thelreads · 4 years
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Alright Mina, what do you have to show us? You’re crackling your fingers, so I’m 90% sure you’re about to beat up someone. And by Someone I mean Mineta.
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holy shit. Girl, those were some sick moves. I go dizzy if I stand up too quickly, so I can’t even imagine myself doing a spin like that. Also, I like the detail of Mina using her upper body to increase her momentum before jumping.
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Oh hell yeah, look at this shit! Mina is serving them with those moves!
Also, just shut the fuck up Mineta, skirts are mandatory, otherwise she wouldn’t bother with them.
And now that I think about it... wasn’t this one supposed to be the School festival? What is going on? Or are the kids from class 1-A just sitting outside break-dancing like their lives depend on it?
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thelreads · 4 years
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Well, anyway, now its time for the school festival, but fuck that because Tsuyu just talked about something that is million of times more important, the well-being of the little unicorn-angel. So there’s a possibility that the kids will be visiting Eri later. Maybe. Aizawa better not be bringing some bullshit like “its still too dangerous to see her” because I’ll flip my shit. That girl deserves some company.
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thelreads · 4 years
Sorry, had to deal with something there. Let’s see, where were we....
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Well, Kirishima went trough a lot those last few weeks, and right now he probably is kind of on edge, thinking about everything wrong that is happening, and how they can’t afford to have fun while the world burns. But, then again, they need to wind down after all this mess, and it’s not like they’ll be going everyday out there to fight crime, they are just kids yet. They deserve to have fun.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Yeah Midoriya, to make those kind of moves you need to use everything you got. I remember something about Mina being extremely agile, so dancing is the source of all that skill. Midoriya learning how to dance would be hilarious, but also would serve a purpose, since that could maybe help him balance better his power output.
Also, salty aoyama is salty
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oh hell yeah they are about to throw down! Even Aoyama is-
wait a second... Is Aoyama... Krumping?
Fuck’s sake, I’ll completely ignore the topic about how hobbies can be integrated in their training when the help with their fighting style because I can’t ignore that fucking pose that Aoyama is doing what the fuck is that boy?
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Oh, Momo was so happy seeing her class mates having fun with Jiro, but Kaminari had to but in to ask the rocker a question. Not that he had any malicious intent with it, he’s just trying to know his friend, since there’s absolutely nothing but platonic feeling right here, between those two.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Oh boy, and there comes chaos again. And its not surprising, since those are teens and everybody wants to do something that interests them. Hell, I know adults that behave like that.
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Alright, so, they didn’t agreed on anything, but they’ll at least have a day to decide on something. Better to install the thunderdome style of decision making, the last one standing gets to choose.
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Ohhh, spooky... Also, I don’t know exactly a regular class open house entails, so I can’t exactly be afraid like those kids probably are. Sorry Aizawa, the only way you’re going to make me cower in fear is if you say that Eri won’t be seen ever again.
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thelreads · 4 years
And that’s the end of the chapter, finally! That one took us a while, amiright?
Oh boy, it was the setup for the festival, sure, but it’s always nice to see those kids being kids without any worries besides what would normally be the worries of a high schooler. It was also really fun to see them trying to come up with ideas, and everyone just suggesting something related to their own tastes, quite like voting is like in real life.
But oh boy, that last panel, that leaves me worried. There’s the festival coming, and it seems like there’s danger looming over the horizon. I already said what I think this new enemy will be like, but I’m still unsure if it will be something that will happen alongside the festival, or if it will be something that will be targeted at the festival. I don’t know which one is worse to be honest, because it really changes what characters will be involved, and what size the threat is going to be, because let’s be honest, if it is target at U.A. then that means those bastards are really confident on their strength, or aren’t afraid to die to send a message.
oh crap, and just when I thought things were about to happy for once...
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Oh, and extra page? That’s nice...
Well Ida, I’m sorry to break it to you, but food isn’t exactly the appeal of a maid cafe, you know? Think about Kaminari and Mineta, do you think they would be suggesting something if it was only about food?
Anyway, that’s it for today. The festival is slowly approaching, and a new threat has already show their face. Pewdiepie is the new villain of this arc, and on his video he’s telling us about how he’ll destroy U.A. Can the kids fight off this dangerous lunatic? Find out, next time, on Chapter 170: School of rock vs. The Pewds - The first showdown.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Oh boy that’s a lot of stuff to unpack... Let’s see. Ignoring the ones we saw before, we have:
-Study Party is either Ida or Momo
-Arm wrestling must be Ojiro? Or Shoji?
-Hometown history...? What... Momo?
-Hero quiz is Midoriya, no questions asked.
-Deathmatch... Oh, I wonder who suggested this one...
-Soba Noddle is Todoroki
-Takoyaki stall was Sero’s suggestion?
-Martial arts was the one that Ojiro suggested then.
Jesus Christ, did I forget someone? I honestly don’t know.
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Yep Bakugo, and thank god you know that, it saves us a lot of time on explaining the reason. Be grateful that momo doesn’t simply shot you in the face for suggesting that, since she needs all the bullets to deal with Mineta.
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Oh boy, so I got it wrong on which one of those two nerds was the one to suggest what.
So, they are going towards something related to food, which means that someone, and I’m sure will be Kaminari, will have to suggest something music-related.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Alright, we’re going to see every single suggestion? Because if that’s so I’m okay with it.
Kirishima wants to fight, as usual.
Hagakure will probably be walking around naked and scaring people as a ghost.
Sato also is one of my people and is voting for food.
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Mina wants to show them moves again, but unfortunately I don’t think anyone else in class can keep up with her.
Koda has an amazing idea, as long as he doesn’t bring any rabbits. I’m still having flashbacks to that scene...
And Tokoyama... Well... I think it’s another food related idea, so welcome aboard, bird of darkness.
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Aoyama... Well, moving on...
And oh boy, I noticed that one, and Kaminari also noted that one. Jiro suggested something completely unrelated to what she’s know for: sounds, or, to be more precise, music. I should’ve guessed that she wasn’t going to be the one to suggest music as their activity.
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Ida, you forgot to put Aizawa’s idea of a nap zone, where you pay a few bucks to sleep in a comfortable bed, listening to your favorite song. C’mon, don’t ignore him like that.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Oh god, is that Present mic? No, it’s just a regular classroom trying to decide on something. Oh, the memories from my old school... How I wish to never think about that place ever again.
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Goddammit Kaminari, I knew that someone was going to suggest it, but I was sure that it was going to be Mineta.
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Oh, there he was... What a fucking surprise...
Five bucks that next panel is someone beating him into a pulp over this awful suggestion.
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Oh well, close enough I guess. But why stop there Tsuyu? Just ask momo for a metal bat and get started on cracking that pinata.
Also, where the hell did you even get those- Never mind, I’d rather not know. Also, Uraraka also suggested something food related, so I’m glad to see we are still on the same wave-length about what is important.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Alright, so Kirishima accepted that the festival is needed, not because they deserve to have fun, but because the other students deserve it. That’s almost what my point was, so I’ll chalk that one as me getting something right.
And, the festival will be now a pretty exclusive thing, no parents allowed- well, maybe a few parents allowed, if that’s what that “small group of outsiders” means.
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Oh, they’ll have to decide on what they’ll be presenting? Oh, I wonder what it will be, considering the cover of the arc and the sudden focus on Jiro and her musical skills... They’ll probably do a maid cafe.
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Alright, time for suggestions, and they can already ignore whatever comes out of Mineta’s mouth.
Oh god, I almost didn’t noticed Momo smiling at the camera like she’s in The Office.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Kaminari hasn’t forgotten about that day, guess he was really impressed with it. But, I don’t think practicing the electrical guitar would help Jiro on her quirk, it wouldn’t make her better at hearing, so, maybe Kaminari got it right, that is probably a passion for Jiro. Well, her parents seemed like the musical type, so maybe it was only natural.
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Oh boy, Kaminari, I know that you’re excited about it and wants to talk about how awesome her room was, but you’re stepping over the limit there boy. Jiro doesn’t seem like she’s that comfortable with sharing that part of her life with others.
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Oh, yeah... It seems like that’s a sensitive topic... I thought that she was only embarrassed of sharing that, but now I’m starting to feel like the issue runs deeper than that.
Maybe it’s not that bad, since Momo is sort of smiling at Kaminari’ confused face, and she probably would know everything there is to know about Jiro. Maybe. I don’t know.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Oh Jiro, you... You’re still embarrassed as all hell, but you still is joining in on the idea, because you were wanting to do that since the beginning, you just needed the right words to push you forward.
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oh boy what in the ever loving fuck even is that? That doesn’t sound too good, and if there ever was a foreshadowing about something fucked about to happen, it would be this panel right here.
Ominous video playing on youtube that supposedly is to be something bad... Oh fuck are we gonna be doing domestic terrorists or something like that this arc? That would be the sort of people that would record those sort of manifestos or shit. Oh god that can’t be good.
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thelreads · 4 years
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“Nailed it” -Kaminari, probably.
Well, but he got the spirit at least. It doesn’t need to be “useful”. It’s a hobby, it’s meant for you to enjoy. Sato and Mina would still love their hobbies even if they didn’t helped them be better heroes, so why can’t you enjoy your hobby the way it is Jiro?
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oh hell yeah! Even my favorite socially-awkward rock-boy felt the need to say some words of encouragement. That’s how you know shit’s getting serious.
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And he said something even better. Music is something that makes people happy, how’s that not something useful for a hero?
Momo had to step it and say that they need to respect her decision, sure, but I think that those words were enough to make Jiro realize that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
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thelreads · 4 years
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oh, there we go... And holy shit, I wouldn’t expect the one to suggest music to be Mineta out of all people. And he managed to do that without cracking a disgusting comment? What century are we in, because it seems like my slumber was longer than I imagined.
But oh boy, I thought that Jiro would come up with the idea, but it seems like she’ll be sort of pressured into it. Now I’m worried.
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thelreads · 4 years
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Oh... That’s actually a musical show... Todoroki, I thought you were suggesting dancing, not music. I mean, Sure, the people there are partying and all that, but I wouldn’t call that “dancing”...
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I would love to talk about how Todoroki is seeing the need of bringing joy and hope to people, to show happiness to the ones that are in the dark, but I can’t because that fucking imagine spot with Bakugo and Todoroki partying in the 80s.
my god, that one was unexpected and dear lord if it wasn’t amazing.
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Oh wait, we’re going the dancing route? I thought it was obvious that we’re going the musical one? So that means that people won’t agree with this plan, and I don’t want to see Mina sad now that she seemed to be so excited about the idea of teaching others to dance
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thelreads · 4 years
And back to bnha we go! Alright, It seems that we’re slowly approaching the feared school festival. I wonder how many chapters sit between were we are and the moment of truth. There’s no way of knowing.
So, let’s not waste any more time. Last time Aoyama was creepy, then turns out he’s just awkward, and with that brief “previously on” we turn to another page. This is Chapter 169: School Festival.
Okay, maybe we’re not that far from the school festival.
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And we have a cover with Uraraka using a bunch of scientific apparatus on her costume. Oh boy, does that mean that Mei will be helping her somehow? I would dare to say that Uraraka didn’t get the best of impressions on Mei from their last encounter... neither she did from the previously one.
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