She does it with the upmost amount of love I promise- but like,,
Do you dare question her? I wouldn't
Okay. I don’t want to say Glenn doesn’t get it at first, but out of all of the people in the gang it feels right to say he might take the longest to adjust and learn how to handle it.
But just because he might not get it at first doesn’t mean he’s rude!!
It’s more of a “What? Why are you saying you're sorry? You didn’t do anything?” Kinda confused-
He’s a confused ol man, forgive him.
Though, he would understand the bullying thing like 100%
He’s no stranger to rude comments or being talked to as if he has no feelings, typical bully behavior even if he wouldn’t talk about it or call them bullies, just,,, assholes?
That and the feelings that come from thinking about those comments is something he understands, and something that he can try and a headspace he will gladly try to help you out of.
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luhrnmia · 1 year
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inside job x heathers ‼️
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Where can I listen to this podcast?
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
Inside Job — New Years
warnings: NSFW, minors DNI, 18+, mentions of sex, allusions to sex, heavy petting, makeout, mentions of alcohol and food, limited consumption of alcohol and or food, genderless reader, gender-neutral pronouns and pet names, mentions of family.
contents: pretty mild considering my other work but tagged adult for safety. cute kissing and making out with your faves, their new or old holiday traditions, mentions of food and drinks and holiday fun. Happy New Year drama free and fillied with fun. Hope y'all enjoy!
a/n: Happy New Years!! From me and the shadow board to you all!! 💖
Brett Hand
the two of you manage to tuck into the corner of the bar you were celebrating in, Brett wanting to join in on the tradition you had with your friends of celebrating out on the town for New Year's and having fun with the family you've found and enjoying the moments and the hijinks that nearly always tend to ensue.
Brett, for some reason, keeps thinking that your friends don't like him when they've threatened you with either stealing him away should you ever hurt him or break his heart or just outright trading you out for Brett. You can't say you're upset, you'd say the same thing. You love this man.
"Thank you for letting me come along!" He exclaims over the music and the noise, bringing you a refill from the bar of the drink you had, making sure to take your drinks and cover them whenever you stepped away or had to use the restroom, taking a sip to assure you they were safe even though you trusted him with your life and told him so, constantly, "I'm having a lot of fun, your friends are kinda' great."
"Funny, they're saying the same about you honey," you murmur in his ear, taking the opportunity to talk low and drape yourself across him like velvet in the cadence of the atmosphere, "telling me everything I already know about, like how wonderful you are, how charming and sweet you can be. How handsome and smart you are," you carry on, littering kisses on the underside of his jaw, uncaring for anyone who manages to see.
"My Brett."
"Your Brett?" he laughs, hesitant and a little nervous, surprised at how affected he is by that statement on your lips. He feels you nod against him as you drape the hand holding your drink over his shoulder while you press your forehead against his neck. "Mhm, they keep threatin' to replace me with you should I treat you wrong."
You nod in response against him, not noting the awe and surprise in his tone and how taken aback he is, always forgetting how your boy is so easily swayed by himself into thinking he's lesser when in reality, he's everything and more. The countdown begins, and quickly you're joined by your friends all gathering around to yell along with the ball drop and for the new year to begin, meanwhile you can't be bothered and have been unable to look away from Brett since the moment you laid eyes on him this morning in bed.
"Absolutely. Wanna' show off and be my kiss at midnight?" and Brett nods enthusiastically in response, taking the drink from your hand and downing it on one, very frat-like, go and bringing you back close to tell you how much he loves you between the both of you. He kisses you into the New Year and manages to do it for the rest of them, and they always feel just the same. Otherworldly.
JR Scheimpough
you celebrate New Year's at a party the two of you were invited to, dressing to the nine's and going out to dinner beforehand at some restaurant that was probably already booked out for weeks, if not months, and yet getting let in with ease from barely any effort from JR. Show off. After dinner, the two of you take a ride and head up to the party from the invitation, a top-floor party at some politician or CEO's place, a big band in full swing with an open bar. It's a black-tie event and you're glad you planned accordingly because you still both look more expensive than the rest do altogether. The two of you manage to sneak a few messy kisses in the elevator before you arrived on the floor, being able to fix his hair after nearly ruining it just before the doors open. If it's noticeable that he's flushed and his lips are puffy, no one comments on it.
after the usual schmoozing and small talk, the both of you sneak away to a balcony overlooking the D.C. spread, wind merciful and not being as cold as it could be in the night. JR comes back after refilling your drink to find you draped over the balcony and admiring the view before he joins you, commenting something coy in your ear and getting you to giggle before he hands you your drink and you both cheer, something murmured about great company and another year down, another to go as you clink your glasses together and drink in celebration.
After sipping away at the sparkling drink within the crystal flutes, he sets them both aside so he can take you in his arms and hold onto you while swaying to the music playing from indoors, Life Is but a Dream by The Harptones crooning low as you get swept up into JR's strong, steady arms and get spun out then brought back to his chest, your arms sidling around his neck as you play with the short hairs at the nape.
The song slows to something more melodious and lilting, Chopin if you had to guess, and listen to the countdown begin. He keeps you calm and grounded as the cheering picks up in volume, a large hand encompassing your hip locking you in the moment and not letting you get swept up away in the current of it all.
You get to soak up the moment with him, feel strong arms wrap around your waist as he makes you forget everyone else around you both, the countdown from the next room, and the fireworks nearly a city away firing off in the distance. All you can feel is him and his touch, the brush of his nose against your pulse as he hums the notes of songs that play softly against your skin, inhaling your perfumed scent as you sway chest to chest, wholly enveloped with each other rather than anyone else. You start the new year off right, with each other, and it's better than any other year you've had already.
Your gloved hand grasps his chin and lifts his head up to hover near yours, watching his eyes blink open and lid half-shut, peering down at you with a concoction of adoration and lust pooling in dark eyes. Counting down, you murmur the digits in the space between you both, telling him happy new year just before you kiss him and the new year begins, the old one still close by as you let him make you forget about it all.
He’s your New Year's kiss and every resolution you could make.
Alpha Beta Robotus
It's his first New Year beyond being locked up in the basement or left in tube-based solitary confinement. With that in mind and you making sure you take him home with you, not letting anyone have the mere idea of stopping you and your plan for the midnight countdown, you've set yourself on a mission to start the new year with him. And you intend on making it a good one.
"You've got mistletoe?" Alpha Beta stares quizzically up at the plant you've managed to hang high on your ceiling above the doorway to your kitchen between the hallway where you both now stand, "Isn't that a little excessive?"
"Only if you suddenly have lost interest and are letting me know that I've now got to find someone else to supply my kisses up to the New Year." You shoot back, looking up at him with a shit-eating grin he is tempted to kiss off, now that you've mentioned it, standing in your fuzzy socks upon the hardwood waiting for the sitcom-loving robotic bastard to just kiss you already.
While you're contemplating on whether to tug him in by the lapels or by his hair, Alpha Beta leans down and cups your cheek before kissing you tenderly, softly, with all the grace and poise of a noir heartthrob in one of those films you see off the classic movie channel. "No, I don't think I've lost any interest."
"That's sweet and all, but I'm afraid you'll just have to remind me, thoroughly." you murmur, eyes darting between his and then back down to his mouth, returning to glance up into glacier eyes just before he tugs you closer with a strong arm around your waist as he presses his lips to yours once more. He's picked up humming as he kisses you, another trait he's mirrored and adopted over time, and it feels better knowing that Alpha Beta's kissed you so many times he can't help but mirror it back to you.
By the time the countdown nears, he's got you spread and sidled on his lap, thighs encasing his as his fingers slide beneath the waistband of your pants and over your underwear, teasing you in strokes that match the tempo of the countdown and leave you keening against him impatiently. He tuts and chides at the show you're putting on and just as the countdown ends and the new year begins, you tug him into a kiss by his hair and he groans low, jaw clicking mechanically as his eyes glow a fraction before shutting.
Alpha Beta's hand finally begins to play with you properly and by the time you breach for air, you're dazed and beaming, already looking fucked out as you keep him close by his half-undone tie and grin.
"Happy New Year, AB, now fuck me until I forget it."
Gigi Thompson
She doesn't get a lot of solid downtime to spend with friends or family, so when she gets to enjoy herself and hang out with her loved ones, she goes all out. Gigi spent the holidays at home with you but convinced you to join along with her trip down to Georgia to see her family for New Year's, claiming that you're family to her the same as they are.
After a flight that took no time at all, spending it eating snacks and watching comedy specials, you manage to get to her parent's house in no time. The visit isn't as daunting as it could be, you having made the basic introductions and impressions at her family reunion last summer, already knowing her parents well enough to help out with cooking or setting up rather than just being left to stand around as a guest. You get the family treatment and damn if it doesn't make you a little teary-eyed.
"And you didn't think that they liked you," Gigi comments after prep is all set up and done, the two of you out on the back porch drinking tea and enjoying weather that's at least slightly warmer than D.C. "I can't help it, I'm always going to try and make a good impression, no matter how long I'll know them for."
Gigi laughs and gives you a pitying pat on the knee which you playfully swat away before she sips at her iced tea. "Can't be that bad, and besides, it's New Year's Day that's the eventful time. Eve just means drinking and talkin' shit before the rest pile on in tomorrow. That's when the real shit starts."
"Noted," you murmur into your glass before seeing the soft light of the house behind you both reflect on her face and how the night air makes her just glow. Her parents mention the countdown starting from inside but leave you both to your own devices. You take her hand in yours and squeeze gently, her matching it and then counting down between grasps of each other's palms as the countdown gets closer and closer to midnight.
Setting your drinks aside, you brush her hair back behind her ear and cup her cheek, careful not to muss her makeup if you can help it. "Love you, Gigi," you murmur, enjoying how her eyes don't hide the emotion in them, seeing her reciprocate in look before words. "Love you too, baby," she shoots back, lips in a blushy grin. You hear the final numbers said aloud and hear her parents celebrate from inside, maybe even a bottle popping, but you only focus on the woman before you as you pull her close and kiss her over and over again, starting a New Year tradition you'd like to continue to the rest of y'all's days. You do.
Reagan Ridley
With everything going on in her life, the last thing she needed was some unnecessary party that she'd have to get all dressed up for, fake some smiles, and give some unwilling hugs, all the while wanting to be curled up at home with you. And that's what she proposes and does. You have a lazy day, not even bothering to change out of pajamas until necessary, and even then you both change into clean sweats and old sweatshirts or tees. It's much needed, a lazy holiday, especially just being able to talk about everything and nothing while being sprawled across the couch or your bed and enjoying one another.
She's got movies selected and queued for the whole day, a mix of your collected favorites and some new ones the two of you had been meaning to watch but hadn't had the time to until today. Snack breaks come regularly, absolutely enjoying yourself while gorging down chips and popcorn and your favorite snacks while you've got Reagan's legs in your lap and toss bits of candy or popcorn into her mouth.
Her New Year's were always filled with family drama or facades, but this year, for the first time in a long time, she gets to enjoy it fully and not fake her smiles into something unreal. No, you earn and deserve every single crooked one thrown your way from her and you cherish each one received more than the last. There are naps and intermissions and moments where neither of you say a word for the entirety of the movie, only knowing each other are awake from slight movements or each other's hands grazing across each other's body. Other times the two of you are laughing so hard you're crying, over literally nothing at all and struggling for breath. The type of wheezing, hysteric, can-barely-hold-it-together laughter. It's a good sight on her.
The two of you are nearing the end of another movie when Reagan glances at the clock and sees that midnight is approaching fast. She scrambles up and into her kitchen, yelling from the other room that there's no need to pause the movie - which you do anyways - and hear her shuffle about and pull something from the fridge and pop a cork. She pours glasses and brings in two flutes of something bubbly and bright, either champagne or sparkling cider, and whatever graces your tongue has you grinning at her in your tattered sweater and fuzzy pants with the snoopy print.
Taking in the moment, you pull up onto the screen the ball drop and curl up against one another, infectious grins on both of your faces as you watch the countdown and share the experience. It's memorable and you'll never let go of the feeling you have when you're right beside her, hand in hers. It's electric.
Reagan kisses at your knuckle from your conjoined hands as her eyes are glued to the screen, counting along with the hosts for the ball drop meanwhile you're too enamored with her to look anywhere else, knowing you are exactly where you want to be now and want to be next New Years, and hopefully many more after that. She turns and spots your soft smile and blushes before the two of you knock your foreheads together, counting down the final 3, 2, 1, and kiss, languid and lazy and soft before breaching. You clink your glasses together, cozy back up against one another on the couch, and return to your movie. Pressing your lips to her temple, you wish her a happy new year, and as Reagan returns the favor against your collarbone, she wishes you the same.
Andre Lee
"I've never had a New Year's like this before!" You exclaim over the music, moving along with him beside you and letting him twirl you around and bring you back only to crash into him, stabilizing and getting lost in the high of the moment, and other things, as you stare at him beneath bright, glowing lights than drench Andre in rainbow hues.
"Well here's your first of many!" he shoots back, grin infectious as he giggles and squeezes at your side, stepping to the side to bring you closer to the music and standing behind you so you get the better view and he can look over your shoulder and head. "Enjoying yourself?" he says over the EDM that's blasting on the giant speakers up front, nearly as large as bikes if not cars. You nod enthusiastically, bopping along to the beat.
You take Andre's hands in yours, beaded bracelets and kandi clattering on each other's arms and wrists as you move along to the beat and feel yourself warm up even in the cold of December-turning-January, the heat of bodies warming the air up just enough to be perfect for the moment.
"That's good! Need another hit?" you shake your head no, thanking him anyway and he taps at your waist, signaling that he's going to unzip the bag at your hip, pulling out his THC pen that you decorated the other day with paint and little sticker-diamonds, making it look like Lisa Frank threw up on it.
Andre takes a hit, offers it once more to be sure you don't want any, they zips it back into your side bag before pecking the corner of your mouth affectionately, blowing the smoke away from you after holding it in for a moment. "Told you the bag was a good idea, can never hold anything in these tiny pockets." you murmur against his mouth, tasting faint flavor from the vape alongside the unwavering smell of weed, giggling against his lips.
Before he can respond, the DJ queues the countdown, and Andre jumps up and down excitedly beside you, eyes bright and glossy. "Oh I never asked," and before you can question, he kneels before you on the floor, taking your hand, and you know he's joking around but the sight still sends your heart into a frenzy, "sugar, do me the honor of being my midnight kiss?"
You laugh, pointedly mentioning that the countdown is going on as you both speak and he shakes his head, refusing to get up until you give him a formal answer. "Yes, Andre, I'll be your midnight kiss. Always." With a happy shout, he hops up to his feet and falters a moment before cupping both sides of your face between his palms and kissing you with enthusiasm, tracing the seam of your lips with his tongue as confetti rains down and the music plays, starting your New Year off just right.
Glenn Dolphman
He usually would spend New Year's eve with his daughter but she's with her mother this year. You decide to cheer him up and spend the holiday with him, appearing on his doorstep thirty minutes after ending a phone call with him after getting his update, bringing groceries from your home to his to make him food and make some new traditions you hope to share with him beyond just this year.
Glenn keeps telling you that you don't have to go to all the trouble for just him, and you continue to shrug it off in efforts to cook and care for him, shutting him up with doting, affectionate kisses in the meantime. You eventually give up and have him just sit at the kitchen counter watching as you move about, letting him help occasionally and tie the bow on the end of the apron, ignoring the warmth in your cheeks as you flush at his comment of how you look so cute in it.
"Goddamnit, just," you sigh, palms braced on the counter before you look up from the granite to him as he grins, pleased with himself, "just sit back and stop being sweet, you're killing me here." Trying to turn around, you go back to a mixing bowl of cookies and aim to reach some measuring spoons for the baking powder before you get swept up and placed atop the counter and closed in, Glenn's blunt nose knocking against yours.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" you chide, a hand on your thigh laying stagnant while the other immediately reaches for him, sprawled across his broad, solid shoulder as you feel his arms cage you in, safe and warm and secure with him surrounding you. "Testing my luck in the hopes of practicing my kiss for midnight."
You hum, brow raised as you peer up at him, looking from beneath lashes that blink doe-like. "Oh? Just like that?" Glenn nods and your hand smooths back to the hairs at the nape of his neck, tugging teasingly and pushing your own luck in the same way he is, knowing that mixing bowl's gonna' be abandoned until way later in the day, if not until late this evening.
"Alright, sarge, go on ahead, make me feel real lucky," you murmur, cupping his jaw and snaking your fingers in his hair to tug him close just so he can pull you against him and kiss you breathless, nipping at your lip tenderly in the way you taught him as not to break it, letting your legs attempt to lock around his waist. They can't even touch let alone cross at the ankle. It's safe to say those cookies don't get made until way past the countdown, and Glenn's counting off times you gush around him rather than seconds until the New Year. He likes celebrating this way far better.
Myc Celium
he doesn’t really give a shit about the New Year, mainly uses it as an excuse to get fucked up and party, but lets you have your fun, staying around at home and allowing you to press kisses across his orb and under cap gills until he’s flushed and the hues start flickering as you make him forget about the New Year while getting fresh with you.
You dress up a little and manage to get a party hat onto Myc, not without some expletives thrown your way tethered together with demeaning pet names, flagella still around your waist as you lean up on tip-toes to secure it around his cap and make sure it's not tight. He helps you stand and lifts you in order to get you higher, all the while he's calling you and your entire bloodline waste of space bastards
The two of you go about the day pretty normally, cooped up at home since there's no work party this year nor any enticing ones thrown by friends or family. The two of you just lounge about or get small tasks done around the house, display parallel play, and just do other things apart from one another while being nearby. Conversations flow occasionally and other times you can hear him on call with Andre while playing a game as you reorganize something or finally settle down to stitch those patches onto your jacket.
By the time it nears eleven, the two of you settle down for a movie, curl up with one another, greasy takeout or fast food, and watch a movie, something kitschy but classic like When Harry Met Sally. Myc constantly chimes in about how the dynamic is pretty similar to you, but he thinks he's Harry with the charm and wit when he's high maintenance enough to be Sally. You humor him and litter sticky, glitter-gloss kisses to his orb or the underside of his cap across downy-soft gills.
You had set a reminder for when it would near five minutes away from midnight just so you could give Myc a classic new year's kiss with the countdown. Timing the movie out perfectly, in a scene of fated clandestine brilliance, the final scene comes on the moment you start counting down until midnight in your head, voicing along the lines that are too sweet to ignore from Billy Crystal.
"- when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
"Aren't you a sap?" Myc comments just as you grasp at the edge of his cap and cup the underside of his orb tenderly, leaning him down to meet you halfway as you countdown and finally reach one, murmuring happy new year against him as your lips brush his surface.
"Happy New Year, Myc." you breathe, leaning back flushed a minute later after he got handsy, feeling him nudge against you and crowd you against the corner of the couch cushions. "Happy New Year, sweets."
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datapancakes · 2 years
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funny mushroom man‼️
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
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Guys he really was a fucking nerd and pathetic all along, I'm never going to shut up about it
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
Genuinely thinking about getting tag teamed by Myc and Andre. Or Myc laying one of their tentacles on readers head, and reader just grabs it and starts playing with it, completely unaware that it’s actually an erroneous zone. They’re just messing with it and Myc is going through a very interesting time.
EEEHEHEHE >:) <3333 ok this is an old ask but the idea of getting Tag Teamed by Myc and Andre is WRACKING my brain rn. so. IM GONNA RUN W/ THAT <3333 TYSM TYSM TYSM-
NSFT!!! minors go away!! Possible tw for Drugs (Myc and his Weird Psychoactive Gunk)
GRGRKGKRKG,,,, options,,, choices,, hgrnurngunrnrugnrungung p e n i s
oh so they’re gonna corrupt you
I feel like getting tag-teamed by them is almost inevitable if you’re getting w/ one of them. They’re sort of a package deal. Bare minimum, it’ll be suggested over coffee once or twice
it usually starts out as,, just one of them??
individually they are such GRABBY BASTARD SMDSND + they’re literally ready to fuck,, whenever.
this does mean that if one of them catches you two fucking, the other one will ABSOLUTELY JOIN IN <333 COME ON
Handcuffs aren't necessary when one of your fuck buddies has 6 arms <3
It’s easy for most people to forget, but his tentacles are strong. Rope strong. He could keep you pinned in any manner of positions for a senselessly long time without breaking a sweat.
You need your legs up, so that Andre can get that One Specific Angle that turns your brain into jelly? ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ve got ya covered’
Two tentacles for the arms, two for the legs, two for any assorted holes that Andre may be incapable of filling <3 or even just if,, he wants to get you extra squirmy. You can take two, right?
It’s also super efficient bc. Yeah Andre fucks kinda sloppy, and has a tendency to accidentally move y’all around with his thrusting. (mm. you’ve accidentally bumped your skull on the headboard a few times MNSDMS)
SO!! It’s nice to have Myc there to,, keep you two stuck in place <3 
ALSO TANGENT BUT. Two things I feel like Myc would love is :
Stuffing one of his tentacles in there w/ his dick, along with some comment about how ‘maybe if his dick wasn’t so scrawny, I wouldn’t have to ;)’
Wrapping a tentacle or two around Andre’s hips, and fucking you for him. This is especially good when Andre starts losing energy <3 Myc can easy hold his wiry ass up, so he basically just uses him as a Very Loud, Giggling Dildo <333
Each individually is extremely vocal + chatty during sex. Both of them combined is torment (affectionate)
They’re absolutely shameless. Any comments that come to the surface will be said. 
Also don’t be surprised if they pull some ''Good-Cop-Bad-Cop'' shit, with one of them degrading you and the other praising you.
Laying against Andre's body, feeling his hands dig into your thighs to keep you still, while Myc tests the limit of just how stretchy human holes are?? Your poor cock-addled brain is gonna be absolutely flooded with their rambling.
It's all very 'Je-sus, aren't you an overachiever. Three deep and you're still lookin' for more, huh?'
'aww hehe, look at how well they’re doing!
'Aw, you're always spoiling em! If they can get a fourth one in, then maybe we can start talkin' about 'good' '
etc, etc, ad nauseum, carpet diem, you get the drill. They're little bastards who like the sound of their own voices MSNDMSNDMSN
There’s something very stimulating to just,, having an outside view of the action. You and Myc being completely undone, while he’s able to be,, a Calm and Collected Outside Observer is EXTREMELY RARE FOR ANDRE SMNSMD
It’s definitely not an Always thing, just an Occasional thing.
Getting different angles?? talking back-and-forth w/ Myc, while his tentacles fuck you open like he’s drilling for oil? Absolute perfection.
He’s not always gonna be a Pair Of Needy Eyes In The Corner Of The Room, though, he does sometimes like getting closer to the action!!
LIKE I can totally see him sitting on the bed beside y’all while Myc has his fun. Just,, lazily kissing your cheek every once and a while, loosely jacking himself off. Maybe a bit of wisecracking <33 
granted, you don’t remember much of it bc. After the third tentacle your brain kinda goes a little squirmy, but the thought is sweet nonetheless <3
Myc being into bukkake + Andre being a little freak (adoring) means that you will be coated in fluids of several origins. The bath afterwards is magical tho so it's worth it
OHO getting railed (anally) by Myc feels a bit like a Very Horny Colonoscopy. If you ask, those puppies will go deep. like,, deep deep. Like 'oh my god, it feels like you're in my throat' deep.
and,, yeah usually that wouldn't be all that pleasant, but the Delightful, Stimulating Properties that his tentacle goo evokes turns the experience Transcendental.
Your entire torso feels kinda,, tingly and sensitive and full?? every time he shifts, it feels like he’s hitting alllll the spots you need at once. He says its something about the psychoactive properties, but you’re too fucked out to really care <3
he’s also super gentle - even if his tendrils are super slick and blunt, he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you. He’s a jerk, sure, but he’s not an asshole.
[and,, yeah those are definitely the times Andre takes a bit more of a back-seat role. Lots of praise n' giggling. He just lays back and runs his hands along your body, maybe even against your stomach-intestine area to enjoy the way Mycs tendrils make your stomach bulge]
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